CPC Short Note LLB
CPC Short Note LLB
CPC Short Note LLB
1. Body – I58 Sec – 12 parts – Amended only by Legislature
2. First Schedule – 54 orders and Rules – Amended by High Court by virtue sec 122
Plaintiff-> Plaint then court Issue Summons -> Defendant -> then he file a written statement -> court will
frame issues-> evidence->argument->witness-> judgement and decree -> execution application
Order in favour – decree holder , order against- judgement debtor
1. Appeal- memorandum of appeal
2. Revision petition in HC – court passed has no jurisdiction
3. Review application – error in decree apparent face of record
Essentials of Suit
1. Two parties of the two opposing parties
2. The subject matter in dispute
3. The cause of action
4. The relief claimed
Suit of Civil Nature sec 9
Sec 9- jurisdiction of civil court, before limitation period, pecuniary, territorial
Kanji v Bhika – caste property, civil nature
Shanmugham v T M Chidhambharathanu Mudaliar – prasadam, not civil
Achuthan Nair v Narayanan Nair – boundary , civil case
Shakarappa v Basamma – second marriage , injunction by hindu wife, civil
State of Kerala v Union India – railway damage, art 131(a) rejected if legal right
Saina v Konderi – can suit, municipal building violations
Suits expressly Barred- Dy Sup of Police v Nabeesa sec 84 to establish his title
Stay of Suit- Res Sub judice
Sec 10, Res – Subjudice,” Things or matter under consideration”- pending before a competent court,
second of same question is barred
Mathew & Anr v Sony Cyriac & Others – cheque bounce case and recovery, criminal and civil will
State of Rajasthan v kalyana Sundaram ltd – civil and negotiable ,criminal exist
Res Judicata- Sec 11 –
Estoppel by Record – “already decided”, Sec 11- Fresh suit same is barred
Daryo v State of UP
Styadhayan v Deorajin Debi - finality to judicial decision
State of maharshtra v national construction – technical round is not considered as res judicata
Susheela v Kuttikrishnan – compromise does not operate res judicata
Constructive Res Judicata - need to mention all facts in the initial case, cannot use that for
subsequent suit.
Horo v Jahan Ara
State of UP v Nawab Hussain- disciplinary and mala fied, action then art 311
Place of Suing -sec 15 to 20
Kerala civil courts act 1957
Sec 15 -Court in which suit to be institute, shall be institute in the lowest court
Sita Sidramappa v Rajacherry – mesne profit, not in appeal if its not mentioned first
Ammukutty Amma v Viswanathan Iyer- mesne profit higher rate can awarded from
George v Koshy – Limitation claimed , should claim reason in plaint
United India Insurance v Andrew Viveral – list full details of fraud not vague list
Relinquishes claim cannot be sued later – Order II Rule 2(2)
Immovable Plaint should mention boundaries – Order VII Rule 3
Return of Plaint Order VII Rule 10
10-A- Power of court to fix date of appearance where plaint to file after return
10-B- Power to transfer suit to proper court
Raghavan v Soloman-after limitation period, Not Fatal
Rejection of Plaint Order VII Rule 11
1. No cause of action
2. Relief claimed undervalued, within time not fixed
3. Insufficient stamped paper, within time not fixed
4. Barred by any law
5. No duplicate filed
6. Does not comply rule 9- many copies
Delhi Wakf Board v Jagadheesh Kumar Narang- fresh suit not barred if,rejected by Rule 11
Procedure on Rejection Plaint – Order VII Rule 12
Rejection doesn’t Preclude presentation of fresh plaint – Order VII Rule 13
Parties of Suit – Order I
a. Joinder of Parties
i. Joinder parties Rule 1
ii. Joinder Defendants Rule 3
b. Necessary and Proper Parties
Kasturi v Iyyamperumal – cannot decide if no necessary part
c. Non-Joinder and Misjoinder of parties Rule 9
Necessary or proper may not joined as a party of suit- Non Joinder
Neither Necessary nor proper party joined as- Mis joinder
Improperly joined Struck down or add parties by court – Rule 10
Amit Kumar Shaw v Farida Khatoon – at any time or proceedings , strike out
Multifariousness – Misjoinder of parties or cause of action
Representative Suit Order I Rule 8
1. Numerous persons
2. Same Interest
3. Permission or Direction by court
4. Notice
Issue Summons- Sec 27 Order V Rule 1 – Substituted Service
Written Statement – 30 days, after consideration 90 days
1. Personal or Direct Service
2. Substituted Service ( Affixture and Advertisement) Order V Rule 20
3. Service by Post 19-A
Service in particular cases Rule 21- 29
Substitution of letter of summons Rule 30
Written Statement – Order VIII
Kailash v Nanhku – beyond 90 days valid reason
Rachappa V Gurusidappa – 1989- replay to plaint by defendant – pleading of def..
Subsequent pleading of plaint- replication- Dutta v Savitri AIR 1977
Defences which Defendant can take
1. Admission and Denials
2. Dilatory Pleas or Pleas - court fee not paid
3. Objection in point of law
4. Special defences (confession and avoidance)
Rule 3- Limitation, Estoppel, payment, Res judicata, justification etc
5. Set-off
Plea of Set OFF – Order VIII – Rule 6
Two Kinds
1. Legal Setoff
2. Equitable Setoff
Legal Set Off Equitable Set Off
Sum must be ascertained. Sum need not be ascertained.
Claim need not originate from the
Claim must origination from the same transaction.
same transaction.
Legal set off can be claimed as a
right by the defendant and the Equitable set off cannot be claimed as a right but
court is bound to adjudicate upon by court’s discretion.
the claim.
Court fee must be paid on set off
No court fee is required.
The amount may be time barred. However, if the
The amount must not be time defendant’s claim is time barred, he can claim
barred. only as much amount as is given in the plaintiff’s
Order VIII, Rule 6 Rule-19 (3) of Order XX
Counter Claim – Cross Suit- Order VIII 6A-6G
Defendant-> Counter claim -> Plaint
Plaintiff ->Written Statement -> Replication ( answer to counter claim)
Section Order
Appeals 96-112 41 to 45
First Appeal 96 -99A , 107 41
Second Appeal 100-103 , 108 42
Appeal from Orders 104 , 108 43
Appeal to SC 109 45
Appeal Indigent Person 109 45
Reference 113 46
Review 114 47
Revision 115
First Appeal ( Appeal from Original Decree)
Lakshmiratan Eng Work v Asst comm sales tax – Judicial examination of decision of inferior
court by higher court
Shanker v Krishnaji – lower court decision unsound
Power of Appellate court – Order 41 – Rule 23 to 29, 33
1. Finale determination
2. Remand – send back – Rama Rao v Vimala Kumari
3. Frame Issue and refer them for trial
4. Additional evidence – Soonda ram v Rameshwarlal
5. Modification of decree Order 41 Rule 33
6. Other Power
Geevarghese v Abhraham – HC cannot refer Subordinate Court
Review - look once again – judicial re-examination by same judge
Bharat Singh v Sheo pershad
Sharma v Sharma
• Discovery of evidence
Administrative General WB v Perunad
• Error apparent on Record
Hari Vishnu Kamath v Ahmed Ishaque
• Other sufficient reason
Sharma v Sharma
Vidya Vati v Devi Das – no appeal in HC
Right to Lodge Caveat – Sec 148A Order
Person who Lodged caveat – caveator
It will prevent a person from obtaining Ex Parte Decree