Task-Based Reading
Task-Based Reading
Task-Based Reading
United States
Task-Based Reading
Activities Using Authentic
Materials and Skills
202 1 americanenglish.state.gov/english-teaching-forum
The questions that accompany my reading activity
are intended to promote top-down processing both
by way of the types of questions asked and
particularly in the second stage of the activity, by
replicating a real-life scenario.
raising (Ellis 2009). As will be seen
below, both stages of this activity
classroom. Authentic support these goals. The first stage
materials—including old receipts, involves the more traditional
tickets, brochures, and notes that completion of a worksheet, as
are lying around most people’s students search for and discuss
homes or classrooms—are also answers to the questions, while the
handy for teaching second part involves more of a
contexts that may not be problem-solving strategy. As
well-supplied with teaching students are working in pairs, they
materials. offer support to one another and
negotiate answers. Simultaneously,
This task-based reading activity also they are incidentally learning and
allows students to negotiate on their noticing the features of different
own terms rather than with a teacher types of texts.
navigating them through each step.
This lends itself to a As this is a task-based activity,
student-centered class with many students are encouraged to focus on
opportunities for communication. the meaning and function of
Larsen Freeman and Anderson language rather than specific forms.
(2011, 193) consider task-based This is important because when
teaching to be an “example of the learners are reading in a non-native
‘strong version’ of the communicative language, the skills applied in
approach, where language is first-language (L1) reading are often
acquired through use. In other words, abandoned in second-language (L2)
students acquire the language they reading. Even proficient readers tend
need when they need it in order to to approach the task in a bottom-up
accomplish the task that has been set approach as they try to construct
before them.” Such tasks not only meaning in a language other than
promote authentic communication, their own (Koda 1990; Prichard and
but also lead to consciousness Atkins 2018). The questions that
accompany my reading activity are punishment) or an intrinsic nature
intended to promote top-down (interest, satisfaction, joy) (Brown
processing both by way of the types 1994; Ng and Ng 2015). This activity
of questions asked and particularly in provides the extrinsic push—after all,
the second stage of the activity, by it is a class assignment—but also
replicating a real-life scenario. The sets up an environment for intrinsic
task of problem solving is intended to motivation in the form of a fun and
encourage students to engage their interactive activity. Moreover,
L1 reading strategies rather than motivation is fed by success and a
dissecting the text word by word. sense of capability. Through the use
of stations, learners have freedom to
This activity is also motivating. make choices, thereby setting
Reading, like many skills, is best themselves up for greater success
improved through frequent and a sense of accomplishment. The
application of the skill. And as with variety of questions in both activities
many other things in life, motivation is also allows students at a range of
a key factor in how often one levels to complete all or most of the
practices a particular skill. This is tasks.
also the case with reading, whether in
one’s first language or a new Finally, this activity is based on
language (Grabe 1991; Wang and the use of stations. For my
Guthrie 2004). Motivation can be of purposes, I am defining a
an extrinsic nature (grades, fear of
202 1 americanenglish.state.gov/english-teaching-forum
Station #1 1. Title:
7. On what page can we read about 8.The author, Alex Ulko, was the first
the Aral Sea? person to do something. What was
Station #2 1. Title:
Station #3 1. Title:
202 1 americanenglish.state.gov/english-teaching-forum
each type of text had been set out). I had plenty of materials relevant to
For the example question above their interests. For those who do
regarding Tim and his desire to be not have such access to authentic
a better grammar teacher, there materials, printed pages from online
were two grammar books on the resources, photocopies of handouts
table: Betty Azar’s Fundamentals or quizzes, and even
of English Grammar and Penny student-generated work could be
Ur’s Grammar Practice Activities. used. For example, the teacher
Either choice was appropriate, as could set out some paragraphs
long as the students explained their written by students (with the names
choice rationally. To wrap up the removed) for the following question:
lesson, students combined into “Tim wants to use one of his
two larger groups corresponding to students’ paragraphs as a model
the two substations and discussed for a descriptive paragraph. Which
their answers. Then, as a whole one should he use, and why?” A
class, we discussed questions that single computer in the classroom or
had resulted in varied answers, even students’ own cell phones can
and students justified their also be used to search or survey
choices. specific online sources. One such
example could be as follows:
I was fortunate that my students
were mostly pre-service English “Tim needs a discussion
teachers and as an English teacher activity for his intermediate
students. Go to cases it is feasible to use a sample
https://americanenglish.state. text (the cover page, the table of
gov/ contents, or a paragraph or two)
resources/activate-board-gam rather than printing out an entire
es and find an activity for work.
Tim’s class. Why do you think
this is a good choice for his When I tried my original version,
class?” both stages of the activity went
over well. When my students
This stage is adaptable to the context walked in the room, they
of more-general, lower-level, or immediately headed to the stations,
younger learners. A general task drawn by the materials on display.
would be to create stations using In my teaching context, original
relevant authentic materials and English materials were rare and
have students look through them and often kept in locked cases. My
make recommendations for various biggest challenge was getting the
people. It might look something like students to sit down so I could
this: explain the task, and then later
1. You have a friend who likes getting them to finish up and leave.
stories about animals. Which They wanted more time to look over
book will you recommend to all the materials, and many asked
her/him? Why? to borrow items. From their
discussion and written comments, I
2. Your younger brother wants to found that they were excited to
learn more about astronomy. practice their usual skills on
Find an article that might be authentic materials and in an
interesting to him. Why did authentic way. They were also
you choose it? excited about their ability to
successfully interact with real-life
3. Your teacher asked you to choose texts. I was pleased that they were
a news story to share with the able to identify the necessary skills
class. Go to and were hungry to apply them.
https://www.voanews.com/ and
skim the headlines. Which story Interestingly, I also found an even
will you choose? Why? split in terms of which stage of
the activity—1 or 2—was
The questions can be adapted to preferred. Some liked the survey
suit the materials on hand as well nature of the first stage because
as the level and interest of the they were able to explore multiple
learners. If you are using texts types of texts.
printed off the Internet, in most
202 1 americanenglish.state.gov/english-teaching-forum
What remains constant is that the strategy
encourages learners to explore, make their
own choices, and apply critical thinking, all
while changing their physical space.
the ESP/EFL classroom: Newspapers.
Ovidius University Annals: Economic
CONCLUSION Sciences Series 18 (1): 145–151.
This activity illustrates just some of univ-ovidius.ro/html/anale/RO/wp-content/
the possibilities for using stations uploads/2018/08/5-2.pdf
Diller, D. 2003. Literacy work stations:
with authentic materials in a Making centers work. Stenhouse.
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manipulated in a myriad of ways for misunderstandings. International Journal
numerous purposes and skill levels. of Applied Linguistics 19 (3): 221–246.
Grabe, W. 1991. Current developments in
What remains constant is that the second language reading research.
strategy encourages learners to TESOL Quarterly 25 (3): 375–406.
explore, make their own choices, and Guariento, W., and J. Morley. 2001. Text
apply critical thinking, all while and task authenticity in the EFL
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