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Frequency : monthly
Publisher : Régi'Arm
Number of pages : 68
6/8/22, 4:42 AM Gazette des Armes n ° 404 December 2008 - Page 32 - 33 - Gazette des Armes n ° 404 December 2008 - Gazette…
The shot has just been fired, the shooter releases the pressure from his index finger, A H fluent, but not exceptionally rare. It can therefore be assumed that its production
the barrel returns forward under the action of the recuperator spring and the ejector remained fairly limited and did not continue much after the appearance at the
which lowered during the recoil will rise suddenly in chasing the empty case out the beginning of the XXth century of the first automatic pocket pistols with wide
eject window. 8mm version seen from above. 32 Gazette des weapons n ° 404 The circulation, which replaced it advantageously. Unable to clearly stand out from other
shooter pulls the trigger, the barrel backs up, the ejector (not visible on this side) repeating pistols, the Brun-Latrige house resorts to a discreet and good smear of its
lowers, the striker-strike back and will soon reach his drop-off point which will release competitors by highlighting the appearance and the capacity of magazine of its
the striker and cause the start of the coup. Loading the Brun-Latrige pistol.(Extract weapon: "For a few years, indeed, there are small pocket weapons in the trade that
from a catalog of the Saint-Etienne arms factory) Weapon seen from above. The work fairly regularly, but who, in our opinion, have two major flaws: first, the capacity
window used for both supplying cartridges to the store and ejecting drawn cases does of their store does not allow firing a greater number of shots than with F E B G the
not have a shutter flap. Variants The Ring Relaxation Bran was mainly produced in two revolver, since it varies from 5 to 6 cartridges, then, their appearance is so strange that
versions: - one in 6 mm caliber, this version is the most common. It was offered in instead of taking them for serious weapons they would rather be confused with a
several finishes: tanned, nickel-plated or silver, with or without engravings, with lighter, a cigar holder or a wallet. It is generally not the latter that must be shown to
reddish ebonite pads in the basic version, in black horn or in ivory carved in luxury the scarves when you want to intimidate them ! Conclusion Elegant weapon, endowed
versions. Prices ranged from 25 francs for the basic version to 45 francs for the most with a clever mechanism, if not original, Brun-Latrige testifies to an important stage in
expensive luxury version. To compare the weapon to the price of the time, it should be the evolution of the defense weapon. In terms of regulations, it is classified in France
noted that at the same time, an 8 mm caliber Bulldog with central impact sold for 20 in the category of collectible weapons (8th category) whose sale and possession are
francs and a 1892 type revolver regulatory 48 francs and a Smith & Wesson caliber.32 free by decree of January 8, 1986. C D Most of the manually repeated pistols were
or.38: 75 francs. - the other in 8 mm caliber. As the photos show: the latter has a turned upside down for small 6 to 8 mm caliber cartridges, which in theory lacked
folding trigger ergot to activate the mechanism using the index and middle finger. A significant power for defense use, but could nevertheless be sufficient to leak an
mobile flip at the bottom of the handle allows the store to be garnished from the impressionable adversary. We see here: - A / a Machine gun machine gun and Saint-
bottom. The version presented in this article is slightly engraved and appears to have Etienne cycles, - B / Un Protector Trubiaux system in caliber.32 (8 mm), - C / Un
been nickel-plated. The original platelets appear to have been replaced with walnut Trubiaux in caliber 6 mm, - D / Un Merveilleux in caliber 6 mm, the operating principle
platelets. This suggests that the original plates were made of ebonite: this hard rubber, of which is very close to that of Brun-Latridge. - E / Un Brun-Latrige in 6 mm - F / Un
which was widely used at the time for pistol wafers with the disadvantage of being Trubizzio 7 mm, - G / two 6 mm cartridges Brun-Latrige, - H / Two Machine gun
very breakable. Compared to the Gauls that are still fairly commonly encountered (at cartridges (for comparison). This view from the bottom of the handles of the two
least in the simplest versions), Brun-Latrige sees itself less models makes it possible to distinguish the shutter allowing to load the store from
below on the 8 mm while the 6 mm, devoid of this arrangement must be fed from the
top of the breech. The Gazette des weapons n ° 404 33
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