NPC Letter 001

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Date: 02nd August 2022

Mr. Simon BOLE

Chief Executive Officer
National Procurement Commission
P.O Box 6475
National Capital District

My Dear CEO Mr. Bole,


We sincerely thank you for your ongoing support to us on matters of procurements and
assure you of our utmost corporation with your office.
For the fiscal year 2022, the Government had approved and allocated funding for two
PIP Projects to be implemented by us. They are the Lae Container X-Ray Examination
Facility (CEF) and Queensbond in Port Moresby. This letter serves to inform you of our
intention to proceed with procurement processes facilitated by your office for the
development of the latter - Queensbond facility at Konedobu, NCD.

Queensbond is basically a Warehouse to be used as a storage facility to store

confiscated goods of very high value and those on transit en-route for other countries.

This project is set to exceed the threshold of our Chief Commissioner and will require
procurement through the Government procurement process administered by your office.
Accordingly, my Project Team will closely engage with yourself and your officers to
progress the procurement process in respect of this PIP Project, particularly fulfilling
RTF Requirements and progressing to Public Tender to commence construction at the
Please kindly accord them your usual highest support in progressing the Public Tender
process to conclusion.
My Director for Special Projects, Mr Robin Kone, can be contacted on phone 312 7590
or email [email protected] on these matters.

Yours Sincerely,

David TOWE
Chief Commissioner of PNG Customs

Cc: Chairman
Authority to Pre-Commit Committee
Department of Finance

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