Quiz For Ethics
Quiz For Ethics
Quiz For Ethics
The Latin word mos or moris (and its plural 6. This branch is more scientific in its approach
mores)from which the adjective moral is and focuses on how juman beings actually
derived is equivalent to _______ operate in the real world, rather than
a. Ethos c. Ethan attempt to theorize about how they should
b. Eidos d. Ezra operate.
2. The largest branch, it deals with how a. Normative Ethics c. Applied
individuals can figure out the correct moral Ethics
action that they should take. Philosophers b. Meta-Ethics d. Descriptive
such as Socrates and John Stuart Mill are Ethics
included in this branch of ethics. 7. The starting point of ______ is the
a. Normative Ethics c. Applied recognition that the individual thinking
Ethics person (the subject) is at the heart of all
b. Meta-Ethics d. Moral moral valuations.
Ethics a. Subjectivism c. Ethical
3. This branch seeks to understand the nature Egoism
of ethical properties and judgments such as b. Psychological Egoism d. Morality
if truth values can be found and the theory 8. The basic thought of ______ is the idea that
behind moral principals. our moral opinions are based on our
a. Normative Ethics c. Applied feelings and nothing more. On this view,
Ethics there is no such thing as “objective” right
b. Meta-Ethics d. Moral and wrong.
Ethics a. Subjectivism c. Ethical
4. This is the study of applying theories from Subjectivism
philosophers regarding ethics in everyday b. Psychological Egoism d. Morality
life. For example, this area of ethics asks 9. ______ teaches that there are no objective
questions such as "Is it right to have an moral truths out there.
abortion?" and "Should you turn in your a. Subjectivism c. Ethical
friend at your workplace for taking home Egoism
office supplies?" b. Psychological Egoism d. Morality
a. Normative Ethics c. Applied
Ethics 10. “Human beings are naturally self-centered,
b. Meta-Ethics d. Moral so all our action are always already
Ethics motivated by self-interest.”
5. This branch questions how individuals a. Subjectivism c.
develop their morality, why certain aspects Ethical Egoism
of morality differ between cultures and why b. Psychological Egoism d.
certain aspects of morality are generally Morality
universal. 11. ______ differs from psychological egoism
a. Normative Ethics c. Applied in that it does not suppose all our actions
Ethics are already inevitably self-serving.
b. Meta-Ethics d. Moral c. Subjectivism c. Ethical
Ethics Egoism
d. Psychological Egoism d. Morality
12. ______ is the view that people ought to 19. Also known as a moral dilemmas, are
pursue their own self-interest, and no one situations in which there is a choice to be
has any obligation to promote anyone else’s made between two options, neither of
interests. which resolves the situation in an ethically
a. Subjectivism c. Ethical acceptable fashion. In such cases, societal
Egoism and personal ethical guidelines can provide
b. Psychological Egoism d. Morality no satisfactory outcome for the chooser.
13. The system of rules which a particular a. Ethical Dilemma c. Turmoil
country or community recognizes as c. Confusion d. Actions
regulating the actions of its members and 20. The beliefs about what is right behavior and
which it may enforce by the imposition of what is wrong behavior.
penalties. a. Subjectivism c. Ethical
a. Law c. Standards Egoism
b. Morality d. Character b. Psychological Egoism d. Morality
14. The belief in and worship of a superhuman
controlling power, especially a personal God
or gods.
a. Religion c.
b. Culture d. law 1. Prescribes that we should make our
15. Evaluation of other cultures according to own ends, our own interest, as the
preconceptions originating in the standards single overriding concern.
and customs of one's own culture.
a. Religion c. MULTIPLE CHOICE
b. Culture d. law Morality
16. Holds that the norms of a culture reign
supreme within the bounds of the culture Ethical egoism
a. Religion c. Religion
b. Culture d. Cultural Ethics
17. A feeling of superiority towards one’s own 2. Which means ‘customs’, ‘usage’
group ‘characteristic’,
a. Religion c.
b. Culture d. law
18. Refers to not judging a culture to our own Ethics
standards of what is right or wrong, strange
or normal. Morality
a. Religion c.
Ethnocentrism Religion
b. Culture d. Cultural
Relativism Subjectivism
3. Used as a generic expression for moral MULTIPLE CHOICE
judgment, standard, conduct or maybe
rule. Non-normative Approach
10.Is the theory that describes the 13.ON MODEL FOR MORAL
underlying dynamic behind all human DECISION MAKING;
actions. o To determine whether some
moral values are to be weighted
MULTIPLE CHOICE more heavily than others.
Psychological Egoism MULTIPLE CHOICE
Ethical Egoism Ethical principles
Subjectivism Ethical issues
Ethical Decision Weigh the consequences
11.ON MODEL FOR MORAL Gathering of facts
o You may come up with some 14.ON MODEL FOR MORAL
very creative ideas/actions that DECISION MAKING:
you had not considered before. o If the principles do not yield a
clear decision, then a
MULTIPLE CHOICE consideration of the results of the
remaining available alternatives
Alternatives is in order.
Ethical issues MULTIPLE CHOICE
Gathering of facts Weigh the consequences
Ethical principles Ethical principles
12.ON MODEL FOR MORAL Ethical issues
o In any ethical dilemma, there are Alternatives
certain moral values that are
central to the conflicting 15.ON MODEL FOR MORAL
positions being taken. DECISION MAKING:
o The better the chance that your
MULTIPLE CHOICE suggested actions will include
some high-quality ones.
Ethical principles
Ethical issues
Gathering of facts Alternatives
Stage 1- Punishment/Obedience