Headstamp Codes - International Ammunition Association

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Codes are listed by number codes, then in alphabetical order from A to Z, A

followed by a list of suspect codes at the end. B

*Note 1- Headstamps often contain multiple pieces of information. The maker is almost always identified. Military
ammunition usually includes date information, and civilian ammunition often has caliber information. Sometimes
dates are fairly obvious (44 = 1944; 72 = 1972; 6 12 = June 1912, etc.). Sometimes the caliber information is either E
spelled out or abbreviated (30-06; 38 SPL, etc.) and other times, such as on German made DWM ammunition, a
catalog number code is used for the caliber. Sometimes information on the headstamp indicates the type of load (VII
Z on .303 British indicates Mark VII ball ammunition loaded with nitrocellulose powder.) Sometimes markings are G
deliberately deceiving, as with some .30 carbine ammunition ammunition marked LC 52, made by the Chinese, or
.30-06 marked B N 4 40 made in the U.S., both probably intended to arm allies while hiding their source of supplies.
Sometimes the headstamp only indicates the maker of the cartridge case, or distributor of the loaded cartridge, or the I
using activity, not the actual "manufacturer" of a loaded cartridge.

Even collectors with years of experience and extensive reference libraries end up with a few cartridges they cannot K
identify, so don't feel bad if you cannot identify everything.

(or in some cases the maker of the cartridge case, or distributor of the N
Code Ref
loaded ammunition, or a using activity, or other meaning. See Note 1
above *) O

-0- P

0 Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia 14 Q

05 (5) Spreewerke, Lübben, East Germany 7 R

Ammunitionsfabriken Karlsborg, (Nammo/Vanäsverken), Sweden (also FFV S

07 (070) 7
Vanasverken, Karlsborg)
Rheinisch- Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G. (Part of the Dynamit Nobel group),
1 7 V
Nürnburg, Germany. Found on 7.62 x 39mm.
1 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13
Arsenal, Kazanlak (previously named Durjava Voenna Fabrika), Bulgaria (When
10 7
found on ammunition made after 1946). Y

Russian State Arsenal, location unknown. Listed here to avoid confusion with Z
10 Bulgarian factory using the same code. Found on ammunition made 1946 and earlier. 7
Factory Ceased operations in 1946 Unconfirmed Codes

101 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13 References

Chinese State Factory at Mudanjang and part of NORINCO group. Normally found as
11 7
part of a two-entry headstamp with date being the only other entry
Not a manfuacturer's code, but rather a load identification code used by Pretoria
11 14
Metal Pressing Ltd Pretoria, RSA on brass cases

11 Prvi Partizan, Miloša Obrenovica 2, 31000 Uzice, Yugoslavia (Serbia) 1

Unknown Factory, One of the countries that use to be part of Yugoslavia (only on
13, 14 International…
brass cases)
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111 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13
Follow @AmmoCollectors
Not a manfuacturer's code, but rather a load identification code used by Pretoria
12 14
Metal Pressing Ltd Pretoria, RSA on brass cases

12 O.J.F. (Osterreichische Jegdpatronenfabrik) Kremsach 14

121 Heilongjiang North Tool Factory in Mundanjiang, Peoples Republic of China 9

Not a manfuacturer's code, but rather a load identification code used by Pretoria
13 13
Metal Pressing Ltd Pretoria, RSA on brass cases

13 Unknown Factory, Cuba 13

131 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

141 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

Barnaul Machine Tool Plant JSC, 28 Polevaya St., Barnaul 656002, Altai Territory,
17 7

171 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

184 Russian State Factory, Kazan Region, Russia. 7

187 Tula Cartridge Plant JSC, 139 Marat St., Tula 300035, Russia 7

Novosibirsk Low Voltage Equipment Plant JSC, 30A Stantsionnaya St., Novosibirsk
188 7
630031, Russia


2 Royal Ordnance Factory Woolwich, England. Found on .303 Mark II, c. 1880s 7

201 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

Mátravidéki Fémmüvek Sirok, Hungary. Normally found on cartridge headstamps with

21 7
a date stamped right-side up in relation to the factory code

Plant 21, Uzinale Metalugica Di Copsa Mica Si Cugir, Romania. Normally found on
21 cartridge headstamps followed by the letters RPR which stand for Republica 7
Popolara Romana (People's Republic of Romania)

Zaklady Metalowe MESKO, Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland. Normally found on

21 7
cartridge headstamps with a date stamped upside down in relation to the factory code

211 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

21215 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 9

22 Plant 22, Romania (address and actual name unknown) 7

221 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

23 Unknown Factory, Hungary, Probably now associated with Magyar Löszergyártó Kft., 13
Mátravidéki Fémmüvek, H-332 Sirok, Hungary

234 Unknown Factory, Poland 9

24 Norrhammars Bruk (Only manufactured the cases), Sweden 4

25 Vulcans Tändsticksfabrik, Tidaholm, Sweden 4

26 (026) A.B. Svenska Metallverken. Västerås, Sweden 4

27 (027) Norma Projektilfabrik, Åmotfors, Sweden 4

270 Soviet State Factory at Lugansk, Ukraine 7

28 Jönköpings Västra tändsticksfabrik, Jönköping, Sweden 4

29 Valtion Patruunatehdas (VPT), Finland. 4


3-D Company Inc., (later 3-D Investments Inc and 3-D Ammunition and Bullets), Box
3-D 1
J Mainstreet, Doniphan, NE 68332

3-D Investment Co. Inc, Doniphan, Neb., USA (at least some cases were made by
3-D 14
Starline Inc., Covina, CA)

3 IMPACT D 3-D Investment Co. Inc, Doniphan, Neb., USA 14

Ulyanovsk Machinery Plant State Production Association, 2 Metallistov St.

3 7
Ulyanovosk 432031, Russia

Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Facility in Herstal Belgium under

30 4
German occupation (ex-FN)

301 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

304 Probably Kouskovo / Lugansk, Moscow, USSR 9

31 (031) Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

31 Svenska Tändsticks AB Jönköping, Sweden 4

311 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

312 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

32 Linköpings Tändsticksfabrik, Lidköping, Sweden. 4

321 Unknown Factory, Romania 13

322 Unknown Factory, Romania 13

323 Unknown Factory, Romania 13

324 Unknown Factory, Romania 13

325 Unknown Factory, Romania 13

33 WaffenwerkBrünn, Czechoslovakia. 4

331 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

34 JönköpingsTändsticksfabrik, Sweden 4

341 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

State Munitions Factory at Krupski Mlyn (Silesia), Poland, as found on 7.62 x 25mm
343 ammunition. Found also with a circle around the numbers 7
35 (035) Svenska Metallverken, Blikstorp, Sweden (1954 to 1965) 7

351 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

352 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

38 Russian State Factory at Yuryusan (Tscheljabinks Region), Russia 7

391 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13


Remington Arms Company, Inc., Bridgeport CT , and later: Lonoke, AR (only

4 14
encountered on 12.7x99mm aluminum cases)

4 Volkseigene Betrieb (VEB) Mechanische Werkstätten Königswartha, East Germany 6

434 Imported to Sweden from Norway and made by Bakelittfabrikken, Norway 4

-5 -

Remington Arms Company, Inc., Bridgeport CT , and later: Lonoke, AR (only

5 14
encountered on 12.7x99mm aluminum cases)

501 (0501) Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

51 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

539 Tula Cartridge Works (Tulski Patronny Zavod), 139 Marata St., 300004, Tula, Russia 7

54 Panstwowe Fabryka Am., Skarzysko-Kam., Poland 9

541 Possibly Tula Cartridge Works, Tula, USSR 9

583 Imported to Sweden from Raufoss, Norway. 4

586 Imported to Sweden from Hirtenberger, Austria. 4

599 Imported to Sweden from Diehl Wehrtechnik, Germany 10


60 Russian State Factory at Frunze, Kirgisia, Russia 7

Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Czech Republic, Factory in Vlasim reportedly made for
601 8, 13

601 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

602 Imported to Sweden from Canada and made by SNC. 4

604 Argus, Austria 10

60A 60th Arsenal, Kao Hsiung, Taiwan, Nationalist China 2

61 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

613 Imported to Sweden from Brazil and made by CBC. 4

616 Imported to Sweden from USA and made by Winchester/Olin 4

6201 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

6202 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

6203 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

641 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

651 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

661 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

671 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13


7 Vympel State Production Association, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia 13

71 FFV Zakrisdalsverken, Karlstad, Sweden 4

71 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

710 Russian State Ammunition Factory at Podolsk, Russia 7

711 Russian State Ammunition Factory at Podolsk, Russia 7


81 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

88 Western Cartridge Company (Olin), East Alton, IL 8


911 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 9

9121 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

9141 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

93 Unknown Factory, North Korea 13

944 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

946 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

947 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 9

948 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

95 Unknown Factory, North Korea 13

964 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

9661 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

9671 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 13

-A -

A-MERC American Ammunition Co., 3545 NW 71st St, Miami, FL 33147 USA 17

Originally A-ZOOM Ammo, A division of Ready Products Corp., 4 Chrysler, Irvine CA

A-ZOOM 92618 (800-61READY). Currently owned and operated by Pachmayr, a division of 1
Lyman Products, 475 Smith Street, Middletown, CT 06457

AN Lake City Ammunition Plant, Lake City, MO 15

AT3 Unknown Factory, Yugoslavia (actually is ATZ in Cyrillic letters) 15

A&W Allen & Wheelock, Worchester, MA 3

A American Cartridge Company, Kansas City, MO 3

A American Metallic Cartridge Co., South Coventry, CT 3

A Pretoria Metal Pressing Ltd, Pretoria, RSA 1

AA Danish Government Arsenal (Ammunitionsarsenalet) Copenhagen, Denmark 1

ABT American Ballistics Co., Inc. 1851 Canbdy Lane SW, Marietta, Georgia 30060 1

AC Armeria F.A. San Cristobal, San Cristobal, Dominican Republic 3

ACE Unknown-Perhaps CBC of Brazil 18

Arms Corporation of the Philippines, Parang, Marikina City, Metro Manila, 1800
ACP 17
Republic of the Philippines (formally Squires Bingham Co.-see SB)

Komando Perindustrian TNI, Angkatan Darat, also known as Pabrik Senjata Mesiu,
AD with ammunition factory at Turen, Maland, East Java (the Bandung facility is a small- 1, 7
arms factory)

MAST Technologies, originally at Las Vegas, but now located at 14555 US Hwy 95
AD 1, 7
South, Boulder City, Nevada 89005, USA, on ammunition made for Abu Dhabi

Patronen-Zündhütchen-u. Metallwarenfabrik, Aktiengesellschaft (formally Sellier &

ad 1
Bellot) ,Schönebeck/Elbe, Germany-WWII era

in Israel, for "Eretz Ayalon (Homeland production at Ayalon Factory), a pre-

AE independence Underground factory in the basement of a laundry at Kibbutzim Hill, 1, 7
Rehovot, Israel

AEP Anciens Établissements Pieper, Herstal, Belgium 1

AF Small Arms Ammunition Factory No. 1 Footscray, Australia 3

AFF Small Arms Ammunition Factory No. 1 Footscray, Australia 1

Industrias Tecnos S.A. de C.V., Kilometro 6 Carretera Cuernavaca-Tepoztlan,

AGUILA Cuernavaca, Morelos, México C.P. 62000 (formally Cartuchos Deportivos de México 17
S.A.-see CDM)

AH (overlaid) Csepel Arsenal near Budspest, Hungary 15

Artillerie - Inrichtingen NV, (Now Eurometaal NV) P. O. Box 419, 1500 EH Zaandam,
AI 1
The Netherlands

Munitionsfabriken (formally Sellier & Bellot), Prague with factory in Vlasim,

ak 1
Czechoslovakia, (Manufactured under German occupation)

All German P???

See http://users.swing.be/sw017995/german-codes.htm

Gustloff-Werke, Otto Eberhardt-Patronenfabrik (formally Hirtenberger Patronen

am Züundhütchen & Metallwarenfabrik A.-G.), Hirtenberg, Niederdonau, Austria 1
(Manufactured under German occupation)

AMA Danish Government Arsenal (Ammunitionsarsenalet) Copenhagen, Denmark 1

Anderson Munitions Inc., P.O. Box 2050, Cardova, TN 38088-2050 ( ca' 1996-1998
AMI 17
P.O. Box 17383, Memphis, TN)

AMRON AMRON, Guld + Western Systems, Waukesha, WI 53186 USA 18

AMT AmmoTech (Ammutechse), Wierda Park, Centurion, Republic of South Africa 18

AMTECH Amtech International Inc., 4142 Industrial Ave E., Cour d'Alene, ID 83814-2199 17

AO Allegany Ordnance Plant, US 15

Asahi-Okuma Arms Co. Ltd., 5050 Asanimae-Cho, Owari-Asahi, Aichi, Japan 488
AOA (after May 1961-Asahi-Seiki Manfacturing Co. Ltd,) 17
AOC Bombrini Parodi Delfino, Rome, Italy on contract cartridges for Egypt 15

Arms Corporation of the Philippines, Parang, Marikina City, Metro Manila, 1800
AP 1
Republic of the Philippines (formally Squires Bingham Co.-see SB)

AP Unknown Factory, France 15

AREX, Proizvodnja orodij, naprav in storitve d.o.o., Trubarjeva 7, 8310 Sentjenej,


ARS Atelier de Constuction de Rennes, Rennes, France 1

ARS Unknown, possibly A. R. Sampson, Sampson Machine Wroks, Costa Mesa, CA 18

Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G. Eichborndamm 107-127, Berlin -

asb 1
Borsigwalde, Germany - WWII

ASC Probably Fábrica Nacional de Munições de Armas Ligeiras, Chelas, Portugal 1

ATS Atelier de Construction de Tarbes, Tarbes, France 1

aux Polte, Werk Magdeburg, Poltestr. u. Fichtestr.,Magdeburg, Germany 1

auy Polte, Werk Grüneberg (Nordbahn), Germany 19

Probably Hirtenberger Patronen-, Zündhütchen-und Metallwarenfabrik A.-G.,

AV FS 18
Hirtenberg, Niederdonau, Austria

avu Silva Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Genthin, Germany 19

A & W Allendorff, Sprengstoff-und Patronenfabrik, Schönebeck a. Elbe, Germany

(After Aug 1, 1913: Öberschlesische Aktiengesellschaft für Armee und Marine,
AWA 18
Abteilung, Schönebeck a. Elbe 10, Germany---from box label Öberschlesische Werke

Pirkl, Alois, Elektrotechnische-Fabrik, Ruppersdorfstr, 30, Reichenberg/Sud.,

ay 1

aym Povázské Strojárne Národný Podnik, Povázská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia 1

AYR A/S Raufoss Ammunisjonsfabrikker, Raufoss, Norway 2

-B -

B-WEST B-West Inc., Tucson, Arizona (produced in Russia by Tula) 1

BN Lake City Ammunition Plant, Lake City, MO 15

BT3 Unknown Factory, Yugoslavia (actually Cyrillic letters VTZ 15

B Berndorfer Metallwarenfabrik Arthur Krupp A.G., Berndorf, Niederdonau 3

B Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co. Ltd., Birmingham, UK 3

B Braun & Bloem, Dusseldorf, Germany 3

B Durjava Voenna Fabrika (D. V. F.), Kazanlak, Bulgaria. 1

B Leon Beaux & Co., Milan, Italy 3

B Pirotecnico di Bologna, Bologna, Italy 1

BAO Durjava Voenna Fabrika (D. V. F.), Kazanlak, Bulgaria 1

Bertram Bullet Co. Pty. Ltd., 200 Goulburn Valley Highway, Seymour, Victoria, 3660,
BB 17

BB Braun & Bloem, Dusseldorf, Germany 3

BBM BBM Corporation, 221 Interstate Drive, West Springfield, MA 01089 1

BD Hall's Telegraph Co., Burghfield, UK 15

BE Royal Ordnance Factory, Blackpole, UK 1

Leon Beaux & Co. S.p.A., Via Dante, 14, Milano, Italy (address ca' 1956---1929
address: Via Paleocapa 4, Milano)

BEST SHOT Target Products Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, USA 18

BF Bakelittfabrikken A/G, Aurskog, Norway 1

BF Fábrica Nacional de Munições de Armas Legeiras, Chelas, Portugal 1, 7

BHA Black Hills Ammunition, 3050 Eglin St, Rapid City, SD 57703-9574, USA 17

BM British Munitions, UK 11

Bullet Master, 1515 Moo 4 Soi Kwang Rung Kwang Lot, Theparak Road, Samrong
BM 17
Nua, Samutprakarn 10270, Thailand

bne Metallwerk Odertal G.m.b.H., Odertal (Post Lautaberg/Harz, Germany 3, 7

bnf Metallwerk Wolfenbüttel G.m.b.H., Halchterstr. 2l, Germany 19

BO WAY BOWAY Gun Company, 41 Broadway, Glenelg, South Australia, Australia 18

BOF Bangladesh Ordnance Factory, Bangladesh 13

BPD Bombrini Parodi Delfino, Rome, Italy 1

BPE Unknown 18

BPS Boland Production Supply, Winter Haven, FL, USA 18

BROWNING Browning Arms Company, Route #1, Morgan, Utah 84050 1

Buffalo Rock Shooters Supply, Route 1, Ottawa, WI 61350 (on cases made by
Buffalo Rock 17

BULLSEYE Unknown-found on 38 Special in Hong Kong China 18

bxn Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Factory in Zbrojovka Vlàsim, 1

byw Johannes Schaefer, Stettiner Schrauben-werk, Stettin, Germany 19


C-B COR-BON, 1311 Industrial Rd, Sturgis, SD 57785 1

C-P Crompton Parkinson Co. Ltd, Doncaster, Yorkshire, U.K. 8

CN Lake City Ammunition Plant, Lake City, MO 15

C Creedmore Cartridge Co., Barberton OH 3

C Munitionsfabrik Cassel, Cassel, Germany 1

C Pirotecnico Dell'Esercito Capua, Capua, Italy 1

CAC Colonial Ammunition Co., Footscray, Australia 11

CAC Colonial Ammunition Company, Auckland, New Zealand 2

CALGARY P.S. Olin Corp., East Alton, IL 62024, USA (for the Calgary Police Services in Canada) 18

Compañía Anonima Venezolana de Industrias Militares, Apartado Postal: 66.459-

CAVIM 1061 - Urb. Las Mercedes, Calle Jalisco, Edificio CAVIM, Caracas 1060, Venezuela 7

CB Cartoucherie Belge, Liege, Belgium 1

Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos, Avenida Industrial No 3330, Santo Andre,

CBC Estado de Sâo Paulo, Brazil (ca'1997: Av Humberto de Compos 3220, 09400 000 1
Ribeirao Pires SP, Brazil)

CCC Canyon Cartridge Company, 141 Albertson Ave, Albertson, NY 1

CCC Creedmoor Cartridge Co., Barberton, OH 3

Cascade Cartridge Internacional S.A. de C.V., KM. 419.45 Carretera Central, San
CCI Luis Potosi, Mexico (Partially owned by CCI of the USA from mid 1960s to early 18

CCI Omark Industries, CCI-Speer / Sporting Equipment Division, Lewiston ID 83501 USA 1

CDL C D Leet, Springfield, MA 3

Cartuchos Deportivos de México, S.A., Kilometro 6 Carretera Cuernavaca -Tepoztlan,

CDM 1, 7
Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, C.P. 62000 (now Industrias Tecnos-see AGUILA)

Theodor Bergmann & Co., K.-G., Waffen- und Munitionsfabrik, Werk Bernau,
cdp 7
Kleistrasse 21, Berlin W 62, Germany

CF Cartoucherie Française, Paris, France 3

ofors Carl Gustaf AB, (Formerly FFV Förenede Fabriksverken), Vanäsverken,

CG Karlsborg, Sweden (and since 1998, NAMMO Vanäsverken. Carl Gustaf name is no 7
longer used, but "CG will continue to be used as a headstamp)

cg Finower Industrie G.m.b.H., Finow/Mark, Germany 19

Fabrique Nationale D'Armes de Guerre (FN), Herstal, Belgium, Under German

ch 1
occupation and management by Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G.

CHAMPION Unknown (cases made by Starline) 18

Cascade Cartridge Internacional S.A. de C.V., KM. 419.45 Carretera Central, San
CI Luis Potosi, Mexico (Partially owned by CCI of the USA from mid 1960s to early 17

CIS Unknown Factory, Singapore 15

China North Industries Corp., (NORINCO), 7A Yue Tan Nan Jie, Beijing, Peoples
CJ 1
Republic of China

CMB Manurhin, France for Brazil 15

CMC Uzinale Metalwrgica di Corsa Mica SI, Cugir, Romania 1

China North Industries Corp., (NORINCO), 7A Yue Tan Nan Jie, Beijing, Peoples
CN 1
Republic of China

CN Unknown Factory, France 15

China North Industries Corp., (NORINCO), 7A Yue Tan Nan Jie, Beijing, Peoples
Republic of China

Colt Inc, Military Arms Division, 150 Huyshope Ave., Hartford, CT 06102 and also
Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1868, Hartford, CT 06144

COR-BON COR-BON, 1311 Industrial Rd, Sturgis, SD 57785 7

CP Crompton Parkinson Co. Ltd, Guiseley, Yorkshire, U.K. (1939-1945) 8

Canadian Professional Munitions Ltd., 300 Railway St., Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0,
CPM 18
CRB Cartoucherie Russo-Belge, Liege, Belgium 3

Crown Aircartridges Ltd., P.O. Box 25, Bexhill upon Sea, East Sussex, TN39 4QB,
CROWN 1,18
England, UK

CT Società Metallurgica Italiana, Campo Tizzoro, Italy (CT = Campo Tizzoro) 15

CTMCo Crittenden-Tibbals Manufacturing Co., South Coventry, CT 3

Cartoucherie Voltaïque (CARVOLT), Ouagadoudou, Rèpublique Voltaïque (formally

CV 1
Upper Volta)


D&C Dreyse & Collenbusch, Sommerda, Germany 3

D&S D & S Manufacturing Inc., Route 1, Box 381, Passadumkeag, Maine 04475 7

D Dominion Cartridge Co., Montreal, Quebec, Canada 3

D Dum Dum Arsenal, Calcutta, India 11

D E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. Wilmington DE 2

D Gustav Genschow & Co., Durlach, Germany 3

Königliche Munitions Fabrik, Dresden Royal Munitions Factory (Government Facility),

D 1
Dresden, Germany

D22 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 15

d53 Unknown Factory, Peoples Republic of China 15

DA Dominion Arsenal, Québec, Canada 1

DAC Dominion Arsenal, Québec, Canada 1

Dynamit Nobel A-G, Troisdorf, Germany, (previously Geco and DNG Gustav
Genchow, Karlsruhe)

DAL Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Ontario, Canada 11

DAQ Dominion Arsenal, Québec, Canada 1

DC Dominion Cartridge Co. Ltd., Brownsburg, Québec, Canada 1

DCA Dominion Arsenal, Québec, Canada 11

DCCO Dominion Cartridge Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, Canada 1

DDDD DUDS Ammunition and Supply Co., PO Box 363, Barton, Vermont 05822 1

de Hugo Schneider A.-G., Werk Leipzig, Germany 19

DEN Denver Ordnance Plant, Denver, CO 2

DF Dum-Dum Arsenal, Calcutta, India 3

Delta Frangible Ammunition LLC (Formally Delta Defense Inc.), 1235 Jeff Davis
Highway Suite 710, Arlington, VA 22202

DGSN Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale, (National Police), Morocco 1

Defence Industries Ltd., Canadian Industries Ltd, Park Avenue Plant, Montreal,
DI 1

DM Des Moines Ordnance Plant, Des Moines, Iowa 2

DM Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., , Früher Lorenz , Karlsruhe, Germany 1

Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., (Previously Deutsche Metall-Patronen-

Fabrik), Karlsruhe, Germany

Borck u. Goldschmidt, Mechanische Werk-stätten für Telegrafie und Telefonie, Berlin

dnb 19
0 l7, Fruchstrasse l-2, Germany

dnf Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Werk Nürnberg-Stadeln, Germany 1

Dynamit Nobel A.-G., Troisdorf, Germany, (Previously Geco and later DAG, Gustav
Genchow, Karlsruhe)

Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., (Previously Gustav Genschow & Co. )

dnh 1
Werk Durlach, Germany .

dom Westfälische Metall-Industrie A.-G., Lippstadt, Germany 7

DOMINION Dominion Ammunition Division, Canadian Industries Ltd, Montreal, Quebec Canada 1

Waffenwerke Brünn A.-G., Werk Povázská Bystrica, formally Czech National Arms
dou and Ammunition Factory, Povázská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia under German 1

DRS Dansk Rekylriffel Syndikat, Copenhagen, Denmark 3

DWA Deutsche Werke A.-G., Berlin, Germany 1

DWM B Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Berlin - Borsigwalde, Germany 1

ederlandsche Wapen-en Munitiefabriek NV., "DE KRUITHOORN, 's-Hertogenbosch,


DWM K Deutsche Waffen u. Munitionsfabriken, Karlsruhe, Germany 1

Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., (Previously Deutsche Metall-Patronen-

Fabrik), Lübeck, Germany

DZ Unknown Factory, Poland 15


EK Greek Powder and Cartridge Co., Athens, Greece 15

E Eley Brothers, Ltd., London, England 3

E Yokosuka Naval Arsenal, Japan (character is a backwards E and is YO in Japanese) 15

EB Eley Brothers, Ltd., London, England 11

eba Metallwarenfabrik Scharfenberg-u. Teubert G.m.b.H., Breitungen-Werra Germany 19

EC Eau Claire Ordnance Plant, Eau Claire, WI 2

EC Evansville Ordnance Plant (Chrysler), Evansville, OH 2

Metallwerk Elisenhütte GmbH., Nassau / Lahn, Germany for the European Cartridge
Collectors Club

ECS Evansville Chrysler, Sunbeam Ordnance Plant, Evansville, Indiana. 8

Deutsche Waffen-und Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Lübeck-Schlutup, Weslörstrasse,

edq 19

eej Märkisches Walzwerk G.m.b.H., Strausberg Bez. Potsdam, Germany 1

eey Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbritzen G.m.b.H., Werk Röderhof, Germany 19

EID Établissements Industriels de Défense, Damascus, Syria 1

EIGN Unknown Factory, Yugoslavia 15

Eldorado Cartridge Co., Boulder City, Nevada 89005-0308 (wholly owned by Pan
Metal Corp. (PMC) of Poongsan, Korea)

Arms Corporation of the Philippines, (formally Squires Bingham Co.) Marikina,

Republic of the Philippines

ELEY Eley Brothers, Ltd., London, England 1

emp Dynamit A.-G., Werk Empelde, (formally Alfred Nobel & Co.), Empelde, Germany 1

EMZ Eurometaal-Zaandam. Zaandam, Netherlands 15

ENK Greek Powder and Cartridge Co., Athens, Greece 1

eom H. Huck Metallwarenfabrik, Nürnberg, W., Gostenhofer Hauptstrasse 61/63, Germany 19

EW Eau Claire Ordnance Plant, Eau Claire, WI 2


F DE C Fábrica de Municiones del Ejército, Lima, Perú 15

ábrica Nacional de Municiones, Santa Fe, México (near Mexico City) Note: The "F de
F DE M 1
M actually stands for just Fábrica de Municiones

F TC I Fabrikalar Iskenderun, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, (Iskenderun Factory, Turkish Republic) 1

F Cartoucherie Française, Paris, France 3

F Fábricas y Maestranzas del Ejército, Santiago, Chile 15

F Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, PA 3

F Giulio Fiocchi, Lecco, Italy 1

F P.W. U. Fabryka Amunicji, Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland 3

F Small Arms Ammunition Factory No. 1 Footscray, Australia 11

FA Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, PA 2

faa Deutsche Waffen-und Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Karlsruhe, Germany 1

FAMAE Fábricas y Maestranzas del Ejército, Santiago, Chile 15

FAMAP Fábrica Argentina Militar de Munición de Armas Portátiles, San Lorenzo, Argentina 15

FAME Fábrica de Municiones del Ejército, Lima, Perú 1

FAMMAP Fábrica Argentina Militar de Munición de Armas Portátiles, San Lorenzo, Argentina 1

abryka Amunicji, Skarzysko, Skarzysko-Kamienna, (later "HASAG under German


fb Mansfeld A.-G., Abt. Metallwarenfabrik, Werk Rothenburg/Saale, Germany 1

FC Departmento de la Industrial Militar, Mexico City, Mexico 1

Federal Cartridge Corp., Anoka, MN 55303 (also produced in Germany and Austria
FC 1
for Federal)

FC Prvi Partizan, Titovo, Uzice 31000, Yugoslavia 1

FCI Fabrica de Cartuchos de Itajuba, Minas Geraia, Brazil 15

FCPQ Fábrica De Cartuchos e Pólvoras Quimicas, Chelas, Portugal 1

fer Metallwerk Wandhofen G.m.b.H., Schwerte/Ruhr, Germany 19

FFV Förenede Fabriksverken, Karlsborg, Sweden 1

FIOCCHI Giulio Fiocchi, Lecco, Italy 1

FLB ábrica Militar "Fray Luís Beltran, San Lorenzo, Argentina 1

FM FLB Fábrica Militar Fray Luis Beltran, San Lorenzo, Argentina 1

FM Établissements Industriels de Défense, Damascus, Syria 1

FM Fábrica Militar de Cartuchos de San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo, Argentina 3

FM Fábrica Nacional de Municiones, Santa Fe, México (near Mexico City) 2

ábrica Militar de Cartuchos de San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo, Argentina (formally

Fábrica Militar de Munición de Armas Portátiles "Borghi)

FMCSF Fábrica Militar de Cartuchos San Francisco, San Francisco, Argentina 1

FME Fábricas y Maestranzas del Ejército, Santiago, Chile 1

FMEP Fábrica de Municiones del Ejército, Lima, Perú 15

FMG Fábricas y Maestranzas del Ejército, Santiago, Chile 15

FMMAP B ábrica Militar de Munición de Armas Portátiles "Borghi, San Lorenzo, Argentina 1

Fábrica Militar de Munición de Armes Portátiles San Francisco, San Francisco,


FMSF Fábrica Militar de San Francisco, San Francisco, Argentina 1

FMSL Fábrica Militar San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo, Argentina 1

FN Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre (FN), Herstal, Belgium 1

FNB Fabrique Nationale Herstal, Herstal, Belgium 1

FNC MEXICO Fábrica Nacional de Cartuchos, Santa Fe, México (near Mexico City) 15

FNCM Fábrica Nacional de Cartuchos e Munições, Sao Paulo, Brazil 7

FNM Fábrica Nacional de Municiones, Santa Fe, México (near Mexico City) 3

FNM Fábrica Nacional de Munições de Armas Ligeiras, Chelas, Portugal 1

FNM Unknown Factory, Mexico 15

FNP Fábrica Nacional de Palencia, Spain 1

Fábrica Nacional de Toledo, currently known as Empresa Nacional Santa Barbara de

FNT 1, 7
Industrias Militares, SA Toledo, Spain

FOMU Fabryka Oruzja i Municje, Prvi Partizan, Uzice, Serbia, Yugoslavia 1

FP Unknown Manufacturer-on 7.62mm NATO cartridge from Central Africa 15

FR Fábrica do Realengo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2

FRONTIER Frontier Cartridge Company Inc., Grand Island, NE 68801 1

fva Draht-u. Metallfabriken G.m.b.H., Salzwedel, Germany 1

FVV&C Fitch Van Vechten & Co., New York, NY 3


GB Deutsche Waffen-u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Karlsruhe, Germany 1

G C CO Graphite Cartridge Company, Washington, DC 2

GD Gustav Genschow & Company, Durlach, Germany 1

G F.1 Government Cartridge Factory N°1, probably Enfield, UK 1918 headstamp 11

G F.3 Government Cartridge Factory N°3, probably Sparbrook, UK 1918 headstamp 11

G Federal Cartridge Corp., Minneapolis, MN 3

G Gévelot S. A., (Sociètè Française des Munitions), Paris, France 3

G Greenwood & Batley Ltd, UK 3

GA Grenfeil & Accles Ltd., Birmingham, UK 3

Unknown Factory, Singapore (note that this is probably a date code since Singapore
GA 15
used GG for 1977 and GH for 1978

GB Greenwood & Batley Ltd, UK 3

GBF Greenwood & Batley Ltd, UK 11

Dynamit Nobel A.-G., Troisdorf, Germany (formally Geco and DNG Gustav
GD 1
Genschow, Karlsruhe)

Ge D Gustav Genschow & Company, Durlach, Germany 1

GE General Electric, Cleveland, OH 2

GE Georg Egestorff, Linden, Germany 3

GEA Guilford Engineering Associates Inc., 332 Stepstone Hill Road, Guilford, Conn. 06437 1

Geco Dynamit Nobel A/G, Troisdorf, Germany 1

Geco Gustav Genschow & Company, Durlach, Germany 1

GEVELOT Gévelot S. A., (Sociètè Française des Munitions), Paris, France 3

GF G. Egestorff, Linden, Germany 3

GFL Giulio Fiocchi, Lecco, Italy 1

GG&Co Gustav Genschow & Company, Durlach, Germany 1

GI Dynamit Nobel A/G, Troisdorf, Germany 1

GKB George Kynoch, Birmingham 11

GPC Greek Powder & Cartridge Company, Athens, Greece 3

eorge Roth & Co., Austria. The letters "GR usually appear in trademark-style, with the
GR 3
letters intertwined

GSF Unknown Factory, France---used under German occupation in 1944. 15

GT Gevelot S.A.,Paris, France on cartridges made for Pakistan in 1950-1960 15


H&F Hardy & Fils S.A., 251 Av. Louis, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium 1
Hirtenberger Patronen-, Zündhütchen-und Metallwarenfabrik A.-G., Hirtenberg,
H 1
Niederdonau, Austria

H Rheinische Metallwaren und Maschinenfabrik, Dusseldorf, Germany 1

H Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, CT 3

HA Danish Government Arsenal (Ammunitionsarsenalet), Copenhagen, Denmark 1

Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Nürnberg-U. Germany for Halbe & Gerlich,

Hamburg (1922-1929)

Prvi Partizan, 31000 Titovo, Uzice, Yugoslavia for the Hansen Cartridge Company,
HCC 13
Southport CT

HERTER'S Herters Inc., Waseca, MN (produced in Sweden) 1

hhw Metallwerke Silberhütte G.m.b.H., St. Andreasberg i/Harz, Germany 19

HI-PER Hi-Performance Cartridge Corp., 133 Blue Bell Rd, Greensboro, NC 27406 1

HK H. Huck Metallwarenfabrik, Nürnburg, Germany 2

HL Haerens Laboratorium, Copenhagen, Denmark from 1912 - 1937 15

hla Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbritzen G.m.b.H., Werk Sebaldushof, Germany 1

hlb Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbritzen, G.m.b.H., Werk Selterhof, Germany 3

hlc Zieh-und Stanswerk G.m.b.H., Werk Schleusingen/Thür., Germany 3

HN Royal Ordnance Factory, Hirwaun, UK 1

Howitzer Products Limited, Blocks 1-5 Besselsleigh, Abingdon, Oxford OX13 5PZ
England (cases produced in US by Starline)

Hirtenberger Patronen-, Zündhütchen-und Metallwarenfabrik A.-G., Hirtenberg,

HP 1
Niederdonau, Austria

hrn Presswerk G.m.b.H., Metgethen, Ostprussia, Germany 1

HXP Greek Powder & Cartridge Company, Athens, Greece 2


I Jubbelpore Arsenal, Jubbelpore, India 11

IAC Unknown Factory, West Germany ca'1965 15

ICI Kynoch Works, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Birmingham, UK 3

IK Igman Zavod, Konjic, Yugoslavia 2

IM Industria Militar, Bogota, Colombia 1

IMG Industrias Militares de Guatemala, Guatemala 8

IMI Israel Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel 1

IMPA Industries Metallurgica y Plastica, Argentina 15

IMPERIAL Industries Valcartier Inc., Valcartier, Quebec, Canada 2

INDUMIL Industria Militar, Bogota, Colombia 1

INTERARMCO Fabrique Nationale Herstal, Herstal, Belgium for Interarmco of Virginia, USA 2

IVI Industries Valcartier Inc., Valcartier, Quebec, Canada 1

IWK Industrie Werke Karlsruhe (formally DWM), Karlsruhe, Germany 15


Asahi-Seiki Manufacturing Co. Ltd., (until 1961, Asahi-Okuma Arms Co. Ltd) ,5050
J-A0A 1
Asahimae-cho, Owari-Asahi. Asahi, Japan 488

Asahi-Seiki Manufacturing Co. Ltd., (until 1961, Asahi-Okuma Arms Co. Ltd) ,5050
J-AO 15
Asahimae-cho, Owari-Asahi. Asahi, Japan 488

J-CH Chuo-Kayaku-Kayo-Kaisha Co. , Japan 15

J-ST Showa-Kayaku, Inc., Totsuka, Japan 15

J-TE Toyo Seiki Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Japan 7

J Birmingham Metals & Munitions Co./Nobel, Birmingham, UK 11

are basically interchangeable in German. Archaic spelling of this arsenal was

J 1

China North Industries Corp., (NORINCO), 7A Yue Tan Nan Jie, Beijing, Peoples
JE 1
Republic of China

JR J. Roth, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia 1


Unknown Factory, Republic of Korea (probably the Army Arsenal in Dongrae before it
K-1 8
was purchased by PMC in 1982)

K Karlsborg Arsenal, Karlsborg, Sweden 4

K Kirkee Arsenal, Poona-3, Kirkee, India 11

K Kynoch Factories, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Birmingham, England 1

K Probably Kaunas Arsenal, Kaunas, Lithuania 1

K2 Kynoch (I.C.I.), Standish, UK (1943-1944) 11

K4 Kynoch (I.C.I.), Yeading, UK (1942-1944) 11

K5 Kynoch (I.C.I.), Kidderminster, UK (1944) 11

KA Pusan Government Arsenal, Pusan, Republic of Korea 2

Hasag Eisen u. Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Werk Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland (formally

kam 1
Fabryka Amuniciji, Skarzysko, Kamienna)

KC (K&C) Keller & Co., Hirtenberg, Austria 3

KF Kirkee Arsenal, Poona-3, Kirkee, India 1

KH Khamaria Arsenal, Khamaria, India 11

KN Kings Norton Metal Co. Ltd, Abbey Wood, Kent, UK 3

KOF Kenya Ordnance Factory, Kenya 8

KOPP KOPP TZP sro, 671 56 Pavlice, Czech Republic (made in Russia) 1

KP Lapuan Patruunatehdas, Lapua, Finland. 8,13

KS Allegany Ordnance Plant (operated by Kelly-Springfield Tire Co.), Cumberland, MD, 15


KTW KTW Inc., Lorain, Ohio, (later North American Ordnance Corp, Pontiac, Michigan) 1
KYNOCH Kynoch Factories, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Birmingham, England 1


China North Industries Corp., (NORINCO), 7A Yue Tan Nan Jie, Beijing, Peoples
LY 1
Republic of China

L Lapuan Patruunatehdas, Lapua, Finland 3

L Lignose A.-G., Berlin, Germany 3

L Lindener Zündhütchen-und Thonwarenfabrik, Hannover, Germany 1

L Lorenz Patronenfabrik (Ammunition & Ordnance Co.), Karlsruhe, Germany 11, 12

LAC Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Australia 11

LAPUA Lapuan Patruunatehdas, Lapua, Finland 1

LB Leon Beaux & Company, Milan, Italy 3

LB Longbow Inc., PO Box 624, Burns Flat, OK 73624 1

LBC Leon Beaux & Company, Milan, Italy 1

LC Lake City Ammunition Plant, Lake City, MO 2

Måtravidèki Fèmmüvek, H-3332 Sirok, Hungary, for: Armscorp USA Inc., Baltimore,
LC 1

LE Giulio Fiocchi, Lecco, Italy 1

LIBRA Libra, 67153 Jevišovice 234-CR, Czech Republic 1

LM Cartoucherie du Mans, Le Mans, France 1

LM Lowell Ordnance Plant, Lowell, MA, USA (1942-1943) 15

lpk Servotechna A.-G., Prague, Czechoslovakia under German occupation 1

LRS Lead Recovery Systems, Inc., (a division of 3-D Co.), Doniphan, Nebraska 1

Novosibirsk Low -Voltage Equipment Plant Plc., 30A, Stantsionnaya St, Novosikirsk,
630108, Russia


Musgrave Manufacturers and Distributors (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 183, Bloemfontein,

MM 1
Republic of South Africa

M&D M&D Munitions Ltd., Farmington, Long Island, New York 11735 1

M&S Klaus Mayer & Sons, Arnsberg and Neheim-Husten, Germany 3

M Ammunitionsfabriken Marieberg, Stockholm, Sweden 1

M Birmingham Metals & Munitions Co./Nobel, Birmingham, UK 11

M Milwaukee Ordnance Plant, Milwaukee, WI, USA (1942-1943) 15

M Munizioni e Cartucce Martignoni, Genoa, ItaLY 3

M Standard Electrica, Madrid, Spain (during Spanish Civil War-on 9x19mm) 15

M+FA Government Factory, Altdorf, Switzerland 15

MA Probably Mukden Arsenal, Mukden China (from the 1920s) 15

MAL Syarikat Malaysia Explosives Ltd., Batu-Arang, Malaysia 1

MANUCAM Manufacture Camerounnaise de Munitions, Cameroon 1

MASTER Master Cartridge Co. (now Georgia Arms), Villa Rica, GA 1

MAXIM Maxim Munitions Corp., Waterton, NY 1

MAYER Klaus Mayer & Sons, Arnsberg and Neheim-Husten, Germany 2

MCM McLearn's Custom Machines, Claremore, Oklahoma 5

MCM Munizioni e Cartucce Martignoni, S.p.A., Genoa, Italy 1

ME Metallwerk Elisenhütte G.m.b.H., Nassau, Lahn, Germany 2

MEN Metallwerk Elisenhütte G.m.b.H., Nassau, Lahn, Germany 1

MEP MEP SPOL. S.R.O., Predni KoPanina 61, 164 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic 1

Abbreviation for Marka Export Solidnosc Knokurencyjnosc Otwartosc. The company

name is Zaklady Metalowe MESKO, Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland

METALLVERKEN AB Svenska Metallverken A.B., Stockholm, Sweden 1

MEXICO Fábrica Nacional de Municiones, Santa Fe, México (near Mexico City) 2

MF Small Arms Ammunition Factory No. 1 Footscray, Australia 1

MFS Magyar Löszergyártó Kft., Mátravidéki Fémmüvek, H-332 Sirok, Hungary 1

MFS Munitions Factory, Sundari, Nepal 1

MFT Munitionsfabrik Thun, Thun, Switzerland 1

MG Marcel Gaupillat & Co., Paris, France 3

MG Small Arms Ammunition Factory No. 2 Footscray, Australia 3

MGM Manufacture Generale de Munitions, Bourg-les-Valence, France 3

MH Military Small Arms Factory No. 3, Hendon, Australia 1

MI Robert Paulet & Cie, Société Méridionale d'Industrie, Marseille, France 1

MIDWAY Midway Arms Inc., Columbia, MO. 1

MJ Small Arms Ammunition Factory N°4, Hendon, Australia 11

MKE Makina ve Kimya Endustrisi, Kurumu, Turkey 1

ML (overlaid) Magyar Löszermuvek RT, Veszprem, Hungary 1

Mathews Manufacturing Co. (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 8188, Belmont Bulawayo, Rhodesia
MMCo 1
(now Zimbabwe)

MMM Manufacturas Metalicas Madrilenas, Spain (1959-1964) 15

MNAM Manufacture Nationale d'Armes et de Munitions, Morocco 1

MQ Small Arms Ammunition Factory N°5, Rocklea, Australia 11

MR Manufacture de Machines du Haut-Rhin, (Manurhin), Mulhouse-Bourtzwiller, France 1

Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos, Santo Andre, Estado de San Paulo, Brazil, for
MRP Magtech Recreation Products, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada (now Magtech Ammunition 1
Company, Madison, Ct. 05443)
MS Manusaar, West Germany (1957-1963) 15

MS Small Arms Ammunition Factory N°7, Salisbury, Australia 11

MSA Mines Safety Appliance Co., Pittsburgh, PA 3

MUNCHEN Koenigliche Arsenal, Munich, Germany 8

Industries Valcartier Inc., Montreal, Québec, Canada (Made for Politek Distribution
Inc., Québec)

Musgrave Manufacturers and Distributors (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 183, Bloemfontein,

mus 2
Republic of South Africa

MW Munitions Werke, Schoenebeck a.Elbe, Germany 1

MW Small Arms Ammunition Factory N°6, Welshpool, Australia 11

MYRA Myra's Sports Stors, Broken Hills, N.S.W., Australia ca 1973 15


China North Industries Corp., (NORINCO), 7A Yue Tan Nan Jie, Beijing, Peoples
NS 7
Republic of China

N Birmingham Metals & Munitions Co., Birmingham, UK 11

N Dum Dum Arsenal, Dum Dum, India 11

N National Cartridge Co, Belleville, IL 3

N Nitrogen Budapest, Budapest, Hungary 3

P.W.U. Fabryka Amunicji, Skarzyskó-Kamienna, Poland Note: PWU stands for

N Panstwowe Wytwornie Uzbrojenia (National Factory of Armaments). N usually shown 1, 7
as Norblin the metal supplier

N Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff, A.-G., Nuremburg, Germany 1

N Unknown Factory, Found in Central Africa 15

NA National Arms & Ammunition Co., Birmingham, UK 11

NACo Newton Arms Company, Buffalo, NY 2

NATIONAL National Cartridge Co., Atlanta, GA 30315 1

Hasag, Eisen-und Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Werk Apparatebau Tschenstochau,

nbe 19

NC National Conduit & Cable Co., Hastings-on Hudson, NY 2

ndn Unknown, probably post-war Czechoslovakia 1

NEVINS Nevins Ammunition, Inc., Boise, ID 83709 1

NGA New Generation Ammunition Pty Ltd, Box 9207, Hennopsmeer 0046 R.S.A. 1

NIC NORINCO (North China Industries Corp.), Peoples Republic of China 1

rvi Partizan-Namenska Proizvodnja, Titovo, Uzice 31000, Yugoslavia. These are

nny 1
actually Cyrillic letters equal to "PPU in the Western alphabet.

NORMA ÅB Norma Projektilfabrik, 670 40 Amotfors, Sweden 1

NP ÅB Norma Projektilfabrik, 670 40 Amotfors, Sweden 3

New Generation Ammunition Pty Ltd, Box 9207, Hennopsmeer 0046 R.S.A. (contract
NPA for Taiwan-NPA=National Police Administration) Cases made by Pretoria Metal 1
Pressings Ltd., Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

Olympic Arms & Ammunition S. A., Acioupoli, Kulois, Greece (contract for Taiwan-
NPA=National Police Administration) Cases made by Sellier & Bellot, Prague

nr POBEDA, Gorazde, Yugoslavia (now Bosnia-Herzogovina) 1

China North Industries Corp., (NORINCO), 7A Yue Tan Nan Jie, Beijing, Peoples
Republic of China

resswerk u. Drechslerwarenfabrik, "SPILBA, Jnh. Kaiser & Pichl, Liban Kreis

nts 7
Fitschin/Protektorat, Germany (now part of the Czech Republic)

ederlandsche Wapen-en Munitiefabriek NV., "DE KRUITHOORN, 's-Hertogenbosch,



O Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Vlašim, Czechoslovakia 1

OFN Ordnance Factory Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria 1

ÖJP Österreichische Jagdpatronenfabrik, Kramsach, Tirol, Austria 2

oma Unknown, probably post-war Czechoslovakia 1

ONEX Office National Des Substances Explosives, Hussein Dey, Algeria 13

ORBEA Cartucheria Orbea Argentina, Argentina 3

OS (overlaid) Oberschlesische A.-G., Schönebeck/Elbe 1

OTAL Unknown, Canada 1

oxo Teuto Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Osnabrück, Germany 1

oyj Ateliers de Construction de Tarbes, France (under German occupation) 15


P-D Precison Delta Corporation, P.O. Box 128, Ruleville, MS 38771 1

PCH Greek Powder & Cartridge Co., Athens, Greece (ca 1940) 15

P Fabrica Nacional de Palencia, Palencia, Spain 7

P Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre (FN), Herstal, Belgium 1

Hirtenberger Patronen-, Zündhütchen-und Metallwarenfabrik A.-G., Hirtenberg,

P 1

P Mátravidéki Fémmüvek Sirok, Sirok, Hungary 1

P Patronenfabrik A.-G., Solothurn, Switzerland 1

P Peters Cartridge Company, Cincinnati, OH 2

P Pirotecnia de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain 7

P Polte, Werk Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany 1

P Pretoria Metal Pressings Ltd., Pretoria, Republic of South Africa 1

PT Pindad (Persero), under management of PT Bahana Pakarya Industrisi Strategis

P (Persero). Formerly known as Pabrik Senjata Mesiu. Ammunition factory at Turen 13
Malang, West Java, Indonesia
P120 Dynamit A.-G., vormals Alfred Nobel & Co., Werk Empelde, Germany 1

P131 Deutsche Waffen u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Berlin-Borsigwalde, Germany 1

P132 Draht-und Metallwarenfabriken G.m.b.H., Salzwedel, Germany 19

Waffenwerke Brünn A.-G., Werk Povazská Bystrica, (Later Povazská Strojárne),

P14A 1
Povazská, Bystrica, Czechoslovkia under German occupation

P151 Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Werk Nürnberg-Stadeln., Germany 1

P154 Polte Werk Grüneberg, Grüneberg (Nordbahn), Germany 3

P162 Presswerke G.m.b.H., Metgethen/Ostpr., Germany 19

P163 Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbritzen G.m.b.H., Werk Selterhof, Germany 19

P181 Hugo Schneider A.-G., Leipsig, Germany 3

P186 Metallwerk Wolfenbüttel G.m.b.H., Halchterstr. 2l, Germany 19

P198 Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbritzen G.m.b.H., Werk Röderhof, Germany 19

P207 Metallwerk Odertal G.m.b.H., Odertal (Post Lautaberg/Harz), Germany 19

P249 Finower Industrie G.m.b.H., Finow/Mark, Germany 19

P25 Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbritzen G.m.b.H, Werk Sebaldushof, Sebaldushof, Germany 1

P28 Deutsche Waffen u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Karlsruhe, Germany 1

P315 Märkisches Walzwerk G.m.b.H., Strausberg bez. Potsdam, Germany 19

P316 Westfälische Metall-Industrie A.-G., Lippstadt, Germany 19

P334 Mansfeld A.-G. Metallwarenfabrik, Werk Rothenburg/Saale, Rothenburg, Germany 1

P340 Metallwerke Silberhütte G.m.b.H., St. Andreasberg i/Harz, Germany 19

P345 Silva Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Genthin, Germany 19

P346 H. Huck Metallwarenfabrik, Nürnberg, W., Gostenhofer Hauptstrasse 61/63, Germany 19

P369 Teuto Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Osnabrück, Germany 1

P370 Teuto Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Osnabrück, Klosterstrasse 29, Germany 19

P379 Hugo Schneider A.-G., Werk Berlin-Köpenick, Germany 19

Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Werk Durlach (vormals Gustav

P405 1
Genschow), Durlach, Germany

Deutsche Waffen-und Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Lübeck-Schlutup, Weslörstrasse,

P413 19

P442 Zieh-und Stanswerk G.m.b.H., Werk Schleusingen/Thüringen, Germany 19

P490 Hugo Schneider A.-G., Werk Altenburg, Germany 19

P491 Metallwerk Wandhofen G.m.b.H., Schwerte/Ruhr, Germany 19

P54S Showa Kinzoku Ltd., Tokyo, Japan (Ca 1954 for police) 15

Gustloff-Werke Otto Eberhardt-Patronenfabrik, Hirtenberg Niederdonau, Austria

P635 1
under German occupation

Patronen-, Zündhütchen- und Metallwaren-fabrik A.-G. vormals Sellier und Bellot,

P67 19
Patronen-, Zündhütchen- und Metallwarenfabrik A.-G. (formerly Sellier & Bellot)
P69 3
Schönebeck a. Elbe, Germany

Munitionsfabriken vormals Sellier & Bellot, Prag, Fabrik in Vlasim, Occupied

P90D 19

P94 Kabel- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer A.-G., Nürnberg, Germany 3

Reportedly Hasag, Eisen-und Metallwerke G.m.b.H., Werk Skarzysko-Kamienna,

pae 19
Occupied Poland

Munitionsfabriken vormals Sellier & Bellot, Prag, Fabrik in Vlasim, Occupied

Pak 19

PC Peters Cartridge Company, Cincinnati, OH 11

PC Pirotecnico Esercito-Capua, Capua, Italy 15

PCCo Peters Cartridge Company, Cincinnati, OH 2

Theodor Bergmann & Companie, K.-G., Waffen- und Munitionsfabrik, Werk Bernau,
Pcdp 1
Berlin W62, Kleistrasse 21, Germany

PEC Pirotecnico Esercito-Capua, Capua, Italy 1

PENN Penn Ammo Inc., Delmont, PA 15626 1

PETERS Peters Cartridge Company, Cincinnati, OH 1

PF Patronenfabrik Solothurn A/G, Solothurn, Switzerland 3

PH Parker Hale, Probably Birmingham, UK 11

PT Pindad (Persero), under management of PT Bahana Pakarya Industrisi Strategis

PINDAD (Persero). Formerly known as Pabrik Senjata Mesiu. Ammunition factory at Turen 7
Malang, West Java, Indonesia

Danish Government Arsenal (Ammunitionsarsenalet) Copenhagen, Denmark-under

German Occupation

PK Pocisk, Spolka Akcyjna, Warsaw, Poland 3

PKI Unknown, made in one of the countries that use to be part of Yugoslavia 13

PM Proffitt's Machining Inc., Greenback, TN 1

Poongsan Metal Manufacturing Company Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea (probably at

the Angang Ammunition Plant). Note that the "M" is shaped like an upside "W"

Eldorado Cartridge Corporation (previously Patton and Morgan Corp., and Pan Metal
Corp. ) PO Box 62508, Boulder City, NV 89006. The PMC headstamped ammunition
for ECC has been made in Korea, the Philippines, Mexico and the Repuclic of South

PMP Pretoria Metal Pressings Ltd., Pretoria, Republic of South Africa 1

pmt Kabel-und Metallwerke Neumeyer A.-G., Werk München, Germany 19

PMV Unknown Factory, Cuba 15

PNP ("Peruvian National Police) 1

PO Oramil S.A. División A. M., San Sebastián, Spain. PO stands for Plásticas Oramil. 1

POF Pakistan Ordnance Factories, Wah Cantt, Pakistan 1

PP Prvi Partizan, 31000 Titovo, Uzice, Yugoslavia 1

PPU Prvi Partizan, 31000 Titovo, Uzice, Yugoslavia 1

Pro Load Ammunition Inc., 5180 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls, ID 83854, (Formally:
1120 S. Varney St., Burbank, CA 91502)

PS Giulio Fiocchi S.p.A., Lecco, Italy 1

PS Pirotecnia Militar de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain 1

Poongsan Metal Manufacturing Company Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea (probably at

PS 2
the Angang Ammunition Plant)

PS Povázské Strojárne, Povázská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia) 1

Poongsan Metal Manufacturing Company Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea (probably at

the Dongrae Ammunition Plant)

abrik Senjata Mesiu (also seen in factory literature as "Pabrik Senjata Munisi), Turen
Malang, West Java, Indonesia

PT Lapuan Patruunatehdas, Lapua, Finland. "VPT" headstamp with the "V" removed 13

Pu Unknown (Perhaps Burgsmüller, Kreiensen, Germany) 1

PX Unknown Factory, France 15


Q Made by Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Czech Republic Factory in Vlasim for Qutar 13

QC Unknown Factory, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 15

qrb Pirotecnico de Bologna, Bologna, Italy under German occupation 1


Remington Arms Company, Inc., Bridgeport CT , and later: Lonoke, AR (also used by
R-P 1
CDM of Mexico)

R (in shield) Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoffe A-G, Nürnberg, Germany 14

Dominion Cartridge Co., Montreal, Quebec, Canada for T Eaton Co. of Toronto in
R 8

R Fábrica do Realengo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2

R Robin Hood Ammunition Co., Swanton, VT 3

RA A/S Raufoss Ammunisjonsfabrikker, Raufoss, Norway 1

RA Remington Arms Co., Bridgeport, CT 1

Jointly loaded by A/S Raufoss Ammunisjonsfabrikker, Raufoss, Norway and AB

Norma Projektilfabrik, 670 40 Amotfors, Sweden

RAUFOSS A/S Raufoss Ammunisjonsfabrikker, Raufoss, Norway 2

RC Raleigh Cycle Co. Ltd, UK 15

RD Armería F. A. San Cristóbal, San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic 1

Remington Arms Co., Bridgeport, CT (also used by CDM of Mexico and CBC of

Deutsche Waffen u. Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Berlin-Borsigwalde Factory, Berlin,

rfo 1

RG Royal Ordnance Factory Radway Green, Radway Green, UK 1

RH Raleigh Cycle Co., Lts., Nottingham, England, UK 15

RHACo Robin Hood Ammunition Co., Swanton, VT 3

RL Royal Laboratory, Woolwich, England 1

Rheinische Metallwaren-und Maschinenfabrik, Abteilung Sömmerda. Sömmerda,

RM S 1

RNADC Royal Naval Armament Depot, Caerwent, Wales, United Kingdom 1

ROFB Royal Ordnance Factory Birtley, Birtley, County Durham UK 1

RORG Royal Ordnance Factory Radway Green, Radway Green, UK 1

Republic of the Philippines Army, Government Arsenal, Department of National

Defense, Camp General Antonio Luna, Limay, Bataan, Republic of Philippines

RPR ("People's Republic of Romania) 1

RRCo Ross Rifle Co, Quebec, Canada 2

RS Unknown Factory, France 15

RTA Royal Thai Army Arsenal, Bangkok, Thailand 2

RVB Riverbrand Co., Australia Which merged with Myra's Sport Stors in 1977 15

RW Rudge Withworth Co., Nottingham, UK (1914-1918) 11

RWS Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Nürnberg-U. Germany 1

RY Établissements Rey Frères, Nîmes, France 1


S A CORP Savage Repeating Arms Co, Utica NY 3

S&B Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) Factory in Vlasim 1

S&W-F Smith & Wesson - Fiocchi Inc., Alton, Illinois 1

S&W Smith & Wesson Ammunition Company, Rock Creek, Ohio, 44084 1

S Dum Dum Arsenal, Dum Dum, India 11

S Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel 1

S Königliches Munitionsfabrik, Spandau, Spandau, Germany 1

S Pirotecnia Militar de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain 3

S Sako A. B., (Suojeluskuntain Ase-je Konepa ja Oy), Riihimaki, Finland 1

S Unknown Factory, France 15

SA Cartagena, Spain 15

SA Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel 1

SA Southern Ammunition Company, Route 1, Box 6B, Latta, SC 29565 1

Sako Sako A. B., (Suojeluskuntain Ase-je Konepa ja Oy), Riihimaki, Finland 1

Omark Industries, CCI-SPEER/Sporting Equipment Division, PO Box 856, Lewiston,

Sam's ID 83501. A trial headstamp made for Walmart Stores, but not accepted. 1

South African Mint, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa (Subsequently Pretoria Metal
Pressing Ltd.)
SANDIA Sandia Die and Cartridge Company, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123 1

SARA Cartridges with the "SARA headstamp are commeratives made for SARA 1

SAT Finland 15

SAVAGE Savage Repeating Arms Co, Utica NY 2

SAW Sage Ammunition Works, Middletown, CT 3

SB-T Empresa Nacional Santa Barbara de Industrias Militares, SA Toledo, Spain 1

Arms Corporation of the Philippines, (formally Squires Bingham Co.) Marikina,

SB 1
Republic of the Philippines

SB Empresa Nacional Santa Barbara de Industrias Militares SA, Toledo, Spain 1

SB Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel 1

SB Sellier and Bellot, Schoenbeck/Elbe, Germany 15

SBP Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) Factory in Vlasim 1

SCB Cartoucherie Belge, Liege, Belgium 3

SCC Standard Cartridge Company, Pasadena, CA 1

SEL Omark Industries , CCI-Speer / Sporting Equipment Division, Lewiston ID 83501 USA 1

SF Fábrica Militar de Cartuchos San Francisco, San Francisco, Argentina 1

Société Française des Munitions, (Gévelot S. A.), Place Jules Gévelot, 92310 Issy-
SF 1, 7
Les-Moulineaux, France

Société Française des Munitions, (Gévelot S. A.), Place Jules Gévelot, 92310 Issy-
SFM 1, 7
Les-Moulineaux,, France

SGA Singapore 15

Dynamit Nobel A-G, Troisdorf, Germany. Trademark spelling for Non-Toxic


Povázské Strojárne, Povázská, Bystrica, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia). Made for

SK 1
SK Jagd- und Sportsmunitions GmbH, Schönebeck (Elbe), Germany

SK Showa Kinzoku Kogyo Co., Ltd., Japan 2

Tulski Patronny Zavod, (Tula Cartridge Works), Tula, Russia. Probably originally
SK intended for SK Jagd- und Sportsmunitions GmbH, Schönebeck (Elbe), Germany, but 1
sold in the U.S. in Tula boxes

SKD Selve Kronbiegel Dornheim A.-G., Sommerda, Germany 3

SKN aklady Metalowe "MESKO for SK-Nimrod GmbH, Schönebeck, Germany 1

SL St Louis Ordnance Plant, St Louis, MO 2

portnovi a Lovecke Strelivo, "SLS Ammunition brand, P. O. Box B16, 530 01

Pardubice, Czech Republic

SM AB Svenska Metallverken, Stockholm, Sweden 1

SMC Symington Machine Corp, Rochester, New York 8

SMCO Stant Manufacturing Co. Connersville, IN 2

Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Czech Republic, Factory in Vlasim for SME Ordnance Sdn
SME Bhd (SMEO), Lot 5065, Locked Bag No. 101, 48109 Batu Arang, Selanger Darul 7
Ehsan, Malaysia

SMI Società Metallurgica Italiana, Campo Tizzoro, Italy 1

SMP Uniknown, Yugoslavia 13

SNC Industrial Technologies Inc., (Formally Industries Valcartier Inc.), Valcartier,

Quebec, Canada

SO Sako A. B., (Suojeluskuntain Ase-je Konepa ja Oy), Riihimaki, Finland 1

SOS Unknown Factory, Austria 7

SP stands for "Servicio de Policía 1

SP Scorzato Hermanos & Cia Ltd., Lujan, Argentina 3

Swartklip Products (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town, South Africa. Also formerly known as RMC
SP 8
- Ronden Manufacturing

SPC Sociadade Portuguesa de Cartucheria, Portugal 1

SPEER Omark Industries , CCI-Speer / Sporting Equipment Division, Lewiston ID 83501 USA 1

SR Royal Ordnance Factory Spennymoor, UK (1913-1945) 11

ST Royal Ordnance Factory, Steaton 15

suk Deusche Waffen u. Munitionsfabriken A-G., Karlsruhe, Germany 1

SUPER-VEL Super Vel Cartridge Company, Shelbyville, IN 2

Super X Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, IL 2

SUPER SuperCartridge Pty., Ltd., Victoria, Australia 15

SWN Royal Ordnance Factory. Swynnerton, UK 15

Società Metallurgica Italiana, Campo Tizzoro, Italy (used in the mid 1950s for an off-
SYI 15
shore contract)


T Empresa Nacional Santa Barbara de Industrias Militares, SA Toledo, Spain 1

T Munitionsfabrik Thun, Thun, Switzerland 1

T Tula Arsenal, Tula Russia 15

TA Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel 1

TA Thai Arms, Bangkok, Thailand 1

TC Unknown Factory, Turkey 15

TCW Tula Cartridge Works (Tulski Patronny Zavod), 139 Marata St., 300004, Tula, Russia 1, 7

TE Cartoucherie de Toulouse, Toulouse, France 1

TE Toyo Seiki, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 15

TEXAS Texas Ammunition Co. Ballinger, Texas (www.texas-ammo.com) Cases by Starline 8

TH Royal Ordnance Factory Thorp Arch, Thorp Arch, England 1

TH Unknown Factory, France 15

tko Deutsche Waffen-und Munitionsfabriken A.-G., Lübeck-Schlutup, Weslörstrasse, 19

TOYO Toyo Seiki Mfg. Co., Ltd., Japan 7

TPE Unknown Manufacturer, UK 1

Tulsky Patronney Zavod, (Tula Cartridge Works), 139 Marata St., 300004 Tula,

TR Dominion Rubber & Munitions Co., Three Rivers, Québec, Canada 11

Triton Cartridge Corporation, P. O. Box 50 (Mailing Address), 2 Briar Lane,

Wappingers Falls, New York 12590

TS Atelier de Construction de Tarbes, Tarbes, France 1

TS Toyo Seiki Mfg. Co., Ltd., Japan 7

TW Twin Cities Ordnance Plant, Minneapolis, MN 2

TZ Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel 1

TZZ Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel 1


U Kimberley Branch Mint, Kimberley, Republic of South Africa 11

U Remington Arms Co., Bridgeport, CT 3

U Rheinisch- Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Nuremburg, Germany 3

U Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Bridgeport, CT 3

U Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City, UT 2

UMC Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Bridgeport, CT 1

UN H. Utendoerffer, Nuremberg, Germany 1

US United States Cartridge Co., Lowell, MA 2

USCCO United States Cartridge Co., Lowell, MA 1

UT Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City, UT 2


va Kabel- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer A.-G., Nuremberg, Germany 1

VALMET Valtion Patruunatehdas, Lapua, Finland 15

VAPEX Unknown Factory, Russia 13

VC Canadian Industries Limited (C-I-L,) Verdun, Quebec, Canada 2

VE Cartoucherie de Valence, Valence, France 1

Ministerio de la Defensa, Servicio de Armamento, Arsenal, Fábrica de Municiones,

VEN Probably located at: Apartado Postal 66.459.1061, Urb. Las Mercedes, Calle Jalisco, 3, 7
Caracas 1060, Venezuela

VMT Valtion Metallitehtaat, Helsinki, Finland 3

VPT Valtion Patruunatehdas, Lapua, Finland 1

VS Unknown Factory, France 15

VZK Vereinigte Zünder - und Kabelwerke A.-G., Meissen/Elbe (Saxe), Germany 7


W-W Winchester-Western (Olin), East Alton, IL 1

W Winchester Repeating Arms Co., Bridgeport CT 2

wa Hugo Schneider A.-G., Werk Leipzig, Germany 1

wb Hugo Schneider A.-G., Werk Berlin-Köpenick, Germany 19

WCC Western Cartridge Company (Olin), East Alton, IL 1

WESTERN Western Cartridge Company (Olin), East Alton, IL 1

wg Hugo Schneider A.-G., Werk Altenburg, Altenburg, Germany 3

WIN Olin Corp., East Alton, IL 62024, USA 1

WINCHESTER Olin Corp., East Alton IL 62024, USA 13

WISE J. B. Wise Inc, Watertown, NY 2

WOLF Tula Cartridge Plant JSC, 139 Marat St., Tula 300035, Russia 13

WRA Winchester Repeating Arms Co., Bridgeport, CT 1

WRACO Winchester Repeating Arms Co., Bridgeport, CT 1

WWG W. W. Greener, Birmingham, England 3


X Hovedarsenalet Laboratorium, Copenhagen, Denmark 5

X Povázské Strojárne, Povázská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia) 3

Used on German 9mm Para and 32ACP cartridges for use with silencers. Probably
X 7
made by: Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Werk Durlach, Germany

XL Federal Cartridge Corp, Minneapolis MN 3




Z Zbrojovka Brno, Brno, Czechoslovakia 1

Z28 Unknown Factory, Zambia 13

ZERO Zero Ammunition Company, 1601 22nd Street, S.E., Cullman, Alabama 35056-1188 7

ZI Unknown Factory, Zimbabwe 13

ZV Sellier & Bellot, Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) Factory in Vlasim 13

The following headstamps have been reported to exist, but it is strongly suspected they do not occur on small arms

If you have encountered this code on any ammunition, even if it is not small arms ammunition, please contact us with
the details.
Unconfirmed Code List

Code Manufacturer Ref

auu Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia (under German occupation) 15

bd Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia (under German occupation) 15

be Unknown Factory, Austria (under German occupation) 15

bg Unknown Factory, Austria (under German occupation) 15

czo Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia 15

dtp Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia (under German occupation) 15

dye Unknown Factory, Austria (under German occupation) 15

Deutsche Waffe- u. Minitionsfabriken AG, Posen plant, (Ref 15 claims use on headstamp, Ref 19 15,
identifies eeo) 19

jtb Reportedly Unknown Factory, Switzerland (Contract load for Germany in WWII) 15

kfg Unknown Factory, Yugoslavia (under German occupation) 15

ksb Unknown Factory, France (under German occupation) 15

kye Unknown Factory, Romania (under German occupation) 15

kyn Unknown Factory, Romania (under German occupation) 15

kyp Unknown Factory, Romania (under German occupation) 15

lkm Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia (under German occupation) 15

mpr Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia (under German occupation) 15

mrb Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia (under German occupation) 15

nfx Unknown Factory, Czechoslovakia (under German occupation) 15

wf Unknown Factory, Poland (under German occupation) 15

y Unknown Factory, Hungary (under German occupation) 15

References cited in the right hand column:

1. Curtis, Lewis E., III, 9mm Parabellum Headstamp and Case Type Guide, GIG
Concepts Inc., San Antonio, Texas, 1996-2002, [email protected]

2. Punnett, Chris, .30-06, CTG Publishing, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, 1997

3. White, H. P. and Munhall, B. D., Cartridge Headstamp Guide, H. P. White

Laboratory, Bel Air, Maryland, 1963

4. Unknown, The Swedish Military Ammunition Site,


5. Moss, John, The 9X23mm Rimless Pistol Cartridges, GIG Concepts Inc., San
Antonio, Texas, 2003

6. Mishinger, Gerd, Der Volkseigene Betrieb (VEB) Mechanische Werkstätten

Königswortha, Hirschau 2002
7. Moss, John, Unpublished Notes, 2003

8. Various, Other References such as the IAA Journal, ECRA, Box Labels, etc

9. Cohen, Jon, Unpublished Notes, 2003

10. de Heer, Rob, Unpublished information provided by Swedish Army Materiel


11. Colmant, Patrice, http://users.swing.be/sw017995/303.htm

12. Unknown, http://www.chez.com/mselect/glossaries/fabricants2.htm

13. Cornell, Russ, Unpublished Notes 2003

14. Rebekah M. Simmers, Unpublished ATF Headstamp Code Listing, Bureau

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, National Laboratory Center 6000 Annendale
Road Annendale, MD 20705

15. Unknown, Small Arms Identification Guide, Volume 1 (Some errors in

headstamp identification), Defense Intelligence Agency, Aug 1984

16. Curtis, Lewis, Unpublished Notes-2003

17. Moss, John, Unpublished Notes-2003

18. Witt, Otto, Guide to 38 Special Headstamps-Unpublished

19. Colment, Patrice, The German Codes Page 1967-1945,


H O M E | M E M B E R S H I P & J O U R N A L | R E S O U R C E C E N T E R | R E F E R E N C E | E V E N T S | C O N TA C T | F O R U M


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