Task 2 - Identification of A Specific Problematic Situation

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Unit 1 - Task 2 - Identification of a specific problematic situation


Carolina Jaime Rodriguez

Presented by:

Mayra Alejandra Quintero Valencia

C.C 1098719506

Code:: 151021A_1144

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Escuela de Ciencias De la Salud (Ecisa) Administración en salud

Course: Geopolitics and Environment

Octubre 2022

Analyze the health situation for different contexts in health problems, which arise from the

relationship between geopolitics, environment, determinants of health and sustainable


1. Identify a problematic situation that affects health, associated with air pollution.

2. Recognize the health impacts and epidemiological data of the problematic

Problematic Situation: Propose a problematic situation and a human disease caused

by environmental impact

Pollution problems in the Brisas de Río Frío settlement, Girón

In the Municipality of Girón there is a problem in the population of brisas del rio which is

being affected by the residents of the Brisas del Campo neighborhood, bordering here to the

sector where a lot of garbage contamination is displayed, even furniture has been found.

chairs, and even dead animals. This settlement worse than an holm oak and the smells are


The main damage to health caused by the poor disposal of residuals are: acute respiratory

diseases with 8.6%, followed by intestinal parasitism with 2.2%, diarrhea with 1.1%,

Dengue and Malaria with 0.3% and 0.1% respectively

Causes and impacts on human health

The main damage to health caused by the poor disposal of waste is fundamentally due to

the increase in possible breeding sites for vectors that transmit malaria and dengue

(presence of coconut shells, cans, bottles and others in the open air). Another disease is

Intestinal Parasitism as a consequence of fecalism in the open air as there is no sewage

system, sufficient pits and latrines with adequate conditions; This favors the proliferation of

vectors and rodents, which transmit germs and parasites on their legs that are ingested by

people in food and drinking water.

The accumulation of waste is attributed to the incidence of disease transmission The flies

that visit the garbage are also the same flies that roam around the houses, food and are

increased the risk of contracting salmonella, which causes fever typhoid, food poisoning,

gastroenteritis and other major diseases. In addition to flies, other animals that feed on


Air pollution causes various respiratory diseases and other adverse health effects as

pollutants are absorbed from the lungs to other parts of the body.

Toxic substances in the air polluted by waste include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and

methane. In everyday life, we identify polluted air especially through bad odours, which are

generally caused by the decomposition of elements and liquid waste


 properly separate waste

 reporting irresponsible acts of throwing waste on wrong days

 constant hand washing

 request vaccination programs in the population influenced by these waste to prevent


Epidemiological data

In everyday life we identify contaminated air especially through bad odors, which are

generally caused by the decomposition of elements and liquid waste, one of the most

common diseases is foodborne infection resulting from the ingestion of food containing live

pathogenic microorganisms, such as Salmonella, Shigella, the hepatitis A virus, Trichinella

spiralli, finally, foodborne diseases

The morbidity profile of the pediatric population in the outpatient service is determined

mainly by entities belonging to the group of communicable diseases, similar to what was

found in related analyzes both at the departmental3 , 4 , 5 , 6 and national7 levels,

especially of the respiratory and gastrointestinal areas

the morbidity profile of the pediatric population in the hospitalization service is determined

by communicable diseases resulting from complications of respiratory, gastrointestinal and

urinary infections; To a lesser extent, there are some perinatal, surgical and externally

caused (traumatic) events.

In the first group, the most recorded causes were respiratory distress in the newborn

(21.5%), fetuses and newborns affected by maternal conditions and complications of

pregnancy, labor and delivery (15.1%), infectious diseases and congenital parasites (9.5%),

neonatal aspiration syndromes (8.1%) and respiratory failure of the newborn (6.5%).

Among communicable diseases, the leading cause of death was pneumonia (38.7%),
followed by diarrhea and gastroenteritis (21.2%), unspecified septicemia (10.7%),

inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (7, 3%) and bronchitis and acute

bronchiolitis (3.4%). 59% of the external causes were accidents that obstruct breathing

(excluding drowning and submersion), assaults (8.0%), accidental drowning and

submersion (5.9%), event of undetermined intention (4.3%) , exposure to smoke, fire and

flames (3.7%), neglect and abandonment (3.7%)


Soil contamination by garbage is generated when waste and contaminants accumulate on a

surface, this causes the decomposition of waste, as well as the discharges they contain, to

enter the soil and contaminate it, as well as attract various vectors such as insects. ,

scavenger animals, generate bacteria, fungi and produce parasites; these in contact with

humans can generate a considerable threat to health.

Soil contamination is a problematic series, especially when most of the waste that is

dumped has a long decomposition time, so the affectation is constant.

It is concluded that environmental pollution is an evil that threatens the health of

individuals to such an extent that it increases the proliferation of pathogenic

microorganisms, defined as the different types of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and other

organisms that transmit demands such as cholera. typhus, various gastroenteritis, hepatitis,

Bibliographic references

Ministerio de Salud y Protección social., (2012). Dimensión Salud Ambiental: Plan

decenal de salud pública 2012-2022. Bogotá. Obtained from



Hernández, L. J., Ocampo, J., Ríos, D. S., & Calderón, C. (2017). El modelo de la

OMS como orientador en la salud pública a partir de los determinantes sociales. Revista de

Salud Pública, 19, 393-395. Obtained from:


Leff Zimmerman, E. (2016). La geopolítica de la biodiversidad y el desarrollo

sustentable: Economización del mundo, racionalidad ambiental y reapropiación social de la

naturaleza. Obtained from http://ru.iis.sociales.unam.mx:8080/handle/IIS/4942

Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social & Organización Panamericana de la Salud

(2014). Referentes conceptuales y abordajes sobre determinantes ambientales. Bogotá:

MINSALUD & OPS. Obtained from




Bravo, J. (2014). Una nueva perspectiva del estudio del escenario mundial:

geopolítica y relaciones internacionales desde una epistemología de la imaginación.

Intersticios sociales, (8), 1-27. Obtained from: http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?


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