Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints: Standard Specification For
Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints: Standard Specification For
Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints: Standard Specification For
1. SCOPE D 740 Specification for Methyl of soya oil having an iodine number of
Ethyl Keotone 115 to 130. No recovered oil, marine or
D 1199 Specification for Calcium soya food fatty acid derivatives shall be
1.1 This specification covers alkyd resin used. The resin shall comply with the
type, ready-mixed white and yellow Carbonate Pigments
requirements in Table 1.
traffic paints for use on bituminous and 2.2 Federal Standards:
portland cement concrete pavements. 4.1.7 Alkyd Resin Type N-The resin
TT N-95 Naptha, Aliphatic Federal shall be supplied as a 60-mass-percent
1.2 Intended use of the traffic paint. Standard Number 595 Colors solution in toluene. The resin solids shall
1.2.1 These paints may be reflectorized Federal Test Method Nº 141 be a medium oil soya-modified pen-
for night visibility by adding reflective 2.3 Military Standards: taetythritol resin. No rosin shall be per-
spheres before the paint film dries or sets, mitted. The oil fatty acids shall be either
using the drop-on or pressurized meth- MIL C 429 Chlorinated Paraffin,
alkali refined soya oil or the fatty acids of
ods. Generally, the reflective spheres are Technical
soya oil having an iodine number of 115
evenly dispersed to a wet film of 0.38 to 130. No recovered oil, marine or soya
mm (15 mils) at a rate of 600 to 720 kg/m 3. CLASSIFICATION food fatty acid derivatives shall be used.
(5 to 6 lbs/gal) of paint. The amount may The resin shall comply with the require-
be altered by the purchaser. ments in Table 1.
3.1 Types-Ready-mixed alkyd resin type
1.3 Types: 4.1.8 Alkyd Resin Type F-The resin
paint covered by this specification shall
1.3.1 Type S Traffic Paint-This type is be furnished in the following types, as shall be supplied at 60-mass-percent
a slow drying paint which shall be used specified in the invitation for bids, con- solids in VM & P naphtha. The resin
in areas where coning is acceptable for 1 tracts or order. solids shall be either alkali refined soya
hour or more. oil or linseed oil or mixture of the two,
S - Medium oil soya modified alkyd having an iodine number of 115 mini-
1.3.2 Type N Traffic Paint-This type resin. Primary solvent is V M and mum.
has immediate drying properties and shall P Naphtha.
be used in areas where coning of road- The solution must tolerate a 500-
N - Medium oil soya-modified pen- mass-percent dilution with VM & P
way is acceptable for 15 to 30 minutes.
taerythritol alkyd resin; chlorin- naphtha. A solution containing 100 g of
1.3.3 Type F Traffic Paint-This type ated rubber, 4 to 1-primary sol- 20 MPa•s (20 centipoise) chlorinated
shall be used where faster drying time is vent is toluene. rubber, 130 g of resin solution, and 290 g
required with a minimum of coning. With
F - Medium oil soyallinseed alkyd of methyl ethyl ketone shall be clear,
good drying conditions, this paint should
resin; chlorinated rubber; chlorin- transparent, and show no separation after
dry in 3 to 6 minutes if heated to 51.5 :t
ated paraffin; 1.03 to 1.30 to 24 hours of storage at 27 ± 3°C (80 ±
2.5°C (125 -±- 5°F) in the applicator.
1.00-primary solvent is MEK. 5°F) in a ¾ full test tube.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be The alkyd resin, reduced to 45-
regarded as the standard.
4. MATERIALS percent solids with VM & P and Naph-
NOTE-It is advisable to consult local air tha, shall have a viscosity of D to G. The
pollution regulations regarding solvents prior resin shall comply with the requirements
to selecting type paint to be used. 4.1 The materials used in manufacture in Table 1.
shall conform to the requirements of the
4.1.9 Chlorinated Rubber-The rubber
following specifications:
2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS shall have a fixed chlorine content of
4.1.1 Lead Chromate-ASTM D 211 65.0-percent minimum when previously
Type III. dried at 100 ± 5°C (212 ± 9°F) for 24
2.1 ASTM Standards: hours.
4.1.2 Titanium Dioxide-ASTM D 476
D 79 Specification for Zinc Oxide Type III Rutile (T102 80-percent purity, A 20-mass-percent solution in
D 211 Specification for Chrome minimum). toluene shall have a maximum color of 4
Yellow and Chrome Orange 4.1.3 Calcium Carbonate-ASTM D (Gardner) and a Brookfield viscosity of 9
D 476 Specification for Titanium 1199 Type GC-II. to 25 MPa•s (9 to 25 centipoises).
Dioxide Pigments 4.1.4 Magnesium Silicate-ASTM D 4.1.10 Chlorinated Paraffin-MIL
D 362 Specification for Industrial 605. C429A.
Grade Toluene 4.1.5 Zinc Oxide-ASTM D 79. 4.1.11 VM & P Naphtha-T7-N-95.
D 600 Specification for Liquid Paint 4.1.6 Alkyd Resin Solution Type S-The 4.1.12 Toluene-ASTM D 362.
Driers resin shall be supplied as a 60- 4.1.13 Methyl Ethyl Ketone-ASTM D
D 605 Specification for Magnesium masspercent solution in VM & P naph- 740.
Silicate Pigment tha. The resin solids shall be a medium
4.1.14 Driers-ASTM D 600 Class B.
D 711 Test Method for NoPick-Up oil soya modified resin. No rosin shall be
permitted. The oil fatty acids shall be 4.1.15 Suspending Agent-Organo
Time of Traffic Paint
either alkali refined soya oil or fatty acids Montmorillonite.
4.1.16 Chlorinated Rubber Stabilizer for TABLE 1 Characteristics of Alkyd Resin Solutions
Type N and F paint, epichlorohydrin or Alkyd Resin Alkyd Resin Alkyd Resin
propylene oxide. Type S Type N Type F
Solids, mass percent 60 ± 1 60 ± 1 60 ± 1
Phthalic acid, mass percent 30 min 30 min 33-37
5. REQUIREMENTS Oil acids, mass percent 50 min 54 min 48-55
Iodine Nº 115-130 115-130 115 min
Color, gardner (max) 9 9 9
5.1 Color-The yellow paint shall match Acid number (max) 8 8 8
color chip Nº 33538 of Federal Standard- Viscosity:
595a. Reduced to 45-mass-percent solids D to H D to H D to G
mark or trade name, kind of paint, for- accordance with the appropriate method for pigments and solids can be expected if
mula, number of liters (gallons), date of in Federal Test Method Standard No. weighing precautions are not taken.
manufacture and lot number, title and 141. If no method exists in the Federal 7.2 The purchaser tray utilize X-ray
number of this specification, and type of Test Method, the appropriate ASTM analysis, gas chromatography, infra-red,
paint. Method shall be used. or ultra violet spectral analysis of the
NOTE 2-Because of the volatility of the paint or its components to determine
7. METHODS OF SAMPLING AND solvents used, extreme care must be taken whether specified ingredients were used.
TESTING when testing Type F paint for pigment and Evidence of adulteration or improper
solids. It is recommended that closed contain- formulation shall be cause for rejection.
ers, weighing bottles and transfer devices such
7.1 Except as shown in Section 6.2 the as syringes or pipettes be used. High results
paint shall be sampled and tested in