RS-RV Brochure EN

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A different breed.
New RF, RS and RV. Lamborghini's specialist
tractors with a class-leading turning circle

Lamborghini offers an extensive specialised range developed for orchard and vineyard
work, that's capable of meeting all the requirements of this type of agriculture, thanks to
optimized engines, limited height, compact dimensions and a class-leading turning circle.

The range features a shorter wheelbase and the ideal steering angle (60° for 4WD and 70°
for 2WD versions) for working in tight spaces. The distinctive, narrow-based shape of the
hood, the hood side panels and the new streamlined front axle support ensure maximum
agility and manoeuvrability even in the tightest spaces. The transmission, electronically
controlled hitch and front-wheel drive are perfectly structured for maximum ease of use,
even with implements requiring high power and high precision.

With outstanding comfort, configured to suit individual requirements, these compact

machines are able to optimize productivity in any orchard or vineyard.
2 3
SDF 3-cylinder and 4-cylinder engines.
Compact technology, high performance

The full complement of SDF's

technological know-how in the

The engines in the RF, RS and RV range

reflect Lamborghini's long experience
in the specialist tractor segment. They
also represent the most advanced offer-
ing available, in terms of both efficiency
and compliance with Tier 3 emissions

1000 cc unitary displacement com-

mon to all versions: 3-cylinder turbo/
intercooled rated 82 HP, and 4-cylinder
turbo/intercooled rated 85 and 96 HP.
With these options available, you can
choose the engine that best suits your
needs, whether your priority is com-
pactness or performance.

By adopting a unitary displacement of

one litre, SDF's design engineers have
overcome the limitations of more tradi-
tional solutions offered by the market.
These typically mount engines with dis-
placement of less than 1000 cc per cyl-
inder, which are compact but lack pow-
er, or more than 1000 cc per cylinder,
which are more powerful but also bulky, The SDF system guarantees a particu-
and therefore unsuitable for specialist larly high operating pressure (1400 bar)
cultivation, unless they are available in a and instant injection, which is governed
3-cylinder version. by a load-responsive electronic control
unit for optimized performance and fuel
The engines of all the RF/RS/RV range, consumption. RF and RS models also
in both turbo and turbo/intercooled ver- feature cruise control: at the touch of a
sions, are equipped with an innovative and button, the operator can save a selected
exclusive fuel injection system designed engine speed which will then be kept con-
by SDF and features an individual injection stant by the electronic control unit even
pump for each cylinder, rather than a tra- under changing load conditions, for a
ditional rotary pump. consistant work rate.

Traditional engines
Compact RS-RV 90.3 - 3 CYLINDERS RF 110 - 4 CYLINDERS
Low performance POWER TORQUE
80 400
75 Power
66 360
70 Torque
Generous performance 60 Power
340 65
Bulky 55 Torque


320 350
50 55

45 300 50
3 or 4
SDF engines
cylinders 290
270 35
3,000 or 30
4,000 cc Optimum 25 250 25 270
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
performance rev/min rev/min
ratio 4 5
Optimum power delivery according to work load. Optimized engine control ensures high torque and tractive
power at all times.
Super-compact efficiency
The engines in the RF/RS/RV range are A comprehensive equipment
equipped with hydraulic tappet lifters for package.
controlling injection advance. When the
oil is cold, these tappets lift the plunger
All RF/RS/RV models are equipped with
marginally to advance the injection timing,
the following as standard:
eliminating any white exhaust smoke and
optimizing efficiency from the start. - an oil cooler that keeps the transmission
Radiators, coolers, fans, filters, pipelines constantly at the right temperature, even
and all other components attached to the under the most punishing workloads;
engine unit have been designed with a - engine oil filter and pre-filter with water
view to minimizing overall dimensions and separator for swift removal of any re-
achieving maximum functionality, so that
routine maintenance and major servicing
sidual moisture from the system;
- a new and efficient silencer that reduc-
SDF engines
is made quicker and simpler. The coolant es noise levels considerably, with the 100% Biodiesel
radiator, oil cooler and intercooler form an option of down-swept exhaust under the
assembly that is both compact and easy platform, or vertical exhaust pipe.
to clean, even in the field; the cores are all Thanks to their unique design features equipped with a special fuel injection sys-
aluminium, for maximum heat dissipation. and use of first-rate materials, the en- tem utilizing wet pumps – one to each
The air cleaner occupies a recess in the gines of the new RF, RS and RV models individual injector – and a fuel feed cir-
fuel tank, and is equipped with a dust un- are able (when equipped with a special cuit with components manufactured from
loader, which extracts and automatically kit) to ensure complete operating effi- special materials, and consequently able
ejects heavier particles passing through ciency and total compatibility with bio- to run on these new fuels without diffi-
the filter element. There is also space un- diesel fuel, allowing blend ratios of up culty.
der the platform for an auxiliary fuel tank to 100% (biodiesel to EN 14214:2003
that will provide extra capacity without specifications).
adding to the dimensions of the tractor or
reducing ground clearance. Biodiesel typically has a higher viscosity
than other engine fuels and is chemically
more aggressive, but SDF engines are
6 7
A wide range of transmissions to suit every need

Versatility and effectiveness are the two top speed of 50 km/h (limited electronically
main features of Lamborghini RF/RS/RV to 40 km/h in some countries by law) either
machines, which have a transmission pro- by operating at a lower engine rpm in top
viding up to 3 ranges (with creeper) and gear to economize on fuel, or by selecting
5 speeds with three Powershift ratios, re- a lower gear. OVERSPEED is unaffected by
sulting in a total of 45 forward and 45 re- tyre size.
verse speeds. The mechanical transmis-
sion, which has 30+15 ratios, is easy to In practical terms, this means that the
use and practical. tractor can be driven on the road at
40  km/h either in economy mode (stay-
ing in top gear), or exploiting the full per-
With Powershift, declutching is a formance capabilities of the engine, using
thing of the past. a lower ratio. OVERSPEED also reduces
noise and vibration, making a significant
Powershift can be used by the operator difference to the level of comfort for the
to change gear, under power, and with driver.
no need to use the clutch pedal, so that
the right speed for all operations can be
selected with ease. Changes in transmis-
sion loadings are compensated, while the
engine rpm remains constant.

Using the Comfort Clutch button located

on the shift lever the operator can change
gear electrohydraulically without using the
clutch pedal - a real comfort when working
long hours in orchards and vineyards. An-
other feature is the OVERSPEED, which al-
lows the operator to take the tractor to its
Ground speed in km/h

Creeper range
L 0.18
1C M 0.22
H 0.27
L 0.28
2C M 0.32
H 0.39
L 0.40
3C M 0.48
H 0.58
L 0.59
The transmissions fitted to RF and RS (and RV) models have been developed by the SDF Engineering Department, 4C M 0.71
H 0.86
which boasts an outstanding track record in the design and development of drivelines for specialist applications. L 0.87
5C M 1.05
H 1.17

“Long Life” components extend the extends the life of the transmission and box. This means that simply by braking, Medium range

life of your tractor too. gives a smoother change between forward without operating the clutch pedal, the 1M
and reverse. The shuttle can be engaged driver can stop the tractor, whereupon H 1.71
L 1.72
Versions with higher specifications also under power at speeds up to 10 km/h, the shuttle is put "on hold" and will come 2M M 2.05
H 2.49
have a Power shuttle with two “Long Life” simply by moving a lever mounted to the into operation as soon as the brake pedals L 2.54
oil-immersed multi-disc clutches, which steering column and height-adjustable are released, responding immediately but M
together with the wheel. The hydraulic without jerking. Result: increased reliabil- L 3.75
4M M 4.50
shuttle saves time and effort when ma- ity, profitability, safety and comfort. H 5.45
L 5.53
noeuvring and making return passes, and 5M M 6.46

guarantees total safety, as it has a “neu- H 6.64

tral” position that will come into operation High range

when enabled. L 7.76
1H M 8.05
H 9.41
Complementing the hydraulic shuttle, 2H
M 11.31

Lamborghini specialist models can also be H

equipped with Stop&Go, a feature previ- 3H M 16.81
H 20.38
ously available only on higher horsepower L 20.64
4H 24.77
machines, which allows control of the M
H 30.03

shuttle and other transmission functions L 30.48

5H M 36.57
using only the brake pedals. The system H 44.33*

is piloted by an electronic control unit de- 0 10 20 30 40 50

signed to activate the shuttle manoeuvre (*) Top speed limited to 40 km/h in economy mode
after processing input signals received
A handy lever located beneath the steering from the shuttle lever, the braking sys- The spead of speeds in the different work
wheel enables you to shuttle between ranges provides you with an ideal speed for
forward and reverse even under power.
tem and a sensor attached to the gear-
every operating condition.
8 9
RF, RS and RV range:
more grip, manoeuvrability and ease of handling

Maximum traction and all-wheel

safety whenever you need it.

Pressing the relevant buttons, the four

wheel drive engages and the front and
rear differentials will lock, to give the
machine exceptional traction on steep
slopes and ensure complete operational

safety, even in the most demanding situ-
ations. The differentials unlock automati-
cally in response to slight pressure on
the brake pedal.
Exceptional traction even on the rough-
est terrain: with the AUTO 4WD sys-
tem, the operator no longer has to worry
about engaging/disengaging four-wheel
drive. The AUTO 4WD system performs
this operation fully automatically (in ac-
cordance with travel speed and steer-
ing angle) which means fewer repetitive
operations, allowing the focus on driving The system incorporates a Separate tight spaces, the two inside wheels

and improving safety. To ensure fault- Brakes valve allowing 3 different modes can be locked to create a tighter turn-
less braking on flat and hillside terrain, of operation: ing circle;
or when carrying mounted implements, - on all 4 wheels, for total safety during - Independent left or right rear wheel
each wheel hub houses a hydrostatically transport duties; only (using the Separate Brakes valve
operated, oil-immersed disc brake. - Independent left hand or right hand to disengage the front brakes); avoids
To overcome obstacles, while ensuring high brakes only (enabled by unlatching the turning with the inner front wheel
traction and tight turning circles, RF models two brake pedals and using either the locked and consequently damaging
(1) are equipped with a suspended axle and
RS models (2) with a pivoted axle left or right); when manoeuvring in the soil.
Intelligent axle design and streamlined ge- dard on all models, to ensure a smooth
ometry of the front end frame and hood, and responsive steering even in tight ar-
all models of the RF/RS range benefit eas.
from a wide steering angle (60° for four
wheel drive versions, increasing to 70°
for two wheel drive versions). With their
short wheelbase, low centre of gravity and
optimum weight distribution between ax-
les, all RF/RS tractors are characterized 12°

by excellent manoeuvrability, as well as

perfect stability and traction.

When negotiating gradients, the agility of

these Lamborghini specialist machines is
highlighted even more by the power steer- Optimum positioning has reduced the number of
ing with a separate gear pump as stan- components in the steering area.

The new design of the front axle support and Automatic management of front-wheel drive, with
the reduced dimensions of the hood result in an a steering angle sensor, reduces turning circle.
60° steering angle
increase in steering angle.
10 11
Powerful lift and P.T.O: a winning combination

The hydraulic system used on RF/RS/RV Likewise when selecting the number of Mid spool valves
machines can be equipped with a single spool valves, the options available to the Up to 4 ports (duplicated with rear), and
pump or a tandem (dual) pump, rated up user will cover practically all requirements. a choice of: 2 additional mechanical spool
to 58 l/min. This provides the basis for valves (4-way) for mid mounted applica-
a flexible selection of hydraulic specifica- Rear spool valves tions, or 2 additional electrohydraulic
tions that will meet the widest range of Up to 3 double acting (6-way) valves, with spool valves (6-way) with separate flow
needs. flow regulator, and the further option of regulator controlled by a joystick on the
The control valves and mechanical hitch control
using two pressure spools and one float. right-hand console. are located on the side console.
With a rated capacity of 3000 kg, the
rear hitch is able to handle the heaviest
of equipment.
Efficient, sturdy and easy to use, the me-
chanical lift ensures accurate control of all
hitched implements, whilst the electronic
lift offers truly unparalleled performance
for tasks requiring high levels of precision.
Implements can be coupled quickly and
simply to the linkage, using duplicate con-
trols on the rear fenders. There is also the
option of a front hitch rated up to 1500
kg, and a front P.T.O. operating at 1000

For higher performance and enhanced operator

comfort, RF-RS-RV can also be equipped
with an electronic rear hitch, electrohydraulic
controls for the main engagement functions and
a joystick lever for auxiliary control valves.
Multi-disc clutch: even more
power available.
The great versatility of the RF/RS/RV
range is reflected from the different power
take-offs available. All are equipped with
an oil-immersed multiple disc clutch op-
erating at 540/1000/540 eco speeds,
plus ground speed P.T.O. High power out-
put (essential when crop-spraying, for ex-
ample), ensuring maximum reliability and
consistent savings on fuel (important when
using side-shoot cutters or inter-row cul-
Ground speed P.T.O. is particularly useful
for towing live-axle trailers on hillside ter-

The P.T.O. - Simplicity personified.

The P.T.O. is extremely easy to manage
thanks to the electrohydraulic control sys-
tem, which indicates the selected speed
on the instrument display panel and en-
sures smooth, modulated clutch engage-
ment, with no jerking or snatching.

12 13
Compact, comfortable and ergonomic

The use of new, sound-insulating and anti-

vibration materials lies at the heart of
Lamborghini's specialist tractor cabs.

The result is a blend of comfort, ergonom-

ics and design that sets new standards in
this power bracket.

An all-glass structure with 4 narrow

uprights and a windscreen without any
central cross-member, for outstanding
all-round visibility; wider operating area, The instrument panel is equipped with electrohydraulic
maximizing the comfort, sound insulation controls for the PTO, differentials and automatic 4-wheel
drive selection.
and pressurization of the cab.

The ergonomic controls are perfectly lo-

cated and intuitive to use, by virtue of be-
ing colour-coded and immediately identifi-

The stylish tapered and smoothly con-

toured lines of the hood and roof enhance
the machine's ability to slip under hanging
branches without any damage.

An updated instrument panel with new functions and

improved ergonomics.
The ideal climate in all weathers.

The roof space houses an efficient climate

control system connected to positionable
vents located around the cab, which main-
tain a comfortable temperature on the
inside to ensure optimum working condi-
tions whatever the weather outside.

Noise levels in the cab are minimal, thanks

to the instalation of special window glass,
and state-of-the-art sound insulation ma-
Angle-adjustable air vents ensure an ideal climate in the cab at all times.
terials under the hood.

A welcome optional feature is the driver

seat with air suspension, which absorbs
and cushions every bump and jolt caused
by rough terrain.

The new cover of the enlarged air conditioning condenser delivers The use of innovative sound-insulating materials and anti-vibration
high performance while reducing radiator cleaning times. panels ensures the highest levels of ambient comfort.

14 15
Lamborghini RF, RS and RV: the essence of agility and versatility

The RF version is available with a 28” cab,

and with 2 wide platform configurations
suspended on silentblock mounts, set at
different heights to suit 28” and 24” tyre
For the RS version, 2 tyre-dependent plat-
forms on silentblock mounts are available:
a wider platform to accommodate 28”
tyres, and a narrower platform for 20”
tyres, which will also accommodate 24”
tyres. This results in a low-profile configu-
ration, with more room inside. Outstand-
ing all-round visibility ensured by large
areas of window glass, and “kinder” to
the plants and fruits by virtue of the cab’s
compact dimensions.
Also included in the RF and RS ranges is a
special version of the RS, identified by the
letters “RV”.
Available with cab, or with a 20” platform,
the RV is the model with the lowest and
narrowest profile of the entire range, a
machine that sets the standards in terms
of agility and versatility.
RF. 80-90-100-110
Tyres Overall Height Height at Height at Height at Ground
Cab Platform Front Rear mm at hood instrument panel fenders cab with AC clearance
Size LR front Size LR rear F R mm mm mm mm mm

280/70 R20” 411 380/70 R28” 585 1590 1585 1330 1340 1345 2335 265
300/70 R20” 428 420/70 R28” 609 1605 1625 1350 1360 1365 2360 280
16.9 R24”
28” 280/70 R20” 411
420/85 R24”
591 1590 1640 1335 1345 1350 2340 265
13.6 R28”
High 7.50 R20” 422
340/85 R28”
595 1420 1430 1340 1350 1355 2345 275

9.5 R20” 14.9 R28”

436 615 1560 1565 1360 1370 1375 2365 290
28” 250/85 R20” 380/85 R28”
240/70 R16” 331 380/70 R20” 478 1500 1540 1240 1250 1165 2235 185
280/70 R16” 358 360/70 R24” 516 1460 1465 1270 1280 1205 2270 210
24” 280/70 R16” 358 380/70 R24” 538 1535 1540 1280 1290 1225 2290 210

Low 280/70 R18” 383 420/70 R24” 563 1610 1615 1305 1315 1250 2315 235
14.9 R24”
280/70 R18” 383 563 1610 1600 1305 1315 1250 2315 235
380/85 R24”

RS. 80-90.3-90-100-110
Tyres Overall Height Height at Height at Height at Ground
Platform / Cab Front Rear mm at hood instrument panel fenders cab with AC clearance
Size LR front Size LR rear F R mm mm mm mm mm

280/70 R18” 383 380/70 R28” 585 1380 1375 1370 1375 1345 2350 240

28” 280/70 R18”

280/70 R16”
420/70 R28”
420/70 R24”
High 12.4 R28
7.50 R16” 370 578 1260 1265 1360 1365 1340 2345 230
320/85 R28”
240/70 R16” 331 360/70 R24” 516 1365 1365 1310 1315 1160 2285 190
20” 260/70 R16” 345 380/70 R24” 538 1380 1390 1330 1335 1180 2305 200

Low 6.50 R16” 360

12.4 R24”
530 1250 1265 1335 1340 1170 2300 215
320/85 R24”
260/70 R16” 345 320/70 R24” 505 1225 1215 1130 1135 1140 2280 200
240/70 R16” 331 380/70 R20” 478 1290 1290 1295 1300 1115 2250 190

RV. 280/60 R15.5” 325 360/60 R24” G

11.2 R24”
502 1265 1295 1300 1305 1145 2270 180

6.50 R16” 360 497 1140 1160 1140 1140 1130 2275 215
280/85 R24” G
27x10.5 R15” 323 41x14 R20” G 465 1390 1390 1285 1290 1100 2240 180
16 17
Data and measurements are subject to variation depending on brand of tyres. *LR = Loaded radius (Continental)
Version 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD
Cylinders / Displacement n°/cm³ 3/3000 4/4000 4/4000 4/4000 Clutch Oil-immersed multi-disc clutch
Air intake Turbo/Intercooled rpm 540-540 ECO
Max. power (homologated to ECE 2000/25/CE) HP/kW 82/60 85/63 96/71 106/78 Speeds rpm 540-540 ECO-1000
Rated engine speed rpm 2200 2200 2200 2000 Ground-speed PTO
Maximum torque Nm 310 345 373 390 Control Pushbutton electrohydraulic
Speed Engine rpm at maximum torque rpm 1600 1600 1600 1600 P.T.O. FRONT
Cooling Liquid-oil Clutch Oil-immersed multi-disc clutch
Engine control (governor) Electronic Speeds rpm 1000
Engine air filter Dry type with safety element and dust unloader Control Pushbutton electrohydraulic
Silencer under hood With lateral/vertical exhaust pipe BRAKES AND STEERING
55 with tank in front of engine 4-wheel braking, oil-immersed discs on all 4 wheels,
Fuel tank capacity Litres Brakes
40 with additional tank under platform hydraulically operated
DIMENSIONS and WEIGHTS (with rear tyres) 360/70R24 380/70R24 420/70R24 420/70R24 Parking brake Independent
Max. length without link arms mm 3186 3338 3363 3363 Trailer brake Hydraulic braking valve
Width min-max mm 1443-2012 1478-1988 1618-2018 1618-2018 Hydrostatic power steering Independent pump with adjustable steering wheel
Overall height at safety frame mm 2228 2380 2405 2405 Steering angle 4WD 55°
Height at engine hood mm 1296 1318 1343 1343 HYDRAULIC LIFT
Height at steering wheel mm 1306 1328 1353 1353 Mechanical
Rear Hitch
Max. Height at cab mm 2267 2289 2314 2314 Electronic
Ground clearance mm 225 225 250 250 Max. lifting capacity kg 3000
Wheelbase mm 1990 2120 2120 2120 Pump output l/min. 54
Front track width min-max mm 1165-1442 1165-1442 1165-1516 1165-1516 Hydraulic system with dual pump l/min. 33+25
Rear track width min-max mm 1139-1637 1189-1589 1179-1579 1179-1579 6 with flow regulator
Auxiliary hydraulic control valves n° ports
Minimum turning radius without braking mm 3900 4000 4000 4000 4 mid ports, mechanically/electrohydraulically operated
Weight with ROPS kg 2500 2650 2650 2650 Fixed link ends
Three-point linkage (lift links + top link)
Weight with cab kg 2720 3000 3000 3000 Auto-hitch
Transmission Mechanical
RH lift rod and stabilizers
Transmission clutch With hydrostatic control Hydraulic
Mechanical gearbox 30 FWD + 15 REV with Overspeed 5 synchronised gears 3 ranges with creeper + underdrive (min. speed: 0.22 km/h) Integrated
Powershift gearbox 45 FWD + 45 REV with Overspeed (3-speed Powershift) 5 synchronised gears x 3 ranges (with creeper gear) (min. speed: 0.18 km/h) Front lift Maximum lifting capacity 1500 kg
Max. speed: km/h Overspeed gearbox 50 km/h (for some countries speed limited to 40 km/h for legal purposes, even at economy engine speed) Quick-fit ballast weight - 250 kg
Mechanical synchronized DRIVING POSITION
Power shuttle with Stop&Go system Platform Mounted on silent-blocks
Rear differential lock Electrohydraulically operated ROPS (roll bar) Folding
Lubrication Forced, with transmission oil cooler SDF original design, sound-insulated and pressurized,
Cab with 4 posts, rear windscreen wiper, 4 work lights,
activated carbon air filter, external rear view mirrors
Instrumentation Digital display
Mechanically adjustable, with safety belt
Driver seat
POWERSHIFT WITH OVERSPEED 45 FWD + 45 REV – speeds in km/h at 2200 engine rpm, with 420/70 R 24 rear tyres With air suspension and safety belt
CRP 1 CRP 2 CRP 3 CRP 4 CRP 5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
LOW 0.18 0.28 0.40 0.59 0.87 1.27 1.72 2.54 3.75 5.53 7.76 9.43 14.01 20.64 30.48
MEDIUM 0.22 0.32 0.48 0.71 1.05 1.41 2.05 3.05 4.50 6.46 8.05 11.31 16.81 24.77 36.57
HIGH 0.27 0.39 0.58 0.86 1.17 1.71 2.49 3.70 5.45 6.64 9.41 13.71 20.38 30.03 44.33*



The above specifications refer to tractors with all available equipment. For standard equipment and options,
refer to the current price list and ask your local dealer for details.

Technical data and pictures are guideline only. In view of its commitment to keeping abreast of customer needs, LAMBORGHINI reserves the right to update the specifications of its machines at any time without notice.
Version 4WD 4WD 2WD 4WD 4WD 4WD
Cylinders / Displacement n°/cm3 3/3000 3/3000 4/4000 4/4000 4/4000 Clutch Oil-immersed multi-disc clutch
Air intake Turbo/Intercooled rpm 540-540 ECO
Max. power (homologated to ECE 2000/25/CE) HP/kW 82/60 90/66 85/63 96/71 106/78 Speeds rpm 540-540 ECO-1000
Rated engine speed rpm 2200 2200 2200 2200 2000 Ground-speed PTO
Maximum torque Nm 310 340 345 373 390 Control Pushbutton electrohydraulic
Engine rpm at maximum torque rpm 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 P.T.O. FRONT
Cooling Liquid-oil Clutch Oil-immersed multi-disc clutch
Engine control (governor) Electronic Speeds rpm 1000
Engine air filter Dry type with safety element and dust unloader Control Pushbutton electrohydraulic
Silencer under hood With lateral/vertical exhaust pipe BRAKES AND STEERING
55 with tank in front of engine 4-wheel braking, oil-immersed discs on all 4 wheels,
Fuel tank capacity Litres Brakes
40 with additional tank under platform hydraulically operated
DIMENSIONS and WEIGHTS (with rear tyres) 360/70 R24 360/70 R24 380/70 R24 420/70 R24 420/70 R24 Parking brake Independent
Max. length without link arms mm 3186 3186 3338 3338 3363 3363 Trailer brake Hydraulic braking valve
Width min-max mm 1314-1813 1314-1813 1391-1888 1391-1873 1461-1911 1461-1911 Hydrostatic power steering Independent pump with adjustable steering wheel
Overall height at safety frame mm 2228 2228 2380 2380 2405 2405 2WD 70°
Steering angle
Height at hood mm 1296 1296 1318 1318 1343 1343 4WD 60°
Height at steering wheel mm 1306 1306 1328 1328 1353 1353 FRONT AXLE
Height at fenders mm 1161 1161 1183 1183 1323 1323 Differential and 4WD engagement Electrohydraulically operated
Height at cab mm 2303 2303 2325 2325 2350 2350 Front differential lock Electrohydraulically operated
Ground clearance mm 234 234 280 252 260 260 Front fenders Fixed
Wheelbase mm 2027 2027 2100 2157 2157 2157 HYDRAULIC LIFT
Front track width min-max mm 985-1270 985-1270 1070 1034-1270 1088-1324 1088-1324 Mechanical
Rear Hitch
Rear track width min-max mm 982-1489 982-1489 992-1489 992-1489 1022-1520 1022-1520 Electronic
Minimum turning radius without braking mm 3400 3400 3340 3500 3600 3600 Max. lifting capacity kg 3000
Weight with ROPS kg 2450 2450 2400 2590 2650 2650 Pump output l/min. 54
Weight with cab kg 2600 2600 2560 2740 2800 2800 Hydraulic circuit with dual pump l/min. 33+25
TRANSMISSION 6 with flow regulator
Auxiliary hydraulic control valves n° ports
Transmission clutch hydraulically operated 4 mid ports, mechanically/electrohydraulically operated
Mechanical gearbox 30 FWD + 15 REV With Overspeed - 5 synchronised gears - 3 ranges with creeper + underdrive (min. speed: 0.22 km/h) Fixed linkage balls
Three-point linkage (lift links + top link)
Powershift transmission 45 FWD + 45 REV With Overspeed (3-speed Powershift) 5 synchronised gears x 3 ranges (with creeper gear) (min. speed: 0.18 km/h) Auto-hitch
Top speed: Overspeed gearbox 50 km/h (for some countries speed limited to 40 km/h for legal purposes, even at economy engine speed) Mechanical
RH lift rod and stabilizers
Mechanical synchronized Hydraulic
Power shuttle with Stop&Go system Integrated
Rear differential lock Electrohydraulically operated Front lift Maximum lifting capacity 1500 kg
Lubrication Forced, with transmission oil cooler Quick-fit ballast weight - 250 kg
Platform Suspended on silent-blocks
ROPS (roll bar) Folding
POWERSHIFT WITH OVERSPEED 45 FWD + 45 REV – speeds in km/h at 2200 engine rpm, with 420/70 R 24 rear tyres SDF original design, sound-insulated and pressurized,
CRP 1 CRP 2 CRP 3 CRP 4 CRP 5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 Cab with 4 posts, rear screen wiper, 4 work lights,
LOW 0.18 0.28 0.40 0.59 0.87 1.27 1.72 2.54 3.75 5.53 7.76 9.43 14.01 20.64 30.48 activated carbon air filter, external rear view mirrors
MEDIUM 0.22 0.32 0.48 0.71 1.05 1.41 2.05 3.05 4.50 6.46 8.05 11.31 16.81 24.77 36.57 Instrumentation Digital display
HIGH 0.27 0.39 0.58 0.86 1.17 1.71 2.49 3.70 5.45 6.64 9.41 13.71 20.38 30.03 44.33* Mechanically adjustable, with safety belt
Driver seat
With air suspension and safety belt



The above specifications refer to tractors with all available equipment. For standard equipment and options,
refer to the current price list and ask your local dealer for details

Technical data and pictures are guideline only. In view of its commitment to keeping abreast of customer needs, LAMBORGHINI reserves the right to update the specifications of its machines at any time without notice.
For SAME DEUTZ-FAHR customers, satisfaction begins as soon as they

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cross the threshold of one of over 3000 Authorized Dealerships and
Garages located all over the world.
This extensive Sales and Assistance Network devotes unwavering
attention to Customer Satisfaction, built on excellent standards of
service and, even more importantly, on the passion and professionalism
of the entire workforce.

The name says it all

From pre-sale negotiations and pre-delivery inspections to programmed
maintenance and prompt availability of original parts and accessories,
the SDF assistance network has one sole objective: to provide precise,
prompt and professional solutions to every customer requirement.

We work every day

to guarantee your
satisfaction. SDF original parts: quality that pays.
SDF parts are the only spare parts that preserve the original quality of
your tractor, allowing you to enjoy its full potential. By choosing original
parts, you can rest assured that your tractor’s performance and
functions will be enhanced and kept in tip-top condition at all times.

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