Cancer and Carcinosin
Cancer and Carcinosin
Cancer and Carcinosin
Presented By
1. Tumor - Description of Types of tumors
Benign tumor Characteristics
Precancerous conditions:
Malignant tumors/Cancer-
-Key Note:
- Cancer Formation
-How cancer can spread
-Causes ofcancer
-Individual types of cancer
-Cancer classification
-Miasmatic Background
-What are some general signs and symptoms of cancer?
-Signs and symptoms of certain cancers
-Laboratory Tests that Detect Cancer
-Treatment of cancer
-Conservative treatment
-Homoeopathic approach
2. Carcinosin-
-Conception of carcinosin
-When you will administer carcinosin ?
A tumor, also known as a neoplasm, is an abnormal mass of tissue which may be solid or fluid-filled.
A tumor does not mean cancer - tumors can be benign (not cancerous), pre-malignant (pre-cancerous),
or malignant (cancerous).
Description of Types of tumours:
Tumours are groups of abnormal cells that form lumps or growths.
Different types of tumours grow and behave differently, depending on whether they are non-cancerous
(benign) or cancerous (malignant).
Precancerous conditions have the potential to develop into cancer.
Precancerous conditions:
Cells are abnormal cells that may develop into cancer if they aren’t treated.
Some cells develop mild changes that may disappear without any treatment.
Other cells pass on genetic changes and new cells gradually become more and more abnormal until they
turn into cancer. It can take a long time for this to happen.
Precancerous (or premalignant) changes can vary in their degree of abnormality.
-Hyperplasia – an abnormal increase in the number of cells .Some hyperplasias are precancerous, but
most are not.
-Atypia (atypical) – cells look slightly abnormal under a microscope sometimesatypia refers to changes
caused by healing and inflammation, rather than a precancerous change, and the cells go back to normal once
inflammation goes away or the body heals.
-Metaplasia – cells look normal under a microscope, but are not the type normally found in the that tissue
or area .Metaplasias are usually not precancerous.
-Dysplasia – cells develop abnormally, have an abnormal appearance and are not organized like normal
cells .Dysplasia almost always refers to a precancerous condition.
Malignant tumours/Cancer
Key Note:
1. Cancer can start in any one of the millions of cells in our bodies.
2. Cancer cells have a larger nucleus that looks different from a normal cell’s nucleus, and
3. Cancer cells behave, grow and function quite differently from normal cells.
4. Malignant tumours vary in size and shape.
5. Most cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, do not.
6. They grow in an uncontrolled, abnormal way and can grow into (invade) nearby tissues, blood vessels or
lymphatic vessels.
7. They can interfere with body functions and become life-threatening.
8. Cancer cells can break off and spread to distant locations in the body (metastasize).
9. Cancer that spreads from its original location (the primary tumour) to a new part of the body is called
metastatic cancer.
10. Malignant tumours can also come back (recur) after they are removed.
Causes of cancer:
Tobacco and diet account for two thirds of all cancer deaths.
Cancer of the lung, breast, prostate, colon and rectum have all become more frequent in countries where
risk factors such as cigarette smoking, unhealthy diets and exposure to dangerous chemicals are more
Animal (saturated) fat in general and red meat in particular are associated with several cancers – colon
and rectum, as well as prostate cancer
Children who overeat and exercise too little seem to be at a higher risk of acquiring certain cancers
Occupation carcinogens include asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde, diesel exhaust and radon
Immunosuppressive drugs can cause certain types of lymphomas and supplemental oestrogens have been
linked to uterine and breast cancer
Oral contraceptives slightly increase the risk of some types of liver tumours
Suppressed emotions – anger – strong links with breast cancer.
Psychological factors – research has shown that an attitude of passivity and hopelessness in the face of
life stressors, including the stressor of being told you have cancer, encourages the spread of cancerous
Cancer sufferers, as well as those in the pre-cancerous stage were also noted for their tendency to blame
themselves for their misfortunes.
Cancer classification
There are five broad groups that are used to classify cancer:
These are characterized bycells that cover internal andexternal parts of the body such as lung, breast, and colon
Sarcomas are characterized by cells that are located in bone, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, muscle, and other
supportive tissues.
Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues.
Leukemias are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream.
Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that forms in mucus-secreting glands throughout the body such as thyroid, the
pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues.
Cancers are often referred to by terms that contain a prefix related to the cell type in which the cancer originated
and a suffix such as -sarcoma, -carcinoma,blastoma or just -oma. Common prefixes include
Adeno- = gland Melano- = pigment cell
Chondro- = cartilage Myelo- = bone marrow
Erythro- = red blood cell Myo- = muscle
Hemangio- = blood vessels Osteo- = bone
Hepato- = liver Uro- = bladder
Lipo- = fat Retino- = eye
Lympho- = white blood cell Neuro- = brain
Miasmatic Background
Cancer is the end-result, the end-product of the disease that has begun far back in years at the dynamic
and the functional levels. "Cancer is multi-miasmatic in its expression" (Roberts).
What are some general signs and symptoms of cancer?
If you have any of these symptoms and they last for a long time or get worse, please see a doctor to find out
what’s going on.
Unexplained weight loss e.g –Pancreas, stomach,esophagus,or lung.
Fever-such as blood cancers like leukemia or lymphoma.
Fatigue -like leukemia. Some colon or stomach cancer.
Pain-like bone cancers or testicular cancer.
-Headache-symptom of a brain tumour.
-Back pain-symptom of cancer colon, rectum or ovary.
Skin changes-
-Darker looking skin (hyperpigmentation)
-Yellowish skin and eyes (jaundice)
-Reddened skin (erythema)
-Itching (pruritis)
-Excessive hair growth
A. Prevention :
Some cancers can be prevented by avoiding exposure to benzene, nicotine, or radiation.
B. Specific therapy: Some of the drug therapies used to treat cancer include the following:
Radiation therapy -- the use of high energy rays to kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing
Chemotherapy -- the use of drugs to kill cancer cells .
Steroids -- to suppress muscle inflammation and reduce the activity of the immune system.
Bone marrow transplantation -- a procedure in which cancerous bone marrow is destroyed with high
doses of anticancer drugs or radiation, and is then replaced with healthy bone marrow.
Biological therapy -- stimulates or restores the immune system's ability to fight infection and disease.
May also help reduce side effects caused by other treatments
Try to eliminate potential food allergens, including dairy (milk, cheese, butter), wheat ,corn, soy,
preservatives, and food additives.
Eat antioxidant foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes) and vegetables.
Avoid refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold water fish, or beans for protein.
Use healthy oils in cooking, such as olive oil or vegetable oil.
Avoid coffee and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco.
Drink 6 - 8 glasses of filtered water daily.
Exercise lightly, if possible
Homoeopathic approach
Conception Of Carcinosin
The remedy Carcinosin is often used successfully in the treatment of Cancer. Carcinosin is made by first
preparing a specimen of the cancerous tissue, usually taken from the breast. Dr.Burrnet,Dr.J T
Kent,Cooper,Dr.Ramakrishnan,Foubister, Frank Gruber are/were treated by carcin0sin.
8. Tendency to insomnia in children occurring in early life.
9. Tendency to diarrhea or constipation inchildhood (Dr. Foubister).
B. Mental Symptoms
1. Tendency to suicide.
2. Back ground of fright, prolonged fear or unhappiness
3. Very intelligent and artistic – fine arts, music, drawing etc or very dull, disinterested, idiotic etc.
4. Back ward or mentally defective children.
5. Either fastidious (Arsalb, Nux.V, Anac, Graph) or Possessed with filthy habits (sulph).
6. Obstinate nature (Tub, Bovista).
7. Pleasure in observing thunderstorm (sepia).
8. Obsessed with a sense of rhythm and is consequently fond of dancing (sepia).
9. Showing spontaneous sympathy to others (Phos).
10. The child if reprimanded reacts either mentally or physically or through both.