Digital Media A Mini Review

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 6, September-October 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Digital Media: A Mini-Review

Matthew N. O. Sadiku1, Uwakwe C. Chukwu2, Abayomi Ajayi-Majebi3, Sarhan M. Musa1
Roy G. Perry College of Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX, USA
Department of Engineering Technology, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC, USA
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Central State University, Wilberforce, OH, USA

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Matthew N. O.

Digital media refers to content formats that are accessible on digital Sadiku | Uwakwe C. Chukwu | Abayomi
devices. It is an electronic medium that uses digital codes rather than Ajayi-Majebi | Sarhan M. Musa "Digital
analog signals. It is the digitized content that can be transmitted over Media: A Mini-Review" Published in
the computer networks such as the Internet. Digital media is simple
Journal of Trend in
to access and to disperse through digital storage mediums and the
Scientific Research
web. It is often put away on digital devices such as hard drives. and Development
Easier means for storage and distribution has led to the success of (ijtsrd), ISSN:
digital media. This paper provides an introduction on digital media, 2456-6470,
including its various types, applications, benefits, and challenges. Volume-6 | Issue-6, IJTSRD51904
October 2022,
KEYWORDS: technology, digitalization, digital technology, digital pp.476-483, URL:
media, social media

Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Before the digital age, the most popular forms of age was the fact that early media was analog. It has
media were analog or traditional media: radio, been observed that the rise of digital media (the
newspapers, magazines, billboards, journals, books, Internet, computers, video games, compact discs, etc.)
and other printed materials. Since then, the marks one of the great events of our time. Digital
technological revolution has brought with it many media is a relatively recent means of directly
new types of media. The first media we could truly communicating with our audiences. Information
call digital appeared with digital computers. They aimed at an audience can be delivered in many
employ binary code and Boolean logic to process and different forms such as print (books, newspapers,
store information. Unlike traditional media, digital magazines, etc.), billboards, banners, posters, direct
media is transmitted as digital data (sending binary mail, electronic (radio, television, computer), social
signals –– 0s and 1s) to devices that translate them media, etc.
into audio, video, graphics, text, etc. While traditional
media has long been central to informing the public
Digital media basically involves using technology
and focusing public attention on particular subjects,
like the Internet and electronic devices to create
digital media is helping to amplify the response to
content, such as audio and video, websites, social
humanitarian crises and to support those afflicted by
media, and video games. It is any kind of media
these crises. Today, the average American now
which covers content delivered through digital
spends more time with digital media than traditional
platforms including electronic media, mobile phones,
computers, podcasts, applications, etc. Digital media
Our world is increasingly digitalized. As illustrated in is somewhat similar to traditional media (e.g. books,
Figure 1, digitalization has been rapid [1]. The newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV) in terms of its
defining difference between the modern and the early ability to deliver content to potential customers; it

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
differs only in the sense that it is totally digital in enable their users to interact with one another
nature. Typical examples of digital media include through text posts, photographs, and videos. Since
software, digital videos, images, web pages, these media are common, they will be treated
databases, digital audio, and ebooks. Some examples fully in the next section.
of digital media are shown in Figure 2 [2].
Digital media has allowed individuals to be much All media are social in the sense that they establish
more active in content creation. and maintain relations among humans as individuals
and collectives. A social media is any medium of
Digital media companies are include Google, Netflix,
communication that allows two-way interaction.
Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon. The impact
Social media are computer-mediated communication
of digital media has brought about a technological
tools that enable users to share and consume content
revolution. The digital media created a whole new
through varied modalities such as text, image, and
world in the fields of business, journalism,
video. Social media (or social networking) is a
entertainment, education, publishing, commerce, and
universal phenomenon. It is the most popular online
activity worldwide. It empowers people to share their
A major reason for the success of digital media is that opinions with others online. It has opened new ways
it can be manipulated. For example, photographs can of communication in the hyper-connected world. It
be resized, edited, and modified in ways to make it has become an integral part of modern society as they
look better. provide means of interacting and socializing [6].
Today, digital media has become a part of our lives. It Anyone with access to computers and the Internet can
has made our lives easier, help in doing business participate in social media.
effectively, get more customers, and reach out to Social media takes on many forms. The six basic
people worldwide [3]. forms are: (1) social networks such as Facebook and
TYPES OF DIGITAL MEDIA Twitter, (2) blogs, (3) wikis (4) podcasts, (5) content
Digital media is one which can be created, viewed, communities, and (6) micro blogging. These and
modified, communicated, preserved on electronics other activities on the social media are illustrated in
devices. It consists of a wide array of websites, tech Figure 3 [7].
devices, and platforms. It is either assets or content. The six most popular social media platforms are
There are 3 types of digital media [4]: (1) Owned described here [8].
media, which is unique to your brand or any online
Facebook: This is the most popular social media
asset that you control; (2) Paid media, which
in the US and the rest of the world. It was
promotes your online content to improve traffic to
launched on February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg
your owned media assets; and (3) Earned media,
(ex-Harvard student). Facebook can sensitize
which is advertising generated by your customers.
individuals (consumers) about many products and
There are different types of digital media including services. A company can use Facebook to
the following [5]: communicate their core values to a wide range of
Audio: Audio forms of digital media include customers.
digital radio stations, podcasts, and audiobooks.
Millions of Americans subscribe to digital radio Twitter: Twitter was launched on July 2006 to
services such as Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, provide a microblogging service. It allows
Pandora, and Sirius, which provide a wide range individuals and companies to post short messages,
of musical stations. share content, and have conversations with other
Twitter users. Many Twitter posts (or "tweets")
Video: Many digital media outlets are visual, focus on the minutiae of everyday life. Twitter is
from streaming movie and television services well known as the most popular microblogging
such as Netflix and YouTube. site.
Advertising: Advertisers have made their way into LinkedIn: This is a networking website designed
the digital media landscape, taking advantage of for the business community. It was created in
marketing partnerships and advertising space 2002 by Reid Hoffman It allows people to create
wherever possible. professional profiles, post resumes, and
Social media: Worldwide, popular social media communicate with other professionals. LinkedIn
include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, is now the world's largest social network for
WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat, which professionals. It can be used as a tool for career
management and job hunting.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
YouTube: YouTube has established itself as social News Broadcasting: Digital media is playing a
media. It was launched in May 2005. It allows central role in the news broadcasting industry.
individuals to watch and share videos. YouTube The broadcasting companies have been
may serve as home to aspiring filmmakers who optimizing their digital news to increase
might not have industry connections. It is most efficiency and reach out to a wider audience. For
popular online video community in the world. example, BBC and SKY news have invested
Searching on YouTube is second only to Google. millions in their digital offer, making sure that
their viewers and listeners have total faith in what
MySpace: MySpace was established in 2003 by
Specific Media and Justin Timberlake. Its main they see on their websites [10].
appeal is the ability to connect with brands and Children’s Use of Digital Media: Today’s
individuals. Its usage has declined over the years. children are digital natives and they are immersed
in digital media. Digital technologies promote
Instagram: This is a social network that is
currently only available through a free iPhone interactive and social engagement; it allow
children instant access to entertainment,
app. It is an image-based social media platform. It
allows users to send and share videos and photos. information, and social contact. Digital media
allows information sharing including text,
Users can find and follow individuals and brands.
It has become popular among young social media photographs, video, and audio. Most children
primarily use mobile technology and watch
users, aged between 12 and 24 years.
YouTube or Netflix. A large minority of them
Other social media include Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest, play video games or cartoons and may be
Flickr, Forum, Yelp, Snapchat, Bebo, WeChat, involved in video-chatting. Lines are getting
Foursquare, Goodreads, Tik Tok, Google+, and Vine blurred between media use for communication
Camera. The following are the statistics for monthly versus for entertainment. Commercial video
users of the top 10 social media apps globally in 2021 games have incorporated cutting-edge graphics
[9]: and exciting stories. The benefits of social largely
1. Facebook – 2.89 billion depend on a child’s age and developmental stage.
2. YouTube – 2.29 billion High use of social media has been linked to
3. WhatsApp – 2.00 billion obesity, cardiovascular risk, cyberbullying,
4. Instagram – 1.39 billion Internet-initiated sex crimes, and online sexual
5. Facebook Messenger – 1.30 billion images (pornography). Parents should regularly
6. WeChat (Weixin) – 1.25 billion discuss online behavior of their children, find out
7. TikTok (Douyin) – 1 billion about their child’s online friendships and
8. LinkedIn – 800 million relationships, and maintain open communication
9. QQ – 591 million about issues. Pediatricians can help families
10. Sina Weibo – 566million identify negative online behavior and minimize
APPLICATIONS OF DIGITAL MEDIA unhealthy behaviors [11].
Companies and individuals use digital media for Learning Through Digital Media: Where, when,
various reasons. Digital media are used in various how, and what we learn is changing rapidly.
industries such as entertainment, ecommerce, Teachers need to consider how to engage learners
healthcare, education, business (marketing and with content by connecting to their current
advertising), finance, retail, government, military, interests. The altered roles of the teacher and the
sports, television. gaming, and publishing. Some of student substantially change teaching itself.
these applications are discussed next. Digital media can be used for learning on campus
Marketing: Digital media provides a very and off. Learning with digital media is exploring
substantial customer base for the marketers. It is radically new approaches to instruction. Digital
proving to be the pioneer in marketing platforms media can play a positive role in this process of
because it is highly cost effective. For example, transformation. Today, learning is at least as
websites, email marketing, interactive blogs, much about access to other people as it is about
mobile apps, and SMS services provide medium access to information. Such participatory learning
for promoting marketing content to the customers. also assists learners to reflect on social justice,
The interactivity and social media aspect of love, history, and ethics in addition to preparing
digital media makes it really important for them for career or vocational training. Digital
marketers to use them effectively in addition to learning takes place online, in the university
traditional channels [2]. classroom, in high schools, museums, after school

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programs, and public libraries [12]. A digital lab It has enhanced information sharing around the
is shown in Figure 4 [13]. world.
Other applications of digital media include brand It allows people around the globe to build
recognition and digital media parenting. communities, organize action, and make their
voices heard on various issues.
Digital media has greatly influenced our daily lives in Online financial support is growing in response to
the way they connect, communicate, work, and humanitarian crises.
collaborate. It has been proven to provide an effective Digital media is used for attracting talents,
means of communication for the businesses and the
especially young, digitally savvy workers.
customers. Its benefits to the community at large are
many. It has enabled several opportunities for It has opened up and eliminated many barriers of
communication, community building, and social information exchange and gone beyond national
interaction, breaking the barriers of location. It has boundaries.
provided underserved communities with better Using digital media helps establish the brand
opportunities. It has improved the quality of life for using all the channels that customers use.
professionals worldwide. Today, the modern world is
populated by digital media devices (such as video-on- CHALLENGES
demand, video games, digital audio, AR, VR, Digital media has both positive and negative impacts
animation, and weather app on a smartphone on society. Copyright challenges are spreading to
console); they are flourishing because they are every aspect of digital media. Digital media copyright
engaging and easy to use. protection is under the umbrella of intellectual
property protection technology. Content creators such
Digital media facilitates social interaction and as YouTube must follow guidelines set by copyright,
empowers people. It connects people as never before IP laws, and the platform's copyright guidelines [16].
and enables users to maintain friendships across time Due to its excessive use by humans, social media can
and distance. It can help to deepen relationships and negatively influence their behavior and mental health.
facilitate the formation of support networks. People Other challenges include:
can use social media platforms to support family and
friends in times of crisis. By facilitating social It has increased the ease of spreading propaganda
interaction, digital media can reduce emotional stress and harassment.
[14]. Digital media can be used to facilitate life-long Over the years, digital media has broken the
learning. It can help to close skill gaps by supporting social bond that existed between humanity.
teaching and self-education. Digital media has led to
entirely new careers. Other benefits of digital media Social media (such as computer games,
include [2,15]: messaging, and dating websites) can be addictive.

Digital media helps companies connect with its Research has identified negative health outcomes
target audience. for children immerse in digital media.

It empowers people and facilitates social Risks of social media include negative health
interaction. effects on sleep, attention, and learning.

It plays a central role and offers many benefits to It is important to understand the benefits of digital
the ordinary citizen. media and how to reap from them while minimizing
the negative effects.
It increases civic participation, gives people a
voice and facilitates the creation of communities. CONCLUSION
Digital media is any form of media that uses
It is revolutionizing how work is done. electronic devices for distribution. It may be regarded
It has facilitated education and life-long learning. as a form of communication that can be stored and
communicated via computers. Digital media has
It helps increase sales and business. become part and parcel of the global community.
It allows people to have access to information and Consumers are now spending 6 ¾ hours per day on
make well-informed decisions. line.
It helps people to respond in real time and expose The role of digital media is increasing in everyone’s
certain ills such as political corruption and unfair life. Its growing popularity is revolutionizing the
business practices. creative landscape and creating new business models.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51904 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 479
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Figure 1 A brief history of digitalization [1].

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Figure 2 Examples of digital media [2].

Figure 3 Activities on social media [7].

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Figure 4 A digital lab [13]

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