Nature, Scope and Importance
Nature, Scope and Importance
Nature, Scope and Importance
Licensing then moves further down the road and includes even
more agreements in the form of trademarks, patents, secrets of
the brand and brand names, too, which those companies are
allowed to use only if the fee is paid. Well! The fee part surely
scares some of the traders but it’s better to give one-time sacrifice
and once your business starts running normally, the fee for such
licenses can be automatically covered.
4. Joint Venturing
Joint Venture is the name of a collaborative association of two
brands for a reasonable period of time. This association then gives
birth to an even new firm that works individually and pursues goals
other than parent companies. This new firm works under the
banner of both the “venturing” brands and the division of profits
and losses takes places between both in a certain ratio.
Most of the time, joint venture comes into being when a local
company is of great interest for an investor out of the game field or
sometimes, the case can go totally opposite. This technique is of
extreme value to companies are interested in doing business in the
countries where outsiders are not allowed to have their owned
businesses and thus, raises the scope of international marketing.
5.Contract Manufacturing
Contract manufacturing is one of the most used tactics
and is pretty awesome as well since it reduced the costs
of productions for the companies or better said the
company takes off the responsibility of assembling the
products, itself. The other company, with which the
contract is made, assembles the product and keeps
product marketing. This is what a manufacturing
contract is called. This process cuts half the both the
price and risk while encouraging easy exit at the same
6.Fully Owned Manufacturing
This aspect of the scope of international marketing comes
into play when it is in the best interests of the company to
take full control over both the production and promotion
in the target markets. For the purpose, the company sets up
its own facilities for the creation and assembling the
product (if possible). This lets the brand to work for long
term interests instead of pursuing short term goals and
keeping the quality and prices under their own
consideration without having to rely on others.
Well! There are many other factors also that would force
the company to take charge of everything. Such factors
include trade barriers (and that, too, at their maximum
extent), governmental policies and cost differences.
7. Strategic Alliances
Gaining a long term competitive advantage over the
competitors is not an easy task. But at that point, it’s
important for you to learn that what you can’t achieve
alone, you can do so by making some friends. It works just
like the concept which says that enemy of your enemy can
be your friend. It’s capabilities of increasing the innovative
flow while boosting up the flexibility for making the
responses back to the market and that’s what makes this
thing to be included among the important points of the
scope of international marketing.
8.Management Contracts
There is yet another point that’s describable among
the scope of international marketing and that’s the
existence of management contracts. These contracts
are helpful in achieving a skilled labor force for the
brand from the brand with comparatively experienced
workers. In this way, the company can save itself from
greater dangers easily with that skill-filled package
supplied by the supplier as the par contract.
Prepared by:
Babar Mushtaq
(Assistant professor, ABIMS)