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Right To Information Act 2005


GM (Estate)

CGM (Export)

CGM (Finance)


Manual 1
The Particulars Of Its Organization, Functions And Duties Introduction Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation Ltd. (PSIEC) was set up in 1962 with a view to promote small scale industries in the State. The Corporation is involved in the following activities:1. 2. 3. 4. Development of Infrastructure facilities Distribution of Iron & Steel Material Marketing of products through Emporia and Marketing Division Export Promotion Activities & Training Schemes

1. Development of Infrastructure facilities Land for development of Focal Points is being acquired under the Land Acquisition Act 1894. After carrying out planning of all, the process of executing the development work is set in motion. Engineering Wing of the PSIEC has been acting as a catalyst for promoting industries in the State through the development of industrial infrastructure, namely Industrial Focal Points (IFPs). The Corporation is also in the process of developing Industrial Housing in a number of its focal points. The Corporation took bold step for quality certification and has become first ISO accredited Infrastructure Development Corporation in the state. Allotments of Industrial plots are made in accordance with the policy notified by the State Govt. from time to time. Apart, allotment of residential plots are also made in different Focal Points under the Industrial Housing Scheme approved by the State Govt. read with guidelines laid by BODs of the Corporation. Commercials sites as a matter of policy are sold through auction. 2. Distribution of Iron & Steel Material a. Raw Material Activity Since inception, the Procurement & distribution of essential raw materials has been the main activity of the Corporation. Steel & Pig iron are procured from the main producers like SAIL, IISCO, TISCO & VSP& RINL etc. and then distributed to SSI Units through out the State for which the Corporation has a net work of depots. b. Handling Agency The corporation is acting as handling Agent of four agencies of SAIL, IISCO, and HZL at Ludhiana, Mandi Gobindgarh and Jalandhar from where the producers distribute Iron & Steel and Zinc to Industrial Units in Punjab.


Manual 1
3. Marketing of products through Emporia a. Emporia Wing The Corporation is running a chain of seven Emporiums under the name of Phulkari at Delhi, Chandigarh, Patiala, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar and Kolkata with the objective to promote the interests of Small Scale Units and Craftsmen by selling their products through this network. Considering the fact that promotion of handicrafts imparted for the upliftment of the weaker sections of society, the Corporation has set up a Crafts Development Centre at Hoshiarpur for procurement, development and marketing of lacquer and inlaid crafts. 4. Export Promotion Activities a. Export Promotion Activities PSIECs Export Division is a pathfinder and facilitator for new entrepreneurs and provides them with on line information on the credit worthiness of partners to whom exports have to be made. It coordinates participation in international fairs and arranges business meetings with delegates of various partner countries. It also sends delegates to various countries to explore and identify potential markets. PSIEC is a Nodal Agency of Punjab Government for promotion of exports, bridging the State Government & Central Government for implementation of various schemes of Central Government for growth of exports from the State. As such it is participating in IITF, New Delhi every year on behalf of Punjab Government, sponsoring delegations of manufacturers / exporters of Punjab to various countries etc. It also takes up the project of international organizations like Commonwealth Secretariat, London. The Corporation is declared as a Nodal Agency on behalf of Govt. of Punjab for implementing ASIDE schemes of Govt. of India and MD PSIEC has been designated as Nodal Officer. It is receiving grants-in-aid under the ASIDE scheme from Govt. of India and distributes funds to various agencies after the approval of the project by the State Level Export Promotion Committee headed by the Chief Secretary, Punjab.


The Powers And Duties Of Its Officers And Employees ESTATE Designation Powers General Manager Administrative

i) ii) iii) iv) i) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

Permission to mortgage Transfer of plot/shed Change in constitution Conversion from lease to free hold

Financial Estate Officer Administrative

Refund of Earnest money Issuance of NDC Execution of Lease deed/conveyance dee Permission to mortgage for 2nd charge Issuance of Show Cause Notice Issuance of recovery notices Issuance of allotment letters as per the approval of allotment committee.



Accounts Officer (Estate Wing) i) Checking up of accounts of the allottees ii) Preparation of profit and loss account iii) Preparation of balance sheet iv) Maintaining the accounts of the Estate Wing Section Officer i) Checking of allottees accounts ii) Supervision of the work of section


Manual 2 1 Manual
ENGINEERING Designation Superintending Engineer.


Administrative Financial

1. Power to sanction Casual/RH Leave. 2. To approve the tour within and outside the state. 1. Allotment and execution of works up to Rs. 0.50 lacs on the recommendation of the Lower Purchase Committee. 1.


Duties Designation Powers

Approval of variation of quantities in individual items upto 10%. 2. In case of any dispute regarding the execution of contract, the case is heard at the level of SE. 3. SE is the sole arbitrator in case of any arbitration claim(s) arising out of the contract. XEN concerned defends the case on behalf of the Corporation. As per laid down procedure. Executive Engineer. Administrative 1. To sanction leave of the staff working under him Financial 1. Upto Rs.20,000/- Xen 2. Upto Rs.50,000/- SE 3. Above Rs. 50,000/- MD As per laid down procedure.


RAW MATERIAL Designation Chief General Manager (RM)



Administrative 1. Power to make internal transfer 2. Power to sanction casual/R.H leave 3. To approve the tour within and outside the State Financial 1. To sanction payment of weighment charges to the owner of public dharma Kanda for weighment of Pig Iron at the time of brining the material from the railway station to godown of the Corporation Payment of weighment charged at the time of weighbridge of the godown is out of order (for Pig Iron and Iron and steel) 2. To incur expenditure of an inevitable nature such as approved rent of premises, water , electricity, telephone bills, postage, telegrams, freight charges, bank commissions, Municipal charges and to purchase of judicial papers for indemnity bonds 3. To sanction EMD for participation in tenders in Govt. Deptt 4. To make sanction payment required by main producers upto one full rake/super rake of Pig Iron at a time 5. To make/sanction payment of iron and steel upto Rs.50.00 lacs at a time when the investment level is within the prescribed limit of Rs.20 Crores and further, if any material offered is recommended for accept ion by the Branch Manager s. 6. To incur expenditure of contingent nature 7. To incur expenditure on repair and maintenance of the yard/depot like white washing . Replacement of fuse tube lights putting kerry and repair of weigh bridge. 8. To incur expenditure for shifting the material from one place to another place as and when exigencies so required to keep yard fully operational 9. To allow TA advance 10. To pay counsel fee approved by MD 11. To make payment of demurrage/wharfage 12. To accord sanction for the expenditure incurred by the field on account of binding Manual 2 charges Others To approve quarterly planning of Pig Iron /Palm Fatty Acid To approve distribution of Pig Iron/Palm Fatty Acid at various Depots 6


To approve the norms as per policy for unit wise allotment of Pig Iron/Palm Fatty Acid To approve proposal for disposal of Iron and steel/Pig Iron/Palm Fatty Acid material in free sale where the material allocated to unit stands unlifted ` To dispose off packing material received with sheets in yards/depots and other cases by auction or through tenders/quotations. To sign MOU/LTC with the producers of iron and steel and Pig Iron


Duties Designation Powers

C.G.M (RM) is overall Incharge of Raw Material Wing. Branch Managers Administrative To control their respective branch. Financial To accept earnest money, To refund earnest money, , To make payment to the Contractor, To give advance to the staff for TA/DA, To disburse salary. Others To accept offers, to distribute the material, To sell material in free sale


To exercise complete administrative and operational control over the business of the depots falling in this circle. To discharge all responsibilities and obligations on behalf of the Corporation and to ensure that requisite records of stocks and accounts are kept accurately and properly. To have a liaison with the producers stockyards for getting offers for the materials against State Allocation and to make arrangements for transportation of the same to various depots falling in this circle. T o have close liaison with the Railways to make arrangements for getting immediate intimation about the arrival/placement of wagons at the destination/station. To carryout visual inspection of the consignments immediately on arrival at the destination. In case of suspected shortage, to make all out efforts to obtain delivery of the consignment on reweighment basis. He will also take delivery of the consignments in the presence of Independent surveyor, for which general instructions will be issued in due course. The Branch Manager/Incharge shall also be responsible for the safe transportation of the consignment from the Railway Station to the stockyard. Any shortage occurring upto the point of delivery of the material from the stockyard will be reported by the


Manual 2

concerned officer incharge to Head office which shall constitute immediate departmental enquiry into the causes and circumstances of such shortage. Where the matter needs to be referred to the Police FIR shall also be got lodged by theBranch Manager with the concerned Police Station within two days of the occurrence of the shortage. To ensure that proper arrangements for labour machinery and equipment, transportation etc are made to avoid demurrage/wharfage. To ensure timely reconciliation including receipt and sale of materials with the producer stockyards to safe guard the financial interest of the Corporation To make security arrangements for proper watch and ward of the material both in the depot/godown and at the Railway Station. To ensure safety of the property of the Corporation and to take proper care of their up keep and maintenance. To be responsible for keeping an eye on the persons entering the depot/godown. He may ban entry of unscrupulous elements or those armed with lethal weapons and to ensure that nothing immoral is happening in the stockyard. To ensure timely submission of periodical reports and returns to the Head Office. To physically check the cash of each depot/godown falling under his are at least once in a month and record a certificate to the effect that cash in hand tallies with the cash summary, cash balance on the same time/date. He should also submit his report to CGM(RM) about the functioning of the depot visited by him with suggestion(s) if any, for improvement of the same. The Godown Supervisor will take delivery of the material at the stockyard and will be responsible and accountable for the material till its disposal. He will be responsible for the shortages during the Depot/godown operations and report the shortage coming to his notice to the Branch Manager who will be constructively responsible for the material in the stockyard.

Designation Powers Duties

Depot Manager (Under Branch Manager) Administrative All powers in the absence of BMs. Financial -doOthers -doAt places where there is no Branch Manager stationed or posted or during his absence being on leave/tour, all the above duties shall be performed by the Depot Mangers To assist the Branch Manager in the discharge of his duties To ensure timely preparation of statements for Head Office and submission to Branch Manager To ensure proper stacking of the material in the yard and 8


supervise transportation of material from the Railway Station to the stockyard. To issue delivery orders within two days against allocations made by Head office on availability of the material Any other assignment/duty entrusted by the Branch Manager.

Designation Powers

Godwon Supervisor/Depot Incharge (Under BM) Administrative To exercise BMs/DMs powers where is no BM/DM Is posted. Financial To accept earnest money, To refund earnest money, To make payment to the Contractor, To give advance to the staff for TA/DA, To disburse salary Others To sell material in free sale, to distribute the material, To sell material in free sale To get the weigh bridge test checked with standard weights daily and to ensure proper working of the same. To ensure proper stacking of the material i.e category wise, section wise etc., after taking delivery of the same on weighment scale/weighbridge installed in the stockyard. To intimate weighment results of each and every consignment immediately on completion to the Branch Manager/Depot Manager To weigh the material at the time of sale and effect delivery against Dos issued against the allocation made by Head office or in free sale as the case may be To post the arrival/ale in the stock ledgers on day to day basis To assist the Auditors from Head office for weighment of all/any material as per their choice. When the material is delivered in the yard, it shall be the responsibility of the Godown Supervisor to ensure safe custody and proper care of the material. He will solely account for the material with reference to the weight noted at the time of receipt of the same in the stockyard. However, the concerned Incharge will also be jointly and severely responsible for shortage. To regulate inward and outward traffic of tucks/carts in the depot/godown during the time of receipt of delivery. To issue proper gate passes for outward movement of the materials To verify the bill of labour contractor s To attend to any duty entrusted by the Project Officer / Branch Manager/Depot Manager 9


Manual 2


xii) The Godown Supervisor will take delivery of the material at the stockyard and will be responsible and accountable for the material till its disposal. He will be responsible for the shortages during the Depot/godown operations and report the shortage coming to his notice to the Branch Manager who will be constructively responsible for the material in the stockyard.

Manual 2
Designation Powers Duties Accountant Administrative Financial Others Preparation/payment of bills of Labour Contractor as per rates approved by the Head Office. Handling of cash Maintenance of cash book/cash summaries Maintenance of bank account and reconciliation thereof. Reconciliation of accounts with the Principals/Depots/Head office Preparation of handling bills and realization of payment from the principal. Preparation of reports to be sent to the Head Office in the prescribed proforma. Preparation of cash flow statement Any other duty entrusted by the Asst. Accounts Officer. The other officials dealing with account matters would work under Assistant Accounts Officer of their circle. They shall have to produce/supply any record/information asked for by Assistant Accounts Officer. Section Officer Administrative Power to sanction casual/R.H leave Financial To sign the Requisition slips. Others Incharge of the Section

Designation Powers Duties



Chief General Manager ( Emporia ) 1. Emporia Wing is headed by Chief General Manager (Emporia) and is supervised by him through Section Officer ( Emporia). 2. He conducts and supervises the Sales Managers meetings held during the year for reviewing Sales performance of each emporium from time to time in order to achieve the sales targets, fixed for the respective emporium. 3. He fixes the sales targets of all Emporium with the consultation of concerned Sales Manager of respective Emporium achievable during the year. 4. He also plays the role of Head of the Purchase Committee constituted by worthy MD for the purchase of various items f or the Emporium. 1. In connection with the purchase of saleable goods for Chief General Manager ( Emporia ) who has recently been empowered by MD to place indent for purchase of goods above Rs. 10,000/- at a time upto Rs. 50,000/-. Beyond Rs. 50,000/- sanction has to be taken from MD . 1. The Chief General Manager Supervises all the work mentioned above. Whole the work of Emporia organization is performed with the assistance of Assistants and Clerks working under the supervision of Section Officer ( Emporia )

EMPORIA Designation Powers Administrative





Manual 2
EXPORT Designation Powers Administrative Chief General Manager (Exports) 1. Power to make internal transfer. 2. Power to sanction casual / R.H leave. 3. To approve the tour within and outside the State. 1. To incur expenditure of an inevitable nature such as postage, telegrams, freight charges, bank commissions and to purchase of judicial papers for indemnity bonds. 2. To incur expenditure of contingent nature. 3. To allow TA advance. 4. To pay counsel fee approved by MD. 5. To accord sanction for the expenditure incurred by the field on account of binding charges. 6. To sanction imprest upto Rs.1000/- at a time. 7. Purchase of samples for export upto Rs.1,500/- at a time. 8. To make payment of Registration / Renewal fee of Central / State Govt. Departments / Agencies / Federations / Chambers. 9. Power to incur expenditure on purchase of consumable articles, stationary, printing and Photostat copies upto Rs.250/- at a time and Rs.5000/- per year. 10. Power to incur expenditure on Library, New Papers & Periodical etc. 1. Negotiation of export orders with minimum 2% service charges for the Corporation on F.O.B. value to the goods against sight L.C. 2. In other case negotiation with MDs approval. 3. Deferred L.C. up to 180 days with interest charges to buyers account with minimum 2% service charges on F.O.B. value for the Corporation. 4. Selection of Local suppliers for exports for orders upto Rs.50,000/- and for orders 12




more than Rs.50,000/- with the approval of M.D. 5. Appointment of Agents with the approval of the MD. 6. Signing of MOUs / extension with the approval of MD. 7. Power to release CCS, DBK & other incentives. Duties Designation Powers C.G.M (Exports) is overall Incharge of Export Wing. Administrative Section Officer (Exports) I & II To exercise control of staff working under him.


Financial To sign requisition slips. Others Section Officer (Exports) I & II are to assist CGM (Exports) for effective discharge of Export Section.

PERSONNEL Designation Powers Managing Director Administrative

Manual 2

Managing Director is appointed by the Govt. of Punjab. He is authorised to exercise all administrative/financial powers necessary to carry out day to day working/administration of the Corporation. He also acts as Appointing/Punishing Authority under the PSIEC Service Bye Laws for all categories of employees/posts. -DO-DO-

Financial Others


AMD 2. 3.


Extension of terms of daily wage / Adhoc Class III & IV employees. To allow proficiency Step up / ACP upto DGM level. Relaxation in terms of contract of trainees.



Designation Powers

Condonation of delay in submission of TA/Medical bills. 5. To issue / sanction Muster Rolls for all Divisions of the Corporation. 6. Engagement / extension of Part Time Sweeper/Malies, as per the daily rates approved by DC. Manual 2 General Manager (Personnel) 4. Administrative 1. Grant of Annual/Ex-gratia increment, unless it is required to be stopped or delayed. 2. To sign documents, such as agreements, mortgage bonds etc. relating to vehicle loans and HBA. 3. To fix pay on promotion/revision of pay scale upon approval of promotion/pay revision. 4. Sanction of all kinds of leave/LTC, except Ex-India leave. 5. To issue routine certificates concerning service matters, including domicile/residence certificate. 6. Transfer of Daily Wage/Work Charged staff. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sanction of all Advances and Loans up to the level of GM. Payment of gratuity and leave encashment. Expenditure on postage, franking machine and telegrams. Photocopying/cyclostyling from the market in urgent cases.



1. To assist the Managing Director & Addl. Managing Director in Personnel matters.



ACCOUNTS & FINANCE The department is headed by CGM(F) who is assisted by GM (Accts), DGM (Accts) & one Accounts Officer . (i) Administrative Powers: CGM(F) has the powers to order internal postings of staff and approval of RH/casual leave. (ii) Financial Powers: CGM(F) has the powers of passing of TA bills, Medical Bills, Insurance premium, TDS, VAT and VAT Return, refund to parties and employees against HBA/Vehical Advance/Imprest and reimbursement of entertainment expenses upto Rs. 15000/-. Accounts Officer has the powers of passing salary bills & vouchers thereof. DGM Accounts has the power of passing vouchers relating to maintenance of accounts of Head Office except units, vouchers relating to payments against requisitions duly approved by Competent Authority, bank reconciliation, bank operation and signing of cheques, issue of NDC to employees against HBA, & Vehicle Advance and Imprest. DGM & AO are assisted by 4 SOs. (iii) Others : Nil DUTIES: Relating to jobs stated above. Also looking after Income Tax Matters and Budget. Control of funds : Placement of funds in FDR etc. after taking approval of MD. Filing of Income Tax Returns after taking approval of MD.




Manual 2

This section is headed by Secretary who is assisted by Section Officer(Secretarial) who is further assisted by 2 Sr. Asstts./ 1 Clerk and a peon. The delegation of power is as under: S. No. 1. Nature of Power To sanction the expenditures on Photostat of Agenda Items of the BODs done from the market and to make payment thereof. Incurring of expenditure on entertainment of guests of the Corporation, including BOD and other meetings etc by the Functional Heads. Expenditure to be incurred regarding filing of return with Registrar of companies, Jalandhar. Name of the Officer to whom Sub Delegated Secretary Extent of Power Subdelegated Full Powers



Upto Rs.5000/-



Full powers.



LEGAL The Legal Cell is headed by SDGM. His duty is to control and to supervise the working of the Legal Cell. POWERS The Sr. DGM(Legal) is empowered to sanction payment of fee as per guidelines of the corporation to the advocates if not sanctioned by the MD at the time of entrustment. He is also authorized to sanction all legal expenses and to entrust cases to the advocates for advice on a payment of Rs. 550/1100- per case. Besides Sr. DGM(Legal), the other supervisory officers in the Legal Cell include Manager(Legal), Section Officer(Legal) Head Office. Their duties are to control and to supervise the working of law officers and to monitor the cases pending in various courts. The Manager(Legal), and Section Officer(Legal) is authorized to prosecute and defend all legal cases for and against the corporation anywhere within India. They are also authorized to sign the vakalatnama or authority letter in favour of the advocate/representative of the corporation.


Manual 2

The work of internal audit section is looked after by the CGM (Audit) with the assistance of GM(Audit), Manager(Audit) and Sr. Asstts (Auditors). The senior Assistants(Auditors) conduct the internal audit of different units/Sections of the corporation and examine their reports and submit to the Manager (Audit), who thereafter submits the same to the GM(Audit) and further GM(Audit) submit the same to the CGM(Audit) with his recommendations. The Audit reports are sent to the sponsoring section with the request to obtain comments from the field units and then forward the same to audit wing with their recommendations. After examining the comments/recommendations, further observations of the audit wing are again sent to the concerned section for removal of discrepancies. The similar procedure is followed in the cases of the audit reports of different units/wings at head office. It is also mentioned that the internal Audit brings out basically two types of discrepancies (i) irregularities of minor nature which can otherwise be rectified and regularized under the laid down procedure, delegation relating to respective units and (ii) irregularities which are of serious nature involving financial interest and loss to the corporation. In case (i) above, the discrepancies and remedial measures to rectify the same being available, are not considered to be included in the reporting to the MD. However, in case of (ii) above the irregularities being of serious nature involving financial interest and loss to the corporation would be reported to the MD. The Physical Verification of different units in the field as well as Store, Computer, PR Section, Library/TIC, Export and Cash Section at head office of the Corporation is got conducted annually by the internal Audit Section from the staff deputed for the purpose except Engg Wing who got done at their own level and the reports on the prescribed proformas submitted by the concerned physical verifier deputed for the 17


purpose is examined in the audit section and sent to the concerned sponsoring section for further recovery on account of shortage by examining according to the approved policy/guidelines. A copy of the said report is also sent to Balance Sheet Section for further necessary action at their end.

PUBLIC RELATIONS Sr. DGM(PR) is assisted by Manager(PR), Sr. Astts. and 1 Clerk. Staff is dealing with issues relating to maintenance of vehicles, issue advertisements, publicity, making entertainment arrangements for different meetings, Courier& Photostat services.

STORE The following powers have been sub-delegated to the Sr. DGM(Store): 1. To incur expenditure on the rates approved Upto Rs.15,000/by Competent Authority and to clear the bills so raised by the suppliers of stationery, stores and printing. To purchase petty items Upto Rs.2,000/time.



Sr.DGM (Store) is being assisted by SO(Store), two Sr.Asstts, one Clerk and a peon. DUTIES Procurement of Assets, Store and stationery items and its distribution amongst the staff of the Corporation as per requirement received from the various Wings/Sections.



RECOVERY (a) Powers

Manual 2

I (a) Adminstrative :- The Recovery Section headed by Chief General Manager is initially supervised by SO (Recy) who is assisted by an Assistant and Clerk. The One Time Settlement (OTS) scheme which is already in operation after approval by the BODs, is being implemented. 1(b) Financial : The Section Officer (Recy) accepts the payment due from the outstanding debtors against the OTS Scheme after checking the same from the records and puts up the same to the Chief General Manager for being forwarded to AMD/MD for approval towards squaring up the accounts by the parties. Duties: - The Recovery Section is responsible for giving optimal exposure to the OTS scheme as per details of scheme features approved by BODs.



The Procedure Followed In The Decision Making Process, Including Channels Of Supervision And Accountability ESTATE Decisions regarding allotment of Industrial plots are made by the competent allotment committee headed by Director Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Punjab after following the procedure stipulated in the allotment policy. While allotment of residential plots are made through draw of lots. Clearances of different nature are allowed to allottees on completion of applicable pre-requisites as detailed in the manual IV. Record keepers put up the files to Assistants and who after examination of the case submits to Section Officer and Section Officer reports to Estate Officer and Estate Officer to GM(Estate). In addition, files are also put up to AMD & MD depending upon the nature of case and level of competency.

ENGINEERING For Development of Industrial Focal Points On receipt of intimation from State Government for proposed site for focal point development, JE/SDE survey the site and submit the same to Planning Section after seeking approval of MD through proper channel. Planning Section prepares Zoning plan and layout plan as defined in procedure for preparation and intimation of zoning and layout plan for new Focal Points. On receipt of approved L ay out plan and Zoning plan. JE/SDE will provide field data as required by the XEN. The detailed estimate including all quality details for the proposed focal point shall be prepared by the concerned J.E /SDE after carrying out detail topography survey based on the requirement of each project , approved layout plans / drawings , applicable norms/ specifications Concerned SDE/JE is responsible and accountable for working out the quantities as per sites and rate there off. Xen In charge checks the estimates with the assistance of DHD. Concerned Xen In charge and DHD are responsible for the rates quantities of the estimate. XEN forward the same to one of the empanel technical consultants. On scrutiny by the technical consultant estimate is submitted to Estimate Approval Committee comprising of S.E., CGM(F) , GM ( Estates ) and Additional Director cum Industrial Advisor . On approval from estimate approval Committee , MD accords administrative approval based on which S.E. gives technical sanction of estimates The DNIT is prepared and processed as defined in procedure for review and approval of purchasing documents.



Accountability Running payments to the contractor after processing / checking / pre-audit of the bills at different levels is made with in a period of 10 working days . In case of any delay beyond 10 working days , such delayed period is additionally admissible to the contractor automatically being treated as zero period . However , the level (s ) at which delay beyond admissible time period has occurred , such officer(s) / official(s) responsible for delay is subject to payment of interest @ 6% per annum on actual claim of interest awarded in favour of contractor by the Arbitrator / Court , whichever is higher .In case of final bills , the time period is 30 working days instead of 10 working days. For any irregularities in following the due procedure , delay in execution of works for default on the part of officers of Corporation concerned , besides disciplinary action under relevant service Bye laws of the Corporation , the responsibility is subject to the same penalty in financial terms as the contractor is subjected to the levy. RAW MATERIAL The decision is arrived at after examining the issues on file & discussion with the concerned official/officers and general public represented through various Associations. The channel of supervision are: i) ii) Field office: Godown Supervisors report to Depot Manager/Branch Manager. Branch Manager reports to Head office

Head Office: The Dealing Assistant report to Section Officer (RM/HA). Section Officer (RM/HA) reports to C.G.M. (RM). C.G.M.(RM) reports to the Managing Director All involved in the decision making are accountable.

EMPORIA The decision is arrived at after examining the same on file & discussion with concerned officials / officers. The channel of supervision: 1. Head Office: The dealing assistant reports to Section Officer (Emporia). Section Officer ( Emp) further reports to Chief General Manager ( Emporia) and he reports to MD. 2. Emporiums being run by PSIEC in and outside Punjab: All the issues relating to Emporiums being run by PSIEC within and outside Punjab are reported by the respective Sale Manager to Head Office (Emporia Wing) for taking decision on the same. All involved in the decision-making are accountable.






Manual 3

The decision is arrived at after examining the issues on file & discussion with concerned officials / officers. The channel of supervision: 1. 2. 3. Dealing Assistant reports to Section Officer (Exports) I & II Section Officer (Exports) I & II report to Chief General Manager (Exports) Chief General Manager (Exports) reports to Managing Director

All officers / officials involved in the decision-making are accountable.

PERSONNEL The proposals concerning matters of policy decision are placed before the Board of Directors by the Personnel Section with the approval of MD. The decision taken by the BODs are accordingly implemented with the approval of MD. Similarly, appeals against the decision regarding infliction of penalties/recoveries/denial of benefits/seniority disputes are placed by the Personnel Section before the BODs/P & A Matters Committee with the approval of MD. Decisions taken thereon by the authority concerned are accordingly implemented with the approval of MD. Appeals against adverse remarks in ACR for expunction are also considered and decided at the level higher than the accepting authority of ACRs. The Record Keeper updates, maintains and submits the files for examination to the Dealing Astt. Examination of each case with recommendations for consideration of proposal(s) is made by the Dealing Astt. The cases so put by the Dealing Astt. are checked at the level of Section Officer/Manager and approvals are given by GM(P) for the cases falling under his competency. The cases are put up to AMD/MD where the competency for approval/orders lay in them. The orders so passed by the competent authority are conveyed to the concerned Section Officer / Manager (Personnel).

ACCOUNTS & FINANCE Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records i.e. letter of allotment, terms and conditions of payment, period for completion of work allotted and budget available etc. are not attached with the requisition for payment received from the sponsoring Section Payments requisition supported with copy of pre-audited bill and approval of MD for transfer of funds from the Head office to XENs complete in all respects received from the concerning section. Thus, there is no titled document as such that exists in the Finance Section relating to payment to Xens.




Assistants/Clerk of Secretary Section put up the file to Section Officer (Secretary) who further put up the files upwards for approval/decision of MD through Secretary PSIEC. Further to conduct the meeting of BOD first of all, all the Functional Heads are being requested to send agenda items. After collecting them, files to be put up to Managing Director/Chairman for seeking date and time for the said meeting. After getting date for meeting, notice and agendas are sent to all the Directors. After the meeting, proceedings duly signed by the Chairman are sent to all the Directors of BOD for information and proceedings of the same are also written in the minutes book and then proceedings book is send by the Chairman. Regarding AGM and Adj. AGM meetings are held after giving 21 days notice to the share holders of PSIEC after seeking date and time from Managing Director/Chairman. After the meeting, proceedings duly signed by the Chairman are circulated to the share holders. Proceedings of the meeting are written in the minutes book and the proceedings book is signed by Chairman. The necessary return is also filed with Registrar of Companies, Jalandhar for the same.


Manual 3

The legal section is contesting/defending the cases in various courts throughout the State of Punjab and outside on behalf of different wings of the Corporation. The petitions/appeals/replies/written statement/applications etc., are prepared by the Advocates engaged by the Corporation on the basis of comments/information given by the concerned wing and the pleadings are got verified from the concerned dealing officer/official of the sponsoring section before the same are filed in the court/authority/fora. The defence/evidence required is provided by the sponsoring section and the evidence etc., is also given by the concerned sponsoring section. The legal wing is coordinating the case between the Advocates and sponsoring section. On receipt of the judgement/orders, a copy of the same is provided/forwarded to the sponsoring section for taking further necessary action.

AUDIT The reports of internal audit are examined by the Sr. Asstts (Auditors) and submitted to the Manager(Audit), who thereafter submits the same to the GM (Audit) and GM(Audit) submits the same to CGM(Audit) with his recommendations. The Audit report are sent to the sponsoring section with the request to obtain comments from the field units and then forward the same to audit wing with their recommendations. After examining the comments/recommendations, further observations of the audit wing are again sent to the concerned section for removal of discrepancies. The similar procedure is followed in the cases of the audit reports of different units/wings at head office. It is also mentioned that the internal Audit brings out basically two types of discrepancies (i) irregularities of minor nature which can otherwise be rectified and regularized under the laid down procedure, delegation relating to respective units and (ii) irregularities , which are of serious nature involving financial interest and loss to the corporation. In case (i) above, the discrepancies and remedial measures to rectify the same being available, are not 24


considered to be included in the reporting to the MD. However, in case of (ii) above the irregularities being of serious nature involving financial interest and loss to the corporation would be reported to the MD. Similarly the Physical Verification of different units in the field as well as Store, Computer, PR Section, Library/TIC, Export and Cash Section at head office of the Corporation is got conducted annually by the internal Audit Section from the staff deputed for the purpose except Engg.Wing who got done at their own level and the reports submitted by the concerned physical verifier deputed for the purpose in the prescribed proformas is examined in the audit section and sent to the concerned sponsoring section for further recovery on account of shortage by examining according to the approved policy/guidelines. A copy of the said report is also sent to Balance Sheet Section for further necessary action at their end.

PUBLIC RELATIONS The Assistants in PR Section puts up the files to Manager PR who further submits the files to Sr. DGM(PR) which are disposed off as per delegation powers given to him and /further puts remaining files to AMD/MD for decision, as per policy. All Officers/Officials of PR Wing are accountable in respect of duties assigned to them and implementing the decision.


Manual 3

The tenders are invited from the public for the supply of store/stationery items at the beginning of the year. The tenders received are opened by a Committee constituted by the Managing Director for the purpose under the overall supervision of Sr.DGM (Store). The Committee also negotiates further with the tenderers in respect of rates and quality of the items to be supplied. The lowest tenders are selected for the supply of the store/stationery items for a particular year. The samples supplied by the suppliers are kept in the Store Section so as to compare the supplies made by the supplier. The order for the supply of store/stationery items is placed on the selected supplier on monthly basis as per requirement. The supplies made by the supplier are compared /checked by the Store Keeper as per samples and the items found inferior in quality are returned forthwith.



FIXED ASSETS: The record of fixed assets is maintained in the Store Section in the Fixed Assets Register available with the dealing Assistant. The assets are purchased on competitive rates by inviting spot/sealed quotations with the prior approval of the Managing Director. PETTY PURCHASES: Petty purchases are made by the Store Keeper as per requirement received from the various officers/officials of the Corporation on competitive rates with the prior approval as required. PRINTING OF STATIONERY: Printing of various proformae / registers / books is got done on competitive rates by inviting quotations on job basis. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE OF ASSETS: Repair and maintenance of the fixed assets is got done on competitive rates by the dealing Assistant with the prior approval of the Sr.DGM(Store). Wherever required, Annual Maintenance Contract have also been made with the reputed firms on competitive rates with the approval of Competent Authority.



The Norms Set For The Discharge Of Functions ESTATE Clearances are given in accordance with prescribed time schedule as under: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Targeted area Transfer of plots a) Pre-verification b) Post verification Mortgage Time schedule (Working Days) 21 days 15 days 15 days

Registration of Lease/Conveyance 14 days deed No Due Certificate 14 days Conversion from Lease to Free hold 21 days Change in Name, Style & 14 days Constitution

ENGINEERING All the tenders are required to be processed within their specified validity period of 90 days. The works are also required to be completed as per the completion periods depicted in the agreements and in case the projects get delayed due to certain reasons which are beyond the control of the contractors / PSIEC, time extensions are accorded by the Managing Director based on the recommendations of the Engineer-in-Charge / SE. In case of deposit works, time schedules are set by the client department which is adhered to subject to timely inputs by the deptt. e.g. release of drawings and funds required for the project.

RAW MATERIAL The booking of material by the SSI units is done through advertisement. The demand is processed and the State allocation is distributed keeping in view the demand booked at each Depot. The offer of material received from Main Producers are processed immediately and the material is lifted from stockyard for delivery to the SSI units. The DOs are issued to the SSI units for lifting within 10 days. The material not lifted by the SSI units is sold in free sale. In Handling Agencies, the material is delivered the same day or at the most next day of issuance of D.O. by the Principals. On arrival the material is cleared from the railway siding within free time (8 12 hours) to avoid the incidence of demurrage/ wharfage charges.





EMPORIA Formulation of Policy :Sr. No. 1. Subject/Topic Is it mandatory to ensure public participation ( yes/No) Making of No Purchases for emporiums situated in/outside Punjab. Arrangements for seeking public participation. Since purchases are made by Purchase Committee constituted by worthy MD, there is no necessity for arrangement of Public participation

Implementation of Policy:Sr. No. Is it mandatory to ensure Arrangements for public participation seeking public ( yes/No) participation. The detail of the required information has been given under the Head Formulation of Policy . Subject/Topic

EXPORT The Chief General Manager (Exports) is the controlling officer and head of the department of Export Division. He is assisted by Section Officer (Exports), who is the incharge of division. The Section Officer (Exports), coordination with the dealing assistants to arrive at the decisions after examining the issue on file and discussion with the concerned official / officer / government department as per the schemes and procedures of the government and the same are sent for the approval of the State Government by the Chief General Manager (Exports), through the Managing Director.


Manual 4

The Personnel Section deals with the appointments ;promotions; grant of annual/Ex.gratia increments; leave of all kinds; Leave Travel Concession; Assured Carrier Progression; clearance of dues on superannuation; premature retirement or upon death/resignation; disciplinary cases and other service related matter of the employees in accordance with the PSIEC Service Bye Laws; approved Promotion Policy; Punjab Civil Services Rules; Punishment & Appeal Rules; Conduct Rules and amendments therein besides Govt. Instructions issued from time to time in the related matters.





ACCOUNTS & FINANCE On the completion of all formalities and removal of discrepancies, if any, and availability of funds under the respective schemes, cheques /drafts are issued and sent to sponsoring section within 3 working days.

SECRETARIAL BOD meetings are held as per provision of Companies Act 1956. Action taken on the decision of the Board meetings are put up for confirmation in the next Board meeting. Further, Annual General Meeting is convened every year before 30 th September in which position of the accounts of the Corporation, appointment of Auditors and remuneration and retirement/appointment/reappointment of non official Directors/Chairman are to be considered and return for the same is filed with ROC Jalandhar within 30 days of the meeting. Adjourn AGM is convened in which annual accounts of the Corporation alongwith Auditors report, comments of Comptroller and Auditor General of India and Directors Report are adopted and return of the same is filed with ROC Jalandhar within 30 days of the meeting. Annual return is filed with ROC, Jalandhar within 60 days of the meeting. Other returns such as regarding appointment/ cessation of Chairman and Directors of the Corporation are filed with ROC Jalandhar as per requirements of Companies Act 1956.

LEGAL The cases far and against the Corporation are conducted through the Advocates appointed by the competent authority out of the panel prepared by the corporation from time to time. The advocates having more than 10 years experience in the line are placed in the senior category. Full fee is paid to such advocates at the time of entrustment of the cases. The other advocates are paid a 50% fee at the time of entrustment of the case and the balance is paid after the decision. No fee norms are prescribed in respect of the designated senior advocates of the high court and the advocates/senior category advocates of the Supreme Court. Panelled advocates are however paid fee as per the guidelines fixed by the corporation from time to time.

AUDIT Specific procedure to conduct audit by the section has been approved by the Managing Director effective from 2002-03 under which the audit of legal personnel and computer section and of the remaining units/wings is conducted on quarterly basis. The audit of all units/wings is conducted 25% basis as per above procedure.



Manual 5 The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Mannuals And Records Held By It Or Under Its Control Or Used By Its Employees For Discharging Its Functions ESTATE ESTATE MANAGEMENT RULES, PROCEDURES, AND REGULATIONS ALLOTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PLOTS The allotment of industrial plots are made as per notified policy of State Government applicable from time to time. Transfer of Industrial plot through Allottee Transfer of Industrial plots shall be allowed on completion of the following formalities / documents: 1 2 Upto date payment has been received including enhanced cost, extension fee etc. Plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e. lease hold rights of plot have not been mortgaged in favour of any financial institution in the shape of 1 st/2nd/3rd charge (s) etc. Affidavit from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.5/-(individual / all partners / authorized signatory in case of Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. as the case may be) duly executed before first class magistrate. Indemnity bond from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 15/(individual/all partners/ authorized signatory in case of Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. as the case may be) duly executed before first class magistrate. Affidavit from Transferee on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 5/(individual/all partners/authorized signatory in case of partnership / Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. as the case may be) duly executed before first class magistrate. Partnership deed of Transferor/Transferee in case of partnership firm duly attested by Notary Public/1st Class Magistrate. List of shareholders with their respective share holding of transferor/transferee duly attested by CA in case of public/Pvt. Ltd.Co. List of Directors duly attested by CA in case of Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. of Transferor/transferee. Copy of memorandum & articles of association of transferor/transferee in case of Public/Private Ltd. Company attested by C.A.

6 7 8 9



10 Resolution of BODs of transferor/ transferee in case of Pvt Ltd./Public Ltd. Co. duly attested by CA confirming sale / purchase of particular plot and authorizing any director(s) to execute the documents applicable to sale /purchase of plot and appear for personal verification in PSIEC 11 Request for transfer alongwith payment of applicable transfer fee. 12 After completion of formalities and examination of documents, personal appearance of transferor would be required in the office of PSIEC, Chandigarh, before formally allowing transfer.

Manual 5
TRANSFER OF PLOT THROUGH G.P.A. Transfer of plots shall be allowed on completion of the following formalities / documents: 1 Submission of original GPA/SPA executed by allottee before SubRegistrar/Registering authority containing clear powers in favour of attorney holder to sell/transfer the plot. Bank attested signature of GPA holder. Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 5/- duly executed before first class Magistrate as transferor by GPA . Indemnity Bond from GPA as transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 15/duly executed before 1st Class Magistrate. Additional affidavit from GPA executed before first Class Magistrate Public Notice Affidavit from transferee duly executed before first class Magistrate Upto date payment including enhanced cost, extension fee etc. has been received. Plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e. lease hold rights of plot have not been mortgaged in favour of any financial institution in the shape of 1 st/2nd/3rd charge (s) etc.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 Partnership deed of Transferor/Transferee in case of partnership firm duly attested by Notary Public/1st Class Magistrate.



11 List of shareholders with their respective share holding of transferor/transferee Manual 5 duly attested by CA in case of public/Pvt. Ltd.Co. 12 List of Directors duly attested by CA in case of Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. of Transferor/transferee. 13 Copy of memorandum & articles of association of transferor/transferee in case of Public/Private Ltd. Company attested by C.A. 14 Resolution of BODs of transferor/ transferee in case of Pvt Ltd./Public Ltd. Co. duly attested by CA confirming sale / purchase of particular plot and authorizing any director(s) to execute the documents applicable to sale /purchase of plot and appear for personal verification in PSIEC 15 Request for transfer alongwith payment of applicable transfer fee. 16 After completion of formalities and examination of documents, personal appearance/verification of seller would be required in the office of PSIEC, Chandigarh, before formally allowing transfer. TRANSFER FEE Transfer of industrial plots are allowed by the PSIEC by charging transfer fee equivalent to 3% of the current reserve price of the plot fixed by the developing agency in the concerned focal points/area, operative at the time of allowing transfer CHANGE IN NAME & STYLE AND CONSTITUTION Change in name and style and constitution is allowed by the Corporation if the original allottee(s) retains minimum 51% share in the newly constituted entity / firm. The following documents / formalities are to be completed for obtaining permission for change in Name, Style & Constitution: 1. 2. 3. 4. The allottee has paid 30% down payment and subsequent upto date dues with applicable interest/penal interest, cost enhancement, if any etc. The plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances / NOC from concerned Banker if plot already stand mortgaged. Copy of partnership deed, in case of partnership firm duly attested by Notary Public/1St class Magistrate(in case of individual to partnership firm). Copy of list of Directors and Shareholders with their Shareholding duly attested by C.A. (in case of individual/partnership to Private Limited/ Public Limited Company,) supported with following documents-




Resolution of the Company duly attested by C.A. to run the unit on Plot No._____, Phase_______, Focal Point _____________ and authorizing one of its directors to execute formalities for obtaining permission for change in name, style & constitution. An affidavit duly attested by 1 St Class Magistrate executed by authorized signatory / director of the Company declaring and affirming on behalf of the Company that the shares of the original allottee(s) indicating names shall never fall below 51% in the newly constituted Company for all times to come in future. Incorporation of a particular clause in the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company, duly attested by C.A. to the effect that the shares of the original allottee(s) (indicating name(s)) shall never fall below 51% in the newly constituted Company for all times to come in future. Request letter from the allottee seeking permission. NOC for change in the shape of affidavit from the outgoing partner(s) on Rs.15/- stamp papers attested by 1St Class Magistrate as per applicable format.



5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Processing fee:-

250 sq.yd. Rs. 1000/Manual 5 500 sq.yd. Rs. 2500/1000 sq.yd. Rs. 5000/Affidavit of inducted partner(s) on Rs.15/- stamp papers attested by 1 st Class Magistrate owning the liabilities towards the plot as per applicable Format Copies of dissolution /partnership deeds applicable from the period of allotment / last approved change to the proposed change in constitution duly attested by Notary. In case of dispute , non availbility of particular deed/document/partner Public Notice is got issued by Corporation.


Mortgage The following documents / formalities are required for obtaining permission to mortgage as 1st charge and sending of lease deed to financial institution/ bank 1 2 Plot is fully paid including enhanced cost if any and lease deed stand executed. Payment of upto date extension fee.



Permission to mortgage is allowed in favour of allottee of Corporation for availing CREDIT facilities from concerned financial institution/Bank for setting up/run unit on the allotted plot only. Request letter from allottee for obtaining permission to mortgage and sending of lease deed to concerned financial institution against 1 st charge. Request letter from concerned bank/financial institution addressed to PSIEC requiring permission to mortgage as 1 st Charge and sending of lease deed to their institution. The following undertaking is to be given by bank

4 5

Lease deed under no circumstances would be handed over by bank / Financial Institution to the allottee. Bank would directly return lease deed to PSIEC on liquidation of credit facilities or at any time temporarily as & when demanded by PSIEC. NOTE: If the allottee has already obtained permission to mortgage as 2 nd/3rd charge(s) in favour of any Financial Institution /bank, the former would also submit NOC / vacation of charge from the later while applying for permission to mortgage as 1st charge.

The following documents /formalities are required for obtaining permission to mortgage as 2nd or 3rd Charge.

Manual 5
1 Request letter from the allottee addressed to PSIEC seeking permission to mortgage the leasee rights of the Plot as 2 nd or 3rd Charge in favour of a particular Financial Institution / Bank. The allottee has paid 30% down payment and subsequent due instalments and other charges with applicable interest/ penal interest thereon, if any, i.e. up-to-date payment has been made. Permission to mortgage is allowed in favour of allottee(s) of the Corporation for availing the credit facilities from concerned Financial Institution for setting up/run Unit on the allotted Plot in the name of allottee only. Lease Deed has been executed and registered.

Note : If the allottee has already obtained permission to mortgage as 1 st /2nd/3rd Charge(s) in favour of any Financial Institution / Bank, the former would also furnish NOC from the later while seeking permission to mortgage as 2 nd or 3rd charge.



The following documents /formalities are required for obtaining permission to mortgage free hold Industrial plots in favour of Financial Institution / Bank. 1 2 Plots is fully paid. Permission to mortgage is allowed in favour of Financial Institution / Bank to the allottee of Corporation for availing credit facilities for setting up /running a unit on the allotted plot only. Request from the allottee for obtaining permission to mortgage. Request letter from concerned Bank/Financial Institutions addressed to PSIEC for obtaining permission to mortgage. Conveyance deed stands executed and registered.

3 4 5

NOTE:- If the allottee has already obtained permission to mortgage as 2nd/ 3rd charge(s) in favour of any financial Institution/Bank, then allottee would also submit NOC/vacation of charge from the bank while applying for permission to mortgage as Ist charge. Details of documents/formalities required for obtaining permission to mortgage as 1 st charge in favour of 3 rd party and sending of lease deed to financial institution/ bank 1. Plot should be fully paid including enhanced cost if any and lease deed stand be executed. 2. Payment of upto date extension fee. 3. Allottee is to furnish an affidavit that he has interest in the shape of being proprietor /partner/shareholder of the 3 rd party or 3rd party happens to be family member(s) of the allottee i.e. spouse , children , parents, brothers and sisters . Request letter from allottee for obtaining permission to mortgage as 3 rd party and sending of lease deed to concerned financial institution against 1 st charge. Request letter from concerned bank/financial institution addressed to PSIEC seeking permission to mortgage as third party and to create 1 st charge and sending of lease deed to their institution. The bank is to furnish following undertaking:-





a. Lease deed under no circumstances would be handed over by bank / Financial Institution to the allottee. b. Bank would directly return lease deed to PSIEC on liquidation of credit facilities or at any time temporarily as & when demanded by PSIEC.

Manual 5

CONVERSION OF LEASE HOLD ALLOTMENT OF PLOTS TO FREE HOLD The following documents / formalities are required for obtaining permission for conversion of lease hold allotment of industrial Plots to Free Hold: 1 2 3 4 The plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e lease rights of plot have not been mortgaged in favour of any financial institution. Plot is fully paid including enhanced cost if any. Conversion fee @ Rs.5/- per Sq.Yds. in case of industrial plots & Rs.10/per sq.yds in case of sheds. An Affidavit attested by Ist class Magistrate from allottee/authorized signatory in case of Pvt / Public Ltd, Co. to the effect that no alteration/change has been effected in the constitution/ownership rights of the allottee from the date of allotment/last permission if any given by PSIEC and to the effect that the plot is not already mortgaged with any Financial Institution/Bank and the same is free from all sorts of encumbrances etc. Request letter from allottee seeking conversion. No misutilisation of Industrial plot exists Undertaking regarding zoning / building bye-laws violations.

5 6 7

REGISTRATION OF LEASE DEED / CONVEYANCE DEED The following documents / formalities are required for execution of lease deed / conveyance deed : 1 30% down payment / upto date payments stands received in case of lease deed or fully paid in case of conveyance deed 2 Allotment should be regular (not cancelled) 3 Request letter from allottee. 4 Non judicial Stamp Papers to be purchased for requisite amount as prescribed by Government in the name of PSIEC.



NO DUE CERTIFICATE The following documents /formalities are required for obtaining no Due Certificate : 1. The Plot should be fully paid including enhanced cost if any. 2. No arrears towards extension fee as applicable. 3. The allotment is regular (not cancelled) 4. Request letter from allottee seeking issuance of NDC.

Manual 5

BIFURCATION / FRAGMENTATION OF PLOT The bifurcation / fragmentation of plots measuring 1000 sq. Yds and above is allowed in accordance with applicable policy of the Corporation on payment of requisite fees subject to the condition that no fragmented / bifurcated portion(s) should be below 400 sq.yard. FEE STRUCTURE 1. Rs. 20/- per Sq.Yds in lumpsum plus Rs. 3/-per Sq.yds per year from the date of allotment / last transfer in respect of Focal Point (s) Mohali, Derabassi, Rajpura, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Khanna 2. Rs. 10/- per Sq.yds in lumpsum plus Rs. 3/- per sq.yds per year from the date of allotment / last transfer in respect of focal points other than those prescribed in (1) above. CANCELLATION / RESUMPTION OF PLOTS Additional Managing Director, PSIEC is competent to resume / cancel plots in case an allottee defaults in complying with terms & conditions of allotment / transfer / lease etc. RESTORATION OF CANCELLED PLOTS Managing Director, PSIEC is authorized to allow the withdrawal of legal proceeding and restoration of cancelled plots/sheds on merits of each case where any sort of construction / production is existing, after clearance of entire balance cost and other charges etc. PROVISION OF RESIDENTIAL ACCOMODATION PSIEC has allowed allottees of industrial plots of the following focal points to utilize their premises for residential purpose also upto 33% of built up area on payment of Conversion fee.



Conversion fee is charged @10% of the current reserve price of Industrial plots of the concerned Focal Point operative at the time of seeking permission subject to minimum of Rs.50/- per Sq, yard chargeable on gross plot area payable in four equated installments without interest. The facility for residential use has been allowed as a matter of policy for the plots measuring upto 2 acres only. Name of the Focal Points:i) Dhandari Kalan Ludhiana Phase IV, IV-A and VIII (main pocket). ii) Amritsar (old and Expansion) iii) Jalandhar (old and Expansion) iv) Bathinda (old and new) v) Hoshiarpur. vi) Mohali phase VIII-B vii) Batala viii) Moga Manual 5 ix) Tarn Taran x) Patiala b) ALLOTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PLOTS

The allotment of residential plots in existing and coming up Industrial Focal Points and Growth Centres developed by the PSIEC in the State of Punjab are made as per policy approved by BODs of the Corporation from time to time. Advertisement: Advertisement for Residential Plots are published in the leading News Papers of the region by PSIEC to invite applications for allotment. ELIGIBILITY Any Indian or NRI or his / her dependent children who have not been allotted any residential plot in concerned district (in the Urban Complex) developed by the Government / any Govt. undertaking of Punjab is eligible to apply. PREFERENCE Preference in allotment of plots shall be in following order in respective focal point / Growth Centres / Industrial Estate. a Allottees of Industrial Plots whose units are under production in the respective area b c Allottees of Industrial Plots whose units are under construction in the respective area Workers / Employees employed in the units under production and set up in the respective area.

RESERVATION: 1 Scheduled Castes 10%



2 3 4

Backward classes 5% Ex-servicemen / war widows 5% NRI 5%

DECISION OF THE ALLOTMENT COMMITTEE Decision of the allotment committee on applications for allotment of plots shall be final and no appeal shall lie against it. LETTER OF ALLOTMENT The applicants recommended by the allotment Committee will be issued a regular letter of allotment by PSIEC. In those cases where number of eligible applicants exceeds those of available plots in the respective categories / size, decision of allotment would be made through draw of lots. Transfer of Residential plot through Allottee Transfer of Residential plots shall be allowed on completion of the following formalities / documents: 1 Upto date payment has been received including enhanced cost, extension fee etc. 2 Plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e. plot has not been mortgaged in favour of any financial institution. 3 Affidavit from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.5/-duly executed before First class Magistrate. 4 Indemnity bond from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 15/- duly executed before First class Magistrate. 5 Affidavit from Transferee on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 5/- duly executed before First class Magistrate. 6 Request for transfer alongwith payment of applicable transfer fee.

Manual 5

Manual 5

7 After completion of formalities and examination of documents, personal appearance of transferor would be required in the office of PSIEC, Chandigarh, before formally allowing transfer. TRANSFER OF PLOT THROUGH G.P.A. Transfer of residential plots shall be allowed on completion of the following formalities / documents:



1 Submission of original GPA/SPA executed by allottee before SubRegistrar/Registering authority containing clear powers in favour of attorney holder to sell/transfer the plot. 2 Bank attested signature of GPA holder. 3 Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 5/- duly executed before first class Magistrate as transferor by GPA. 4 Indemnity Bond from GPA as transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 15/duly executed before 1st Class Magistrate. 5 Additional affidavit from GPA Attested by First Class Magistrate. 6 Public Notice 7 Affidavit from transferee duly attested by first class Magistrate 8 Upto date payment including enhanced cost, extension fee etc. has been received. 9 Plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e. lease/free hold rights of plot have not been mortgaged in favour of any financial institution. 10 Request for transfer alongwith payment of applicable transfer fee. 11 After completion of formalities and examination of documents, personal appearance/verification of seller would be required in the office of PSIEC, Chandigarh, before formally allowing transfer.

Manual 5
Mortgage The following documents / formalities are required for obtaining permission to mortgage of plot as first charge in favour of financial institution/ bank in case lease hold plots. 1 Plot is fully paid including enhanced cost if any and lease deed stand executed. 2 Payment of upto date extension fee. 3 Request letter from allottee for obtaining permission to mortgage and sending of lease deed to concerned financial institution against 1 st charge. 4 Request letter from concerned bank/financial institution addressed to PSIEC requiring permission to mortgage as 1 st Charge and sending of lease deed to their institution. The following undertaking is to be given by bank



Lease deed under no circumstances would be handed over by bank / Financial Institution to the allottee. Bank would directly return lease deed to PSIEC on liquidation of credit facilities or at any time temporarily as & when demanded by PSIEC. Documents / formalities are required for obtaining permission to mortgage of plot /charge in favour of Financial Institutes for free hold residential plots. 1 Request letter from the allottee addressed to PSIEC seeking permission to mortgage the Plot in favour of a particular Financial Institution / Bank. 2 Request from Bank / Financial Institution for extending credit facility to the allottee. 3 Plot is fully paid including enhanced cost if any and conveyance deed stand executed

Manual 5
REGISTRATION OF LEASE DEED / CONVEYANCE DEED The following documents / formalities are required for execution of lease deed / conveyance deed : 1 30% down payment / upto date payments stands received in case of lease deed or fully paid in case of conveyance deed. 2 Allotment should be reqular (not cancelled) 3 Request letter from allottee. 4 Non-judicial Stamp Papers to be purchased for requisite amount in the name of PSIEC as prescribed by Government from time to time. NO DUE CERTIFICATE The following documents /formalities are required for obtaining No Due Certificate: 1 The Plot should be fully paid including enhanced cost if any. 2 No arrears towards extension fee as applicable. 3 The allotment is regular (not cancelled) 4 Request letter from allottee seeking issuance of NDC. CANCELLATION / RESUMPTION OF PLOTS



The allotting agency is competent to resume / cancel residential plots in case an allottee defaults in complying with terms & conditions of allotment / transfer / lease etc.

RAW MATERIAL For distribution of material norms are fixed every year keeping in view the availability and demand of material. The main policy is as under: i) Wide publicity should be given to the offers received from the main producers by displaying the same on the Notice Board and also informing the leading SSI units/Associations on telephone. We have already released the press/advertisement in this behalf, which was published in the The Tribune on 8.4.95. The demand should be received from the interested SSI units/Associations alongwith the earnest money @ 5% on first come first served basis. The Functional Head dealing with the raw material has been authorized to passon handling commission upto 50% only i.e. Rs.230/- PMT by assessing the market situation of Pig Iron and steel items alongwith all other rebates available from the primary producers. In this case no funds of the Corporation would be involved and the material may be got lifted direct from the stockyard of the main producers. However, where the funds of the Corporation are involved, 100% handling commission may be charged and the material may be got released to the SSI units/Associations from the Depot/stockyard of main producers.

ii) iii)



Manual 5 Manual 5

To ensure that the Corporation is not stuck up with the slow moving items, you should project the demand of the concerned quarter of the primary producers so that the same is supplied and does not lead to increase in inventory in the Depot. iv) The SSI units/Associations may be allowed to lift the material within 21days, failing which interest @ 15% per annum may be charged for each day of the defaulted day. v) All shortages found during the lifting of the material from the stock yard or railway station would be in the account of SSI units/Associations. However, they may depute their own person for keeping watch and ward of the material lying in the depot as well as railway station, as the case may be. vi) The quantity rebate available to the Corporation from primary producers would be adjusted against the material at the end of the deal/booking and the SSI units/Associations are bound to lift the material against the previous prices. vii) In case of any enhancement of rates by the primary producers or any reduction or any enhancement in freight by the railway, it will have no material effect on the deal/booking. The local transportation and handling charges would be in the account of the Corporation, however, in case the material is procured from out stations, extra transportation charges would be borne by the SSI units/Associations. The SSI units/Association shall bear the octroi both in case of local and outstation procurement of the material.

EMPORIA Sr. No. 1. Category of the Name of the document document and its introduction in one line Proceedings of Whole records the purchase pertaining to the committee and subjects given annual budget under Head at of Emporia net Category of work Documents Procedure obtain document to Held by /under the control of . Whole records fall the documents of Emporia Section is in the possession of the official maintaining records who provides the same to the officer/official as and when required by them

The documents can be obtained from the Emporia Section as and when required within fortnight after receipt of requests from the applicants



PERSONNEL 1. PSIEC Employees Service bye laws. (Click here to see Service bye laws) 2. Promotion Policy/Guidelines approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting dated 8.1.2004 & 8.9.2009. 3. The Punjab Civil Services Rules. 4. Punjab Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rule 1970. 5. Punjab Civil Services Conduct Rules. 6. Relevant Govt. instructions issued from time to time.

ACCOUNTS & FINANCE Sl.No. Category of document 1. Bank ledger 2. Day Book 3. Ledger of customers, parties and employees 4. Vouchers

SECRETARIAL The return of AGM/ Adj. AGM , Appointment/Change of Directors be filed to ROC within rules , regulations and instructions with the approval of Competent Authority from time to time.


Manual 5

Various rules, regulations and enactments of the State Govt. as well as of the Govt. of India are consulted by the dealing Law Officers while dealing with the cases far and against the Corporation. Besides the legal files, the panel of Advocates, approved fee norms, lists of cases and other related records are maintained in the Legal Cell.

AUDIT There is only approved procedure mentioned above which is adopted as rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records. 46


Sr. DGM(PR) is controlling PR Section as per powers delegated to him.

STORE The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and record held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions. Fixed Assets Register, AMC executed with various firms, Rate Contract Lists , Gate Pass Register, Annual Physical Verification Reports and other miscellaneous files.

RECOVERY 1. OTS Scheme 2. Category of the document = One time settlement for squaring up of accounts of outstanding debtors by paying principle amount only. 3. Procedure to obtain documents = On request through appropriate channel. 4. Held by under control of = Section Officer (Recovery)



Manual 6

A Statement Of Categories Of Documents That Are Held By It Or Under Its Control ESTATE Allottee-wise files containing allotment letter and lease deed etc., minutes of the meeting of the allotment committee, Books of account are being maintained in the Estate Wing.

ENGINEERING Pb. PWD specifications, MORT&H specifications, IRC code, IS codes, Manual of water supply & sewerage (PWS&SB), Pb. PWD CSR , MBs, MAS, stock Register, Indent Books, Field Laboratory Testing Data Registers, Muster Rolls, Log Books(Water Recovery charges), Cash Books etc.

RAW MATERIAL Files for State Allocation, Policy matters, Consignment Agency Contract/Labour Contract, Weigh Bridges, MIS report, Court cases, Internal Audit paras, Corrs. with COSICI etc are being maintained in the Raw Material/Handling Agencies Wings In Field : Stock ledgers, Account books, delivery orders, weighment slips, bills, offers, stock-cum-sale statements, Assets registrar ,salary, complaint register, booking registrar, allocation register, registration/de-registration record, utilization certificate etc. maintained.

EMPORIA Details of annual budget approved by the Board of Directors and copies of approved purchase proceedings and documents pertaining to Accounts, accounts books and stock registers are vital documents which always remain in the possession of Emporia and Sales Managers of all Emporiums.

EXPORT Copy of the schemes of the Govt. of India and State Govt. in regard to implementation of the schemes for the growth of exports.

PERSONNEL The following categories of documents are held by Personnel Wing:



(a) Personnel Files of employee. (b) Service Books (c) ACR Record Files (d) Govt./General Correspondence Files. (e) Policy matters Files. (f) Departmental Proceedings Files.

ACCOUNTS & FINANCE Books of accounts and vouchers.

SECRETARIAL Agendas of Board of Directors , Annual General Meeting , Adj. Annual General Meeting , P& A matters committee, Writing of Minutes Books of BODs, AGM, Adj AGM and P & A Matters Committee, Sub Delegation Powers, and its relevant records/books/files are properly maintained. Files regarding other miscellaneous matters like Monthly achievements, Activity note, Annual Administrative Report, Director Report etc. are also maintained.

AUDIT The reports of internal audit, physical verification, further observations and replies there of are held by the internal audit section. Manual 6 PUBLIC RELATIONS While sending the requisition to Accounts Branch for making payment of bills, original bills are sent to Accounts Branch for payment and photocopies are retained in PR Section for record.

STORE Record or purchase/deployment of Furniture/fixtures, printed stationery and other office equipments.



Manual 7

The Particulars Of Any Arrangement That Exists For Consultation With Or Representation By The Members Of The Public In Relation To The Formulation Of Its Policy Or Administration Thereof ESTATE The policy decision concerning estate management are finalized in consultation with entrepreneurs / allottees and their representative bodies. Meetings with focal point Associations are held after periodic intervals to access the psyche and demand of the allottees of plots and prospective entrepreneurs paving way to evolve and alter the system facilitating speedy disposal of the clearances in regard to the execution of the projects. As per ISO 9001 standard meetings with targeted industrial association are held twice atleast once in each quarter.

RAW MATERIAL The policy decision concerning Raw Material/Handling Agencies are finalized in consultation with SSI entrepreneurs and their representative bodies and Principal suppliers. Meetings with SSI units, Associations are held after periodic intervals to access the demand and to regulate the supplies.

EXPORT The suggestions / grievances received from the industrialists / exporters are taken in to account while formulation of the policy.

Manual 7
PERSONNEL The following arrangements exists for policy/implementation;I) PSIEC Staff Association. II) PSIEC Officers Association. consultation for formulation of



A Statement Of Boards, Councils, Committees And Other Bodies Consisting Of Two Or More Persons Constituted As Its Part Or For The Purpose Of Its Advise And As To Whether Meetings Of Those Boards, Councils, Committees And Other Bodies Are Open To The Public, Or The Minutes Of Such Meetings Are Accessible For Public PERSONNEL a. b. c. d. Board of Directors of the Corporation. P&A matter Committee. Disciplinary Committees. Departmental Promotion Committees.

Manual 8

The meetings of Board of Directors and other committees/bodies are not open to public but the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public/employees.

ACCOUNTS & FINANCE Sl.No. Subject on which the decision is to be taken Guidelines/ Directions 1 Budget Finalization 2 Advance Income Tax Recommendat Recomme ions of ndations of Functional Functional Heads Heads 3 Placement Funds 4 of Payment requisitions against

Process Execution

Surplus funds and rates of interest by Nationalized Banks for FDs. of Meeting held Case is put Case is put up with MD by up to MD to MD for Functional for approval. Heads approval.

Payment requisitions supported with competent authority.

Designation of Functional the officers Heads involved in decision making Contact information of above mentioned officers

Functional Heads

Payments made within 3 working days from the date of receipt in Finance Section in case of no discrepancy. In case of discrepancy, the same is pointed out to the sponsoring Section Functional Concerned Heads for Section/Functional knowing Head amount of surplus funds -



If not satisfied by the decision, where and how to appeal.

Budget finally approved BOD.

is Managing Director by



Manual 9
A Directory Of Its Officers And Employees PERSONNEL The directory of officers and employees is as at Manual 10. However, complete directory is available in the office covering other employees also.



The Monthly Remuneration Received By Each Of Its Officer And Employees Including The System Of Compensation As Provided In Its Regulations ACCOUNTS & FINANCE The records relating to monthly remuneration to the officers and regular employees is available in Salary Section of Accounts Department at Head Office. Service rules and personal files are available in Personnel Section at Head Office. However employees along with their respective scale is given below: List of Non-Technical Staff : S.N. Name of the Post 1. Chief General Manager 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. General Manager / Secretary Senior Dy. General Manager Dy. General Manager PS to MD Manager Section Officer Senior Assistant/G.S./Sr. Sales Girls/ Men Jr. Assistant/Sr. Clerk/ Clerk/Typists/Sales Girl No. 1 5 4 1 8 31 121 64 Pay Scale 37400-67000+ 8700 Grade Pay 37400-67000+ 8700 Grade Pay 15600-39100 + 7800 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 5400 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 5000 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 4400 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 4200 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 3800 Grade Pay 5910-20200 + 1900 Grade Pay 5910-20200 + 10. Personal Assistant 5 2800 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 4200 Grade Pay 11. 12. 13. Sr. Scale Steno Jr. Scale Steno Steno Typist 5 5 53 10300-34800 + 3800 Grade Pay 5910-20200 + 2800 Grade Pay 5910-20200 + Remarks


14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Drivers Gestetnor Operator Daftri-cum-Binder Peon/ Helper/ Chowkidar/Sweeper/Packer Lift Attendant Head Craftsman Display-cum-Sales Coordinator Sales Girls on fixed salary + Commission basis

11 1 180 1 5

2000 Grade Pay 5910-20200 + 2000 Grade Pay 4900-10680 + 1650 Grade pay 4900-10680 + 1400 Grade Pay 4900-10680 + 1400 Grade Pay 5910-20200 + 1900 Grade pay 10300-34800 + 3600 Grade Pay 3500 + Commission

List of Technical Staff: S.N. Name of the Post 1. Chief Engineer 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Superintending Engineer. Executive Engineer Senior Town Planner Sub-Divisional Engineer. Assistant Town Planner Circle Head Draftsman Divisional Head Draftsman Junior Engineer Draftsman Jr. Draftsman(Tracer) No. 1 3 4 2 24 1 1 Pay Scale 37400-67000 + 10000 Grade Pay 37400-67000 + 8700 Grade Pay 15600-39100 + 6600 Grade pay 37400-67000 + 8700 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 5000 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 5000 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 4400 Grade Pay 10300-34800 + 4200 Grade pay 10300-34800 + 3800 Grade pay 10300-34800 + 3800 Grade pay 5910-20200 + 54 One holding CDC Charge of XEN Remarks

On deputation. 2+( one on contract)


12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Jr. Draftsman(Planning) Carpenter Plumber Azo Printer Assistant Foreman (Elect) Supervisor

1 1 -

2400 Grade pay 10300-34800 + 3600 Grade pay 5910-20200 + 2400 Grade pay 5910-20200 + 1900 Grade pay 5910-20200 + 1900 Grade pay 5910-20200 + 2800 Grade pay 5910-20200 + 2800 Grade pay



Manual 11

The Budget Allocated To Each Of Its Agencies, Indicating The Particulars Of All Plans, Proposed Expenditures And Reports On Disbursements Made ACCOUNTS & FINANCE The summary of budget for the year 2010-11 is attached at Annexure B.



The Manner Of Execution Of Subsidy Programs, Including The Amounts Allocated And Details Of Beneficiaries Of Such Programs EXPORT PSIEC being a nodal agency for development of exports in State of Punjab Government is getting funds from the Government of India, Ministry of Industry & Commerce, New Delhi under ASIDE Scheme. The details projects implemented under ASIDE are as under:Details of Projects approved and implemented under ASIDE scheme Rs. in Crs. Sr. Name of Name of the Project Amount Amoun Status No. Beneficia approve t ries d release d 1. MARKFE Setting up of wheat 1.0000 1.0000 Completed 1. D, testing laboratory at Chandigar Ropar. h 2. PSIEC, Setting up of 2 Nos of 2.1150 2.1150 Completed 2. Chandigar Central Effluent h Treatment Plants for Dyeing and Electroplating Industries in Ludhiana. 3. PSIEC Construction of RCC 0.9000 0.9000 Completed 4. Chandigar box type sewer at h Mohali. 4. APPEAL, Up-gradation of Punjab 2.2300 2.2300 Completed 5. Ludhiana Trade Centre at Ludhiana. 5. R. & D Strengthening of R&D 2.1400 2.1400 Completed 6. Center, Centre for Bicycle and Ludhiana Sewing Machine at Ludhiana. 6. M.C., Development of Road 2.0000 2.0000 Completed 7. Ludhiana and other export Infrastructure at Ludhiana. 7. Punjab Setting up of Export 1.2500 1.2500 Completed 8. Infotech Promotion Industries Ltd., Chd. Network. 8. PAIC, Setting up of Integrated 9.6818 9.6818 Completed 9. Chandigar Vegetable Processing h Plant.



9. 1

10. 1

11. 1 12. 1 13. 1

Institute for Auto Part Tools Technolog y, Ludhiana Institute for Machines Tools Technolog y, Batala PSIEC (Stock Yards) PSIEC (Upgradation of Roads). Punjab Agro Juices Ltd.

Enhancing Competitiveness and Manufacturing quality of Automotive Components Industry to boost exports. Enhancing & Development of Exports Infrastructure and Manufacturing Quality of Engineering Goods to boost exports. Up-gradation of Stocks Yards at Ludhiana. Up-gradation of Roads of Industrial Focal Point, Mohali. Setting up multi purpose fruit & vegetables processing project at Village Jahan Khelan, District, Hoshiarpur. For setting up on-line registration and efacilities in the District Industries Centre, Ludhiana. Up-gradation / O & M of existing Ist module of CETP at Lather Complex, Jalandhar.


5.1840 Completed


4.6750 Completed

4.3200 2.2540

4.3200 Completed 2.2540 Completed


4.6200 Completed

14. D.I.C., 1 Punjab


1.6600 Under implementation

15. Pb. 1 Effluent Treatment Society for Tanneries (PETS), Jal. 16. Institute for Auto Parts Technolog y, Ludhiana


0.6590 Completed

Development of Export Infrastructure for Enhancing Competitiveness and Manufacturing Quality of Hand Tools Industry to boost the Exports. 17. R & D Development of Export Centre for Infrastructure for Bicycle & Enhancing Products Sewing Quality and Machine, Competitiveness to 58


5.00 Under implementation


3.70 Under Implementation


boost the export in Light Engineering Industry including Bicycle, Sewing Machine & Parts manufacturing industry to increase the exports 18. Institute Strengthening of Export for Infrastructure for Machine Enhancing Tools Competitiveness and Technolog Manufacturing Quality y, Batala. of Engineering Industry to boost the export 19. PSIEC Up-gradation of infrastructure Services in the Industrial Focal Point (old), IFP (Expansion), Leather Complex and Sports & Surgical Goods Complex at Jalandhar. 20. PSIEC Up-gradation of Roads in Industrial Phase VIII A & B (Sector 74 & 75), SAS Nagar, Mohali. 21. PSIEC Setting up of a E-Resource portal by Thomson Science, USA through PSIEC for boosting the export from Punjab 22. MARKFE Setting up of State of D the art 6 TPH basmati paddy processing unit (Modern Rice Mill) at Nawanshahar. 23. NIIFT, Setting up a NIIFT Mohali Centre at Jalandhar. 24. Pb. Setting up of Incubation Infotech Facility at Kapurthala. Ltd., Chd. 25. PSIEC Up-gradation of roads in IFP, Phase-VIII A & B, Mohali 26. PSIEC Up-gradation of roads in IFP, Dera Bassi Total



3.35 Under Implementation


4.35 Completed.





0.10 Completed




4.00 1.00 3.00 3.79 79.8706

4.00 Under Implementation 1.00 Under Implementation 3.00 Under Implementation 3.79 Under Implementation 78.620





EMPORIA The budget allocation of various emporiums situated in/outside the Punjab for the financial year 2010-11 has been given hereunder: Sr. No. 1. Head Sale/receipt Proposed budget 1003.67 Sanctioned 1003.67 Amount related Expen /disbursed ( no of diture installments The expenditure as passed in the annual budget of Emporia net work is meted out by the Sales Manager concerned from the profit of their respective Emporiums.





Manual 13
Particulars Of Recipients Of Concessions, Permits Of Authorizations Granted By It ESTATE With a view to accelerate the pace growth of industry, mobilize the recovery motivate the defaulter allottees to square up their accounts and keeping pace with changing environmental factors, BODs of the Corporation / Government consider and finalize the matters from time to time concerning grant of concessions to the allottees of plots. The details of concessions allowed to the allottees are available in the minutes of the meetings of the BODs held from time to time. The allottees are allowed following concessions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 10% rebate on the balance 60% payment of the cost of the plot if the same is deposited with in 60 days of the issue of allotment letter. Condonation of Delay upto 7 working days in receipt of lumpsum balance 60% cost of plot. Waival of penal interest component upto 50% if the outstanding dues are paid by the allottee in lumpsum by a particular date. Introduction of one year Amnesty Scheme extending liberal package to the defaulter allottees for the recovery of cost enhancement. 61


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Rebate on account of H.T. wires passing over the plot. Concessions for settling inter-corporate claims between PFC and PSIEC. Conversion of lease hold allotments to Free hold allotments. Provision of residential accommodation in industrial plots. Transfer of industrial/ residential / Commercial plots on upto date payment of dues instead full payment. Charge interest/ penal interest on balance cost of plot from the date of completion of developmental works. Permission to install tele-communication towers/ equipments on the industrial plots/ commercial sites/booths. Fragmentation/ bifurcation of industrial plots. Permission to install weigh-bridges on the industrial plots. Reduction in rate of interest/ penal interest. Refund against surrendered / cancelled industrial plots. Allowing additional time period to the defaulter allottees of industrial plots for commencement of construction/ production on their plots on payment of extension fee.

RAW MATERIAL The Corporation passes JPC rebate, TOD etc upto 50% depending the market position.


Manual 13

In Emporia Organisation, only the benefit of special discount is given to the VIPs visiting Phulkari Showroom by the Sales Managers of various emporiums who are empowered by the Managing Director for doing the same. Besides, festival discounts are also offered as per decisions taken by the management during Diwali, Dusherra, X-Mas, New Year and at the close of the Financial year which varies from 5% to 20% based on the margins. Exhibition-cum-sale is also organized by offering discounts. The Format for giving the information regarding beneficiaries has been filled as under : Sr. No. Code Not applicabl e Beneficiary Validity period Parent/Guardians Address name Common /VIP Benefit of Not applicable Not persons discount is given applicable to customers during Diwali, Dushera, X-mas, New Years & at the close of the Financial year and



to the VIPs during the year.



Manual 14

Norms Set For Discharge Of Functions ESTATE Clearances are given in accordance with prescribed time schedule as under: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Targeted area Transfer of plots c) Pre-verification d) Post verification Mortgage Time schedule (Working Days) 21 days 15 days 15 days

Registration of Lease/Conveyance 14 days deed No Due Certificate 14 days Conversion from Lease to Free hold 21 days Change in Name, Style & 14 days Constitution

ENGINEERING All the tenders are required to be processed within their specified validity period of 90 days. The works are also required to be completed as per the completion periods depicted in the agreements and in case the projects get delayed due to certain reasons which are beyond the control of the contractors / PSIEC, time extensions are accorded by the Managing Director based on the recommendations of the Engineer-in-Charge / SE. In case of deposit works, time schedules are set by the client department which are adhered to subject to timely inputs by the deptt. e.g. release of drawings and funds required for the project.

RAW MATERIAL The booking of material by the SSI units is done through advertisement. The demand is processed and the State allocation is distributed keeping in view the demand booked at each Depot. The offer of material received from Main Producers are processed immediately and the material is lifted from stockyard for delivery to the SSI units. The DOs are issued to the SSI units for lifting within 10 days. The material not lifted by the SSI units is sold in free sale. In Handling Agencies, the material is delivered the same day or at the most next day of issuance of D.O. by the Principals. On arrival the material is cleared from the railway siding within free time (8 12 hours) to avoid the incidence of demurrage/ wharfage charges.



Manual 14
EMPORIA Formulation of Policy :Sr. No. 1. Subject/Topic Is it mandatory to ensure public participation ( yes/No) Making of No Purchases for emporiums situated in/outside Punjab. Arrangements for seeking public participation. Since purchases are made by Purchase Committee constituted by worthy MD itself, no necessity as such for arrangement of Public participation is required.

Implementation of Policy:Sr. No. Is it mandatory to ensure Arrangements for public participation seeking public ( yes/No) participation. The detail of the required information under above mentioned Heads has already been given under the Head Formulation of Policy . Subject/Topic

EXPORT The Chief General Manager (Exports) is the controlling officer and head of the department of Export Division. He is assisted by Section Officer (Exports), who is the incharge of division. The Section Officer (Exports), cooperates the dealing assistants to arrive at the decisions after examining the issue on file and discussion with the concerned official / officer / government department as per the schemes and procedures of the government and the same are sent for the approval of the State Government by the Chief General Manager (Exports), through the Managing Director.




The Personnel Section deals with the appointments ;promotions; grant of annual/Ex.gratia increments; leave of all kinds; Leave Travel Concession; Assured Carrier Progression; clearance of dues on superannuation; premature retirement or upon death/resignation; disciplinary cases and other service related matter of the employees in accordance with the PSIEC Service Bye Laws; approved Promotion Policy; Punjab Civil Services Rules; Punishment & Appeal Rules; Conduct Rules and amendments therein besides Govt. Instructions issued from time to time in the related matters.

ACCOUNTS & FINANCE Payments to parties and sponsoring section are made within 3 working days from the date of receipt of requisition in Finance Section complete in all respects.

SECRETARIAL BOD meetings are held as per provision of Companies Act 1956. Action taken on the decision of the Board meetings are put up for confirmation in the next Board meeting. Further, Annual General Meeting is convened every year before 30 th September in which position of the accounts of the Corporation, appointment of Auditors and remuneration and retirement/appointment/reappointment of non official Directors/Chairman are to be considered and return for the same is filed with ROC Jalandhar within 30 days of the meeting. Adjourn AGM is convened in which annual accounts of the Corporation alongwith Auditors report, comments of Comptroller and Auditor General of India and Directors Report are adopted and return of the same is filed with ROC Jalandhar within 30 days of the meeting. Annual return is filed with ROC, Jalandhar within 60 days of the meeting. Other returns such as regarding appointment/ cessation of Chairman and Directors of the Corporation are filed with ROC Jalandhar as per requirements of Companies Act 1956.

LEGAL The cases far and against the Corporation are conducted through the Advocates appointed by the competent authority out of the panel prepared by the corporation from time to time. The advocates having more than 10 years experience in the line are placed in the senior category. Full fee is paid to such advocates at the time of entrustment of the cases. The other advocates are paid a 50% fee at the time of entrustment of the case and the balance is paid after the decision. No fee norms are prescribed in respect of the designated senior advocates of the high court and the



advocates/senior category advocates of the Supreme Court. Panelled advocates are however paid fee as per the guidelines fixed by the corporation from time to time.

Manual 14
AUDIT Specific procedure to conduct audit by the section has been approved by the Managing Director effective from 2002-03 under which the audit of legal personnel and computer section and of the remaining Units/Wings is conducted on quarterly basis. The audit of all units/wings is conducted on 25% basis as per above procedure.



Information Available In An Electronic Form The contents contained in the Right To Information Act, 2005 are available in electronic form on the following websites: http://rti.gov.in http://punjabgovt.gov.in http://psiec.gov.in



Manual 16

The Particulars Of Facilities Available To Citizens For Obtaining Information Including The Working Hours Of A Library Or Reading Room If Maintained For Public Use EXPORT PSIEC, has set-up a Trade Information Centre in its Head Office at Chandigarh comprising a well equipped library for offering various information services associated with international trade to the Exporters, Industrialists & Entrepreneurs. This center is having computerized link-up with DIALOG a US based company, facilitating instant On-Line access to international databases. Besides this, the center is having a library equipped with host of information from various trade / publications. The working hours are from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM.

ACCOUNTS & FINANCE The accounts as well as budget are being maintained on computer.

PUBLIC RELATIONS Shri JS Randhawa, Sr. Dy. General Manager (PR) is working as Public Information Officer (RTI).



Manual 17

The Names, Designations And Other Particulars Of The Public Information Officers PERSONNEL Astt. Public Information Officer, Public Information Officer and first Appellant Authority has been notified vide office order no. 6635-87 dated 02.08.2005, copy of which has been enclosed.



Office address

Offices/units under him for the purposes of RTI Act. Head Office Chandigarh. of PSIEC, PSIEC, PSIEC,

No. ASSISTANT PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER 1. Sh. GS Sandhu, 3rd floor, Udyog Manager (Legal) Bhawan, Sector-17-A, Chandigarh. 2. Sh. S. K. Sharma, 4th Floor, Udyog XEN-I Bhawan, Sector-17-A, Chandigarh. 3. Sh. Gurdeep Singh, 3rd Floor, Udyog Manager Personnel Bhawan, Sector-17-A, Chandigarh. 4. Sh. Sandeep Maintenance Office Singh, JE Phase-VII, IFP, Mohali 5. 6. Sh. Dharam Pal, JE Water Works IFP, Nangal Sh. Ashok Malik, Craft Development Incharge, CDC Centre, Industrial Hoshiarpur Development colony, Hoshiarpur Sh. Savtej Singh, JE Sh. Nirmal Singh, JE Sh. N.S. Chhina, SDE Jalandhar Sh. Mashinder Pal, DM. Water works, IID Centre, Tanda Water works, Nawan Shahar 11, Green Park, Jalandhar

Engineering Wing, Chandigarh. Personnel Wing, Chandigarh IFP Mohali RM Depot Mohali IFP Chanalon

IFP Naya Nangal Bus Stand Nangal IFP Hoshiarpur RM Depot Hoshiarpur Craft Development Centre, Hoshiarpur IID Centre Tanda

7. 8. 9.


IFP Nawan Shahar Bus Stand Nawan Shahar IFP Jalandhar (old & Extn.) CETP Leather Complex, Jalandhar SSG Complex, Jalandhar Divisional Office, Jalandhar Suranussi Depot, RM Depot, Suranussi Suranussi, Jalandhar PGE Jalandhar Manual 17 RM Depot Kartarpur


Sh. N.K. Saldi, SDE IFP Amritsar (New), IFP Amritsar Mehta Road, Amritsar. RM Depot Amritsar



12. 13. 14. 15.

PGE Amritsar CWTC Amritsar Sh. S.S. Sandhu, Administrative Block, IFP Goindwal Sahib JE Industrial complex, IFP Tarn Taran Goindwal Sahib Sh. Dinesh Kumar, Raw Material Depot, IFP Batala DM, Batala Depot IFP Batala, RM Depot Batala Sh. D.S. Chinna, JE Sh. Gurmit Singh, JE/SDE(CDC) Maintenance Office, IGC Pathankot IGC, Pathankot 11, Green Park, IFP Jalandhar (Old & Extn.) Jalandhar CETP Leather Complex, Jalandhar SSG Complex, Jalandhar Divisional Office, Jalandhar IFP Ludhiana IFP Khanna IID Centre Raikot IFP Moga IFP Kotkapura. Industrial Growth IGC Bathinda Centrre, Mansa Road, IFP Bathinda Bathinda IID Centre Mansa SubiDivisional Office, IFP Patiala IFP Patiala PGE Patiala IFP Nabha IFP Rajpura IFP Dera Bassi IFP Sangrur Punjab Government PGE New Delhi Emporium, C-6, Baba Punjab Pavillion, New Delhi Kharag Singh Marg, New Delhi. Punjab Government PGE Emporium, Kolkota. Emporium, 26-B, Camac Street, Kolkota.


Sh. Karam Singh, SDE, Bathinda


Sh. Ashok Chhabra, DGM, PGE, New Delhi Sh. Muzaffar Ahmed, Incharge, PGE Kolkota.


PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER 1. Sh. J.S. Randhawa, 5th floor, Udyog All Administrative offices and Sr. DGM(PR) Bhawan, Sector-17-A, units in Punjab & Chandigarh Chandigarh. under the control of the Corporation.


floor, 71

Udyog All Administrative offices and


Arora Managing Director.

Bhawan, Sector 17-A, units in Punjab & Chandigarh Chandigarh. under the control of the Corporation.

The following shall be the duties and responsibilities of the above designated officers as per provisions/requirements of the RTI Act: Asstt. Public Information Officer i. To receive applications for information or appeal under the Act and forward the same forthwith to the Public Information Officer or Senior Officer specified under sub-section 1 of section 19 of RTI Act as the case may be. ii. To arrange display of detailed procedure in Punjabi language at appropriate places in the offices so that the common citizens do not face any difficulty in knowing the procedure under the Act. Public Information Officer i. To deal with requests of persons seeking information and render reasonable assistance to the persons making the request orally to reduce the same in writing. ii. To dispose off and intimate within 30 days of receipt of request to the applicant, either providing the information on payment of such fee as may be prescribed or rejecting the request for any of the reasons specified in sections 8 & 9 of the Act, subject to the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 5 or proviso to sub-section (3) of section 6 of RTI Act. iii. The Public Information Officer shall seek the assistance of any other officer as he or she considers it necessary for the proper discharge of his or her duties under sub-section (4) of section 5 under the RTI Act. iv. Any officer whose assistance has been sought under sub-section (4) of section 5 of the Act shall render all assistance to the Public Information Officer seeking his or her assistance and for the purposes of any contravention of the provision of this Act, such other officer shall be treated as Public Information Officer as the case may be. First Appellate Authority To entertain, decide and intimate decision on appeal(s) to the appellant(s) within 30 days of receipt of appeal against the decision of Public Information Officer as required under sub-section (6) of the section 19 of the RTI Act.


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