Ain't She A Woman
Ain't She A Woman
Ain't She A Woman
Hillary Clinton was the first woman nominated for President by a major political
party in the United States. Like most women in politics, she faced negative eval-
uations, in part, due to the inconsistency between the traits typically associated
with leaders (competence) versus women (warmth). Because understanding the
categorization of an individual female politician is essential to the development
of successful bias interventions, we examined the extent to which Hillary Clinton
and a novel female politician were categorized as women versus female politi-
cians. In three studies we investigated how the warmth and competence stereo-
types associated with women and female politicians contributed to the warmth
and competence traits associated with Hillary Clinton and a novel female politi-
cal candidate. Consistent with a subtyping account, the warmth and competence
stereotypes associated with female politicians, but not women, predicted Hillary
Clinton’s warmth and competence traits (Studies 1–3). However, consistent with
a subgrouping account, the warmth and competence stereotypes associated with
both women and female politicians predicted a novel female politician’s warmth
and competence traits (Study 3). Implications for bias reduction interventions are
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Elizabeth R. Brown, University
of North Florida, Psychology, 1 UNF Drive, Building 51, Room 3413 Jacksonville, FL, United States,
32224 [e-mail: [email protected]].
Elizabeth Brown and Curtis Phills are sharing first authorship of this manuscript.
DOI: 10.1111/asap.12151
C 2018 The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
2 Brown et al.
That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over
ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or
over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at
my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me!
And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man –when I could get
it–and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen
most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus
heard me! And ain’t I a woman?
–Sojourner Truth, Women’s Convention, Akron, Ohio, 1851
In 2016, Hillary Clinton became the first woman nominated for President by
a major political party in the United States and, as such, filled a role that had
been exclusively held by men for centuries. Like all female politicians, Hillary
Clinton faced challenges, including negative evaluations, partially stemming from
leadership being associated more with men than women (Eagly & Karau, 2002).
Though these challenges may contribute to the underrepresentation of women in
political office (Dolan, 2010; Huddy & Terkildsen, 1993), because Hillary Clinton
was running to become the nation’s President–the top leadership position in the
country–contrasts between the traits traditionally associated with women (i.e.,
warmth) and the traits traditionally associated with leadership (i.e., competence)
may have been especially pronounced in voters’ minds. Just as Sojourner Truth
responded to claims that she was not a woman because her strength and abilities
were equal or better than that of any man, it may be the case that people did not
think of Hillary Clinton as a woman because of her abilities and success as a
political candidate. Because categorizing Hillary Clinton in a way that excludes
her group membership as a woman might inhibit stereotype change (Richards
& Hewstone, 2001) and the effectiveness of anti-bias interventions that target
women’s representation in leadership (see Dasgupta & Asgari, 2004 for an example
intervention), it is critical to understand the extent to which Hillary Clinton and
other female politicians are categorized as women. The current research examines
how the stereotypes associated with women and female politicians contribute to
the traits ascribed to female political candidates like Hillary Clinton.
Stereotypes are beliefs about the attributes associated with a social group
(Dovidio, Brigham, Johnson, & Gaertner, 1996); when a person is categorized as
a group member, the group’s stereotypes are applied to that person (Fiske & Neu-
berg, 1990). Stereotypic traits can be classified into two fundamental categories
(Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002): warmth (an other-orientation) and competence
(a self-orientation; Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick, 2008; Fiske et al., 2002). Warmth,
and its related constructs of communion (e.g., Eagly, Wood, & Diekman, 2000)
and relatedness (e.g., Ryan & Deci, 2000), includes traits such as honest, faith-
ful, and courteous. In contrast, competence, and its related constructs of agency
Ain’t She a Woman? 3
(e.g., Eagly et al., 2000) and autonomy (e.g., Ryan & Deci, 2000), includes
traits such as independent, industrious, and intelligent. Women are rated high on
warmth and low on competence stereotypes (e.g., Eagly & Karau, 2002; Fiske
et al., 2002), whereas female leaders (e.g., Eagly & Karau, 2002; Koenig et al.,
2011) are rated high on competence and low on warmth stereotypes. These traits
(i.e., warmth and competence) are quickly applied to individuals categorized as
members of their associated social categories (i.e., woman, female politician; e.g.,
Allport, 1954; Fiske & Neuberg, 1990; Stangor, Lynch, Duan, & Glass, 1992;
Tajfel, 1981). As such, voter’s evaluations of political candidates reflect warmth
and competence evaluations (Abelson, Kinder, Peters, & Fiske, 1982; Wojciszke
& Klusek, 1996).
Because an individual female politician is both a woman and a female politi-
cian, it is important to examine whether the traits applied to her result from a
subtyping categorization process (she is categorized as a female politician but
not as a woman; Richards & Hewstone, 2001) or a subgrouping categorization
process (she is categorized as both a woman and a female politician; Richards &
Hewstone, 2001). If categorization of an individual female politician is driven by
subtyping, how participants stereotype women should not be related to the traits
they ascribe to a female politician. However, if categorization of an individual
female politician is driven by subgrouping, how participants stereotype women
and female politicians should both be related to the traits they ascribe to a female
politician. Notably, categorization of an individual female politician may still be
driven by a subtyping process (i.e., they are not categorized as women) even if
she is rated highly on traits traditionally associated with women like warmth
because multiple categorization processes could result in a specific trait being
associated with a group (De Houwer & Moors, 2015). In this case, a female politi-
cian could be rated high on warmth, not because she is categorized as a woman
(subgrouping), but because female political candidates are rated warmer than their
male political candidate counterparts (Huddy & Terkildsen, 1993).
related component groups (e.g., Hewstone, Macrae, Griffiths, Milne, & Brown,
1994; Johnston & Hewstone, 1992; Park et al., 1992; Maurer, Park, & Rothbart,
1995; Schneider & Bos, 2011; 2014).
In one such listing study, researchers investigated whether the stereotypes
associated with female politicians were similar or different than the stereotypes
associated with women (Schneider & Bos, 2014). Participants were provided with a
list of stereotypes and asked to identify which stereotypes applied to various social
categories including women and female politicians; the percentage of participants
who selected a particular stereotype were then compared across the social cate-
gories. The top five stereotypes associated with women were warmth-related, and
the top five stereotypes associated with female politicians were competence-related
(Schneider & Bos, 2014), consistent with the idea that women are associated with
warmth and politicians are associated with competence (e.g., Eagly & Karau,
2002). Lending further credence to the subtyping hypothesis, the stereotypes of
women (i.e., feminine, compassionate) were not the same as the stereotypes of
female politicians (i.e., confident, assertive). In fact, 18 stereotypes were ascribed
to women but not to female politicians (Schneider & Bos, 2014).
Although Schneider and Bos’ (2014) findings are consistent with the subtyp-
ing hypothesis, because they focus on the outcomes of categorization processes
(i.e., the traits associated with groups) and those outcomes could be the result of
multiple categorization processes, it is unclear how compound groups are cate-
gorized. The current research moves beyond examining whether the stereotypes
of female politicians are similar or different than the stereotypes of women (the
outcome of categorization processes) by being one of the first to examine catego-
rization processes directly. We assessed how the warmth and competence stereo-
types associated with women and female politicians are related to the warmth and
competence traits ascribed to individual female politicians like Hillary Clinton.
For example, stereotyping of an individual female politician as competent could
be driven by subgrouping categorization processes if her competence ratings are
related to stereotyping of women and female politicians. Alternatively, they could
be driven by subtyping categorization processes if her competence ratings are only
related to stereotyping of female politicians. This is true regardless of the extent
to which she is rated as competent.
Since evaluations of individuals may be contextualized (Gawronski, Rydell,
Vervliet, & De Houwer, 2010), we also examined how categorization processes
may be influenced by contextual cues. Recent research has shown that the context
in which a trait is associated with a person influences how strong that trait is
associated with the person (Huang, Sacchi, & Sherman, 2017). Thus, we explored
whether presenting an individual female politician in a political context inhibited
Ain’t She a Woman? 5
Studies 1 and 2
Because Studies 1–2 utilized the same survey procedures, we combined the
presentation of the method and the results of these studies.
Participants. In Study 1, 241 college students (80.5% women, 0.8% did not
identify a gender; 66.39% White, 5.39% Latino, 9.13% Black, 7.88% Asian,
6.22% other, 4.98% did not identify; ages 18–56, median age = 21; 35.7% liberal,
34.4% moderate, 26.9% conservative) at a mid-sized, southeastern university were
recruited in exchange for partial course credit.
In Study 2, 487 participants (49.9% women, 16.6% did not identify a gender;
64.07% White, 2.46% Latino, 8.01% Black, 4.31% Asian, 3.90% other, 17.25%
did not identify; ages 18–79, median age = 34; 41.7% liberal, 19.7% moderate,
22.1% conservative) were recruited using Amazon’s Mechanical TURK system
(MTURK) in exchange for payment.
Table 1. Means, Standard Deviations, and Ranges for All Measures in Studies 1–3
Study 1 Study 2 Study 3
M SD Range M SD Range M SD Range
Women’s perceived warmth 3.48 0.46 2–5 3.47 0.54 1–5 3.59 .52 1.5–5
Women’s perceived competence 3.08 0.63 1.63–5 3.21 0.66 1.5–5 3.29 .70 1.25–5
Female politicians’ perceived 2.88 0.60 1–4.63 2.85 0.67 1–5 3.10 .72 1–5
Female politicians’ perceived 2.98 0.68 1–5 3.14 0.75 1–5 3.37 .75 1–5
Hillary Clinton’s perceived 2.64 0.65 1–4.63 2.42 0.82 1–5 2.44 .81 1–4.88
Hillary Clinton’s perceived 3.09 0.70 1–5 3.27 0.87 1–5 3.37 .86 1–5
Karen Johnson’s perceived – – – – – – 3.40 .63 1.38–5
Karen Johnson’s perceived – – – – – – 3.59 .61 1.5–5
We present the means, standard deviations, and ranges for Studies 1–3 in
Table 1; correlations between all measures for Studies 1–3 are presented in
Table 2. To examine whether the stereotypes associated with women and/or fe-
male politicians contributed to the impression of Hillary Clinton, first we predicted
Hillary Clinton’s warmth from women’s warmth, female politicians’ warmth, the
context that Hillary Clinton was pictured in (no context = 0 versus a family
context = 1; no context = 0 versus a political context = 1), and their in-
teractions. Next, we predicted Hillary Clinton’s competence from women’s
competence, female politicians’ competence, the context that Hillary Clin-
ton was pictured in, and their interactions. We present effects related to
our key hypotheses for clarity, complete regression tables are presented in
Table 3.
hypothesis, to the extent that female politicians were perceived as warm, Hillary
Clinton was also perceived as warm (Study 1: b = 0.542, β = 0.502, t(11, 222) =
4.48, p < .001; Study 2: b = 0.577, β = 0.469, t(11,393) = 6.136, p < .001).
Women’s perceived warmth was not related to Hillary Clinton’s perceived warmth
(Study 1: b = −0.198, β = −0.140, t(11, 222) = −0.943, p = .347; Study 2:
b = 0.161, β = 0.106, t(11,393) = 1.41, p = .158). No support for either con-
textualization hypothesis occurred in Studies 1 and 2, bs < 0.155, βs < 0.079,
ps >.050.
Ain’t She a Woman? 9
Table 3. Continued
Hillary Clinton’s warmth warmth
Study 1 Study 2 Study 3 Study 3
Predictor Variables b β b b β β β β
Family × Female −.142 −.074 .221 .119 – – .116 .082
politicians’ perceived
Political × Women’s .470* .257 −.085 −.033 – – −.162 −.108
perceived competence
Political × Female −.418 **
−.245 .031 .013 – – −.041 −.030
politicians’ perceived
Women’s perceived -.054 −.043 .011 .007 −.045 −.034 −.019 −.020
competence × Female
politicians’ perceived
Family × Women’s .162 .078 .190 .084 – – .234* .157
perceived competence
× Female politicians’
perceived competence
Political × Women’s .095 .043 .024 .009 – – −.047 −.030
perceived competence
× Female politicians’
perceived competence
Note. ± p <.100, * p ࣘ.050, ** p ࣘ.010, *** p ࣘ.001. In Study 3, the manipulated context involved Karen
Johnson, not Hillary Clinton. Thus, contextual effects could not be examined for Hillary Clinton in
Study 3.
Across Studies 1 and 2 and consistent with Schneider and Bos (2014), evi-
dence emerged in support of the subtyping hypothesis. Hillary Clinton was per-
ceived as warm and competent to the extent that female politicians were also
perceived as warm and competent. No support for the subgrouping hypothesis
emerged; Hillary Clinton’s perceived warmth and competence was unrelated to
women’s perceived warmth and competence. Furthermore, no consistent evidence
for the contextualization hypotheses emerged across Studies 1 and 2. In Study 1,
but not Study 2, when participants were provided with a political context, support
for the subtyping contextualization hypothesis emerged with Hillary Clinton’s per-
ceived competence being related to female politicians’ perceived competence. Fur-
thermore, contrary to our predictions, Hillary Clinton’s perceived competence was
related to female politicians’ perceived competence, but this effect was stronger
in no context than a political context.
Study 3
One weakness of Studies 1 and 2 was that because of Hillary Clinton’s long
history in politics, the vast majority of participants may have already formed an
impression of her. Therefore, their categorization of her may have been less influ-
enced by contextual cues. However, when little is known about a female political
candidate, beliefs about the roles of men and women within society play an im-
portant role in candidate evaluation (Alexander & Andersen, 1993). Because these
gender role beliefs are associated with the development of stereotypes about men
and women (i.e., Eagly et al., 2000), perhaps when little information is known
about a female political candidate, she will be subgrouped rather than subtyped
12 Brown et al.
because participants will use the stereotypes associated with her group member-
ships (women, female politicians) to categorize her. In Study 3, we addressed these
issues by exposing participants to a novel female political candidate named Karen
Johnson in a context with cues related to politics, family, or neither. We examined
whether participants subtyped, subgrouped, or contextualized Karen Johnson and
whether they subtyped or subgrouped Hillary Clinton.
Another benefit of Study 3’s design is that it allows us to address possible
concerns about reverse causation in Studies 1 and 2. It is possible that initially
viewing an image of Hillary Clinton influenced how participants responded to
questions about women and female politicians. Thus, any relationships between
the traits applied to Hillary Clinton and the stereotypes of those two categories
might depend on first seeing an image of Hillary Clinton. In Study 3, however,
participants did not view an image of Hillary Clinton at any point and always
answered questions about Hillary Clinton only after answering all questions about
women, female politicians, and Karen Johnson. Therefore, reverse causation can-
not be a possible explanation for the pattern of results found in regards to Hillary
Clinton in Study 3.
women’s perceived warmth was not related to Hillary Clinton’s perceived warmth,
b = −0.048, β = −0.031, t(11,369) = −0.61, p = .542.1
Consistent with Studies 1 and 2 and Schneider and Bos (2014), when partic-
ipants evaluated Hillary Clinton, support for the subtyping hypothesis emerged.
The pattern of results remained when the context manipulation and its interactions were ac-
counted for in the analyses. To the extent that female politicians were seen as warm, Hillary Clinton
was also perceived as warm, p <.05. Again women’s perceived warmth was not associated with Hillary
Clinton’s perceived warmth, p >.10.
The pattern of results remained when the context manipulation and its interactions were ac-
counted for in the analyses. To the extent that female politicians were seen as competent, Hillary
Clinton was also perceived as competent, p <.05. Again women’s perceived competence was not
associated with Hillary Clinton’s perceived competence, p >.10.
Ain’t She a Woman? 15
Hillary Clinton was rated as warm and competent to the extent that female politi-
cians were rated as warm and competent. Because Hillary Clinton has a long
history in politics, many participants likely had a well-formed impression of her
within the political domain, leading to Hillary Clinton being subtyped as a politi-
cian. As anticipated, when participants evaluated a novel female political candidate
named Karen Johnson, support for the subgrouping hypothesis emerged. Karen
Johnson was rated as warm and competent to the extent that both female politi-
cians and women were rated as warm and competent, which is consistent with
the idea that participants’ lack of knowledge about Karen Johnson caused them to
rely on the stereotypes associated with her category memberships (both a woman
and a female politician) for categorization. Consistent with Studies 1 and 2, no
evidence for either contextualization hypothesis emerged. Inconsistent with the
subgrouping contextualization hypothesis, in a family context, Karen Johnson’s
competence was not predicted by women’s perceived competence.
General Discussion
the traits applied to well-known female politicians might change over time. Thus,
if the goal is to change the traits applied to all female politicians, the best strategy
may be to target stereotyping of female politicians rather than women because the
traits of both well-known and novel female politicians are related to stereotyping
of female politicians.
An alternative strategy to reduce bias against both well-known and novel
female politicians would be to change how they are categorized rather than the
stereotypes associated with the categories they belong to. For example, training
people to categorize female politicians as leaders might be effective at changing
the traits applied to all female politicians. In an experimental setting, participants
could be repeatedly presented with an image of a female politician on a computer
screen and instructed to drag that image into an onscreen circle representing
the group “Leaders” and away from an onscreen circle representing the group
“Followers.” Alternatively, political campaigns could repeatedly present voters
with imagery pairing a female politician with words and concepts related to being
a leader. Learning to categorize female politicians as “Leaders” in this way should
cause the stereotypes associated with leaders to be applied to individual female
Effective anti-bias strategies would ultimately increase women’s representa-
tion in leadership positions and help the U.S. to achieve a government that is reflec-
tive of its population. Additionally, because women are more likely than men to
endorse social policies that are compassionate, moral, and promote the equal rights
of women, gays, and lesbians (Eagly, Diekman, Johannesen-Schmidt, & Koenig,
2004), and people prefer voting for politicians who endorse gender-consistent
political policies (Eagly, Diekman, Schneider, & Kulesa, 2003), increasing the
number of women in politics will likely increase the prevalence of sociopolitical
policies that women value as well as increase the percentage of women who vote
in general elections.
Future research should also examine whether other well-known female politi-
cians are categorized in the same way as Hillary Clinton (subtyped) or if they
are categorized more similarly to the fictional Karen Johnson (subgrouped). The
fact that Hillary Clinton is well-known is just one possible reason why she is
subtyped and excluded from the category women in participants’ minds. Another
possibility is that she is subtyped because she is so strongly associated with the
attribute “competence” and women are rated as less competent than men. If this
is true, then a well-known but less competent female politician (i.e., Sarah Palin)
might also be subgrouped like Karen Johnson rather than subtyped like Hillary
Furthermore, it is important to consider how party affiliation may influence
the categorization of female politicians because previous research has found that
impressions of female politicians are related to perceived party affiliation (King
& Matland, 2003; Huddy & Capelos, 2002; Sanbonmatsu & Dolan, 2009). For
18 Brown et al.
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r No context (
r Political context (
r Family context (