Research Paper Mytsak
Research Paper Mytsak
Research Paper Mytsak
of Applied Linguistics
Presented by:
a student of Phl-33z
K.M. Mytsak
Supervised by:
Associate professor
S.M. Albota
Lviv - 2022
Social networks excite pleasure centers in our brains, which is the cause of
the risk of significant dependence. The user feels pleasant emotions every time he
reads a positive comment under his photo or leaves a good response. The desire to
regain these emotions again forces us to visit the spaces of social networks, forcing
us to spend more and more time there.
- study specialized literature and explore the social network Reddit on the
topic of negative emotions in the comments.
Definition of terms
The theoretical basis of this scientific work is very wide, because today
there are many methodological works on this topic and the works of scientists in
the field of linguistics, psychology and philosophy. The variety of opinions and the
availability of publications on this selected topic reveal the problem of negative
emotions in the comments of the social network Reddit.
Research materials used for whiting this research paper, include papers of
Ukrainian and world-known scientists in linguistic, psychology and philosophy. It
is especially worth to highlight papers of such scientists, as Also it was necessary
to use dictionaries while writing the work. Key concepts were clearly revealed
using Oxford dictionary of idioms.
Everything that a person encounters in his life causes him or her something
another attitude. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction of various needs generates certain
specific experiences, which are divided into the following forms: feelings,
emotions, affects, moods, and stressful situations [8].
At the same time a person spends a significant amount of energy. Affects are
characterized changes in consciousness and loss of control over the situation and
yourself.Worth it note that any emotion can to some extent flow in the affective
form (for example, affective delight in a concert hall) [9].
Moods are general emotional states that affect everything human behavior
for a significant period of time. The mood can be agitated or depressed, serious or
frivolous, irritable or good-natured, etc. Usually the mood is weak and flowing
unconsciously. The reasons for a certain mood are not always clear to the person
who has it is worried. Often the mood depends not only on psychological
(unfulfilled promise, sense of duty, etc.), but also from biological factors systems,
general health).
The name Reddit came from a play on English, "I read it on Reddit." The
service was conceived as an aggregator of news from the online community, where
people could communicate, discuss news, publish multimedia materials or links to
interesting resources. As Huffman later said, at first the user base consisted mainly
of fake users. The founders of Reddit themselves created numerous accounts, on
whose behalf the content was later created through a special interface. As a result,
real visitors to the site had the impression of the growth and development of the
platform. Today, Reddit is a huge collection of forums where people can share
news or other content and comment on other users' posts. The discourse is divided
into more than 2 million communities (2,526,097 as of December 11, 2020), which
are called "sabredites". Each sabredit is usually devoted to a specific topic. The
name of the sabredit starts with / r /, which is part of the URL used by Reddit. For
example, r / nba is a community where users discuss the National Basketball
Association, and / r / boardgames is a community for board game enthusiasts.
These are examples of fairly straightforward and simple sabredites, but very
strange communities are often born, such as r / birdswitharms, a sabredite about
depicting birds with their hands. Saredits are managed by volunteer moderators,
who have the ability to edit the appearance of a particular community, as well as to
conduct certain content policies, as well as delete certain publications and ban
violators of the rules. In turn, Reddit is generally moderated by a team of
administrators, officials of Reddit Inc., who manage the entire site and can appoint
or remove moderators and ban goals from cheating.
Rating features on social media platforms affect visibility algorithms and act
as symbolic markers of evaluation. This paper addresses the social effects of
content ratings through a case study of Reddit. Reddit is a social news site on
which users in topic-based communities (subreddits) create posts upon which
others upvote, downvote, and comment. Vote scores indicate convergence with,
and divergence from, community norms. Analysing data from the platform's three
most popular subreddits, we ask: How do rating features afford emotional
expression and content engagement? Findings from a Variable-Lag Granger
Causality model show that for a portion of Reddit users (14.5%), vote scores
predict subsequent emotional expression, with upvotes preceding positive
sentiments and downvotes preceding negative sentiments. This is the first
systematic test of how ratings influence emotional expression on a social media
platform. Findings also show that downvoted content receives higher levels of
engagement than upvoted content. Together, these findings suggest a paradox in
which divergence from community norms, as indicated by vote score patterns,
have emotional consequences and attention rewards.
Fig.2.1. Left: a smile dog image that drives everyone who saw it crazy.
Right: Slenderman in Slender: The Eight Pages
Kripipasta not only destroys the usual ideas about the author, but also
distorts the structure of the plot. The classic plot of a work of art presents to the
reader the exposition, connection, development of action, culmination and
denouement. Creepypasts, many of which are serial works, stop at the climax,
giving the audience the opportunity to influence further events in history. It is
appropriate to consider these processes on the example of the formation of Reddit
discourse around crippapas. The r / nosleep subframe, on which Reddit users can
post their horror posts, has been around for more than 10 years. During this time,
the community rose to 45th place in the list of largest communities (more than 14.6
million members), and the average number of comments per day is about 400.
Information about r / nosleep moderators stylized according to the mood of the
community - the total number of followers they called "14.6 million [people] are
afraid to sleep", and the number of followers online - "[the number of people] are
not sleeping right now" (Fig. 2.2).
Fig. 2.3. Comments under the part of creepy paste I found a secret room in
my house. Someone has been living there and watching me
Like any other sabredit, r / nosleep allows you to publish not only text posts,
but also other forms of content - links, images, videos. The publication of
creepypastes, on the one hand, gives the author the opportunity for self-promotion.
It is not uncommon to find hyperlinks in the text of creepypasts to the author's own
subordinate, to the author's page on another social network or to the goods that the
author sells (Fig. 17). Moreover, creepypasts, which are liked by a large number of
readers, can receive a number of awards, some of which, as we said above, bring
material benefits to the owner. On the other hand, the motivation for creating and
publishing crippapas can be psychological. According to some researchers, creepy
pastas, as a digital version of folklore, can be used for social exchange of emotions
(Williams, 2015). This phenomenon was named (social sharing of emotions) in
1991 in the publication "Out of Fig. 2.3. Fragment of a part of creepy paste The
previous tenant of my new flat left a survival guide. I think I’m going to need more
than a guide Fig. 2.4.
3) flood / offtopic (messages that are not relevant to the topic of discussion).
Let's focus on the use of invective (obscene) vocabulary, after all, it is often
found in online comments to creepy paste, phenomena, when expressing one's own
opinion or attitude to an individual and is a manifestation of verbal aggression that
causes negative emotions in subscribers.Uncodified vocabulary is one of the most
effective means of achieving negative emotions and influencing someone who will
read on the Internet text or comment [13, p. 121].
The term "invective" itself means the adjective "abusive" (from the English
language "abusive"), ie associated with the expression of dissatisfaction brutal
offensive words. Invective vocabulary in general covers everyone manifestations
of abusive speech and aggressive speech. To the obscene lexicons include taboo
obscene (unpublished, obscene, non-literary) words and expressions that are aimed
at humiliating honor and dignity interlocutor, the level of his self-esteem. In
addition to obscene vocabulary, in the comments to the fortress in order to express
Negative emotions are used by other means, such as insults and bullying,
phraseological inflections with offensive connotations, use of verbs imperative
Reddit is the nineteenth most visited site in the world. A service that consists
entirely of individual user posts. Huge fan theories, cute photos, funny videos,
industrial insiders, political news and requests to identify glasses from the series.
Any post can be commented on, as well as liked / disliked. As a result, posts are
raised / lowered on the page. And the most popular publications get to the main
@TheRealAsskicker “To some extent, the president and this whole company
of people's servants can be considered teachers who taught Ukrainians a very
expensive lesson - you can't vote for nothing, traitors and populists. Unfortunately,
I'm not sure most have learned this lesson”.
@•ifLaMaster “I really don't like the clown in our president's place, but if
those words are true, it's really alarming that there won't be any more problems”
@imgrandojjo “It's both. Russia trying to leave its bloody past behind is a
good thing. And it is a snazzy flag.This is both. Russia's efforts to leave its bloody
past are turning into a bloody future”.
@realhip”The war is not real for people with brainwashed homes who
watch RT until their sons are called into battle. This is it. Therefore, they involve
Syrians, Georgians, anyone in the APC, and force servicemen in the DPR and LPR
to fight for them. Literally everyone should go, except the Russians. But the
punishment will overtake you”.
@KibblesNBitxhes “On the other hand, some people are too stupid to
understand how stupid they are, and too confident to understand they've peaked at
a very low height. Not much hope for these morons”.
@ Christivsky “A reminder that there are good Russians all over the world.
Слава Україні. Смерть окупантам”
@ TonsOfTabs “I mean yea that’s true but pretty much the entire russian
military rapist and murderers and a lot of those phone calls from pows or the
intercepted ones where the wives are giving the soldiers permission to rape or the
ones who enjoy them torturing others. Obviously it’s not all russian people thst
believe this and do this crap but it really does seem like a majority of them are fine
with it. And that’s why it’s tough for myself and others to not hate on the entire
country. No matter what, that country will be permanently closed like north korea
when this is all over. The US and UK made it very clear yhey the sanctions will not
be going anywhere when Ukraine wins the war and kicks russian military out.
Slava Ukraini and hopefully the not bad guys get out before they can’t leave”.
@Zam05 “The first thing you need to teach fighters in tactical medicine is
not to help the wounded. Because the unit must carry out a combat mission despite
the wounded and dead. Otherwise, there will be even more wounded and dead. My
father died of coronavirus last night. I hate everything that's going on right now”.
@Von665 “Unfortunately”
The purpose of writing this research paper was to analyze the negative
emotions in the comments of the social network REDDIT.
- desire to further develop this topic and conduct research on other social