Entre Mind
Entre Mind
Entre Mind
Test 1
Entrepreneurship and economic development
•Entrepreneurship is the process of starting/setting up a business or an organization; An
entrepreneur is a person that develops the business/organization, and he is responsible for the
What is Entrepreneuship?
• An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risk and
They start a new business and hire employees. The workers earn an income, which they spend
in the local economy. All of this creates wealth for the population and raises the standard of
enter twined and go hand in hand. Entrepreneur innovate. They exploit change as an
opportunity for a different business or different service by innovation. Innovation does not have
• Start-up stage
Creation, acquisition of fund, establishment of facilities and equipment, developing of the product,
marketing testing
entrepreneur. You no longer need to follow the set of rules shoved into you that you are not
amendable with. But rather, you create your own rules that you think it will help prosper the
Entrepreneurs predicament
• Cash crunch. Every step of this entrepreneurial journey you will get bundled by many
roadblocks and biggest and most frequent that will keep nagging you is a lack of liquidity. In
most every set up, it requires money to grow a business. And this is where a significant chunk of
solution to problems. The challenges faced are also parallel d in both paths from funding to
communication. In business entrepreneurship, you managed a big companies but in social, you
Test 2
Why is entrepreneurship an important component in economic development
• Entrepreneurs are important to market economies because they can act as the wheels of the
economic growth of the country. By creating new products and services, they stimulate new
anticipate needs and bring good new ideas to market. Entrepreneurship that proves to be
successful in taking on the risks of creating a startup is rewarded with profits, fame, and
continued growth opportunities. Entrepreneurship that fails results in losses and less
entrepreneurs by selling all available products to them. Business needs suppliers who can
consistently deliver products needed for business operation while suppliers need a business
establish where they can sell their finished products or the raw materials.