Jurnal Basa Ingris
Jurnal Basa Ingris
Jurnal Basa Ingris
Adhiatma Mario Sipahutar1, Abdul Kohar Mudzakir1*, Indradi Setiyanto1
1Departemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Sudarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah – 50275
Telp/Fax. +6224 7474698
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Recieved: March 4, 2022; Accepted: July 18, 2022
The operation of the Purse Seine fishing gear has been regulated in Regulation of Ministry of
Marine and Fisheries Affair No. 71 of 2016, but there are still vessels that violate the rules and modify
fishing gear, do not report the number of main and by-catch, which need to be studied in depth
regarding the environmentally friendly level of a fishing gear. The purpose of this study was to
determine the level of environmental friendliness of Purse Seine KM fishing gear. New Source based
in PPS Belawan. The method used in this research is to use a score based on the criteria of the
Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and analysis of the suitability of fishing gear with
the Regulation of Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. 71 of 2016. Based on the results of the
study it was found that the Purse Seine KM. Sumber Baru in terms of Permen KP number 71 of 2016
has a mismatch in the specifications of fishing gear from the aspect of ship size. Meanwhile, based
on the CCRF criteria, a final weighting score of 31 was obtained, which means Purse Seine KM
fishing gear. Sumber Baru is a fishing gear that is less environmentally friendly.
Keywords: CCRF, OFP Belawan, Purse Seine, Sustainability.
Pengoperasian alat tangkap Purse Seine telah diatur dalam Permen KP No 71 Tahun 2016.
Namun masih ada kapal yang menyalahi aturan dan memodifikasi alat tangkap, tidak melaporkan
jumlah tangkapan utama dan sampingan. Padahal, informasi tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk
mengkaji secara mendalam terkait tingkat ramah lingkungan suatu alat tangkap. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat keramahan lingkungan alat tangkap Purse Seine KM.
Sumber Baru yang berbasis di PPS Belawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
dengan menggunakan skor berdasarkan kriteria Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF)
dan analisis kesesuaian alat tangkap dengan peraturan Permen KP No. 71 Tahun 2016.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa alat tangkap Purse Seine KM. Sumber Baru ditinjau
dari aspek Permen KP nomor 71 Tahun 2016 memiliki tidak kesesuaian spesifikasi alat tangkap dari
aspek ukuran kapal. Sementara berdasarkan kriteria CCRF didapatkan skor pembobotan akhir 31
yang berarti alat tangkap Purse Seine KM. Sumber Baru merupakan alat tangkap yang kurang ramah
Kata kunci: CCRF, PPS Belawan, Purse Seine, Keberlanjutan.
138 Marine Fisheries 13(2): 137-148, November 2022
• A tool to catch three species with vastly different sizes 2
Selectivity • Tools for capturing less than three species of approximately the same 3
• A tool to catch only one species with approximately the same size 4
2 Does not • Causes habitat destruction over large areas 1
damage the
habitat, place • Causes habitat destruction in narrow areas 2
to live and • Causes some habitat in a narrow area 3
breed • Safe for habitat (do not destroy habitat) 4
3 No harm to • Fishing gear and how to use it can cause death to fishermen 1
(fishers) • Fishing gear and its use can result in permanent (permanent) disability. 2
• Fishing gear and its use can result in temporary health problems 3
• Safe fishing gear for fishermen 4
4 Produce • Dead and rotten fish 1
quality • Dead fish, fresh and physically disabled 2
• Fresh dead fish 3
• Live Fish 4
5 The product • Great chance of causing death 1
does not harm • Chance to cause consumer health problems 2
the health of • Very small chance for consumer health problems 3
consumers • Safe for consumers 4
6 Minimum • By-catch consists of several types (species) that are not sold in the 1
wasted catch market
• by-catch consists of several types and some are sold in the market 2
• by-catch less than three types and sell well in the market 3
• by-catch less than three kinds and high price in the market 4
7 The fishing • The fishing gear and its operations cause the death of all living things 1
gear used and damage the habitat
must have a
minimum • Fishing gear and its operations lead to the death of several species and 2
impact on bio- damage to habitat
diversity • Fishing gear and operations cause the death of some species but do not 3
destroy habitat
• Safe for the diversity of biological resources 4
Does not • Fish that are protected by law are often caught 1
catch • Protected fish caught several times 2
8 protected
species • Protected fish have been caught 3
• Protected fish are never caught 4
9 Socially Public acceptance of a fishing gear, will depend on the social, economic, and
accepted cultural conditions in a place. A tool is socially accepted by the community if:
(1) the investment costs are cheap, (2) it is economically profitable, (3) it does
not conflict with local culture, (4) does not conflict with existing regulations.
The weighting of the criteria is determined by assessing the reality on the
ground that:
• Fishing gear fulfills one of the four statements above 1
• Fishing gear fulfills two of the four statements above 2
• Fishing gear fulfills three of the four statements above 3
• The fishing gear fulfills all of the above statements 4
Source: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, 2006
Sipahutar et al. – Environmental Friendliness Analysis of Purse Seine ….. 141
50 46.63 1,400,000
Production (ton)
20 600,000
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 2 Production and Production Value of Capture Fisheries at OFP Belawan 2015-2019
Ammount (Unit)
Bouke Ami Lampara Pukat Cincin Jaring Insang Pancing
Fishing Gear
Ammount (Unit)
<10 GT 11 - 30 GT 31 - 50 GT 51 - 100 GT 101 - 200 GT
Vessel Tonnage
1. Sign Buoys; 2. Buoys; 3. Talis Ris Atas; 4. Floating Strap; 5. Serampat Atas; 6. Serampat Bawah; 7.
Drawstring; 8. Wrinkle Ring; 9. Ballast; 10. Weight rope; 11. Wing 2; 12. Body; 13. Wing 1
b) Front View
cm is a fish that deserves to be caught referring to cmFL, the shortest cob is 33.7 cm.
because it has passed the age of first gonad Banyar tuna usually live in scholling which
maturity (Liestiana et al. 2015; Najamuddin et usually move in groups. The price of tuna in
al. 2004; Pralampita and Umi 2010). Small fish Belawan ranges from Rp. 22,000 – Rp.
that are not caught are expected to have the 24,000/kg.
opportunity to grow and reproduce to maintain
The catch with low weights obtained by
a balance of stocks in the waters. The scad
fishermen is mackerel (Rastrelliger sp.). The
(Decapterus spp.) is one of the most important
condition of mackerel fish resources and the
small pelagic fishery communities in
high demand for mackerel in the local market
Indonesia. Fish belonging to the Carangidae
requires management efforts for sustainability.
tribe can live in groups. The price of this fish at
The number of requests that continue to
OFP Belawan ranges from Rp. 33,000 – Rp.
increase makes this mackerel fish resource
35,000/kg. The scad fishcaught by KM. This
small. Generally, these fish are caught using
Sumber Baru measures between 19-22 cm.
Purse Seine and gill nets. The amount earned
This category includes catches that are in
is reasonable little but still useful and valuable
accordance with fish standards that are ready
in the market. The price of puffer fish in
for consumption because they have passed
Belawan ranges from Rp. 20,000 – Rp.
the size of the fish in the spawning phase.
Mahmud and Bubun (2015) stated that the
length of the scad fishat the time of first Purse Seine Eco-Friendly Analysis
spawning was 18 cm with a maximum length
Based on the environmental
of 35 cm.
friendliness category by CCRF, the level of
The by-catch of the KM Sumber Baru environmental friendliness of the purse seine
cruise is black skipjack (Euthynnus lineatus). fishing gear KM Sumber Baru gets a score of
This fish has a fairly high economic value if it 31 which is included in the less
is sold. According to Hidayat et al. (2018) and environmentally friendly category. The
Padmaningrat et al. (2017), the frequency of average value of the environmental
length of kawa-kawa caught by fishermen at friendliness of purse seine fishing gear for
the research location ranged from 18.2 cm to each criterion can be seen in Table 5.
33.5 cm with an average of 25.01 cm. When
Table 5 Environmental Friendly Assessment of Purse Seine Fishing Equipment KM Baru Source
No Criteria Explanation Score
1 High Selectivity Catch tool less than three 3
species with a size
more or less the same
2 Does not damage habitats, places Safe for habitat (do not damage 3
live and breed habitat)
3 No harm to fishermen Safe fishing gear for fishermen 4
(fish catcher)
4 Produce good fish Fresh dead fish 3
good quality
5 The product is harmless Safe for consumers 4
consumer health
6 The wasted catch by-catchless than three types 3
Minimum and high value in the market
7 Fishing gear used Safe for diversity 3
have to make an impact biological resources
minimum against
8 Does not catch the type Protected fish never 4
protected by law Caught
9 Socially accepted Fishing gear meets all 4
statement items are accepted
Total 31
Source: Research Results, 2021
146 Marine Fisheries 13(2): 137-148, November 2022
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