ANNEXURE 1 BCC Microproject Group 2 If Semester-2
ANNEXURE 1 BCC Microproject Group 2 If Semester-2
ANNEXURE 1 BCC Microproject Group 2 If Semester-2
4. Action plan:-
Sr no. Details of Planned Planned finish Name of
Activity started date date responsible
team members
2. Selection of topic 01-06-2021 01-06-2021 Ayush Nakate
3. Searching Swaraj Darekar
02-06-2021 03-062021
reference images
for the project.
4. Searching 04-06-2021 05-06-2021 Vimarsha
Relevant Shetty
information for
the project.
6. Working on Saakshi Naik
PowerPoint 06-06-2021 07-06-2021
9 Submission of the 07-06-2021 08-06-2021 Rushikesh
micro-project Palekar
5. Resources required:-
Name of resources specifications Qty Remark
Desktop or laptop 8GB RAM, 1
(SSD),Intel i5
Software used Ms word, Ms 1