01 VanDeynze Sequencing - 0
01 VanDeynze Sequencing - 0
01 VanDeynze Sequencing - 0
Marker development considerations How to sequence? q What part of the DNA to sequence? Talk 2 What lines to sequence? How many lines to sequence? y
Sequencing DNA
The goal of sequencing DNA is to tell the order of the bases, or nucleotides, that form the inside of the double-helix molecule. High throughput sequencing methods Hi h th h t i th d Sanger/Dideoxy 2nd generation (NextGen) 3rd generation
650-1000 bp
Sequencing by Synthesis: Simultaneous sequencing of the entire genome in hundreds of thousands of picoliter-size wells Pyrophosphate signal generation P h h t i l ti
Solexa/lIlumina Sequencing
Sequencing by synthesis (not chain termination) Generate up to 100 Gb per run
Ion Torrent
In nature, when a nucleotide is incorporated into a strand of DNA by a polymerase, a hydrogen ion is released as a byproduct.
Sanger Roche 454 Illumina Illumina 2010 Helicos Ion Torrent Pacific Bio
Marker development considerations How to sequence? q What part of the DNA to sequence? Talk 2 What lines to sequence? How many lines to sequence? y
Gene G
Data Collection
Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing Start with a whole genome Shear the DNA into many different, random segments. g Sequence each of the random segments. Then, put the pieces back together again in their original order using a computer
STSSTS-mapped Scaffolds
Contig Read pair (mates) Gap ( G (mean & std. d td dev. K Known) )
So what?
Anchored Genome Assembly y Gene function Gene order Gene model Allele Functional mutation
Genome Browser