Volleyball Unit Grade 7

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Games Unit


Grade 7

Jordyn Bryant
Teaching Philosophy

I believe physical education is more than simply being active but rather its centered around learning movements and skills that can be
applied outside of the physical education class. In other words, I believe in promoting active for life participation. I hope to expose students to a
variety of opportunities and forms of physical activity that will not only incorporate sports and games but also the application of such skills outside
of the class. I believe student learning and development within the class should be student-centered with the support and guidance of the teacher.
Students should have the opportunity and freedom to learn through the process of failure and success along with the positive cooperation and
collaboration of their peers. I also believe positive communication and effective feedback is crucial for student development and growth. Thus, I
strive to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for all by supporting students to become active and independent learners. I also believe
students should become aware of the overall health benefits of physical activity. I hope my students can take the skills they’ve learned through
their growth and development and not only apply them outside of the classroom but also throughout into their adult lives as they move through
their active for life journey.

Classroom Management Plan

In having clear, concise physical education rules and expectations posted for student understanding at the beginning of the semester and
throughout, will help remind students what is to be expected of them. Students will also be expected to come fully prepared in proper dress attire,
ready to put in their best effort each and every class. Students will also be expected to engage in positive and respectful behavior. Therefore,
students must acknowledge and be mindful of others as we create and move through various activities and games. Through positive engagement,
thoughtful feedback, respectful boundaries, effort, responsibility, and cooperation I hope to create structure and a cooperative culture within my
Grade: 7
Dimensions/Unit: Games/Volleyball
Dates: September 26-October 7 (Semester 1)
Resources & Equipment: Gymnasium, volleyballs, volleyball net, scoreboard, wall markers, lacrosse balls, & awards

Desired Results Established Goals: Students will participate in a variety of games to develop individual and manipulative skills, techniques,
strategies, and spatial awareness. Inherent in playing all games are cooperation, respect for others, fair play and etiquette.

 A7-5, A7-10, A7-11

 C7-1, C7-3, C7-5, C7-6
 D7-3, D7-4, D7-7
Understandings Students will understand that:
 Sport specific skills & strategies lead to a competitive and cooperative game for all skill and ability levels
 Communication is an important aspect in many forms of team games
 There is an understanding for purpose in safety protocols, effective warm-ups & cool-downs, and actions to take for
achieving and improving upon a team goal

Students will be able to:

 Perform sport specific skills, and ways in which to receive, retain, and send a volleyball on the court
 Recognize respectful communication, teamwork, fair play, and cooperation skills contributes to team success in
achieving personal goals
 Identify rules, routines, & procedures when participating in warm-up/cool down activities, skill specific drills, and
game play (competitive & non-competitive)

Essential Questions  How can we apply sport specific skills outside of the physical education class?
 How does cooperation, respect, communication, and positivity in team sports influence our ability to perform in
other aspects of life?
 How can basic knowledge and skills of volleyball support our participation in other team sports and activities?
 How can sport specific skills and team play/cooperation contribute to a healthy active lifestyle?

Lesson GLOs SLOs Learning Activities/Teaching Assessment/ Safety

Strategies Evaluation
1 C: C7-5  Determine student knowledge Observation:  activity readiness
Intro Cooperation  Outline unit expectations and outcomes whole group  fast-pace moving
 Introduce the history of volleyball discussion learning activities
D: Do it D7-3  Warm-up “knee tag” regarding
Daily…For D7-4  Introduce various skills and positions in volleyball communication,
Life! respect, teamwork,
 Finish with “red light-green light volleyball version”
and fair play

Direct instruction & cooperative learning

2 A: Activity A7-5  Review Observation: whole  Call “mine” when
Pass/Dig A7-10  Warm-up activity “green light red light volleyball group discussion passing
version” regarding basic  Face/aim for target
C: C7-3  Introduce the skill of passing skills  No contact drill
Cooperation  Partner pass  Explain height limits and
D7-3  Competitive partner pass restrictions for passing
D: Do it D7-4  Introduce the skill of digging  Awareness of speed of
Daily…For  Partner toss/pass with overhand toss “dig” overhand toss for
Life!  Individual competitive mini game “passing into the digging the ball
baskets” (point system) dependent on skill level
 Cool down
 Debrief the skill of passing through whole group

Direct instruction & TGFU

3 A A7-5  Review from lesson 2 Observation: whole  Call “mine” when setting
Set A7-10  Warm-up activity “red light, green light” group discussion  Face/aim for target
 Introduce the skill of setting regarding basic  No contact drill
C C7-3  Set to yourself challenge skills  Explain how to set goals
C7-6  Dependent on skill level progress to set while  Reference distance for
walkingstanding to sittingsitting to laying downall Skill assessment
D7-3 the way back to standing rubric & self-
D assessment
D7-4  Set against the wall
 Competitive mini game “setting into the basket” (point rubric(pass/set)
 Progress to combining skills “passset”
 Cool down
 Debrief
Direct instruction & TGFU
4 A A7-5  Review from lesson 2 & 3 Observation: whole  Stay within body limits
Hit A7-10  Warm-up activity “cat and mouse” group discussion (foot stance width apart)
 Introduce hitting regarding basic  No contact drill
C C7-1  Explain & demonstrate arm swing progression skills  Practice, practice,
 Transition to practice against the wall (use lacrosse balls) practice!
D D7-3  Introduce foot work “right, left, right-left” or “left, right-
D7-4 left”
 Practice footwork along end line
 Put it all together!
 Cool down
 Debrief

Direct instruction
5 A A7-5  Review from lessons 2, 3, & 4 Observation: whole  Court space awareness
Hit/Tip A7-10  Warm-up activity “cat and mouse” group discussion  Timing is key
 Review arm swing & footwork regarding basic  Stay within body limits
C C7-1  Practice approach along attack line skills  Call for the ball
 Peer observation and feedback
D D7-3  Transition to hitting lines Think pair share
D7-4 -practice approach with lacrosse ball with partner
D7-7 -transition to using volleyballs
 Introduce tips Skill assessment
-transition back into hitting lines rubric & self-
-students may practice a mix of hitting & tipping assessment rubric
 Cool down (hit/tip)
 Debrief through partner think pair share
-how to improve

Direct instruction & peer feedback

6 A A7-5  Review lessons 2, 3, 4, & 5 Observation: whole  Court space awareness
Serve A7-10  Warm-up activity “follow the leader” group discussion during close proximity
-shuffle regarding basic serving drill
C C7-3 -jump skills  Awareness of fast-pace
C7-5 -sprint moving volleyballs
-quick feet Skill assessment  High contact point and
D7-3 -footwork approach rubric & self- follow straight through
D  Introduce serving (both underhand and overhand) assessment rubric
D7-4 towards target with flat
 Partner serving (serve) open hand
 Dependent on skill level students may progress further
from the netend line
 Competitive mini game “dead fish” Use badminton nets
depending on skill level
 Cool down
 Debrief

Direct Instruction & TGFU

7 A A7-5  Review all previous skill based lessons Observation: whole  Spacing and distance
Block A7-10  Warm-up activity “high fives all around” group discussion awareness from walls,
 Introduce blocking regarding basic partners, and volleyballs
C C7-1  Transition to stations (partner) skills  Positive support and
1) wall high five jumps feedback from partners
D D7-3 2) highest vertical jump competition Think pair share  Organized transitions
D7-4 3) volleyball press with partner between stations
D7-7  Use peer support and peer feedback during stations
-how to improve
 Cool down
 Debrief

Direct instruction & Peer teaching/feedback

8 A A7-11  Review all previous skill based lesson Observation: whole  Communication is key
Rotation  Warm-up activity of student choice group discussion  Court and space
C C7-3  Introduce /review the rules & positions in the game of regarding basic awareness during game
C7-5 volleyball skills play
 Introduce /review various positions, expectations, & the  Be aware and
D objective of the game of volleyball Exit slip considerate of varying
D7-3  Walk-through of rotation skill during game play
D7-4  Progress to game play (ball tosses only)
 Competitive mini game “Fukahara”
-split up students based on ability/skill level
 Cool down
 Debrief/overview mini tournament rules and expectations
for the next two days
 Exit slip “call on a position”

Direct instruction & Cooperative learning

9 A A7-11  Review rotation & game play Fair  Ensure to point out key
Game  Warm-up activity “cat and mouse” play/cooperation aspects of teamwork,
C C7-3  Establish a team goal rubric cooperation and
Play communication for
C7-5  Split students up into teams of 5 (4 on court & 1
sub/score keeper) Game play success
 Courts will be dependent on skill/ability level assessment rubric  Be aware and
 Mini tournament considerate of varying
D D7-3
-games to 15 skill during game play
-must win by 2  Court and space
-all players rotate awareness during game
-round robin for day 1 play
 Cool down  Ensure all players are
 Debrief rotating fairly

TGFU & Cooperative learning

10 A A7-11  Review yesterday’s rankings as well as the competitive Fair  Ensure to point out key
Game Play purpose of the last day play/cooperation aspects of teamwork,
C C7-3  Warm-up activity “10 block jumps against the wall, 10 rubric cooperation and
C7-5 hitting approaches, 5 minutes of serving/hitting against communication for
the wall Game play success
 Review team goals and communicate strategies to assessment rubric  Be aware and
achieve the goal considerate of varying
D D7-3
 Final day for mini tournament Exit slip skill during game play
D7-7 -quarter finals  Court and space
-semi finals awareness during game
-finals play
 Present winners and awards at the end of the class  Ensure all players are
 Cool down rotating fairly
 Debrief (key questions)
 Exit slip “importance of teamwork & communication”

TGFU & Cooperative learning

Note: General Safety

 Proper gym attire (shoes and clothing)
 Ensure students are aware of their surroundings and others when moving freely within the space.
 Ensure gym is clear of all hazardous or dangerous materials and equipment.
 Awareness of varying skill level, especially with offensive drills
 Communication is key

Note: Assessment
 Participation rubrics will be recorded and logged throughout the unit


Skill Assessment Rubric

Skill Criteria Feedback/Comments

A7-5 & A7-10
1 2 3 4 5
Scale 1-5
1: Meets none of the skill criteria
5: Meets all of the skill criteria
(Mastered the skill)
 Proper hand and forearm
 Weight forward
 Aim towards target
 Follow through
 Proper hand formation
 Extend the body towards
 Follow through with hands
out front towards desired
 Proper footwork
 Weight forward
 High contact point
 Snap the wrist and follow
through towards the desired
 Land on both feet
 Ball toss roughly 2-3 feet in
front of shoulder
 High contact point
 Step through during/after
contact point
 Follow through towards
desired target

Self-Assessment Rubric

Skill Criteria Feedback/Comments

A7-5 & A7-10
1 2 3 4 5
Scale 1-5
1: Meets none of the skill criteria
5: Meets all of the skill criteria
(Mastered the skill)
 Proper hand and forearm
 Weight forward
 Aim towards target
 Follow through
 Proper hand formation
 Extend the body towards
 Follow through with hands
out front towards desired
 Proper footwork
 Weight forward
 High contact point
 Snap the wrist and follow
through towards the desired
 Land on both feet
 Ball toss roughly 2-3 feet in
front of shoulder
 High contact point
 Step through during/after
contact point
 Follow through towards
desired target

***Rubrics for fair play and cooperation as well as game play have not been created yet but will cover outcomes C7-1, C7-3, C7-5, C7-6***

Exit Slips

Prior to leaving at the end of class students must either respond verbally
or written with an answer for student knowledge and understanding

Exit Slip 1 “Call on a position”

 Students may respond with:
o Position number on court
o Tips for technique and form
 For example:
o Defense
 Position 1, 5, 6
o Offense
 Position 2, 3, 4
o Hitter
 Position 2 (right side)
 Position 3 (middle)
 Position 4 (left side)
o Setter
 Position 2
o Server
 Position

Exit Slip 2 “The importance of teamwork & communication”

 Students must provide 2 examples of when THEY engaged in a form of:
o Teamwork
o Communication
o Positive attitude/behaviours
o Respect for self and others
o Cooperation
o Support
o Fair play/etiquette

1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Students must provide 2 examples of when they noticed a PEER engage in a form of:
o Teamwork
o Communication
o Positive attitude/behaviours
o Respect for self and others
o Cooperation
o Support
o Fair play/etiquette

1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Student must provide 2 full sentences explaining WHY the above examples lead to team success and a welcoming classroom environment:
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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