CancerMapleBaking 2
CancerMapleBaking 2
CancerMapleBaking 2
ong about February of 2018, I within the cells, which kills the
had a large lump in my chest Life News. (I’ve advertised my
so I went over to the VA herpes eliminator in his magazine
hospital in Helena for a biopsy. The for years.) He offered to print this
incredibly simple and common THE PROTOCOL
surgeon said he would let me know.
I then did the maple syrup and sense solution, which is often called It is important to find 100%
baking soda routine described here. The Cancer Answer. The informa- pure, grade-A maple syrup that
After about two weeks, he called and tion below is quoted from a lady is NOT made with high-fructose
said he wanted to do another biopsy. named Faith, who does a private corn syrup or any other artificial
I told him there’s no need because publication called Northpoint sweeteners or additives. Also,
the lump is gone now. After two Teams, out of Andrews, NC. The do not use baking soda that
more of my friends died of cancer, article in her newsletter starts off contains aluminum or any other
I made copies of this newsletter and as follows: harmful chemicals. Find baking
started asking around, “Do you Perhaps some of you know soda, most likely at a health-
know anyone who’s got cancer?” Pastor Mike Vincent, who was food store, which specifically
The answer was almost always yes, known as “Mississippi Mike,” who states it is aluminum and
so I’ve been handing out this infor- passed away from heart disease in chemical free.
mation since then. November of 2009. He had been Mix 1 part baking soda with
I mentioned it to a fellow pastoring in Irving, Texas, and in 3 parts maple syrup in a small
named Jay who had stage-4 colon their newsletter, Mike reported on saucepan. Using a double boiler
cancer. He went out and got the the use of maple syrup and baking may be even better. You can
100%-pure maple syrup and the soda as a solution to eliminate mix it using a tablespoon if you
aluminum-free baking soda. After cancer, which information I have are making a single portion.
about three weeks on it, he went since found online. Use it as fresh as possible,
back to the doctor who said, “I don’t Dr. Tullio Simoncini of Rome, right away, if you can. If kept
know what you’re doing, but keep Italy has been using baking soda in overnight, the soda and syrup
will separate.
September–October 2018 21