Tuk Cba2013-2017

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» COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN ’ ‘THE INTER-PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES COUNCILS CONSULTATIVE FORUM (IPL.CCF) OF THE FEDERATION OF KENYA EMPLOYERS (FKE) AND THE UNIVERSITIES’ ACADEMIC STAFF UNION (Uasu) 13" Ma ch, 2017 a Ll. of & 5 REPUBLIC (OF KENYA AGREEMENT BETWEEN INTER-PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES’ COUNCILS CONSULTATIVE Fort (UM (IPUCCF) OF THE FEDERATION OF KENYA EMPLOYERS (FKE) AND THE UNIVERSITIES” ACADI UNION (UASU) PIC STAFE THIS AGREEMENT is made between INTER-PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES’ c1 ‘OUNCI CONSULTATIVE FORUM (IPUCCF) OF THE FEDERATION OF KENYA EMPLOYERS He) hereinafter referred to as “the Employer” of the one Part AND THE UNIVERSITIES’ ACADEMIC STAFF UNION (UASU) and duly revistered as a Trade Union under the Labour “a Relations Act, 2007, Laws of Kenya, hereinai er referred to as “the Union” of the other part. PREAMBLE Whereas by the terms of the Recognition Agreement between the Employer and the Union, the Employer having recognized the Union as properly constituted and the sole labour organization Capable of representing the interest of Unionisable Academic Staff in all the Public Universities on matters of Salaries only for these negotiations. The Purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the understanding between the parties as to the terms and conditions of salaries of Members’ of the Union as specified herein; and Whereas the Ministry of Education (MoE) by a letter dated 6" February, 2017 under Reference Number MOE.CONF/G11/57/1 availed Kenya Shillings Ten Billion (Kshs.10 Billion) to be utilized for salaries for the Collective Bargaining Agreements for the period 2013-2017 in respect of all Unions in Public Universities [Universities’ Academic Staff Union (UASU), Kenya Universities’ Staff Union (KUSU) and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hespitals And Allied Workers (KUDHEIHA)}. INTERPRETATION i is ed in the Joint interpretation of this Agreement or any part thereof shall be vest : Negotiating Committee of the Employer znd the Union, subject to the right of adjudication by the Employment and Labour 2elations Court. BASIC SALARY AND HOUSE ALLOWANCES * The basic monthly salaries, in Kenya Shillings, shall be paid to the staff members of the Union as provided in the APPENDIX. i: ltowances in all public universities, this . ‘der to harmonize the house a pu Cotective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) has made provisions and reviewed ¢ me houses allowances to mitigate for any differences with reference to ttowance earned by Masai Mara University staff notwithstanding, the Masai ware alloy 4 Universities will receive no ‘increment, at all, on the House Allowances. f ni & cei est ative? wwe 32 L awe Page 3 of 8 ‘THE OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. Other terms and conditions of service currentt : ly in force as approved Tespective Councils shall remain unchanged except when circumstances soe individual Councils to ‘harmonize or improve the same. 2. The individual Universities’ Councils and UASU shall initiate and conclude structured negotiations on other Terris and Conditions of service. 3. The implementation of this Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) shall be on or . before 30 June, 2017. 4. There shall be a Joint Implementation Committee in every University to oversee the implementation process. Every University shall designate three (3) officials to gversee the implementation process and the respective Universities’ Academic Staff Union Chapter shalt appoint three (3) officials to oversee the implementation process. The Vice Chancellors shall designate an officer at the level of Deputy Vice Chancellor to be the team leader and/or manager of the 7 implementation process in the respective Universities. 5. Any surplus or deficiency in the allocation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Funds shall be reported to the ‘ational Implementation Committee. 6. There shall be a National Implementation Committee comprised of:- {Chairman of the Vice Chancellors Committee; fl. Co: Chairmen of the Joint Yegotiations Committee; iii. SECRETARY General Universities’ Academic Staff Union; iv. The Vice Chancellors Committee shall nominate three(3) people; and v. Universities’ Academic Staf* Union shall nominate three (3) people. 7. The National Implementation Committee shall monitor and evaluate the implementation and review of this Agreement. 8. Pending Union dues and agency fees shall be recovered directly from arrears of this Collective Bargaining Agreement. € 9. The Salary Scale Appended hereof shall be a nominal schedule and the final salary schedules shall be drawn and adopted on the complete exhaustion of the Kshs. 10 Billion after taking into considerat‘on any surplus or deficit by the National Implementation Committee. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF AGRE! MENT 1. This Agreement shall cover the peried from 1July, 2013 up to 30" June, 2017, Thereafter this Agreement shall continue to be in force until mutually amended or when the Parties herein shall nego:iate and bring to force another agreement. 2. Any party intending to amend this Agreement shall give the other party one (1) month's written notice and the details of the amendment required. The responding Party shall do so within .nirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the notice, 3. In the event of it proving impossible to obtain mutual agreement on the emaeptruccr ne 48019 rch, 3017 Page tof imendments, either party may i ic Labour Relations Act, aay "8Y Seek dispute ‘esolution in accordance with the SIGNED IN NAIROBI THIS ~ DAY OF ., on Univers ty of Kenya, Chairperson of Vice- Chancellors’ Committee me Prof, Peter M. F. Mbithi Vice-Chancellor, University of Nairobi 3. SIGNATURE, Prof. Mabel Imbuga Vice-Chancellor, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 4. SIGNATURE, Prof. P.K. Wainaina Ag. Vice-Chancellor, Kenyat Prof. Laban Ayiro Ag. Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Julius Omondi Nyabundi Vice-Chancellor, Maseno University 7. SIGNATURE. Reet Prof. Rose Mwonya ; Vice-Chancellor, Egerton University 8. SIGNATURE of. Fredrick Vice-Chancellor, Masioge Muliro University of Science and Technology Me a a € tue Page Sof 8 9. SIGNATURE. Prof. P. Ndirangu Kioni For: Vice-Chanceltor, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology 10. SIGNATURE. Prof. Teresa Akenga Vice-Chancellor, University of Eldoret 11, SIGNATURE... Prof. Erastus Njoka | Wice-Chancellor, Chuka University 12. SIGNATUR f > Prof. Mary Waling Vice-Chancellor, Masai 13, SIGNATURE... Prof. Francis K. Leto Vice-Chancellor, Laikipia 14, SIGNATURE... Prof. Mohammed S. Rajab Vice-Chancellor, pes 415. SIGNATURE.. bah Prof, Laila Abubakar Ag, Vice-Chancellor, Technical Un versity of Mombasa Prof. Japheth Magambo Vice-Chancellor, Meru University cf Science and Technology __ Amb, Prof. Festus Kaberia Vice-Chancellor, Multi-Media Universi Prof. John Akama Vice-Chancellor, Kisii University 4 CBA of IPUCCF and «ASU 13 March, 2017 © i S. 18. SIGNATURE.. DANI ¥ CC Page 0 19, SIGNATURE. SS Prof. Stephen Gaya Agong: Vice-Chancellor, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology 20. SIGNATURI Prof. Wilson K. Kipag'eno Vice-Chancellor. Unifersty of Kabianga 25. SIGNATURE... Prot. Mucat Machift | Vice-Chancellor, ytina University fa ‘ 22. SIGNATURE SE Prof. Isaac ipara Odeo f Vite-Chatcellor, Kibabii University 23. SIGNATURE Ga > Prot. Geottrey Mesures Vice-Chancellor, South Eastern Kerya Untversity zaserarune__Fasan - Prof. Francis M. wathooko Ag. Vice-Chancellor, machahos University 25, SIGNATURE A. — Prof, Mary Ndungu Ag. Vice-Chancellor, age Unrepesity 26, SIGHATURE... ALE ZF pers . Prot. Hamadi Ides Boga Ag. Vice-Chancellor, Tata veta University 27. SIGNATURE... rail Prof. Eng. Douglas Shitanda 4g. Vice-Chancetlor, Co-operative Lntversity of Kenya 28. SIGNATURE... — Prot. Samuel Gude #) ag. Vice-Chancellor, Rongo University e § $$$ 29. SIGNATURE. AQ (hh ‘ S SRRQ MT MM ’ Wee Ba RETRY eee BRVeNDS USWVERSTY Cotheue Prof. Daniel Mugetidi Njiru Ag. Vice-Chancellor, University of Embu 30. SIGNATURE. Prof. Dickson M. Nyarikt 4g. Vice-Chancellor, Muranga University 31, SIGNATURE... Prof. OsmanAhmed Warfar Principal, Garissa University Colleye WITNESSED BY: SI) Comm sslone®e 1. NAME. SIGNATURE.. DESIGNATION.. SIGNATURE... - DATE. 4. NAME. SIGNATURE... DESIGNATION, DATE.. 5. NAME... Md of HUCEE and AS 1S arch 2017 wl: @& Assoc Potesor pe] inna] Tamer) san Cr aE IT 75) Wea) sain 5.0 | sa | wis) ato] sai] area ‘as | al reas Psa e395 al nee sais sue sux nsax| rsa oaAane| "7 vate aaa vane niemf or sue jae] sus nase Z K Ny Petewar To wen Cae 4 + | rent ess vais Tea Ts aaa | 4 «| apne) 36] rn 541s Taine | p00 ‘ : 3 | Tiassa Trea sue uaun| ent] al ves ; + | ae] ia trax onl TD. hia + [Tires ea irae nanal et| Tana » [tants] hae z : c trex 9sn[ a maine » [ites ecz0| sare sans] aria OES 1 |“ sskaay| hoe sax soms| tone | al aan ah nn | ens] ina vrsuim ass sosiaar [asa » [ana] ina rrsux mee | oni wae UASU M-Mara asst tecture IF a] Tero] — ra] ae now (ass Tse 2s.03| rani] mooi] waar ane aun | 3 Sane a9] —wo7s — m0] e570] naw aa [ ol = tata] eee] — an301] —aa303] nam 309 06 | of — | mse] — wae] si Baws soswnl ams] a 5 sem] — dace] —s230)| wi nem mao ian [ a wan] 8] v5] se naan saun| —saam | | ao 5 maai9] 2.37] 20303] 0.28] asx 28600x| —as2a60 | a] anes 9 [Tae] arora oe fusnm azex| —anst0[ 3] area 1» {snot oe! sou2u] 0.07 usm mess[ aan] [tana 4 so«0rs| —agnana| 08] nan mases| —aesaue| 9] panes » [Ciena] ern) nos) a6 nam 6/0) d tecurer PO) nisms aan| al ama > | aan aia] 0] se] name 3exom| [eat + [saan] rel 9] oa nem 2a |) 4 [saa] os] at] oe tam 7 a 5 [nea] iotan) i042] 74 tinm arssx| anes] a) 6 [Tinea] soe] tora] “05m tuoi 228s] esate | a] ani » [gona] esi] 0218) seis) magn 26 ran] —sshon Hn | orpie| “twa ina ir nam rm2s| ana] a] 9 [anna] aise nen) “ean navi aeax| nese | a v0 [nse] — ine ia] ere usm sgl aan] —— ol aw _@ -# | TARP] usr asa) ai 3 aii real ur] seh asst at 7 swe Lecturer ay TN] oe] ware ae 2 | eens ota] “esl “iosnf is | ream = ) ae hess aiken | aaa co « [ieee ref ram at af aay | atiasi | 2 5 [angel ici] [oat iet | oussm meas{ moese[ a ¢ [7 ustae[M aso] “22 570] areal a0 | 29.sion] 44.807 | : + [ asal aa] uw msi sosaen| —as7.00 a . + [iss [ciissia|—is3 i worn} arama] = [Cinas|— [ios] aay a] azaz9% a9 oH amon n ww [asa Tapa —ies if erm sasre| sana i 1 [isn] Ws] | awe deen Lam [ 1 [tases Tsu —199 1] ems saere[ rae 3] Tss]_Msa] eno MO] as] agsas ao aes iva] vee] “Wasi —setso| a9] Lame | onsie [a] as aaksnil aon] — spat “ies —as] t2stes saune || sau iea275| 15 18] — ws] isis] Tien a] rams a8 | sa ress] scene] saci] agate] ies] nase aesuoe| sent a aes] e828] waar] iva —ig'a] 29s ansaew| sao | sas 38.409] vox] wan] Iman iss i] naam ean sn s[ ss. aeqati| 366389] —moaeil THF] awa] 20.9% seen] —omraas aaa 3é| mase| vse] una es] ee anaaes| ena i] aia argue] ars] ima] nea isn] 29070 Trerdol —een son al 13985 vsix| esis] sums] —oLem| iota] en Dares eRe a = (iso Tasse|~inas[ Terai] amo] rma 26 200n{ ear | : Tease] ISR] soo] I nex | a ass7] —ea354| ies] 039 nen Se. ql 7 requ] 5.35 tase] 7570] nam cate ni 7 xesan|1ean}[ i608] ist naw auas| 9 : ‘pans| 1.00] iene] — eae naw 26us| —enoos a = 175296] 9529] igo] 19 naw mel anee n = ona] —sesea| seta ia uss 2708] apse 7 EE amano] vas. —ivane| mae nants mex meas | Tas 396307] 203235] saa] ais 10 nas snisex 98 i 75 eas] —nisee| —aipani{ “se name wel mare ara mapea|—siasei| —2s¢aa] 2,03 naw aan anne a = meee] au]. ae mass ense| al ortar ie eases aa SETS) 1 IPUCCF-UASU CBA 2013-2017 cree ves! Selnerease-and ortntal Hortantal stat! Ove Uae sttt aarbers Aiea Due-Tow Grade ps ELE REL House Allowance (HA) J Arrears Due pena | Asstlecturer/tE x [“aszs]_ sono] soma] | sis] en] ese 39,080 3] 24307,684 2 [asa] soauol —sosmalt-si.09]—sueii] aonen soso] 5] 197.477 > soni0] —snoa|——siosal sie] asaex sa050| ma 33508528 ‘ Sa sosea| —suoes) —sieii] sex 9.050] 3 20372278 s Soato| oso] sso] — sisi] 900% aseexl —s9aso[ 29] 35234501 oC ‘ Ssanao| —sosoa|—siape| —sucii] sano aoeexl—ssoes Ban 7 soxnol soem] sigs] —su613| as00% s2tex| senso —— 7 nai3968 ® saxo] —sooal—s:0%9| stein] aasex ss00u| sss] 5.65.56 2 sania] —"snsoa| sana] suena] een a otex| —soaso] Fo jase wo | ozal sasso| ~ sosmn| sir] sisi] aseex assox| —snoso] va 3975.45 u | ese] sou soso! | si] sisi} assex seen —sp05 | ——o 5314507 | 2 eenl sastol soem] som) sisi} asain ssaee| —sauso | Fer 67300 . i i Lecturer : aie] sea] ae aa] 06% a) arm 2 | saser|— saces] — seni) sare 200% a2 | 2 755.63 3 | saaer|~ saces| sans stra 3.900% 53238 | ay 2504579 + sase7|~ sees] — sense owe 5358 a 342.355 | snaer|— saees| seats etre sate 3900] e388 a0 15572007 6 | s1e7]~ ss6e5] — seats) 1 sara aosex 35060] —e.n9] ie aaa7essi 1 | sna07|— 3360s] —seaie] 1 sae asnex seen] ease] a5 | | ss107|— sxaes] —saaie| sara sei 004] ease an 9 | sxae7| —s36e0] —seaie| sara oon assex| eae | aa 20 | —saa67| sual —seaie] sere aon aston eae | aa a1 | sae] snee9] —saniel sare aoe aseen| se] —— a 1239865 12 | snae7] — sic) — seas] — sa aavex — assex| ena | oe 738,81 Sor tectuter 1: [Senn] siaea] ora] seam] sari] 00m 2 [sonal — s7a6e] sya same] seria] ser 3 Size] srazn| —sesoal ses] ser saa « | sami|—srzee] sro] sas) sas 2] soem a 3750] 5 |seaual srace| —srato] “oases! saa] stm seer 2 309521 « | serual—srase| svar) —sassal—aasa] sere san a “55055 > | sensalsracs| —sraso]—saamal asa] sere aoera 55 B79 2 [senna sracel—srapol sana sae] Sem are Fr] 7.956897 2 | seal socal san saisal susie} sem ae a ssear7 . 10 | sanns[ 52300] oo] sta] sao] 30m soem 9 ara) 2 |“ senal eae srl anime] sae] sem ase i 30357270 v [semn[sr3ea| somo] —sasse| sar a] am 320r wi <5 57500 ' cana He Aosoe Profewsor _ 2 sy smn aT if ‘ sore ff ‘ sone wef 5 anne a i am ver or aD : ore ral rot ar) . ee enero cain : | ence anne. Bal ry ‘ aa a 4a ‘as y ian a ra ian] tsa tm on a ea 8 ean] sna an | arr x sour ry 7 aati Professor* Ta soe =o — ‘aza sar mut see Paaaal 2, ne ea er ral hi aa mut Pa Taaeal—ra0H] raid] sore vse Te] ‘ia anil —ngeal—ng 3] ree sere ome] a ss am] naam) 137 3] serx — yaera| ance a 3374680 Ce raawal rg] s2erx—aserel en] a 293,74 ‘aml —rase| 3 i] rane aanrm{ mae] ——o “mer : axe] gpa i 3] aoa asare{ mame a 220070 Taam] nana 19] asm ase{ Toa a eri esl rial ai] sem asses Tataee | onl serves (a5 aaa (330 cram] \cademlc Staff | Asst Lecturer Pe TY TT ET 2 | Csuem|—sier[ staan] comm 3 [Crem] sxe] xan | Tssaar[ sua] com 4 | Cie steor [nen | siar [sua] com S [ein[ ee [ose scrsa ic] otnon oon ¢ [itso [snes [|e] ono coro € + [ster stan [sor] “sus siai] oom ced 3 [cite ster aera aia] nom can 3 prereset] com con] fc aetna |suer| sia :] omen oan Bega ost] sum] snser] ster] 00m oso 2 Echuca ser] yor] su] conon oon Lecturer \ (Come ae ae xno > [Cssane] sane [ses [8 xnex sy [ss.zn6] _s5.2nc [93.206 | 95.206 c.000% ¢ [paras ase [sss] come $ | ie [cases] som oon 2 SEER [assesses] omens + [Ci seo senza] see see [ae sane [se ees oxo 3 [catia | met] oro ae ee i, . eesti a : aera {Cincan Cant ae {See ceh ee : Se ae : ae Se Se Se : gee Sa : aS Se ‘Ege-anf ante : Cae ee ee eee vente Ceara Sets Sel Cc «| eee) eae | coaee | eee 5 6344 | 66,310) | 66.304 FS Stee ? ses eee : a Setar a iP sss Cee as «eee gat Fes Sete ss See eer ett as ‘aD : naa et ine aerate : ee ashes : ea eal neta SER Cae : asl aaa ieee est es :Pase tastes Pas ata = ~ | ; Qe CAD 505 884,774 IPUCCF-UASU CBA 2013-2017 _| Atari res Out Sf evel Rotel Urs” Manoa fren Be-To cate se RIERA + B5+HA ‘Arrears Due [Academic Statt . aesttectwer 1. Tina ae [TST [THES | some Tao] aa Trae 2 mar Pasa Damas Daman Pima | roses asian | sa] ca 3 ese Caner Danie Dare amar | nase ‘agg | aa are « [Giza [ass [sme [ammo [ amir | tases ‘at [ss] aaa s [marr [ asco [om [ie Piao | ane anssax| eas | al —inrsroats cy 6 [sec Pesan [woo Paeaor Dies | nar azarve| ate | al nage 2 [sem Comme [ise bieaer Deans | sus naana| sen | au —ooaansee 2 [eae [aes Pasian Craer | eas arn —anse| [sateen 9 | aenaze ["rasaae | ras0s [is4302 [as8.iss | 12 77sx zion] _ 53004 202] 107,230,574 [sous [sea | aay [apes [ama | ses nore] seams | ie] snore ss [aagsst [sis | issome [amos [aesar| inesin aisene| ssn? 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[ous [once inser Tia aRer aon 7 a « [Gou Tanger [aes Danson a VC $ [ao Paes [nics [ans Lona tenn sera set a * [aos Pins [noe Pao Daes” tens isasef see ale 7 Panam [aces Cs [one Lane” Sonn aon a] afar 2 [anaes [arias [anon Lavan une an nai Danae 9 [mess Tonse [an [sume [inser Samm irnmn{ Desa [ars [ane [omer Daas [one [par jas use| Dares 12 [nese Design Posies [ctw Paenea) Sac tana Desa Co sl 8256391 Professor : er TRE tow a 2 (Gea Cee Zaina am aa : (pa bee Laer [sam tam 7 ; + [oem [ens Caesar ime tea aine[ a > [aesepaaue San [ater joie snsse| ease a ‘ Fare [isan Dose Laman pom wetness $ Tie Lisseer Dimas tum won| aie al ase [(aeiaas [rerore |e [oman [anes 9205x 19 70ee[_rinais a 7825 > (aoser Caen Canny [ma [ese pam the Doan [aon (Gas Paar sere [ore ean tec nsm| mae [ al are cl 0 fae ae er aa eee Soom mee[ ee a . 12 [waz [oma [orem [asia [mrss 96x mazirs| _onses al emma on

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