10.sinif Tanitim Sinavi

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1. Bu sınavda 50 soru vardır.

2. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 75 dakikadır.
3. Cevaplamaya, istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
4. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

1. -11. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
bulunuz. 4. Kiwi birds ---- eat insects, worms and snails
and search for their food by digging the
1. Sailors in ancient Rome carried some garlic ground with their long bills.
with them as they believed it would ----
shipwrecks. A) previously
B) slightly
A) sink C) extremely
B) remain D) respectively
C) abandon E) mainly
D) own
E) prevent

yd 5. Neslihan wants to be a ballerina when she
sp ----.
2. Rice has been a(n) ---- food for millions of ubl
people for hundreds of years. ish A) brings up
ing B) puts out
A) accurate .co C) grows up
B) basic m D) goes off
C) ambitious E) takes after
D) gigantic
E) frequent

6. James Joyce ---- for seven years on Ulysses,

which ---- as the greatest novel of the 20th
3. People with a good sense of ---- are able to century today.
deal with stress better than others.
A) has been working / was regarded
A) purchase B) had worked / has regarded
B) donation C) worked / regards
C) humour D) worked / is regarded
E) has worked / will be regarded
D) shortage 7. In 1944 the Japanese soldier Shoichi Yokoi
E) rehearsal ---- in the jungles of Guam, where he ---- until

A) has hidden / had stayed

B) had hidden / has been staying
C) had been hiding / has stayed Corals are microscopic animals that live in tropical
D) was hiding / had been staying sunny waters, though some grow in deep waters
E) hid / stayed and cold places like Alaska. Corals group together
(12) ---- complicated and fragile structures called
reefs. Reefs support a rich diversity of fish and
(13) ---- marine creatures. Many people mistake
corals (14) ---- plants or even rocks. (15) ----, corals
are vital parts of healthy oceans. Reefs protect
coastal towns from storm surges and provide homes
8. ---- the concert was over, Philip and his and food for fish. Corals might even contain medical
friends went to the nearest café to have a secrets that can (16) ---- diseases.

A) As soon as 12.
B) During
C) Despite A) to be built
D) Because of B) being built
E) Ever since C) to build
D) were building
E) built

w. 13.
9. India, ---- has become one of the world’s yd
major economies, still faces poverty. sp A) other
ubl B) others
A) that ish C) the others
B) which ing D) another
C) whose .co E) each other
D) where m
E) ----


A) at
B) with
10. Thanks to ---- satellite photographs, weather
C) by
forecasts are ---- they used to be.
D) for
E) between
A) clearly / more accurately than
B) clear / so accurately that
C) clearly / as accurately as
D) clear / more accurate than
E) clearly / the most accurate

A) Because
B) Therefore
C) In fact
D) Before
E) Although
11. An albatross flew about 24,843 miles ----
North Pacific ---- 90 days to find food for its
A) over / away
A) examine
B) under / to
B) mend
C) above / against
C) injure
D) across / in
D) vanish
E) off / at
E) cure
12. - 16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 17. - 21. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

17. Ashley won’t show up at the meeting
tomorrow ----.

A) when the partners agreed on the Alfred Bloggs worked as a dustman for the
conditions Ellesmere Corporation. When he got married, Alf
B) because she has gone on a two-week was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife
business trip about his job. He simply told her that he worked for
C) but her daughter has a lot of free time in the corporation. Every morning, he left home
summer dressed in a fine black suit. He then changed into
D) if she had decided to go to the concert with overalls and spent the next eight hours as a
her friends instead dustman. Before returning home at night, he took a
E) as soon as she gets prepared and leaves shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this
the house for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his
secret. Alf's wife has never discovered that she
married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has
just found another job. He will soon be working in an
18. I accidentally knocked over the flower pot office as a junior clerk. He will be earning only half
----. as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in
status is well worth the loss of money. From now on,
A) because it has been very close to me he will wear a suit all day and others will call him 'Mr
B) as soon as I have watered the flowers Bloggs', not 'Alf'.
C) while I was cleaning one of the windows
D) yet the floor got wet
E) whenever I sweep the floor of my bedroom 22. According to the passage, Alfred Bloggs ----.

ww A) had a habit of telling lies to his colleagues

w. B) gave up his job when he got married
yd C) worked on a secret project
19. Laura wishes she ---- do so much homework sp D) was proud of working as a dustman
every weekend. ubl E) didn’t tell his wife the truth about his job
A) doesn’t have to ing
B) hadn’t had to .co
C) didn’t have to m
D) won’t have to
E) hasn’t had to
23. It is clearly stated that Alfred Bloggs’ wife

20. ---- until he died in Vienna at the age of 35. A) would have divorced him if she had learnt
that he was a dustman
A) As Mozart was one of the most prolific B) will never discover that her husband is a
composers of the Classical Era clerk
B) Mozart's works are still universally known C) thinks that her husband is still a dustman
D) has never found out that her husband was
C) No sooner had Mozart learned how to play a dustman
the piano E) knows that her husband tells her lies about
D) Because Mozart was a highly productive his job
E) Mozart produced more than 600 works

21. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has 24. We can understand from the passage that
been published in at least sixty languages Alfred Bloggs ----.
A) has found a job in an office as a junior clerk
A) by the time it made its first appearance in with his wife’s help
the literary world B) will have a better status in his new job
B) although the author was awarded several despite his much lower salary
times C) changed his job because the salary was too
C) ever since Mark Twain wrote it in 1884 low
D) wanted to change his job because he didn’t
D) before Mark Twain died in 1910 get on with his boss
E) that has been popular in many cultures E) will be called Alf in his new job
22. - 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya 25. - 27. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya
göre cevaplayınız. göre cevaplayınız.
B) inform the reader of the probable
dangers for small children at
Most homes are full of dangers for small children. home
Many of these dangers are obvious. Stairs and the C) warn parents about certain
sharp corners of a table, for example, can be medicines that
dangerous. Another well-known one is fire and may make children ill
parents are usually careful about matches and D) show the unpleasant impact of
candles. But other dangers may be less obvious to chemicals on children
a parent. Many children die from poisoning in their E) prevent the consumption of
homes. In fact, all kinds of things in the house could alcohol and
be dangerous for a child. Medicine, for example, cigarettes
may not be harmful for an adult, but may make a 28.- 30. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
child seriously ill. The same is true of alcohol and cevaplayınız.
cigarettes. Finally, soaps and chemicals used for
cleaning are often extremely poisonous. All these
things should be kept far out of the reach of young People in Britain celebrate the end of winter and the
children. arrival of spring on May 1 each year. May Day
festivities usually take place in a green area in the
country. People put up a big pole and decorate it
25. The passage makes it clear that ----. with green plants, flowers and long ribbons. This is
called the Maypole, and it serves as the central
A) the most dangerous things at point for the festivities. Children hold the ribbons as
home are they dance around the pole. On May Day, people
stairs and sharp corners of furniture also do the Morris dance, which is a form of English
B) parents are usually ignorant of the folk dance. They also wave handkerchiefs or sticks
dangers as they dance. A May Queen is chosen each year
in the house and she puts on a crown made of leaves. May Day
C) alcohol and cigarettes are equally dates back to ancient times, when Romans
harmful honoured Flora, the goddess of spring. In medieval
for adults and children ww England, people would celebrate the start of spring
D) while some of the dangers at w. by going out to the country or woods and gathering
home are yd greenery and flowers.
easy to notice, the others are not sp
E) young children will always reach the things ubl
that are dangerous for them ish 28. We learn from the passage that May Day is
ing ----.
m A) a religious festival which is usually
celebrated indoors
B) a fairly modern festival
26. The author of the passage believes that C) now celebrated in England to honour the
----. goddess of spring
D) a celebration of the coming of spring
A) parents should be particularly E) is the most colourful festival in Britain
careful about
matches and candles
B) children shouldn’t be given any
at home
C) everything in a house has the
potential to
be dangerous for a child 29. According to the passage, on May Day ----.
D) alcohol and cigarettes aren’t as
harmful to A) children wear hats with long ribbons
adults as they are thought B) people dance around a decorated pole
E) parents are usually careless C) children dance around the May Queen
about their children D) the May Queen does the Morris dance
E) is not known by many people now

27. The aim of the passage is to ----.

A) present statistics of children dying 30. It is stated in the passage that ----.

A) Morris dance is a traditional English dance Albert :
B) May Day was not celebrated in medieval ----
C) the May Queen sits in the centre of all the Richard :
festivities That and I do an hour
D) May Day was celebrated in exactly the of aerobics every
same way in medieval England as it is done other day.
E) people used to celebrate May Day in green A) You really look in shape. Have
areas, but they don’t anymore you been lifting weights?
B) Actually, it was not easy for me,
but I’m determined to keep it on
31. - 33. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş like this.
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi C) Yes, I stopped drinking beer and
put myself on a
D) After work? I wonder where you get this
31. energy from.
Cindy : E) Really? I didn’t know you were
John, please don’t tell me you ate all interested in outdoor sports.
the cookies!

John :
Yes, I did. I couldn’t help it. They
were so good.
Cindy : Linda :
---- Where are you going on holiday this
John :
Well, I don’t like the ones flavoured Sheila :
with chocolate. But vanilla is I haven’t decided yet, but I would
different. I love them. like to go to France.

A) So did I. Mum will go crazy when Linda :

she finds out. ----
B) Oh I’m so glad. I didn’t think you
would eat the chocolate cookies. Sheila :
C) Believe me, vanilla cookies taste Yes, I’ve always wanted to see the
better Eiffel Tower.
with a glass of cold milk. ww
D) Then you’re the one who’s going A) Have you been to France before?
to explain this situation to our B) Were you excited about it?
guests. C) Do you have a special reason for
E) I thought you didn’t like cookies at that?
all. D) Would you mind joining us this
ing E) Do you always go somewhere different on
.co holiday?

Albert :
Have you been
exercising lately?

Richard : 34.- 36. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca

Yes, as a matter of fact, en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
I've been going
to the gym after work for 5

34. The last time I saw an elephant was when
my father took me to the zoo thirty years 37. You run into one of your friends from
ago. college that you haven’t seen since
graduation. During your conversation,
A) I haven’t seen an elephant since I was she tells you that she’s going back to the
taken by my father to the zoo three campus to register for some non-credit
decades ago. courses and will stop in to see one of
B) Thirty years ago, when I was a child, my your former professors, whom you were
father would take me to the zoo to see the quite
elephants there. fond of, so you say:
C) Three decades ago, I was taken to the zoo
by my father and I saw an elephant for the A) How can you say that about him? He’s
first time. always been helpful and nice to
D) If I had been taken to the zoo by my father his students.
when I was a child, I could have seen an B) Really? I always enjoyed his classes, so
elephant thirty years ago. please give him my best regards.
E) My father always took me to the zoo to see C) Why didn’t you tell me before? I wouldn’t
the elephants when I was a child thirty have come with you if I had known you
years ago. were going to see him
D) Actually, I heard that he got retired last
year, so I don’t think he’s still
35. I couldn’t have attended your birthday party E) I really couldn’t stand him, so I’m glad that I
if it hadn’t happened to fall on a Sunday. don’t have to deal with him anymore.
38. Your company always sends you to trade
A) It was because your birthday party was on fairs in different parts of the country. This is
a Sunday that I was able to attend it. an aspect of your job that you enjoy very
B) I wasn’t able to attend your birthday party much, so when you hear that a new
as it was held on Sunday. employee will be going in your place to the
C) If your birthday party isn’t on Sunday, I next one, you are very disappointed. You
won’t be able to attend it. say to your boss:
D) Although it was a Sunday, I couldn’t attend
your birthday party. A) Good luck in the new position. I
E) If you had given a birthday party on was getting bored
Sunday, I could have attended it. with it anyway.
B) If you have any problems
organizing the
fairs, please don’t hesitate to come
to me for help.
C) I feel that is unfair of you to put a

newcomer in charge when I am far

more experienced than
36. We took the King Road because we didn’t he is.
want to get caught in traffic in the city D) It has nothing to do with your
centre. ability. I just wanted to
give him a chance to
A) We had better take the King Road as the learn some new skills.
traffic in the city centre is heavy. E) I wish you had done this change long
B) Since we wanted to avoid the traffic in the ww before.
city centre, we didn’t drive on the King w.
Road yd
C) We could get away from the traffic in the sp
city centre unless we took the King Road ubl
D) We would rather take the King Road as we ish
don’t want to get caught in traffic in the city ing
centre .co
E) So as not to be stuck in traffic in the city m
centre, we took the King Road.

37. - 38. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun

düşen cümleyi bulunuz.

39. - 41. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

39. The Turkish adverb çatpat describes

how poorly someone speaks a particular 41. In the first half of this century, Cuvier's
foreign language. ----. Apparently, it was gazelle was still common in the
intended to state that the vocabulary of the mountainous regions of Morocco. It could
person in question was limited to the also be seen in parts of Algeria and Western
basic words, like numbers. Tunisia. ----. Only some small herds had
remained in various parts of the Atlas
A) Turkish is a language quite different from Mountains in 1970s.
English in terms of pronunciation
B) The way they are pronounced thus A) It prefers pine and oak forests and weighs
reminds one of the sound when two not more than 40 kg
objects B) However, in 1932 it had already become
are hit against each other an endangered species
C) Though it may look onomatopoeic, it is C) The usual reason for the extinction of
derived from the Bulgarian words chetr- animals is loss of habitat
pet meaning ‘four-five’ D) It is the only surviving species of gazelle in
D) Some state that the Turkish language the Sahara Desert
shouldn’t make use of words that E) They frequently visited water
are taken from other languages sources
E) However, words and phrases are bound to
exist for a certain period and to die out in
the end
40. Though it may appear to be otherwise,
karate is not a competition of points or 42. – 44.sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
a showy demonstration of skills. It is both anlamca en yakın Türkçecümleyi bulunuz.
a martial art and a way of life that trains
practitioners to be peaceful. However, if
conflict is inevitable, karate teachings 42. A sudden climate change may cause
dictate taking down an opponent with a some significant
single blow. ----. ecological problems.

A) His size is of minor importance as he A) Ani bir iklim değişikliği, bazı önemli ekolojik
knows how to use his energy efficiently sorunlara neden olabilir.
B) These action scenes don’t demonstrate the B) İklimdeki ani değişiklik, bazı önemli ekolojik
true meaning of this ancient discipline sorunlardan kaynaklanabilir.
C) Hollywood and the Chinese film industry C) Bazen ani bir iklim değişikliği, önemli
exploit traditions that belong to the Eastern ekolojik sorunlara neden olabilir.
World D) İklimdeki ani değişikliklerin bazı önemli
D) Such an action requires some skills that ekolojik sorunlar doğurması mümkündür.
need to be practised over a certain E) Bazı önemli ekolojik sorunlar, iklimin aniden
length of time değişmesine neden olabilir.
E) That’s why, it’s not very easy for someone
to win a black belt, which is the top rank in

ww 43. With a population of ten million, Belgium is

w. one of the smallest countries in Europe.
sp A) Belçika’nın nüfusu on milyondur ve bu
ubl ülke, Avrupa’nın en küçük ülkelerinden
ish biridir.
ing B) On milyonluk nüfusuyla Belçika,
.co Avrupa’daki en küçük ülkelerden biridir.
m C) Avrupa’daki en küçük ülkelerden biri,
nüfusu on milyon olan Belçika’dır.

D) Nüfusu on milyon olan Belçika, B) In order to use the surface of water as a
Avrupa’daki en küçük ülkelerden biridir. canvas, various patterns are created in the
E) Belçika, Avrupa’da nüfusu on milyon olan art of ebru.
küçük ülkelerden biridir. C) In the art of ebru the surface of water is
used as a canvas to create various
D) The surface of water which is used as a
canvas in the art of ebru creates various
E) Various patterns are created in the art of
ebru, in which the surface of water is used
as a canvas.

44. For years, nuclear weapons have been

contaminating the environment by
discharging harmful contaminants.
47. Everest Tepesi’ne ilk tırmanan insanlar,
A) Zararlı atıklar bırakarak çevre kirliliğine 1953’te Sir Edmund Hillary’nin katıldığı bir
sebep olan nükleer silahlar yıllardır vardır. keşif grubuydu.
B) Yıllardır zararlı atıklar bırakan nükleer
silahlar çevre kirliliğine yol açmaktadır. A) The members of an expedition group led by
C) Çevre, yıllardır zararlı atıklar bırakan Sir Edmund Hillary were the first people to
nükleer silahlar tarafından kirletilmektedir. climb Mount Everest in 1953.
D) Nükleer silahlar, zararlı atıklar bırakarak B) Sir Edmund Hillary first climbed Mount
yıllardır çevreyi kirletmektedir. Everest with the members of an expedition
E) Nükleer silahların bıraktığı zararlı atıklar, group in 1953.
yıllardır çevreyi kirletmektedir. C) The first people to climb Mount Everest
were an expedition group which Sir
Edmund Hillary joined in 1953.
D) An expedition group including Sir Edmund
Hillary were among the first people to climb
Mount Everest in 1953.
45. – 47.sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye E) Mount Everest was first climbed in 1953 by
an expedition group that included people
anlamca en yakın İngilizcecümleyi bulunuz.
like Sir Edmund Hillary.
48. – 50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
45. Japonya’da nüfus azalmaya devam ederse, okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
gelecekte daha fazla robota gereksinim bozancümleyi bulunuz.

A) If the population in Japan continues to 48. (I) In 1898 Thomas Hardy published his first
decrease, more robots will be needed in volume of poetry, Wessex Poems. (II) Hardy
the future. claimed poetry was his first love, and published
B) As the population continually decreases in collections until his death in 1928. (III) His
Japan, people will need more robots in the poetry was not as well received by his
future. contemporaries as his novels had been.
C) As the population will continue to decrease (IV) Prose differs from poetry by its greater
in Japan in the future, there will be a need variety of rhythm and its similarity to the
for more robots. patterns of everyday speech. (V) However,
D) Because of the continual critically his poetry is still not regarded as
decrease in highly as his prose.
population, there will be a need for more
robots in Japan in the future. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)
E) In Japan, the decrease in population will V
lead to a need for more robots in the future.

46. Ebru sanatında, çeşitli desenler yaratmak

için suyun yüzeyi bir tuval olarak kullanılır. ww 49. (I) It is almost impossible to imagine a world
w. without mobile phones today. (II) There are two
A) The art of ebru uses the surface of water as yd main reasons for this. (III) The first reason is
a canvas to create various patterns. sp that mobile phones enable easy and fast
ubl communication. (IV) Especially teenagers are
ish obsessed with the habit of buying the latest
models which have more accessories and
extras. (V) The other one is that they help
people to hear from their loved ones at any
place at any time.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

50. (I) In the last ten years, fast food craze has
reached amazing levels. (II) On the contrary,
the number of fast food restaurants in Turkey is
increasing every single day. (III) Today people,
especially those who don’t have much time to
eat due to their busy schedules have forgotten
what a traditional meal is. (IV) Moreover, they
don’t use any tables or chairs to sit while eating.
(V) They just gulp down a big hamburger and a
coke and rush out.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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