4b PPE Checklist

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Personal Protective Equipment [PPE] Checklist

PPE is personal and commentaries here must account for each and every individual
worker who has to wear such equipment, e.g. body size for clothing; sight impairment for
safety-glasses; facial hair for breathing apparatus

Date checklist
      Date for review      
Name of person

PPE Checklist YES NO

Selection of Personal Protective Equipment [PPE]
1. Has a risk assessment been done to determine what PPE is
2. Have other control measures been implemented for the
hazard identified (hierarchy of control) and what are they?
3. Have employees/workers been consulted in the process of
selecting PPE for particular tasks?
4. Does the PPE fit properly and is comfortable to wear?
5. Are employees/workers trained in PPE procedures, such as the
fit, use and maintenance of PPE?
6. Do employees/workers wear PPE in accordance with the
instructions provided?
7. Is the PPE stored in a clean area where it will not be damaged
or exposed to contaminants?
8. Is a maintenance program established for PPE and
9. Have medical conditions or physical characteristics of
employees/workers been taken into consideration?
10.Has suitable training and resources been provided to
Supervisors to enable them to ensure the proper, selection, fit,
use, cleaning and maintenance of PPE?
11.Are employees/workers aware of the disciplinary action to be
taken if PPE procedures are not adhered to?

Adapted for AGWA from HR Advance Professional – a product of Australian Business Solutions Group
PPE Checklist YES NO
12.Has responsibility for supervision and enforcement of the
organisations PPE policy and procedures been allocated to a
senior manager?
13.Are Supervisors provided disciplinary powers and appropriate
Potential Hazards Requiring PPE
14.If there is a danger of cuts, or exposure to corrosives,
chemicals or infectious materials are protective goggles,
gloves, aprons or shields worn?
15.Are hard hats provided where there is a risk of falling objects?
16.Is footwear provided where there is a risk of foot injuries from
hot or corrosive substances, crushing or penetrating objects?
17.Are safety glasses, goggles provided for eye protection where
there is a risk of flying objects, sparks, and filaments?
18.Is respiratory protection provided in areas where there is
exposure to dust, gases, chemicals
19.Is other appropriate PPE provided for hot work, work near
traffic, vibration, moving parts?
List additional hazard and PPE identified:      

20.Are signs posted in the workplace wherever it is necessary to
wear PPE?
21.Is the signage in the mandatory format?
22.Is PPE provided in accordance with the relevant WHS
legislation and Australian Standards and stamped accordingly?
Action Required:

Adapted for AGWA from HR Advance Professional – a product of Australian Business Solutions Group
PPE Checklist YES NO

Date actions completed: :     

Name:       Position:      


Return completed form to:............................ Position

Adapted for AGWA from HR Advance Professional – a product of Australian Business Solutions Group

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