01 Work Design Measurement v4
01 Work Design Measurement v4
01 Work Design Measurement v4
A Work System is a system in which human participants and/or machines perform work
(processes and activities) using materials, energy, and information integrated with
technology resources to efficiently and effectively produce products and provide
services for internal or external customers. The objective is to create and measure
performance of a standardized work environment that maximizes worker satisfaction
while creating value for stakeholders. In this work systems, time is the critical currency.
Work System Measurement covers the tools and techniques used to evaluate the
output rates of a system including the time for average, well trained workers to carry out
specified tasks given defined levels of performance defined work settings, as well as
other productivity measures. Collecting and analyzing data can range from Stopwatches
and Spreadsheets to more passive Big Data systems.
Niebel’s Methods, Standards, & Work Design. Freivalds, Andris; Niebel, Benjamin; McGraw-Hill
Higher Education. 2014
Work Systems and Methods, Measurement and Management of Work. Groover, Mikell P.
Prentice Hall. 2007