Environmental Economics For Non-Economists PDF
Environmental Economics For Non-Economists PDF
Environmental Economics For Non-Economists PDF
Techniques and Policies tor Sustainable Development
Techniques and Policies tor Sustainable Development
John Asafu-Adjaye
The University of Queens! and, Australia
1~ World Scientific
Published by
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
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ISBN 981-256-123-4
Preface xi
1. Introduction 1
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 What is Ecological Economics? 10
2.3 Economy-Environment Systems 13
2.4 Thermodynamics and the Environment 18
2.5 Modelling Economy-Environment Interactions 26
2.6 Summary 30
Key Terms and Concepts 32
Review Questions 32
Exercises 33
References 33
3.1 Introduction 39
3.2 The Competitive Market 40
3.3 Consumer Behaviour and Demand 41
vi Environmental Economics
4.1 Introduction 63
4.2 Types of Market Failure 64
4.3 Externalities 70
4.4 Type of Market Structure 74
4.5 Policy (Government) Failure 77
4.6 Solutions to Environmental Pollution Problems 77
4.7 Government Policies 83
4.8 Choosing the Right Policy Instrument 95
4.9 Summary 97
Key Terms and Concepts 99
Review Questions 99
Exercises 100
References 101
Appendix 4.1 Customary Marine Tenure Systems in
Papua New Guinea 103
References 137
Index 365
A second edition of this book has become necessary for two main reasons.
Firstly, the book has established a broad readership base and has been well
received, judging by the strong patronage over the last three years. I have
received valuable feedback from various people which I have utilised in
improving the presentation of the material. I would like to express my
sincere gratitude to all those individuals who have provided reviews of the
book, as well as the many readers who have made unsolicited comments.
Secondly, a second edition offers an excellent opportunity to make a few
editorial corrections, update the statistical information, and include
additional material.
A number of changes have been made to enhance the usefulness of this
book. Firstly, each chapter now contains a summary of the key terms and
concepts used. This is meant to serve as a checklist for readers to ensure that
they have obtained a firm grasp of the terminology and concepts. Secondly,
solutions to all the numerical exercises have been provided at the end of the
text. Thirdly, useful websites where the reader can access further information
have been provided at the end of the book. This section would be particularly
useful for readers engaged in research projects.
While the basic structure of the book has been retained, much of the
material has been updated. The material in Chapter Two (Introduction to
Ecological Economics) has essentially been retained. However, the
discussion on Modelling Economy-Environment Interactions has been
expanded to include the deficiencies of the input-output model, as well as
information on the input-output econometric model. Given that one of the
principal targets of this book is the non-economist who wants to know about
environmental economics, Chapter Three (How Markets are Supposed to
Work) retains its basic characteristic of trying to explain economic principles
in simple terms. In the spirit of making the concepts comprehensible to the
non-technician, the earlier material on indifference curves has been judged to
be unnecessary and has therefore been removed. The discussion in Chapter
xii Environmental Economics
Four (Why Markets Fail) has been augmented with material on the topic of
government (or policy) failure. To further elaborate on the solutions to the
problem of market failure, an Appendix on the use of customary marine
tenure systems in resource management has been added to this chapter.
In Chapter 10 (Economic Growth and the Environment), a section has
been added on the relationship between economic growth and biodiversity
loss. This issue has been virtually ignored in the current debate on the
environmental effects of economic growth. Here, results from an empirical
study are presented and discussed. The definitions of sustainable
development (Chapter 11) have been expanded to include a wider range of
perspectives. Finding appropriate indicators of welfare (or economic
development) is essential in order to measure progress towards sustainable
development. It is now widely accepted that the traditional measures (Gross
Domestic Product and Gross National Product) are seriously flawed. In this
regard, Chapter 11 contains a discussion on alternative measures of welfare
that could be used to assess national progress. A new chapter (Chapter 12)
has been added on Green Accounting and the Measurement of Genuine
Saving. The discussion is complemented with case studies to illustrate the
basic concepts.
This book is not only aimed at non-economists, but also economists who
would like to learn about current environmental issues and possible
solutions. As such, it tries to strike a balance between theory and
applications. Although it is written from an economics perspective, the limits
of analysing environmental problems using a purely economic analysis are
acknowledged. For this reason, I have canvassed a multidisciplinary
perspective, as evidenced by the inclusion of topics such as ecological
economics, stakeholder analysis and multi-criteria analysis.
Once again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to those who have
offered comments and suggestions for improving the book. I would also like
to thank World Scientific Publishing Company, especially Joy Quek, for
excellent work in all aspects of commissioning and providing general
support for this and the previous edition.
John Asafu-Adjaye
July, 2004
1. Introduction
Within the past three decades, the world has witnessed a period of
unprecedented economic growth. Total global output of goods and services
increased from US$9 .4 trillion to over US$25 trillion between 1960 and
1990 (UNDP, 1996). The benefits of this growth have not been evenly
distributed. In 1993, the developed countries accounted for US$22.5 trillion
of the total global gross domestic product (GDP) of US$27.7 trillion.
Although some developing countries, especially those in South-East Asia,
have shared in this growth spurt, others have missed out on the bonanza.
Large parts of the developing world have been bypassed by the past three
decades of economic growth. Since 1980, about 100 developing countries
have experienced economic decline or stagnation; in 70 of these countries,
average incomes in the late 1990s were below the 1980s (UNDP, 1997).
The impressive performance of the world economy has come about
mainly as a result of globalisation. 'Globalisation' is a term that was coined
in the 1990s to refer to the integration of the global economy brought about
by the rapid developments in information technology and the reduction of
international trade barriers. Globalisation has created a near 'borderless'
world and has facilitated free trade and flows of private capital between
countries. Global trade increased from US$4,345 billion to US$6,255 billion
between 1990 and 1995. Transfers of net private capital into low-income and
middle-income countries amounted to US$180 billion in 1995, compared to
official development assistance ofUS$64 billion (World Bank, 1999).
The growth of the global economy has brought with it several benefits
such as improvement in health and living conditions in many developing
countries. For example, in many developing countries, infant mortality rates
have declined, life expectancy has increased and illiteracy rates have
declined over the past three decades. However, disparities in poverty and
income distribution persist between regions and within countries. Absolute
poverty in parts of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean has increased,
and the gap between the developed and developing countries has widened.
Economic growth is required to meet the needs of a growing population.
However, rapid growth has serious implications for our physical
environment. Expansion of agricultural land is essential to produce more
2 Environmental Economics
food. 1 Activities such as land clearing and the use of pesticides have
potential adverse environmental impacts. Industrial production is required to
house, clothe and feed the population. However, some industrial processes
result in the production of air and water pollution, as well as the generation
of toxic waste products.
Energy is a vital input to transportation, industrial production and
agricultural production. It also provides other important domestic services
such as heating, cooling and lighting. At the present time, the developed
countries account for about 70 percent of carbon dioxide (C0 2) emissions
even though they account for less than 20 percent of global population (UN,
1997). Energy demand is projected to increase rapidly in the developing
countries. It is estimated that developing country share of world energy
demand will increase by almost 40 percent by 2010. This demand on world
energy resources will come about as a result of rapid economic expansion,
especially in the South-East Asian region (lEA, 1996).
The unrestrained use of fossil fuels poses a serious threat to the
environment. There is the potential to increase greenhouse gas emissions and
global warming. Although the precise impacts of climatic change are not
quite clear, some possible outcomes have been identified. If current trends of
energy use continue, the average global temperature is expected to increase
by 1.0C to 3.5C over the next century (WHO, 1996). There will be rise in
the sea level of about 30cm; there will be accummulation of ice and snow in
polar ice caps; and there will be severe storms, drought and flooding due to
the climatic changes. There could also be an increase in insect-borne
diseases such as malaria, and some animal and plant species could become
Of course, with improved technology more food could be produced without necessarily
expanding agricultural land. However, the fact of the matter is that most developing countries
do not utilise high technology in agriculture.
Introduction 3
'Sustainable development' is, perhaps, the most widely used term in both
governmental and non-governmental organisations. However, it could be
among the least understood terms in use today. In this chapter, definitions
from various perspectives are presented. Practical issues such as
measurement of sustainable development and implementation constraints are
discussed. Chapter 12 delves deeper into practical tools that could be used to
assess progress towards sustainable development. Finally, Chapter 13
concludes with an assessment of current global environmental trends and
their policy implications.
International Energy Agency, lEA, (1996). World Energy Outlook 1996.
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris.
World Health Organization, WHO, (1996). Climate Change and Human Health.
World Health Organization, Geneva.
Part I. Introduction to Environmental
Economics: Theoretical Foundations
2. Incorporating the Environment into the
Economic System: Introduction to
Ecological Economics
After studying this chapter you should be in a position to
l:l explain the basic functioning of the traditional economic system and its
limitations as far as the environment is concerned;
l:l explain the laws of thermodynamics and their implications for the
economy-environment system; and
2.1 Introduction
As concern for the environment has increased in the past few decades, so has
the need for sustainable development or 'sustainability' policies. In general,
many decisions relating to development policy have been determined on the
basis of economics. However, we argue later in this chapter that traditional
economic models have tended to ignore the role of the environment. In order
to make effective plans for sustainable development, there is the need to
consider the interactions of the environmental and economic systems. In this
regard, the purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the limitations of the
traditional economic model and to introduce the reader to the relatively new
10 Environmental Economics
The Greek word 'oikos' is the common root for the 'eco' in both economics and ecology.
Oikos means 'household' and so it could be argued that ecology is the study of nature's
housekeeping, while economic~ is the study of human housekeeping.
Incorporating the Environment into the Economic System 11
Maximum sustained yield is the largest possible average yield of wood sustainable over an
indefinite period. Stumpage price is the sale price of logs.
The basic foundations of neoclassical economic theory are discussed in some detail in
Chapter 3.
Mayr defines a 'species' as 'a group of actually or potentially interbreeding populations that
are reproductively isolated from other such groups' (Mayr, 1942: 120).
12 Environmental Economics
system. For example, Norgaad (1984) has used the concept to explain
environment-economy interactions as processes governed by feedback and
learning. 6
The idea of a relationship between the economy and the environment is
not new. In his seminal book, Principles of Economics, the economist Alfred
Marshall drew parallels between economics and biology (Marshall, 1930).
However, Marshall's views on economics and biology were never taken
seriously by economists until Boulding ( 1966) resurrected the issue with his
concept of the 'Spaceship Earth'. He used the 'Spaceship Earth' to make
the point that human beings live in a closed system, the earth, and are
dependent on it for sustenance. The earth does not receive anything from the
outside except the sun's energy. Other forms of energy must be produced
from the resources available to it and the same system must also absorb the
waste products generated by consumption and production activities.
Ecological-economic models began to emerge about three decades ago in
response to the limitations of traditional economics in tackling
environmental problems. The first people to present a systematic framework
for integrating economic and ecological systems were Ayres and Kneese,
with their concept of 'materials balance' (Ayres and Kneese, 1969; Ayres
et al. 1970). The basic foundations of the materials balance model is the
Conservation of Mass Principle, borrowed from the First Law of
Thermodynamics. This approach is discussed in a little detail later. Hannon
(1986, 1991) attempted to link ecological theory to economic behaviour and
the price system, using input-output analysis. The input-output framework
was extended to include the emission of waste residuals (e.g., James 1993).
Crocker and Tschirhart (1992) and Crocker (1995) attempted to include
ecological functions such as the food chain into a general equilibrium model.
In recent years, neoclassical growth theory has also been extended to
incorporate environmental issues such as sustainability (Toman et al. 1994)
and global warming (Nordhaus, 1990, 1993). Attempts have also been made
to account for the environmental impacts of international trade (Barbier and
Rauscher, 1994). Finally, some researchers have attempted to incorporate
environmental concerns using systems analysis and systems dynamics (e.g.,
see Bergman, 1991; van den Berg 1993; van den Berg and Nijkamp, 1994).
Some of these models are discussed later in this chapter.
See, other contributions by Boulding (1981), Nelson and Winter (1982) and Clark and Juma
The issue of 'sustainability' is discussed in Chapter 11.
Incorporating the Environment into the Economic System 13
2.3.2 An Ecosystem
An example of an open system is the ecosystem. The 'ecosystem' can be
defined as the environment in which organisms (including humans) live. The
environment, in this case, includes both the physical (abiotic) and the
biological (biotic) conditions in which the organism lives. Figure 2.2 depicts
a simplified representation of an ecosystem. The main characteristics are the
flow of low-entropy energy from the sun into the ecosytem. The organisms
in the ecosystem capture and transform this energy, combining it with other
raw materials such as water and C02 to provide for the growth, maintenance
and reproduction of the species. The conversion of low-entropy energy into
other forms of energy (e.g., heat) is not 100 percent efficient and therefore
there is release of high-entropy energy or waste back into the ecosystem.
An important feature of the ecosystem not shown in Figure 2.2 is
'feedback'. Feedback processes are means by which the various components
of the ecosystem interact and achieve a state of equilibrium. There are two
types of feedback processes: positive feedback and negative feedback.
In a positive feedback the eventual response of the species is in the same
direction as the initial stimulus, whereas in negative feedback the response is
Incorporating the Environment into the Economic System 15
labour, wages,
MARKET capital interest,
(goods & rent,
services) profit
g low
Note that this broad definition that includes the universe is, in effect, a closed system.
Incorporating the Environment into the Economic System 17
Firms produce goods and services using raw materials such as minerals,
agricultural products, timber, fuels, water and oxygen that are extracted from
the environment. These goods are sold in the market as either consumer
goods or as intermediate goods for the production process.
Nearly all the material inputs to the production and consumption
processes are returned to the environment as waste. The waste products are
mainly in the form of gases (e.g., carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide, sulphur dioxide), dry solids (e.g., rubbish and scrap), or wet solids
(e.g., wastewater). Both solid and liquid waste products from the household
and production sectors may go through a further processing stage before
being returned to the environment as waste. However, as we shall see later,
processing only changes the form and ultimate destination of the residual
flows. Consequently, the total amount of materials returned to the
environment will remain unchanged. This approach to viewing economy-
18 Environmental Economics
constant within the system. In terms of the Second Law, we can say that the
exergy of an isolated system decreases over time.
economy is one in which there are constant stocks of people and physical
wealth that are kept at a desired level. Maintenance of a steady state implies
sustainable because it degrades both energy and matter and leaves little
available energy and matter for future generations.
Not everyone agrees with Georgescu-Roegen's views about economic
growth and sustainability. In Chapter 11, we review both sides of this debate.
Robert Ayres has taken issue with Georgescu-Roegen's Fourth Law of
Thermodynamics. Ayres contends that the Fourth Law is not consistent with
the laws of physics. He argues that given enough energy, any element can be
recovered from any source and cites the recovery of gold from seawater as
an example (Ayres, 1998). According to Ayres, 'in a closed system with a
continuing supply of exergy, enough degraded (i.e., average) matter can be
recycled and upgraded to maintain an effective materials extraction and
supply system indefinitely' (Ayres, 1998:198).
In recent years, some economists have expressed caution about
interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. 9 The point has been
made that although non-renewable resources are finite in supply, they are not
the constraint for the survival of humanity and the ecosystem. Many believe
that technological progress could facilitate a shift from reliance on non-
renewable to renewable energy. This would happen once we reach the point
where the costs of extracting and refining natural resources exceed the cost
of recycling.
Due to the fact that unavailable energy cannot be converted into exergy,
exergy is a scarce factor and is more valued by economic agents. Some
researchers have suggested that exergy should be used as an aggregate
measure of environmental pollution. For example, Faber (1985), Ktimmel
(1989), and Ayres and Martimis (1995), have suggested that the exergy
content of raw material inputs could be used as a measure of potential
pollution from human economic activities. Goran Wall has used the exergy
concept to measure the quality of all resources (renewable and non-
renewable) in Sweden (Wall 1986).
Ayres (1998) has proposed a measure called 'exergetic efficiency'
which he defines as the ratio of exergy outputs to total exergy inputs
including utilities. According to him, this measure could be used to provide
an indication of the potential for future improvement of a process. Thus, for
example, low exergetic efficiency would imply that process improvement
could be used to reduce raw material and fuel inputs as well as waste
products associated with the process. On the other hand, high exergetic
See, for example, work by Ruth (1993, 1995); Biancardi et al. (1993a, 1993b); and Ayres,
26 Environmental Economics
efficiency would imply that the scope for future improvement is limited.
Finally, Ayres suggests that exergetic efficiency could be used as a common
measure (e.g., similar to say, GNP) that could be used for comparing
different activities and processes. Other related measures such as 'heat
equivalents' (the amount of heat that is inevitably produced when cleaning
the environment from the respective pollutant) and 'net energy' have also
been proposed.
Some ecologists (e.g., Ulanowicz and Hannon, 1987; Amir 1991) have
gone a step further to suggest that entropy (or, rather exergy) should be used
as a measure of the value associated with energy flows in the economy-
environment system. 10 Under this proposal, the value of energy flow to the
ecosystem would be calculated in terms of ecosystem prices and used to
evaluate the efficiency of resource use. This idea has been roundly criticised
by many economists, including Georgescu-Roegen himself. The main reason
for their objection is that 'value', as used in economics, depends on the
preferences of economic agents and not on the physical characteristics of
material such as the level of entropy. To illustrate this important point,
Georgescu-Roegen gives the example of a poisonous mushroom which has
low entropy and yet is considered to be of value. To clarify his views on
entropy and value, Georgescu-Roegen states that 'low entropy ... is a
necessary condition for a thing to have value. This condition, however, is not
also sufficient' (Georgescu-Roegen, 1971 :282).
Odum (1971) and Costanza (1981) have also proposed the use of energy as the basis for
market valuation.
Incorporating the Environment into the Economic System 27
General equilibrium and input-output models are referred to as 'economy-wide' models
because they consider impacts on all sectors of the economy simultaneously.
For example, see studies by Ayres (1989); Herendeen and Plant (1981) and Cas1er and
Wilbur (1984).
28 Environmental Economics
the input functions are linear and therefore do not allow for substitution
between inputs;
there is a one-to-one relationship between inputs and outputs, i.e., joint
production is not allowed;
in the static 10 model, there are no capacity or capital restrictions. That
is, the supply side of the economy is ignored.
somewhat been lessened with the recent decline in the cost of computing
power. However, the data requirement problem remains formidable. In order
to link the environment to the economic system, one must be able to place
a value on the goods and services provided by the ecosystem. There is an
ethical problem here in the sense that some people think it is improper, or
even immoral, to place a monetary value on things such as human life and
biodiversity. However, many economists will argue that we need a common
basis for comparing ecosystem goods and services with economic system
goods and services. Also, as indicated earlier, most environment goods and
services are often mistaken to be 'free' because they do not command a
market price. 'Valuing' the environment enables us to more accurately
evaluate competing alternatives.
30 Environmental Economics
IMTP models would allow policymakers to evaluate the temporal and spatial
effects of, say, regional and global ecosystem response to regional and
global climatic changes, acid rain precipitation and other environmental
impacts. As already indicated, the data requirements for this type of
modelling are massive. However, technological advances such as remote
sensing and geographic information systems (GIS), as well as rapid
developments in computing power and speed, have made it relatively easier
to develop such models. What is required to make this happen is
interdisciplinary co-operation and research funding.
2.6 Summary
In this chapter ecological economics has been defined as a sub-discipline of
environmental economics that deals with the interrelationships between the
economic system and the ecosystem. In addition to the emphasis on
ecological processes, ecological economics considers social, ethical and
political issues associated with resource use. The traditional (neoclassical)
economic model was presented as a closed system that fails to properly
Incorporating the Environment into the Economic System 31
account for flows from the environment. The main reason why the flow of
goods and services provided by the environment tends to be ignored in
economic models is that most environmental inputs are not traded in markets
and therefore are often underpriced or unpriced. Traditional economic
models also ignore the evolutionary and feedback processes associated with
An economy-environment system that accounts for flows of energy and
materials was presented as a more realistic representation of economy-
environment interactions. The environment in this system plays three
important roles: as a provider of raw materials, as a receptacle for waste
products and as a provider of amenities. The ability of the environment to
assimilate waste products and provide additional services is severely
restricted by indiscriminate creation of pollution.
The two major laws of thermodynamics were introduced in the chapter.
The First Law ofThermodynamics, or the Law of Conservation of Mass and
Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The Second Law
of Thermodynamics, or the Entropy Law, states that in a closed system
entropy always increases. The concept of exergy, the maximum potential
work that can be obtained from a system, was also introduced. The two laws
were redefined in terms of exergy. In terms of the First Law, it can be said
that the sum of exergy and unavailable energy remains constant. For the
Second Law, it can be said that the exergy of an isolated system increases
over time.
After defining the laws of thermodynamics, we considered their
implications for the economy-environment system. The First Law implies
that energy inputs equal energy outputs and that any raw material used for
economic activities must eventually re-enter the ecosystem as waste
products. Recycling cannot fully recover waste products. The Second Law
implies that economic processes (i.e., production and consumption) are time
irreversible in the sense that waste material cannot be fully converted to
work. Because exergy is a scarce factor, some ecologists have suggested that
it should form the basis of 'value' in economics. However, the concept of
'value' in economics is dependent on the preferences of individuals.
The 10 approach (i.e., inputs equals outputs) is widely used in economy-
environment modelling because it is consistent with the law of conservation
of mass and energy. The computable general equilibrium approach was
suggested as an improvement over the 10 approach because it enables the
economic sector to be modelled in a more realistic manner. The main
32 Environmental Economics
Review Questions
1. In your own words explain the meaning of the terms 'economic system'
and 'ecosystem'.
Incorporating the Environment into the Economic System 33
1. Explain the meaning of 'feedback' processes in an ecosystem. Give an
example of positive and negative feedback within an ecosystem.
Amir, S. (1991). Economics and Thermodynamics: An Exposition and Its
Implications for Environmental Economics. Resources for the Future, Quality of
the Environment Division, Discussion Paper, No. QE92-04, Washington, D.C.
Ayres, R.U. and Kneese, A.V. (1969). Production, Consumption, and Externalities.
American Economic Review, 59: 282-297.
34 Environmental Economics
Ayres, R.U. (1989). Energy Efficiency in the US Economy: A New Case for
Conservation. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg,
Ayres, R.U. and Martimis, K. (1995). Waste Potential Entropy: The Ultimate
Ecotoxic. Economie Appliquee, XLVIII (2): 95-120.
Ayres, R.U. and Noble, S.B. (1978). Materials/Energy Accounting and Forecasting
Models. In R.U. Ayres (ed.), Resources, Environments, and Economics-
Applications of the Materials/Energy Balance Principle. John Wiley, New
Bandara, J.S. and Coxhead, I. (1999). Can Trade Liberalization Have Environmental
Benefits in Developing Country Agriculture? A Sri Lankan Case Study. Journal
of Policy Modeling, 21(3):349-374.
Barbier, E.B. and Rauscher, M. (1994). Trade, Tropical Deforestation and Policy
Interventions. Environmental and Resource Economics, 4: 75-94.
Bianciardi, C., Tiezzi, E., and Ulgati, S. (1993a). Complete Recycling of Matter in
the Framework of Physics, Biology and Ecological Economics. Ecological
Economics, 8: 1-5.
Bianciardi, C., Tiezzi, E., and Ulgati, S. (1993b). On the Relationship Between the
Economic Process, the Camot Cycle and the Entropy Law. Ecological
Economics, 8: 7-10.
Brooks, D.R. and Wiley, E.O. (1988). Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified
Theory of Biology. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London, Second
Costanza, R, Daly, H.E. and Bartholomew, J.A. (1991). Goals, Agenda and Policy
Recommendations for Ecological Economics. In R. Costanza (ed.), Ecological
Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia
University Press, New "york.
Crocker, T.D. (1995). Ecosystem Functions, Economics and the Ability to Function.
In J.W. Milon and J.F. Shogren (eds.), Integrating Economic and Ecological
Indicators: Practical Methods for Environmental Policy Analysis. Praeger,
W estport, Connecticut.
d'Arge, R.C. and Kogiku, K.C. (1973). Economic Growth and the Environment.
Review of Economic Studies, 59: 61-77.
36 Environmental Economics
Faber, M., Manstetten, R., and Proops, J. (1996) Ecological Economics: Concepts
and Methods. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K.
Kneese, A.V., Ayres, R.U. and d'Arge, R.C. (1970). Economics and the
Environment. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Mayr, E. (1942). Systematics and the Origin of Species. Columbia University Press,
New York.
Nordhaus, W.D. (1990). To Slow or Not to Slow: The Economics of the Greenhouse
Effect. Economic Journal, 101: 920-93 7.
Nordhaus, W.D. (1993). How Much Should We Invest in Preserving Our Current
Climate. In H. Giersch (ed.), Economic Progress and Environmental Concerns.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Odum, H. (1971). Environment, Power, and Society. Wiley Interscience, New York.
Robinson, J.B. (1991). Modelling the Interactions Between Human and Natural
Systems. International Social Science Journal, 130: 629-647.
Ulanowicz, R.E. and Hannon, B. (1987). Life and the Production of Entropy.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 232: 181-192.
van den Berg, J.C.J.M. and Nijkamp, P. (eds.), (1994). Sustainability, Resources and
Region. The Annals of Regional Science. 28, special issue.
Wall, G. (1986) Exergy Conversion in the Swedish Society. Energy, 11: 435-444.
Wiig, H., Aune, J.B., Glomsrod, S. and Iversen, V. (2001). Structural Adjustment
and Soil Degradation in Tanzania: A CGE Model Approach with Endogenous
Soil Productivity. Agricultural Economics, 24: 263-287.
3. How Markets are Supposed to Work
3.1 Introduction
Markets play an important role in our individual lives as well as in national,
regional and global economies. In Chapter 2, we discussed how the activities
of economic agents contribute to the generation of pollution. The operation
of the market system is intimately related to the nature and amount of
pollution generated. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce readers with
a limited background in economics to the basic concepts of economic
analysis. The intention is to give the reader an understanding of how markets
work. This introduction is necessary in order to have a better appreciation of
why markets tend not to work well for many environmental goods and
40 Environmental Economics
there are many buyers and sellers and none of them are
influential enough to affect the market price or output;
the buyers and sellers are free to enter and leave the market in
response to price changes;
the goods and services being offered for sale are identical (i.e.,
homogeneous). This implies that buyers do not care from whom
they buy, provided prices are identical; and
all the participants in the market have perfect knowledge. That
is, consumers know product prices and producers know input
42 Environmental Economics
where qJ, .... qn are quantities of the goods, services and amenities that yield
satisfaction to the consumer. This function will be unique for each
individual. We make further simplifying assumptions about the consumer.
Some of these assumptions are quite strong and others may be unrealistic in some
situations. However, it is an example of modelling whereby we simplify reality in order to
account for complex phenomena.
We return to this choice problem in Chapter 6.
How Markets are Supposed to Work 43
A's demand
0 10.00
Quantity of doughnuts
Note the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. This is
referred to as the Law of Demand. That is, given income, preferences and
prices of alternative goods, an individual will be willing to purchase
decreasing amounts of a given good (or service) as its price increases.
In addition to the downward slope, there are two other points to note
about the demand curve:
44 Environmental Economics
1. The individual's demand for good q 1 is defined given that all other
goods, in this case, q2 , and income remain constant.
2. The demand curve is defined for a given period of time. Thus, the
demand curve in a different period of time will have a different
shape and position.
We began this section by saying that a benefit is the value or gain in utility
the consumer obtains from consuming a good or service. For this reason,
points on the demand curve represent the maximum amount of money the
consumer is willing to pay for different quantities of the good. Willingness-
to-pay (WTP) is a measure of satisfaction or utility. In Figure 3.1, as the
individual consumes more doughnuts, her WTP for an extra doughnut
declines. The WTP curve also defines the benefits to society from
consuming the given good or service. We return to this issue later in the
perfectly elastic
relatively elastic
relatively inelastic or
perfectly inelastic
How Markets are Supposed to Work 45
1. cP2 > 0, implies q1 and qz are substitutes. That is, an increase in the price
of one good causes consumers to switch to the other, resulting in an
increase in the quantity demanded of the second good. Examples of
substitute goods are sugar and nutrasweet, bus and rail transportation,
and so on.
2 cPz < 0, implies q1 and qz are complements. Complementary goods are
consumed together and therefore an increase in the price of one good
leads to a reduction in its consumption, and hence a reduction in demand
46 Environmental Economics
for the other good. Examples of complementary goods include bread and
margarine, beer and nuts, and so on.
Panel (a) Perfectly elastic demand Panel (b) Relatively elastic demand
Price($) Price($)
Qumticy Qumticy
Panel (c) Relatively inelastic demand Panel (d) Perfectly inelastic demand
Price($) Price($)
Quantity Quantity
1. l1Y > 0, implies the good is a normal good. Most goods are normal
goods because an increase in income leads to an increase in quantity
How Markets are Supposed to Work 47
2. 'llY < 0, implies the good is an inferior good. That is, an increase in Y
leads to a decrease in q1 There are not many practical examples of
inferior goods. However, a low-income family that currently consumes
dried vegetables might reduce their consumption and switch to fresh
vegetables in response to an increase in household income.
The quantities demanded at various prices are shown in Table 3.2. It can be
seen that if doughnuts are free, A will demand 10 and B will demand 12,
resulting in a total demand of 22 doughnuts. However, at a price of $6.00
each, none will be demanded.
At a price of $5.00, A will purchase none, whereas B will purchase 2
doughnuts. Market demand is therefore 2 doughnuts. This exercise is
repeated for every other price to obtain the remaining points on the market
demand curve. Figure 3.3 presents the inverse market demand curve
generated from Table 3.2.
48 Environmental Economics
Price per A's quantity B's quantity demand
doughnut ($) demanded demanded (A+ B)
0 0
(got= -2E + 10) (g z = -2E + 12) (g = -4E + 22)
0.00 10 12 22
0.50 9 11 20
1.00 8 10 18
1.50 7 9 16
2.00 6 8 14
2.50 5 7 12
3.00 4 6 10
3.50 3 5 8
4.00 2 4 6
4.50 1 3 4
5.00 0 2 2
5.50 0
6.00 0 0 0
0 10 12
Quantity of doughnuts
How Markets are Supposed to Work 49
where x 1, x2, ......... , Xn are various inputs (e.g., labour, land and capital) used
in producing the good, q. We will assume that the producer's aim is to
maximise profit subject to the constraint of the above production function.
Given the profit motive, the producer will increase the output of q if its price
rises so as to increase profits. A supply schedule indicates how much of a
good a producer will supply at various prices. Let the supply function for
doughnuts be given by the equation, q8 = 2p- 2. Table 3.3 shows how many
doughnuts will be supplied at various prices.
Figure 3.4 shows the supply curve generated from the data in Table 3.3. The
supply curve may refer to an individual producer or all producers in the
industry. Let us assume that this particular curve is the industry supply
curve. We can make the following observations about it:
50 Environmental Economics
0 Quantity of doughnuts
The supply curve is also the marginal cost (MC) curve. That is, it indicates
the cost of producing each additional unit of the good. In order to maximise
profits, the producer will increase production up to the point where marginal
revenue (MR), the price per unit of output in a competitive market, just
equals marginal cost.
determines the price for each unit of output, that is, marginal revenue. We
assumed in Section 3.2 that in the perfectly competitive market, producers
cannot affect the market price. Thus, in this case, the marginal revenue curve
will be a horizontal line, which is the same as the price line. In Chapter 4, we
show that this assumption is not valid in the case of a monopoly.
Table 3.4 puts together the market demand and supply schedules. Note
that market equilibrium is achieved at a price of $4.00 at which market
demand (6 doughnuts) is exactly equal to the quantity the market is willing
to supply. To explain why $4.00 is the equilibrium price, suppose the price
per doughnut is as high as $5.00. At this price, the producer will be willing
to supply 8 doughnuts but consumers will demand only 2 doughnuts.
Therefore there will be a demand deficit (or excess supply) of 6 doughnuts in
the market. To clear the excess supply, the producer will be forced to mark
down the price of doughnuts. As the price falls, consumers will increase their
purchases, and producers will reduce supply. At $4.00 per doughnut, prices
clear the market as quantity demanded will be equal to quantity supplied.
Table 3.4 Market demand and supply schedules for doughnuts
Now suppose the market price per doughnut falls to $1. At this price,
consumers will demand 18 doughnuts but producers will not be willing to
supply any doughnuts, resulting in surplus demand of 18 doughnuts. Given
52 Environmental Economics
that the amount demanded is greater than the supply, there will be a shortage
of doughnuts in the market. This will put upward pressure on prices and the
producer will respond by putting more doughnuts on the market. As the price
goes up, consumers will reduce their purchases until the price reaches $4.00,
at which point, quantity demanded will be equal to quantity supplied.
Figure 3.5 shows a graphical representation of the market equilibrium.
Note that equilbrium is at the point of intersection of the demand and supply
curves. Factors that can shift the demand curve include income, prices of
substitutes/complements and consumer tastes and preferences. An increase
in income, with all other factors held constant, causes an upwards (i.e.,
rightward) shift in the demand curve for a normal good, whereas a decrease
in income will shift it downward (i.e., leftward).
Figure 3.5 Equilibrium in the market for doughnuts
Quantity of doughnuts
For example, an increase in per capita income in a given population (with all
other factors constant) will shift the demand curve for mobile telephones
upward (Figure 3.6, Panel a). However, due to the excess demand, the price
of mobile telephones will rise to re-establish equilibrium.
How Markets are Supposed to Work 53
A decrease in the price of substitutes for a good will cause the demand
curve for the good to shift downward; a decrease in the price of
complements for the good will cause the demand curve to shift upward. For
example, a decrease in, say, the price of oil will cause a downward shift in
the demand curve for natural gas (Figure 3.6, Panel b). The quantity of
natural gas demanded falls and the price also falls to re-establish
Figure 3.6 Shifts in the demand curve
Pt P2
Factors that can cause the supply curve to shift include price of inputs, taxes,
subsidies, improvements in technology and weather (for agricultural
products). A decrease in the price of inputs for making good q will cause the
supply curve for q to shift outward, whereas an increase in the price of inputs
will cause an inward shift. Improvements in technology will cause an
outward shift because more output can be produced with the same level of
inputs. For agricultural and other forms of production that are weather
dependent, deterioration in weather conditions will cause a leftward shift in
the supply curve. For example, a fall in the price of computer chips will shift
the supply curve for computers outward (Figure 3.7, Panel a). Given the
54 Environmental Economics
excess supply, the price for a computer will fall and the quantity demanded
will increase.
1 + 2 + 2 = $5.00
6.00 a
Market supply
1.00 d
0 2 6
Quantity of doughnuts
56 Environmental Economics
Producer surplus is the net benefits received by the producer and is given by
the difference between the market price and marginal cost, area bed. The
producer surplus is given by:
4 + 4 + 1 =$9.00
. ql
Number of logs harvested
variable costs. Consequently, the demand for labour will shift from DL to
o'L The downward shift in the demand curve will cause a surplus of workers
looking for work at the old wage rate, w 1, resulting in a decline of the wage
rate to w2 and a new equilibrium employment of L2.
In terms of welfare effects, job losses under a minimum wage policy are
greater than under a flexible wage policy. The two scenarios may also be
compared in terms of the size of the consumer surplus. The consumer
surplus in the case of minimum wages is smaller than in the flexible wage
3.8 Summary
In this chapter we have presented a model of how consumers and producers
behave in a competitive market system. This system is characterised by
many sellers and buyers such that no particular economic agent has influence
in the market and everyone has perfect knowledge or information.
Consumers seek to maximise their utility or satisfaction, whereas producers
How Markets are Supposed to Work 59
Review Questions
1. State the differences between perfect competltlon, monopoly,
monopsony, oligopoly and monopolistic competition and give a practical
example of each.
5. Explain why the supply curve is also referred to as the marginal cost
6. What factor (or factors) causes a movement along the demand curve and
a demand shift?
1. Indicate whether the demand for each of following goods is relatively
price elastic or relatively price inelastic. State your reasons.
(a) Electricity.
(b) Mobile telephones.
(c) Liquefied petroleum gas with respect to the price of oil.
(d) Petrol.
(e) Compact disc players.
(d) Pizza.
5. Explain why the market price of a good is not an accurate measure of the
benefits derived from consuming a good.
Further Reading
Frank, R.H. and Bemanke, B.S. (2004). Principles of Microeconomics. Second
Edition, McGraw Hill, Irwin.
62 Environmental Economics
Pindyck, R.S. and Rubinfeld, D.L. (2001). Microeconomics. Fifth Edition, Prentice-
Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
4. Why Markets 'Fail'
4.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter we explained how a market functions to allocate
resources efficiently. A number of assumptions were made in order to obtain
this result. It was implicitly assumed that the market price of a good (or
service) reflects its opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is defined here as the
value of a resource in its next best alternative use. 17 It was assumed that both
consumers and producers have perfect information about prices and other
relevant variables. It was also implicitly assumed that sellers in the market
have well-defined ownership or property rights to the goods and services
offered for sale. Given these conditions associated with a perfectly
competitive market, the pursuit of self-interest by both consumers and
Suppose a piece of forestland has two possible uses: harvesting the forest for its timber or
leaving it as a natural environment. If the first use is chosen, the opportunity cost of the timber
is the benefits that would have accrued if the forest had been left in its natural state.
64 Environmental Economics
after a while, there would be a lot of broken down cars by the roadside. This
idealised example illustrates that when property rights are not well-defined
or absent in the economic system, there is no incentive for a 'rational'
individual to invest in an asset because they cannot appropriate the full
benefits. 18
The economic model assumes that each economic agent acts in his or her self-interest and
that altruistic motives are absent. In Chapter 5, this assumption is relaxed to include situations
where other motives underlie preferences.
66 Environmental Economics
Goods &
I Services
Private Congestion Public
goods goods goods
Open access Semi-public Pure public
and common goods goods
property goods
Most environmental goods fall under the category of pure public goods or
open access/common property goods. In such cases lack of well-defined
property rights results in market failure. A consequence of market failure is
inefficient allocation of resources (e.g., excessive pollution). For example, a
farmer has the right to prevent someone from polluting his or her land, but
cannot prevent anyone from polluting a nearby river. Furthermore, he or she
may have no legal right to receive compensation from the upstream
polluters. The upstream polluters, who do not bear the costs of their
Why Markets 'Fail' 67
Congestion goods
Congestion goods are exclusive and and can be either non-rival or rival in
consumption. Such goods do not fall neatly into any of these categories and
may exhibit characteristics of private goods or public goods at different
levels of consumption. An example of this type of good is a campsite (Figure
4.2). At the level Ob, a certain number of people can enjoy the amenities
without reducing other peoples' enjoyment. At this point the marginal cost of
an additional person using the amenity is zero and the good exhibits the
characteristics of a public good. After point b, congestion sets in and the
marginal cost becomes positive. After point c, the marginal cost (MC) tends
to infinity as congestion reaches a maximum. Examples of congestion goods
include roads, bridges, an art gallery, fishing and boating sites, and a historic
Why Markets 'Fail' 69
0 b c
Quantity (q)
Quantity of air A's WTP for B's WTP for Market demand
quality demanded air quality air quality price for air quality
(% C02 reduction) ($) ($) ($)
(qD) (p,=10-0.05q 0 ) (pz=20-0.1q 0 ) (p=30-0.15q 0 )
0 10.00 20.00 30.00
5 9.75 19.50 29.25
10 9.50 19.00 28.50
15 9.25 18.50 27.75
20 9.00 18.00 27.00
25 8.75 17.50 26.25
30 8.50 17.00 25.50
35 8.25 16.50 24.75
Notice that for each given level of COz abatement, individual B is willing to
pay more than individual A. This difference could be explained by B having
a higher level of demand as a result of a higher income or being more
environmentally aware. However, there is the likelihood that B may
understate his or her true preference for the good. This problem is referred to
as strategic behaviour, or the free-rider problem, and is discussed in
Chapter 5.
Figure 4.3 presents graphs for the individual and market demand curves
for air quality. For a given point on the market demand curve, the
corresponding price is given by the vertical summation of the individuals'
willingness-to-pay for that level of demand.
4.3 Externalities
In this section, we formally define an externality and outline the causes of
externalities. We then proceed to discuss different types of externalities.
Why Markets 'Fail' 71
28.5 0
2 0 0 0 f-.=-co::: .. "i
B's demand
I 0.00
9.5 0
A's demand
0 10
Quantity of air quality(% carbon dioxide abatement)
If the affected agent is compensated for his or her loss of welfare, the
externality is said to be 'internalised', and society is better off by the gainer
compensating the loser.
Relevant externalities
Pareto-relevant externalities
Static or dynamic externalities, and
Pecuniary externalities
Relevant externalities
An externality is not relevant so long as the affected person is indifferent to
it. It becomes relevant when the affected person is made worse off by the
activity and wants the offending person to reduce the level of the activity.
For example, if the chicken farm in my backyard interferes with the
satisfaction you derive from sitting in your front porch, then it is a relevant
externality. On the other hand, if the high decibel music from my stereo does
not bother you then the externality is not relevant.
Why Markets 'Fail' 73
Pareto-relevant externalities
A Pareto-relevant externality exists whenever its removal results in a Pareto
improvement. A Pareto improvement is a situation where it is possible to
take action such that the affected person is made better off without making
the offending person worse off. This means that when the level of an
externality is optimal, it becomes Pareto irrelevant. To give an example,
suppose a telephone company erects a tall transmission tower near a forest.
The tower is unsightly and reduces the scenic value of the forest. In this
case, a Pareto-relevant externality exists because it is possible for the
telephone company to paint the tower in colours that would blend with the
foliage. Such a strategy would not interfere with the functioning of the tower
and at the same time minimise the impact on the scenic values.
Pecuniary externalities
This is a form of externality that is transmitted through the price system. An
externality is usually an 'unpriced' effect. However, a pecuniary externality
occurs when the externality is transmitted through higher prices or reduced
costs. An example of the latter is when a large business moves into a
residential area and immediately drives up rental prices. The rent increase
creates a negative effect for all those who pay rents and therefore causes a
negative externality. An example of the latter is when a manufacturer
benefits as a result of a supplier reducing the cost of a product. In a strict
sense, the externality in both cases is not a result of market failure. For
example, in the first case the resulting increase in rents reflects the scarcity
of rental units. Pollution, on the other hand, is not a pecuniary externality
because the effect is not transmitted through higher prices. In many cases,
74 Environmental Economics
the penalties that polluters pay do not reflect the amount of damage inflicted
on the environment.
Price/Cost ($)
Quantity (q)
Price/Cost ($)
Quantity (q)
Stiglitz ( 1976) argues that the extraction and price paths may be identical for monopoly and
perfect competition, given a constant elasticity of demand for the resource.
Why Markets 'Fail' 77
Pesticides 0? 2?
Fertilizers 0? 4
Outputs 336 0?
Transport 79-108 ?
20 Ronald Coase won the 1991 Nobel prize in economics for his use of property rights
regimes to highlight institutional issues and the functioning of the economy.
Why Markets 'Fail' 79
Property Government
Rights Policies
(The Coa:sian Solution)
standards legislation
1- emission charges 1- deposit-refund 1- education
1- user charges schemes 1- zoning
1- product charges 1- ecolabelling 1- fines
based standards
L...... administrative charges 1- perform anee '-bans
bonds standards
L...... trad1t!onal property
The factory has an upward sloping supply curve for pollution abatement
which reflects the marginal cost of increasing levels of pollution abatement.
This curve is also the marginal external cost (MEC) curve. Note that in the
absence of a legal requirement to abate pollution, the factory has an
incentive to supply zero pollution abatement (q=O%) because this is the point
at which profits will be maximised.
According to the Coase Theorem, the socially optimal level of pollution
abatement will be q*=60%. Let us first consider how this solution is achieved
in the case where the community has the property rights to the river.
80 Environmental Economics
Price of pollution
20 q* =60 80 100
Quantity of pollution abatement(%)
suffers a welfare loss from having less pollution abatement, this is offset by
the compensation which exceeds their minimum demand price of d.
The move from q= I 00% to q=80% is a Pareto improvement because at
least one party is better off and no one is worse off. The factory could
negotiate less and less pollution abatement. However, it would not offer a
level of pollution abatement less than q =60%. This is because below
q =60% the minimum compensation demanded by the community (a)
exceeds the marginal cost of supplying pollution abatement (b). Therefore,
the factory will choose to supply pollution abatement.
Perfect competition
The Coasian solution assumes a perfectly competitive market. The affected
party's 'bargaining curve' is its marginal benefit curve, from which it can
determine how much to pay and how much compensation to demand.
Likewise, the offending party's 'bargaining curve' is its marginal external
cost curve. Under these conditions, the equilibrium solution is obtained by
setting price equal to marginal cost. In the absence of perfect competition,
the factory will set marginal revenue (and not price) equal to marginal cost,
in which case q is no longer the optimum solution.
Income effects
The theorem assumes that there are no wealth or income effects. However,
the assignment of property rights to one party, in reality, results in an income
transfer to that party. The equilibrium level of pollution abatement will be
more than q when the affected parties have the property rights, and less than
q when the offending party has the property rights. It is also possible that
Why Markets 'Fail' 83
when the offending party has the property rights, it may be tempted to
increase pollution so as to increase the size of the bribe.
Free-rider effects
When there are many affected parties the free-rider problem may make it
difficult to negotiate an efficient solution. An example of free-rider effects is
when several communities have to negotiate with a big multinational
corporation over resource development. It has been suggested that in such
cases the government could facilitate pollution abatement by means of
legislation and regulation. We discuss government policies in the following
4. 7 Government Policies
The Coasian solution relies on negotiation between the parties to eliminate
the inefficiency created by the externality, upon specification of property
rights. However, as we have seen above, there are various reasons why the
Coasian solution may not work in practice. There is therefore a need for
government policies to correct the externality problem. As shown in Figure
4.6, there are two main categories of government pollution control
instruments: market-based instruments and command-and-control
instruments. Market-based instruments include charges, subsidies,
marketable permits, and deposit-refund schemes. The CAC approach, also
known as standards or regulation, includes ambient standards, performance-
based standards, and technology-based standards. We begin the discussion
with CAC approaches, which are, by far, the most commonly used approach.
Ambient standards
Ambient standards set the minimum desired level of air or water quality, or
the maximum level of a pollutant, that must be maintained in the ambient
environment. For example, an ambient standard for dissolved oxygen in a
certain river may be set at 3 parts per million, meaning that this is the lowest
level of dissolved oxygen allowed. Ambient standards are normally
expressed in terms of average concentration levels over some period of time.
In general, they cannot be enforced directly. What can be enforced are the
emissions from various sources that can lead to ambient quality levels.
Emission standards
Emission (or effluent) standards specifY the maximum level of permitted
emissions. They can expressed in terms of quantity of material per unit of
time (e.g., grams per minute, or tons per week), total quantity of residuals,
residuals per unit of output (e.g. so2 emissions per kilowatt-hour), or
residuals per unit of input (e.g., sulphur content of coal used in power
generation). Emissions standards are also referred to as performance
standards because they refer to end results to be achieved by the polluter.
Technology standards
Technology-based standards specifY the technology, techniques or practices
that a firm must adopt. This type of standard could be in the form of 'design
standards' or 'engineering standards'. Other related types of standards
include product standards that specifY characteristics that goods must have,
and input standards that specify conditions that inputs used in the production
process must meet. Technology-based standards not only specifY emissions
limits, but also the 'best' technology that must be used. The main difference
between a performance standard and a technology standard is that the former
sets a constraint on some performance criteria and then allows individual
firms to choose the best means of achieving it. On the other hand, the latter
actually dictates certain decisions and techniques that should be used to
achieve the criteria.
Referring to Figure 4.8, the socially optimum standard and penalty will
be q and p , respectively. Let the actual standard applied be represented by
the vertical line, qs. The usual practice is to impose a penalty for polluting
beyond the standard. Given the penalty, p, the efficient level of pollution
abatement for the firm will be q, and there will be a dead weight loss to
society of abc.
Why Markets 'Fail' 85
D Optimum standard t ~
Optimum penalty
p* m~
0 q q* q'
Chapter 5 reviews methods for estimating the value of non-market goods.
86 Environmental Economics
standards will be high if there are many polluters. These costs include the
administrative cost of implementing the system of standards and the
monitoring and enforcement costs. Six, there could also be political costs if
the standards are stringent and businesses are adversely affected.
By far the most serious defect of standards is the fact that they are
uniformly applied to all firms and regions. This takes flexibility away from
polluters. The fact of the matter is that pollution abatement costs differ
between firms and regions, and forcing high-cost abaters to reduce pollution
as much as low-cost abaters, results in more resources being used to achieve
a cleaner environment. The community can achieve cost savings by having
more abatement undertaken by firms who can do so at a relatively lower
On the positive side, standards are a more widely understood form of
environmental policy. They are more pragmatic and, perhaps, more socially
acceptable than MBis, especially when there is the possibility that a
pollutant will affect human health. A good example is the disposal of nuclear
or human waste. In this regard, standards are considered to be consistent
with the Precautionary Principle (Ramchandani and Pearce, 1992) which
takes account of intergenerational and intragenerational concems.Z2 Finally,
the political costs of standards are lower compared to market based
instruments such as taxes and subsidies as setting standards does not incur
direct budgetary implications.
A charge or tax is, in effect, a negative price that is levied in proportion to
the amount of pollution. This type of tax is also referred to as a Pigovian tax
after the British economist, Arthur Pigou, who proposed the idea in 1920
(Pigou, 1920).
The issues of intergenerational and intragenerational equity are discussed in Chapter I! in
relation to sustainable development.
Why Markets 'Fail' 87
Output (q)
Second, imposing a tax could also lead to job losses as firms minimise their
costs in order to increase pollution abatement. 24 Finally, the costs of
monitoring compliance may be high if the charges are based on the
emissions and the number of pollutants is high.
An alternative to taxes is for the government to subsidise the polluter per
unit of reduction in the level of pollution. The subsidy could also be offered
for the purchase of pollution abatement equipment or technology. Referring
to Figure 4.9, the amount of the subsidy will be p * per unit of pollution
See Exercise 5, Chapter 3 for a problem based on this issue.
See Section 3.7.2 for an analysis of the employment effects of an emission standard.
Why Markets 'Fail' 89
Marketable Permits
Marketable (or tradeable) pollution permits are a relatively new approach to
controlling environmental pollution. Marketable permits were first
introduced in the U.S. in 1977 as part of the Clean Air Act. Under this
system, the government issues a fixed number of permits or 'rights to
pollute' equal to the permissible total emissions and distributes them among
polluting firms in a given area. A market for permits is established and
permits are traded among firms. Firms that maintain their emission levels
below their allotted level can sell or lease their surplus allotments to other
firms or use them to offset emissions in other parts of their own facilities. A
variant of marketable permits is the Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ)
system that has been used in Australian and New Zealand to manage
fisheries (Box 4.1). It was first used in New Zealand in 1986, and has since
been used in Australia to manage the Southern Bluefin tuna fishery and in
the U.S. to manage the Atlantic surf clam industry. A new form of MBI that
is similar to marketable permits is Offset-Banking (Box 4.1).
To demonstrate how permit prices are determined, let the socially
acceptable level of emissions in a given geographical area be qa (Figure
4.10). The supply (s) of permits is therefore fixed at qa. The demand for
permits, in this, case is equal to firms' marginal abatement costs (MAC). The
price of a permit, p , is determined at the point of intersection between the
demand (i.e., MAC) and the vertical supply curve. After the aggregate level
of emissions and the permit price have been determined, firms are then free
to trade in permits. Firms with MACs below the permit price, p , have an
incentive to sell permits to those with MACs above the permit price.
90 Environmental Economics
In an effort to combat the problem of declining fish stocks, the New Zealand
government in 1983 introduced an ITQ system. The ITQ system is a form of
marketable permit system. In the case, the government freely distributed
quotas among the industry participants based on historical catch. Each quota
allowed the owner to harvest a certain quantity of fish to be harvested. The
total tonnage associated with the quotas was made to equal the total allowable
catch (TAC) that had been determined by the government to be sustainable.
The Fisheries Board was empowered to monitor the fish catch through sales to
retailers. Initial assessment indicated that there was an improvement in fish
stocks. However, in 1989, it was found that the initial distribution of ITQs was
excessive and the government decided to reduce the TAC. Despite some
teething problems, the ITQ system has proven to be an effective tool to
manage fisheries resources in New Zealand's exclusive economic zone.
Offset banking is a new form of MBI that is in a way similar to permit trading
which has good prospects for use in urban areas. The basic concept underlying
offset banking is that if a developer is proposing a project that will create
additional pollution in a given location, it must first 'offset' this increase by
reducing pollution elsewhere. For example, the developers of a new golf
course might be required to fund best management practices in nearby
agricultural areas in addition to on-site best management practices. Or a new
housing development might only be approved if, as part of the development,
septic tanks in an existing development are installed. The basic intent of offset
banking is to ensure that development proceeds without any net environmental
An offset bank can be privately or publicly owned. It is not a bank in the
usual sense of the word. Rather, it involves completion of one or more projects
in which environmental remediation is carried out. By completing these
environmental projects, the offset bank earns 'credits' that can then be sold to
developers who are creating net-impacts on the environment.
Offset banking has been applied in the United States. Examples include
wetland mitigation banking (US Corps of Engineers et al., 1995), mitigation of
streambank impacts, and in controlling air quality impacts. The main
advantage of offsets is that they can generate substantial cost savings for
businesses compared to having to fully mitigate any impacts on-site. Thus, the
system has the potential to reduce environmental risk and at the same time
encourage investment.
Permit price,
costs ($)
0 q.
Quantity of permits, q
Other types of market-based incentive instruments include deposit-refund
schemes, ecolabelling and performance rating, performance bonds, and
traditional property rights.
Deposit-Refund Schemes
As the name suggests, a deposit-refund scheme involves a 'deposit', which is
a front-end payment for a potential polluting activity, and a 'refund', which
is a guarantee of a return of the payment upon proving that the polluting
activity did not take place. Deposit-refund schemes have some of the
economic incentive characteristics of charges. The 'deposit' is an attempt to
Why Markets 'Fail' 93
capture the marginal external cost of improper waste disposal. The consumer
is forced to account for the external cost of pollution by making an up front
payment. However, the 'refund' is a reward to properly dispose of waste.
The deposit-refund scheme is one type of MBI that is well established in
both advanced and developing countries. In the latter, collection of paper,
plastic and other recyclable material is a source of informal occupation for
unskilled workers.
Deposit-refund schemes have the following advantages:
Performance Bonds
The performance bond system requires a company to deposit a certain
amount of money in the form of a bond before commencing a project. The
money is returned to the company if it complies with regulations concerning
rehabilitation or clean up of the project site after the project is completed.
Performance bonds vary in the terms and conditions of the penalty clauses.
In some cases, the bond forms part of a permit issued by the relevant
government agency, setting out the type of activity allowed and the location
of the activity.
4.8.2 Effectiveness
'Effectiveness' refers to the degree to which the policy or measure achieves
the environmental objective of protecting the environment or natural
resource. For example, with regard to a pollution abatement policy, the issue
is whether the policy actually results in a reduction of pollution. Different
instruments will have different levels of effectiveness and should be
compared. For example, in the case of controlling highly hazardous
chemicals, CACs may be more effective than MBis since the former has
more certainty in terms of the quantity of abatement. While MBis may be
96 Environmental Economics
4. 8. 3 Adaptability
A good instrument should continue to be effective in the face of changing
circumstances (e.g. changes in prices, environmental conditions and
technology). In this respect, a policy instrument such as CAC is not
adaptable or flexible since the standards are often not revised frequently.
Also it does not give firms the incentive to adapt to changing technology.
4. 8. 4 Equity
An important consideration in assessing policy instruments is the issue of
equity or 'fairness'. This has to do with the distribution of the costs and
benefits among different groups in the population. Impacts on low-income
groups may be a concern, as well as effects on the profitability and
competitiveness oflocal industry. Before a particular policy is adopted, there
is the need for a distributional analysis to identifY the various groups
(consumers and producers) who will be adversely affected. In some cases, it
might be appropriate to use revenues raised from the policy to address
inequalities in income distribution resulting from the policy.
The OECD has recommended the following checklist for conducting
distributional analysis (OECD, 1994).
1. What is the benchmark for comparison of different policy tools?
The two options here are to compare the new instrument against the
old one, or where there is no existing instrument, to compare the
instrument with the 'no regulation' case (i.e. the status quo).
2. Will the economic instrument lead to government revenues and to
what use will these revenues be put?
3. What are the initial impacts of the instruments?
4. What are the relevant groups for which impacts will be addressed
(either quantitatively or qualitatively)?
5. What empirical steps are needed to determine the final impacts
(taking into account the shifting of costs and benefits to other
Why Markets 'Fail' 97
4. 8. 6 Concluding Remarks
Market-based instruments have been shown to achieve the same
environmental objectives at a lesser cost than CAC mechanisms (Tietenberg,
1991). They can also generate significant revenues for the government.
These revenues could then be used to address any equity issues if that is a
political concern.Z5 Given their limited resources, developing countries
would need to consider the introduction of MBis in the long run in order to
maintain their external competitiveness. MBis may be costly in some
countries due to technical reasons, while in others the economic and
institutional framework needed to support them are either weak or non-
existent. In general, MBis are more likely to be successful in the region if
they are introduced gradually and, where appropriate, in combination with
CAC instruments. A mix of CACs and MBis is also important for the overall
success of environmental policy if the institutional/legal framework is poor.
There is also the need to educate industries and the general public about
MBis. In particular, it is important to stress that MBis provide incentives for
reducing pollution rather than simply being a tool to punish polluters.
4.9 Summary
In this chapter it has been demonstrated that the market system fails to fully
incorporate the value of environmental goods and services because such
goods are often not traded in markets and therefore tend to be underpriced or
It has been argued that in some cases, the total distributional impact of MBls can be less
than CACs. Evidence from the US suggests that CACs can be regressive. That is, the poor
bear a greater burden of the cost relative to their income compared to the rich.
98 Environmental Economics
unpriced. Market failure can occur due to the following factors: lack of or
weak property rights; public goods and/or common property characteristics;
externalities; and type of market structure. When there are weak or no
property (or ownership) rights for an environmental good there is a tendency
to overexploit it. There are few incentives to conserve such goods because an
individual (or group) cannot expect to appropriate all the benefits. Market
failure can also occur because a good displays public goods characteristics.
A pure public good is a good that is non-exclusive and non-rival in
consumption, and has a zero marginal cost of provision. The owner of a
public good will not supply the optimal amount because he or she cannot
exclude others from consuming it.
The third type or cause of market failure is due to externalities. An
externality is said to occur when one person's actions affect the welfare of
another, but the affected person is not compensated. Market failure also
occurs when, due to lack of (or weak) property rights, the affected person
cannot demand compensation from the offender. Finally, market failure can
occur when one person exerts monopoly influence in the market place. In
this case, the equilibrium price is higher and the equilibrium quantity is less
than in a perfectly competitive market. In the case of some non-renewable
natural resources, such a situation may actually result in more conservation.
We considered two main approaches to the solution of environmental
pollution problems: the market (Coasian) solution and government
intervention. The Coasian solution relies on the market system to resolve the
externality problem through bargaining between the affected and offending
parties. The outcome of the negotiation will be the elimination of the Pareto-
relevant externality irrespective of who has the property rights. However, it
was explained that the Coasian solution is based on some strong assumptions
including zero transactions costs, well-defined property rights, perfect
competition and zero income effects. Since all or some of these assumptions
may not hold, it is argued that there is a need for government intervention.
We discussed two main types of government pollution abatement
instruments: command-and-control (CAC) and market-based incentive
mechanisms. The advantages and limitations of these two approaches were
addressed. MBis are generally preferred over CAC approaches because they
offer an economic incentive to reduce pollution. However, CAC approaches
are more appropriate when there is uncertainty about health effects.
Although MBis are more cost-effective and provide revenue for the
Why Markets 'Fail' 99
Review Questions
1. Explain the meaning ofthe following economic terms:
I 00 Environmental Economics
Opportunity cost
Pareto optimality
Perfect competition
1. What is meant by 'market failure'? Explain the causes of market failure.
Clark, I. (1991). New Zealand's Individual Transferable Quota System for Fisheries
Management-History, Description, Current Status and Issues, in T.
Yamamoto, and K. Shorts, (eds.), International Perspectives on Fisheries
Management, Tokyo.
Coase, R. (1960). The Problem of Social Cost. Journal of Law and Economics, 3: 1-
Pearce, D.W. and Turner, R.K. (1990). Economics of Natural Resources and the
Environment. Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hertfordshire, U.K.
Stiglitz, J.E. (1976) Monopoly and the Rate of Extraction of Exhaustible Resources.
American Economic Review, 66: 656-661.
This section draws heavily on Asafu-Adjaye (2000).
See, for example, studies by Hviding (1989), Ruddle et al. (1992) and Hviding et al. (1994).
104 Environmental Economics
In one Solomon Islands coastal community, the marine boundary is defined as the
farthest point one can see from the tallest coconut tree.
Why Markets 'Fail' 105
balance with their environment since they now use upgraded technology
such as outboard motors and guns rather than canoes and bows and arrows.
Such views and misconceptions are based on lack of knowledge or ignorance
about how indigenous communities interact with their natural environments.
Another common misconception is that poor or marginalised communities
do not hold strong environmental values because they are only concerned
about survival. However, the fact of the matter is that tradition is not static.
CMT systems, like the societies from which they come, are dynamic and
highly adaptive. Over time, CMT systems in the study area have changed to
reflect the changing social and economic circumstances. The evidence
suggests that CMT systems thrive on an impressive body of local
environmental knowledge amassed over a long period of time. This
knowledge also includes an awareness of ecological interaction between land
and sea. Decisions about resource use are made on the basis of such
knowledge and there is little doubt that, in terms of resource management in
local areas, CMT systems are capable of sustaining marine resources.
Obviously, as economic conditions worsen, CMT systems are put under
pressure. In the study area, there is evidence of increasing commercialisation
of certain common property resources. Also, the dire economic
circumstances of the people have caused some to abandon or overlook
certain CMT rules. However, these developments do not necessarily mean
that CMT systems have failed and must be abandoned. On the contrary, the
government must make efforts to strengthen them. CMT systems are
communal, exclusive access collective property systems. They are self-
managed and self-regulated systems that change according to local
circumstances. The World Conservation Strategy recommended CMT
systems as one way of enhancing common property resources (IUCN,
1990:33), and they were also given a prominent role in Agenda 21 and the
Rio Declaration (UN, 1992).
CMT systems meet the requirements for social equity since all members
of the community are given input in decision-making. In particular, CMT
systems support multi-purpose and diversified exploitation strategies. This is
in line with the fact that most village households operate mixed production
strategies. CMT systems involve not only controlling access to resources,
but also policing and monitoring. It may be argued that they constitute a
sustainable management tool.
Customary marine tenure systems have a potential role to play in the
sustainable management of fisheries and marine resources in Papua New
106 Environmental Economics
Asafu-Adjaye, J. (2000). Customary Marine Tenure Systems and Sustainable
Fisheries Management in Papua New Guinea: The Case of the Western
Province. International Journal of Social Economics 27 (7/8/9/10):917-926.
Hviding, E. (1989). All Things in Our Sea: The Dynamics of Customary Marine
Tenure, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Special Publication No. 13, National
Research Institute, Boroko, PNG.
5.1 Introduction
The proper valuation of non-market environmental commodities has
significant policy implications. In the past such commodities have been
assigned zero or low values due to difficulties involved in assigning
economic values. Failure to properly account for the values of some
environmental resources has resulted in decisions that have had negative
implications for the environment and the society. Environmental valuation is
also important in the event of natural disasters, either man-made or naturally
occurring. A recent example is the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. In a
landmark case the United States Supreme Court ruled that the people of
Alaska should be compensated for their loss of livelihood and recreation as a
result of the accident. As most of the lost benefits were non-market in nature,
conventional market techniques could not be used.
This chapter begins with a description of the types of non-market values
associated with a given environmental resource. The chapter then proceeds
110 Environmental Economics
1 ___
L (TEV) ]of__ _
Direct use values consist of consumptive uses such as timber harvesting and
non-consumptive uses such as camping, hiking and birdwatching. Indirect
use values include environmental services such as maintenance of the
hydrological system, climatic stabilization (e.g., carbon fixing) and soil
Intrinsic or non-use values, as the name suggests, are inherent in the
good. That is, the satisfaction we derive from the good is not related to its
Environmental Valuation Ill
Waterfowl 171.8 59,730 10.3 206
Other birds 130.0 84,827 11.0 220
Small mammals II9.1 56,738 6.8 136
Large mammals 211.1 II8,207 24.9 498
All hunting 165.9 53.0 1060
Choice Experiments
Choice experiment approaches include conjoint analysis 30 and choice
modelling (CM). Conjoint analysis is further divided into contingent
ranking, contingent rating and paired comparison.
Conjoint analysis
A major difference between CVM and conjoint analysis is that in the former
respondents are required to evaluate only one or sometimes two alternatives.
On the other hand, the latter requires them to evaluate several alternatives
separately. In contingent rating, respondents are requested to rate their
preferences for several alternatives on, say, a ten-point scale. They are
presented with a set of attributes associated with each alternative. The
respondents' ratings are then regressed against the attributes. The marginal
rate of substitution between a given attribute and its price provides an
estimate of the 'value' of the attribute. This is referred to as the 'part-
worth' of the attribute. Summing all the part-worths provides an estimate of
a respondent's WTP for an aggregate change in the environmental good or
service. In contingent ranking, respondents are required to rank all the
alternatives from least preferred to most preferred. The analysis of
contingent ranking data is similar to that of contingent rating. The rankings
can be converted to a ratings scale and analysed with multiple regression
techniques, or other estimation methods such as logit or probit analysis can
be used.
A weakness of both contingent rating and contingent ranking is that they
do not provide the respondent with an opportunity to reject the good. The
only way they allow opposition is by registering a low rating or ranking. In
that sense these methods are considered to be unconditional or relative
measures of WTP and could be understated.
In the paired comparison approach, respondents are presented with
successive sets of two choices and asked to rate the difference between them
on a scale (usually, a 5-point scale). A form of paired comparison is adaptive
conjoint analysis where the pairs are generated with the aid of a computer.
Like the previous two methods, the data from the paired comparison can be
analysed using multiple regression, logit or probit models to provide
Conjoint analysis is a popular technique in marketing research. It has only recently been
adapted for valuing environmental goods and services.
Environmental Valuation 117
Choice modelling
Choice modelling was developed by Jordan Louviere and was initially used
in the field of marketing to analyse consumer choices (Louviere and
Woodworth, 1982). Since then, a few studies have used the method to value
environmental goods and services. 31 In this approach, respondents are
presented with a series of alternatives, with each containing three or more
resource use options. Usually, each alternative is defined by a number of
attributes. For example, in a CM study of preserving a wilderness area the
attributes could be the following: numbers of rare species present; ease of
access to the area, size of area and cost to households (Box 5.1). These
attributes would then be varied across the various alternatives. The
respondents are then required to choose their most preferred alternative.
Estimates of respondents' WTP are obtained by estimating a multinomial
logit model.
Choice modelling is relatively more versatile than the other SP methods.
It can be used to value multiple sites or multiple use alternatives. Unlike
conjoint analysis, CM can be used to provide conditional or absolute
measures of WTP provided a 'choose neither' option is included among the
The main disadvantage of choice modelling is that complex survey
designs are required. The number of choice sets can be large, which tends to
lengthen interview times.
See applications by Adamowicz et al. (1994) for valuing water-based recreation and by
Morrison et al. (1998) for valuing wetlands.
118 Environmental Economics
In spite of (or maybe due to) their simplicity, stated preference methods
are subject to a number of biases. These include: (i) hypothetical bias; (ii)
embedding effect; (iii) strategic bias; (iv) bid vehicle bias; (v) starting
point bias; (vi) information bias; (vii) part-whole bias; and (viii) non-
response bias.
These biases are briefly discussed below.
(1) Hypothetical bias: the major assumption in the CVM is that the amount
of money people say they are willing to pay corresponds to the
individual valuations of the good or service in question. The CVM has
been criticised for the fact that respondents do not actually have to pay
their stated amounts. Therefore, it has been suggested that the
hypothetical nature of the exercise might induce people to 'free ride',
that is, understate their true WTP. However, in a series of experiments in
which hypothetical WTP has been compared to actual WTP,
hypothetical bias has not been found to be significant.
Environmental Valuation 119
(3) Strategic bias: strategic bias occurs when a person deliberately overstates
(or understates) his or her true bid in order to influence the outcome. For
example, some people who strongly support a proposed development
may report a zero WTP for conservation even when they have a positive
WTP. Other SP methods may not suffer from the same level of strategic
bias as CVM because they do not require respondents to state their bids.
(4) Bid vehicle bias: as noted above, the CVM depends on a 'vehicle', that
is, a means by which the stated hypothetical amounts would be
collected. An individual who dislikes a particular kind of vehicle (e.g.,
higher taxes) may understate his or her WTP. In some areas, respondents
might be dissatisfied with the way their government is using their taxes
and therefore such a vehicle might invoke a negative response. A
solution to this problem is to use a 'neutral' vehicle. For example, for
preservation values, a useful vehicle could be donations to a trust fund to
be administered by an independent non-governmental organisation.
Vehicle bias is present in CVM and contingent ranking. There is a
question mark on the presence of vehicle bias in contingent rating,
paired comparison and CM because these methods emphasise multiple
attributes which place less emphasis on payment.
(5) Starting point bias: some CVM bid elicitation formats (payment card and
bidding game) 'start' off with a certain amount. The stated amount may
induce bias in the sense that it may be misinterpreted by the respondent
as a cue for an 'appropriate' range ofWTP. There is not much empirical
evidence about the extent of this type of bias. However, it may be
minimised by extensive pretests of the survey instrument.
120 Environmental Economics
(7) Part-whole bias: there is concern that if people are asked to value one
part of a given asset (e.g., all wildlife) and then subsequently asked to
value a part of it (e.g., a given species) the response may be similar. It
has been suggested that this problem arises from the way people allocate
their personal budget, first dividing their income amongst broad
consumption categories, and then allocating to sub-categories of goods.
The solution to this problem is to remind them of their budget
constraints and to restrict valuation to whole goods rather than parts of
the good.
Most of these biases are associated with the CVM, in particular. These
include hypothetical, part-whole, strategic, vehicle, starting point and non-
response bias. The other SP approaches are less prone to certain types of
biases. Recent research, however, suggests that following certain best
practice procedures in survey design can minimise most of these biases. At
the present time, CVM and CM are the only techniques that can be used to
value non-use values.
,.-._ 25
<.2:l 20
w 10
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of visits (p.a.)
The ITCM uses the number of visits per annum made by an individual,
rather than zonal visits, as the basis for generating the demand curve. The
trip-generating function for the ITCM can be stated as follows:
By integrating the area under the demand curve, an ITCM estimate of the
individual's consumer surplus can be obtained. This figure is then multiplied
by the number of visitors per annum to obtain the aggregate benefits.
Recently, variations of the travel cost model have been developed. These
include the combined TCM and CVM model (discussed in more detail later),
the random utility model (RUM), the hedonic travel cost model, and the
multi-site travel cost model. The RUM (Ward and Loomis, 1986) first
models the visitor's decision on whether or not to participate in the
recreation activity, followed by the decisions on the number of visits.
Econometric techniques such as probit, tobit and and logit models are used
to estimate these two decisions independently. The hedonic travel cost model
(Bockstael et al., 1991) identifies separate characteristics of the recreation
experience and the price that people are WTP for each. The first stage of the
procedure involves regressing the respondents' travel costs on measures of
quality characteristics at the site. A separate demand curve for each
characteristic is then developed. The multi-site travel cost model (Ward and
Beal, 2000) attempts to account for all relevant substitute sites within the
region. Visitation data from multiple sites that have different levels of the
site quality variable of interest are used and the model predicts demand for
each site.
Table 5.2 reports travel cost estimates for various protected areas in
Queensland. Beal (1995) estimated a value of A$2.50 per person per visit for
trips to the Camarvon Gorge National Park, but Hundloe et al. (1990)
estimated relatively higher values of A$15.70-32.63 per visit to Fraser
Island. Scoccimarro (1992) estimated the value of recreation in the Green
Mountains, Lamington National Park, to range from A$8.09-9.23 per visitor
per day. Much higher estimates of A$362 per visit and A$49 per visit,
respectively, for Hinchinbrook Island (Stoekl, 1994) and the Wet Tropics
World Heritage Area (Driml, 1996) have been made.
Wet Tropics World Heritage Area Driml (1996) A$49 per visit (domestic
(1) The TCM is suited to estimating the value of particular sites or locations
and is unsuited for measuring other kinds of goods or services. For
example, TCM cannot be used to value non-use or passive use values.
This is because it is based on the travel costs of users of a given
recreational site. Non-users, who may have significant values for the
same site are excluded from the sample.
(3) Visits to certain sites could be seasonal and therefore the survey results
could be biased unless it is conducted over a long period.
(4) Travel costs: the assumption that travel costs reflect recreational value
may not always be true. For example, people who live near the site may
Environmental Valuation 125
incur zero or minimal travel costs but may nevertheless have high
(5) Time and other factors: the TCM assumes that travel costs (e.g., fuel
costs) are the major determinants of the value of a recreational site.
However, other factors could affect the demand for recreation. For
example, travel time is an opportunity cost because the time spent
travelling is not available for other pursuits. Time should therefore be
considered as a cost. 32 However, there is no consensus as to how time
should be accounted for in TCM. In some studies, a certain proportion of
the wage rate is multiplied by travel time to provide an estimate of the
opportunity cost of time. However, the choice of the weight is quite
arbitrary and open to question.
(6) Welfare estimates computed from the TCM may differ depending on the
variables and functional form used to estimate the relationship between
demand for visits and the cost oftrave1. 33
Summary ofTCM
To summarise, the travel cost method is a useful method for valuing the
recreational benefits of a site. However, it is a restrictive method in the sense
that it can only be used to measure site-specific recreational value. There are
also some problems in actually deriving benefit estimates. These relate to the
issues of the cost of travel time and substitute sites.
If a person enjoys, say, views of the countryside while travelling, or simply enjoys
travelling then, of course, this should be considered a benefit.
This problem also applies to the hedonic price method.
126 Environmental Economics
bedrooms, bathrooms, and swimming pool). One is directly under the flight
path and the other is quite a distance away. It is expected that the house
under the flight path will be cheaper and the price difference may be
attributable to the value of the noise pollution.
Hedonic price models attempt to explain individuals' willingness-to-pay
in terms of a set of attributes and characteristics of the good. For example,
the price a potential homebuyer is willing to pay for a house depends on the
location of the property, number of rooms, access to amenities (e.g., schools
and transport), the environmental quality and the person's income. The
hedonic price equation may therefore be expressed as
,-.._ 2500
...<11 2000
'E: 1000
"'= 500
0 50 100 150 200 250
Aircraft noise (decibels)
(1) Change in cost method: suppose a proposed project may change the
cost of a good or service. If the project causes a decrease in the cost of
the good or service, this can be interpreted as a gain in benefits, that is, a
cost saving. On the other hand if the project results in an increase in
costs, this may be taken to be a loss of benefits. Take the example of a
project that involves the construction of a water supply system. In this
case a major benefit is the cost savings to households from not having to
buy water from water vendors or transport water over long distances.
(2) Replacement cost method: assumes that the value of an existing good
or service is the cost of replacing it. For example, if a storm damages
roads, buildings and transmission lines then an estimate of the damage
done is the cost of replacing these structures. However, in this case, the
replacement cost must be considered as the minimum value of the
benefits derived from these goods. This is because we need to add on the
consumer surplus that people derive from utilising the good or service. A
variation of replacement cost is mitigation cost. Mitigation cost is an
estimate of the cost of restoring a damaged environmental good to its
former condition. This approach could be useful where the damage is
minor. Obviously, it is of limited use where the damage is either
irreversible or total restoration is impossible.
See Hufschmidt et al. (1993) for a good discussion of applications in developing countries.
Environmental Valuation 131
(i.e., statistical validity) of benefit transfer and the extent of any bias. The
first test involves comparing the benefit transfer values with primary data
values obtained from the policy site. If the benefit transfer estimates are not
statistically different from the primary data value estimates from the policy
site, then it may be concluded that the benefit transfer values are valid. The
extent of bias is given by the deviation between the two estimates.
The second test involves determining whether different populations have
the same preferences for the same non-market good, after controlling for
differences in socioeconomic characteristics such as income and education
levels. The third type of benefit transfer test is to determine whether transfers
are stable over time. 35 Many studies have concluded that value estimates
remain relatively stable over a few years.
Morrison et al. (1998) investigated the suitability of using choice
modelling estimates for benefit transfers both across different populations
and across different wetlands in northern New South Wales, Australia. In
general, the weight of the evidence appeared to be against the convergent
validity of both transfers across sites and across populations. However, they
found that transfers across sites tended to be less problematic compared to
transfers across population.
See, for example, studies by Rei ling et. at ( 1990) and Teisl et. at ( 1994 ).
132 Environmental Economics
results are generally more efficient because information on the same set of
underlying preferences is used to construct the estimates.
The advantages of combing RP and Sp methods can be summarised as
5.4 Summary
In this chapter various methods for estimating non-market values were
introduced. The methods discussed were the SP methods (contingent
valuation method, conjoint analysis, and choice modelling), RP methods
(travel cost method, hedonic price method, the market value method and the
market cost method), as well as combined SP and RP methods.
There is no single technique that is superior to the others. The choice of a
particular technique depends on the particular resource valuation problem at
hand. For example, if one wanted to estimate non-use or passive benefits, the
CVM (or choice modelling) would be the technique of choice. If one wanted
Environmental Valuation 133
Review Questions
1. List the different kinds of values associated with a marsh.
4. List and explain the biases associated with the stated preference
1. The following table provides estimates of average house prices in the
northern and southern areas of a city before and after a tollway was
constructed near the northside.
Number of visits
Total visit cost ($) per person per annum
140 0
120 1
80 3
60 4
30 6
20 7
16 10
AREA= farm size (ha);
DIST = distance (in km) from the main distribution channel; and
136 Environmental Economics
Given that the average farm size is 200 ha and is 15 km from the main
distribution channel, calculate the following:
Total number
Admission fee ($) of visits per day
0 8,000
I 6,000
2 4,000
3 2,000
4 0
Adamowicz, W.L., Asafu-Adjaye, J., Boxall, P.C. and Phillips, W.E. (1991).
Components of the Economic Value of Wildlife: An Alberta Case Study.
Canadian Field Naturalist, 105(3): 423-429.
Beal, D.J. (1995). The Determination of Socially Optimal Recreational Outputs and
Entry Prices for National Parks in Southwestern Queensland. PhD Thesis, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Bishop, R.C. and Heberlein, T.A. (1979). Measuring Values ofExtramarket Goods:
Are Indirect Measures Biased? American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
61: 926-930.
Blarney, R.K., Bennett, J.W., Louviere, J.J., Morrison, M.D., and Rolfe, J.C. (1997).
The Use of Causal Heuristics in Environmental Choice Modelling Studies.
Paper presented to the conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society
for Ecological Economics, Melbourne, Australia, 17-20 November.
Bockstael, N. E., McConnell, K. E., and Strand, I. E. (1991). Measuring the Demand
for Environmental Quality. Contributions to Economic Analysis, no. 198, pp.
227-70. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Cameron, T. (1992). Combining Contingent Valuation and Travel Cost Data for the
Valuation ofNonrnarket Goods. Land Economics, 68:302-317.
Carson, R., Flores, N., Martin, K., and Wright, J. (1996). Contingent Valuation and
Revealed Preference Methodologies: Comparing the Estimates for Quasi-Public
Goods. Land Economics, 72:80-99.
Clawson, M. (1959). Methods of Measuring the Demand for and Value of Outdoor
Recreation. Reprint No. 10, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.
Davis, R.K. (1963). The Value of Outdoor Recreation: An Economic Study of the
Maine Woods. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge.
138 Environmental Economics
Fisher, A.C. and Hanneman, W.M. (1987). Quasi-Option Value: Some Mis-
conceptions Dispelled. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
14: 183-90.
Hufschmidt, M.M., James, D.E., Meister, A.A., Bower, B., and Dixon, J.A. (1993).
Environment, Natural Systems and Development: An Economic Valuation
Guide. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Kask, S.B. and Shogren, J.F. (1994). Benefit Transfer Protocol for Long-Term
Health Risk Valuation: A Case of Surface Water Contamination. Water
Resources Research, 30: 2813-2823.
Kahneman, D. and Knetsch, J.L. (1992). Valuing Public Goods: The Purchase of
Moral Satisfaction. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 22:
Kling, C.L. (1997). The Gains from Combining Travel Cost and Contingent
Valuation Data to Value Non-market Goods. Land Economics, 73(3):428-439.
Morrison, M.D., Bennet, J.W., and Blarney, R.K. (1998). Valuing Improved Wet/and
Quality Using Choice Modelling. Choice Modelling Research Report No. 6.
Environmental Valuation 139
Nelson, J.P. (1982). Highway Noise and Property Values: A Survey of Recent
Evidence. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, XVI: 117-138.
Parsons, G.R. and Kealy, M.J. (1994). Benefits Transfer in a Random Utility Model
of Recreation. Water Resources Research, 30(8): 2477-2484.
Ready, R.C., Whitehead, J.C. and Blomquist, G.C. (1995). Contingent Valuation
when Respondents are Ambivalent. Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management. 29: 181-196.
Reiling, S.D., Boyle, K.J., Philips, M.L. and Anderson, M.W. (1990). Temporal
Reliability of Contingent Values. Land Economics, 66(2): 128-134.
Teisl, M.F., Boyle, K.J., McCollum, D.W. and Reiling, S.D. (1995). Test-Retest
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Test Control Groups. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77: 613-
Ward, F.A. and Beal, D. (2000). Valuing Nature with Travel Cost Models. Edward
Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K.
Ward, F.A. and Loomis, J.B. (1986). The Travel Cost Demand Model as an
Environmental Policy Assessment tool: A Review of the Literature. Western
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 11(2): 164-78.
6. Cost-Benefit Analysis
6.1 Introduction
In Chapter 3 we discussed how markets are supposed to work and in Chapter
4, we discussed why markets fail. Market failure implies either that most
environmental goods are unpriced or underpriced. In Chapter 5, we
considered methods that can enable us to place dollar values on
environmental goods and services. In this chapter, we bring together
concepts from the previous three chapters to form a framework for policy
decision-making. This approach is formally referred to as cost-benefit
analysis (Box 6.1 ). The chapter begins with a brief discussion of the
conceptual basis of cost-benefit analysis. This is followed by a description of
the steps in a CBA. The steps are illustrated with a real-life case study.
142 Environmental Economics
The first formal application of CBA was in 1768 to evaluate the net
benefits of the Forth-Clyde canal in Scotland. CBA first received official
government recognition under the U.S. Flood Control Act of 1936.
Under this act the United States Army Corps of Engineers were required
to evaluate the benefits and costs of all water resource projects to
whoever they accrue. The aim was to show that flood control was in the
interests of social welfare. In 1950, tbe U.S. Federal Inter-Agency River
Basin Committee introduced the Green Book which attempted to set out
a procedure for comparing costs and benefits. In 1958, economists such
as Jack Krutilla and Eckstein introduced the concepts of opportunity
costs and Pareto optimality into the evaluation of water resource
developments. In the U.K., formal recognition of CBA was given in
1967 (Pearce, 1983).
In the sixties and seventies, attention was given to tbe use of CBA in
evaluating projects in developing countries. Different procedures were
proposed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (Little and Mirlees, 1974) and the United Nations
Industrial Development Organisation (Dasgupta et al., 1972).
Subsequently, the World Bank suggested a unified approach (Squire and
Tak, 1975).
Today, CBA is used to evaluate choices between alternatives in a
wide range of areas including health, transportation, natural resources
and agriculture, business, mining and mineral exploration, and many
Sources: Dasgupta et al. (1972); Little and Mirlees (1974); Squire and Tak (1975);
Pearce (1983).
P1 = MU 1 ___.12_ (6.2)
MU 2
This equation can be interpreted as follows: assuming the price (p 2) and the
marginal utility (MU2) of other goods remain constant, the price of a good
(Pt) is proportional to the satisfaction or utility of an additional unit (MU 1) of
the good. All this, of course, is an abstraction and depends on a perfectly
competitive market. Nevertheless, the important point here is that the price
one is willing to pay for a good depends on the satisfaction one derives from
consuming it. This is taken to be a measure of benefits. However, for some
It is important to note that although total utility increases, marginal utility declines (i.e.,
total utility increases at a declining rate).
One important assumption made here is that the utility gained from each dollar spent (the
marginal utility of income) is constant.
144 Environmental Economics
Price/unit ($)
2. The WTP concept assumes that all persons in the population have
the same marginal utility of income. 38 However, this is not
realistic. One dollar may yield more utility to a poor man than to a
rich man. However, the WTP concept assigns the same weight to the
$1 in both instances.
The rationale of CBA is that if NSB is positive then, in theory, the state can
use the surplus to compensate the losers. That is, a project is socially
desirable if it can result in a potential Pareto improvement. This rule has
generated some controversy because it does not require that actual
compensation take place. Although, increasingly, we are seeing cases in
which government is required, sometimes through the court system, to
actually compensate losers in big resource development projects.
Marginal utility of income is the change in utility for a unit change in income.
146 Environmental Economics
These steps are briefly discussed in the following sections. To illustrate the
process of conducting a CBA, we shall make use of the Bintuli Wastewater
Treatment case study (Box 6.2).39
Fictitious names have been used in this case study to protect confidentiality.
Cost-Benefit Analysis 147
2. Point (1) implies that we must exclude sunk costs and benefits.
That is, costs and benefits that are incurred before the
commencement of the project. The rationale is that previous
Cost-Benefit Analysis 149
Other cost items which are normally included in financial statements but
excluded from social CBA are depreciation and interest.
Costs and benefits are normally classified into two groups: primary costs
and benefits; and secondary costs and benefits. Primary costs and benefits
arise directly from the project, while secondary costs and benefits arise from
activities or events that are triggered by the project. For example, suppose a
large-scale agricultural project would result in an increase in farm produce.
In this case, the secondary benefits would include the increase in the profits
of businesses that process agricultural products.
Secondary costs and benefits should be handled cautiously because they
could exaggerate the estimates. As much as possible the opportunity cost
principle must be used as a guideline. At issue is whether resources have
150 Environmental Economics
been merely transferred from one part of the economy to another. A key
question to ask is whether the resources employed would have had
alternative uses. For example, if a project results in an increase in the
number of employed people in a village, this would only be counted as a
secondary benefit if there were no alternative employment opportunities. In
this case, the opportunity cost of labour is zero.
Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, we can also divide costs
and benefits into market and non-market costs and benefits. As already
stated, non-market costs and benefits apply to goods and services which are
not traded and for which market prices do not exist. As far as possible, non-
market costs and benefits must be identified and valued.
That is, costs incurred over the project life must be valued at prices
prevailing at the time of the project's appraisal. This approach assumes that
annual costs will increase at the inflation rate, which implies that the cash
flows are expressed in real rather than nominal prices.
(1-td)P (6.4)
The value of d is normally taken to be about 1.5 times that used in the linear
model. Using the above example, d = 1.5 x 0.05 = 0.075. Thus, the residual
value at timet= 15 years would be given by:
(1 - 0.075)
100,000 =$31,055 (6.7)
Staged construction
Where a project is to be implemented in stages, only the proportion of the
investment and operating costs required to satisfy demand in the current
planning horizon must be attributed to the project.
Working capital
Working capital is often required to meet financial transactions in the initial
period of the project. The amount committed is often of the order of 50
percent of operating and maintenance costs or 2 percent of the total capital
outlays. Working capital must be treated as a cash outflow at the time when
capital expenditures are made, with the full amount being released as a
capital inflow at the end of the project.
Operating costs
Operating costs typically occur every year and include the following: labour;
utilities; supplies; repairs and maintenance; equipment hiring and leasing;
insurance and administrative overheads. These items are to be estimated on
an annual basis.
Implicit costs
In addition, there could be implicit or opportunity costs and social costs
associated with a project. The opportunity costs arise with respect to the use
\54 Environmental Economics
User charges
The determination of user charges was based on the principle of full cost
recovery. That is, it was based on a level of charges that would recover the
investment and O&M costs over the life of the project. This level was
estimated to be 6.9 cents/m3 , of which operating and maintenance costs
account for 2.96 cents/m3 With the project, 54.75 million m /year of effluent
would be treated, resulting in revenue of $3.78 million per annum.
Cost-Benefit Analysis 155
2. Afforestation benefits
Pine and some hard wood species will be planted on 142.8 ha of land. The net
returns per hectare were taken from estimates provided by the Kabastani
authorities for experimental plots. These were reported to be $689/ha. Applying
156 Environmental Economics
this figure to the proposed area resulted in net benefits of $10,000 in Year 8 and
reaching a maximum of $100,000 by Year 17.
3. Reed harvesting
Economic benefits are also expected from reed harvesting for the paper mill
industry. The Kabastani authorities have estimated the net returns to be $258.40
per hectare. Applying this figure to a projected area of 95.25 ha resulted in net
annual benefits of about $20,000 from Year 6.
Water economic
treatment benefits
Recycled Reed Reduced Reduced cost
Year water Afforestation harvesting mortality morbidity savings H = I.(BtoG)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)
4 0.66 0.01 0.18 0.11 0.96
5 0.99 0.02 0.38 0.11 1.50
6 1.64 0.02 0.03 0.57 0.11 2.38
7 2.63 0.02 0.05 0.76 0.11 3.57
8 3.29 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.95 0.11 4.44
9 3.29 0.02 0.02 0.06 1.00 0.11 4.50
10 3.29 0.03 0.02 0.06 1.06 0.11 4.57
11 3.29 0.04 0.02 0.07 1.11 0.11 4.63
12 3.29 0.05 0.02 0.07 1.17 0.11 4.71
13 3.29 0.06 0.02 0.07 1.23 0.11 4.78
14 3.29 0.07 0.02 0.08 1.30 0.11 4.86
15 3.29 0.08 0.02 0.08 1.37 0.11 4.94
16 3.29 0.09 0.02 0.09 1.44 0.11 5.03
17 3.29 0.10 0.02 0.09 1.51 0.11 5.12
18 3.29 0.10 0.02 0.10 1.59 0.11 5.20
19 3.29 0.10 0.02 0.10 1.68 0.11 5.29
20 3.29 0.10 0.02 0.11 1.76 0.11 5.38
First, it was assumed that the current average number of days lost per worker
per annum as a result of illness is 3 days. Next, using the employment statistics,
potential productivity losses avoided per worker per annum were estimated to
be about $180,000 in Year 4, rising to about $1.8 million by the end of the
savings, consistent with W odd Bank estimates for Kabastan, was assumed. The
economic benefits of water treatment cost savings were therefore estimated to
be $110,000 per annum.
t(years) 0 1 2
Investment -$100 $50 $150
The net present value (NPV) at an interest rate of 10 percent is given by:
In more general terms, given a stream of benefits, B0, B1... Bn, and a stream
of costs C0 , c~. ... Cn, the net present value (or net present worth) could be
written as:
margin. For example, a real rate of 8 percent might include a risk-free rate
of 5 percent and a risk margin of 3 percent.
A sensitivity analysis should be carried out to test the effect on the
project selection criteria of using slightly higher and lower rates (e.g., 6
percent and 10 percent).
B2 2+ ..... Bn n
(1+r) (l+r) =
i: Bn/(l+r)"
t=o (
Cl Cz Cn n
Co + 1 + r + (1 + r)2 + ..... (1 + r)" L en I (1 + r)"
The IRR can be found by finding the discount rate (i) at which the following
equations holds:
See Exercises I to 4 at the end of the chapter.
162 Environmental Economics
2. Planning period: a
Box 6.3 Excel hints for carrying out the
planning period of computations in Table 6.3
20 years is used.
Based on advice fucremental net benefits:
received from engi- (i) Year 1: place your cursor in cell
neers, this is a
E5. Type =(C5+D5-B5).
reasonable period
(ii) Copy the formula in cell E5 by
given the type of
clicking on the 'copy' icon on the
equipment to be
(iii) Paste this formula into rows E6 to
For a more detailed discussion of risk and uncertainty, readers may refer to the following
sources: Hertz and Thomas (1983), Megill (1985) and Morgan and Henrion (1990).
Cost-Benefit Analysis 165
A good reference on break-even analysis is Schweitzer et al. ( 1986).
Cost-Benefit Analysis 167
-30% 23 25 27 29 31
Change in -15% 20 22 24 25 27
Capital 0% 17 19 21 23 24
Costs +IS% IS 17 19 21 22
+30% 14 16 17 19 20
-30% 19 21 23 25 26
Change in -15% 18 20 22 24 25
O&M 0% 17 19 21 23 24
Costs +15% 16 18 20 22 23
+30% 15 17 19 21 22
168 Environmental Economics
Probability Probability
Minimum Mode Maximum Minimum Mode Maximum
(a) Triangular distribution (b) Beta distribution
Financial Risks
The major sources of financial risk for the project are the possibilities of cost
overruns and the ability of the town council to raise the projected revenues.
Shortfalls in revenue will increase the financial risk associated with the
project. However, in view of the country's impressive economic growth in
recent years, this particular risk is assessed to be negligible.
Economic Risks
Given that this is an environmental improvement project, there are no
significant economic costs. Most of the expected benefits are in the form of
cost savings. There is a risk that the projected economic benefits may not
170 Environmental Economics
materialise if, for example, the water quality is below the expected level. In
that event, the ability of users to pay would be reduced and the benefit
estimates would be overstated. However, this risk is assessed to be minimal
because the chosen treatment system has been found to be reliable.
Environmental Risks
There is a small but real risk of flooding of at least part of the project site.
According to flood records, the last flood (classified as a 1 in a 100 year
flood) occurred in 1963. Some of the water flowed into the old river channel,
but drained underground quickly and none escaped back to the river.
Although it is claimed by local officials that policies and standards for
industrial waste disposal are already in place, there is a risk that lower
treatment standards will be adopted in some factories and that additional
pollutants will enter the waste stream.
indicated in Table 6.5. It can be seen that the greatest variation m net
economic benefits (and hence risk) is observed in the first four years.
~ 10.0
= '2'
~ ~
s 5.0
~~ 0.0
~ Zl -5.0
..Ei 5
0) iXl -10.0
Table 6.6 Results of Monte Carlo simulations, Bintuli Wastewater Treatment Project
Water pollution in the town of Bintuli is a serious problem. Currently about
70 percent of untreated effluent is dumped into nearby rivers, creating a
health hazard. Implementation of the project is considered a matter of
urgency in order to protect the health of the community and to reduce the
rate of environmental degradation.
The project would yield substantial economic benefits. The IRR is
estimated at about 21 percent. The sensitivity and risk analyses suggest that
the estimate is insensitive to large changes in the projected economic
benefits and costs. It is recommended that the project go ahead subject to the
institution of a monitoring program covering physical, chemical and
ecological parameters upstream and downstream of the effluent discharge
location. The hydraulic, biological and chemical parameters of the treatment
processes should also be monitored.
6.11 Summary
Under the competitive market assumption, the price a person is willing to
pay for a good is proportional to the satisfaction he or she obtains from
consuming an additional unit. We saw in the previous chapter that this
assumption may not hold in the case of environmental goods and services.
Therefore, in valuing such items, either non-market valuation techniques
have to be used or shadow prices have to be derived. It was explained that
the concept of 'cost' in social CBA is based on the principle of opportunity
cost. The objective of social CBA is to determine whether net social benefits,
that is willingness-to-pay minus opportunity costs, is positive. The steps
involved in conducting a social CBA were introduced. Discounted cash flow
techniques were used to demonstrate the calculation of project performance
criteria such as NPV and IRR. Net present value was presented as a preferred
project performance criterion, but the IRR could be useful for ranking
projects with positive NPVs. Finally, the procedures were illustrated using
the Bintuli Wastewater Treatment Project.
Cost-Benefit Analysis 173
Review Questions
1. Explain the terms 'willingness-to-pay' and 'opportunity cost'.
2. Explain why the price of a good can be used to determine the value of a
good, if markets are perfectly competitive. Provide three examples of
situations where this rule may not apply. State your reasons.
6. State reasons in support of and against the use of high discount rates in
The cost and revenue streams (in $'000s) for two projects are given as
Project A Project 8
Capital O&M Total Capital O&M Total
Year Cost Cost Revenue Cost Cost Revenue
1 500 1000
2 500 1000
3 200 200 100 400
4 200 200 100 400
5 200 400 100 600
6 200 400 100 600
7 200 600 lOO 800
8 200 600 100 800
9 200 800 100 1000
10 200 1000 100 1200
3. Calculate the cost-benefit ratio. Based on your results, rank the projects
in terms of profitability. Are your rankings the same as in (1) and (2)
5. Refer to the above data. For Option B, analyse the sensitivity of the
calculated IRR with respect to 40% changes in total costs and total
revenue. Comment on the sensitivity of the estimated IRR.
Dasgupta, P., Sen, A., and Marglin. S. (1972). Guidelines for Project Evaluation.
Project Formulation and Evaluation Series o. 2, United Nations Industrial
Development Organisation, Vienna.
Hertz, D.B. and Thomas, H. (1983). Risk Analysis and Its Applications. John Wiley
and Sons, New York.
Little, I.M.D. and Mirlees, J.A. (1974). Project Appraisal and Planning for
Developing Countries. Heineman Educational Books, London.
Palisade Corporation (1997). @RISK for Windows Version 3.5e. Newfield, New
Schweitzer, M., Trossman, E. and Lawson, G.H. (1986). Break-Even Analysis: Basic
Model, Variants, and Extensions. John Wiley, Chichester.
Squire, L. and van der Tak, H.G. (1975). Economic Analysis of Projects.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and The Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore.
Cost-Benefit Analysis 177
Human economic actlVItles over the last 200 years have increased the
amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, and cholorofluorocarbons are the most important. The
increased concentrations in the atmosphere of these gases have resulted in
the so-called enhanced greenhouse effect. The enhanced greenhouse effect is
caused by these gases acting as a shield and trapping a much larger than
normal amount of outgoing solar energy in the lower atmosphere. The
cooling capacity of the earth is reduced as the temperatures are increased,
resulting in global warming. The effects of unabated global warming include
rise in sea levels, increased incidence and severity of droughts, loss of
ecosystems and animal species, and reduced outputs of agriculture especially
in tropical areas.
Because of the widespread publicity about the negative effects of
international warming, most countries have committed themselves to
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases with the aim of stabilising the
concentration of these gases in the atmosphere. Major agreements on the
reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases were achieved at conferences in
Montreal and Toronto. These agreements require industrialised countries to
initially reduce their annual emissions of greenhouse gases to 1990 levels.
Reduction of greenhouse gases involves costs to the economy of a country in
the short term. However the gains to be realised later, if all countries
undertake reductions of greenhouse gases, may outweigh the costs. The next
two sections evaluate a major climate change abatement project from two
perspectives: a traditional CBA and CBA incorporating risk analysis.
This appendix is adapted from a publication entitled, 'An Introductory Discussion of Cost
Benefit Analysis Applied to Climate Change Issues', Working Paper 9601, May 1996,
Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, written by
Kwabena A. Anaman.
178 Environmental Economics
change reduction project costing $10 million each year from year 1 to year
20 (i.e. 2001 to 2020). Given the widespread implementation of reduction of
emissions, climate change impacts are expected to stabilise. Hence under this
scenario, it is assumed that the existing natural climatic variability would be
maintained. The predicted climate change that would have occurred starting
from year 21 would be avoided by the stabilisation of greenhouse gases at
1990 production levels around the world. Hence, severe drought would occur
as usual once every 10 years in the Republic of Olympia in years 1, 11, 21,
31 and 41 costing the economy $100 million.
Traditional CBA is used to analyse the economic viability of the climate
change abatement strategy undertaken by the Republic of Olympia. Columns
2 and 3 of Appendix Table 6.1 summarise the costs associated with the do-
nothing strategy and climate impact abatement project, respectively. It is
assumed that computable general equilibrium models have been used to
derive the economic losses of both strategies. Loss of resources such as
plants and animal species due to possible climatic change is measured by
total economic value. In this case, the benefits of the climate abatement
strategy can be defined as the avoided costs of doing nothing.
Appendix Table 6.1 indicates that the NPV of the climate change
abatement project is $177.5 million and IRR is 11.05%. The climate change
abatement strategy is therefore economically viable. However, these benefits
are contingent on all other countries undertaking emissions reduction
programmes such that the natural climatic variability is maintained and not
The corresponding standard deviation of the stochastic variable for the BETA
probability distribution is approximated as [Maximum Value-Minimum
Value]/6. The risk analysis was performed using the Lotus 1-2-3 Add-In @
RISK software Version 2.01 program developed by Palisade Corporation
(1992). This program allows the economic analyst to explicitly include the
uncertainty in a variable with the desired probability distribution selected from
a list of about 30 probability distribution functions. The stochastic variable is
expressed as cells in the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet as BETA probability
distribution rather than as single most likely or certain figures as is done in the
'traditional' deterministic economic analysis reported in the earlier section. The
mode of a general BETA probability function is (aJ-1)/(a 1+a2 -2); the mean is
denoted as (aJ)/(aJ+az), where a 1 and az are the shape parameters which are
greater than zero.
Specific shape parameters have to be estimated first before running the
risk program. For this problem these specific shape parameters are
determined as follows. The minimum, mode and maximum annual cost to
the Republic of Olympia of severe drought under unabated climatic change
are $100, $200 and $600 million respectively. The range is therefore $500
Hence, a 1 and az. the shape parameters, are 1.8 and 5.2, respectively, meaning
that the function is skewed to the right.
The @RISK command for the BETA probability function is therefore
written as: 100 + 500 * @BETA(l.8,5.2).
Using the estimated BETA probability function, 100 and 500 iterations
or simulation runs (sample size) are performed to determine the mean and
standard deviation of the NPV and IRR for the climate abatement project.
The results are presented in Appendix Table 6.2. They indicate that there are
no major differences between the NPV and IRR of the project derived from
either the 100 or 500 simulation runs. However the NPV and IRR values
obtained from the risk analysis are different from those obtained from the
traditional deterministic analysis reported earlier.
20 (2020) 0 10 -10
21 (2021) 200 100 100
22 (2022) 200 0 200
23 (2023) 0 0 0
24 (2024) 0 0 0
25 (2025) 0 0 0
26 (2026) 200 0 200
27 (2027) 200 0 200
28 (2028) 0 0 0
29 (2029) 0 0 0
30 (2030) 0 0 0
31 (2031) 200 100 100
32 (2032) 200 0 200
33 (2033) 0 0 0
34 (2034) 0 0 0
35 (2035) 0 0 0
36 (2036) 200 0 200
37 (2037) 200 0 200
38 (2038) 0 0 0
39 (2039) 0 0 0
40(2040 0 0 0
41 (2041) 200 100 100
42 (2042) 200 0 200
43 (2043) 0 0 0
44 (2044) 0 0 0
45 (2045) 0 0 0
NPV@ 6%= $177.25
IRR= 11%
(i) It is assumed that severe drought as a result of climate change occurs with the
do-nothing strategy once every 10 years in years 1, 11 and 21. But after year
20, climate change effects become pronounced because of doubling of
greenhouse gases with severe droughts occurring every 5 years starting in
year 21 and returning in years 26, 31, 36 and 41.
(ii) It is assumed with the climate abatement strategy, natural climatic variability
is maintained. The predicted climate change that would have occurred starting
from year 21 is avoided by the stabilisation of greenhouse gases at 1990
Cost-Benefit Analysis 183
production levels by all signatory countries around the world. Hence severe
drought occurs once every 10 years in the Republic of Olympia for years 1,
11, 21,31 and 41.
Appendix Table 6.2 Estimated NPV and IRR of the climate change abatement project
Sample size
Item 100 500
Mean NPV ($ million) 227 227
Standard deviation ofNPV($ million) 48 45
Range ofNPV($ million) 240 295
MeaniRR(%) 11.9 11.9
Standard deviation of IRR (%) 0.9 0.8
Range of IRR (%) 4.3 4.6
The NPV figures are rounded off to the nearest million dollars while the IRR figures are
rounded off to the nearest decimal point.
Palisade Corporation (1992). @RISK: Risk Analysis and Simulation Add-In for
Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2.01 Users' Guide, New York.
7. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Impact
Analysis, and Stakeholder Analysis
7.1 Introduction
186 Environmental Economics
Both CBA and CEA are based on the principle of economic efficiency
and therefore do not consider equity or distributional issues. That is, a
project is deemed to be socially desirable if the gainers can potentially
compensate the losers. They both do not deal with the issue of who the losers
are or how they should be compensated. Many projects around the world
have resulted in failure because insufficent attention has been paid to equity
and distributional issues. In this chapter, we consider impact analysis (or
environmental impact analysis) and the relatively new area of stakeholder
analysis. These two methods must be seen as being complementary to, and
not a substitute for, CBA and CEA. They enable decision-makers to devise
policies to mitigate any adverse impacts of a project on groups or
For large-scale projects CBA is the preferred approach because it enables the
major items of costs and benefits to be identified and valued and DCF
performance criteria to be computed. However, in cases where the major
benefits cannot be quantified in dollar terms, CEA is the preferred approach.
CEA is also appropriate in a case where the choice is between, say, two
wastewater treatment options with the same outputs or service levels but the
difference is in, say, location. Most of the foregoing discussion on CBA
applies generally to CEA. Unlike CBA, CEA does not have absolute criteria
by which to judge the economic viability of projects. CEA is therefore not
recommended when a decision about the level of output or service to be
provided is at issue.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Stakeholder Analysis 187
1. Project definition
2. Choice of method of analysis
3. Identification and valuation of costs and benefits
4. Discounted cash flow analysis
5. Calculation of measures of effectiveness, and
6. Sensitivity analysis
Project definition
The issues here are the same as discussed for a CBA. That is, there is need to
outline the project objective or problem to be solved, describe the target
population, discount rate, project life and other useful parameters.
service levels and the major economic benefits cannot be valued in monetary
terms, a CEA is appropriate.
Sensitivity analysis
As in a CBA, a sensitivity analysis will be required in a CEA. To assist the
choice between options, it would be necessary to find out how sensitive the
cost-effectiveness measures are to changes in project parameters such as
discount rate and planning horizon.
Cooloombah is a small city of 40,000 people located to the northeast of
Brisbane. In line with the general trends in the state of Queensland, the
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Stakeholder Analysis 189
population is expected to triple by the year 2020. To meet this increase in the
city's population, Council is considering two waste water treatment options.
Option 1 involves providing additional capacity at the existing facility to
cater for the expected increased population. Option 2 is to abandon the
existing facility and to construct a new one to cater for the whole catchment.
Both options are capable of treating an additional 20 MUd of treated
wastewater for discharge into the neighbouring creek. The estimated costs
are listed in Table 7 .1.
Project definition
The project's objective is to augment the waste water treatment capacity in
the project area. This goal can be achieved in two ways: to expand capacity
at the existing plant (Option A) or to build a new plant (Option B).
Option A:
The capital costs of augmenting the current facilities are estimated at $50
million and will be phased evenly over the construction period of two years.
Operating costs are estimated at $3.8 million per annum and will increase at
a rate of 3 percent per annum above the projected rate of inflation. Operating
costs are therefore projected to increase from $3.8 million at the start of
operation to $6.1 million at the end of the planning horizon (Table 7.2).
The capital costs of building a new wastewater treatment plant are expected
to amount to $43 million over a period of two years. The operating costs will
be $3.2 million per annum, increasing at 3 percent per annum above the
expected rate of inflation. The operating costs will therefore be $3.2 million
in the first year of plant operation, increasing to $5.14 million at the end of
the project (Table 7.2).
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Stakeholder Analysis 191
It is recommended that Council consider construction of a new wastewater
Table 7.2 Discounted cash flow table for Cooloombah Wastewater Project
($ millions)
The analysis should, as far as possible, indicate the size and nature of the
gains and losses. A simple but practical way of reporting the results of the
social impact assessment is by means of a matrix, depicting the costs and
benefits on one axis and the relevant socio-economic groupings on the other.
The economic impact assessment evaluates the impact of the project on the
region (or state), on local communities and on industry sectors. The
economic impact assessment can be carried out, at an elementary level, by
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Stakeholder Analysis 193
describing the impacts and providing estimates of how many jobs will be
created during the construction and operation phases of the project. A more
sophisticated analysis can be carried out using either an input-output or a
computable general equilibrium model. These models can give an indication
of the 'economy-wide' impacts of the projects. For example, if a project
increases output of a good or service, the models can provide an indication
of the simultaneous impacts on different sectors of the economy, including
effects on government revenue and households. However, it must be
emphasised that these models are not appropriate for project selection
because they do not consider the alternative uses of the resources consumed
by a project.
Environmental impacts
The environmental impacts will occur during the construction and operation
phases. These include impacts on the water quality, land and soils, flora and
fauna, and noise and air pollution.
Water quality
The impact on water quality will be positive because the treatment process
will remove nutrients from the wastewater and will also disinfect the
wastewater by means of chlorination.
Economic impacts
It is expected that construction of the plant will provide employment
opportunities, especially during the construction period. It is estimated that
150 jobs will be created when the plant is completed.
Social impacts
The social impacts pertain to the displacement of people, as well as gender
and cultural issues.
The proposed site for the project is not currently populated. The site is not
being used for any particular purpose and therefore there will be no
displacement impact.
It is expected that the construction of the plant will not adversely affect
women in the area. It is uncertain whether women in the area would share in
the employment opportunities to be created during the construction and
operation of the plant. There is little information about the education and
skills level of women in the area.
The site for the proposed plant has little cultural significance to the
population. It is unlikely that there will be any important cultural impact
from the project. There will also be no impacts on farmers, river users and
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Stakeholder Analysis 195
See, for example, work by Mitroff (1983) and Freeman (1984).
196 Environmental Economics
have failed in the past due to the failure of the planners to directly involve
those who the project will affect.
Grimble and Chan (1995: 114) define SA as 'an approach and procedure
for gaining an understanding of a system by means of identifying the key
actors or stakeholders in the system, and assessing their respective interests
in the system'. 'Stakeholders', in this definition, include governments and
non-governmental organisations, individuals, community groups, and firms
who can potentially affect or be affected by a proposed policy or project. The
main aim of SA is to take account of distributional and equity issues in the
design of policies or projects.
The justification for an approach such as SA is on the grounds that
conventional approaches such as CBA and CEA, particularly in the area of
natural resource management, do not consider the distribution of costs and
benefits among the stakeholders. Since stakeholders perceive environmental
problems differently, they may pursue solutions that are different from those
of the project, leading to non-cooperation with the project. Although SA is
useful in development planning as a whole, it is particularly useful for
natural resource management due to a number of reasons. Among these are
the common property nature of some natural resources; the multiple use
nature of natural resources and the varying interests held by different types
of stakeholders. In such situations stakeholder analysis provides a consistent
framework for evaluating and incorporating the various interests in the
decision-making process.
7.6 Summary
In this chapter, we have considered cost effectiveness analysis as an
alternative form of comparing two or more investment alternatives. A CEA
can be used when a project has significant economic benefits that cannot be
valued in monetary terms. It is also used to choose among two or more
projects or policies that have identical benefits. In such cases, the issue of
interest is which one can be implemented at least cost.
A practical example of a CEA was outlined. Both CBA and CEA are
based on principles of economic efficiency and do not therefore consider
equity and distributional issues associated with a proposed policy or project.
The concepts of impact analysis and stakeholder analysis were therefore
introduced as additional tools to complement CBA or CEA. An impact
analysis identifies a project's impact on the environment, social groups and
individuals. It seeks to identify gainers and losers and the magnitude of the
gains and losses. Stakeholder analysis is a similar process in the sense that it
seeks to identify the stakeholders, that is, individuals, groups and
organisations who are affected by or affect a given policy or project.
Stakeholder analysis attempts to gain an understanding of the various
interests associated with a resource and the interactions among the
stakeholders. Information from both impact and stakeholder analysis can be
used to improve the design of projects so as to minimise any adverse impacts
and improve the chances of successful implementation.
200 Environmental Economics
Review Questions
1. What are the main differences between cost-effectiveness analysis and
cost-benefit analysis?
1. List the advantages and limitations of cost effectiveness analysis.
Freeman, R.E. (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Pitman,
Boston, MA.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Stakeholder Analysis 201
Grimble, R. and Chan, M-K. (1995). Stakeholder Analysis for Natural Resource
Management in Developing Counties. Natural Resources Forum, 19(2): 113-
International Institute for Environment and Development, liED (1994). Rapid Rural
Appraisal Note 20. Sustainable Agriculture Progamme, liED, London.
8.1 Introduction
The non-market valuation techniques discussed earlier aim to value the
environmental impacts of proposed policies or projects in dollar terms.
These dollar estimates are then used as inputs to an analytical framework
such as CBA or CEA to assist decision makers choose between competing
alternatives. Although it is not necessarily made explicit, it is usually the
case that projects seek to achieve a set of broader socioeconomic and
environmental objectives such as increased income and preservation of the
environment. CBA works well as a decision-making tool when costs and
benefits can be valued in dollar terms. However, the fact remains that,
despite improvements in non-market valuation techniques, many
environmental impacts cannot be valued in monetary terms. This chapter
introduces multi-criteria analysis (MCA) which is an approach for choosing
from among a set of alternatives when there are multiple objectives. Because
the objectives may be competing or conflicting, the trade-offs need to be
made explicit.
204 Environmental Economics
The chapter proceeds as follows. The next section defines MCA and
explains its conceptual basis. Section 3 outlines the steps involved in
conducting MCA, while Section 4 discusses the limitations of the approach.
The penultimate section presents a case study on an application of MCA,
while the final section contains the summary.
Equity considerations may be modelled in CBA, to some extent, by adjusting prices
according to predefined equity weights.
Multi-Criteria Analysis 205
Cost ofbiodiversity
conservation, y 1 ($)
equi preference
ade-off curve
curve. For example, using the safe minimum standard concept (see Chapter
11), the decision makers might define a maximum allowable level of
biodiversity loss. Depending on the budget constraint, they may also define
the maximum level of costs. Imposing such constraints enables the choice
set to be narrowed down.
These steps are represented schematically in Figure 8.2. It shows the two
main sources of information flows (represented by broken arrows) during the
MCA process. The first source is in the form of inputs from data sets. Data
sets, typically, would include scientific, social and economic information
about the problem to be addressed. It may be presented in the form of GIS,
simulation models or expert systems that simulate the problem and
alternative scenarios and provide predictive information to assist the
identification of alternatives to address the perceived problem and the
scoring of alternatives against the evaluation criteria.
The second source is information from identified stakeholders. MCA
facilitates a participatory approach to decision-making. Information provided
by stakeholders would be expected to include their input to identify
alternatives and their acceptance of the appropriateness of the alternatives
Multi-Criteria Analysis 207
1. Identify the
problem to be Information
addressed inputs from
data sets
6. Evaluate the
5. Assign a alternatives and
inputs from .... weight or .... undertake a
stakeholders ranking to the sensitivity and/or
criteria risk analysis
7. Produce a ranking of
the alternatives and
Key: recommendations
Sequence of steps
The criteria for the first objective could be the number of jobs created and
the amount of revenue from the sale of logs. The criteria for the second
objective could include the level ofbiodiversity, the area of forest conserved,
the amount of soil erosion avoided and the level of water quality. Sub-
criteria for water quality could include the pH level, amount of suspended
particulate matter, and so on. Finally, the criteria for the third objective could
be the value of recreation and tourism, and the level of poverty.
over CBA in that it is able to deal with both quantitative and qualitative
For example, for the employment creation criterion in the forest
management case, the score for Alternative 4 (do nothing) could be no
additional jobs, Alternative 1 (ban all logging) could be 3 jobs and that of
Alternative 3 (permit all logging) could be 90 jobs (Table 8.1). For the
income generation criterion, the score could be zero dollars per annum for
both the 'do nothing' alternative as well as Alternative 1 and $35,000 per
annum for Alternative 3. Note that some of the criteria are expressed in
qualitative, or ordinal, form. For example, the score for the biodoversity is
high under Alternative 1 and very low under Alternative 3. It is
recommended that, as far as possible the criteria be 'standardised' (RAC,
1992). Standardisation involves reducing the criteria scores to a comparable
basis. In the forestry management example, standardisation would mean
ensuring that all the dollar scores are expressed on a scale such as between 0
and 10. Employment generation could be converted into a score, using, say,
'10' for the highest estimated employment level, and '0' for the lowest.
1. Ban all 2. Ban 3. Permit all forms 4. Do
logging logging in of logging nothing
Criteria old growth
Employment creation 3 30 90 0
(number of jobs)
aggregation techniques;
lexicographic technique;
graphical technique;
consensus maxirnisation;
concordance methods; and
See, for example, Pearce and Turner (1990) and Janssen (1992).
212 Environmental Economics
Aggregation techniques
In the aggregation approach, the scores are aggregated over the range of
criteria. The alternatives are then ranked according to the weighted sum of
the standardised scores. The scores are defined as follows:
Lexicographic technique
The lexicographic technique evaluates criteria by ranking them from the
least important to the most important. This approach does not allow trade-
offs among the criteria and is suitable for decisions in which the priorities
are clear-cut. An example is a decision regarding concentrations of toxic
chemicals in drinking water where the levels of acceptable risk can be
clearly defined based on medical information.
Graphical technique
As the name suggests, the graphical approach involves plotting the
alternatives in relation to benchmarks. These benchmarks could be, for
example, the maximum scores for a given alternative. The main limitation of
this approach is that the data must be in quantitative form (i.e., either ratio or
interval data).
Consensus-maximising technique
In the consensus-maximising approach, individual preferences are added up
to obtain group consensus preferences. This approach is useful when there
are a range of stakeholders associated with the project in question. In this
case, the criteria could be ranked on the basis of the preferences of different
interest groups to obtain an aggregate index.
Multi-Criteria Analysis 213
Concordance methods
Concordance methods are also referred to as ELECTRE methods (Roy,
1990). For each pairwise comparison, concordance and disconcordance
indices are calculated. The concordance index is given by the weighted sum
of the criteria for which the first alternative's score is better than that of the
second. The disconcordance index is given by the largest difference in scores
among those criteria for which the first alternative's score is below that of
the second. Upon calculation of the indices, a ranking of the alternatives is
then carried out.
~ JJ Jl
where [lj is a utility function; and all other variables are as defined
This case study is taken from Using a Multiple Criteria Decision Support System to Support
Natural Resource Management Decision-Making for Ecologically Sustainable Development,
a PhD thesis by Jackie Robinson, Department of Economics, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia.
216 Environmental Economics
situated within the Mitchell River Watershed in Far North Queensland. Land
and water resources in the catchment are under increasing pressure. The
quality and depth to the groundwater in parts of the catchment is
deteriorating whilst at the same time agriculture in the catchment is
undergoing restructuring with farmers redeveloping as well as expanding
production into crops which promise higher returns. Sustainable
development in the catchment, and downstream of the catchment, is at risk
unless current and future resource use can be managed to reduce, or at least
stabilise, the groundwater problems.
Downstream of the Cattle Creek Catchment and within the MDIA there
are approximately 240 irrigators, many growing tobacco which requires
irrigation water with less than 2Sppm chloride. Some of these irrigators,
approximately 31 per cent, would be affected by the quality of the water
entering the Walsh River from Cattle Creek. It is estimated that over $2
million of agricultural production per annum could be at risk if the
groundwater problems in the Cattle Creek Catchment are not stabilised.
Since the extent of the groundwater problems became apparent,
speculation from Downstream Irrigators and from groups of Catchment
Irrigators about responsibility for the problem increased. An ad hoc
approach to addressing the problem has led to conflict between groups of
stakeholders including irrigators, both downstream and within the
catchment, as well as agency groups. The increased conflict has highlighted
the need to adequately inform stakeholders and to encourage their
involvement in natural resource management decision-making.
A land and water data base and a groundwater simulation model of the
catchment increased stakeholder acceptance that a resource problem exists in
the catchment and, in addition, increased the validity of the proposed
alternatives for management and their evaluation.
A survey of stakeholders, in particular those on whom resource
management decisions are likely to impact directly, was a valuable part of
the decision-making process. The survey provided an opportunity to inform
people about the natural resource problems in the catchment and the
consequences of inaction and then to solicit their preferences about future
Table 8.2 Trade-offs for the Cattle Creek Catchment resource management problem
Management Alternatives
Plant Line Efficient water De-
Criteria trees storage irrigation allocations water
Cost to implement 1 5 3 2 4
Downstream impacts 3 4 1 2 5
Increase depth to groundwater 5 4 2 3 1
Table 8.2 shows that Plant Trees performs well against the cost criterion, but
its performance in relation to increasing the depth to groundwater is not as
impressive. The alternative which performed the best over all the criteria,
Efficient Irrigation, involves a trade-off in relation to the cost and it is not
the best alternative to increase the depth to groundwater. Interestingly, the
alternative scored as the most effective in increasing the depth to
groundwater, De-water, does not perform well against the other evaluation
Maximise (minimise) L w(i) Sc(i,j) (8.3)
Subject to: Lw(i) = 1 (8.4)
and w 1 ;:::w 2 ;:::, ,;:::wm;:::O (8.5)
where w(i) =weight vector based on the ranking for criterion i, and Sc(z~j) =
score of alternative j evaluated or scored for decision criterion i.
Calculation of the maximum and minimum aggregate scores (assuming a
given ranking of the criteria) for each alternative enables a ranking of
alternatives to be determined. The difference between the maximum and
minimum aggregate scores for an alternative also provides information about
the sensitivity of the scores to the weightings of the criteria.
Downstream Degr
Production Area
C EfficWaterUse
[ Productivity
Manage leakages
Dram and Re-Use Water
[ GWQuallty Conjunctive Water Use
[ lmplem T1me EfficlentlrngatlonManagementPractlces
Land and Wafer Management Plans
Do Nothing
- [ Downstream Degr
Net Total Cost
Effective Optto
Effic Water Use
Depth GW
[ ProductiVIty
Planting ofTrees
Manage Leakages
WaterPncing Policy
Restrict Further Irrigation Development
Do Nothmg
Figure 8.5 shows the preferred ranking of the criteria for the Catchment
Irrigators and the resulting ranking of the alternatives. One end of the graph
shows the maximum aggregate score for an alternative and the other end
shows the minimum aggregate score. If the maximum aggregate score is
Multi-Criteria Analysis 221
Table 8.3 Final ranking of management alternatives, using the maximum aggregate score
for each stakeholder group, 1997
8.5.3 Conclusion
The MCA developed for the Cattle Creek Catchment placed considerable
emphasis on the need to draw on the preferences of the stakeholders to assist in
222 Environmental Economics
8.6 Summary
This chapter has introduced the reader to the technique of multi-criteria
decision analysis (MCA). This approach is suitable for the analysis of
natural resource and environmental problems where there are multiple
objectives which may be conflicting or competing. MCA utilises both
quantitative and qualitative data and is useful when non-market estimates of
environmental effects cannot be determined. Cost-benefit analysis is a
special case of MCA when there is a single performance criterion that is
measured in monetary terms.
A typical MCA is conducted in 8 steps: identification of the problem;
identification of the alternatives; identification of the criteria; scoring of the
alternatives; assignment of weights to the criteria; evaluation of the
alternatives; sensitivity and risk analyses; and ranking the alternatives. The
approach is amenable to input from the analyst, decision maker and
stakeholders. In practice, there will be iteration between the various steps
after consultations with the interest groups. In spite of its obvious strengths,
MCA has a number of weaknesses. There is a large number of evaluation
methods and there is little guidance as to which ones are better. The
Multi-Criteria Analysis 223
approach relies on subjective judgement and there is the possibility that this
may not reflect the society's preferences.
The criteria for judging the success of a MCA, particularly when applied
to assist natural resource management, should be related to the critical
insights gained through improved communication of the different
perspectives of researcher, farmer and decision-maker. The effectiveness of
a MCA is in the bringing together of different points of view to bear on a
common problem.
Review Questions
1. Define multi-criteria analysis.
1. Suppose the government is considering constructing a major freeway in
a highly populated city. The alternatives are four locations in the city.
Department of Natural Resources, DNR (1997). Location of Cattle Creek Catchment
in the Michell River Watershed. GIS & Cartography Unit, Mareeba.
Forman, E.H. (1990). Multi Criteria Decision Making and the Analytical Hierarchy
Process. In C.A. Bana e Costa (ed.), Readings in Multiple Criteria Decision Aid.
Springer, Berlin.
Pearce, D.W. and Turner, R.K. (1990). The Use of Benefits Estimates in
Environmental Decisionmaking. Report to the Environment Directorate, OECD,
Multi-Criteria Analysis 225
Roy, B. (1990). The outranking approach and the foundations of the ELECTRE
methods. In C.A. Bana e Costa (ed.), Readings in Multiple Criteria Decision
Aid. Springer, Berlin.
Saaty, T.L. (1980). The Analytical Heirachy Process. McGraw Hill, USA.
Shaw, R., Doherty, J., Brebber, L., Cogle, L., and Lait, R. (1998). The Use of
Multiobjective Decision Making for Resolution of Resource Use and
Environmental Management Conflicts at a Catchment Scale. In S.A. El-Swaify,
and D.S.Yakowitz (eds.), Multiple Objective Decision Making for Land, Water
and Environmental Management. Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Multiple Objective Decision Support Systems (MODSS) for
Land, Water, and Environmental Management (1996): Concepts, Approaches,
and Applications, CRC Press, USA.
Yakowitz, D.S., Lane, L.J., Stone, J.J., Heilman, P., Reddy, R.K., Imam, B. (1992).
Evaluating Land Management Effects on Water Quality Using Multi-objective
Analysis within a DSS. Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Groundwater Ecology, July, 1992, Tampa, Florida. USEPA, AWRA, pp.365-
o review the various positions taken in the debate about the impacts of
population and economic growth on the environment;
9.1 Introduction
It was established in Chapter 1 that the economy and the environment are
closely interrelated. In particular, we saw that the environment has an
assimilative capacity that can be considered as finite. It is generally believed
that the need to clothe and feed a rapidly growing population is the major
cause of environmental degradation. In this and the following chapters, we
continue to examine in more detail the relationship between population, the
economy and the environment. Although concern for the environment has
heightened within the last two decades, the debate over population growth
and the environment has raged over the past two centuries. The chapter
begins with a review of various positions taken on the relationship between
population growth and the environment. This is followed by a description of
world and regional population growth trends. Next, we examine the
230 Environmental Economics
Positive check
Source: adapted from Goodstein (1995).
North America. After the Second World War, policy makers were
preoccupied with reconstruction and with pressing issues such as
unemployment and inflation. Acceleration in the growth rate of the economy
was viewed as the only solution to these problems.
The advent of modern environmentalism can be traced to the 1960s
when the increase in environmental pollution led to a rise in public
environmental awareness. After the energy crisis of the 1970s the
Malthusian debate was resurrected with neo-Malthusians launching an attack
on the virtues of economic growth. In 1972, the neo-Malthusian group, The
Club of Rome, published the results of a study entitled, The Limits to Growth
(Meadows et al., 1972), which attracted extensive media coverage. The
study reached three major conclusions. First, at the prevailing annual rates of
consumption the world would run out of mineral resources within 100 years
resulting in a sudden collapse of the world economic system. Second, this
calamity would not be averted by piecemeal solution to the myriad
problems. Third, the only solution to the collapse would be an immediate
reduction in economic growth, population growth and pollution. 48
In a report entitled The Global 2000 Report to the United States
President another neo-Malthusian group argued that increasing population
growth and per capita consumption could create severe natural resource
shortages by the year 2000 (Barney, 1980). It also predicted that the world
would be more susceptible to 'low-probability' and 'high-risk' events such
as the 'greenhouse effects' and global nuclear risks. These events would
cause widespread disruptions of food production.
The dire predictions of the Club of Rome and the Global 2000 Report
led economists including Herman Daly and others to propose a stationary or
steady-state economy in order to avoid prospects of exponential growth.
Among other things, Daly recommended a zero population growth and
quotas on the use of minerals. He suggested that these quotas could be
auctioned to promote economic efficiency. 49 He recommended restricting
consumption per capita to a minimum tolerable level per person, arguing that
his approach could ensure the longest possible survival of the human
species. Paul Ehrlich in his book, The Population Bomb, argued that
The model follows the basic premise of the Malthusian Theory. Several resources are fixed
in supply and growth increases exponentially. These assumptions and the absence of technical
progress ensure the exhaustion of resources.
See, for example, Daly (1980) and Erhlich and Harriman (1971).
Population Growth, Resource Use, and the Environment 233
See IUCN (1980).
234 Environmental Economics
'Sustainable development' is discussed in Chapter 11.
Population Growth, Resource Use, and the Environment 235
0 World East Asia & Pacific nil Latin America & Carib 13 South Asia ~ Sub-Saharan Af?Ca]
Source: World Bank (1999).
The foregoing suggest that although the factors influencing family size in
developing countries are complex, policy should consider the fact that
socioeconomic variables play an instrumental role in determining family
size. A poor family's decision to have more children is entirely rational in
view of high mortality rates and poor economic prospects. Thus, it seems
that one way to reduce family size is to improve the economic status of the
poor, particularly that of women. This issue is discussed in more detail later.
Forests protect the land from the impact of rainfall. They enhance the
availability of soil nutrients and contribute to soil strength by providing
additional cohesion. Deforestation makes the soil more erodible by reducing
the organic matter content and the water holding capacity of the soil. There
is a reduction of the soil's infiltration rate, leading to increases in run-off and
soil erosion.
Physical degradation refers to structural breakdown of soil aggregates and reduced soil
Population Growth, Resource Use, and the Environment 239
Crop production in many developing countries is almost entirely dependent
on the use of plough oxen. Farmers in some developing countries tend to
keep large numbers of livestock as a form of income supplementation and
insurance against crop failure. Also, in some countries, ownership of
livestock is regarded as a sign of wealth and prestige. Apart from removing
vegetative cover, livestock contribute to land degradation by trampling the
soil and causing compaction, thereby reducing the rate of infiltration,
destroying the aggregate stability of the soil and reducing its water-holding
capacity. All of this results in an increase in the risk of soil erosion.
See studies by Jeyaratnam et al. (1987), Ant1e and Pingali (1994) and Wi\son (1999).
Population Growth, Resource Use, and the Environment 241
See studies by Cruz ( 1994) and Koop and To le ( 1999).
Population Growth, Resource Use, and the Environment 243
scale migration to inland areas of the island, which has resulted in high
population densities and further deforestation.
As suggested above, an indirect environmental impact of a high
population growth rate is that, as the carrying capacity of the land is
approached, it is no longer able to support the population. As a result, there
is an increase in rural unemployment and poverty. People then begin to
migrate to the towns and cities in search of non-existent jobs. The urban
areas themselves do not have the infrastructure to support the rapid influx of
migrants. The net result is the development of slums and squatter settlements
and the perpetuation of crime, poverty and environmental pollution.
Pearce (1991) has argued that rapid population growth could be a rational
response to distinct economic factors such as poverty in rural areas. Thus,
although population growth is a major threat to prudent management of
natural resources including soil, the mere correlation of population growth
with degradation of natural resources does not necessarily imply that
population growth is the root cause of the problem.
Population growth itself could be a result of the same factors that cause
environmental degradation. The simplified relationship between population
growth and land degradation presented above tends to conceal a multitude of
factors that contribute to the problem. We briefly examine below the role of
poverty in environmental degradation.
The relationship between poverty and land degradation is complex. The
links between poverty and environmental degradation depend on several
factors including the degree of resilience of an area to shocks (e.g.,
population growth, public policies or climatic changes) and the demands
made on natural resources.
244 Environmental Economics
Box 9.1 Population growth, migration, deforestation and soil erosion: the Philippines case
The rural poor in many developing countries depend heavily on their natural
resources to cope with a decline in their per capita income caused by any of
the above factors. Poverty forces farmers to take a number of actions,
including extending cultivation into marginal lands, overgrazing and cutting
down trees to sell as firewood. As was explained earlier, such activities often
result in soil erosion, deforestation and overgrazing. There is a vicious cycle
in the sense that the inability of the degraded land to support the growing
population increases the levels of unemployment and poverty.
Empirical studies indicate that the two variables most highly correlated
with poverty, in particular in rural areas, are unemployment and lack of (or
limited) access to land. For example, in a study of rural areas in India,
Sundram and Tendulkar (1993) demonstrated that more than three-quarters
of the rural poor and unemployed fell into two classes: landless workers and
small-scale farmers. Historically, poverty, defined in absolute as well as
relative terms, appears to be more prevalent in rural areas than in urban
areas. However, as employment opportunities continue to decrease in the
rural areas, migration to the urban areas is increasing the numbers of the
urban poor. For example, a study by Prasad and Asafu-Adjaye (1998)
indicated that between 1977 and 1990, poverty and income inequality in Fiji
increased by 10 percentage points. The analysis indicated that poverty and
income inequality increased fastest in urban areas compared to rural areas.
Land is the main resource on which the lives of most farmers in
developing countries depend. Even if farmers understand this fact and really
care for the land, they face serious constraints in combating land
degradation. Poor farmers are also usually marginalised by the fact that they
are compelled to cultivate less fertile and steeper slopes with the
accompanying high risks of soil erosion. However, these farmers do not have
the resources to undertake investments that could enhance the long-term
productivity of their land. Poor farmers also cultivate small plots of land and
cannot afford to fallow any part of their land.
Female expectancy
population Labor force at birth
percent of participation Adult illiteracy female-
total ratio of female rate, male- male
Region to male female difference
1997 1970 1997 1970 1997 1997
World 49.6 0.6 0.7 23 15 4
East Asia and
Pacific 48.9 0.7 0.8 28 14 3
Europe and
Central Asia 51.9 0.9 0.9 11 4 9
Latin America
and Caribbean 50.4 0.3 0.5 7 2 6
South Asia 48.5 0.5 0.5 28 27 1
Africa 50.5 0.7 0.7 19 16 3
Source: World Bank (1999).
having children and reduce the birth rate, in the sense that women delay
marriage or reduce the number of desired children, if already married.
Another factor is that as families become more educated their incomes
increase, and the opportunity cost of the parents' time increases, with options
such as work or leisure becoming available. There is a tendency for such
families to go for a 'quality' strategy in terms of family size. This means
having fewer children and investing more in their education and upbringing.
9.6.2 Education
Education is highly correlated with income. As families become more
educated they tend to earn more, and the opportunity cost of taking time off
to raise children increases. Therefore, once again, such families tend to opt
for 'quality' in terms of having fewer children and investing more in their
education. The current statistics suggest that the provision of basic education
in many developing countries is lacking due mainly to shrinking government
budgets for social services.
9.7 Summary
Whether economic growth will increase or reduce resource scarcity is not a
clear-cut issue. Some of the neo-Malthusian predictions about resource
availability have not materialised to date. This is mainly due to the fact that
they confined their definition of scarcity to physical terms. Related factors
such as the role of the price mechanism, increased resource exploration,
improved production techniques, the use of substitutes, research into and
development of substitutes, as well as possible changes in consumption
patterns were not considered.
On the other hand, some of the views of the optimists are also
unrealistic. For example, no level of technological advancement can
compensate for some of the handiwork of nature. It is highly unlikely that
technical knowledge will reach the stage where pristine natural environments
and genetic diversity can be totally recreated. In view of the uncertainty
surrounding likely future environmental impacts and the possible irreversible
damage to the environment, a pragmatic strategy to follow would be one
The Asian financial crisis of 1997 may have temporarily increased poverty to some degree.
However, we show in Chapter 10 that most of these countries have emerged from the
250 Environmental Economics
Review Questions
1. Explain the Malthusian population model.
5. Give three reasons that explain why population growth has accelerated
in developing countries over the last three decades.
6. Give three reasons that explain why poor families are likely to have
large family sizes.
1. To date Malthus's predictions have not come to pass. Why do you think
that is so?
4. Give reasons that explain why coercive policies may not be an ideal way
to control population growth.
Antle, J.M. and Pingali, P. (1994). Pesticides, Productivity, and Farmer Health: A
Philippine Case Study. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76: 418-
Bamett, H.J. and Morse, C. (1963). Scarcity and Growth. Johns Hopkins University
Press, Baltimore, MD.
Bamey, G.O. (1980). The Global 2000 Report to the President of the US. Entering
the 2 I st Century. Pergamon Press, New York.
Birdsall, N.M. and Griffm, C.C. (1988) Fertility and Poverty in Developing
Countries. Journal of Policy Modelling, 10( 1):29-55.
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and Asia
Development Bank (ADB) (1995). 1995 State of the Environment in Asia and
the Pacific. United Nations, New York.
Ehrlich, P.R. and Harriman, L. {1971). How to be a Survivor. Ballantine, New York.
Forster, N.R. (1992). Protecting Fragile Lands: New Reasons to Tackle Old
Problems. World Development, 20(4): 371-382.
International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN
(1980). The World Conservation Strategy: Living Resource Conservation for
Sustainable Development. Glands, Switzerland.
Jeyaratnam, J., Luw, K.C., and Phoqn, W.O. (1987). Survey of Acute Pesticide
Poisoning among Health Workers in Four Asian Countries. Bulletin of the
World Health Organisation, 65(4): 521-527.
Kahn, H., Brown, W., and Martel, L. (1976). The Next 200 Years: A Scenario for
America and the World. William Morrow, New York.
Malthus, T.R. (1872). An Essay on the Principle of Population. 7ili Edition, Reeves
and Turner, London.
254 Environmental Economics
Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L. and Behrens, W. (1972). The Limits of Growth: A
Report to the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind. Universe
Books, New York.
Moene, K.O. (1992). Poverty and Land Ownership. American Economic Review,
82( 1):52-64.
Nadel, S.F. (1946) Land Tenure on the Eritrean Plateau. Africa: Journal of the
International African Institute, 16(1 ).
Simon, J.L. ( 1981 ). The Ultimate Resource. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
World Bank (1992). World Development Report 1992: Development and the
Environment. Oxford University Press, New York.
World Bank ( 1999). World Development Indicators 1999. CD-ROM Version. World
Bank, Washington D.C.
10.1 Introduction
World trade has been expanding at a rapid pace for several decades, even
outpacing global production. In the report, Our Common Future, WCED
noted that:
256 Environmental Economics
Herman Daly suggests that a more accurate name for 'free trade' is 'deregulated
international commerce' (Daly, 1993).
Economic Growth and the Environment 257
These figures are brought into sharper contrast when we look at them in per
capita terms. For example, the East Asia and Pacific region outperformed the
rest of the world with average per capita GDP growth of 5.3 percent per
annum, while SSA countries grew at an average of 0.3 percent per annum
per capita. For all the regions shown, the main engines of growth were the
industrial and services sectors.
258 Environmental Economics
The Asian crisis financial crisis of 1997 and natural disasters, including
the El Nifio57 , caused East Asian and Pacific region economic growth to drop
sharply from 9.6 percent in 1991-96 to 4.3 percent in 1997-99 (see Table
10.2). The only exception was the Chinese economy which continued to
recorded robust growth of 7 percent per annum during this period. The Asian
financial crisis had a ripple effect on the rest of the developing world. East
Asia had been responsible for much of the recent growth in global
consumption of commodities, with Japan accounting for about a third of
world consumption. A drastic fall in Japanese demand, coupled with the
lagged supply response to the commodity boom of 1994-96, forced
commodity prices to trend downwards. In view of the fact that many
developing countries depend on primary commodities for most of their
export earnings, growth in these regions slowed considerably. The statistics
suggest that the East Asian economies haved emerged from the crisis, with
average growth of 6.3 percent per annum in the period 2000 to 2001.
Table 10.2 World real annual gross domestic product growth, 1965-2001
El Nifio is a term used to describe unusually warm ocean conditions along the west coast of
South America which adversely affect fisheries and agriculture in the Asia-Pacific region and
parts of North America.
Economic Growth and the Environment 259
A 'megacity' is defined as a city with a population of over 10 million.
260 Environmental Economics
:S 0.15
"0 0.05
0 12
ell 10
e... 8
0 6
0 4
Oi 2
Cil 0
;;;; 5.00+03
g: 4.00+03
~ 3.00E+03
8. 2.00+03
0 1.00+03
GDP =44.7 + 3.5ENERGY
= 0.89; F 112 = 78.5
O.OOE+ 2.00E+ 4.00E+ 6.00E+ 8.00E+ l.OOE+ l.20E+ l.40E+ l.60E+ l.80E+ 2.00E+
00 00 00 00 00 M M M M M M
Commercial energy use per capita (kg oil equiv.)
commercial energy use per capita (in kilograms of oil equivalent) for a
sample of 12 countries. 59 The plot indicates a linear relationship between the
two variables. The regression statistics (R 2 and F-statistics) suggest that the
relationship is highly significant. These results suggest that rapid economic
growth in the Asia-Pacific region will entail a rapid development in energy
systems. The converse of this relationship is that curtailment of energy use
will severely retard economic growth.
Energy use is also related to various indicators of social welfare. Figure
10.4 indicates that life expectancy (represented by the variable LIFE) is
linearly related to energy use (represented by the variable ENERGY).
Although the relationship is not as strong as that of GDP versus energy use,
it is nevertheless significant. Figure 10.5 indicates an inverse relationship
between infant mortality and energy use. In both cases, the relationship can
be explained by the fact that energy enhances the development process,
The countries were: Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Australia,
Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. The data were
obtained from World Bank (1999).
262 Environmental Economics
Figure 10.4 Life expectancy and energy use in selected Asian countries
I 7.00E+01 A
' 6.00E+01
~ 5.00E+01
i 4.00E+01
LIFE= 63.1 + 0.003ENERGY
~ 3.00E+01 2
R = 0.60, F1,12 = 15.0
~ 2.00E+01
O.OOE+OO +----r---~--~---.----.----~
O.OOE+OO 1.00E+03 2.00E+03 3.00E+03 4.00E+03 5.00E+03 6.00E+03
Commercial energy use per capita (kg oil equiv.)
Figure 10.5 Infant mortality and energy use in selected Asian countries
9.00E+01 <>
~ 8.00E+01
~ 7.00E+01
~ 6.00E+01
C 5.00E+01
.~ 4.00E+01
~ 2.00E+01
~ 1.00E+01
O.OOE+OO +-----~--~---~----=-<>--.-----~--~
O.OOE+OO 1.00E+03 2.00E+03 3.00E+03 4.00E+03 5.00E+03 6.00E+03
Commercial energy use per capita (kg oil equiv.)
This situation is referred to as exporting pollution.
264 Environmental Economics
0~------------------------------~---. Quantity
0~------~--------------~------+ Quantity
'-' 200
~ lOO
0 5000 l 0000 15000 20000 25000 30000
In this section, we first review theories that attempt to explain the EKC
relationship. This is followed by a review of empirical studies of the EKC.
Next, we conduct a critical assessment of the evidence.
268 Environmental Economics
Overlapping-generations models
John and Pecchenino (1994) use Samuelson's (1958) and Diamond's (1965)
overlapping-generations61 framework to explain why an inverted U
relationship might exist between economic growth and environmental
quality. In this approach, short-lived individuals make decisions about the
accumulation of capital and the provision of a public good, environmental
quality, where the decisions have long lasting effects. In the stylized model,
economic agents live two periods, working young and consuming while old.
The young allocate their wages between investment in capital goods and
investment in the environment, which is a public good. Economic agents
derive utility from consumption and environmental quality. Their
consumption degrades the environment which is left to future generations.
However, investment in capital improves the technology available to future
John and Pecchenino (1994) indicate that economic agents in economies
with little capital (or high environmental quality) may choose not to maintain
the environment. As agents accumulate capital, the consumption externality
causes degradation of the environment, resulting in a negative correlation
between economic growth and environmental quality. On the other hand, in
economies with high capital levels, agents can choose a mix of savings and
maintenance such that a higher capital stock is associated with a higher level
of environmental quality.
Under their framework, it is also possible for some environmental
problems to improve at low-income levels, whereas others worsen even in
rich economies. For example, in the case of water quality, returns to
maintenance are high and agents may be willing to sacrifice large amounts
of consumption in return for improvements in quality. On the other hand, for
The overlapping generations model is a departure from the normal utility framework used
in economics. In this approach, the utility of the current generation depends on that of future
Economic Growth and the Environment 269
other pollutants (e.g., C02), returns to maintenance may be low and agents
may value environmental quality relatively less.
Production/consumption models
Pollution can arise from consumption and production of goods and services
or the use of environmental inputs in either of these activities. Lopez (1994)
presents a simple model that consists of two production sectors and assumes
constant returns to scale, exogenous prices62 and technological progress,
among other things. In this model, when private producers consider only
their marginal costs (MPC) (i.e., do not pay for pollution), increased output
levels lead to increase in pollution levels regardless of technological
progress and preferences. However, when producers pay the marginal social
cost (MSC), that is, MPC plus the price of pollution, then the relationship
between output and pollution levels depends on preferences and technology.
If it is assumed that preferences are non-homothetic, as is more likely to be
the case (Pollak and Wales, 1992),63 the change in pollution, with increasing
output, depends on the elasticity of substitution in production between
pollution and other inputs, as well as the degree of relative risk aversion. In
this case, the degree of relative risk aversion is defined as the rate at which
consumers' marginal utility declines as they increase their consumption of
goods and services. For certain plausible values of these two parameters (i.e.,
elasticity of substitution and risk aversion) pollution levels may rise at low-
income levels and decline at high income levels, leading to the inverse U
McConnell (1997) has proposed an EKC model in which pollution is
generated by consumption but reduced by abatement. In this model, utility is
defined as a function of consumption (C) and pollution (P). That is,
U=U(C, P) ( 10.1)
Constant returns to scale means that a 1 percent increase in inputs results in a 1 percent
increase in output; exogenous prices mean that prices are given, i.e., determined from outside
the model.
The property of 'homotheticity' is related to constant returns to scale (see previous
footnote). It is related to the fact that a set of inputs is used in the same proportions at any
given level of output.
270 Environmental Economics
P = P(C, A) (10.2)
Y=C+A (10.3)
x=x(L, K, Z) (10.4)
e = e(E) (10.5)
where L is labour and other variable inputs used to produce market goods; K
is environmental capital stock used to produce x; Z is conventional capital
stock (e.g., structures and machinery) and E is environmental capital stock
(e.g., forests, soil, and water) used to produce environmental services. Both
production functions are assumed to be concave and the usual neoclassical
assumptions (i.e., perfect competition and constant returns to scale) also
apply. The marginal product of the conventional capital stock is assumed to
be negative at high levels of utilisation, but that of environmental capital
stock is assumed to be positive. The marginal rate of transformation from
e to x, MRTe,x is defined as:
The production possibilities frontier is a function which indicates the maximum output that
can be obtained with different combinations of inputs.
Economic Growth and the Environment 271
Figure I 0.9 Production possibilities frontier for market and environmental goods
goods (e)
Technological change can shift the PPF outward. The main implication of
this theory is that even if environmental quality is a pure public good,
economic growth and environmental quality improvement are not
272 Environmental Economics
Given that most environmental goods and services display public goods
characteristics, the issue of market failure needs to be addressed in efforts to
solve environmental problems. According to the political economy
approach, as a country's per capita income increases, it becomes better able
to address the issue of market failure through the political process.
To conclude this section, the point needs to be made that there is not
much difficulty in constructing a model that would generate EKC-type
characteristics. The challenge is to find empirical evidence that backs up the
theory. In the following section, we will review a selection of empirical
studies that have attempted to either support or refute the EKC hypothesis.
Economic Growth and the Environment 273
BOD is the amount of natural oxidation that occurs in a sample of water in a given time
COD is the amount of oxygen consumed when a chemical oxidant is added to a sample of
de Bruyn (1997) and Panayotou (1997) both advocate decomposition analysis as a
preferred alternative to the reduced-form approach. This is because an expansion of the
reduced-form model to include further explanatory variables increases the possibility of
serious multicollinearity problems.
276 Environmental Economics
The political liberties index measures rights such as free elections, the existence of multiple
parties, and decentralisation of power. The civil liberties index measures freedom to express
opinions without fear of reprisal.
Economic Growth and the Environment 277
Bank (1992) and Grossman and Krueger (1995), with the benefit of an
additional ten years of data. They also tested the sensitivity of the EKC
relationship to different functional forms and econometric specifications, to
the inclusion of additional covariates besides income and to the nations,
cities and years sampled. They found that the location of the turning points,
as well as their very existence, was sensitive to both slight variations in the
data and to the econometric specification. For example, merely cleaning up
or updating the original data caused the inverted-U shape to disappear. On
the basis of these results, they concluded that there is little if any empirical
support for the existence of an EKC for these pollutants.
S=CA' (10.7)
where C and z are positive parameters, with z ranging from 0.10 to 0.35
(Wilson, 1992). Given that Equation 10.7 is non-linear in both the parameters
and variables, we can express it in logarithms as follows:
The material in this section draws heavily from Asafu-Adjaye (2003).
280 Environmental Economics
Figure 10.10 Plots of the relationship between income and biodiversty levels
100 0
<( 80
<( 60
.., 0
20 cPO oo
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 10000 20000 30000
300 0
m 0
0 0 0
Cl 00
10 200 ~0
~0 0
0 0
0 0
100 0
o o; <&,8 0
0 0
0 "a'CT
0 0 0 0 oo
0 4-----------.-----------.-~0~------~
0 10000 20000 30000
the plots show wide variations in species diversity especially for countries in
the less than US$10,000 category. However, ignoring the outliers in the
samples, it can be seen that there is an overall negative relationship between
Economic Growth and the Environment 281
income and biodiversity levels for the numbers of known mammal, bird and
higher plant species, and a positive relationship between income and the
percentage of birds and mammals threatened with extinction. Thus, an EKC
type relationship can be ruled out for biodiversity.
To quantify these relationships more precisely and examine the impact
of economic growth on biodiversity, the following regression models were
Eij indicator ofbiodiversity level for country i, j=l (mammals),
2 = (birds), 3 =(plants), 4 = (pbmt) and 5 (pcmam);
GDPi = GDP per capita (in PPP terms, 1995 International$)
AGRICPC = agricultural value added as a percentage of GDP;
FREEi =index of economic freedom, 0 (most free) to 20 (least free);
FOREXi = black market premium on exchange rates, 0 = premium of 210
percent or more, 10 = premium of 0 percent;
POPDENSi =population density;
UPOPGRO i = urban population growth;
PDLANDi = percentage ofland developed for agriculture and other uses;
PPLAND i = percentage of protected land area; and
CLIMATEi =dummy variable for climate where: (1) cold and cold
temperate countries; (2) sub-tropical and dry countries;
and (3) wet tropical countries; and
Ei = a random error term.
Gross domestic product was included in the model because the level of
biodiversity is directly related to the level of economic output. AGRICPC
was included to test the hypothesis that biodiversity decline is not only
282 Environmental Economics
The dependent variable is the logarithm of number/! 0,000 sq km.
'",",and,' indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively, for a
one-tailed test.
Table 10.5 Regression estimates for determinants of biodiversity (number of higher plants
and change in number of mammals)
The dependent variable is the logarithm of number/10,000 sq km.
b The dependent variable is the logarithm of the average annual percentage change in the
number of known mammal species from 1989 to 1999.
***, , and,* indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively, for a
one-tailed test.
Source: Asafu-Adjaye (2003).
Voluntary agreements
A voluntary agreement (VA) is basically a 'contract' between a government
agency and industry in which environmental goals and deadlines have been
negotiated and subsequently agreed upon by both parties (Barde, 1995;
Carraro and Sinisalco, 1996). In a VA, the industry is self-committed to
288 Environmental Economics
nations cut back on pollution or natural resource use. Therefore, it has been
proposed that the rich nations could compensate the poorer ones for forgoing
income from natural resource exploitation. In the case of global public goods
such as biodiversity resources, individuals and countries have no economic
incentive to invest in them. Thus, there is the need for more international
initiatives that assist the developing countries to improve the management of
their biodiversity resources. Various forms of transfer mechanisms have
been proposed including international financing of conservation projects
and debt-for-nature swaps.
Debt-for-nature swaps
The concept of debt-for-nature swaps has been proposed as a way of
assisting developing countries to protect their environment and at the same
time reduce their foreign debt. The idea originated from the concept of debt
conversion. After Mexico's 1982 financial crisis, it threatened to default on
its foreign debt. This threat forced international banks to accept the fact that
some debt-ridden countries were incapable of fully repaying their debts.
Consequently, banks began to minimise their risk by selling high-risk debts
to other banks at discounted values. Such debts became known as secondary
290 Environmental Economics
debts or loans, and soon a market for these loans began to develop. A typical
debt conversion consists of swapping secondary debt for equity in the debtor
country and offers a low-cost way of investing in a developing country. For
example, in 1986, Chrysler Motor Company bought off Mexico's foreign
debt with a face value of about US$1 08 million for US$65 million. In return,
the Mexican government provided about US$1 00 million in pesos for the
construction of a car manufacturing plant.
Debt-for-nature swaps71 operate along the same lines as debt-for-equity
swaps, except that, as the name suggests, the investments are targeted at
preserving the environment. For example, the US environmental lobby
group, Nature Conservancy bought about US$2.2 million of Brazil's foreign
debt for US$850,000. Most of the money has been paid into a fund to be
used to conserve a tropical rain forest in the country. The World Wildlife
Fund for Nature has been involved in debt-for-nature swaps in a number of
developing countries. By 1991, about 19 debt-for-nature swaps worth over
US$100 million had taken place. However, this amount is miniscule in
comparison to total developing country debt of over US$1.3 trillion in the
same period.
Although well intentioned, debt-for-nature swaps have been criticised on
a number of grounds. Some people are of the view that a good proportion of
foreign debt has been incurred by totalitarian or corrupt governments and
that using debt-for-nature swaps to retire such debt is tantamount to
legitimising illegal or immoral transactions. For example, it has been alleged
that the former president of the Philippines, the late Ferdinand Marcos,
incurred millions of dollars of national debt which were improperly used and
as such the people of the Philippines should not be held accountable for such
debts. Another argument against debt-for-nature swaps is that they interfere
with national sovereignty in the sense that they allow foreigners to dictate
how governments in developing countries should allocate their expenditures.
It has been alleged that some of the debt-for-nature swap projects are
designed more for research and exploitation of natural resources than for
conservation (Mahony, 1992).
The number and size of debt-for-nature swaps, to date, have been such
that none of these criticisms have been proven beyond doubt. Realistically, it
is unlikely that this approach will make any significant dent in Third World
debt. It would appear that the major benefit of these schemes is in raising
See Hansen (1989) for an overview.
Economic Growth and the Environment 291
10.8 Summary
This chapter has tackled the complex subject of the relationship between
trade and the environment. After describing some general trends in economic
and environmental indicators in the last few years, the discussion focussed
on various dimensions of the trade-environment relationship, resulting in a
set of policy recommendations on trade and the environment. The discussion
of the trends suggested that increase in population will increase the demand
for food, clothing and shelter. The consumption of resources such as energy
will continue to escalate because energy is a major input in industrial
production. Energy use was found to be highly correlated with economic
growth and social indicators such as infant mortality and life expectancy,
implying that energy is vital for development. However, to achieve
sustainable development, there is a need to develop alternatives forms of
energy (e.g., renewable energy).
A considerable part of the discussion centered on the relationship
between trade and the environment at different stages of development or
income. At issue was the environmental Kuznets U-curve hypothesis which
stipulates that, as the per capita income of a country increases,
environmental degradation will initially increase, but then will eventually
decline once a maximum level has been reached. The maximum level of
income at which degradation begins to decline is referred to as the turning
point. A review of empirical studies revealed that there is mixed support for
the EKC hypothesis. The EKC relationship appears to hold for some
indicators such as SOz, deforestation and SPM. In the case of C02, all the
studies indicate that it increases with income, and has no turning point. Also,
the EKC has been shown not to hold for biodiversity. Another important
observation about the EKC is that in some cases where turning points have
been observed, the turning point is much higher than per capita incomes of
the countries involved.
In conclusion, much still remains to be accomplished in explaining why
EKCs arise. In the mean time, it is clear that countries will not automatically
'grow' out of their environmental problems. The role of institutions in
countries that have obtained low levels of environmental pollution was
292 Environmental Economics
Review Questions
1. Describe what happens as natural resources are depleted.
4. Explain the term 'turning point' which is commonly associated with the
EKC hypothesis.
5. Briefly outline two theories that attempt to explain the EKC hypothesis.
7. What are some of the factors that affect the EKC relationship?
1. Are the conclusions of the theory of comparative advantage valid when
there are environmental externalities associated with increased trade?
Give practical examples to support your answer.
2. Select two EKC studies from the reference list. Read the full-length
articles and provide critical summaries.
Andersen, K. (1992). Effects on the Environment and Welfare of Liberalising World
Trade: The Cases of Coal and Food. InK. Andersen and R. Blackhurst, (eds.),
The Greening if World Trade Issues. Harvester Wheatsheaf, London.
Antle, J.M. and Heidebrink, G. (1995). Environment and Development: Theory and
International Evidence. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 43(3):
Arrow et al. (1995). Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment.
Science, (268):520-521.
Bandara, J.S. and Coxhead, I. (1999). Can Trade Liberalisation Have Environmental
Benefits in Developing Country Agriculture? A Sri Lankan Case Study. Journal
of Policy Modeling, 21(3): 349-374.
Barbier, E.B. (1997). Environmental Kuznets Curve Special Issue. Environment and
Development Economics, 2: 369-381.
Barde, J-P. (1995) Environmental Policy and Policy Instruments. In H. Folmer, J.L.
Gabel, and H. Opschoor (eds.), Principles of Environmental and Resource
Economics: A Guide for Students and Decision Makers. Edward Elgar,
Aldershot, UK.
Beghin, J., Dessus, S., Hoist, R., and van der Mensbrugghe, D. (1997). The Trade
and Environment Nexus in Mexican Agriculture: A General Equilibrium
Analysis. Agricultural Economics, 17: 115-131.
Chichilnisky, G. (1994). North South Trade and the Global Environment. American
Economic Review, 84: 851-875.
Cole, M.A., Rayner, A.J. and Bates, J.M (1997). The Environmental Kuznets Curve:
An Empirical Analysis. Environment and Development Economics, 2: 401-416.
Daly, H. and J.B. Cobb (1989). For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy
Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future. Beacon Press,
Daly, H.E. (1993). The Perils of Free Trade. Scientific American, November.
Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and Asian Development
Bank (ADB) (1995). State of the Environment in Asia and the Pacific, United
Nations, New York.
Grossman, G.M. and Krueger, A.B. (1995). Economic Growth and the Environment.
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2: 353-375.
Hair, J.D. (1993). GATT and the Environment. Journal of Commerce, December.
Harbaugh, W., Levinson, A., and Wilson, D. (2000). Re-examining the Evidence for
an Environmental Kuznets Curve. NBER Working Paper No. 7711.
Liddle, B.T. (1996). Environmental Kuznets Curves and Regional Pollution. Paper
presented to the 4th Biennial Conference of the International Society for
Ecological Economics, Boston University, Boston, MA.
296 Environmental Economics
List, A.J. and. Gallet, C.A. (1999). The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Does One
Size Fit All? Ecological Economics, 31: 409-423.
MacArthur, R.H., and Wilson, E.O. (1967). The Theory of Island Biogeography.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
McConnell, K.E. (1997). Income and the Demand for Environmental Quality'.
Environment and Development Economics, 2: 383-399.
Moomaw, W.R. and Unruh, G.C. (1997). Are Environmental Kuznets Curves
Misleading Us? The Case of C02 emissions. Environment and Development
Economics, 29:451-463.
Pollak, R.A. and Wales, T.J. (1992). Demand System Specification and Estimation.
Oxford University Press, New York.
Economic Growth and the Environment 297
Stem, D.I. and M.S. Common (2001). Is there an Environmental Kuznets Curve for
Sulphur? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 41: 162-178.
Temura, A.H., Sullivan, J.H. and Ziska, L.H. (1990) Interaction of Elevated UV-B
Radiation and Carbon Dioxide on Productivity and Photosynthetic
Characteristics in Wheat, Rice, and Soybean. Plant Physiology, 94: 470-475.
Wilson, E.O. (1992). The Diversity of Life. Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
World Bank (2003). World Development Indicators 2003. CD-ROM Version. World
Bank, Washington, D.C.
298 Environmental Economics
World Bank (1992). World Development Report 1992: Development and the
Environment. Oxford University Press, New York.
11.1 Introduction
The publication that many would agree has set the environmental agenda for
the past decade and the future is the report, Our Common Future (WCED,
1987), which served as the background for the historic Earth Summit. The
Earth Summit raised hopes and expectations about achieving sustainable
development. Through Agenda 21 (see Box 11.1) and other important
documents such as the Rio Declaration and the Statement of Principles for
the Sustainable Management of Forests, a comprehensive environment and
development agenda was drawn up for the 21st century. Unfortunately,
within the past decade, progress in these areas has not matched the
expectations. In many countries around the world, poverty has increased and
environmental degradation has continued at an alarming pace. The World
302 Environmental Economics
The cost of the package is estimated at US$600 billion per annum for
developing countries. The advanced countries are supposed to provide an
extra US$125 billion in funding by the year 2000.
Agenda 21 comprises four basic dimensions, namely:
Social and economic dimensions
Conservation and management of natural resources for
Strengthening the role of major groups, and
Means of implementation
It can be seen from the above that the diversity of the dimensions covered
reflects the complexity of sustainable development.
Agenda 21 is a broad statement of principles and is not legally binding.
Although it is a morally compelling document, it is not mandatory and the
signatories can opt out if they choose to. Perhaps the greatest constraint
facing the implementation of Agenda 21 is lack of financial resources.
There is the danger that some countries will be selective about which
aspects they implement depending on their budgetary positions. It is
conceivable that the countries that are in urgent need of sustainable
development may be the least able to afford it.
In a review of sustainable development, the environmental economist John Pezzey counted
over sixty different definitions (Pezzey, 1989a).
304 Environmental Economics
SD is that any raw material inputs used in the production and consumption
process must eventually be returned to the environment as high-entropy
waste products or pollutants. Recycling can help to reduce the amount of
waste, to some extent, although recycling cannot be 100 percent effective.
The Second Law implies that economic processes (i.e., production and
consumption) are time irreversible in the sense that waste material cannot be
fully converted to useful energy.
The materials balance approach basically raises doubt about human
kind's ability to indefinitely extract more energy and materials from the
world's ecosystem. The materials balance approach therefore disputes the
neoclassical assumption that income growth leads to increase in human
satisfaction. In this respect, the concept of the materials balance approach is
similar to the ecologists' concept of SD.
to promote SD. Pearce et al. (1994) have proposed two conditions for
sustainable development: weak sustainability and strong sustainability.
Weak sustainability assumes that there can be perfect substitution
between physical, natural and human capital. For example, the depletion of
natural capital in the current period can be offset by increases in physical or
human capital (the neoclassical economics definition). Sustainable
development can be achieved as long as the stocks of capital available to
future generations are at least equal to the stocks available to the current
generation. That is, so long as there is a constant aggregate capital stock.
Strong sustainability, on the other hand, is much more restrictive. It assumes
that not all natural capital stock can be substituted for man-made capital
stock. For example, some ecosystem functions that are essential for the
maintenance of living creatures cannot be replicated by human beings and
the ozone layer cannot be recreated. Strong sustainability also implies that
we have to preserve environmental assets for the future because of our
limited understanding of their life-supporting functions.
The concept of strong sustainability is implicit in both the Brundtland
Report and the World Conservation Strategy. According to the Brundtland
Report, 'if needs are to be met on a sustainable basis the Earth's natural
resource base must be conserved and enhanced' (WCED, 1987:57). The
World Conservation Strategy makes references to maintaining 'essential
ecological processes and life support systems' and 'sustainable utilisation of
species and ecosystems' (IUCN, 1980: 1).
Georgescu-Roegen (1971, 1979) has proposed the concept of resilience
as a condition for SD. This requires the maintenance of a system within its
thresholds of healthy and productive operation. The resilience perspective is
based on an interdisciplinary understanding of the operation of ecological,
environmental and social systems.
The 2003 World Development Report defines institutions as the rules and organisations,
including informal norms that coordinate human behaviour.
The per capita GNP cut-offs are: high income (US$9,266), middle income (US$756-9,265),
and low income (US$755 or less).
Sustainable Development 311
capital. Genuine Saving measures the change in the total value of the three
components of resources in the economy over a given period of time, usually
a year. GS helps to track the sustainability of the economy by incorporating
the effects of natural capital depletion into the standard flow of savings and
income. For example, GS falls when the extraction or depletion of natural
resources is not balanced by an offsetting re-investment in natural, physical
or human capital. Further discussion of GS can be found in the next chapter.
-sustainable growth
- capital efficiency
Social Ecological
- equity -ecosystem integrity
- social mobility -natural resources
- participation -biodiversity
- empowerment -carrying capacity
Equation ( 11.2) can be substituted into Equation ( 11.1) and the decision rule
In some cases E could be a benefit in which case it should be added to commercial benefits.
320 Environmental Economics
11.7 Summary
This chapter began with an overview of definitions of sustainable
development. Definitions were presented from 'neoclassical' economics,
ecology, materials balance and intergenerational equity perspectives.
Combining all these perspectives, sustainable development can be
characterised by a vector of socially desirable objectives. To achieve SD this
vector must be non-declining over time.
An important issue that was discussed was the conditions for achieving
SD. It was argued that although economic growth is a necessary requirement
for the attainment of SD, it is not sufficient to guarantee SD. Two sufficient
conditions for SD-weak and strong sustainability-were introduced. Weak
sustainability assumes perfect substitutability between different forms of
capital and therefore requires a constant aggregate capital stock (i.e.,
physical, natural and human capital) to be maintained. On the other hand,
strong sustainability recognises that some forms of capital are not easily
substitutable and thus requires a constant stock of all natural capital to be
It was argued that the current measures of welfare or economic progress
are inadequate because, among other things, they ignore the impacts of
environmental degradation and changes in the quantity and the quality of the
natural capital stock. Alternative measures of welfare were presented and
their limitations were discussed.
We discussed how the concept of SD could be operationalised through
the policy process. Policy measures are required to ensure that prices reflect
environmental costs. Furthermore, there is a need for institutional
restructuring to achieve distributional goals. Modifications to the current
system of economic analysis were suggested in order to incorporate
sustainability. The main constraints to implementation of SD are lack of
financial resources and lack of institutional capacity. Transfer of EFTs is
urgently required to speed up progress towards achievement of the Agenda
21 objectives.
Review Questions
1. List the main features of sustainable development as defined by
neoclassical economists and ecologists.
1. Suppose biologists have come up with an estimate of the cost of
ensuring the survival of an endangered species (e.g., the Sumatra tiger).
Policy makers are faced with the choice of protecting this animal's
324 Environmental Economics
habitat. Using what you have learned from this and previous chapters,
discuss what kinds of information needs to be collected and how it
should be used. Give particular attention to how benefits can be
determined and what kind of economic analysis can be performed.
2. Some have argued that given our lack of knowledge about our
ecosystem and biological diversity, we should exercise caution and be
risk averse when it comes to exploiting environmental resources. Others
have argued that for some countries, especially the poorer ones, such a
policy could even be risky because they would be deprived of the
necessary capital to improve their circumstances. Discuss both sides of
this debate.
4. The traditional measures of welfare (GDP and GNP) have been criticised
on various grounds. The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, the
Human Development Index, Net Primary Productivity and Carrying
Capacity, and Ecological Footprints have been proposed as alternative
measures of welfare. Explain each of these indices and discuss their
limitations as measures of sustainable development.
Asafu-Adjaye, J. (1991a). Environmental Accounting in Papua New Guinea. Pacific
Economic Bulletin, 8: 42-49.
Cobb, C., Halstead, E., and Rowe, J. (1995). The Genuine Progress Indicator -
Summary of Data and Methodology, Redefming Progress, Washington, D.C.
Daly, H. and Cobb, C. (1989). For the Common Good, Beacon Press, Boston.
Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and Asian Development
Bank (ADB) (1995). State of the Environment in Asia and the Pacific. United
Nations, New York.
Friends of the Earth Europe ( 1995). Towards a Sustainable Europe, Friends of the
Earth, Brussels.
International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN.
(1980). World Conservation Strategy. Gland, Switzerland.
Pearce, D., Markandya, A. and Barbier, E.B. (1989). Blueprint for a Green
Economy. Earthscan, London.
Repetto, R., Magrath, W., Wells, M., Beer, C., and Rossini, F. (1989). Wasting
Assets, Natural Resources in the National Income Accounts. World Resources
Institute, Washington, D.C.
Saddler, H. (1980). Public Choice in Tasmania: Aspects of the Lower Gordon River
Hydroelectric Development Proposal. Centre for Resource and Environmental
Studies, Australian National University, Canberra.
Serageldin, I. and Steer, A., eds., (1994). Making Development Sustainable: From
Concepts to Action, Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Toman, M.A. (1992). The Difficulty in Defining Sustainability. Resources for the
Future, Winter, No. 106.
United Nations (1992). Agenda 21: Program of Action for Sustainable Development.
Final text of agreements negotiated by Governments at the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development, 3-14 June, Rio de Janeiro,
Vitousek, P., Ehrlich, P., Ehrlich, A., and Matson, P. (1986). Human Appropriation
of the Products of Photosynthesis. Biosccience, 36:368-373.
12.1 Introduction
The environment plays a number of important roles, including sustaining
basic life support systems, providing raw material inputs to producers and
consumers, serving as a receptacle for the waste products of producers and
consumers, and providing amenities to consumers (e.g., recreation). In the
periods when the world's population and the scale of economic activities
were relatively small, environmental inputs were often regarded as 'free'
goods and the environment was treated as a 'sink' for disposal of waste.
However, there is a limit to the extent of the environment's capacity to
assimilate waste. Pollution and environmental degradation begin to occur
when this assimilative capacity is reached. Furthermore, once this limit is
exceeded the ability of the environment to provide other services (e.g.,
provide inputs) is compromised. There is a need to view the natural
environment not only as a resource but also as an asset similar to traditional
330 Environmental Economics
assets such as land, labour and capital. The value of this resource must
therefore be integrated into the economic system.
In Chapter 11, the deficiencies in the traditional System of National
Accounts which places emphasis on GDP/GNP measures were discussed.
Measures such as Net Domestic Product (NDP), while better than GDP for
measuring sustainability, account only for the depreciation of produced
assets, and ignore the depreciation of natural resources and degradation of
the environment. Alternative 'greener' measures such as Green Accounting
and Genuine Saving were briefly introduced in that chapter. This Chapter
discusses the two approaches in a little more detail, noting their limitations.
The chapter concludes with case studies reporting applications of the two
The construction of the SEEA proceeds in four of steps (see Figure 12.1).
The first step involves compilation of physical accounts. These are
332 Environmental Economics
Figure 12.1 Framework of the system of integrated economic and environmental accounting
Environmental accounts
.!! A !:;.
national Impacts of Physical Impacts in
accounts health impacts Monetary terms
Resource Resource
Resource depletion depletion
Environmental Environmental
Environmental degradation degradation
I i I i
Dose-response Economic valuation
issue of whether the society's valuation is equal to the sum of the individual
valuations. A practical consideration is that the different techniques often
yield different estimates, implying that there could be large differences in the
value of environmental depreciation used to compute EDP.
Transboundary pollutants
The transboundary issue concerns the case where some pollutants (e.g. S02
and N0 2) are emitted in one country and have adverse effects on other
countries. An extreme case is where the effects (e.g global warming) are
worldwide. The practical issue here is how, or whether, we should account
for the polluting effects estemal to the country for which EDP is being
computed. The same question applies to the case of imports of
transboundary pollutants. Some people (e.g. Maler, 1995) have argued that
pollution damages caused by a given country on other countries should be
deducted from its NDP, since NDP measures the welfare impacts of projects
in that country. However, he suggests that imports of emission into the
country should be ignored. His suggestion raises a couple of issues. The first
has to do with the practical problem of separating out pollution impacts in
the country, which is made more difficult if there are also similar emissions
from the country. The second point is the counter argument that if NDP is a
measure of the welfare of the inhabitants of a given country, then imports of
emissions should be counted but exports should not. Whatever the approach
adopted, there is the additional problem that all countries should reach a
consensus for the SEEA to be meaningful at the global level.
natural resource extraction. Second, GS does not address the issue of intra-
generational equity. For example, a country may have a high level of savings
but these could belong to a small fraction of the population and therefore is
not likely to lead to development. Third, GS is based on weak sustainability
since it does not distinguish between the types of capital that can be
substituted for each other. In that sense, it is a narrow concept of
sustainability. Fourth, due to the fact that GS is measured in monetary units,
changes in resource prices (which is usually beyond the control of individual
countries) may cloud changes in physical stocks, and may therefore give a
less than clear picture of changes in sustainability.
The main technical limitation of GS measures relates to the fact that it is
currently based on the World Bank's methodology that excludes some
important aspects of natural capital. For example, the approach restricts
pollution damage to only C02 , which is estimated at a flat rate of US$20 per
ton for all periods. Other major air pollutants such as SOx, NOx, particulates,
ozone and CFCs, as well as damage from water pollution, are excluded. The
approach also restricts natural resource depletion to only two components-
minerals and forestry-and makes no provision for the depletion of other
land-based capital due to factors such as soil erosion, salinity and water
pollution. Finally, the current approach also ignores the following important
components of natural capital: freshwater and marine-based resources; the
value of ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, biodiversity and
watershed regulation; the value of native remnant bushland (e.g. dry tropical
savanna); the value of air resources; and industrial and household uses of
water. Admittedly, most these omissions are due to the technical difficulties
associated with estimating non-market values such as biodiversity and other
ecosystem services. However, research advances should make it possible to
at least obtain ball park estimates of some of these effects.
Green Accounting and the Measurement of Genuine Saving 339
Estimates of GS were computed for the state of Queensland using the World
Bank's methodology. Queensland is a natural resource dependent state with
mining accounting for 45% of its natural capital, and agriculture and forestry
accounting for 38% (See Figure 12.2). The GS for Queensland was
estimated for the period 1989/90 to 1999/2000, at constant (1999/2000)
prices. Some modifications were made to the calculation to reflect the State-
level equivalent of each component in the World Bank's methodology. GS
was defined as follows
Gross Domestic Saving was measured using the State level equivalent of
national disposable income, defined as national income plus net unrequited
transfers. At the level of a State within a country, this implies adding the
current account balance to Gross State Product (GSP). Human capital
investment was measured by government expenditure on education.
Effectively, this is a re-classification of government expenditure, as
education expenditure is usually treated as an element of government
consumption. It ignores other components of human capital such as health,
and it measures the value of human capital in terms of the cost of education
measured by public expenditure on the education sector.
This section is based on Brown et al. (2003).
340 Environmental Economics
Commercial fisheries
Resource rent for mineral production and forestry was estimated by first
calculating gross operating surplus by adding royalties and company taxes to
gross operating surplus. Next, 'normal profit' was calculated as 10% of total
costs (including depreciation). This was then subtracted from gross operating
surplus to arrive at the estimates of resource rents for mining and forestry.
The results of GS estimates are graphed in Figure 12.3. The main findings
are as follows:
-+-Net State
...,._Genuine State
89/90 90/91 91/92 92193 93194 94/95 95/96 96197 97/98 98/99 99/00
The main purpose of this case study was to apply the proposed SEEA in a
country at a relatively early stage of development and with as yet moderate
environmental problems. One of the challenges of the project was to see
what degree of environmental accounting could be achieved with limited
effort in country with relatively weak institutional capacities and limited
Papua New Guinea is a relatively small country of about 4 million
people, 90% of whom live in rural areas. It has few urban centers and there
is a low level of industrialization. A few large copper, gold and silver mines
contribute about 70 percent of exports. Central government expenditures on
the environment are low, accounting for less than 1% of total budgeted
expenditure for the period 1986 to 1990, which was the period for this
The SEEA was implemented in three steps. In the first step, the national
accounts framework in PNG was adapted to meet the structure of the SEEA
so as to identify environmental expenditures and to incorporate balance
sheets of produced and nonproduced (natural) tangible assets. However, due
to inadequate data, environmental protection expenditures could not be
presented separately for any of the economic agents in PNG. Also, the lack
of physical resource accounts, with the notable exception of mineral
resources, made it difficult to estimate scarcities in other renewable and
nonrenewable resources.
The material in the section is based on Bartelmus et al. ( 1993) and Asafu-Adjaye ( 1991 ).
Green Accounting and the Measurement of Genuine Saving 343
In the second step, an attempt was made to value the natural resource
scarcities in monetary terms. Two approaches for calculating the depletion
costs of the use of scarce natural resources were used-the user cost
approach and the net price approach. The user cost approach attempts to
convert the stream of revenues from sales of an exhaustible natural resource
into a permanent income stream by investing a part of the revenues (referred
to as the 'user-cost allowance') over the lifetime of the resource. According
to El Serafy (1989), only the remaining amount of the revenues should be
considered as 'true income'. The 'net price' is defined as the market price
minus all factor costs including a normal return to capital and is the method
used in this study. The final step was to compute the discounted future
stream of income using the net price. This was used to estimate an
'environmental depletion cost' which was deducted from net value added to
obtain estimates of environmentally adjusted net value added of the sector
and environmentally adjusted net domestic product of the economy.
Table 12.1 shows estimates of the economic costs of environmental quality
degradation of four sectors - agriculture, forestry, mining and energy.
1981-85 1986-91
Sector Lower Upper Lower Upper
Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate
Agriculture 9.4 119.0 8.1 119.0
Forestrl 10.0 45.0 10.0 61.0
Miningb 35.7 101.2 35.7 101.2
Energy" 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Total 55.1 265.2 53.8 281.2
Notes: Based on compensation values.
bBased on avoidance costs.
Source: Bartelmus et al. (1993: 125), Table 7-12.
The main environmental impacts of agriculture are from the effects of forest
clearing for cultivation. Non-economic, ecological, and related social and
spiritual values of forests are lost through the conversion of forests for
344 Environmental Economics
The study shows that it is feasible to implement the SEEA in a developing
country situation. But at the same time, it highlights the constraints and
limitations of the approach. The main contribution of the study is to reveal
the many significant data gaps that exist. The following priorities for
environmental data collection were identified:
Green Accounting and the Measurement of Genuine Saving 345
Table 12.2 Papua New Guinea: estimates of environmentally adjusted net value added and
domestic product, 1986-90 (millions of kina)
In spite of the high profile given to environmental issues, individual
governments are not putting their money where their mouths are'. In
PNG, for example, environmental protection services account for a
meagre 0.2 percent of total budget expenditure. There is a need for an
environmental awareness campaign aimed at government policy makers
and analysts, emphasising the need for effective environmental
Statisticians and economic planners in government departments such as
Finance and Planning, Agriculture, Minerals and Energy, must be given
training not only in the concepts of the SEEA but also in relevant
aspects of the emerging discipline of environmental economics.
Considerable research effort is required to provide the necessary inputs
into the SEEA. The problem of data availability is especially acute in
developing countries such as PNG. Areas of research could include:
impacts on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, soil erosion and run-off,
and non-market valuation techniques. Research funding could be
sought from external agencies such as the World Bank.
Review Questions
1. Explain the objectives of the proposed System of Integrated
Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).
1. Why is net saving a better measure of sustainability than gross saving?
Aaheim, A., Nyborg, K. (1995). On the Interpretation and Applicability of a 'Green
National Product'. Review of Income and Wealth, 41(1):57-71.
Bartelrnus, P., Lutz, E., and Schweinfest, S. (1993). Integrated Environmental and
Economic Accounting: A Case Study for Papua New Guinea. In Toward
Improved Accounting for the Environment, ed., Emst Lutz, World Bank,
Washington, D.C., pp.I08-143.
Brown, R., Asafu-Adjaye, J., Draca, M. and Straton, A. (2003). How Useful is the
Genuine Savings Rate as a Macroeconomic Sustainability Indicator?
Queensland's GSR, 1989-99. Mimeo, School of Economics, the University of
Queensland, Brisbane.
Dasgupta, P. (1995). Optimal Development and the Idea ofNet National Product. In
The Economics of Sustainable Development, (eds.), I. Goldin and A. Winters,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Green Accounting and the Measurement of Genuine Saving 349
Hueting, R., Bosch, P., and de Boer, B. (1992). Methodology for the Calculation of
Sustainable National Income. Statistical Essays, Central Statistics Bureau, the
Maler, K.G (1995). Welfare Indices and the Environmental Resource Base. In
Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar,
Repetto, R., Magrath, W., Wells, M., Beer, C., and Rossini, F. (1989) Wasting Assets,
Natural Resources in the National Income Accounts. World Resources Institute,
Washington, D.C.
13. Assessment of Global Environmental Trends and
Policy Implications
13.1 Introduction
Over the past century, impressive gains have been made in human
development as measured by key socioeconomic indicators such as life
expectancy, infant mortality, illiteracy and per capita income growth.
However, these gains have been achieved at an environmental cost. The
world's population is currently 6 billion and it is expected to increase
substantially before stabilising at between 8 and 12 billion by 2050 (UN,
1996). Although global food production is thought to be adequate, there is
unequal distribution of food resources and therefore a significant proportion
of the population is malnourished.
Global energy use is projected to increase in the future. This implies that,
in the absence of any effective policy measures, the buildup of greenhouse
gases in the world's atmosphere will accelerate. Acid rain, which was a
serious problem in North America and Europe in the 1960s, is now emerging
as a serious environmental problem in the Asia-Pacific region. According to
Downing et al. ( 1990), 34 million metric tons of S02 were emitted in the
Asia-Pacific region in 1990, an amount that is 40 percent more than S02
emissions in North America in the same period. Areas in the Asia-Pacific
region with high acid deposition levels include southeast China, northeast
India, Thailand, and the Republic of Korea. These developments pose a
threat to crops and ecosystems.
Deforestation continues to be a problem, especially in developing
countries. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, developing
countries lost nearly 200 million hectares of forests between between 1980
and 1995 (FAO, 1997). Allowing for increase in reforestation and forest
conservation in the developed countries, the global loss of forest cover is
estimated at 180 million hectares between 1980 and 1995, or an average
annual loss of 12 million hectares. In 1997, forest fires destroyed vast areas
352 Environmental Economics
It was demonstrated in Chapter 4 that the market system does not work
well for public goods and that it results in overexploitation of resources and
excessive pollution. There is therefore a justification for government
intervention to correct externalities. To date, government attempts to
regulate greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from motor vehicles, have
relied on charges (e.g., carbon taxes) command-and-control (CAC)
mechanisms, and voluntary agreements (VAs). Carbon taxes have been
criticised for their uneven impacts on various socioeconomic groups (OECD,
1995), and it has been argued that they do not guarantee significant
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (Burgess, 1990). An example of a
VA in Australia is the National Average Fuel Consumption (NAFC)
program which was brokered through a voluntary agreement between the
motor vehicle manufacturers and the Australian Federal Government.
Wilkenfeld et al. (1995) have argued that the NAFC has failed to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions in Australia.
Roberts and Spence (1976) have proposed an emissions reduction
scheme which combines elements of permits, charges and subsidies. Under
this scheme, firms are allowed to trade in pollution permits, but any unused
permits can be exchanged for a subsidy. A charge is applied to firms who
exceed their emissions quota. Roberts and Spence argue that this mixed
approach is superior to the others because even if the initial parameters (e.g.
number of permits, levels of subsidy and charges) are wrong, the result
would still approximate an optimal solution.
Hensher (1993) has proposed a variation ofRoberts and Spence's mixed
approach for controlling motor vehicle emissions. The major difference is
that his scheme would be applied to consumers rather than to firms. That is,
a benchmark level of permissible emissions would be established for each
consumer. Consumers who exceed their quota would be subjected to a
charge and those who emit below their quota would be subsidised. In
addition, trade in emission permits would be allowed. The viability of the
scheme depends on the availability of an electronic banking facility that will
link point of sale transactions with a central database. While the technology
for this sort of scheme currently exists in most advanced countries, there is
likely to be public resistance due to concerns about consumer privacy and
the likelihood of it being seen as a 'big brother is watching' scheme.
To conclude, let us return to an observation that was made in Chapter 1.
That is, in spite of the boom in the global economy over the past thirty years,
the benefits of this growth have not been evenly distributed. The advanced
Assessment of Global Environmental Trends and Policy Implications 355
Burgess, J.C. (1990). The Contribution of Efficient Pricing to Reducing Carbon
Dioixide Emissions. Energy Policy, 18(5): 449-455.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO (1996). The State of
World Fisheries and Aquaculture 1996. FAO, Rome.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO (1997). State of the
World's Forests 1997. FAO, Rome.
Hensher, D.A. (1993). Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Demand for Urban
Passenger Transport: Design of the Overall Approach. Occasional Paper, No.
108, Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics, Canberra.
Roberts, M.J. and Spence, M. (1976). Effluent Charges and Licences Under
Uncertainty. Journal of Public Economics, 5: 193-208.
3. Eurostat: www.europa.eu.int/comm/eurostat/
Statistical office of European Communities; social, economic and
environmental statistics
Chapter 3
Question 3
(a) At equilibrium, demand = supply, therefore the equilibrium price clears
the market. Therefore equating the two equations, we have
6q = 180-4q
(b) At a price of $40 per unit, 35 units will be demanded but only 7 units
will be supplied and therefore there will be an excess demand (shortage)
of 28 units.
(c) The new supply equation is PTAX = 6qs + 20, giving p* = 116, q* = 16.
(d) If the government imposes a price ceiling of $48 per unit, 33 units will
be demanded but only 8 units will be supplied and therefore there will be
a shortage of 25 units on the market.
Question 6
(a) The new supply equation will be PTAX =6.6q", giving p* = 112, q* = 17.
Therefore the consumer surplus will be given by:
362 Environmental Economics
(c) The net benefits after the tax policy will be the sum of consumer surplus
(a) and producer surplus (b): $578 + $952 = $1530.
(e) The deadweight loss is given by difference between the net benefits
under the pre-tax scenario minus the net benefits under the post tax
Chapter 5
Question 1
(a) The value of houses on the Southside is $3.15 billion, and $1 billion on
the Northside.
(b) There is a net gain of $900 million on the Southside and a net loss of
$500 million on the Northside, giving an overall net gain of $400
Question 2
(b) The consumer surplus for a single visit per person is given by:
Yzx(140-120)x 1 =$10
(c) The total consumer surplus for an average visit (i.e. 5 visits per annum)
is 5 x $10 =$50.
(d) The aggregate consumer surplus per annum for the national park is given
by: $50 x 50,000 = $2.5 million.
Question 3
(a) If the project does not go ahead the average farm price will be given by:
Farm price= 500000 + 30(200)- 100(15) + 2000(0) = $504,500.
(b) If the project goes ahead the average farm price will be given by:
Farm price= 500000 + 30(200)- 100(15) + 2000(1) = $506,500.
(b) The change in average farm price if the project goes is $506,500-
$504,500 = $2000. This result could also have been obtained by
differentiating the hedonic price equation with respect to IRRIG.
Question 4
Given an entry fee of $1, demand for visits will be 5500 persons. The
consumer surplus will be given by:
If the entry fee is increased to $3, demand will fall to 2000 and the consumer
surplus will be:
1/z X ($4- $3) X 2000 =$1000
The loss in consumer surplus is given by: $8250-$1000 = $7250.
Question 1
The NPV at a 10% discount rate for Project A is $324,070 and that of
Project B is $779,010. Therefore, Project B is more profitable.
Question 2
For Project A, the present value of costs, using a 10% discount rate is
$867.77 and the present value of total benefits is $2073.64. Therefore the
cost-benefit ratio is 2073.64/867.77 = 2.39.
For Project B, the present value of costs, using a 10% discount rate is
$1735.54 and the present value of total benefits is $2955.45. Therefore the
benefit-cost ratio is 2955.4511735.5401 = 1.70.
364 Environmental Economics
The rankings are not the same as in (1). Comparing just the BCRs, we will
rank Project A above B because it has a higher BCR.
Question 3
The IRR for Project A is 15%, and 18% for Project B. On the basis of the
IRRs, Project B is preferred to Project A.
Question 4
The NPV and IRR provide the same ranking, while the BCR provides a
diferent ranking to the other two. The BCR is not reliable for comparing
projects of different sizes and is not suitable for ranking projects.
Question 5
The sensitivity analysis of the effects of changes in benefits and costs on the
estimated IRR is as follows:
The estimated IRR is fairly robust to small changes in benefits and costs. For
example, a 20% reduction in the estimated net economic benefits, with no
changes in costs reduces the IRR to 12%, which is above the discount rate of
10%. A 20% increase in costs (with benefits unchanged) reduces the IRR to
13%, which is above the discount rate of 10%.
Question 6
(a) On the basis of just the NPVs, Option 2 - Pollute and clean up would
be preferred.
366 Environmental Economics
cultural diversity, 306 discount rate, 149, 159, 160, 161, 162,
Cumberland, J.H., 27, 35 165, 174, 187, 188, 191
customary marine tenure (CMT), 68, I 03, discounting, 158
241 Dixon, J.A., 138
CVM. See contingent valuation method DNR. See Department of Natural
d'Arge, R.C., 35 Resources, See Department of
Daly, H., 23, 35, 232, 253, 256, 294, 325 Natural Resources
damage assesment, 185, 195 Dosi, G., 22, 36
Dasgupta, P., 175, 333, 348 double-bounded referendum, 114, 115
Davis, R.K., 121, 137 Downing, R., 351,356
discounted cash flow (DCF), 186, 187, Driml, S., 123, 138
188, 191, 192 Dudal, R, 238, 253
de Bruyn, S.M., 275, 294 dummy variable, 136, 281, 282
deadweight loss, 74 Earth Summit, 301,352
debt-for-nature swaps, 289, 290, 293 East Asia, I, 236, 246, 257, 258
defensive expenditures, 311, 333 eco domestic product, 313
defensive-expenditure method, 129 ecolabelling, 92, 94, 99
deforestation, 197,238, 239, 242,245, ecological economics, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 27,
259,273,275,279,285,291, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 137,
351,352,355 138,176,277,295,296,297,
Delphi method, 210 326,348,349
demand curve. See marginal benefit curve ecological footprint, 297, 312, 316, 324,
demand function, 27, 42, 47, 58, 59, 115, 326,327
361 ecological functions, 12, 13
demographic approach, 197 ecologically sustainable development
demographic transition hypothesis, 235 (ESD) 304, 317
Department of Finance, 159, 176 ecology, 10
Department oflnterior (DOl), 195 econometrics, 3
Department of Natural Resources, 214 economic analysis, 39, 146,318, 322, 324
depletion costs, 342 economic efficiency, 57, 186, 199, 204,
depletion of natural resources, 250, 259, 232
277,313,314,331,335,341 economic growth, vi, I, 21, 24, 25, 169,
deposit-refund scheme, 92 208,229,230,231,232,235,
depreciation, 18, 149, 173,310 249,250,255,256,258,259,
depreciation of natural capital, 314 261,268,270,272,273,277,
Diamond, P., 268,294 281,285,286,291,304,308,
dichotomous choice, 114, 115, 133 309,313,322,330,353,355
diminishing marginal productivity, 231 economic incentives, 67
utility; marginal utility, 11, 39, 41, 42, 44, economic life, 152, 160, 173
58, 60, 71, 72, 110, 114, 115, economic system, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 27,
142, 143, 145, 148,205, 213, 29,30,330
268,269,278 economic trends, 257
diminishing value method, 152, 173 economy-environment system, 10, 12, 18,
368 Environmental Economics
cultural diversity, 306 discount rate, 149, 159, 160, 161, 162,
Cumberland, J.H., 27, 35 165, 174, 187, 188, 191
customary marine tenure (CMT), 68, 103, discounting, 158
241 Dixon, J.A., 138
CVM. See contingent valuation method DNR. See Department of Natural
d' Arge, R.C., 35 Resources, See Department of
Daly, H., 23, 35, 232, 253, 256, 294, 325 Natural Resources
damage assesment, 185, 195 Dosi, G., 22, 36
Dasgupta, P., 175, 333, 348 double-bounded referendum, 114, 115
Davis, R.K., 121, 137 Downing, R., 351, 356
discounted cash flow (DCF), 186, 187, Driml, S., 123, 138
188, 191, 192 Dudal, R, 238, 253
de Bruyn, S.M., 275, 294 dummy variable, 136, 281, 282
deadweight loss, 74 Earth Summit, 301,352
debt-for-nature swaps, 289, 290, 293 East Asia, I, 236, 246, 257, 258
defensive expenditures, 311, 333 eco domestic product, 313
defensive-expenditure method, 129 ecolabelling, 92, 94, 99
deforestation, 197, 238, 239, 242,245, ecological economics, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 27,
259,273,275,279,285,291, 30,33,34,35,36,37, 137,
351,352,355 138,176,277,295,296,297,
Delphi method, 210 326, 348, 349
demand curve. See marginal benefit curve ecological footprint, 297,313,316,324,
demand function, 27, 42, 47, 58, 59, 115, 326,327
361 ecological functions, 12, 13
demographic approach, 197 ecologically sustainable development
demographic transition hypothesis, 235 (ESD) 304,317
Department of Finance, 159, 176 ecology, 10
Department of Interior (DOl), 195 econometrics, 3
Department of Natural Resources, 214 economic analysis, 39, 146, 318, 322, 324
depletion costs, 342 economic efficiency, 57, 186, 199, 204,
depletion of natural resources, 250, 259, 232
277,313,314,331,335,341 economic growth, xii, 1, 21, 24, 25, 169,
deposit-refund scheme, 92 208,229,230,231,232,235,
depreciation, 18, 149, 173, 310 249,250,255,256,258,259,
depreciation of natural capital, 314 261,268,270,272,273,277,
Diamond, P., 268,294 281,285,286,291,304,308,
dichotomous choice, 114, 115, 133 309,313,322,330,353,355
diminishing marginal productivity, 231 economic incentives, 67
utility; marginal utility, 11, 39, 41, 42, 44, economic life, 152, 160, 173
58,60,71,72, 110,114,115, economic system, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 27,
142, 143, 145, 148, 205, 213, 29,30,330
268,269,278 economic trends, 257
diminishing value method, 152, 173 economy-environment system, 10, 12, 18,
31, 32
370 Environmental Economics
market-cost methods. See market cost morbidity, 154, 156, 189, 190,247
Marshal\, A., 12, 36 Morgan, M.G., 164, 176, 253
Martinas, K., 25, 34 Morrison,M.D., 117,131,137,138
material and energy flows, 23 Morse, C., 234, 252
material death, 24 mortality, 150, 156, 189, 190,235, 237,
material entropy, 24 247
materials balance, 12, 18, 23, 303, 305, MR. See marginal revenue
322 MRT. See marginal rate of transformation
market structure, 74 multi-attribute utility, 212, 213,223
maximum sustained yield, 11 multi-criteria analysis, 203, 204
Mayr, E., 11, 37 multiple regression, 27, 116, 126
MC. See marginal cost multi-site travel cost model, 123
MCA. See Multi-Criteria Analysis Munasinghe, Mohan, 224, 306, 325
multi-criteria analysis, 223 Nadel, S.F., 241,254
McConnell, K.E., 269, 270, 278, 296 North American Free Trade Agreement,
McDonald, G., 138 253,273,295
Meadows, D., 232, 254 National Average Fuel Consumption
measure of project worth. See project (NAFC) program, 354
performance criterion National Greenhouse Response Strategy,
measures of effectiveness, 187, 188 321
measuring sustainable development, 301 National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Megill, R.E., 164, 176 Administration (NOAA), 115,
Mexico, 289 139
microeconornics, 3 natural environment, 4, 18, 63, 105, 134,
micro-macroeconometric models, 28 249,304,313,319,329,331,
Milan, J.W., 35 333
mineral depletion, 341 natural resource economics, 3, 10, 11
mining, 74,338,340,343,344 natural selection, 11
Mirlees, J.A., 176 nature conservancy, 290
mitigation cost, 129 negative externality, 11, 73
Mitroff, I., 195, 201 Nelson, J.P., 12, 22, 127, 139
model(s), 14, 26, 27,32 Nelson, R.R., 36
multi-objective decision making; multi- neoclassical economics, 11, 13,23
objective decision support traditional economic system, 15
system, 204 neo-Malthusian, 232
Moene, K.O., 249, 254 net energy, 26
monetary environmental accounts, 331 net environmental benefits, 318, 319
monetary value, 126 net incremental benefit, 151 , 173
monitoring and enforcement, 91 net present value (NPV), 158, 159, 160,
monopolistic competition, 40 16~ 171, 17~ 17~ 181
monopoly, 40, 76, 102 net price approach, 342
monopsony, 40 net primary productivity (NPP), 312, 315
Monte Carlo simulations, 171 net private capital, I
Moomaw, W.R, 278, 296, 297 net saving, 335
Index 373
net social benefits, 145, 172 Our Common Future, 234, 254, 255, 298,
Netherlands, 275, 287 301
New South Wales, 131,139 overgrazing, 238, 240, 245
New Zealand, 89 overlapping-generations, 268, 292
newly industrialised economies, 249 Overseas Development Assistance
Newton, Sir lsaac, 21 (ODA), 77
non-governmental organisations (NGOs), own-price elasticity of demand, 44
198 Pacific Islands, I 03
Nijkamp, P., 12, 38,214,224 Pacific region, 257,258,259,261,321,
nitrous oxide, 274 351
Noble, S.B., 27, 34 paired comparison, 116, 119, 133
non-consumptive use, 110, 133 Palisade Corporation, 168, 176
non-exclusive, 67, 68, 98 Panayotou, T., 273, 274, 275, 287, 296
non-market goods, 23 Papua New Guinea (PNG), 95, 103, 105,
nonmonetary accounts, 332 106,241,252,299,324,342,
non-renewable resources, 4, 10, 25, 305, 343,345,348
331 Pareto improvement, 73, 81, 145, 161
non-response bias, 118, 121 Pareto irrelevant, 73
non-rival, 67, 68, 98 Pareto optimality, 64
non-use value, 110, Ill, 113,121,132, Pareto-relevant externality, 73, 81, 98
133,319 Parsons, G.R., 130, 139
Nordhaus, W.D., 12, 37 partial equilibrium models, 27
Norgaard, R.B., 12, 30,37 part-whole bias, 118, 120
North America, 232, 253, 258, 273, 295, part-worth, 116
351 passive use value. See non-use value, See
NPP. See net primary productivity non-use value
NPV. See net present value payback period, 160
Nyborg, K., 333, 347 payment card, 114, 119
Odum, H., 26, 37 Pearce, D., 76, 78, 86, 87, 101, 159, 176,
Organisation for Economic Cooperation 211,225,241,242,243,254,
and Development (OECD), 307,309,326,334,349
77,96, 101,225,274,288, Pecchenino, R., 268, 295
295,296,336,354 pecuniary externalities, 72, 73
offset-banking, 89 perfect competition, 60, 75, 76, 82, 98,
oligopoly, 40 145
open access goods, 66, 67 performance bonds, 92
open system, 13, 14, 16,22 performance criteria, 141, 146, 158, 160,
open-ended, 114 161,165,168,172,222
operating and maintenance costs, 150, performance rating, 86, 92, 94
153, 154, 155 permanent income stream, 342
opportunity cost, 3, 63, 130, 145, 149, Pezzey, J., 303, 304, 326
151,153,172,246,250 Philippines, 28, 258, 259, 261, 290, 299
option value, 111, 128, 133 physical degradation, 238
physical exergy, 20
374 Environmental Economics
physical resource accounts, 331, 342 project performance criteria, 165, 168,
Pigou, A.C., 87, 101 170
Pigovian tax, 87 property rights, 54, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 72,
Pindyck, R.S., 62. 73, 75, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 98,
Pingali, P., 252 187, I 98, 265, 287
planning period (or horizon), 152, 160, public goods, 41, 55, 64, 68, 98, 272
161, 162, 173 public health, 130, 247, 250, 252
Plant, R., 27, 36 purchasing power parity, 259
policy (government) failure, 77 pure public goods, 66, 67, 69
political acceptability, 97 qualitative risk assessment, 170
political economy model, 272, 292 quasi-option value, I I I
Pollak, R.A., 269, 296 Queensland, 123, 124, 137, 138, 139,
polluter-pays principle (PPP), 87 188, 215,216, 225,254, 338,
pollution, I 8, 329 339,340,341,342,348
pollution abatement costs, 56, 86, 87 Resource Assessment Commission, 225
pollution damages, 332, 333, 334, 335, Ramchandani, R., 86, 101
347 random utlity model (RUM), I 15, 123
population density, 285 Rauscher, M., I 2, 34
population growth, 5, 229, 230, 232, 234, raw materials, 14, 16, 17, 18,19,329
235,236,237,238,239,240, Ready, R.C., I 15, 139
241,242,243,246,247,250, real rate, 159, 161
251,252 recreational value, 124
population pressure, 239, 240,282 recyclable resources, 4
positive checks, 230 recycled water benefits, 155
positive externality, 71 recycling, 23, 24, 25, 27, 306
positive feedback, 237 Redclift, M., 308, 326
potential field exergy, 20 redfish, 352
poverty,211,243,245,248,254,355 reduced mortality benefits, 154
participatory rural appraisal, 198, 200 Rees, W., 316
Prasad, B.C., 245, 254 Reiling, S.D., 131, 139
precautionary principle, 86 relevant externalities, 72
Prigogine, 1., 21, 37 renewable resources, 4, 305, 324, 331,
primary costs and benefits, 149, 173 336
Principles of Economics, 12 renewable service flows, 4
private goods, 41 Repetto,R.,246,254,326,330,349
probability distribution, 168, 213 Republic of Korea, 258, 261, 351
probitmodels, 115,116,123,133 reputationa\ approach, \97
producer surplus, 56, 59, 263 residual (or salvage) values, 152
product charges, 87 residual value, 152, 153, 173
production function, 49, 58, 59, 72, 270 resilience, 309
production possibilities frontier (PPF), resource rent, 336, 337, 340
270,292 revealed preference, I 12, I 17, 133, 134
production/consumption models, 269 Ricardian, 231, See Ricardo
Ricardo, D., 231
Index 375