A Fundamental Study On Research Challenges Associated With Social Network Analysis
A Fundamental Study On Research Challenges Associated With Social Network Analysis
A Fundamental Study On Research Challenges Associated With Social Network Analysis
Abstract-Obtaining large scale data is one of the key challenges in studying social interaction. Understanding social interaction has been a
great interest in various research field like sociology, economy, political science, marketing and so on. This paper studies the need to know
basics about social media, social network and Social Network Analysis[SNA]. In this paper along with introducing some of the studies in this
area, a categorization of research subareas was presented and a base has been provided for researchers to briefly get acquainted with some
new, attractive and useful research areas. This information has never been available with such a huge volume, detail, and ease and speed of
access before. A few number of social data analyst those who are interested in having this information or the results of analyzing it alongside
their motivations are: commercial companies for advertising and promoting their products, sociologists for analyzing the behavior and features
of different societies, intelligence organizations for preventing and detecting criminal activities, educational and cultural activists for promoting
their goals, and employers for acquiring information about job seekers. This paper will sought after for the purpose of having precise knowledge
for critically analyzing Social Networks, social media their analytics and their related challenges and opening areas.
IJRITCC | September 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 9 62- 65
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