DLP-August 31-ENG
DLP-August 31-ENG
DLP-August 31-ENG
School District VI
Quezon City, Metro Manila
LESSON PLAN School: Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. E/S Grade/Level: Six
in Teacher: Rachel Joi C. Faina Quarter: 1st
ENGLISH 6 Date: August 31, 2022 – Wednesday
Time and 6:20 A.M.-7:10 A.M. 8:00 A.M.-8:50 A.M. 9:00 A.M.-9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.-10:50 A.M.
Section: Eulogio Tibay Gregorio Zara Dado Banatao Roberto Del Rosario
A. References
3. pages in textbook
4. Additional Learning
Resource from DepEd
LR Portal:
A. Reviewing previous Put a (✓) if the sentence is real or factual and (✘) if it is make-
lesson or presenting the believe or factual.
new lesson _____ 1. The leaves whisper to eache other that night.
_____ 2. Apung Inggo is our school’s janitor.
_____ 3. The cow jumped over the moon.
_____ 4. My brother is an intelligent boy.
_____ 5. The Grim reaper appeared in front of the young Erin.
B. Establishing a purpose Today, you will learn about identifying real or make-believe images
for the lesson or statements.
Before that, let us have an activity.
Directions: Look at the following pictures. Check (✓) the picture that
you can see in real life and (✘) if it is only on your imagination.
D. Discussing new Read the following events that are excerpts from the story “King
concepts Midas and the Golden Touch.”
E. Continuation of the Which column shows events in the story that can happen in reality?
discussion Which column demonstrates events in the story that cannot happen
of new concepts in reality?
F. Developing mastery Real images or statements are true, they are facts that can be
proven. Real things exist, and we can see, hear, feel, taste or touch
1.My grandmother is still alive at the age of 80.
Make-believe images or statements do not exist in real world.
They are non-facts and difficult to prove. They are just in our
imagination. They are exaggerated and
they cannot happen.
1.A cat became a human.
2.A flower talked to a girl.
G. Finding practical Directions: Can you recognize the different personalities? Write
applications of concepts REAL or MAKE-BELIEVE in your notebook.
and skills in daily living
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Draw the book if the sentence is factual or real and draw
the fairy if it is a make-believe or non-factual.
J. Additional activities Directions: Draw inside the REALITY box how you see yourself 20
for application or years from now. Draw inside the MAKE-BELIEVE box the superhero
remediation you wanted to be.