Gurtu 2019
Gurtu 2019
Gurtu 2019
Potential of
Potential of blockchain blockchain
technology in supply chain technology in
management: a literature review
Amulya Gurtu 881
Austin E. Cofrin School of Business,
Received 8 November 2018
University of Wisconsin Green Bay, Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, and Revised 13 March 2019
Jestin Johny 16 June 2019
Accepted 10 July 2019
Department of Marketing,
St Francis Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature on blockchain technology, present
some trends and consider its potential value in supply chain management (SCM).
Design/methodology/approach – Papers that contained the word “blockchain” in their titles, keywords or
abstracts were selected for conducting trend analyses.
Findings – The blockchain technology is rapidly making inroads in many industries and there is
tremendous potential to eliminate intermediaries and to make SCM more efficient.
Research limitations/implications – This analysis is limited to 299 papers from the EBSCO database
through December 2018.
Practical implications – This paper highlights the imperative role of blockchain technology that has
created a discourse in the world of innovation and technology. This work will help academics to further the
understanding of blockchain technology.
Social implications – Blockchain technology will provide transparency to consumers.
Originality/value – This paper presents the first review of blockchain technology and delves into its value
in SCM. This work will help researchers in identifying the areas where blockchain is the most desirable and
can be implemented.
Keywords Blockchain, Smart contract, E-commerce, Global sourcing, Supply-chain management,
Logistics management, Disruptive technology
Paper type Literature review
This paper reviews the existing literature on blockchain technology, present some trends and
consider its potential in supply chain management (SCM). Blockchain technology is claimed to
be one of the most important and innovative technologies developed in recent years (Peters
and Panayi, 2015; Pilkington, 2016; PWC, 2015; Swan, 2015). Blockchain is evolving from a
secure monetary transaction system into a part of an ecosystem of emerging technologies that
include artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics and crowdsourcing,
among others. Together, these technologies represent the technical foundation of the future of
business activities (Deloitte, 2016; Dorri et al., 2016; Ferrer, 2016; Omohundro, 2014).
The technical foundation of blockchain supports various businesses such as banking,
trading, insurance, data protection, voting, intellectual property, identity authentication,
leasing and government service (Atzori, 2017; de Meijer, 2016; Hope and Casey, 2015;
Liebenau and Elaluf-Calderwood, 2016; Peters and Panayi, 2015; Swan, 2015; Trautman,
2016; Yermack, 2017; Zyskind et al., 2015). The functions of blockchain technology, such as International Journal of Physical
Distribution & Logistics
protecting data integrity, instant sharing of the necessary information, as well as Management
programmable and automatic controls of processes, are likely to disrupt the existing Vol. 49 No. 9, 2019
pp. 881-900
ecosystem by eliminating the need for many manual processes and intermediaries. The © Emerald Publishing Limited
WEF (2015) has characterized blockchain as one of the six megatrends in computing likely DOI 10.1108/IJPDLM-11-2018-0371
IJPDLM to shape the world in the next decade. Blockchain technology is considered to be the biggest
49,9 innovation in computer technology (Tapscott, 2017).
Blockchain technology helps avoid conflicts that occur when multiple modifications are made
simultaneously from different computers within a distributed database (Peters and Panayi,
2015). Distributed databases are comparable to blockchains as both systems rely on multiple
computers for operations and for maintenance procedures. Global trade relies on physical
882 documents such as letters of credit (LC) and intermediaries involved in such activities ensure
smooth functioning of trade. Blockchain technology is likely to transform the global supply
chain platform by eliminating intermediaries/brokers and the process of physical verification of
documents. One of the primary objectives of SCM is to reduce risk. Relational risks in
collaboration is a major risk where a business partner engages in distorting information for an
opportunity (Bettis and Mahajan, 1985; Thomas and Baird, 1990). Logistics services often play a
key role in a firm’s ability to deliver value to customers (Mentzer et al., 2001). Blockchain
technology is expected to provide value to SCM in three areas: smart contracts, supply chain
finance, and increased visibility and traceability of a supply chain (Kshetri, 2018).
This paper reviews articles published through the end of December 2018 to identify
sectors/industries where blockchain technology has been used or has the potential to be useful.
The analysis considered the frequency of keywords used, journals that published such articles,
disciplines covering research and industries where it has been adopted or are in the process of
being adopted. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: the second section presents
a review of the relevant literature on blockchain technology. The third section discusses the
motivation behind this research and presents the key research questions discussed in the
study. The fourth section provides analyses and is followed by implications for SCM
professionals in the fifth section. The sixth section concludes the discussion.
Literature review
The literature review is divided into six sub-sections. The first talks about the genesis of
blockchain technology, the second covers blockchain technology itself. The third
sub-section discusses the significance of blockchain technology and the fourth discusses
the applications of blockchain technology. The fifth sub-section explains the smart contract
and the last sub-section illuminates the key role of blockchain technology in SCM, and its
importance and usefulness in business.
The first known experiments with Cryptocurrencies occurred in the Netherlands in the
mid-1980s. However, Cryptocurrencies became better known with the introduction of bitcoin
in 2008. This was the brainchild of someone who published it in the pseudonym of
Nakamoto (2008) and has not been identified yet (Fiorillo, 2018). A user wishing to
participate in the bitcoin network must download and install the bitcoin core client
(Farghaly, 2014). A bitcoin client sets the user’s computer up as a node on the network.
Network discovery is an important role performed by each node. Finally, each node becomes
a block into the public ledger and a series of nodes from blockchain (Meiklejohn et al., 2013).
The data structure of bitcoin’s ledger is borrowed with minimal modifications from a
paper written by Haber and Stornetta (1997). The origin of blockchain can be traced back to
the 1990s when there was a need to time stamp every digital transaction to avoid tampering
with documents. Haber and Stornetta (1991) addressed the problem of time stamping of
documents by building a “digital notary.” Bitcoin borrowed the data structure from Haber,
and Stornetta and re-engineered its security properties. Later, Bayer et al. (1993) highlighted
that links created between documents using hash pointers are simpler and faster to compare
with multiple other documents. Incidentally, Benaloh and Mare (1991) independently
introduced these same three ideas shortly before the Haber and Stornetta (1997) paper.
Blockchain technology Potential of
Blockchain technology distributes the storage, organization and verification of hash blockchain
pointers to a group of computers as opposed to storing them in a central database of an technology in
enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This mechanism reduces the risk of failure at a
single point (Peters and Panayi, 2015). The blockchain functions as a layer supplementing SCM
existing ERP software. For example, provenance is a digital enterprise platform that allows
businesses to make their products and supply chains more transparent and traceable 883
through blockchain technology since 2013. It helps businesses to be transparent on three
levels: business level, product level and item level. Provenance (2015) enables businesses to
easily collate data, open data and verify key information on an immutable data ledger.
“Provenance has completed a six month pilot for tracking responsible sourcing of tuna in
Indonesia via blockchain” (Laaper and Fitzgerald, 2017).
A blockchain is a chain of interconnected encrypted blocks. Creating a block is like
writing with a marking pen and distributing the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle, which cannot be
altered or deleted without breaking the chain on a network. A blockchain is designed to
operate with little human intervention, unlike an ERP or database system that requires
intensive human effort (Peters and Panayi, 2015; Swan, 2015). Blockchains have evolved in
three phases since 2009 in Phases 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 (Swan, 2015). Blockchain 1.0 focused on the
trading of cryptocurrency. The functions of digital money transfer, remittance and payment
comprise a new ecosystem: “internet of money” (Peters and Panayi, 2015). The bitcoin
blockchain was the first phase known as distributed open source ledger. “Money is
Memory” was a similar idea put forward by Kocherlakota (1998). However, the paper titled
“Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system” (Nakamoto, 2008) popularized the term block
and its use has been increasing ever since. Blockchain 2.0 involved a similar trading
mechanism, but with a much broader scope of financial applications. A new type of
application called a “Smart Contract” (Swan, 2015) was introduced in the second generation
of blockchain to expand trading from a simple digital currency to a large variety of
products. Blockchain-based smart contracts are computing programs operating on a
blockchain that autonomously verify, enforce and execute the terms of contracts (Peters and
Panayi, 2015; Zhang et al., 2016).
Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies have attracted much attention in recent years
(Radziwill, 2018). Blockchain is an emerging digital technology with the potential to push
organizations to rethink their strategies and capabilities (Schatsky and Muraskin, 2016).
The most significant impact of blockchain technology is within the walls of organizations
(Schneider et al., 2016). A blockchain database is an immutable ledger of transactions which
is not maintained by a centralized authority and provides proof of transactions without the
need for authentication (Swan, 2015).
A blockchain supports several functions such as distributed storage and listings,
transactional validity, transactional persistence, transactional anonymity based on multiple
networks for transactions (Reid and Harrigan, 2011), transactional privacy and traceability.
Moreover, transactions can be validated almost instantly through services such as “proof of
service” (Duffield and Diaz, 2015), the “ripple protocol consensus algorithm” (Schwartz et al.,
2014) and “proof of stake” (Buterin, 2013). The elimination of a central authority to validate
transactions improves efficiencies and reduces transaction costs. Similarly, the transfer of
payment between buyer and seller is recorded in a common secure ledger (Hart and
Holmstrom, 1986). Honeywell launched its online buying and selling platform for new and
used aircraft parts using blockchain technology. Honeywell is the first to leverage a
blockchain to build trust between the buyer and seller (Petersson, 2019).
IJPDLM Applications
49,9 Smart contracts allow for the encoding of rules and situations that are agreed upon by
various trading parties. These contracts autonomously execute pre-specified tasks, or settle
a contract, by examining changing conditions in conjunction with the contract’s embedded
rules. The execution and monitoring of contracts mainly rely on a trusted central authority.
Blockchain-based smart contracts decentralize the enforcement power to each node in the
884 network. This function of a blockchain helps to reduce the risk between trading partners
(Kiviat, 2015). Venture capital funded startups such as Skuchain, a supply chain firm, are
creating blockchain-based products to address inefficiencies in business-to-business trade
and supply chain finance (Kiviat, 2015).
Smart contract
The idea of smart contracts was proposed by Szabo (1994). This term was used because the
author saw them as analogous to legal contracts with the ability of automated enforcement.
Szabo (1994) presented a smart contract as an extension of a digital-cash protocol and also
recognized that Byzantine agreements and digital signatures could be used as building blocks
of smart contracts. However, this view has been critiqued by Levy (2017). The blockchain
network will automatically stop the smart contract from moving along if a violation of the
covenant is detected, thereby limiting the potential of any further damage/loss.
Research design
From a methodological point of view, literature reviews can be considered content analyses,
where quantitative and qualitative aspects are combined to assess structural as well as
content criteria (Brewerton and Millward, 2001). The methodology used in this research is
based on the work of Seuring and Müller (2008). It consists of five steps:
(1) Defining the boundary conditions: deciding the sources to be used, period to be
considered and method used for this study.
(2) Material collection: collecting relevant papers and defining the unit of analysis
(i.e., the single paper).
(3) Descriptive analysis: assessing formal aspects of the, e.g., the number of
publications per year, background for subsequent theoretical analysis.
(4) Category selection: selecting structural dimensions and related analytic categories to
be applied to the collected material. Structural dimensions form the major topics of
analysis, which consist of single analytic categories.
(5) Material evaluation: analyzing the material according to the structural dimensions.
This should allow the identification of relevant issues and the interpretation of results.
These were dropped from further study leaving 299 papers. The growth in research on
blockchain technology has been very rapid, from four papers in 2015 to 181 papers in 2018.
Several top-level analyses were done on 299 articles to provide a broader perspective.
These articles were published in 166 different journals. The growth in research on
blockchain also resulted in a large number of journals publishing the research. Figure 1
shows the growth in the number of journals that began publishing research on this topic. It
is interesting to note that 89 journals have published on blockchain for the first time in 2018.
Six journals published ten or more papers and only one of them is a business journal. The
only business journal was tied at the fourth position with two other non-business journals.
These top six journals account for 22 percent of all publications on blockchains. One of the
likely reasons for this trend may be that blockchain is a technology and has many other
aspects such as legal, security and strategy. Table AI provides the complete list of journals
and the number of papers published by them each year.
Approximately, one-fifth of the journals (39/166 ¼ 23%) that published research on
blockchain technology were business journals in the Australian Business Deans Council list.
These business journals published approximately one-fifth of the papers (66/299 ¼ 22%).
Table II shows the details of the 39 business journals which published these 66 papers. With
the exception of eleven journals, each published only a single paper. Six “A*” level journals
published three papers in 2017, and 2018 each.
Further, the use of keywords in these papers related to SCM was reviewed. An attempt
was made to analyze the use of the terms supply chain, logistics, shipping, transport,
Figure 1.
Growth in the number 0
of journals publishing 2015 2016 2017 2018
research on New Journals 4 16 50 89
blockchain technology
Existing Journals 0 0 9 30
Category/Name of the journal 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
Potential of
A* 3 3 6 technology in
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1 1
Management Science 1 1 SCM
Journal of Management Information Systems 1 1
Journal of Management Studies 1 1
Decision Support Systems 1 1 887
Review of Finance 1 1
A 1 2 8 17 28
Communications of the ACM 2 3 5 10
Business Lawyer 2 1 3
Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1 1 2
International Journal of Information Management 2 2
Journal of Business Ethics 1 1
Journal of Management Inquiry 1 1
Economics Letters 1 1
Energy Policy 1 1
Information Society 1 1
Journal of Information Systems 1 1
International Journal of Production Research 1 1
Third World Quarterly 1 1
Journal of Service Management 1 1
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 1 1
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1 1
B 1 2 5 8
Duke Law Journal 1 1 2
Facilities 1 1
Journal of Economic Surveys 1 1
Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law 1 1
Journal of Marketing Education 1 1
Current Issues in Auditing 1 1
Journal of Corporation Law 1 1
C 3 9 12 24
International Tax Review 2 2 3 7
Journal of Accountancy 2 1 3
Journal of Money Laundering Control 1 1 1 3
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 2 2
Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 2 2
Business Horizons 1 1 2
Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting 1 1
Business Law Review 1 1
Journal of Financial Crime 1 1 Table II.
International Advances in Economic Research 1 1 Papers published
Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research 1 1 in ABDC
Total 2 5 22 37 66 business journals
finance, security, banking and strategy in these papers. About 65 percent of papers
(193/299) did not have any of these terms. Only one paper used some of these words for a
total of five times in abstract, title or keywords. Table III provides the cumulative frequency
of these terms and their locations in these papers.
All the papers contained the term “blockchain” in at least one of the locations. The term
appeared 171, 138 and 243 times in titles, keywords and abstracts, respectively. Further,
“blockchain” appeared in only one of the locations in 121 papers, in two locations in
103 papers and in all three locations in 75 papers. There is an increasing interest in research
on blockchain technology among SCM and logistics management areas. Figure 2 shows the
IJPDLM growth in the number of research papers in these areas during the period studied. There
49,9 were no papers published containing both SCM and blockchain prior to 2016.
There were 11 papers submitted by institutions which do not contain any authors. The
rest of the 288 papers were contributed by 535 authors/co-authors. Table IV provides the
breakdown of the number of authors per paper. A few authors have published more than
one paper. Therefore, the total of the last column (number of authors ¼ 570) is greater than
888 the total authors 535. There are five authors who have published three papers each, as
shown in Table V. No author has published more than three papers on this topic.
These 299 academic papers were presented by 101 publishers. In total, 65 of them
published only a single paper, and an additional 17 published just two papers. Only seven
publishers issued ten or more papers (Table VI). These seven publishers accounted for
143 papers, approximately 48 percent of the total number of papers published.
The highest number of papers on blockchain was published in the year 2018, indicating
that the concept is picking up momentum. This is a new technology. There are some
challenges, as is the case with any new technology. Schoenberger (2018) identified five weak
links of blockchain. These are reliability of “private” blockchains, transaction fees, energy
use, cost of security and regulation. However, energy requirements and the speed of
transactions seem to be the biggest challenges. The limitations and challenges need to be
explored further. The next section will discuss the implications of blockchain technology for
SCM professionals.
Shipping 0 0 0 0
Logistics 1 0 3 4
Transport 1 0 4 5
Strategy 2 4 5 11
Table III. Finance 1 3 16 20
Cumulative frequency Supply chain 5 5 11 21
and the location of the Banking 2 6 17 25
use of terms in papers Security 8 13 50 71
2016 2017 2018
Figure 2. Shipping 0 0 0
Growth in the Transportation 0 1 4
research on
blockchain in SCM Logistics 0 0 4
and logistics Supply Chain 1 7 13
Supply Chain Logistics Transportation Shipping
Number of papers
Potential of
No. of authors on a paper 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Total No. of contributing authors a blockchain
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) technology in
0b 3 8 11 0 SCM
1 3 15 41 81 140 140
2 1 6 29 45 81 162
3 1 12 20 33 99 889
4 1 4 9 14 56
5 1 9 10 50
6 1 7 8 48
7 1 1 7
8 1 1 8
Grand total 4 23 91 181 299 570c Table IV.
Notes: aTotal No. of authors (g) ¼ No. of authors on a paper (a) × total no. of papers ( f ); binstitutional Number of authors
submissions, i.e., no author; cthis is not the total of the column (see explanation in the text) on a paper
Author Papers
Irwin, Angela S.M. Irwin and Milad (2016), Irwin and Turner (2018), Reynolds and Irwin (2017)
Kshetri, Nir Kshetri (2017a, b, 2018)
Parry, Glenn Adams et al. (2017) Table V.
Savelyev, Alexander Savelyev (2017, 2018a, b) Top authors and
Vasarhelyi, Miklos A. Dai and Vasarhelyi (2017), Dai et al. (2017), Zhang et al. (2018) their publications
Elsevier B.V. 1 9 29 39
Henry Stewart Publications LLP 7 11 8 26
IEEE 2 4 14 20
Wiley-Blackwell 1 12 6 19
Emerald Publishing 2 3 13 18 Table VI.
Taylor & Francis Ltd 2 9 11 Top publishers by
Association for Computing Machinery 2 3 5 10 the number of
Total 2 13 44 84 143 papers published
manufacturing equipment to digital shipping notices and RFID scanning, products are tracked
on computerized systems from their earliest origins, often all the way to the recycling bin. The
user interface and business processes remain the same. However, information on inventory
along the entire supply chain can be shared without the risk of a data breach.
There is an interesting contrast between the use of blockchains in the financial industry
and its use in SCM. Bloomberg stated that users in the financial industry could get the same
functionalities as from a regular database as well as other benefits (Levine, 2017). As an
example, obtaining various approvals and verifications are normal process steps which take
time and have risks of frauds. Due to inbuilt security features in blockchain technology, the
need for verification is eliminated and the number of process steps reduced, which saves
time and makes communication more efficient. However, the technology has a huge
potential for use in global supply chains, making them efficient and cost-effective.
Using innovation diffusion theory (Rogers, 1962), it can be contended that blockchain
technology has a relative advantage in supply chain activities compared to other industries.
IJPDLM Relative advantages can be defined as the perceived benefits of a new technology over
49,9 previous technologies and the extent to which it is better than the idea it supersedes
(Rogers, 1995). As an example, Everledger, an emerging technology enterprise, uses IBM’s
blockchain platform to track diamonds from mine to store, leaving stolen items and
conflict-zone jewels outside the system (Vella, 2018).
One of the main determinants of adopting blockchain in SCM is the current number of
890 players in a global supply chain (Figure 3). Each of the players in a supply chain has specific
capabilities and constraints which affects the competitiveness of organizations. The
conventional mode of a supply chain system is very time consuming, affecting the overall
service delivery process until it reaches the final customer.
Blockchain brings all relevant parties together, which can sometimes be a difficult task,
and eliminates the need for some of the players in a chain, thus making supply chains more
efficient. For example, a supply chain in the oil industry is reported to have up to 13 layers of
suppliers (del Castillo, 2017). The oil trading sector may overtake the financial sector in
implementing blockchain technology because firms in the oil sector are under pressure to
remain competitive (Acheson, 2017). In January 2018, Maersk and IBM announced the
intention to establish a new blockchain platform (Figure 4) to provide more efficient and
secure methods for conducting global trade using blockchain technology (Allison, 2018;
Chavez-Dreyfuss, 2017). Corporations negotiate procurement discounts based on the total
number of purchases, which is hard to track across subsidiaries, business partners and
others in a supply chain network. Blockchain makes it possible due to a constantly refreshed
digital ledger that incorporates data from all relevant partners. The time-consuming audit
without blockchain requires many people while blockchain does this continuously without
the need for additional staff and time, reducing the cost of the verification/audit processes.
The main benefit of a blockchain is that all members are integrated into one secure
network. The network integration of all major players in blockchain improves the overall
service delivery, which benefits both the buyer and the seller. For instance, Ambrosus is a
blockchain – powered IoT network for food and pharmaceutical enterprises, enabling secure
and frictionless dialogue between sensors, distributed ledgers, and databases to optimize
supply chain visibility and quality assurance. The original vision of the technology
enterprise was to launch the world’s first blockchain-tracked coffee, with the platform
connecting stakeholders from farmers through to consumers. This improves the flow of
Companies (Distributor/Dealer/
Manufacturer Franchises)
Traditional Buyers
Figure 3. Insurance/Authorities
Warehouse Buyer/B2B
Conventional supply
chain model
Source: A modified version of IBM
Freight Forwarders Potential of
Ports and Terminals Internal Supply blockchain
Chain System
technology in
B2B Buyer 891
al Supply
n – Digit
Banks Manufacturer
Traditional Buyer
(Distributor/Dealer/ Figure 4.
Insurance/Authorities Warehouse Franchises) Supply chain with
blockchain technology
Source: A modified version of IBM
work, increases efficiency and increases the speed of movement of goods. Due to the layer of
security provided by blockchain technology, as stated earlier, the cost of reconciliation will
also decline. Therefore, the early adopters of this technology will improve their efficiency
and are likely to have an edge over their competitors. According to Deloitte (2016), there are
some open discussions regarding the implementation of blockchain technology. The factors
that may create a hurdle are the awareness and understanding of the technology,
organizational culture, cost and efficiency, regulation, and lastly security and privacy that
may hinder the implementation of the technology in organizations. However, the potential
benefits of blockchain technology in SCM are yet to be measured (Table III and Figure 2).
The success of blockchain technology depends on trust, which is the most important factor
for its successful implementation. Therefore, blockchain technology needs to be explored on
a wider scale. This discussion will be concluded in the next section with some limitations
and potential extensions of this research.
This paper is a review of the existing literature on blockchain technology and an exploration
of its suitability in SCM. Some of the advantages of using blockchain are data security,
reduction in finance and banking risk and the potential to address fraudulent and
manipulative activities. There are many projects underway to apply blockchain technology
in global logistics by adding value in supply chain transparency and digitalizing
administrative operations. For instance, the Blockchain in Transport Alliance started in
2017 and has an annual turnover of more than $1 trillion. Its members include freight,
transportation, and logistics organizations, and affiliated industries. The company provides
training on blockchain applications and distributed ledger technology and encourages the
use and adoption of new solutions. It has acquired 500 members across 25 nations and has
become the largest commercial blockchain alliance in the world. Blockchain technology is
adaptable and provides better operational efficiency. It tracks ownership throughout the
chain and maintains the integrity of quantity and ownership. Most of the significant
investors in blockchain startups are in the USA, including Digital Currency Group,
Blockchain Capital, Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures (Werbach, 2018).
Blockchain technology has the potential to improve trust through increased visibility
within industries and across organizations. As stated earlier, global trade relies on LC for
IJPDLM importers and exporters in the supply chain industry. Conventionally, LCs are evaluated on
49,9 the basis of trade documents and not on the delivery or quality of goods. Errors in the
compliance requirements often lead to payment disputes and differences of opinion between
trading parties. With blockchain, LC can be presented as smart contracts between the
financier, buyer and seller. A blockchain smart contract codifies the terms and conditions of
trade (Varghese and Goyal, 2017). The value of blockchain technology is expected to be
892 focused on three primary areas: smart contracts, supply chain finance, and increased supply
chain visibility and traceability. For instance, Bext360 is a software-as-a-service platform
that combines blockchain, AI and machine vision and aims to bring new levels of
traceability, transparency and sustainability to the supply chain. Blockchain can also help
achieve robust cybersecurity measures. Trust and security can thus be improved with the
blockchain. For example, OriginTrail protocol brings trusted data sharing to global supply
chains by utilizing blockchain technology. The OriginTrail Decentralized Network is built
for data integrity and validation in inter-organizational environments, based on globally
recognized standards and powerful graph data structures. OriginTrail is a foundation for
the next generation of business applications.
This study does have some limitations. First is the use of a single comprehensive,
multidisciplinary database. Another limitation is the use of only a select few keywords. It is
possible that a paper was missed because it did not contain “blockchain” in the title,
keywords or abstract. The application of blockchain technology in SCM is limited so far.
Moreover, its implementation is in a nascent stage. This limits proving the value of
blockchain technology in SCM. As stated earlier, this is the first paper to review the
literature on this new technology and its usefulness in SCM. This work can be extended in
many ways. One possible extension is a controlled study of the benefits of implementing
blockchain technology in a supply chain. Another possible extension could be a case study
on blockchain in an organization that has implemented it. A further possible extension of
this work could be to develop a model of the value of the blockchain in various function and/
or industries. A further possible extension of this work could be to develop a model of the
value of blockchain technology in various functions and/or industries.
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Appendix Potential of
technology in
Name of the journal 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total SCM
Journal of Securities Operations & Custody 4 6 3 13
Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems 3 5 3 11 897
Strategic Change 10 1 11
Communications of the ACM 2 3 5 10
Computer Law & Security Review 2 8 10
IEEE Communications Magazine 4 6 10
Information Services & Use 8 8
International Tax Review 2 2 3 7
CPA Journal 2 4 6
Future Generation Computer Systems 6 6
Journal of Internet Law 2 3 5
Journal of Financial Planning 4 4
Journal of Risk Finance (Emerald Group Publishing Limited) 4 4
Strategic Finance 1 2 1 4
Business Lawyer 2 1 3
CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 3 3
IEEE Network 3 3
Industrial Management & Data Systems 1 2 3
Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal 1 1 1 3
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management 1 2 3
Journal of Accountancy 2 1 3
Journal of Money Laundering Control 1 1 1 3
AAII Journal 2 2
Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1 1 2
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences 1 1 2
Business Horizons 1 1 2
Computer Networks 2 2
Contract Management 1 1 2
Defense Counsel Journal 2 2
Duke Law Journal 1 1 2
Electronic Commerce Research & Applications 1 1 2
IEEE Micro 1 1 2
International Journal of Information Management 2 2
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 2 2
Journal of Management Analytics 2 2
Journal of Network & Computer Applications 2 2
Journal of Property Management 2 2
Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 2 2
Journal of Systems Architecture 2 2
Journal of the Insurance Institute of India 2 2
NetworkWorld Asia 2 2
Review of Banking & Financial Law 1 1 2
RMA Journal 2 2
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization & 1 1 2
Accounting & Finance 1 1
Accounting & Management Information Systems 1 1
Adhyayan: A Journal of Management Sciences 1 1
Administration & Society 1 1 Table AI.
Amity Global Business Review 1 1 List of journals with
the number of papers
published on the
(continued ) blockchain technology
IJPDLM Name of the journal 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
Annals of "Constantin Brancusi" University of Targu-Jiu. Economy Series 1 1
Annals of Financial Economics 1 1
Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series 1 1
BIT: Banking & Information Technology 1 1
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 1 1
898 Business Education Innovation Journal 1 1
Business Law Review 1 1
Business Management/Biznes Upravlenie 1 1
Computer Communications 1 1
Computers & Security 1 1
Current Issues in Auditing 1 1
DealMakers 1 1
Decision Support Systems 1 1
Economic Perspectives 1 1
Economics Letters 1 1
Economy, Culture & History Japan Spotlight Bimonthly 1 1
Ekonomika 1 1
Emerging Markets Finance & Trade 1 1
Energy Policy 1 1
Entrepreneurial Business & Economics Review 1 1
European Company & Financial Law Review 1 1
European Integration Studies 1 1
Facilities 1 1
FAIMA Business & Management Journal 1 1
Finance & Credit 1 1
Finance & Development 1 1
Financial & Credit Activity: Problems of Theory & Practice 1 1
Financial Studies 1 1
Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law 1 1
Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting 1 1
Global Business & Management Research 1 1
Global Economic Observer 1 1
Global Journal of Enterprise Information System 1 1
Government Information Quarterly 1 1
IEEE Technology & Society Magazine 1 1
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 1 1
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering 1 1
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. Systems 1 1
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 1 1
IET Communications 1 1
Independent Review 1 1
Informatica Economica 1 1
Information & Communications Technology Law 1 1
Information Society 1 1
InterEULawEast: Journal for International & European Law, Economics & 1 1
Market Integrations
Internal Auditing & Risk Management 1 1
International Advances in Economic Research 1 1
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1 1
International Journal of Business Insights & Transformation 1 1
International Journal of Global Business 1 1
International Journal of Healthcare Management 1 1
International Journal of Performance Measurement 1 1
International Journal of Production Research 1 1
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