Personal Safety Protocol
Personal Safety Protocol
Personal Safety Protocol
Thirst - a sensation of dryness in the Slow down exercise and add rest breaks to
mouth and throat associated with a maintain the prescribed target heart rate. As
desire for liquids. you become acclimatized you can gradually
increase intensity and duration.
Safety Precautions Drink 2 cups of fluids 2 hours before you
Fluid Replacement begin exercising and drink 4 ounces of fluid
every 10-15 minutes during exercise (more
Drink at least 16-20 ounces frequently during biah intensity activities)
of fluid 2 hours before Wear clothing that breathes. To allow air to
exercising. Then drink 8 circulate.
ounces of fluid 15-30 minutes Rest frequently in the shade.
before you start. Slow down or stop if you begin to feel
Sip 4-6 ounces of fluid every uncomfortable. Watch for the signs of heat
15-20 minutes while you disorders. If they occur, act appropriately.
exercise or any physical
activity. Hypothermia
After the physical Excessively low body temperature,
activity/exercise, you must characterized by uncontrollable shivering, loss
drink enough water to replace of coordination, and mental confusion.
the body fiuid you lost during
the activity exercises. Signs of hypothermia:
Pale, cold skin
Overexertion or Overtraining Slow weak pulse
Slow, shallow breathing
Increase drowsiness
Walking becomes clumsy and the
tendency to lie down.
Is it safe to exercise in cold weather?
dress warmly in layers and not stay out in
very cold temperatures for too long.
Warm-up (Before)
Fluid replacement (Before, During, and
Cooling Down
Stretching (help improve flexibility)