LabStrips U11 Plus GL
LabStrips U11 Plus GL
LabStrips U11 Plus GL
The reagents in the individual test fields are formulated to contain: Do not take the strip out of the meter during reading procedure.
Bilirubin: Diazonium salt 3.1 % Prior to measuring always make sure that the process is performed according to the
Urobilinogen: Diazonium salt 3.6 % instructions for use of the LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer.
Ketones: Sodium nitroprusside 2.0 % Do not perform urine analysis at temperatures below +15˚C or above +35˚C.
2,6-dichloro-phenol-indophenol 0.7 % Strips must be kept away from heat and direct sunlight.
Urinalysis Ascorbic acid:
Do NOT ever reuse test strips. After measurement completed eliminate the strip carefully.
Glucose: Glucose oxidase 2.1 %
Peroxidase 0.9 % Until usage, store the test strips in original packages. Strips in each vial should not be
Test strip for semi-quantitative urine analysis from fresh urine. Use only with LabUMat 2 O-Tolidine hydrochloride 5.0 % mixed.
automated urine chemistry analyzer or for visual reading. The LabStrip U11 Plus GL is an Protein: Tetra-bromophenol blue 0.2 % Diagnoses and therapies can not be derived from one single test result only, instead
in vitro diagnostic medical device for professional laboratory use only in conformity with the Blood: Isopropylbenzol-hydroperoxide 21.0 % should be based on all available medical diagnoses.
Directive 98/79/EC. Tetramethylbenzidine-dihydrochloride 2.0 % Never use the strip if more than 5 minutes spent from the moment of its removing from
pH: Bromthymol blue 10.0 % the vial.
150 pcs urine test strips for rapid determination of Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, Ketones (Acetoacetic
Acid), Ascorbic acid, Glucose, Protein (Albumin), Blood, pH value, Nitrite, Leukocytes and Methyl red 2.0 % Biological risk!
Specific Gravity in urine. Refer to the carton and label for specific parameter combination on the Nitrite: Sulfanilic acid 1.9 % Handle all specimens and strips as if they contamined infectious agents. When the assay
product you are using. Tetrahydrobenzol[h]quinolon-3-ol 1.5 % procedure is completed, dispose of specimens and strips carefully follow the relevant, local
Leukocytes: Carboxylic acid ester 0.4 % instructions.
Summary and Explanation: Diazonium salt 0.2 % In rare occasions, the varying test conditions, due to the heterogenity of the different urine
Screening test for recognition of liver disease, biliary and hepatic obstructions, diabetes, and Specific Gravity: Bromthymol blue 2.8 % (for reasons of different levels of activators, inhibitors, or different ion concentrations)
haemolytic diseases, urological, and nephrological diseases associated with haematuria or Concentrations given are based on reagent composition (w/w) at time of manufacture and may may cause variation in the intensity and contrast of the colors.
haemoglobinuria, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, pathological shifts in the pH value, as vary within manufacturing tolerances. Not all cases of interference with every component of any medicines are known. The color
well as for investigation of the sediment. reaction of the pads might change. We, therefore, recommend another test at the end of
Warning! any medication with drugs.
Clinical Utility: Every item in the package can be handled as household waste. As reactive materials are Always follow the general working instructions for laboratories as well.
Bilirubin: Intended to measure the levels of bilirubin conjugates in urine. Measurements of present at very low quantity, the product does not come under the scope of the relevant The test strips do NOT contain toxic materials!
urinary bilirubin and conjugates are used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain liver and bile EU regulations for dangerous materials.
diseases. Keep away from swallowing, touching with skin or mucous membranes of chemicals! Results:
Urobilinogen: Intended to detect and estimate urobilinogen (a bile pigment degradation product For in vitro diagnostic use only! Results are determined visually by direct comparison of reacted test fields with the colour
of red blood cell haemoglobin) in urine. Estimations obtained by this device are used in the The vial cap containing a non toxic, molecule-sieve based drying agent blocks the chart on the container label. Visual colour charts represent nominal test values for each test
diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases and haemolytic (red blood cells) disorders. test strips from air-humidity. In case of swallowing the drying agent chemicals, drink field-actual values may vary around the nominal values.
Ketones: Intended to detect ketones in urine. Identification of ketones is used for in the diagnosis substantial amount of liquid. The leucocyte and blood (erythrocyte) tests are not quantitative determinations, but serve
and treatment of acidosis (a condition characterized by abnormally high acidity of body fluids) or If you have any questions, please turn to your local distributor! as screening methods for the presence of Leucocytes and blood (erythrocytes) in urine.
ketosis (a condition characterized by increased production of ketone bodies) and for monitoring Microscopic examination of specimens with a positive Leucocyte or blood test result should
Arrangements for urine analysis:
patients with diabetes. be performed if quantitative results are required.
Ascorbic acid: Intended to measure the level of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in urine. Warning! Ascorbic acid may interfere with the glucose, nitrite, bilirubin and blood test results (see
Glucose: Intended to measure glucosuria (glucose in urine). Urinary glucose measurements are Use only LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer for LabStrip U11 Plus GL test Limitations below). If a positive Ascorbic acid result is found, either repeat the test at least
used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes strip urine analysis. 10 hours one day after discontinuation of Vitamin C administration or use a photometric test
mellitus and hyperglycemia. If you open a new LabStrip U11 Plus GL test strip package you can find a calibration card unaffected by Ascorbic acid.
Protein: Intended to identity protein in urine. Identification of urinary protein is used in diagnosis for checking and setting of LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer. You can find When using LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer please refer the user manual of
and treatment of renal diseases. the instructions for settings in the user manual of the meter. Adjustment of the meter is not those instrument.
Blood: Intended to detect occult blood in urine. Occult blood indicates serious urological or required until the start of next strip vial.
kidney diseases. System operation:
pH: Intended to estimate the pH of urine. Estimations of pH are used to evaluate the acidity or Follow the user manual of LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer. Each test strip has 11 measuring zones. These zones contain sensitive reagents. Colour of
alkalinity of urine as it relates to numerous renal and metabolic disorders and in the monitoring of Specimen Collection and Preparation: the test field is changing as a result of chemical reaction of urine contact. The LabUMat 2
patients with certain diets. Persisting high pH values indicate urinary tract infections. automated urine chemistry analyzer detects the colouration and displays the result.
Nitrite: Intended to identify nitrite in urine. Nitrite identification is used in the diagnosis and Collect urine in a clean, dry container which allows complete immersion of all the fields
treatment of urinary tract infections of bacterial origin. on the test strip. Limitations of the Procedure:
Leukocytes: Intended to detect leucocytes in urine. Leucocytes indicate inflammatory diseases Do not add preservatives. Note: Diagnostic or therapeutic decisions should not be based on any single result or method.
of the kidney and the urinary tract, and suggest need of further investigation. Test the specimen as soon as possible, with the sample well mixed but not centrifuged. Bilirubin: The reaction is unaffected by pH of urine. False low or negative results may be
Specific Gravity: Intended to provide an estimation of renal ability of urine concentration or urine The use of fresh morning urine is recommended for optimal nitrite tests, as well as for simulated by large amounts of vitamine C or nitrite or by longer exposure of the sample to
dilution. The specific gravity of urine varies in accordance with the drinking quantity as well as the valid determination of bilirubin and urobilinogen, since these compounds are direct light. Increased concentration of urobilinogen can reinforce the sensitivity of the
different disorders. unstable when exposed to light and room temperature (+15 to +25 °C). field. Different urine constituents (e.g. urine indicane) can lead to atypical coloration. For
If immediate testing is not possible, the sample should be stored in the refrigerator metabolites of drugs see urobilinogen.
Principle of the Procedure: (+2 to +8 °C) and then brought to room temperature (+15 to +25 °C) before used in Urobilinogen: The reaction is unaffected by pH of urine. Higher concentration of formaldehyde
Bilirubin: A red azo compound is obtained in the presence of acid by coupling of bilirubin with the test. or exposure of the urine to light for a longer period of time may lead to lowered or falsely
diazonium salt. Non-preserved urine at room temperature may undergo pH changes due to microbial negative results. Beetroot (excreted pigments) or metabolites of drugs which give a colour at
Urobilinogen: The test is based on the coupling of urobilinogen with a stabilised diazonium salt proliferation, which may interfere with protein determination. low pH (phenazopyridine, azo dyes, p-aminobenzoic acid or other medicaments which have
to a red azo compound. If cleanly voided specimens are not collected from females, positive results for a red intrinsic coloration in acidic medium) may produce false positive results. Prolonged
Ketones: Acetone and acetoacetic acid react with sodium nitroprusside in alkaline solution to leukocytes may be found due to contamination from outside the urinary tract. exposure to light is to be avoided.
give violet coloured complex (Legal’s test). Skin cleansers containing chlorhexidine may affect protein test results if specimen positive Ketones: Phthalein compounds and derivatives of anthrachinone interfere by producing a red
Ascorbic acid: The detection is based on the decolouration of Tillman’s reagent. contamination occurs. coloration in the alkaline range which may mask the coloration of ketones.
Glucose: The detection is based on the glucoseoxidase-peroxidase-chromogen reaction. Apart Procedure and Notes: Ascorbic acid: As ascorbic acid already in low concentrations can disturb various test fields,
from glucose no other compound in urine is known to give a positive reaction. Use only fresh, mixed, not centrifuged urine. First morning urine is recommended. Perform especially the glucose assay in low concentrations, the test must be repeated if the ascorbic
Protein: The test is based on the „protein error” principle of the indicator. The test is especially the urine analysis in 4 hours after sample collection! Keep urine away from light. acid reaction is positive, however, at the earliest 10 hours after the last vitamin C intake
sensitive in the presence of albumin. Other proteins are indicated with less sensitivity. Collect specimen in clean, rinsed containers, free of detergents. Do not use preservatives! (medication, fruit and vegetables).
Blood: The detection is based on the pseudoperoxidative activity of haemoglobin and myoglobin, After removing the required number of strips, close immediately the container securely with Glucose: High concentrations of ascorbic acid in urines with a low glucose concentration (up
which catalyze the oxidation of an indicator by organic hydroperoxide and chromogene producing the vial cap containing drying agent. to 100 mg/dl (5.5 mmol/l)) may inhibit the reaction and lead to lower or false negative results.
a green colour. Do not touch test areas of the reagent strip. Repeat the test 10 hours one day after stopping the intake of vitamin C. Pay attention to the
pH: The test paper contains indicators which clearly change colour between pH 5 and pH 9 (from ascorbic acid field. In addition an inhibitory effect is produced by gentisic acid, a pH value of
orange to green to turquoise). In case of instrumental reading <5 and high specific gravity. False positive reactions can also be produced by a residue of
Nitrite: The colour test is based on the principle of Griess reaction. Any degree of pink-orange Read carefully the instructions for use of LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer. peroxide containing cleansing agents or others.
colouration should be interpreted as a positive nitrite test suggestive of ≥10 organisms/ml urine. In case of reading with LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer, the meter feeds the Protein (albumin): Falsely positive results are possible in high alkaline urine samples
Leucocytes: The test is based on the esterase activity of granulocytes. This enzyme splits strips and the samples are pipetted automatically. Then the result is displayed after 1 minute (pH >9) and in the presence of high specific gravity, after infusions with polyvinylpyrrolidone
heterocyclic carboxylates. The component released reacts with a diazonium salt producing a incubation period. (blood substitute) after intake of medicaments containing quinine and also by disinfectant
violet colour. In case of visual reading residues containing quaternary ammonium groups in the urine sampling vessel.
Specific Gravity: The test is based on a colour change of the reagent from blue-green to greenish Blood: Microhaematuria does not affect the colour of urine and is only detectable by
yellow depending on the concentration of ions in the urine. The test permits the determination of The reagents have two handles. Take the end that is closer to the tube cap in the original microscopic or chemical tests. From a level approx. 25 Ery/μl and above, even at high
urine density between 1.000 and 1.030. package. You hold it right if the dark (green) SG pad is closest to your hand. concentrations of ascorbic acid normally no negative results are observed. Falsely positive
Immerse the test strip into the urine for approx. 2 sec, so that all reagent areas are covered.
reactions can also be produced by a residue of peroxide containing cleansing agents, activities
Kit Components: Remove excess urine from the strip by wiping the edge of the strip on the edge of the of microbial oxidase due to infections of the urogenital tract or by formaline. For establishing
Each kit contains everything needed to perform 150 tests: urine container or on absorbent paper. an individual diagnosis, it is therefore indispensable to take into consideration also the clinical
150 pcs LabStrip U11 Plus GL test strips, To prevent interference from adjacent test areas, incubate the strip in horizontal position. manifestations.
Label with colour scale for visual reading, Compare the reagent areas on the strip with the corresponding color charts on the The number of erythrocytes which are detected by sediment analysis may be lower than the
1 pc Calibration card for checking and setting of LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry container about 60 sec (between 60-120 sec for the Leucocyte test) after immersion. Do result of the test strip, because lysed cells are not detected by sediment analysis.
analyzer, not read later than 2 minutes. pH: No interferences are known.
1 pc Instructions for use. Colours on the colour chart are representing the nominal values of the test fields. Actual Nitrite: Before testing the patient should ingest vegetable-rich meals, reduce fluid intake and
Other required appliances for urine analysis: results are located around nominal values. discontinue antibiotic and vitamin C therapy 3 days prior to the test. False positive results may
The white field between the specific weight and leukocyte test field is for instrument occur in stale urine samples, in which nitrite has been formed by contamination of the specimen
LabUMat 2 automated urine chemistry analyzer with instructions for use. measurements and is used to compensate for the intrinsic colour of urine.
Clean, detergent free and dry container for urine collection. and in urines containing dyes (derivatives of pyridinium, beetroot).
Visuelle Auswertung Sediment nicht erfasst werden. Spezifisches Gewicht 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030
pH-Wert: Keine Interferenzen sind bekannt.
Die Teststreifen haben einen Griff an beiden Enden. Den Teststreifen am Griff ergreifen, Nitrit: Vor der Untersuchung sollte der Patient gemüsereiche Nahrung zu sich nehmen,
der in richtung der Dosenkappe in der originalverpackung liegt, wo das dunkelgrüne die Flüssigkeitsaufnahme reduzieren und eine Antibiotica- oder Vitamin C-Therapie 3 Tage Haltbarkeit
Testfeld angebracht wird. vor Probennahme absetzen. Falsch positive Resultate können bei alten Urinen auftreten Teststreifen kühl und trocken aufbewahren (Lagertemperatur +2 bis +30 °C). Stets nur die
Teststreifen kurz (ca. 2 Sek.) in die Urinprobe eintauchen. Alle Testfelder benetzen. (Nitritbildung auf Grund von Sekundärkontamination) und in Urinen, die Farbstoffe enthalten notwendige Anzahl an Teststreifen entnehmen. Packung nach der Entnahme sofort wieder fest
Überschüssigen Harn über die Kante des Streifens am Rand des Sammelgefäßes oder
(Pyridiniumderivate, rote Beete). Negative Anzeige bei vorliegender Bakterieurie kann folgende verschließen. Dose nach Entnahme sofort wieder mit dem Originalverschluss verschließen.
auf saugfähigem Papier abstreifen.
Ursachen haben: Keime ohne Befähigung zur Nitratreduktion, Antibiotica-Therapie, nitratarme
Teststreifen während der Inkubationszeit waagerecht halten, um Interferenzen zwischen Teststreifen vor Licht und Feuchtigkeit schützen. Bei sachgemäßer Lagerung sind die
Kost, starke Diurese, hoher Ascorbinsäuregehalt oder zu geringe Verweilzeit des Urins in der
den Reaktionszonen zu vermeiden. Teststreifen bis zum aufgedruckten Verfalldatum haltbar. Reaktionszone nicht berühren.
Spezifische Leistungsangaben
Die Leistungsangaben des LabStrip U11 Plus GL Teststreifens basieren auf klinischen und
analytischen Studien. Die Empfindlichkeit ist von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig, sowie den
Unterschieden in der Farbwahrnehmung, Anwesenheit oder Abwesenheit von normalerweise
im Harm anzutreffenden Inhibitoren und Matrixfaktoren. Markings/Symbole
Bilirubin: 90 % der Teste ergaben positive Resultate auf Bilirubinkonzentration ab 0.5 mg/dl.
Farbveränderungen, die nach Stellung auftreten, sind ohne Bedeutung. In vitro diagnostic medical device
Urobilinogen: Nach Kutter [10], führen Werte ab 1 mg/dl von Urobilinogen zu positiven In vitro Diagnostikum
Keton: 90 % der Teste ergaben positive Resultate auf Acetessigsäure ab 8 mg/dl. Der Test REF Catalogue Number
reagiert nicht mit Aceton. Hydroxibuttersäure wird nicht erfasst. Artikelnummer
Ascorbinsäure: 90 % der Teste ergaben positive Resultate auf Ascorbinsäure ab 20 mg/dl.
Glucose: Konzentrationen ab 20 mg/dl Glucose werden angezeigt. Die Empfindlichkeit der Lot Number
Testfelder ermöglicht pathologische Glucosekonzentrationen von 30 mg/dl (Fine) [11] zu Chargenbezeichnung
erfassen. Außer Glucose ist kein Harninhaltsstoff bekannt, der eine positive Reaktion liefert.
Ascorbinsäure in hohen Dosen kann in Proben mit niedrigem Glucosegehalt die Reaktion Conformity with 98/79/EC (IVD) Directive
hemmen. Ascorbinsäurefeld beachten! Dieses Produkt entspricht der Richtlinie IVDD 98/79/EC
Protein (Albumin): 90 % der Teste ergaben positive Resultate auf Albuminkonzentrationen ab
12 mg/dl. Der Proteintest ist gegenüber Mucoproteinen und Globulinen weniger empfindlich. Use by
Ein negatives Ergebnis schließt also das Vorhandensein dieser Proteine nicht aus. Verwendbar bis
Blut: Der Test ist gleichermaßen empfindlich für Myoglobin und Hämoglobin. Der Test erfasst +30°C
Werte ab 5 bis 10 Erythrozyten/μl Harn. Eine Studie von 625 frischen Harnproben, wobei Temperature Limitation
die Resultate mit denen von anderen Teststreifen verglichen wurden, ermittelt eine klinische +2°C Lagerung bei
Spezifität von 90,2% und eine Empfindlichkeit von 81%.
pH-Wert: Die Farbskala erlaubt eine deutliche Differenzierung des pH-Wertes zwischen pH Manufacturer
5 und 9. Die Werte werden nicht durch Änderungen der Urinpufferkonzentration beeinträchtigt. Hergestellt von
Nitrit: Der Nachweis erfasst Werte ab 0.05 mg Nitrit/dl Harn, das bedeutet 100.000 Keime/ml
Harn. In dem ersten Morgenurin wird 90 % der Ansteckung positives Nitritergebnis ergeben. Keep away from sunlight
Das Prinzip dieses Tests beruht auf der Umwandlung von Nitrat (aus Nahrung) in Nitrit durch Teststreifen vor Licht und Feuchtigkeit schützen!
gram-negative Bakterien im Harn. Der Test ist nitritspezifisch und reagiert keiner anderen
normalerweise im Harn ausgeschiedenen Substanz. Bakterien werden nicht aufgeführt. Consult instructions for use
Leukozyten: 90 % der Teste ergaben positive Resultate auf Konzentrationen ab 20 Leukozyten/ Packungsbeilage beachten.
μl. Eine rosa Verfärbung am Testfeld wird als klinisch signifikant beurteilt. Klinische
Empfindlichkeit aus 822 Harnproben befunden zwischen 80 % und 89,2 %. Caution
Spezifisches Gewicht/Dichte: Bei 86% von 102 Harnproben befunden die Werte am Vorsicht!
Farbskala im Bereich von + oder – eins im Vergleich zu den durch die Refraktometer-Methode
gemessenen Werten. Biological Risks
Biologische Gefahr
Impräzision während der Analyse
Die Wiederholbarkeit während der Analyse wurde durch 10 wiederholte Messungen mit zwei Contains sufficient for 150 tests
Harnkontrolllösungen (normal, abnormal) definiert. Die negativen and positiven Resultate Packungen mit 150 Teststreifen
wurden zu 100% der Zeit auf alle Parameter richtig identifiziert.
Do NOT Reuse
Impräzision zwischen Analysen Für den Einmalgebrauch.
Die Reproduzierbarkeit zwischen den Analysen wurde durch 10 unabhängige Messungen mit
Do not use if package is damaged
zwei Harnkontrolllösungen (normal, abnormal) definiert. Die Messungen wurden 6 Monate
Nicht benützen, wenn die Verpackung beschädigt ist!
lang mit drei verschiedenen Chargen von Reagenzien duchgeführt. Die negativen and positiven
Resultate wurden zu 100% der Zeit auf alle Parameter richtig identifiziert.
English language
Deutsche Sprache
[1] Legal, E. A.: New Acetone Reaction and its Applicability for the Examination of Urine. Chem. Centr. 15:
652 (1983)
[2] Chertack, M. und Sherrick, J.: Evaluation of Nitroprusside Dip Test for Ketone Bodies. J. A. M. A. 167:
1621 (1958)
[3] Roe, J. H.: Chemical Determination of ascorbic, dehydroascorbic and diketogulonic Acids. Methods of
Biochemical Analysis, Vol 1: 115 (1954) ed. by d. Glick, Interscience Publisher, New York
[4] Comer, J.: Semiquantitative Specific Test Paper for Glucose in Urine. Anal. Chem. 28: 1748 (1956)
[5] Appel, W., Nurck, C. und Merkle, U.: A Rapid Test for Urinary glucose with an Ascorbic Acid Zone.
Medical laboratory 6: 29–39 (1979)
[6] Sorenson, S.: The Measurement of the Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Its Importance for Enzymatic
process. Biochem. Z. 21: 131 (1909)
[7] Vonderschmitt, D. und Scholer, A.: Teststreifen für Screening-Untersuchungen zum semiquantitativen
Nachweis von Proteinurinen. J. Clin. Chem. Biochem. 19: 997 (1981)
[8] Leonards, J.: Simple Test for Hematuria compared with Established Tests. J. A. M. A. 179: 807 (1962)
[9] Weltmann, O.: Method for the Simple Detection of Urinary Tract Infections. Wien. Med. Wschr. 72: 618
[10] Kutter, D. und Humbel, R.: Quantitative Assay of Urinary Urobilinogen with p-Methoxybenzene
Diazoniumfluoroborate. Clin. chim. Acta 45: 61–66 (1922)
[11] Fine, J.: Glucose Content of Normal Urine. Brit. Med. J. 1: 1209–1214 (1965)
Stripping/ Streifen
REF ANA-9901GL-1: 150 pieces of tests / 150 Stk. Teststreifen
ANA-9201GL-1 V1 GB-D 2012. 04.