Ice Breaker
Ice Breaker
Ice Breaker
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: For your rst speech project, you will introduce yourself to your fellow club members and give them some information about your background, interests and ambitions. Practice giving your speech to friends or family members, and strive to make eye contact with some of your audience. You may use notes during your speech if you wish. Read the entire project before preparing your talk.
telling it to friends around the dinner table. Share signicant personal experiences. The more personal your talk, the warmer the relationship will be between you and the audience.
OBJECTIVES: 4To begin speaking before an audience. 4To discover speaking skills you already have and skills that need some attention. Time: Four to six minutes
Competent Communication
If you think you will need notes, write a brief speech outline on note cards, which you can place on the lectern. Refer to them only when you need them. Remember, youre speaking, not reading. Many speakers begin by writing out an entire speech, then breaking it into parts, with a key word for each part, and nally writing just the key words on one note card.
Preparing Yourself
Now the talk is ready, but are you ready to present it? Practice the talk until you are comfortable with it. You wont need to memorize the body of the talk, since you already know all about the subject. As mentioned earlier, you should memorize the opening and conclusion. Present the talk to a family member, a friend or your Toastmasters mentor. Ask for comments. They may give you some helpful suggestions. If you have a tape recorder, record the talk and listen to it carefully, making any necessary improvements. Using a tape recorder is one of the best ways to improving your speaking ability. Instead of thinking of this presentation as making a speech, think of it as a talk before a group of friends, sharing information of interest. Dont be afraid of the audience. They have already experienced the same feelings youre having. They want you to succeed and theyre eager to help you! Appearance is important. Be well-groomed and appropriately dressed for your presentation. When you look right, you feel good about yourself. Youll then forget about your appearance and concentrate on your talk. You will have increased condence because you know youve made a good rst impression with the audience.
and saying, Mr. (or Madam) Toastmaster, then face the audience and say, Ladies and gentlemen or Fellow members and guests Pause, then begin with your memorized opening. While speaking, make eye contact with various members of the audience, rst looking directly at one person for a few seconds, then looking at another, so people feel included in your talk. As you do this, glance periodically at the timer. If the red light comes on while youre talking, move smoothly to your conclusion and nish quickly. Observe time limits whenever you speak. Dont worry about what to do with your hands. Leave them at your sides if this makes you more comfortable. Youll have opportunities to practice body language later. Finish with your memorized conclusion. Some speakers say thank you at the very end to signal to the audience that they are nished, but this is not necessary. Instead, after you say your concluding words, nod at the Toastmaster of the meeting and say, Mr. (or Madam) Toastmaster and enjoy the applause.
Your Evaluation
After you nish, youll probably begin evaluating yourself even before you return to your seat. You may think you left out some of the best parts. Every speaker thinks that. Just congratulate yourself on having delivered your rst speech, then write down the things you did well and the things you want to improve to make your next speech even better. To supplement your self-evaluation, an experienced club member has been assigned to evaluate your efforts. Before the meeting begins, give this manual to your evaluator so he or she may make notes on the evaluation page of this project. This gives you a permanent record of your progress. If you want the evaluator to observe something in particular, be sure to inform the evaluator in advance. Ask other members for additional comments after the meeting (some may give you their own brief written comments during the meeting). All of these comments may not be useful to you, but you should consider them carefully. Remember, each evaluation is an opinion of how that person perceived you and your presentation. These opinions usually (but not always) will be helpful to your self-development.
4 Bring this manual to the meeting whenever you are scheduled to speak. 4 Review your presentation with your mentor. 4 Discuss any special points with your evaluator before giving the speech. 4 Give the evaluator your manual before you speak, so he or she can make written comments on your performance. 4 Have the vice president education initial the Project Completion Record on page 80 after you complete each project. This will give you credit toward your Competent Communicator (CC) certicate. 4 Dont be discouraged if your evaluator missed the point. Evaluators have varying degrees of experience in speaking, and evaluation is a learn by doing skill, just as speaking is. 4 If you have not already done so, read Effective Evaluation (Item 202). It will help you understand how to get the most out of the Toastmasters program.
Competent Communication
4 What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?