CancerMapleBaking 2

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CANCER’s Trojan Horse


the care of cancer patients for

years and has helped thousands
recover from cancer. Baking soda
is alkaline, while cancer must live
in a very acidic condition within its
cells. Dr. Simoncini found ways to
infuse sodium bicarbonate (baking
soda) into the damaged cells and
thus stop the cancer in its tracks.
Using syrup may be a way to deliv-
er the baking soda to affected areas
as a form of infusion. For your


This formula is a combination
doing it, because your numbers are of 100% grade-A maple syrup,
“There is not a tumor along with baking soda and heat.
way down.”
on God’s green Earth A friend named Terry also had When mixed together and heated
that cannot be licked colon cancer. After a while, I was for ten minutes, the maple syrup
and baking soda bind together.
with a little baking meeting a mutual friend for coffee,
Cancer cells consume 15 times more
who told me, “Terry wants you to
soda and maple know he’s doing fine and says, glucose than normal cells. As the
syrup.” ‘Thank you, thank you!’” sugar content of the maple syrup is
drawn into the damaged cells, the
—Jim Kelmun I’ve passed out at least 50 copies
highly alkaline baking soda bonded
of these now. Then I remembered
to it causes a rapid shift in the pH
my friend Denis and the Natural

ong about February of 2018, I within the cells, which kills the
had a large lump in my chest Life News. (I’ve advertised my
so I went over to the VA herpes eliminator in his magazine
hospital in Helena for a biopsy. The for years.) He offered to print this
incredibly simple and common THE PROTOCOL
surgeon said he would let me know.
I then did the maple syrup and sense solution, which is often called  It is important to find 100%
baking soda routine described here. The Cancer Answer. The informa- pure, grade-A maple syrup that
After about two weeks, he called and tion below is quoted from a lady is NOT made with high-fructose
said he wanted to do another biopsy. named Faith, who does a private corn syrup or any other artificial
I told him there’s no need because publication called Northpoint sweeteners or additives. Also,
the lump is gone now. After two Teams, out of Andrews, NC. The do not use baking soda that
more of my friends died of cancer, article in her newsletter starts off contains aluminum or any other
I made copies of this newsletter and as follows: harmful chemicals. Find baking
started asking around, “Do you Perhaps some of you know soda, most likely at a health-
know anyone who’s got cancer?” Pastor Mike Vincent, who was food store, which specifically
The answer was almost always yes, known as “Mississippi Mike,” who states it is aluminum and
so I’ve been handing out this infor- passed away from heart disease in chemical free.
mation since then. November of 2009. He had been  Mix 1 part baking soda with
I mentioned it to a fellow pastoring in Irving, Texas, and in 3 parts maple syrup in a small
named Jay who had stage-4 colon their newsletter, Mike reported on saucepan. Using a double boiler
cancer. He went out and got the the use of maple syrup and baking may be even better. You can
100%-pure maple syrup and the soda as a solution to eliminate mix it using a tablespoon if you
aluminum-free baking soda. After cancer, which information I have are making a single portion.
about three weeks on it, he went since found online. Use it as fresh as possible,
back to the doctor who said, “I don’t Dr. Tullio Simoncini of Rome, right away, if you can. If kept
know what you’re doing, but keep Italy has been using baking soda in overnight, the soda and syrup
will separate.

20 • Natural Life News & Directory

 While heating, stir briskly, keeping the temperature and very effective when it comes to attacking cancer.
as close to 120º as possible, which is far below When combined with the maple syrup, it is irresistible
boiling. Be sure not to overheat or burn it. As you chemical cyanide to cancer cells because it hits the inside
are stirring, you will notice that the mixture will of the cell with a shockwave of alkalinity. This allows
begin to foam. It takes at least ten minutes for the much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can
foam to dissipate, which indicates it’s ready. When tolerate. As Dr. Warburg discovered, cancer cannot
the solution turns into brown-looking syrup, it is survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.
ready to consume, after cooling. Consume one Dr. Simoncini contradicts Kellum’s statement by
teaspoon daily, or up to three tablespoons daily if warning that: “The therapeutic treatment of bicarbonate
the condition is severe. Full remission is possible salts can be administered orally, through aerosol, intra-
and may take from weeks to months. venously and through catheter for direct targeting of
tumors. This can achieve positive results only in some

T he pH of the blood is the most important factor that

determines the state of the microorganisms in the
blood. Dr. Simoncini says, “Sodium bicarbonate therapy
tumors. Others, such as the serious ones of the brain
and the bones, remain unaffected by the treatment.”
However, Simoncini was not adding the maple syrup,
is harmless, fast and effective because it is extremely which enables and increases the penetration into all
diffusible. A therapy with bicarbonate for cancer should compartments of the body, even those that are difficult
be set up with strong dosages, continuously and without to penetrate by other means. These compartments
pausing, in the work of cancer destruction, which should include the central nervous system, through the blood-
proceed from the beginning to the end without brain barrier, and through other barriers in the body,
interruption for at least 7 to 8 days. In because all cells in the body universally need sugar.
general, a mass of 2 to 4 centimeters will And since cancer cells require an abundance of
begin to consistently regress from the sugar for fermentation, the bicarbonate/
third to the fourth day, and will col- syrup treatment uses this mechanism,
lapse from the fourth to the fifth day. like the Trojan horse, against them.
Dr. Simoncini acknowledges that Faith, the author of the newslet-
cancer cells gobble up sugar, so this ter, references a few other tips from
treatment is like sending in a Trojan She notes that rais-
horse. The sugar is not going to end ing the pH increases oxygenation and
up encouraging the further growth of increases the immune system’s ability
the cancer colonies because the bak- to kill all pathogens, including bacte-
ing soda will neutralize the pH inside ria, fungus and viruses. She says that
the cell, making it no longer a viable an alkalizing mixture of sodium bicar-
environment for the survival of the cancer. bonate and potassium bicarbonate is effective
This treatment was first reported on the Cancer for relieving the common cold.
Tutor website. This astonishing claim was made by Regarding this cancer treatment, Faith notes that
controversial folk healer, Jim Kelmun, as reported in the many people online have used molasses or honey in place
newspaper in Asheville, NC: “There is not a tumor on of the maple syrup, and have not heated it. In terms of
God’s green Earth that cannot be licked with a little dosages, some say to continue with 3 tablespoons daily
baking soda and maple syrup.” Kelmun says that this for one to two months, or until the tests show a full
simple home application can stop and reverse the deadly remission. She also mentions, as Dr. Simoncini did
growth of cancers. Although not a medical doctor, those above, who used more clinical ways to administer the
that Kelmun has advised swear by the man and call him bicarbonate directly into cancerous areas, that this treat-
a miracle worker. ment may not be effective for brain tumors. Faith also
Kelmun’s program stopped my lung cancer,” said points out that one should not consume baking soda
farmer Ian Roadhouse. “The doctors told me that I was close to the time of eating because the stomach must
a goner and had less than six months to live. Kelmun put be acidic to digest food. 
me on this mixture, and in a couple of months, the
cancer was gone. It didn’t even show up on the x-rays.”
Kelmun discovered this treatment accidentally when
I wish you the best of health always. It may be worth
pointing out that the mainstream medical community
considers this a “dubious treatment,” but still, it has
he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer. There
worked for many people, including myself. If cancer does
were five sisters and four of them had already died from
come upon you or a loved one, this inexpensive alternative
breast cancer. He asked the remaining sister if there was
can do no harm. Contact me if I can be of any further
anything different in her diet. She told him that she was
assistance to you on your path to wellness. Email:
partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda.
[email protected]. Phone: 800-605-9001.
Since then, said Kelmun, he dispensed this program
to over 200 people diagnosed with terminal cancer. EDITOR’S NOTE: In the 1930s, Dr. Otto Warburg won
Amazingly, he claims that 185 of these 200 lived at Nobel Prizes in Medicine for discovering that cancer
least 15 more years, while nearly half enjoyed complete thrives in an oxygen-starved, highly acidic environment.
remission of their disease. Rather than living off oxygen, he discovered, cancer cells
Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive create their energy through the fermentation of sugar.

September–October 2018 21

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