Didáctica de La Lengua Inglesa. Unidad 2
Didáctica de La Lengua Inglesa. Unidad 2
Didáctica de La Lengua Inglesa. Unidad 2
Welcome to “the art of teaching workshop”. After studying about the good teacher, how to make
a class plan and how to teach the four skills of the language, you will have the opportunity to
select one of the two options that will be presented to create a learning evidence.
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/Y4RxiDlbqEE
1. This is about designing a class plan using all the techniques studied in the second unit for
teaching 2 of the four skills of the language. You should select among teaching reading and
writing, or listening and speaking.
2. You must use the format presented in the learning material and fulfill each one of the aspects
to create the class plan.
3. Use the “active doing verbs” found in the study material to establish the learning goal and the
outcomes of the class.
4. Once you have your class plan ready, use a tool like Screen Cast or the one you prefer to
create a video explaining step by step how you will develop your English class in order to record
yourself and the slides simultaneously. When you have your video ready, upload into YouTube
in public mode.
5. For making a good video presentation, choose PowerPoint or the tool of your preference to
prepare some slides in order to show each step of your class and the evaluative tools you
designed to check students' progress.
6. It is not only about saying that you will apply a written test or any other activity to your
students, but to design and present it to your e-tutor.
7. Finally, before making the upload of the document to the platform, make sure to paste your
video link at the end of the page.
My presentation in English.
2 hour.
Develop in students’ skills that allow them to have a correct presentation of them, using
English as a foreign language, promoting its importance in today's society.
3. Write basic information that identifies you, such as your full name, age and where you
are from.
4. Express their likes and favorite pastimes in their daily relationship with their classmates
and in society in general.
6. Identify own characteristics and those of other people using dialogues between pairs.
1. Prayer and greeting.
2. Firstly, to know the previous concepts of the students, I will ask each one if they
know what a presentation is, if they have ever done it, that one of them come
forward and make their own presentation as they are used to doing it always, this in
order to get them involved in the subject.
3. You will listen to my presentation in English and I will explain the main
characteristics of a good presentation in a foreign language.
1. The students will watch a video in which they will first appropriate the vocabulary
of words that are usually used to introduce themselves, they will also write them in
their notebook. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qat8aHJbf4
2. A round table is organized in which each student will make a short personal
presentation with basic data such as the following and will share it with their
3. I will make a blog in which all the students will have access and will make their
presentation, if they like it, they upload a photo of them, I start so that they can put
their comments. Prior to this, I explain what a blog is and the steps to use it.
blog link: https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/8898658983494903539
4. After knowing how to make a correct presentation, the students in a group will
carry out the following dialogue, first in writing and then come forward to share it
with their other classmates, this in order to learn to introduce yourself to another
person through a dialogue.
5. The students will make a video making a presentation of themselves, they will use
the tool that they like the most to do it, this video will be projected in class together
with their other classmates.
1. In order to promote students' oral participation, you will apply in your classroom the
functional communication activity called Who am I?
2. Of course, before applying this activity to your students in the classroom, you need to
study and analyze each step of the activity (goal and procedure) to do a good job and
create an appropriate learning evidence.
3. Explain to your students the goal and procedure of the activity, and invite them to
develop it in groups. Remember that you only have to set up the exercise, but because
students’ performance is the goal, you must step back and observe, sometimes acting as
referee or monitor.
4. The final product to upload to the platform will be a document in which you will make a
report about the development of the activity in the classroom and the video’s link that
you previously published in YouTube in a public mode. The written report should contain
your comments about the development of the activity and your students’ opinions. Of
course, you must design and apply a survey to obtain the information about how your
students felt when performing the functional communication activity.
For the implementation of all the topics covered in unit number two, I chose to do the second
unit because I work in a school and it was easier for me to develop the activity that is part of
functional communication and that also aims to promote oral production. of the students, I
decided to apply it to sixth grade students, who range in age from 11 to 13 years, to start 3 days
before doing the activity with them, I had them very motivated because I told them that we were
going to do a very striking activity and that of course they were going to like it a lot, I didn't tell
them exactly what was going to be done, therefore they were left with that intrigue but interest at
the same time, what I did tell them is that for everything to be a success and they feel in
confidence because the idea was that when they participated they would do so by speaking
sentences in English because that was their initial objective, to be able to encourage oral
expression and at the same time have a vocabulary of what was going to be work during the
activity, in this case words like (Yes, no) and some questions that they had to use, which were
the following: Am I a man? Am I an artist? Am I married? Am I from this decade? , Am I dead?
Am I over 30 years old? Do I live in Colombia? The task was for them to appropriate them in the
English language.
The day the activity was carried out, the students were highly motivated to do it. When they
arrived at the classroom, I greeted them first, asking them how they had spent the whole week, in
order to make them feel confident and to have an optimal environment for When the activity
began, I immediately told them the name of the activity in English and in Spanish. Knowing this,
I told them to divide into two groups with the same number of participants. Being so, I told them
what the activity consisted of. explaining that each group had to have a representative who would
have the name of some famous person pasted on his back and that the objective was for him to
guess who he was, with the condition that they had to answer the questions asked by whoever
had the name of some artist or specific celebrity, but only with answers, like yes- or no until they
could guess who that person was, later some children came out and for each group they guessed,
whoever did it first or won points, while doing the activity I realized that they were having a lot
of fun in everything they did because they were playing but at the same time they were learning
and appropriating new words in English, learning to listen to the opinions of others and also
participating and communicating their opinions about it, I liked it a lot because in reality they
were all very happy with everything they were doing and they said that they wish they would
always do this type of activity and the best thing is that in a playful way they were developing
their communication skills in another language , during the activity they knew how to behave
there was no disorder and they tried to wait their turn to respond, fortunately all the two groups
made the person representing them find the name of the artist that was pasted on their back, who
of course could not see what he said.
Based on this beautiful experience, I can reflect a little about how the teaching of the English
language is currently taking place in institutions, because I really work with children at the
preschool level, but when observing everything that the children of another grade did , I was able
to realize that more and more teachers today need to plan their classes based on the interests of
their students and more on a subject, which has always been seen as very difficult or boring, but
by doing this activity and Knowing the central objective was to encourage oral communications
in students and not only that they find fun in everything that was done, but that they would also
acquire knowledge, when I saw their attitude I could see that what really needs to change it is the
monotonous and boring way of teaching, the students of today are very different from those of
many years ago, everything has changed and society shows it every day and by its The most
gratifying thing for me is how happy they felt, so much so that they would not want to stop doing
it, it was a beautiful experience for me as a teacher.
Next, I will show some evidence of work carried out with the students, with the prior consent
of the parents: