9-TLE Cookery I Q1 Week 1

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TLE 9 – COOKERYDepartment of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 1|8
This module is specifically crafted to focus on the different activities that will assess your
level in terms of skill and knowledge necessary for Grade 9 Cookery I.
Before starting this module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while
studying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully appreciate the objective
of this module.
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write in your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, that
is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in this module.
4. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
5. Enjoy studying!
After finishing all the activities of this module, you are expected to end up with an idea of
having job opportunities and experience independently to set up a business enterprise which will
generate jobs for others.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1.1 identify the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment;
1.2 prepare cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions;
1.3 clean and sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards, and
1.4 store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in the designated space.

I. Directions: Arrange the following steps in cleaning and sanitizing the range in a proper
sequence. Use A for the first step, B for the second, and so on. Write your answer in your test
______ 1. When cool, wash the top of the range.
______ 2. Before replacing, rub with an oil-damped cloth.
______ 3. Remove all burnt sediments and wipe grease from the top of the range after
each use.
______ 4. Clean the oven by removing grates, scraping off food deposits, washing, and
______ 5. Scrape grease from curbs and openings hinges.
______ 6. Keep burners clean. Gas burners can be soaked and scrubbed with a stiff
brush while electric burners should be cleaned with a brush or with a damp cloth.

II. Multiple Choice. Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully, then choose the
letter of the best answer and write it on your answer sheet.

______ 7. Which of the following is the proper order in washing the dishes?
A. Utensils, chinaware, silverware, glassware
B. Silverware, utensils, glassware, chinaware
C. chinaware, glassware, utensils, silverware
D. Glassware, silverware, chinaware, utensils

______ 8. Which of the following is the proper order/steps in cleaning kitchen premises?
1. Rinse all surfaces with cold to hot water to remove thoroughly all remaining
chemical solution and food soil residues

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 2|8
2. Remove residual food soils from equipment surfaces
3. Scrape and Pre-rinse
4. Rinse all equipment surfaces sanitizing agent
A. 4 3 2 1 C. 3 2 1 4
B. 2 3 1 4 D. 1 2 3 4
______ 9. Which of the following cleaning compounds, commonly referred to as a
A. Detergents C. Acid Cleaners
B. Solvent Cleaners D. Abrasives
______ 10. Which of the following are generally used to remove heavy accumulations of
soil that are difficult to remove with detergents, solvents, and acids?
A. Detergents C. Acid Cleaners
B. Solvent Cleaners D. Abrasives

Directions: Complete the table below by providing possible tools and equipment under each
Cutting Tools Measuring Mixing Tools & Top-of-the-range Baking Tools
& Equipment Tools & Equipment Equipment & Equipment





LO 1. Clean, Sanitize, and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment

1.1 identify the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and
1.2 prepare cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions;
1.3 clean and sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards, and
1.4 store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in the designated space.

Cleanliness is vital in every kitchen where food is prepared, cooked, and served. To avoid
food contamination, kitchen tools, equipment, and other utensils used in the preparation of foods
as well as its premises should be cleaned and sanitized, and stored properly after each use.
1.1 Chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment.

Cleaning is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface, such as
a dish, glass, or cutting board. Cleaning is done with a cleaning agent that removes food, soil, or
other substances. The right cleaning agent must be selected because not all cleaning agents can
be used on food-contact surfaces. (A food-contact surface is the surface of equipment or utensils
that food normally comes into contact with.) For example, glass cleaners, some metal cleaners,
and most bathroom cleaners cannot be used because they might leave an unsafe residue on the

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 3|8
food contact surface. The label should indicate if the product can be used on a food-contact
surface. The right cleaning agent must also be selected to make cleaning easy.
Sanitizing is done using heat, radiation, or chemicals. Heat and chemicals are more
commonly used as a method for sanitizing in a restaurant than radiation. The item to be sanitized
must first be washed properly before it can be properly sanitized.

Cleaning Compound Uses

These are cleaning agents, solvents, or any substance used
to wash tableware, surfaces, and equipment. Example: soap,
Detergents soap powders, cleaners, acids, volatile solvents, and
commonly referred to as degreasers used on surfaces
where grease has burned on. Ovens and grills are
examples of areas that need frequent degreasing. These
Solvent Cleaners products are alkaline based and are formulated to dissolve
Used periodically in removing mineral deposits and other
soils that detergents cannot eliminate such as scale in
Acid Cleaners washing machines and steam tables, lime buildup on
dishwashing machines, and rust on shelving.
are generally used to remove heavy accumulations of soil
that are difficult to remove with detergents, solvents, and
acids. These products must be carefully used to avoid
Abrasives damage to the surface being cleaned.
Other chemicals used for cleaning and/or sanitizing kitchen equipment and
utensils are the following:
1. Ammonia 4. Carbolic acid
2. Dish washing liquid 5. Disinfectants
3. Chlorine 6. Soap

1.2 Prepare cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions

Methods of Cleaning Equipment
Foam – You use this to increase the contact time of the chemical solutions to improve
cleaning with less mechanical force.
High Pressure – used to increase mechanical force, aiding in soil removal. In high pressure
cleaning, chemical detergents are often used along with an increased temperature to make soil
removal more effective.
Clean In Place (CIP) – is utilized to clean the interior surfaces of tanks and pipelines of liquid
process equipment. Time, temperature and mechanical force are manipulated to achieve
maximum cleaning.
Clean Out of Place (COP) – is utilized to clean the parts of filters and parts of other
equipment. This requires disassembly for proper cleaning. Parts removed for cleaning are
placed in a circulation tank and cleaned using a heated chemical solution and agitation.
Mechanical – it normally involves the use of brush either by hand or a machine
such as a floor scrubber.
Fundamental Cleaning Procedures
1. Scrape and Pre-rinse – soiled equipment surfaces are scraped and rinsed with warm water
to remove loose food soils.
2. Cleaning Cycle – the removal of residual food soils from equipment surfaces is based on the
manipulation of the four basic cleaning factors and the method of cleaning. Typically, alkaline
chemical solutions are used for the cleaning cycle.
3. Rinse – rinse all surfaces with cold to hot water, depending on the temperature of the cleaning
cycle, to thoroughly remove all remaining chemical solution and food soil residues.
4. Acid Rinse – a mild acid rinse of the equipment neutralizes any alkaline residues left and
removes any mineral soil present.
5. Sanitize – all equipment surfaces are rinsed or flooded with a sanitizing agent. Both time and
chemical concentration are critical for optimum results.

1.3 Clean and sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards
Equipment Sanitation Procedures
1. Range

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 4|8
a. Remove all burnt sediments and wipe grease from top of range after each use.
b. Scrape grease from curbs and openings hinges.
c. When cool, wash top of range
d. Run oiled cloth over top of range
e. Clean the oven by removing grates, scraping off food deposits, washing and drying.
f. Keep burners clean. Gas burners can be soaked and scrubbed with a stiff brush while electric
burners should be cleaned with a brush or with a damp cloth.
g. Before replacing, rub with oil-damped cloth.

2. Dishwashing machine
a. Remove strainer pans, wash and stock outside machine until next use.
b. Scrub inside frequently with a stiff brush.
c. Remove and clean the wash and rinse arms and fit daily to remove foreign particles.
d. Wash tables and top of machine
e. Clean nozzles.
f. Do a special periodic cleaning in a hard water area.

3. Slicers
a. Clean immediately after using, especially after slicing vegetables and nuts.
b. Remove all parts to clean
c. Dry and cover knives after cleaning with oil-damped cloth.
d. Wash carriage slides thoroughly.
e. Wipe outside with cloth.
f. Clean table and pedestal under slicers.
g. Replace guard after cleaning.

4. Refrigerator
1. Wipe up spilled foods immediately
2. Wash inside shelves and trays at least twice a week with baking soda.
3. Rinse and dry thoroughly
4. Flush drains weekly

1.4 Techniques in Storing Cleaned Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Proper Storage of Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Proper storage and handling of cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils are very
important to prevent recontamination before use.
Cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils must be:
• stored in clean storage areas; and
• handled properly to minimize contamination of the food contact surface.

9 Steps in Organizing Kitchen Cabinets

Pretend it has a glass door and that everyone is going to see what is inside.
1. Remove all the equipment and scrub shelves with soapy water.
2. Think about what you reach most often and make sure it gets a position that is easy to reach.
3. Take a cabinet full of glasses and line them up by color. Make sure all the fronts are facing out
and straight. (Jeff Lewis-Style)
4. Take a step back after one shelf is done and make someone else look at what you’ve done.
5. They should be stored in a clean dry place adequately protected against vermin and other
sources of contamination
6. Cups, bowls, and glasses must be inverted for storage.
7. When not stored in closed cupboards or lockers, utensils and containers must be covered or
inverted whenever possible. Utensils must be stored on the bottom shelves of open cabinets
below the working top level.
8. Racks, trays, and shelves must be made of materials that are imperious, corrosive-resistant,
non-toxic, smooth, durable, and resistant to chipping.
9. Drawers must be made of the same materials and kept clean. Full lined drawers are not
acceptable, but the use of clean and removable towels for lining drawers is acceptable.

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 5|8
Directions: Choose at least three chemical agents found at home. Paste the wrapper
and name the chemical agents and their uses on your notes. Follow the pattern below.

Paste the wrapper Paste the wrapper Paste the wrapper

cleaning agents cleaning agents cleaning agents

ACTIVITY 1.2: Skills Trial 1

Directions: Choose one equipment that you want to sanitize. Take a photo of
yourself doing each of the following procedures. Make a compilation of it and send it to the
messenger or Gmail account of your teacher.

ACTIVITY 1.3: Skills Trial 2

Directions: Wash your dishes at home. Take a photo of yourself doing each of the
following procedures. Make a compilation of it and send it to the messenger or Gmail
account of your teacher.


1. Use of tools and equipment

2. Application of procedures

3. Safety work habits

4. Completeness of task

5. Time management

Materials Needed
Gloves (optional)
Dish soap
Hot water
Double sink or dishpan
Dishcloths, scrubbers, sponges, steel wool
Dish rack for drying.
Lint-free cloth or paper towels
Complete set of dishes to be clean

Your performance will be graded accordingly using the rubrics below:

3 points- for those students who will show exemplary
performance of the assigned task
2 points- for those students who will completely
perform the assigned task
1 point- for those students who still need assistance/
needs improvement
0 point- NO ATTEMPT

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 6|8
1. Always put into your mind the phrase “ClAY GO!” or known as clean as you go!
For us to have a safe working area wherein food is being prepared.
2. After using any cookware, they must be allowed to cool before washing and soaking to prevent
accidental burns from handling and to prevent damage.
3. They should be free from all grease, food, etc. by washing them using warm soapy water and
rubbing them with a steel wool cleaner and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
4. Drying them using a cloth after washing may preserve its appearance.
5. If food or grease is badly burned on the surface of a utensil, the pan should be filled with water
and allowed to boil hard for five minutes. This will loosen the burned food and the pan may be
clean in the usual manner.

Copy the format and answer the following questions.

3. What is the
importance of
1. What is 2. What is using cleaning
cleaning? sanitizing? and sanitizing
our kitchen tools
and equipment?

I. Directions: Arrange the following steps in cleaning and sanitizing the range in a proper
sequence. Use A for the first step, B for the second, and so on. Write your answer in your test
______ 1. When cool, wash the top of the range
______ 2. Before replacing, rub with an oil-damped cloth
______ 3. Remove all burnt sediments and wipe grease from the top of the range after
each use.
______ 4. Clean the oven by removing grates, scraping off food deposits, washing, and
______ 5. Scrape grease from curbs and openings hinges.
______ 6. Keep burners clean. Gas burners can be soaked and scrubbed with a stiff
brush while electric burners should be cleaned with a brush or with a damp cloth.

II. Multiple Choices. Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully, then choose the
letter of the best answer and write it on your answer sheet.

______ 7. Which of the following is the proper order in washing the dishes?
A. Utensils, chinaware, silverware, glassware
B. Silverware, utensils, glassware, chinaware
C. chinaware, glassware, utensils, silverware
D. Glassware, silverware, chinaware, utensils

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 7|8
______ 8. Which of the following is the proper order/steps in cleaning kitchen premises?
1. Rinse all surfaces with cold to hot water to thoroughly remove all remaining
chemical solution and food soil residues.
2. Remove residual food soils from equipment surfaces
3. Scrape and Pre-rinse
4. Rinse all equipment surfaces sanitizing agent
A. 4 3 2 1 C. 3 2 1 4
B. 2 3 1 4 D. 1 2 3 4
______ 9. Which of the following cleaning compounds, commonly referred to as a
A. Detergents C. Acid Cleaners
B. Solvent Cleaners D. Abrasives
______ 10. Which of the following are generally used to remove heavy accumulations of
soil that are difficult to remove with detergents, solvents, and acids?
A. Detergents C. Acid Cleaners
B. Solvent Cleaners D. Abrasives

How did you feel as you cleaned and sanitized various kitchen tools and equipment? After
having the experience of doing the activities, how do you perceive now the essence/role of a
dishwasher in the food industry?

Quarter 1-Week 1 Page 8|8

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