Research Paper Mytsak

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of Applied Linguistics




Presented by:

a student of Phl-33z

K.M. Mytsak

Supervised by:

Associate professor

S.M. Albota

Lviv - 2022















Statement of the problem

In today's world, social networks are a combination of many opportunities,

such as communicating with friends, reading publications, watching videos, the
opportunity to share information, participate in discussions, create communities
and much more, which fully allows you to name them great technological
achievement. But there is a flip side to the coin. Along with great opportunities
come troubles. It is impossible to claim that social networks are one continuous
problem, just as it is impossible to say the same, for example, about computer
games. With a disciplined and correct approach, you can get some benefits and
make your life easier. But there is always a risk that dependence on social
networks will have harmful effects on your psyche.

Social networks excite pleasure centers in our brains, which is the cause of
the risk of significant dependence. The user feels pleasant emotions every time he
reads a positive comment under his photo or leaves a good response. The desire to
regain these emotions again forces us to visit the spaces of social networks, forcing
us to spend more and more time there.

After reading a short comment, answering, opening the news in parallel,

there again came across an interesting post in the community, read, turned on the
audio recording, misread, as distracted by messages from a friend, replied to his
page, read the record again. Behind all this is the peculiarity of the assimilation of
information, namely the receipt of a large amount of heterogeneous information in
small portions in a short period of time.

Object of research is comments on the social network REDDIT.

Subject of research is the peculiarities of the expression of negative

Topicality of research The relevance of the study is related to the
problematic representation of emotions in the context of the modern linguistic
paradigm. Also, the growing interest of modern linguistics in the study of
conceptual linguistic phenomena, the identification and systematization of
linguistic representation of emotional concepts is an important reason for the
contrast analysis of such language units as negative emotions. Emotions are treated
as social constructs that do not exist independently of man and are rooted in social
experience. According to the theory of constructed emotions [1], the brain has an
innate ability to conceptualize emotions; they are the result of the mental
categorization of experience: emotions are constructs of the physical world, not
reactions to it..

Aim and objectives of the study:

- to analyze the nature of negative emotions and their features in social


- to explore negative emotions in terms of their phraseological


- study specialized literature and explore the social network Reddit on the
topic of negative emotions in the comments.

Definition of terms

In this research paper there are such key words, as:

- emotion – instinctive or intuitive feeling; strong feeling, which

depends on some specific circumstances, mood.

- negative emotions - Negative emotions are unpleasant and disruptive

emotional reactions. Examples of negative emotions include sadness, fear, anger,
or jealousy.

- lexical - relating to the words or vocabulary of a language;

- REDDIT – "I read it on Reddit." The service was conceived as an
aggregator of news from the online community, where people could communicate,
discuss news, publish multimedia materials or links to interesting resources.

- representation - the way that someone or something is shown or


The theoretical basis of this scientific work is very wide, because today
there are many methodological works on this topic and the works of scientists in
the field of linguistics, psychology and philosophy. The variety of opinions and the
availability of publications on this selected topic reveal the problem of negative
emotions in the comments of the social network Reddit.

Methodology of research paper include systematic, theoretical and

contrastive analysis, descriptive method and method of critical thinking.

Research materials used for whiting this research paper, include papers of
Ukrainian and world-known scientists in linguistic, psychology and philosophy. It
is especially worth to highlight papers of such scientists, as Also it was necessary
to use dictionaries while writing the work. Key concepts were clearly revealed
using Oxford dictionary of idioms.






To date, in the linguistics of emotions there is already developed

methodological and terminological base, systematic approach to research
emotional phenomena, practically significant development of certain issues and
substantiation of theoretical problems relevant to linguistics in general. This the
field allows you to enter related disciplines (such as sociology, communicative
studies, music, valeology, psychology, as well as pedagogical, legal and translation
practice, journalism, art, religious and secular ethics and many others) [1].

The current dynamics of ideas in the field of emotiology is obvious: in it a

significant research path is reflected - from the categorization of the minimum
elements of language units (such as word meaning components and affixes
emotional assessment) to describe the whole categorical emotional situations [2].

It is worth noting the significant difference between emotions and units of

rational-logical content: they are changeable and closely related to the behavior of
the addressee and largely depend on the nature of the specific communication
situations. That is why highlighting aspects of emotional research phenomena in
language, speech and text is quite conditional and, as a rule, reflects the dominant
task that the researcher identifies when simultaneously considers a whole set of
related problems [1].

Emotiology, which originated in the stream of structural-systemic

linguistics, has become one of the leading areas of traditional linguistics, whose
task was the study, along with logical and conceptual components subjective
components of the meaning of units of language, the formation of knowledge
about emotional code of language [2]. he emotional concepts as components of a
linguistic worldview require the special research, since the verbalization of
emotions in different linguistic cultures is not always the same as the shape
and volume of emotive meanings. Difficulties of translation of emotional concepts
from one language to another are caused by the specifics of their place in the
national worldview and require its review from the conceptual, comparative
and lingvo-cultural aspect. The coincidence of the core, i.e. notional part of
the concept does not mean the identity of its periphery – evaluation and
numerous images associated with it. It is submitted that at the present time,
there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of the structure of the concept as
an emotional fragment of the national linguistic worldview taking into account
the peculiarities of the language structure of the compared languages [4]. The
study of emotions in language allows you to focus on important ones aspects of
this research problem: the complex nature of emotional / of emotional content of
mixed psychological states [3]; nominative features that reflect the nuances of the
emotional semantics and methods of its fixation in different languages [4];
emotional components of such language units and types of texts that are traditional
are considered emotionless - in terminology [5], in a special discourse, p grammar
of language [8].

Everything that a person encounters in his life causes him or her something
another attitude. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction of various needs generates certain
specific experiences, which are divided into the following forms: feelings,
emotions, affects, moods, and stressful situations [8].

Feelings - is a person's attitude to objects and phenomena of reality, which it

experiences in various forms. The words "emotion" and "feeling" are common
used as synonyms, although feelings are a broader concept in relation to emotions:
emotion is a direct and short-term experience of someone

Prolonged feelings, such as anger, can be an instant manifestation of

hostility to the object of hatred [7].
The word "emotion" (Latin emeveo "impress", "excite") - can be translated
as ‘emotional excitement’, ‘mental agitation’. Usually, the emergence of emotions
caused by various phenomena of the surrounding reality. Emotions that motivate a
person to actions, statements and increase tension forces, in psychology are called
wall. The man is ready for joy "Turn the mountains" and "cross the sea on foot". In
other cases, emotions are characterized by passivity and are called asthenic. The
experience of such feelings can relax a person and "cut his legs in fear" [9, p. 238–

The strongest emotional manifestations of a person are called affects. These

emotional processes quickly overwhelm a person and are very rapid.

At the same time a person spends a significant amount of energy. Affects are
characterized changes in consciousness and loss of control over the situation and
yourself.Worth it note that any emotion can to some extent flow in the affective
form (for example, affective delight in a concert hall) [9].

Moods are general emotional states that affect everything human behavior
for a significant period of time. The mood can be agitated or depressed, serious or
frivolous, irritable or good-natured, etc. Usually the mood is weak and flowing
unconsciously. The reasons for a certain mood are not always clear to the person
who has it is worried. Often the mood depends not only on psychological
(unfulfilled promise, sense of duty, etc.), but also from biological factors systems,
general health).

Emotional stress is a special form of experiencing feelings absorbed the

features of both affect (intensity of flow) and mood (duration of the course). On the
one hand, stress can increase somatic human capabilities (attention, memory,
thinking), increase motivation and quickly change psychological attitudes. On the
other hand, stress can cause harm to the body, depending on its type. The most
destructive type stress is a mental stress, the result of which are neurotic states [9].

Analyzed works on the psychology of emotions show that fundamental

negative emotions stand out significantly more than positive. For example, R.
Plutchik considers negative emotions:

1) fear; 2) anger; 3) sadness; 4) immediately; 5) surprise; 6) expectations.

The latter two of these emotions can be included as positive (pleasant surprise,
surprise; expectations of good news, etc.) and negative (unpleasant surprise, shock;
expectation of bad news). Instead, K. Izard classifies as negative emotions:

1) sadness; 2) anger; 3) immediately; 4) contempt; 5) grief-suffering; 6)

shame; 7) guilt; 8) embarrassment; 9) surprise.

As in the first classification, depending on the situation, surprise may caused

by positive and negative phenomena.

Among the negative emotions P. Ekman identifies:

1) anger; 2) immediately; 3) fear; 4) sum; 5) surprise (in a negative sense).

Another theory worthy of our attention is the specific theory of emotions,

highlighted in the work of KT Strongman, according to which discrete are
distinguished and specific emotions. Discrete emotions, such as shame, are most
common experiences internally, in accordance with their moral principles and

Specific emotions cannot arise only as a result of human work

consciousness, they are directly caused by social interactions with external
environment (jealousy, envy, etc.) [11].

Since there is no single classification system for negative emotions, selected

phraseological material and analyzed concepts of emotions gave will be able to
identify subgroups that denote such fundamental emotions as:
1) anger, rage, irritation; 2) grief, sorrow, grief; 3) shock, surprise; 4) fear; 5)
despair, despair; 6) shame; 7) immediately, disgust; 8) excitement, excitement; 9)

Among the positive emotions traditionally distinguish delight, admiration;

joy, happiness; love, adoration, love; calming, relief; pleasure, enjoyment; interest,
attention, however, these emotions are not the object our study).






The American Reddit platform is not only a platform for world-class

communication, but also a space for the possible implementation of offline
interaction models. Both Reddit's popularity and its impact on the physical world
are growing. The object of research is user comments. User feedback can be
presented in one of three forms (or a combination of them): direct emotional
feedback, which expresses a certain emotion received after reading posts,
commenting on a story, which is mostly a rational expression of thoughts about
history and personal experience , which is information about users who comment.
Their calculation showed the common features between offline social exchange of
emotions and its digital counterpart. The ratio of different forms of comments
depends on the degree of discussion.

The name Reddit came from a play on English, "I read it on Reddit." The
service was conceived as an aggregator of news from the online community, where
people could communicate, discuss news, publish multimedia materials or links to
interesting resources. As Huffman later said, at first the user base consisted mainly
of fake users. The founders of Reddit themselves created numerous accounts, on
whose behalf the content was later created through a special interface. As a result,
real visitors to the site had the impression of the growth and development of the
platform. Today, Reddit is a huge collection of forums where people can share
news or other content and comment on other users' posts. The discourse is divided
into more than 2 million communities (2,526,097 as of December 11, 2020), which
are called "sabredites". Each sabredit is usually devoted to a specific topic. The
name of the sabredit starts with / r /, which is part of the URL used by Reddit. For
example, r / nba is a community where users discuss the National Basketball
Association, and / r / boardgames is a community for board game enthusiasts.

These are examples of fairly straightforward and simple sabredites, but very
strange communities are often born, such as r / birdswitharms, a sabredite about
depicting birds with their hands. Saredits are managed by volunteer moderators,
who have the ability to edit the appearance of a particular community, as well as to
conduct certain content policies, as well as delete certain publications and ban
violators of the rules. In turn, Reddit is generally moderated by a team of
administrators, officials of Reddit Inc., who manage the entire site and can appoint
or remove moderators and ban goals from cheating.

The main communication tool on Reddit is commenting. In order to leave a

comment under the publication, you only need to be a member of the relevant sub-
credit. One of the most famous features of the network is the voting system. Yes,
the user has the opportunity not only to leave a comment under the post, but also to
put an upvote or download. These symbols indicate whether you think the post is
worthy of more users. In this way, you can vote not only for posts, but also for
comments. Reddit user activity is generally reflected in the karma setting. Karma
points are awarded based on the number of apps the user has received for their
posts (post karma) and for their comments (comment karma). Karma does not
affect the user experience on Reddit. The administration of the platform at describes the mechanism of karma as follows: "Do not set
yourself the task of accumulating karma points, just set yourself the task of being a
good person, and let karma just remind you of your achievements." Thus, it is clear
that karma is an artificial tool for maintaining a friendly atmosphere in
communities, and the success of this mechanism lies in the internal gamification,
which awakens in users the spirit of competition [14].



Rating features on social media platforms affect visibility algorithms and act
as symbolic markers of evaluation. This paper addresses the social effects of
content ratings through a case study of Reddit. Reddit is a social news site on
which users in topic-based communities (subreddits) create posts upon which
others upvote, downvote, and comment. Vote scores indicate convergence with,
and divergence from, community norms. Analysing data from the platform's three
most popular subreddits, we ask: How do rating features afford emotional
expression and content engagement? Findings from a Variable-Lag Granger
Causality model show that for a portion of Reddit users (14.5%), vote scores
predict subsequent emotional expression, with upvotes preceding positive
sentiments and downvotes preceding negative sentiments. This is the first
systematic test of how ratings influence emotional expression on a social media
platform. Findings also show that downvoted content receives higher levels of
engagement than upvoted content. Together, these findings suggest a paradox in
which divergence from community norms, as indicated by vote score patterns,
have emotional consequences and attention rewards.

In order to clearly demonstrate the specifics of creating negative emotions

and the functioning of content on Reddit, we propose to consider such a trend as
creepypasta. The very term "creepy paste" refers us to the so-called copypastes -
text blocks that are distributed by copying from one forum and social media to
another. The word "creepypast", which originated from a combination of the words
"copypast" and the English adjective creepy - "spooky", was first used on the
4chan image board in 2007 to denote gothic and horror content that had the
potential of copypaste (Balanzategui, 2019). . Initially, creepy pastas were mostly a
variety of images and stories inspired by urban legends (Fig. 13). Later, becoming
more complicated, they began to combine elements of collective creativity,
features of digital folklore and aesthetic means of popular horror and gothic
literature. Based on various studies, we can dwell on the following definition:
creepypasta is a genre of digital environment, which is based on a story with horror
elements, intended for distribution on the Internet.

Fig.2.1. Left: a smile dog image that drives everyone who saw it crazy.
Right: Slenderman in Slender: The Eight Pages

The global entertainment industry has graciously embraced the popularity of

creepy pastas, and a number of well-known media products have emerged. For
example, Slenderman became the main antagonist in two horror films of the same
name and in two survival horror video games, and the fictional film about the
fictional TV program Candle Cove became the basis of the first season of Channel
Zero (Fig. 2.1). By the way, other seasons were also inspired by creepy pastas. The
popularity of creepy pastas contributed to their transformation into a cross-media
phenomenon - they exist in the form of text, images, can be screened. In addition,
on the YouTube platform you can find a lot of videos in which creepy pastes are
voiced. On various Russian-language platforms - Telegram, Wattpad, "Pikabu" -
also popular translations of English-language crippapas. Creepypasta is a good
example for our analysis, because, like the social network, it is characterized by
going beyond the traditional communicative model. As we know from the first
theoretical considerations, the key elements in communication (apart from the
message itself) are the source, channel and receiver - these components were
identified in the first Harold-Lasswell model. However, in the social network, this
model is transformed, and the channel as a component disappears - the source
approaches the audience and is on a par with it. Creepypasta, in turn, transforms
the relationship between author and reader - these roles become conditional, as the
functions of the former are partially transferred to the audience.

Kripipasta not only destroys the usual ideas about the author, but also
distorts the structure of the plot. The classic plot of a work of art presents to the
reader the exposition, connection, development of action, culmination and
denouement. Creepypasts, many of which are serial works, stop at the climax,
giving the audience the opportunity to influence further events in history. It is
appropriate to consider these processes on the example of the formation of Reddit
discourse around crippapas. The r / nosleep subframe, on which Reddit users can
post their horror posts, has been around for more than 10 years. During this time,
the community rose to 45th place in the list of largest communities (more than 14.6
million members), and the average number of comments per day is about 400.
Information about r / nosleep moderators stylized according to the mood of the
community - the total number of followers they called "14.6 million [people] are
afraid to sleep", and the number of followers online - "[the number of people] are
not sleeping right now" (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2. The main page of the r / nosleep sabredit

Much of the creepypasta on this sabredit is serial. The average volume of a
publication is about 2,000 words. The communicative features of creepypasta,
which we are considering, are successfully implemented on the r / nosleep sabredit
due to clearly defined rules. They contain a requirement for the originality and
plausibility of the story, the need for a plot, certain requirements for the titles. A
separate rule that needs to be clarified is "Everything is true here, even if it's
not."The idea is that the story told by the author should be perceived by users as
what happens to the characters in reality. Sometimes the author's personality
merges with the personality of the protagonist of the story - and this is how it is
perceived by users who write comments, addressing them primarily to the
protagonist. At the same time, among the comments you can see words of support
and sympathy, as well as certain advice or opinions of the audience, how the hero
should behave in the future. For example, under one of the parts of the serial
creepy paste “I found a secret room in my house. Someone lives there and spies on
me ”you can see the discussion and negative emotions among users about what to
do to the main character of the story next (Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.3. Comments under the part of creepy paste I found a secret room in
my house. Someone has been living there and watching me

This thread of comments has expanded to 7 levels, indicating the interest of

users in influencing the continuation of the story. When the next part of the story is
published, the author can respond to these tips and indicate in the text that he saw
them, and they led to something, thus encouraging users to be active. As an
example, we can cite an excerpt from the second part of the serial creepy paste
"The former tenant of my new apartment left a guide to survival" (Fig. 2.3). The
author notes in the text that she saw the advice of users in the comments and
implemented several of them.

Like any other sabredit, r / nosleep allows you to publish not only text posts,
but also other forms of content - links, images, videos. The publication of
creepypastes, on the one hand, gives the author the opportunity for self-promotion.
It is not uncommon to find hyperlinks in the text of creepypasts to the author's own
subordinate, to the author's page on another social network or to the goods that the
author sells (Fig. 17). Moreover, creepypasts, which are liked by a large number of
readers, can receive a number of awards, some of which, as we said above, bring
material benefits to the owner. On the other hand, the motivation for creating and
publishing crippapas can be psychological. According to some researchers, creepy
pastas, as a digital version of folklore, can be used for social exchange of emotions
(Williams, 2015). This phenomenon was named (social sharing of emotions) in
1991 in the publication "Out of Fig. 2.3. Fragment of a part of creepy paste The
previous tenant of my new flat left a survival guide. I think I’m going to need more
than a guide Fig. 2.4.

Fig. 2.4. Fragment of creepy paste I found a secret room in my house.

Someone has been living there and watching me

Fragment of a part of creepy I found a secret room in my house. Someone

has been living there and watching me emotional event: Six studies on the social
sharing of emotions ”(Beyond the emotional event: Six studies on the social
sharing of emotion, 1991). Its essence is that people have a need to present and
disseminate their emotional experience on a symbolic level.Importantly, the
number of possible reactions to such emotions is limited: it can be social support,
physical interaction, specific actions outside of emotional discourse, dermatization
and interrogation (Cristophe, Rime, 1997). It is not difficult to see that all these
reactions are the main ideas of the comments that users leave under the cripples
(except for physical interaction, which is impossible due to the fact that
communication takes place in a digital environment). Social support is embodied
in the comments, which aim to sympathize with the protagonist; specific actions
outside the emotional discourse are offered by users who give advice to the author;
Dedramatization and interrogation are realized in the comments aimed at
reassuring the protagonist, expressing words of support and clarifying the details of
the story. The social exchange of emotions has been studied in a number of works,
the authors of which have concluded that it is characteristic of people regardless of
age, gender, education and nationality, which makes creepy paste international
content capable of effectively relaying emotions with few barriers [14].

Let's highlight the main manifestations of negative emotions among the

comments on the REDDIT network:

1) dissemination of information containing threats, slander, plagiarism,

misinformation that degrades honor and dignity, violates immunity private life,
promotes cruelty, incites racial, religious or ethnic hatred, promotes bad habits;

2) flame - intentionally inciting conflicts between users network. A flame is

a user an Internet network that purposefully creates conflicts in the virtual
environment, most often destructive;

3) flood / offtopic (messages that are not relevant to the topic of discussion).

A flooder is a user in a virtual environment that sends messages are not

within the limits created by the administrator or moderator of the resource topics,
while allowing the use of offensive, meaningless, obscene language, which
indicates the inability or unwillingness of the person to lead constructive dialogues
or discussions in one communicative direction;

4) network trolling - purposeful provocation in the virtual environment to

achieve a certain goal. The network troll aims to cause a stormy reaction and
negative emotions of other users to it provocative activities.

Let's focus on the use of invective (obscene) vocabulary, after all, it is often
found in online comments to creepy paste, phenomena, when expressing one's own
opinion or attitude to an individual and is a manifestation of verbal aggression that
causes negative emotions in subscribers.Uncodified vocabulary is one of the most
effective means of achieving negative emotions and influencing someone who will
read on the Internet text or comment [13, p. 121].

The term "invective" itself means the adjective "abusive" (from the English
language "abusive"), ie associated with the expression of dissatisfaction brutal
offensive words. Invective vocabulary in general covers everyone manifestations
of abusive speech and aggressive speech. To the obscene lexicons include taboo
obscene (unpublished, obscene, non-literary) words and expressions that are aimed
at humiliating honor and dignity interlocutor, the level of his self-esteem. In
addition to obscene vocabulary, in the comments to the fortress in order to express
Negative emotions are used by other means, such as insults and bullying,
phraseological inflections with offensive connotations, use of verbs imperative

Negative emotions of users are shown in comments as follows: not enough

workers (explicitness exacerbation of consequences after illness); came second in
lots of everything (implicit pity); finally, I got fired (explicitness of loss); any of
you suffers from angst (explicitness of the cognitive mechanism of self-defense);
seems like going backwards (explicitness of the cognitive mechanism of return to
the starting point); lots of disaster, depression and tears (explicitness of the
cognitive mechanism of depression state). The explicit linguistic marker of the
linguistic-semantic group with a negative tone aimed at determination of
threatening personal states of users, mostly their inner psychological world since
each was limited in one way or another. Explicit only enhances the disclosure of
the amount of stress experienced. Statements involving cognitive processes:
couldn’t stand my loss; exhausting working environment self-denial and burnout);
distant working area is of benefit (explicitness of the positive tone of personal
satisfaction, implicitness of being under the influence of the modern picture of the
world); strange calm and piece around (implicit mechanism of adaptation); what
noise pollution really is; depression and stressful conditions may affect
(explicitness stressful tone, including anxiety, fear). Linguosemantic group,
denoting the cognitive mechanism that arises during pandemic online
communication, embodies implementation stressors for online communication.
People are divided their experiences and memories of adversity [15].

Reddit is the nineteenth most visited site in the world. A service that consists
entirely of individual user posts. Huge fan theories, cute photos, funny videos,
industrial insiders, political news and requests to identify glasses from the series.
Any post can be commented on, as well as liked / disliked. As a result, posts are
raised / lowered on the page. And the most popular publications get to the main

In order to bring order to this chaos, Reddit is divided into separate

communities, for the creation of which users are also responsible. Most likely, if
there is a word to denote a phenomenon, a "sabreddit" has already been created for
it. Their own groups have almost all kinds of art and sports, political and sexual
views, religious and gastronomic preferences. As well as lightning, ducks and
middle children. It is clear that countries also have their own communities.
Representing the state on Reddit is in some ways as important as presenting on
The main topics where negative emotions are manifested in Ukrainian
Reddit are domestic politics and foreign aggression.

To begin with, it is interesting that both Ukraine and Ukraine regularly

publish memes criticizing the current Ukrainian government. Zelensky is
tightening the noose for Ukrainians, Zelensky has deceived teachers, Zelensky is
threatening visa-free travel, Zelensky is having fun during the war and pandemic,
and denunciations are being written about Zelensky's criticism. In the comments to
such memes a large number of negative expressions. In memes about Biden or
specific polls on the eve of local elections. For example:

@TheRealAsskicker “To some extent, the president and this whole company
of people's servants can be considered teachers who taught Ukrainians a very
expensive lesson - you can't vote for nothing, traitors and populists. Unfortunately,
I'm not sure most have learned this lesson”.

@just_another_whisper “I hate the clown to make you die”

@ary_s “Can't help but be angry who the 73%”

@•ifLaMaster “I really don't like the clown in our president's place, but if
those words are true, it's really alarming that there won't be any more problems”

Another important category of content is the Ukrainian-Russian war. In

particular, a comparison of free Ukraine and "slave" Russia. Celebrating the
Kremlin's propensity for war. There are various accents that Crimea is Ukraine.

@imgrandojjo “It's both. Russia trying to leave its bloody past behind is a
good thing. And it is a snazzy flag.This is both. Russia's efforts to leave its bloody
past are turning into a bloody future”.

@realhip”The war is not real for people with brainwashed homes who
watch RT until their sons are called into battle. This is it. Therefore, they involve
Syrians, Georgians, anyone in the APC, and force servicemen in the DPR and LPR
to fight for them. Literally everyone should go, except the Russians. But the
punishment will overtake you”.

@KibblesNBitxhes “On the other hand, some people are too stupid to
understand how stupid they are, and too confident to understand they've peaked at
a very low height. Not much hope for these morons”.

@ Christivsky “A reminder that there are good Russians all over the world.
Слава Україні. Смерть окупантам”

@ TonsOfTabs “I mean yea that’s true but pretty much the entire russian
military rapist and murderers and a lot of those phone calls from pows or the
intercepted ones where the wives are giving the soldiers permission to rape or the
ones who enjoy them torturing others. Obviously it’s not all russian people thst
believe this and do this crap but it really does seem like a majority of them are fine
with it. And that’s why it’s tough for myself and others to not hate on the entire
country. No matter what, that country will be permanently closed like north korea
when this is all over. The US and UK made it very clear yhey the sanctions will not
be going anywhere when Ukraine wins the war and kicks russian military out.
Slava Ukraini and hopefully the not bad guys get out before they can’t leave”.

And, of course, relevant, reactive comments are posted on Ukrainian Reddit,

depending on what is happening in the country. For example, the discussion of the
posthumous reign of Kernes. Addiction of Ukrainians to the coronavirus. Attempts
to expel Dubinsky from the faction. Design of a large coat of arms. Service in
Ukrainian. Lukashenko's dictatorship. Black Friday cheating.

@MikeLPU “It's true. Unfortunately, the culture of shopping in our country

is very low. My dream is to have the same service as Amazon and the same prices.
I am very sad for such a situation”.

@Zam05 “The first thing you need to teach fighters in tactical medicine is
not to help the wounded. Because the unit must carry out a combat mission despite
the wounded and dead. Otherwise, there will be even more wounded and dead. My
father died of coronavirus last night. I hate everything that's going on right now”.

The most controversial part of the comments is the discussion of the

government. Even more content with humiliation of politicians, for the rest of the
hour in the comments, it’s blatantly hating Putin for unleashing military actions on
the territory of Ukraine. There are comments about hatred as far as Putin himself,
and even to the entire Russian nation. For example:

@GoombahJudd “What a monster putin. All he cares about is whether his

name stays in history. I think it will, but not the way he wanted. I hate for you to

@PMikeee “Fuuck that made me cry. Can you imagine? FUCKING


@Von665 “Unfortunately”

@AteMyTwinInWomb “Today I am crying a lot, this whole situation speaks

of only one thing - Putin – die”[16]

So, as Reddit's comments show, negative emotions in the form of anger,

sadness, grief and hatred are expressed through abusive and abusive words, often
people express their grief over negative events in the political arena and express
personal feelings.


The purpose of writing this research paper was to analyze the negative
emotions in the comments of the social network REDDIT.

Our tasks included studying numerous specialized works and comparative

analysis - we needed to analyze the nature of negative emotions and their features
in social networks, explore negative emotions in terms of their phraseological
representation, study specialized literature and explore the Reddit social network
on negative emotions in comments.

While writing this scientific paper, we received:

- better understanding of the features and peculiarities of the use of negative

emotions in the comments;

- highlighting the similarities and differences in the reflection of negative

emotions through comments;

- enrichment with new information obtained from the works of scientists in

various fields;

- desire to further develop this topic and conduct research on other social

In conclusion, it should be noted that the work on the study of concepts

related to the description of physical and emotional state of people should include
achievements in various scientific fields. This is due to the fact that language as a
component of human life, a means of communication and a social construct can be
analyzed only comprehensively, in terms of psychological and cultural
characteristics of its speakers. First of all, the lack of clear definitions of such an
important concept as negative emotions. In writing this article, we have
encountered some misunderstandings in the interpretation of people's emotions and
their role in lexical and cognitive systems and its relationship to language in
general .
This area of research can be developed in the future through a deeper
comparative and theoretical analysis of psychology and linguistics. However, the
knowledge we can use in researching the topic of this scientific work is enough to
delineate the boundaries of future research.


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16. Матеріали з сайту


The topic of this scientific paper is "REPRESENTATION OF NEGATIVE

SOCIAL NETWORK)". Our paper contains an introduction, two chapters with two
subsections in each, conclusions and references.
The object of the study, we took comments on the social network REDDIT.
The subject of study is the peculiarities of the expression of negative emotions. To
better describe this topic and show the differences and similarities in the
expression of negative emotions, we used various comments from the social
network. Processed and analyzed information taken from various sources, together
with personal opinions on this topic are presented in part 2.
The first section is the theoretical part of the paper. This part of the paper
includes methodological information, a description of key concepts and basic
characteristics of the expression of negative emotions.
This paper was written to analyze in detail the comments of the social
network REDDIT in describing the negative emotional or physical states of man.
To achieve a satisfactory result, I had to study a lot of literature in various fields of
science. It was especially important to pay attention to the description of our
chosen topic by psychologists, because our topic should include not only linguistic
but also psychological component.
Key words: emotion, negative emotions, social networks, Reddit,
representation, lexical.

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