Are You A Leader Checklist
Are You A Leader Checklist
Are You A Leader Checklist
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Proprietary/Confidential Information Are You a Leader?
Being a leader requires more than managing the mechanics of a project. Do you have
the vision and the attitude of a leader? Use this checklist to evaluate your leadership
skills as a project manager.
Do you encourage your team members to set their own clear and interesting
performance goals with your input?
Do you encourage and explore the feasibility of applying innovative ideas offered by
team members?
Do you take deliberate action to provide team members with the training they need to
excel in their roles?
Do you anticipate needs, problems and issues before being told that action is
Do you outwardly seek responsibility rather than just accept it when it is assigned to
Do you accept high risks when they have the potential to result in greater progress,
rather than take only modest risks with favorable odds?
Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit and break rules, rather than behave strictly as
a “company person?”
Do you set demanding goals rather than modest goals for your team members?
Are you quick to acknowledge and reward performance by individuals who contribute
to the success of the team?
Are your actions congruent with your values (do you “walk the talk”)?
Do you honor and respect the unique skills, experience, knowledge and contributions
of all team members?
Do you seek feedback regularly from current customers on how satisfied they are
and how your products and services could be improved?
Are you aggressive about tapping into the resources within your organization that
can help you serve your customers?
Do you effectively resolve conflicts with customers without loss of goodwill to the
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Do you regularly think of new ways to add value for the customer?
Do you give your team members the authority they need to resolve customer issues
"on-the-spot" as much as possible?
Do you acknowledge others when they attempt to put the customer first, even if their
efforts don’t yield the expected results?
Do you coach team members for their own professional growth and development as
well as for results-oriented performance?
Do you know how to ask clarifying questions that enable others to reveal
assumptions and behaviors that affect their ability to reach their goals?
Do you help team members understand how their personal vision is or is not aligned
with the organizational vision?
Do you support your team by displaying courage in the face of negative feedback
from outside?
Are you accessible and do you promote a culture where people tell you good news
as well as bad?
Are you able to balance skill, flexibility and intuition when managing change?
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Do you demonstrate the competencies to plan and manage special projects to meet
specific administrative, production, and improvement needs of the organization?
Do you impart professional wisdom and guidance to your project team so members
work easily and well with each other?
Do you address project problems quickly and directly without blame or retribution
toward any one individual?
Do you recognize the efforts of all members of the project team, not just those with
the more visible roles?
Do you make a strong effort to protect the team from distractions that may disrupt
their focus?
Are you conscious of the workloads of the team members and team leaders and
strive to maintain a healthy balance between the work and the resources available to
do it?
Do you focus on the customers’ wishes and resist trying to make them pay for what
you think they need?
Are you open to receiving all kinds of input from all kinds of sources, and are you
confident that you don’t always know what you don’t know?
Are you comfortable knowing that you might not know all the answers, and willing,
without embarrassment or apology, to ask for help?
Do you know how to ask for and respectfully utilize the support and talents of others?
Do you have a good understanding of your preferred learning style and are you
conscious of the different learning styles of others?
Do you cope productively with the frustrations and disappointments that accompany
the learning process?
Do you make your team comfortable and confident with the learning process?
Do you use your mistakes as an opportunity to learn rather than a reason to punish
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Do you seek to build and honor relationships with others in the organization for the
sake of the relationships, not just because they can do something for you?
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