STE - Microproject - Report - Medical Store Management System
STE - Microproject - Report - Medical Store Management System
STE - Microproject - Report - Medical Store Management System
"Medical Store Management System"
Submitted by
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Neha Pawar Roll No: 34 of V Semester of Diploma in
Computer Engineering of Institute: MIT Polytechnic Pune (Code:0148) has completed the
Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject: Software Testing(22518) for the academic year 2020-
21 as prescribed in the curriculum.
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Shweta Bhargude Roll No: 56 of V Semester of Diploma in
Computer Engineering of Institute: MIT Polytechnic Pune (Code:0148) has completed the
Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject: Software Testing (22518) for the academic year 2020-
21 as prescribed in the curriculum.
1 Rationale 3
2 Aim of the Micro-Proj ect 3
3 Course Outcomes Addressed 3
4 Literature Review 3
5 Actual Methodology Followed 7
6 System Testing 8
7 Actual Resources Used 10
8 Skills Developed 10
9 Applications of Micro Project 10
Annexure - I
Name of responsible
Planned Planned Team members
No. Details of Activity Start Date Finish Date
8 Prepared the test cases for 27/11/2021 29/11 /2021 Neha Pawar
selected microproject. Shweta Bhargude
Neha Pawar
9 Analyze the report and make 06/12/2021 12/12/2021
Shweta Bhargude
changes if required.
Neha Pawar
Edited and prepared the final Shweta Bhargude
10 14/12/2021 21/12/2021
Name of Resource Specifications
1 Computer system Processor i 7 RAM-8GB
Team Members
Roll No. Name
Neha Pawar
56 Shweta Bhargude
Annexure — Il
Micro-Project Report
6.0 Rationale —
Medical shop management requires user entry of container and product dimensions,
together with information on weight and orientation constraints. It implements the
storage and retrieval system of day-to-day activities which Involves daily
transaction report, monthly wise report on goods delivered, enquires which enables
us to provide efficient and accurate methods of organizing and accessmg different
types of informatiom
In-built database facilities for up to 50 contamers and 4000 products are provided
so that input into these screens can be carried out with minimal effort. If
information for a particular product code is already held in the 4000 product
database then this is automatically entered into the appropriate fields. The first
option will attempt to pack as much of the medicines using any of the packing
methods available to medical shop management. This may be a loading from the
floor or from the end of the container. The second and third options are self
explanatory and the one most appropriate to the practical circumstances should be
• Time Saving
• Perform Repetitive Task Very Well
• Low Cost
• Easy Maintenance
• Easy Modification
1. Purchase Item -The medicines been purchased by the medical shop, the
details are recorded in the Purchase Item. Some of the details been recorded
by the Medical shop agent is the agency from which the medicines are
bought, item details such as item type, item name, quantity, manufacturing
date, expiry date The operations that are been performed here: To add new
records Into the database, to modify an already existing record in the database
, to search a record and delete a record from the database.
2. Sales Item- The medicines been sold out by the medical shop, the details are
recorded in the Sales Item. Some of the details been recorded by the Medical
shop agent is the agency or the customer and their respective address to
whom the medicines are sold, item details such as item type, item name,
quantity, manufacturing date, expiry date etc. The operations that are been
performed here:
To search a record in the database and delete a record from the database.
3. Item Details -The medicine details such as name of the medicine, bill number,
manufacturing date, expiry date, price and the quantity of the medicines etc
are been recorded in the Item Details.
4. Customer Billing -The bill for the medicines been purchased, is issued to the
Customer by the medical shop. The Customer bill contains the bill number,
purchase date, details of the item such as medicine type, name, price,
quantity, manufacturing date, expiry date etc. The operations that are been
performed here: To print the record ,to modify an already existing record in
the database ,to search a record and delete a record from the database.
5. Stock Details- The Stock details deals with the details of the agency as well
as the stock item such as the item type, item name, price and quantity. The
operations that are been performed here: To display the sales details of the
stock as recorded in the database search a record in the database.
Disadvantage -
1 As every coin has a two side this system also suffers from disadvantage.
2. Multiple medicines can not be checked for a customer.
Testing Levels
System testing is the stage of implementation that is aimed at ensuring that the
system works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is
vital for the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if
all parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved.
A series of tests are performed for the proposed system is ready for User Acceptance
Testing, The testing steps are
• Unit Testing
• Integration Testing
• Validation Testing
• Output Testing
• User Acceptance Testing
1. Unit Testing - Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of
software design, the machine module. This is also known as "MODULE TESTING".
The modules are tested separately is carried out during programming stage itselE In
this step, each module is found to be working satisfactory, So the expected output
from the module is arrived.
2. Integration Testing - Data can be lost across and interface, one module can have an
adverse effect on others, and sub-functions when combined may not produce the
desired major functions. Integration Testing is a Systematic Structure, while at the
same time conducting to uncover errors associated within the interfaces. The
objective is to take unit-tested modules and to combine them and test it as a whole.
Here correction is difficult because the vast expenses of the entire program
complicate the isolation of causes. This is the integration testing step. All the errors
encountered will be carried over to the next testmg step.
4. Output Testing - After performing the validation, the next is output testing of the
proposed system. Since no system could be useful. If it does not produce the
required output in the special format asking the user about the requirement, test the
output generated (or) displayed by the system. Hence the output format is considered
in two ways. On is on of the screen and other is printed format.
5. User-Acceptance Testing - User-Acceptance of a system is the key factors for the
success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance
by constantly keeping in touch with the perspective system users at the time
Sign up form
Login form
Record has
On the click of Modified records are been updated
TC 4 UPDATE Button updating in database sucessfully Pass
On the click of
TC 5 EXIT Button Should be Exit Exit sucessfully Pass
Customer bill