Notes Res-Judicata
Notes Res-Judicata
Notes Res-Judicata
JURISDICTION OF CIVIL COURTS-Acc to S. 9, " Court shall (subject Fundamental Rules of Pleading -Acc.'to Order VI Rule 2 of C.P.C., 1. Every
to provisions here in contained) have jurisdiction to try all suits of a civil Pleading must State Facts & not Law- a-affirmative(state facts) or b-
nature excepting suits of which ir cognizance is eir expressly or negative(not state law.) implication should not be stated in a pleading- (a)
impliedly barred." Conditions- 1. Suit of Civil Nature- ‘Civil’ meaning, it Provisions of law;(b) Conclusions of law; & (c) Conclusions of mixed
pertains to private rights & remedies of a citizen as distinguished law & facts.-- For Ex. - Union of India in its written statement denied service
from criminal, political, etc. 2. Nature & Scope of Suit of Civil Nature of notice U/S. 80, C.P.C., but did not plead that suit was premature &,
expression private rights & obligations of a citizen. Political & therefore, not maintainable, it was held that averments in plaint itself
religious questions are not covered Example-Suits of Civil Nature- (i)
established beyond doubt that institution of suit was premature. It was
Suits relating to right to property; (ii) Suits relating to right to worship;
not necessary for defendant to. recopulate those facts & consequences
(iii) Suits relating to taking out of religious procession; (iv) Suits relating
to right to share in offerings;(v) Suits for damages for civil wrongs therefrom. Exceptions-- (i) Foreign Law- court not bound to judicial
Suits Not of Civil Nature- i-Suits involving principally caste questions; (ii) notice of Foreign laws. (ii) Custom-Court not bound - judicial notice of
Suits involving purely religious rites or ceremonies; (ini) Suits for customs or usages of trade & therefore, they, too, must be pleaded like
upholding mere dignity or honour; (iv) Suits for recovery of voluntary any other fact. (fil) Mixed Questions of Law & Fact- stated in pleadings &
payments or offerings: (v) Suits against expulsion from caste: etc. 2--- cannot be allowed to be raised subsequently.(iv) Legal Pleas--rule
Kinds of Jurisdiction- 1. Jurisdiction over Subject-Matter: Different against stating law in pleadings does not exclude 'legal pleas to a suit, or
Courts has authority to try certain suits.of non-contentious types, e.g., pleas denying legal rights claimed by opposite party. (v) Inferences of
loan on promissory notes or bonds, recovery of price of goods supplied Law_- Order VI, Rule 7, C.P.C., inference of law should not be stated in
or work done but no jurisdiction to try suits for partition or for plaints or written statements yet a departure from this rule shall be
injunction or for immovable properties or for specific performance of a condoned. -- 2. Every Pleading must State all Material Facts & Material
contract. District Judge alone has jurisdiction in respect of Facts Only (i) Every Pleading must State Material Facts Only-- Test for
testamentary & cases of guardianship. 2. Local or Territorial
Determining Material Facts- (a) In a suit for libel (b) In a suit for injunction
Jurisdiction- Government fixed & beyond that limit it has no jurisdiction.
District Judge has jurisdiction within his district. 3. Pecuniary (c) In a suit for negligence. --(ii) Every Pleading must State all Material
Jurisdiction- Munsifs to value Rs. 25,000 in UP, Civil Judges above Facts Supreme court has laid down in S.N. Balkrishan Vs. Georgé
25,000Rs. High Court has no pecuniary limitations. Munnalall Vs. State of Fern&ez AIR 1969; omission of single material fact leads to incomplete
Punjab,AIR 1916 Punj: 59 (60). 4. Original or Appellate Jurisdiction- cause of action & statement of claim becomes bad. ---- Calcutta High
Some of Courts exercise only original jurisdiction e.g., Munsif, & Judges Court decision in S. Chatterjee Vs. Nilima Chatterjee, A.I.R. 1970 Cal, suit
of Small Causes Courts. Civil Judges, District Judges & High Courts divorce on ground of adultery.
have been conferred appellate powers.