splendored genius who became the greatest Government headed by Emilio Aguinaldo in
• Endowed by God with versatile gifts, he truly death anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal on
• Rizal was a physician (ophthalmic surgeon). • December 30, 1898 this is the day was
• Rizal was a poet, dramatist, essayist, marked as the day for national mourning and
humourist, satirist, polemicist, sportsman, Guevarra, who was sent to Lucban, Quezon in
• Above and beyond all these, he was a hero “The town was in mourning with a flag at half
and political martyr who consecrated his life mast at each house. I learned it was in
for the redemption of his oppressed people. commemoration of the anniversary of the
• No wonder, he is now acclaimed as the tragic killing of the eminent Doctor Jose Rizal
national hero of the Philippines. at the hands of the Spaniards in the execution
• Rizal was also a product of his time. Changes ground of Bagumbayan (now Luneta)..
and historical events all over the world, • American Account. - Mrs. Dauncey Compbell,
she was an American Author who visited the Rizal possesses all the criteria and then he
Philippines in December 31, 1904, she noted become our National Hero.
that her observations while she was in Iloilo;
she stated how the people in this place WHY RIZAL BECAME THE GREATEST
celebrated the death anniversary of Rizal. “I NATIONAL HERO?
think you may be amused to hear about a • Rizal became the greatest Filipino because he
Filipino Fiesta, which took place yesterday is a man of honored.
called Rizal Day- the anniversary of the death • Even after death he received public worship
of the national hero, a Filipino by the name of because of his exceptional service to mankind.
Doctor Jose Rizal”. Who choose Rizal to • We can say that before his execution, Rizal
become a National Hero was already acclaimed by both Filipinos and
• He was chosen by the Taft Commission. The Foreigners as the foremost leader of his
Taft Commission was given the responsibility people.
to do the Job. • Among the foreigners who recognized Rizal
• This Commission was headed by William as the leading Filipino of his time were
Howard Taft. Ferdinand Blumentrit, Dr, Reinhold Rost and
Vicente Barantes.
MEMBERS: • Prof. Blumentrit told Dr. Viola in May 1887
✓Americans: W. Morgan Shuster, Bernard that Rizal was the greatest product of the
Moses, dean Warcester and Henry Clay. Philippines and that his coming to the world
was like the appearance of a Rare Comet, who
✓Filipinos: Jose Luzuriaga, Gregorio Araneta
Rare Brilliance appears only other century.
and Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
• Jose Rizal was the 7th of the 11th children of ✓Oldest of the Rizal Children, nickname
Francisco Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonso Neneng.
Realonda. ✓She married to Manuel T. Hidalgo of
Tanawan, Batangas.
• Francisco Mercado Rizal (1818-1898) – He
was the father of Rizal. 2. Paciano Rizal – (1851- 1930);
✓He was born on May 11, 1818 in Biñan, ✓Older brother and confidant of Jose Rizal.
Laguna. His Father studied Latin and
✓After Jose Rizal execution, Paciano joined
Philosophy at the College of San Jose Manila.
the Philippine Revolution and became a
✓Jose Rizal father died in Manila on January 5, combat general, after the Revolution.
✓Then afterward, Paciano retired to his farm ✓ Maria Rizal Cruz
in Los Baños Laguna, where Paciano lived as a ✓ Biang was her nickname.
gentleman farmer. o Paciano died on April 13,
✓ She married to Daniel Faustino Cruz of
1930 at the aged of 79.
Biñan Laguna.
✓Paciano had two (2) children a boy and a girl,
with his mistress (Severina Decena). 7. Jose Rizal – (1861- 1896)
✓ Herbosa died of Cholera in 1889 and was 10. Trinidad Rizal (1868- 1951)
denied Christian burial and because he was a
✓Her nickname was Trining
brother- in- law of Dr. Jose Rizal.
✓She died at the aged 83.
✓Soledad Rizal Quintero • The house of the Rizal family was one of the
distinguished stone houses in Calamba during
✓The youngest.
Spanish times.
✓Her nickname was Choleng.
✓She married to Pantaleon Quintero of
• It was a two-storey building, rectangular in
shape, built of adobe stones and hard-woods,
and roofed with red tiles.
• Rizal always called all her sisters as “Doña or
• Behind the house were the poultry yard full
Señora” if married and “Señorita” if Single or
of turkey’s and chickens and a big garden of
not yet married”.
tropical fruit trees- like, atis, balimbing, chico,
✓Example: Doña Ypia macopa, papaya, santol, tampoy, etc. A Good
✓Señora Saturnina and Middle- Class Family
• The Rizal family belonged to the
• Rizal wrote a letter to Blumentritt, on June “Principalia”, a town aristocracy in Spanish
23, 1888 while Rizal is in London. Rizal said Philippines. It was one of the distinguished
that “His Brother Paciano was the most Noble families in Calamba.
Filipinos and though an “Indio”. • They owned “carriage” which was a status
✓Rizal describe “Indio” as more generous and symbol of the “ilustrados” in Spanish
nobleman. The Surname of Rizal Philippines and a private library (the largest
library in Calamba) which consists of more
• The real surname of the Rizal family was than 1,000 volumes. Home Life of Rizal’s
Domingo Lamco (the paternal great- • The Rizal family had a simple, contented, and
“Rizal” which was given by a Spanish Alcalde • They were strict parents and they trained
Mayor (Provincial Governor) of Laguna, who their children to love God, to behave well, to
be obedient, and to respect people, especially • Fishing
the old folks. • In the easy of the town is Laguna de Bay,
• Whenever their children, including Jose Rizal, with pristine waters and abode of fish of all
got mischief, they were given a sound sorts that captivated Jose Rizal as he cited
spanking. these in his reminiscences.
• The family believed in the maxim that “ • Undoubtedly, the atmosphere of a quite
Spare the rod and spoil the Child”. Rizal’s provincial town contributed significantly in his
Childhood Years “The Town of Calamba” intellectual formation.
• As a young boy, Rizal had a pleasant
memories of Calamba, the relief- giving WHY STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO
breeze, the trees bearing fruit, flowers and STUDY THE LIFE OF RIZAL AND HIS
birds of all sorts of nature allowed Rizal to WORKS
enjoy, just like other little boys he played with ✓The Rizal was created as an Act of Congress
in Calamba, Laguna. of the Republic of the Philippines through R.A.
• The Town’s name was derived from the local No. 1425 on June 12, 1956.
names of a big native jar called Calambanga.
✓It was approved at the time of President
• The place was known in those days for the
Ramon Magsaysay.
beauty of its nature, and its people who were
✓The title of the said law, “An Act to include in
hospitable, industrious, hardworking and
the curricula of all public and private schools,
delightful folks.
colleges and universities courses on the life,
• The town of Calamba was almost entirely
works, writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his
owned by the Dominican friars and majority of
novels, the Noli Me Tangere and El
the native folks were its tenants, just like Jose
Filibusterismo, Authorizing the printing and
Rizal’s father.
distribution thereof and for other purposes.
• This Scenic hometown represented an
✓In this Act, there is a need for a re-dedication
alluring view in the consciousness of the young
to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for
Jose Rizal that created a permanent reflection
which heroes lived and died.
in his memory. • Facing South of Calamba, is
the legendary Mount Makiling, with its ✓The novels of Jose Rizal, Noli Me Tangere
splendid view that did not escape Rizal’s eyes. and El Filibusterismo are a constant and
inspiring source of Patriotism. effect upon its approval.
✓R.A. No. 1425, Section 1; Courses on the life, ➢ Approved: June 12, 1956
works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly ➢House Bill No. 5561
his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
➢Senate Bill No. 438
Filibusterismo, shall be included in all curricula
➢Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 52,
of all Schools, Colleges and Universities, Public
No. 6, page 2971 in June 1956. R.A. No. 1425 •
or Private; Provided, that in the collegiate
The purpose of the law is enunciated in its
courses, the original or unexpurgated editions
preamble. The preamble consists in the
of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or
paragraph that begin with word “Whereas”.
their English translation shall be used as a basic
1. The preamble explains that there is a need
for a rededication to the ideals of freedom and
✓R.A. No. 1425, Section 2; It shall be
nationalism for which our heroes lived and died
obligatory in all schools, colleges and
universities to keep in their libraries an
2. Preamble identifies Rizal as one of those
adequate number of copies of the original and
heroes who have devoted their lives and
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere
shaped the national character.
and El Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other
3. Preamble identifies Rizal’s novels the Noli
works and biography. Xxxx…
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo as an
✓R.A. No. 1425, Section 3; The board of inspiring source of patriotism, which should be
National Education shall cause the translation inculcated in the minds of young people
of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, especially in their formative years.
as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into 4. Preambles invokes the power of the state in
English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine supervising all educational institutions, which
dialects; cause them to be printed in cheap, are required to teach its students moral
popular editions, and cause them to be character, personal discipline, civic conscience
distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring and the duties of citizenship.
to read them, through the Purok Organizations
and Barrio Councils throughout the country. The Story of Rizal Law
✓R.A. No. 1425, Section 6; This Act shall take • In 1956 legislators seeing the need to
promote nationalism and patriotism among failing to comply with, or circumventing the
the Filipinos, especially among the youth filled provisions of this Act shall be punished
a bill. accordingly.
• The original Rizal bill was filed by Senator Penalties
Claro M. Recto and it sponsored by Senator • The head of any public college or university
Jose P. Laurel who was a Chairman of the charged with implementing the provisions of
Committee. Since the purpose of the bill was this Act, who shall have been found guilty of
to promote patriotism and nationalism, the violating, failing to comply with, or
senators saw no problem in legislating it in circumventing the provisions thereof shall be
congress. It is supposed to be non- dismissed immediately from service and
controversial considering its intention. Senate disqualified from teaching in any public or
Bill 438 government recognized private school, college
• It is an Act to make Noli Me Tangere and El or university.
Filibusterismo compulsory reading in all public • Government recognition of any private or
and private colleges and universities and for university found violating or circumventing the
other purpose. provisions of this Act shall be immediately
✓ April 17, 1956, Senator Jose P. Laurel was withdrawn, and the responsible, head and
Opponents of Rizal Bill abuses within the Church, however that abuses
• Father Jesus Cavanna; ✓He said that Rizal’s were committed by individual clergymen and
should not be treated as reflective of the entire
novels painted a false picture of the conditions
of the country in the 19th century. He also
mentioned that if the Rizal Bill intended to
promote patriotism and nationalism, that
novels for required reading contained more
anti-Church statements than nationalistic
➢ A Rizal monument in Japan that marks the loyal to Leonor Rivera and he did not want to
site of the former Tokyo Hotel where Rizal destroy hid friendship with Eduardo de Lete
➢ Stayed at Japan and Study Judo and was SUZANNA (SUSAN) JACOBY
amaze and Found on the Bushido Code of Rizal stayed in the house of the Jacoby's in
Barrage of Attack to overwhealm the Enemy high cost of living in Paris. In Brussels, he lived
❖In the book, Belgian Rizalist, Rizal’s address ➢ Teasingly referring to Rizal as le petit diable
in Brussels (Rue Philippe de Champagne, 38) as or “little bad boy,” the young Suzanna in her
mentioned in books was wrong and that Rizal’s second letter dated Oct. 1, 1890 wrote: “Don’t
girlfriend was the young Suzanne and NOT the delay too long writing us because I wear out
Aunt Suzanne. the soles of my shoes for running to the
mailbox to see if there is a letter from you.”
❖Three ladies were registered in this address: She also added, “There will never be any home
Catherine Jacoby (55), Suzanne Jacoby (45) in which you are so loved as in that in Brussels,
and Susanne Thill (“Petite Suzanne”) who was so, you little bad boy, hurry up and come
merely 18 years old that time when Rizal back…” But alas, Rizal never wrote or
arrived in Brussels. Rizal then was 29 years cameback. At that time, he learned that
old.. Catherine and Suzanne are sisters. hisgirlfriend of 11 years, Leonor Rivera
• In Spanish poem is called “Mi Primera • Birds of many species visited the house,
Insperacion”. especially in the middle of the yard, where a
small nipa hut was built for him and his sisters
• This work was published in La Solidaridad on
December 31, 1890. RIZAL’S DIARY
• There the delicious atis displayed its delicate
• In this essay, Rizal gave tribute to Maria fruit and lowered its branches as if to save me
Makiling and presented her mythical and thetrouble of reaching out for them.
helping presence in the mountain named after
her. • The sweet santol, the scented and yellow
tampuy, the pink makopa vied for my favor.
TO MY CHILDHOOD COMPANIONS Farther away, the palm tree, the harsh but
• This was written in Spanish as “A Mis flavorful casuy, the beautiful tamarind, pleased
ComaÑeros De Nunes”. the eye as much as they delighted the palate.
• Through the guidance of his mother Jose • Here the papaya stretched out its broad
Rizal, who was 8 years old, wrote the poem. leaves and tempted the birds with enormous
fruit; there the lanca, the coffee, and the
• The striking line of the piece was orange trees perfumed the air with aroma of
their flowers.
• On this side the iba, the balimbing, the orange trees perfumed the air with aroma of
pomegranate with its abundant foliage and its their flowers.
lovely flowers, bewitched the senses; while
here and there raised elegant and majestic • On this side the iba, the balimbing, the
tops and graceful branches, queens of the pomegranate with its abundant foliage and its
forest. I should never end were I write the lovely flowers, bewitched the senses; while
number all our tress and amuse myself here and there raised elegant and majestic
identifying them. tops and graceful branches, queens of the
forest. I should never end were I write the
• The yellow culiauan, the maya, of different number all our tress and amuse myself
varieties the culae, the maria capra, the identifying them.
martin, all the species of pipit, joined in a
pleasant concert and intoned in varied chorus a • The yellow culiauan, the maya, of different
hymn of farewell to the sun. varieties the culae, the maria capra, the
martin, all the species of pipit, joined in a
RIZAL’S DIARY pleasant concert and intoned in varied chorus a
• There the delicious atis displayed its delicate hymn of farewell to the sun.
fruit and lowered its branches as if to save me
the trouble of reaching out for them. RIZAL’S FIRST PRAYER
• Rizal came from a family of devoted
• The sweet santol, the scented and yellow Catholics, who regularly attended Mass and
tampuy, the pink makopa vied for my favor. prayed in the church.
Farther away, the palm tree, the harsh but
flavorful casuy, the beautiful tamarind, pleased • His mother surrounded him with prayers and
the eye as much as they delighted the palate. short teachings of what the Catholic religion
was all about.
• Here the papaya stretched out its broad
leaves and tempted the birds with enormous • Rizal grew up as a good and obedient
fruit; there the lanca, the coffee, and the Catholic.
• DoÑa Teodora taught Rizal many Catholic and son prayed at the shrine of the Virgin of
Prayers while he was three (3) years old, and Antipolo.
when Rizal turned five (5), he started reading
the Spanish family Bible through in a difficult • Later the two went to Manila to visit a family
way. member, Jose Rizal’s sister Saturnina who was
studying in La Concordia College.
• Also, Rizal stated in his diary, DoÑa
Teodora’s patience in teaching him how to • Rizal recalls in his dairy:
I had never gone through the lake of laguna
After God the mother is everything to man, consciously and the first time I did. I spent the
She taught me how to stammer the humble whole night near the catig, admiring the
prayers That I addressed fervently to God, grandeur of the liquid element, the quietness of
and now that a young man, the night, while at the same time a superstitious
Ah, where is that simplicity, fear took hold Of me when I saw water snake
That innocence of my early days? twined itself on the bamboo Canes of the
outriggers. With what joy I saw the sunrise; for
JOSE RIZAL’S MEMORIES OF ANTIPOLO the first time I saw how the luminous rays
AND LAGUNA LAKE shown, producing a brilliant effect on the
• As part of the Rizal family’s devotion as Raffled surface of the wide lake.
Catholics, they often visit Antipolo for
pilgrimage to the Virgin Mary. THE DEATH OF JOSE RIZAL’S SISTER
• Rizal was four (4) years old when he
• On June 6, 1868, Don Francisco and the experienced his first sorrow in the family. His
young Rizal went on a pilgrimage to fulfil the young sister Conception or Concha, whom he
promise of DoÑa Teodora when Jose Rizal was used to play with most of the time, died in
born. 1865.
• Don Francisco and Jose Rizal departed on a • Rizal felt the utmost sadness, for the first
barge and disembarked in Antipolo. The father time in his life.
• Rizal expressed in his diary: mother was teaching me how to read the book
When I was four years old; El Amigo de Los NiÑos. That night my mother
grew impatient listening to me reading poorly.
I lost my little sister (Concha) and After scolding me for drawing funny pictures on
then for the first time I shed my tears caused by its page, she told me to listen and started to
love and grief, for until then I had shed them read aloud herself. I grew tired of listening to
only because of my stubbornness that my loving sounds that had no meaning for me. Instead I
and prudent mother so well knew how to watched the cheerful little flame. My mother
correct. noticing that I had lost, interest, stopped reading
and told me that she be reading a very pretty
THE STORY OF THE YOUNG MOTH AND story that I must listen to.
• DoÑa Teodora told Jose Rizal stories bearing On hearing the story; I at once opened my eyes
many lessons in life. wide. It promised something new and
wonderful. My mother began to read me the
• Before young boy Rizal went to bed at night, fable of the old moth and a young moth,
she would say these words, “I’m going to read translating it to Tagalog as she went along. My
you a very pretty story; be attentive”. Among attention was caught from the very first
the stories told by his mother, Jose Rizal’s sentence: I started at the lamp and the moths
Favorite was the “Story of the Moth” that left a circling around it....
permanent mark in his life.
As she put me to bed, my mother said: “See that
• Rizal wrote in his Diary; you do not behave like the young moth. Don’t be
disobedient, or you may get burned as it did. “I
One night the whole family, except for my do not know whether I answered or not....
mother and myself, had gone to bead early; I do
not know why, but the two of us were left sitting The story revealed to me things until then
by ourselves. The candles had been put out unknown. Moths no longer were, for me,
inside the lamps with the curved tin blower. The insignificant insects. Moths talked, they knew
room was dimly lit by a coconut oil lamp. My how to warn. They advised just like my mother.
The light seemed to me more beautiful. It had the people from harm. Rizal wondered why
grown more dazzling and more attractive. I such abuses happened especially to the poor.
knew why moths circled the flame.
LESSONS; • Almost everyday, in our town, we saw the
• The story of the moth was reflective of Rizal’s Guardia Civil Lieutenant caning and injuring
Life, and that of his mother as the old moth unarmed and inoffensive villagers. The
and Rizal as the young moth. villager’s only fault was that while at a distance
he had not taken off his hat and made his bow.
• Rizal said in his diary: “I was listening: all my The alcalde treated the poor villagers in the
attention, all my mind, and all my thoughts same way whenever he visited us.
were concentrated on the fate of that moth,
young, dead, full of illusions”. • We saw no restraint put upon brutality, Acts
of violence and other excesses that lay
• The mother of Rizal said otherwise, she told committed daily.. I asked myself if, in the lands
the young boy after telling him a story “Don’t which lay across the lake, the people lived in
imitate the young moth and don’t be this same way. I wonder if there they tortured
disobedient: you’ll get burned by it. any countryman with hard and cruel whips
merely on suspicion. Did they there (Spain)
• Jose Rizal: Undoubtedly, was the young respect the Home? Or even yonder also, in
moth burned because of his passion for ideas order to live in peace, would one have to bribe
and love of country. tyrants.
• Don Fracisco kept quiet at just instructed • Rizal excelled in all subjects in Ateneo,
Paciano to accompany Jose Rizal to Manila obtaining gold medals in agriculture and
despite their mother’s tears. topography.
• Rizal failed to win high scholastic honors due This was evidenced in his farewell letter
to the unfriendly attitude of his professors. delivered to his parents after his departure.
He wrote a farewell letter for his parents and ➢To kill boredom, Rizal played chess against
also for his sweetheart, Leonor Rivera. Both his fellow passengers and he defeated them
were delivered after he sailed away. many times.
On May 3, 1882, Rizal departed on board the ➢On May 8, 1882, Rizal saw an island and he
Spanish steamer Salvadora bound for remembered ”Talim Island with the Susong
Singapore. Dalaga”
➢The following day (May 9), Salvadora
docked at Singapore. Rizal landed and spent 2
During the voyage to Singapore, he
days on sightseeing.Visits to Singapore
carefullyobserved the people and things on
board thesteamer. There were 16 passengers
➢ The first of Rizal’s many visits to foreign
includinghimself. He was the only Filipino, the
lands was a two-day stopover in Singapore in
restwere Spaniards, British, and Indian
their rights.
➢By conversing daily with French
VISITS TO SINGAPORE passengers,he was able to improve his
➢ The first of Rizal’s many visits to foreign knowledge of the French language.
➢ He toured the island by carriage, visiting Rizal was unimpressed by this town.
➢ He was impressed by the city’s greenery and was fascinated by Colombo and wrote on his
diary: ”Colombo is more beautiful, smart, and
noted that its population seemed assured of
elegant than Singapore, Point Galle, and
their rights.
➢There were British, French, Dutch,
• Galle is a major city of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Spaniards,Malays, Siamese, and Filipinos.
• “The general appearance of Point Galle is
picturesque but lonely and quite and at the
➢French was mostly spoken on board. Rizal
same time, sad.”
attempted to converse in French but was
embarrased upon finding out that his book of
COLOMBO ➢ It took 5 days for Djemnah totraverse the
• “Colombo is more beautiful, smart, and Suez Canal. This canalwas built by Ferdinand
elegant than singapore, Point Galle and de Lesseps.(French diplomat-engineer) which
• It took five days for djemnah to traverse On June 11, Rizal reached Naples, an Italian
canal. city that pleased Rizal due to its business
activities, lively people, and panoramic beauty.
FERDINAND DE LESSEPS. He was also fascinated by Mt. Vesuvius and the
• “Ferdinand Marie, Victome de Lesseps (19 Castle of St. Telmo.
November 1805 – 7 December 1894)
• Is the capital of Campania and the third-
• He was the french (diplomat/engineer) largest municipality in Italy, after Rome and
developer of the Suez Canal, which joined Milan.
the Mediterrenian and Red Seas in 1869, and
substantially reduced sailing distances and • As of 2012, Around 960,000 people live
within the city.
times between the West and the East.
• A city that lies in north east egypt extending • Is a stratovolcano in the Gulf of Naples, Italy,
about 30 kilometers along the coast of the about 9 kilometers east of Naples and a short
Mediterranean Sea, north of the suez Canal, distance from the shore.
Suez Canal, he was fascinated to hear multi- • Originally constructed as the seat of the
racial languages. Seminary School of the University of
➢ On the night of June 12, the French steamer ➢After passport inspection at Port Bou, Rizal
docked at the harbor of Marseilles. Rizal continued his way and finally reaching his
disembarked. destination, Barcelona on June 16, 1882
While sojourning in Barcelona, Rizal received He also practiced fencing and shooting in the
sad news about cholera in Manila and Hall of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell.
provinces. Many people died and more dying
everyday. According to Paciano’s letter, dated He visited art galleries, museums, and read
September 15, 1882, the Calamba folks prayed books.
to God to stop the epidemic, which even
Spanish authorities are impotent to check. He led Spartan life in Madrid to prepare
himself for service to his fatherland.
He budgeted his money and time, never On August 22,1883, Rizal wrote a poem
wasting any amount for gambling, wine, and dedicated to her entitled A La Señorita C.O.y
women. P. (To Miss C.O.y P.), expressing his admiration
for her.
At times, in his leisure time, he invest few
pesetas for a lottery ticket, but most of the However, before his romance with Consuelo
time he spent it for reading, writing, and could blossom into serious affair, he backed
attending reunions of Filipino students. out for 2 reasons:
1. He was still engaged to Leonor Rivera
On Saturday evenings, he visited Don Pablo 2. His friend andco-worker in Propaganda
Ortiga y Rey, a former city mayor in Manila and Movement, Eduardo de Lete is inlove with
later promoted as Vice-President of the Consuelo. He had no wish to break their
Council of the Philippines in the Ministry of friendship just because for a girl.
Colonies. He lived along with his son, Rafael
and daughter, Consuelo. THEY ASK ME FOR VERSES
1882 – Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano-
ROMANCE WITH CONSUELO ORTIGA Y Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle), a society of
PEREZ Spaniards and Filipinos.
Although Rizal was not a handsome man, he
possessed an aura of charisma due to his Rizal wrote ”Me Piden Versos” (They Ask Me
talents and noble character, makes him For Verses) and he personally declaimed it at
looking attractive to young women, and the New Year’s Eve reception of the Madrid
Consuelo, Don Pablo’s daughter also fell inlove Filipinos held in the evening of December 31,
with him. 1882.
Rizal, being lonely and away from his In this sad poem, he poured out the cry of his
homeland, became attracted to Consuelo’s agonizing heart
beauty and vivacity.
RIZAL AS LOVER OF BOOKS 4. Arch of Triumph
Reading- Rizal’s favorite pastime in Madrid. 5. Bois de Boulogne (bwah duh boo-lohn)
6. Madelaine Church (mad-l-in)
Instead of gambling and flirting with girls, he 7. Cathedral of Notre Dame (noh-truh deym,
stayed at home, reading books until midnight. dahm)
8. Column of Vendome (vahn- dohm)
Rizal budgeted his living expenses. With 9. Invalides -tomb of Napoleon the Great
some of the money he saved, he purchased 10. Versailles (ver-sahy)
books from second-hand book store owned by
Señor Roces. Rizal improved his mind by observing French
way of life and spending hours at the
Rizal was able to build a fair-sized private museums, notably the world famous Louvre
library. (loo-ver).
The next academic year (1884-85), he studied He also knew that with his brown color and
and passed all subjects leading to the degree Asian ancestry, no friar-owned university or
of Doctor of Medicine but he didn’t present his college would hire him even if he had
thesis required for graduation nor paid the graduated with flying honors, they still
corresponding fees. He was not awarded his wouldn’t recognize it.
Doctor’s diploma.
• He died a MARTYR on December 30, 1896 at • Rizal represented peaceful and evolutionary
Bagumbayan (nowRizal Park). change unlike Bonifacio who represented
revolution and radical change.
• First to be honored with a Presidential
Decree byPres. Emilio F. Aguinaldo – his death • In 1996, there was a move from the National
anniversaryshould be a national day of Historical Institute (now National Historical
mourning. Commission of the Philippines) to
contextualize Rizal in the perspective of
• First monument built by the Filipinos in his Philippine history. “There is no Bonifacio
honor in Daet, Camarines Norte. It was without Rizal and no Aguinaldo without
designed by Lt. Col. Antonio Sanz with the Bonifacio”
help of Ildefonso Alegre in compliance with the
• There can be no Fathers Mariano Gomez, • A 1997 film called him Bayaning Third World
Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora; even Rizal due to difficulty of defining him.
admitted that in his writings.
• A Spanish writer call him a Filipino Hamlet
because of his contradictory views, shifting
between reforms and revolution.
• Rizal as “The Last Spaniard”. He never
betrayed Spain nor he a traitor to Spain.
Throughout his lifetime, he advocated for
partnership with Spain, not independence, • Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan (The
although it is inevitable. He often refer Spain youth are the hope of the motherland).
as Madre España. Before his execution, he
• Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika ay
requested the officer of the firing squad that
masahol pa sa hayop at malansang isda (One
he should not be shot at the back because he
who does not love his native tongue is worse
has not betrayed Spain.
than an animal or smelly, dead fish)
parts of the world (save for Leonor Rivera freedom fighters keep a copy of Rizal’s Mi
whom he left and Josephine Bracken whom he Ultimo Adios to inspire them to sacrifice
- Establishment of a monarchy in the Bathala, Christ was the son and they readily
Philippines to Aguinaldo and Bonifacio accepted Christianity. The belief in Bathala and
• To them, man has a soul and is capable of • The Philippines is only for the Filipinos; no
good deeds; heaven and hell exists and it is rich or poor, all are equal.
within us.
• Mountains are dwelling place of good and
• God to them have four personalities – the benevolent spirits.
Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the
Mother (the Virgin Mary). • Philippines will become a kingdom and kings
(monarchs) will come from there.
• The dwelling place of Jehovah (God) is in a
cave in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija where the cult • Its headquarter is at Mt. Banahaw in Dolores,
is located. Quezon; also in Mt. Arayat, Pampanga, and
Mt. San Diego as holy mountains.
Bathalismo, founded by Venancio Wagan,
believed that Rizal was not executed by firing • In 1918, Sambahang Rizal was founded by
squad at Bagumbayan but managed to fled the Basilio Aromin in Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. His
Philippines to China as a Chinese. followers are taught to honor Rizal because he
was appointed by Bathala to redeem the
Filipino race. Like Christ, Rizal offered his life three martyred priests – GOMBURZA on
to save humankind. September 24, 1903
• In Candelaria, Quezon, Sagrada Familia Sect • According to Isabelo delos Reyes, Rizal’s
believes that Rizal is the Second Christ and canonization is an expression of intensely
that his everywhere is Christ. He will succeed nationalistic phase of the development of the
Christ in the Second Coming. Most of its church. But it is a thing of the past and for now
beliefs are borrowed from the Catholic Church. – he is no longer considered as a saint
• The Iglesia Watawat ng Lahi believes that • Jose Rizal is not the only Kristong Tagalog. It
when World War III breaks, Rizal will lead the is also attributed to Apolinario dela Cruz or
army of god. Hermano Pule from Tayabas (Quezon), the
founder of Cofradia de San Jose and the leader
• The sect believes that its founder,Arsenio de of the Tagalogs’ quest for peace and equality
Guzman, is Rizal himself, and a mysterious with the Spaniards in 1841. His cofradia
voice called the founding members to form the competed with the mainstream Catholicism
association. that irked the friars. Like Rizal, he was also
unjustly tried and executed; his body was
• To them, Jesus Christ was embodied in Rizal, quartered and hang in four places in Tayabas
and Rizal is at once a god and man. He did not to serve as example to the natives.
die in Bagumbayan; he was alive and is
physically and mentally present in the New • The common denominator of the above
Jerusalem which is found in a site between Mt. discussed religious sects are the following:
Makiling and Mt. Banahaw – two holy and - Borrowed elements from the Catholic Church
sacred mountains to the sect. - Borrowed elements from the ancient belief
system and native religion with terms such as
• Iglesia Filipina Independiente (Philippine Bathala and langit.
Independent Church) considers Rizal as one of - Central element is the concept of man-god
its saints. Isabelo delos Reyes, its founder, and man’s redemption who will come at the
advocated Rizal’s canonization along with the end of time.
- Rizal would be a messiah and he will lead GALINGAN MO SA EXAM! I LOVE YOU!
mankind in his new heavenly above aftermen - sinaingmobobo
enduring all sufferings and complying with the
demands of religion.
- Presence of patriotism or love of country as
guiding principle.
A. Dr. Jose Rizal - Birth of a National hero
B. Family Background of Dr. Jose Rizal
i. Parents
ii. Children
C. Rizal’s Ancestry
D. Rizal Ancestors in the Father side (Don Francisco Mercado Rizal)
E. Jose Rizal Ancestor in the Mother Side (Doña Teodora Alonso Realonda)
F. The Surname Rizal
G. Rizal House
H. A Good and Middle- Class Family
I. Home Life of Rizal’s Family
J. Jose Rizal Early Influences and Demonstration of Inborn Talents
K. Rizal in Ateneo and UST
L. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
M. Rizal's Mi Ultimo Adios and Execution at Bagumbayan
28 September 1862
The parochial church of Calamba and the canonical books,
including the book in which Rizal’s baptismal records were entered,
were burned.
Family Background
Dr. Jose Rizal
o After Jose Rizal execution, Paciano joined the Philippine Revolution and
became a combat general, after the Revolution.
o Then afterward, Paciano retired to his farm in Los Baños Laguna, where
Paciano lived as a gentleman farmer.
o Paciano died on April 13, 1930 at the aged of 79.
o Paciano had two (2) children a boy and a girl, with his mistress
(Severina Decena).
City of Dasmariñas,Cavite
• Domingo Lamco
o a Chinese immigrant from the Fukien City of Changchow, who arrived in Manila
about the late 1600s.
o At the age of 35, Lam-co was baptized on Sunday (Domingo), June 9, 1697, in the
Parian Church of San Gabriel. In his baptismal records, his parents were simply
listed as Siong-co and Jun-nio. It is believed that his parents belonged to the upper
bracket socially as indicated by the particled -co and -nio at the end of their names.
These two particles correspond to the Spanish Don and Dona which is indicative of
social position.
o He was the Great- great grandfather of Jose Rizal on his father’s side.
o He became a Christian and married to a well- known Chinese Christian girl of Manila
named Ines de la Rosa. Domingo Lamco married Ines de la Rosa who was half his
o He used the surname Mercado in the year 1731.
o The Spanish term “Mercado” means “Market” in English.
• Domingo Lam-co settled in Binan, Laguna on the Dominican estate called San Isidro
Labrador. He became a leader among the Chinese community and was a frequent
godfather in baptisms and weddings. He helped in the founding of Tubigan Barrio, the
richest part of the estate.
• Domingo married Inez de la Rosa, the daughter of his friend, and was much younger
than he. They married in the Parian Church where he was baptized. Their union was
blessed with two children Francisco and Josefa, who died five days after her birth.
Francisco was only two when he lost his sibling.
• Domingo Mercado and Ines de la Rosa had a son named, Francisco Mercado.
• Cua Clan Genealogy. Siongque, Fookien, China.
• Panlasigui, Isidro. "Dr. Jose Rizal's Chinese Ancestry". Fookien Times Yearbook, September 1953.
• Francisco Mercado
o Who resided in Biñan.
o Married to a Chinese- Filipino Mestiza, Cirila Bernacha.
o He was elected as Gobernadorcillo (Municipal Mayor) of the town.
o One of their sons named Juan Mercado (was Jose Rizal’s Grandfather).
• Juan Mercado
o Married Cirila Alejandra, a Chinese- Filipino mestiza.
o Like his father, he was elected Governadorcillo of Biñan.
o Capitan Juan and Capitana Cirila had thirteen children, the youngest was
Francisco Mercado who was the father of Dr. Jose Rizal.
• Francisco Mercado
o At the age of 8 his father died (Juan Mercado).
o He studied Latin and Philosophy in the College of San Jose in Manila.
o He meet and fall in love Alonso Realonda, a student in the College of Santa Rosa.
o Francisco Mercado and Alonso Realonda were married on June 28, 1848 and settled
down in Calamba.
• Regina Ursua
o Married to Manuel de Quintos which is a Filipino- Chinese lawyer from
• Manuel de Quintos
o One of the daughter of Attorney de Quintos and Regina was “Brigida”.
• Brigida de Quintos
o Married to Lorenzo Alberto Alonso which is the prominent Spanish- Filipino
mestizo of Biñan.
o Their children were Narcisa, Teodora, Gregorio, Manuel and Jose
o Teodora was (Dr. Jose Rizal’s mother).
• In those days when professionals were few, the Alonso clan could
boast of a number of lawyers, priests, engineers and government
City of Dasmariñas,Cavite
• The real surname of the Rizal family was Mercado which was used in
the year 1731 by Domingo Lamco (the paternal great-great-
grandfather of Dr. Jose Rizal), who was a full-blooded Chinese.
• Rizal’s family acquired a second surname “Rizal” which was given by a
Spanish Alcalde Mayor (Provincial Governor) of Laguna, who was a
family friend.
• The Mercados of Calamba chose the unlisted name Rizal, although
they continued to use the name Mercado. Their original application
was for the name Ricial (meaning “the green of young growth” or
“green fields”), which was connected to their livelihood, but this was
denied for no apparent reason.
• Rizal means "Rizal is a Spanish-derived name for Ricial, meaning Rice
Field/Green Field or pasture.
Rizal House
• The house of the Rizal family was one of the distinguished stone
houses in Calamba during Spanish times.
• It was a two-storey building, rectangular in shape, built of adobe
stones and hard-woods, and roofed with red tiles.
• Behind the house were the poultry yard full of turkey’s and chickens
and a big garden of tropical fruit trees- like, atis, balimbing, chico,
macopa, papaya, santol, tampoy, etc.
Jose Rizal
Early Influences and
Demonstration of Inborn Talents
Early Influences
• His mother- encouraged him to express his ideas and
sentiments in verse
• “The Story of the Moth” about the mother moth warning its
offspring of the danger of fluttering to close to flame. The little
moth did not heed the advice, thus it was burned by the flame.
gave him the moral lesson that if one must succeed, he
must take risks and prepare for the worst consequences.
Without courage, there will be no glory.
• His second Poem was written at the age of 9. It is entitled “My first
Inspiration”(Mi Primera Inspiracion). This poem was dedicated to his
• 1865 – 1867
- During this time his mother taught him how to read and write. His father
hired a classmate by the name of Leon Monroy who, for five months
until his (Monroy) death, taught Rizal the rudiments of Latin.
- At about this time two of his mother’s cousin frequented Calamba. Uncle
Manuel Alberto, seeing Rizal frail in body, concerned himself with the
physical development of his young nephew and taught the latter love for
the open air and developed in him a great admiration for the beauty of
nature, while Uncle Gregorio, a scholar, instilled into the mind of the boy
love for education. He advised Rizal: "Work hard and perform every task
very carefully; learn to be swift as well as thorough; be independent in
thinking and make visual pictures of everything."
• 6 June 1868
- With his father, Rizal made a pilgrimage to Antipolo to fulfill the vow
made by his mother to take the child to the Shrine of the Virgin of
Antipolo should she and her child survive the ordeal of delivery which
nearly caused his mother’s life.
- From there they proceeded to Manila and visited his sister Saturnina
who was at the time studying in the La Concordia College in Sta. Ana.
• 1870
- His brother Paciano brought Rizal to Biñan, Laguna. He was placed under the
tutelage of Justiniano Aquino Cruz, studying Latin and Spanish. In this town
he also learned the art of painting under the tutorship of an old painter by
the name of Juancho Carrera.
• 17 December 1870
- Having finished his studies in Biñan, Rizal returned to Calamba on board the
motorboat Talim. His parents planned to transfer him to Manila where he
could continue his studies.
• 1871
- His mother was imprisoned in Sta. Cruz, Laguna for allegedly poisoning the
wife of her cousin Jose Alberto, a rich property owner of Biñan and brother
of Manuel and Gregorio.
City of Dasmariñas,Cavite
• 1872
- For the first time, Rizal heard of the word
“filibustero” which his father forbids the members
of his family to utter, including such names as
Cavite and Burgos. (It must be remembered that
because of the Cavite Mutiny on January 20, 1872,
Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto
Zamora were garroted at Bagumbayan Field on
February 17, 1872.)
City of Dasmariñas,Cavite
• In March 1887,
- his daring book, NOLI ME TANGERE, a
satirical novel exposing the arrogance and
despotism of the Spanish clergy, was
published in Berlin; in 1890 he reprinted in
FILIPINAS with his annotations to prove that
the Filipinos had a civilization worthy to be
proud of even long before the Spaniards set
foot on Philippine soil.
• Books Sources
• Gregorio Zaide & Sonia Zaide (2011). Rizal Life, Works and Writings of
a Genius, Writer, Scientist and National Hero. 2nd Edition. All Nations
Publishing Co., Inc. Cubao Quezon City, Philippines.
• J.A Lopez & A.E Paras.,(2010). Rizal: Life Works and Writings of the
Greatest Malayan 3rd Edition. HisGoPhil Publishing House, Inc.
In Sunny Spain
Rizal transferred to another ship, Djemnah, a French steamer, left Singapore for
Europe on May 11. It was larger and cleaner vessel and carried more
➢There were British, French, Dutch, Spaniards,
Malays, Siamese, and Filipinos.
➢French was mostly spoken on board. Rizal
attempted to converse in French but was
embarrased upon finding out that his book of
French which he learned at Ateneo couldn’t
be understood.
➢By conversing daily with French passengers,
he was able to improve his knowledge of the
French language.
On May 17, Djemnah reached Point Galle, seacoast in southern Ceylon (now
Sri Lanka). Rizal was unimpressed by this town.
The following day, Djemnah resumed voyage towards Colombo, the capital of
Ceylon. Rizal was fascinated by Colombo and wrote on his diary: ”Colombo is
more beautiful, smart, and elegant than Singapore, Point Galle, and Manila.”
From Colombo, Djemnah continued voyage crossing Indian Ocean to the
Cape of Guardafui, Africa. For the first time, Rizal saw the barren coast of
➢ From Aden, Djemnah proceeded to
the city of Suez, the Red Sea
terminal of the Suez Canal.
➢ Rizal disembarked and went
sightseeing. He was impressed by
the moonlight because it reminded
him of Calamba and his family.
➢ It took 5 days for Djemnah to
traverse the Suez Canal. This canal
was built by Ferdinand de Lesseps.
(French diplomat-engineer) which
➢ was inaugurated on November 17,
At Port Said, the Mediterranean terminal of Suez Canal, he was
fascinated to hear multi-racial languages.
From Port Said, they proceeded on way to
On June 11, Rizal reached Naples, an
Italian city that pleased Rizal due to its
business activities, lively people, and
panoramic beauty. He was also fascinated
by Mt. Vesuvius and the Castle of St.
➢ On the night of June 12, the French steamer
docked at the harbor of Marseilles. Rizal
➢ He visited the famous Chateau d’lf (sha-toe
deef), where Dantes, hero of The Count of
Monte Cristo, was imprisoned.
➢ He stayed two and half days in Marseilles,
enjoying every day of his sojourn.
➢On the afternoon of June 15, Rizal left
Marseilles by train for Spain. He stopped at
the frontier town of Port Bou for inspection.
He noticed the indifference accorded by the
Spanish immigration to tourist contrasting to
the courtesy of the French immigration.
➢After passport inspection at Port Bou, Rizal
continued his way and finally reaching his
destination, Barcelona on June 16, 1882.
➢ At 12:00 noon, Rizalarrived at Barcelona and boarded in the
➢ Rizal’s first impression of Barcelona, greatest city of
Cataluña and Spain’s second largest city, was
unfavorable. He thought it was ugly, dirty,and
residents were inhospitable. Later, he came to like the
city. He found it to be with an atmosphere of freedom
and liberalism. People were open-hearted, hospitable,
and courageous.
➢ Filipinos in Barcelona welcomed Rizal. They gave him
a party at Plaza de Cataluña, in turn, he gave them
the latest news and gossips in the Philippines.
In Barcelona, Rizal wrote a nationalistic essay entitled ”Amor
Patrio”(Love of Country), his first article written on Spain’s soil.He
sent the article to Basilio Teodoro Moran, publisher of Diariong
Tagalog, the first Manila bilingual newspaper.
The essay under pen-name Laong Laan appeared in print in Diariong
Tagalog on August 20, 1882. Published in 2 texts, originally written by
Rizal in Spanish and the Tagalog text was translated by M.H. del Pilar.
This essay urged his compatriots to love their fatherland, the
Basilio Teodoro Moran was deeply impressed by ”Amor Patrio” and
requested for more articles.
Rizal wrote 2nd article entitled ”Los Viajes” (Travels). His 3rd article
entitled ”Revista de Madrid” (Review of Madrid), written in Madrid on
November 29, 1882, was returned because the publication stopped
due to lack of funds.
While sojourning in Barcelona, Rizal received sad news
about cholera in Manila and provinces. Many people died
and more dying everyday. According to Paciano’s letter,
dated September 15, 1882, the Calamba folks prayed to
God to stop the epidemic, which even Spanish authorities
are impotent to check.
Another sad news was the letter of Chengoy talking about
the unhappines of Leonor Rivera and that she was getting
thinner because of the absence of a loved one.
establishing himself in Madrid, the capital of Spain.
November 3, 1882 – Rizal enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid(Central
University of Madrid) in 2 courses:
1. Medicine
2. Philosophy and Letters
He also studied painting and sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of San
He also took lessons in French, German, and English
He also practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell.
He visited art galleries, museums, and read books.
He led Spartan life in Madrid to prepare himself for service to his fatherland.
He budgeted his money and time, never wasting any amount for gambling,
wine, and women.
At times, in his leisure time, he invest few pesetas for a lottery ticket, but most
of the time he spent it for reading, writing, and attending reunions of Filipino
On Saturday evenings, he visited Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey, a former city mayor in
Manila and later promoted as Vice-President of the Council of the Philippines
in the Ministry of Colonies. He lived along with his son, Rafael and daughter,
November 3, 1882 – Rizal enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid(Central
University of Madrid) in 2 courses:
1. Medicine
2. Philosophy and Letters
He also studied painting and sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of San
He also took lessons in French, German, and English
He also practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell.
He visited art galleries, museums, and read books.
He led Spartan life in Madrid to prepare himself for service to his fatherland.
He budgeted his money and time, never wasting any amount for gambling,
wine, and women.
At times, in his leisure time, he invest few pesetas for a lottery ticket, but most
of the time he spent it for reading, writing, and attending reunions of Filipino
On Saturday evenings, he visited Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey, a former city mayor in
Manila and later promoted as Vice-President of the Council of the Philippines
in the Ministry of Colonies. He lived along with his son, Rafael and daughter,
Although Rizal was not a handsome man, he possessed an aura of
charisma due to his talents and noble character, makes him looking
attractive to young women, and Consuelo, Don Pablo’s daughter also
fell inlove with him.
Rizal, being lonely and away from his homeland, became attracted to
Consuelo’s beauty and vivacity.
On August 22,1883, Rizal wrote a poem dedicated to her entitled A La
Señorita C.O.y P. (To Miss C.O.y P.), expressing his admiration for her.
However, before his romance with Consuelo could blossom into serious
affair, he backed out for 2 reasons:
1. He was still engaged to Leonor Rivera
2. His friend andco-worker in Propaganda Movement, Eduardo de Lete is
inlove with Consuelo. He had no wish to break their friendship just
because for a girl.
1882 – Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano-Filipino
(Hispano-Philippine Circle), a society of Spaniards
and Filipinos.
Rizal wrote ”Me Piden Versos” (They Ask Me For
Verses) and he personally declaimed it at the New
Year’s Eve reception of the Madrid Filipinos held in
the evening of December 31, 1882.
In this sad poem, he poured out the cry of his
agonizing heart.
Reading- Rizal’s favorite pastime in Madrid.
Instead of gambling and flirting with girls, he
stayed at home, reading books until midnight.
Rizal budgeted his living expenses. With some of
the money he saved, he purchased books from
second-hand book store owned by Señor Roces.
Rizal was able to build a fair-sized private library.
Some of his collections were:
a. The Bible
b. Hebrew Grammar
c. Complete Works of Voltaire (9 Volumes)
Rizal’s first summer vacation in Madrid, he went to Paris, sojourning from
June 17 to August 20, 1883.
Rizal was particularly fascinated by these places:
1. Beautiful boulevards - Champ Elysees (ey-lee-zey)
2. Opera House
3. Place de la Concorde (plas de la kon-kurd)
4. Arch of Triumph
5. Bois de Boulogne (bwah duh boo-lohn)
6. Madelaine Church (mad-l-in)
7. Cathedral of Notre Dame (noh-truh deym, dahm)
8. Column of Vendome (vahn- dohm)
9. Invalides -tomb of Napoleon the Great
10. Versailles (ver-sahy)
Rizal improved his mind by observing French way
of life and spending hours at the museums,
notably the world famous Louvre (loo-ver).
He also went to the botanical gardens, especially
the Luxembourg.
He also went to the libraries, art galleries, and
even hospitals (Laennec Hospital and Lariboisiere
Hospital) to observe.
Many Parisians thought Rizal was Japanese.
The prices of virtually almost everything in Paris
was too high. He commented on his letter to his
family: ”Paris is the cosliest capital in Europe.”
While in Spain, Rizal came in close contact with
prominent Spanish liberal and republican Spaniards,
most of them are Masons.
Those of the included were:
1. Miguel Morayta – statesman, professor, historian, and
2. Francisco Pi y Margal – journalist, statesman, and
former President of the First Spanish Republic.
3. Manuel Becerra – Minister of Ultramar.
4. Emilio Junoy – journalist and member of the Spanish
5. Juan Ruiz Zorilla – parliamentarian and head of the
Republic Progressive Party in Madrid.
Rizal was impressed how they openly criticized the
government policies and lambasted the friars, this could not
be done in the Philippines.
March 1883 – Rizal joined Masonic lodge in Madrid called
His reason for becoming a Mason, is to secure
Freemasonry’s aid in his fight against the friars in the
Friars uses the Catholic religion as a shield to grab power,
wealth, and to persecute Filipino patriots. On the otherhand,
Rizal wanted to utilize Freemasonry as his shield to combat
M.H. del Pilar, G. Lopez Jaena, and Mariano Ponce –are very
active in Masonic affairs. Rizal only played a lukewarm role
in Freemasonry.
”Science, Virtue and Labor” – Rizal’s only Masonic writing
delivered in 1889 at Lodge Solidaridad, Madrid.
After Rizal left for Spain, things went bad to worse in Calamba.
Drought and locusts makes the harvest of rice and sugarcane
extremely tough.
The lands cultivated by the Rizal family was a Domincan-owned
hacienda. The hacienda manager frequently asked Don Francisco for
a turkey however, due to a dreadful pest that killed most of the
turkeys, Don Francisco had to deny him because he need the few
surviving for breeding purposes. The hacienda manager enraged for
his failure to received a turkey, leads to increasing rentals of the
leased lands by Don Francisco and Paciano.
Due to this hard times, allowances became harsh for Rizal in Madrid
and at times he received nothing at all.
June 24, 1884 – Rizal was broke and haven’t had his breakfast, yet
he attended his class and then participated in the contest in Greek
language and even won the gold medal. Later that night, he was
able have his meal for the day upon attending a banquet to honor
Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo.
June 25, 1884 – banquet for Luna and Hidalgo was sponsored by Filipino
community to celebrate the double victory of Filipino artists in the National
Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid:
1. Luna’s Spoliarium – winning 1st prize
2. Hidalgo’s Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace – won 2nd prize.
Rizal was a guest speaker and he held his audience spellbound.
He saluted Luna and Hidalgo as the 2 glories of Spain and Philippines.
He stated that genius is universal, artistic achievements transcended
geographical frontiers and racial origins.
He alluded in refine sarcasm the bigotry and blindness of some unworthy
Spaniards (pertaining to the bad friars in the Philippines) of not
appreciating the universality of genius.
Rizal’s magnificent speech was greeted with warm ovations because
Spaniards seldom hear such a beautiful oration from the lips of a brown
November 20, 21, and 22, 1884 – bloody riots by students of the Central
University exploded in Madrid. Rizal and other Filipino students joined along
with Cuban, Mexican, Peruvian, and Spanish students.
The riot was ignited when Dr. Miguel Morayta (History Professor) and some
who applauded his speech was excommunicated because his speech was
condemned by Catholic bishops in Spain.
The angered students even rose to violent demonstrations due the bigotry
of Catholic bishops.
Many university professors openly supported the rioters. The Rector taking
the students’ side was forced to resigned. Later, he was replaced by Doctor
Creus, a man disliked by everyone. The appointment of new Rector only
intensified the fury of the student demonstrations.
Rizal completed his medical course in Spain. He was
conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine by the
Universidad Central de Madrid on June 21, 1884.
The next academic year (1884-85), he studied and
passed all subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of
Medicine but he didn’t present his thesis required for
graduation nor paid the corresponding fees. He was not
awarded his Doctor’s diploma.
Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and Letters
with higher grades. He was awarded the degree of
Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters by Universidad
central de Madrid on June 19, 1884 with the rating
Excellent (Sobresaliente).
By obtaining degree of Licentiate in Philosophy
and Letters, Rizal is qualified to be a professor of
Humanities in any Spanish university.
By receiving degree of Licentiate in Medicine, he
also become a full-fledged physician and is
qualified to practice medicine.
Rizal didn’t bother to secure post-graduate degree
of Doctor of Medicine because it was only good for
teaching purposes. He doesn’t need it because he
is already a professor and qualified to teach.
He also knew that with his brown color and Asian
ancestry, no friar-owned university or college would
hire him even if he had graduated with flying
honors, they still wouldn’t recognize it.
From Boyhood to Adulthood
Rizal at age 11
This is a photograph of a
young boy from Calamba
who would later be this
country’s contribution to
the world.
Source: (11) Rizal in Barong Tagalog - Posts | Facebook
Rizal at age 16
Rizal at 18 years old while a student of medicine at the U.S.T
Rizal in Madrid at the age of 25
Dr. José Rizal, Fundador de la Liga Filipina
Dr. Jose Rizal, Founder of the Philippine League
Rizal at age 35
Heroes also to have a LOVE LIFE for inspiration ☺
In the last days of February 1895, while still in Dapitan, Rizal met an
18-year old petite Irish girl, with bold blue eyes, brown hair and a
happy disposition. She was Josephine Bracken, the adopted daughter
of George Taufer from Hong Kong, who came to Dapitan to seek
Rizal for eye treatment. Rizal was physically attracted to her. His
loneliness and boredom must have taken the measure of him and what
could be a better diversion that to fall in love again. But the Rizal
sisters suspected Josephine as an agent of the friars and they
considered her as a threat to Rizal’s security.
Rizal asked Josephine to marry him, but she was not yet
ready to make a decision due to her responsibility to the
blind Taufer. Since Taufer’s blindness was untreatable, he
left for Hong Kong on March 1895. Josephine stayed with
Rizal’s family in Manila. Upon her return to Dapitan, Rizal
tried to arrange with Father Antonio Obach for their
marriage. However, the priest wanted a retraction as a
precondition before marrying them. Rizal upon the advice
of his family and friends and with Josephine’s consent took
her as his wife even without the Church blessings.
Josephine later give birth prematurely to a stillborn baby, a
result of some incidence, which might have shocked or
frightened her.
➢ Rizal relic — the famous wood sculpture
depicting the likeness of Josephine Leopoldine
Bracken masterfully made by Rizal in Dapitan in
➢ Very few researchers had the chance to study this
work of art up close and personal.
➢ The wood plank measures 8 inches in width, 13
inches in length, and 1-1.5 inches in thickness,
and weighs about 1.2 kilograms.
➢ It is made of solid molave wood, without any
visible inscriptions on all sides.
➢ The use of masilla (most likely bakhaw paste) is
➢ Looking at this sculpture, one can have a good
idea of how Josephine Bracken really looked like.
➢ She was beautiful!
Crayon sketch by Rizal
Leonor Rivera
Sweetheart of Rizal
A full-length portrait of
Rivera, c. 1880s
Leonor Rivera-Kipping
Sweetheart of Rizal
Segunda Katigbak was her puppy love. Unfortunately, his first love was engaged
to be married to a town mate- Manuel Luz.
Nelly Boustead of Biarritz
whom Rizal almost married in 1891, after learning that Leonor Rivera
got married
Rizal having lost Leonor Rivera, entertained the thought of courting other ladies.
While a guest of the Boustead family at their residence in the resort city of Biarritz, he
had befriended the two pretty daughters of his host, Eduardo Boustead. Rizal used to
fence with the sisters at the studio of Juan Luna. Antonio Luna, Juan’s brother and
also a frequent visitor of the Bousteads, courted Nellie but she was deeply infatuated
with Rizal. In a party held by Filipinos in Madrid, a drunken Antonio Luna uttered
unsavory remarks against Nellie Boustead. This prompted Rizal to challenge Luna into
a duel. Fortunately, Luna apologized to Rizal, thus averting tragedy for the compatriots.
Their love affair unfortunately did not end in marriage. It failed because Rizal refused
to be converted to the Protestant faith, as Nellie demanded and Nellie’s mother did
not like a physician without enough paying clientele to be a son-in-law. The lovers,
however, parted as good friends when Rizal left Europe.
O-Sei Kiyo San
whom Rizal met during his one and a half month sojourn in Japan in the
spring of 1888. She taught him Japanese.
O Sei San, a Japanese samurai’s daughter, taught Rizal the Japanese art
of painting known as su-mie. She also helped Rizal improve his
knowledge of Japanese language. If Rizal was a man without a
patriotic mission, he would have married this lovely and intelligent
woman and lived a stable and happy life with her in Japan because
Spanish legation there offered him a lucrative job.
➢ A Rizal monument in Japan that marks
the site of the former Tokyo Hotel where
Rizal stayed in 1888.
➢ Stayed at Japan and Study Judo and
was amaze and Found on the Bushido
Code of Conduct... His Japanese Journey
Added on his Martial Arts Philosophy that
he have applied to Master the "De
Cadena" Form... Continuous Barrage of
Attack to overwhealm the Enemy after
anticipating an Attack...
➢ Few to Many, Our National Hero is a
Grand Master with 25 years of Combined
Self Defense Skill tuning it on one Martial
Arts... He also created a Movement Called
"Kumpas" where in he create an illusion of
Speed of Attack to confuse his Opponent...
Consuelo Ortiga y Rey
Consuelo Ortiga y Rey, the prettier of Don Pablo Ortiga’s
daughters, fell in love with him. He dedicated to her A la
Senorita C.O. y R., which became one of his best poems.
The Ortiga's residence in Madrid was frequented by Rizal
and his compatriots. He probably fell in love with her and
Consuelo apparently asked him for romantic verses. He
suddenly backed out before the relationship turned into a
serious romance, because he wanted to remain loyal to
Leonor Rivera and he did not want to destroy hid
friendship with Eduardo de Lete who was madly in love
with Consuelo.
Suzanna (Susan) Jacoby
Rizal stayed in the house of the Jacoby's in Brussels, Belgium
A C C E P T A B L E ! . . . W H E R E A R E Y O U, Y O U N G P E O P L E , W H O W I L L E M B O D Y
T H E E N T H U S I A S M T H A T H A S B E E N P U T O U T I N O U R H E A R T S ? . . . W E WA I T
F O R Y O U, O R Y O U N G P E O P L E , C O M E T H A T W E WA I T F O R Y O U ! " - FA T H E R
F L O R E N T I N O, T H E F I L I B U S T E R I S M
D O L O R E S B L U M E N T R I T T, T H E O N L Y
F R I E N D P R O F. F E R D I N A N D
B L U M E N T R I T T. L O L E N G, A S S H E WA S
B O R N O N 2 4 J U N E 1 8 8 0 . S H E WA S 6
Y E A R S O L D I N T H I S P H O T O. R I Z A L
I N L E I T M E R I T Z ( N OW U N D E R T H E
S C U L P T U R E O F A W I L D B OA R ( JA BA L I )
WA S S O L D A T A U C T I O N F O R 1 7 . 5 M
A L S O S O L D FO R 17. 5M PES O S. BO TH
In this website you will the biography, geneology, education, travels, paintings,
literatures, sculptures, sketches, and discoveries of Jose Rizal.
Rizal said
He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and smelly fish.
Featured Work
Baptized by Rev. Ruffino Collantes at the Catholic of Calamba with Rev. Pedro Casanas
as sponsor on June 22, 1861.
1864-1865 Rizal learned the alphabet from his mother at the age of three. However, his
sister Conception, the eighth child in the family died at the age of three when Rizal was
four years old. He remembered himself having shed real tears for the first time.
1865 His mother taught him how to read and write, while his father hired Leon Monroy
to teach Rizal the rudiments of Latin.
1868 Rizal made a pilgrimage to Antipolo with his father to fulfill the vow of his mother
to take the child to the Shrine of the Virgin of Antipolo.
They proceeded to Manila and visited his sister Saturnina who was at the time studying
in the La Concordia College in Sta. Ana.
1869 At the age of eight, Rizal wrote his first poem entitled “Sa Aking Mga Kabata.” The
poem was written in tagalog and had for its theme “Love of One’s Language.”
Rizal’s Educational Background
Rizal’s mother, Doña Teodora was his first teacher. Doña Teodora was patient,
conscientious, and understanding. She also discovered that Rizal had a talent for poetry,
and encouraged him to write poems.
Private Tutors
• Maestro Celestino
• Maestro Lucas
• Leon Monroy
Rizal went to Biñan on June 1869. He was accompanied by his older brother Paciano,
and taught by Maestro Justiniano.
In academic studies, Rizal beat all Biñan boys. He surpassed them in Spanish, Latin, and
other subjects.
Rizal entered Ateneo in 1872. He belonged to the class composed of Spaniards,
mestizos, and Filipinos. However, he was considered as an inferior and was placed at the
bottom of the class.
By the end of the month, he became the emperor and received a prize: a religious
Rizal graduated on March 23, 1877, attaining sobresaliente or excellent with 5 medals.
He received the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
Extra Curriculars
• Classroom Emperor
• Campus Leader
• Secretary of Marian Congregation Religious Society
• Member of Academy of Spanish Literature and the Academy of Natural Sciences
• Studied painting under the famous Spanish Painter, Agustin Saez
• Improved his sculpture talents under the supervision of Romualdo de Jesus
• Engaged in gymnastics and fencing and continued the physical training under his sports-
minded Tio Manuel
Medical Studies in University of Sto. Thomas
1877 - 1882
He continued his education at UST and finished a year in Philosophy and Letters after
deciding to shift to a medical course. He made the decision for him to be a physician
and be able to treat his mother’s failing eyesight. Fr. Pablo Ramon, the Father Rector of
Ateneo whom he consulted recommended medicine.
While UST was under Dominicans, the rival of Jesuits that established Ateneo, Rizal
remained loyal to Ateneo.
Pre-Med Course
Out of the 28 young men taking Ampliacion only four including Rizal were granted the
privilege of taking simultaneously the preparatory course and the first year of medicine.
Rizal also received his four year practical training in medicine at the Hospital de San
Juan de Dios in Intramuros
During his last year at the University, Rizal had obtained the global grade of Notable
(Very Good) in all of his subjects, and he was the second best student in a decimated
class of seven who passed the medicine course. After which, Rizal decided to study in
1882 - 1885
His departure for Spain was kept secret from Spanish Authorities, friars and even his
parents especially his mother because she would not allow him to go. To avoid
detection, he used the name Jose Mercado.
On May 3, 1882 he boarded on Salvadora bound for Singapore where he was the only
Filipino passenger.
The following academic year, he studied and passed all subjects leading to the degree
of doctor of medicine. Unfortunately, he was not able to submit the thesis required for
graduation nor paid the corresponding fees. With that, he was not awarded his Doctor’s
Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and Letters with higher grades. He was
awarded the Degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters by the Universidad Central
de Madrid June 19, 1885 with the rating of excellent.
In 1885, after studying at the Universidad Central de Madrid, Rizal, who was then 24
years old, went to Paris to acquire more knowledge in ophthalmology.
• Maximo Viola
• Señor Eusebio Corominas
• Don Miguel Morayta
• Dr. Louis de Weckert
On February 3, 1886, after gathering some experience in ophthalmology, he left Paris
and went to Heidelberg, Germany.
He worked at the University Eye Hospital under the direction of Dr. Otto Becker, a
distinguished German ophthalmologist.
On April 22, 1886, Rizal wrote a poem entitled A Las Flores de Heidelberg (To the
Flowers of Heidelberg) because he was fascinated by the blooming flowers along the
Neckar River, which was the light blue flower called “forget-me-not”.
On August 14, 1886, Rizal arrived in Leipzig. There, he attended some lectures at the
University of Leipzig on history and psychology.
The philosophy of a country like the Philippines is made up of the intricate and composite
interrelationship of the life histories of its people; in other word, the philosophy of our nation
would be strange and undefinable if we do not delve into the past tied up with the notable life
experiences of the representative personalities of our nation.
Being one of the prominent representatives of Filipino personalities, Jose Rizal is a fit subject
whose life philosophy deserves to be recognized.
Having been a victim of Spanish brutality early in his life in Calamba, Rizal had thus already
formed the nucleus of an unfavorable opinion of Castillian imperialistic administration of his
country and people.
Pitiful social conditions existed in the Philippines as late as three centuries after his conquest in
Spain, with agriculture, commerce, communications and education languishing under its most
backward state. It was because of this social malady that social evils like inferiority complex,
cowardice, timidity and false pride pervaded nationally and contributed to the decay of social
life. This stimulated and shaped Rizal’s life phylosophy to be to contain if not eliminate these
social ills.
Educational Philosophy
Rizal’s concept of the importance of education is clearly enunciated in his work entitled
Instruction wherein he sought improvements in the schools and in the methods of teaching. He
maintained that the backwardness of his country during the Spanish ear was not due to the
Filipinos’ indifference, apathy or indolence as claimed by the rulers, but to the neglect of the
Spanish authorities in the islands. For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to
the highest seat of glory and to develop the people’s mentality. Since education is the foundation
of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could
the country be saved from domination.
Rizal’s philosophy of education, therefore, centers on the provision of proper motivation in order
to bolster the great social forces that make education a success, to create in the youth an innate
desire to cultivate his intelligence and give him life eternal.
Religious Philosophy
Rizal grew up nurtured by a closely-knit Catholic family, was educated in the foremost Catholic
schools of the period in the elementary, secondary and college levels; logically, therefore, he
should have been a propagator of strictly Catholic traditions. However, in later life, he developed
a life philosophy of a different nature, a philosophy of a different Catholic practice intermingled
with the use of Truth and Reason.
It could have been the result of contemporary contact, companionship, observation, research and
the possession of an independent spirit. Being a critical observer, a profound thinker and a
zealous reformer, Rizal did not agree with the prevailing Christian propagation of the Faith by
fire and sword. This is shown in his Annotation of Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas.
Rizal did not believe in the Catholic dogma that salvation was only for Catholics and that outside
Christianity, salvation was not possible even if Catholics composed only a small minority of the
world’s religious groups. Nor did he believe in the Catholic observation of fasting as a sacrifice,
nor in the sale of such religious items as the cross, medals, rosaries and the like in order to
propagate the Faith and raise church funds. He also lambasted the superstitious beliefs
propagated by the priests in the church and in the schools. All of these and a lot more are
evidences of Rizal’s religious philosophy.
Political Philosophy
In Rizal’s political view, a conquered country like the Philippines should not be taken advantage
of but rather should be developed, civilized, educated and trained in the science of self-
He bitterly assailed and criticized in publications the apparent backwardness of the Spanish
ruler’s method of governing the country which resulted in:
Ethical Philosophy
The study of human behavior as to whether it is good or bad or whether it is right or wrong is
that science upon which Rizal’s ethical philosophy was based. The fact that the Philippines was
under Spanish domination during Rizal’s time led him to subordinate his philosophy to moral
problems. This trend was much more needed at that time because the Spaniards and the Filipinos
had different and sometimes conflicting morals. The moral status of the Philippines during this
period was one with a lack of freedom, one with predominance of foreign masters, one with an
imposition of foreign religious worship, devotion, homage and racial habits. This led to moral
confusion among the people, what with justice being stifled, limited or curtailed and the people
not enjoying any individual rights.
To bolster his ethical philosophy, Dr. Rizal had recognized not only the forces of good and evil,
but also the tendencies towards good and evil. As a result, he made use of the practical method of
appealing to the better nature of the conquerors and of offering useful methods of solving the
moral problems of the conquered.
1. Censured the friars for abusing the advantage of their position as spiritual leaders and the
ignorance and fanaticism of the natives.
2. Counseled the Filipinos not to resent a defect attributed to them but to accept same as reasonable
and just.
3. Advised the masses that the object of marriage was the happiness and love of the couple and not
financial gain.
4. Censured the priests who preached greed and wrong morality.
5. Advised every one that love and respect for parents must be strictly observed..
Social Philosophy
That body of knowledge relating to society including the wisdom which man's experience in
society has taught him is social philosophy. The facts dealt with are principles involved in nation
building and not individual social problems. The subject matter of this social philosophy covers
the problems of the whole race, with every problem having a distinct solution to bolster the
people’s social knowledge.
1. Man in society
2. Influential factors in human life
3. Racial problems
4. Social constant
5. Social justice
6. Social ideal
7. Poverty and wealth
8. Reforms
9. Youth and greatness
10. History and progress
11. Future Philippines.
The above dealt with man’s evolution and his environment, explaining for the most part human
behavior and capacities like his will to live; his desire to possess happiness; the change of his
mentality; the role of virtuous women in the guidance of great men; the need for elevating and
inspiring mission; the duties and dictates of man’s conscience; man’s need of practicing
gratitude; the necessity for consulting reliable people; his need for experience; his ability to
deny; the importance of deliberation; the voluntary offer of man’s abilities and possibilities; the
ability to think, aspire and strive to rise; and the proper use of hearth, brain and spirit-all of these
combining to enhance the intricacies, beauty and values of human nature. All of the above served
as Rizal’s guide
Filipinos and foreigners alike have paid tribute to Jose Rizal claiming that his place of honor in
history is secure. It was his Austrian bosom friend, Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt, rector of the
Imperial Atheneum of Leitmeritz, who said "Rizal was the greatest product of the Philippines
and his coming to the world was like the appearance of a rare comet, whose rare brilliance
appears only every other century." Another German friend, Dr. Adolf B. Meyer, director of the
Dresden Museum who admired his all around knowledge and ability, remarked "Rizal’s many-
sidedness was stupendous." Our own Dr. Camilo Osias pointed to him as the "versatile genius."
His precocity since early boyhood turned into versatility in later years. Being curious and
inquisitive, he developed a rare facility of mastering varied subjects and occupations.
Rizal acted as a character in one of Juan Luna’s paintings and acted in school dramas.
Rizal had farms in Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte (1892-1896) where he planted lanzones,
coconuts and other fruit-bearing trees.
Animal Lover
As a small boy, Rizal loved animals including birds, fish, insects, and other specimens of animal
life. Fowls, rabbits, dogs, horses, and cats constituted his favorites. As much as possible, he did
not wish fowls to be killed even for food, and showed displeasure in being asked to eat the
cooked animal. The family garden in Calamba abounded with insects galore and birds native to
the Calamba environs. He wrote about and sketched animals of the places he had toured.
He made researches on the physical and social make up of man.
Rizal studied monuments and antique currency everywhere he went. He drew most of the
monuments he saw.
Rizal always practiced self-discipline wherever he went.
Book lover
He had a big library and brought many books abroad.
Rizal maintained a garden in Dapitan where he planted and experimented on plants of all kinds
He had a partner in Dapitan in the Abaca business there (1892-1896).
He drew maps of Dapitan, The Philippines and other places he visited.
Chess Player
He played chess and bear several Germans and European friends and acquaintances.
Rizal always expresses and published his personal opinion.
He had a good shell collection in Dapitan. An American conchologist praised him.
Rizal taught in his special school in Dapitan.
In his travels, Rizal was able to compare different races and he noted the differences.
He fenced with Europeans and Juan Luna and other friends in Europe.
Freemason abroad
He was member of La Solidaridad Lodge in Spain.
Horticulture and farmer
He experimented on and cultivated plants in Dapitan.
His annotation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas entitled him as one.
There are many humorous incidents in the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
He collected 38 new varieties of fish in Dapitan.
His admiration of Japanese traits and his knowledge of her language proved he was one.
He authored the published many articles in Spanish and English and London.
Laboratory worker
He was employed in the clinic of Dr. L. Wecker in Paris.
He spoke over 20 foreign languages.
Lover of truth
He chided Spanish writers for not writing the truth about the Filipinos. He was always truthful
since boyhood.
He played the flute and composed pieces of music and cultivated music appreciation.
Rizal used mythology in his Noli and Fili.
He gave full expression of the native spirit strengthened by world civilization and loved and
defended everything Filipino.
He wrote and published articles in many publications and was one of the organizers of the La
He graduated in an ophthalmologic college in Spain.
Rizal admired the special characteristic and beauties of Oriental countries peoples.
Rizal treasured and popularized the usefulness and preparation of cures for treatment of his
Rizal loved of learning and literature is unequalled.
Rizal not only loved wisdom but also regulated his life and enjoyed calmness of the life at all
Physical culturist
Rizal maintained a good health by exercising all parts of his body and eating proper foods
He treated several patients afflicted not only with eye diseases.
Plant lover
As a child, Rizal spend most of his time in the family garden which was planted with fruit trees,
Shrubs and decorative trees. His diaries contained detailed description and sketches of plants,
flowers and fruits he saw in the places he visited. He wrote poems on flower he like very much
as his poems To the Flowers of Heidelberg.
Rizal wrote over 35 poems including his famous Ultimo Adios.
Although Rizal did not engage in Politics, he exposed the evils of the political activities of the
Spaniards in the Philippines through his writing.
Rizal spoke and wrote in 20 languages.
In Germany, He worked as a part-time proofreader of his livelihood.
As a reformer, Rizal encourages the recommendation of improving the government entities and
discourage abuses publishing articles.
He published the modern methods of government administration, so changes could be made.
Being a wide reader, he compared the old and new practices in life.
Rizal encouraged reforms, discouraged old, impractical usage, and desired new and useful laws
to benefit his countrymen. He desired changes for the better.
Rizal has always practiced the art of persuasive and impressive speaking and writing.
Sanitary engineer
His construction of a water system in Dapitan exemplified this practice by Rizal.
Rizal’s practice of many sciences here and abroad made him noted scientist.
His works of his father and of Father Guerrico, S. J. typified his sculptural ability.
Sharp shooter
He could hit a target 20 meters away.
Rizal’s ancestry and his ability to speak Chinese made him one.
In Rizal’s study of Philippines social problems, he always encouraged and introduced solutions.
He always joined fraternities, associations and brotherhood, for self-improvement.
He engaged from a surveying class at the Ateneo after passing his A. B. there.
He was considered the foremost tourist due to his extensive travels.
He traveled around the world three times.
Tuberculosis expert
For having cured himself of this disease, he became and was recognized as an expert.
Youth leader
He considered the youth as "the hope of his Fatherland."
He was fond of pets. He researched later on their physiology, classification and habits.
Rizal’s Famous Quotations
He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and smelly fish.
It is a useless life that is not consecrated to a great ideal. It is like a stone wasted on the field
without becoming a part of any edifice.
While a people preserves its language; it preserves the marks of liberty.
There can be no tyrants where there are no slaves.
Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinangalingan ay hindi makakarating sa paroroonan.
He who does not know how to look back at where he came from will never get to his destination.
The youth is the hope of our future.
1. This school whom Rizal first enrolled in Manila is formerly called Escuela Pia. - Ateneo Municipal
2. The book which Rizal read which appear to have influenced the fictional character of Simon. This book
became Rizal's favorite novel. -The Count of Monte Cristo
3. The priest who supported Rizal when he returned to Manila after the release of his mother from Jail. He
is well described as " a model of rectitude and love for students." He was Rizal's favorite professor in
Ateneo. -Fr. Francisco Sanchez
4. The course which the Jesuits suggested to Rizal to take when he was about to enroll for tertiary
education. -farming
5. While Rizal enrolled in Medicine at UST, he also studied this course at Ateneo Municipal. -surveying
6. The Governor General who did not give justice to Rizal when he was brutally treated by a civil guard.
-Primo de Rivera
7. The poem which Rizal submitted as his entry to the Liceo Artistico Literario de Manila -A La Juventud
8. The first country which Rizal set foot on when he left Manila on May 1882-Singapore
9. This route was traversed by Rizal's ship which shortened travel to Europe from 3 months to 1 month.
-Suez Canal
10. The former classmate of Rizal from Ateneo who gave him a party when Rizal arrived at Barcelona
-Tomas Cabangis
11. The nationalistic essay which Rizal wrote which showed his love for his country-Amor Patrio
12. Rizal used this pen name when he wrote his nationalistic essay while in Barcelona-Laong Laan
13. He was an advocate of freedom and self-determination for all people. The traits of this person have
drawn Rizal to join the Liberals. -Dr. Miguel Morayta
14. Rizal joined this social conglomeration of Filipino scholars, students, and Spaniards interested in
Philippine concerns and issues.-Circulo Hispano Filipino
15. When Rizal moved up the ranks of free masonry, what lodge did he became a master
16. One of the friends of Rizal who won a painting contest contest in Madrid Exposition. His entry was
"Christian Virgins exposed to the Populace."-Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo
17. When Rizal wrote to his mother after the stircreated by the Brindis speech, he described that he had
spent 3 years "in the dazzling cities of Elightenment". This pertain to what city?-Madrid
18. After graduation, Rizal proceeded to Paris, France and registered at the clinic of the recognized leading
Freanch Opthalmologist. Who is he?-Dr. Louis Wecker
19. Rizal became an expert in opthalmology under the tutelage of this doctor-Otto Becker
20. Rizal translated in Tagalog this book of Schiller which is about Swiss independence-William Tell
21. Among the reasons Rizal decided to return to the Philippines, choose the statement which is not
included -Sell Noli Me Tangere
22. Rizal opened a gymnasium in Calamba not for this reason-discourage gambling
23. The death of this sister of Rizal made his return to Calamba relatively a sad one-Olympia
24. The Governor General who provided a bodyguard for Rizal because he knew that Rizal made an enemy
out of Noli Me Tangere-Emilio Terrero
25. He was the seaman from Marinduque who helped smuggle the Noli Me tangere from Hongkong to
Manila-Perfecto Rufino Riego
26. It means a "toast".-Brindis
27. This friar published a pamphlet wherein he warned readers of Noli Me Tangere that they committed
mortal sin upon reading the book because it is heretical-Fr. Jose Rodriguez
28. The book read by Rizal while he was a student in Ateneo Municipal which was authored by Dr. Feodor
Jagor-Travels in the Philippines
29. He is the one who shouldered the expenses of the initial publication of Noli Me Tangere-Maximo Viola
30. Because Rizal was trained in Germany, he was called by this name by his patients-Doctor Uliman
31. The name of the bodyguard assigned by Gov. Gen. Terrero to look after Rizal-Lt. Jose Taviel de
32. This pamphlet was written by Fr. Jose Rodriguez which warned readers to avoid reading Noli Me
Tangere-Caiingat Cayo
33. The Governor General who ordered the deportation of 25 individuals including Paciano and Silvestre
Ubaldo-Valeriano Weyler
34. When Rizal decided to leave the Philippines again due to threats to his life, he boarded this ship that
would take him on the first leg of his trip to Europe-Don Juan
35. The hymn Rizal wrote for the feast day of Lipa before he left the country for the second time.-Himno Al
36. The entry pf Rizal in commemorating the 400th death anniversary of Miguel Cervantes. -El Consejo
delos Dioses
37. Rizal left the Philippines at the age of ______. -20
38. The editor of El Diariong Tagalog who requested for more articles from Rizal. -Francisco Calvo
39. Rizal Jesuit Professor-Bech
40. The initial course of Rizal in UST.-Philosophy and Letters
41. The steamship Rizal boarded for his first travel in Europe. -Salvadora
42. The British colony which was the first stop-over of Rizal’s trip.-Singapore
43. It was Spain’s second largest city and was described by Rizal as dark, dirty and ugly.-Barcelona
44. What is Rizal’s masonic name?-Dimasalang
45. She was code named _________ in Rizal’s diary to camouflage their relationship from their parents
because they were in fact cousins.-Leonor Rivera
46. Rizal would sent her love notes written in invincible ink that could only be deciphered over the light of
the lamp or candle.-Leonor Valenzuela
47. Amor Patrio was published in what news paper?-El Diariong Tagalog
48. The poem written by Rizal dedicated to Consuelo Ortiga Y Rey.- A La Senorita C.O.y.R
49. The response of Marcelo H. Del Pilar to Fr. Rodriguez’ phamplet. - Caiigat Cayo
50. It is considered to be Rizal’s greatest contribution to the Philippines.-Noli Me Tangere
51. The name of the bodyguard assigned by Gov. Gen. Terrero to look after Rizal -Lt. Jose Taviel de
52. Rizal moved in the house of __________, a protestant minister who became his good friend.-Karl
53. In what newspaper was the poem Amor Patrio published? -El Diariong Tagalog
Travels of Rizal - SUMMARY
May 3, 1882
Rizal left Philippines to complete his studies in Spain. He boarded the Salvadora using a
passport of the name Jose Mercado.
Secret Mission
• Observe the life and culture, customs, governments and laws of European nations in
order to prepare himself in the task of liberating the Filipino people from Spanish
• Rizal’s departure was kept secret to avoid detection from Spanish authorities and
the friars.
May 9, 1882
The Salvadora docked at Singapore
The first stop over of Rizal on his way to Spain is Singapore, which he spent for
sightseeing the city including its famed Botanical Garden, Buddhist temples, the
monument of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles, the founder of Singapore.
In route through the Suez Canal, Rizal got off at Red Sea terminal and was amazed by
the impressive moonlight scenery in Suez and was engrossed with the multicultural
people and language of the place.
Naples, Italy
June 11, 1882
Rizal went around the city of Naples. This was the first European ground he set foot on.
Merseilles, France
June 13, 1882
Rizal arrived early in the morning and boarded at the Noalles Hotel.
Barcelona, Spain
He wrote his first article (“Amor Patrio”) abroad. It was published in Diaryong Tagalog.
Madrid, Spain
Rizal studied in University Central de Madrid. He then had a love affair with Consuelo
Ortiga y Perez, the daughter of Don Pablo.
He stayed at the Hotel de Paris, but them moved to a cheaper hotel. He was amazed by
the attractive scenery and he often visited museums. After departure for Spain, things
turned from bad to worse in Calamba.
• He visited Paris and Germany to specialize in ophthalmology.
• He stopped over at Barcelona, on his way to Paris, to visit his friend Maximo Viola.
• He met Dr. Feodor Jagor author of Travels in the Philippines, a book that Rizal
admired because of its keen observances in the Philippines setting.
• With the help of Maximo Viola, who gave him the necessary funds to publish the
novel, Noli Me Tangere was published.
• Accompanied by his friend Maximo Viola.
• They visited Ferdinand Blumentritt.
• Rizal and Viola arted ways in Geneva.
• After a week of staying in Rome, he prepared to return to the Philippines.
• He had already written to his father that he was coming home.
United States
He left New York for Liverpool on board the City of Rome. He was onboard in a steamer
which was “the second largest ship in the world” – The Great Eastern.
• London was a safe place from the attacks of Spanish tyranny.
• He was a boarder of the Beckett family.
• Fell in love with Gertrude Beckett.
• Rizal also wrote his first article in La Solidaridad, a patriotic newspaper founded by
Graciano Lopez Jaena.
• Society founded by Rizal in Paris was the R.D.L.M. Society. The aim of the secret
society is the propagation of all useful knowledge in the Philippines. Another aims
is the redemption of the Malay race.
• In Brussels Rizal was busy writing his second novel “El Filibusterismo”.
• The Calamba agrarian trouble was getting worse. The management of the
Dominican hacienda continually raised the land rents.
• Rizal sought the help of the Filipino colony to protest the injustices of the
• His life was full of misfortunes.
• He further learned from Saturnina’s letter that their parents had been forcibly
ejected from their home.
• Rizal took a vacation in the resort city of Biarritz on the fabulous French Riviera. He
was the guest of the Boustead family.
• He had finished the last chapter of his second novel, El Filibusterismo.
• Rizal was in-love with Nellie Boustead, a daughter of the Boustead family.
• July 5, 1891 - Rizal left Brussels for Ghent a famous university city in Belguim.
• He stayed at Ghent because the cost of printing is cheaper.
• After the publication of El Filibusterismo, Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong.
Dr. Rizal’s Travels and Homecomings
After finishing the 4th year of the medical course in UST, Jose Rizal decided to
complete his studies in Spain. He decided to study in Spain for the following reasons:
a) He was disgusted with the method of instruction of the Dominican-owned University
and the racial prejudice of the Dominican Professors against Filipino students, and
b) Rizal’s secret mission was to observe keenly the life and culture, languages, and
customs, industries and commerce, and governments, and laws of the European
nations in order to prepare himself in the mighty task of liberating his oppressed people
from Spanish tyranny. Rizal’s departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by
the Spanish authorities and the friars.
During the voyage to Singapore, he carefully observed the people and things on
board the steamer. There were sixteen passengers including himself.
From Colombo, it continued the voyage crossing the Indian Ocean to the cape of
Guardafui, Africa. Rizal sighted the barren coast of Africa and called it “inhospitable land
but famous”.
Rizal had a stopover at Aden wherein he found the city hotter than Manila.
From Aden, the Djemnah proceeded to the city of Suez, the red sea terminal of the
Suez Canal.
• On June 11, 1882: Rizal reached Naples which really pleased him because of its
business activity, its lively people, and its panoramic beauty.
• June 12, 1882: The steamer docked at the French Harbor of Marseilles.
• Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid in two courses- Medicine and
Philosophy and Letters.
• He also studied painting and sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of San
Fernando and took lessons in French, German, and English under private
• His thirst for knowledge of music, he visited the art galleries and museums and
read books on all subjects in order to broaden his cultural background.
• He spent his leisure time reading and writing at his boarding house, practicing
fencing, shooting at the gymnasium.
• Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle) and wrote a
poem entitled “Me Piden Versos” (They ask me for Verses)
• During Rizal’s first summer vacation in Madrid, he went to Paris from June 17 to
August 20, 1883.
• Like all tourists, he enjoyed the attractive sights, the historical places, etc. but
unlike ordinary tourists, Rizal spent many hours in Museums, Botanical gardens,
Libraries, Art galleries, and Hospitals.
• In Spain, Rizal came in close contact with Spanish liberal and republican
Spaniards who were mostly masons.
• March 1883, Rizal joined the Masonic lodge called Acacia in Madrid. He became a
mason so that he could secure Freemasonry’s aid in his fight against the friars in
the Philippines.
• Later on, he transferred to Lodge Solidaridad where he became a Master Mason.
• He was awarded the diploma as a Master Mason by Le Grand Orient de France in
• Rizal was fascinated by its beautiful buildings, religious images, haunting waltzes
and majestic charm.
• June 19, 1887: Rizal treated Viola to a blowout on his 26th birthday
• June 23, Viola and Rizal parted ways
• Feb.28-Apr.13: arrival in Japan
• London was a safe place to continue his fight against Spanish tyranny
• Continued to write for La Solidaridad in defense of his people against spain
→A friend of Rizal was arrested and jailed in Bilibid prison for keeping a copy of Noli.
→The good news that reached Rizal was the defense of Noli by Rev. Vicente Garcia
against the friars.
• Annotating Morga’s book was considered his greatest achievement during his stay
in London
• Rizal was entertained by Juan Luna and his wife during his stay in London
• December 1888: Rizal visited Barcelona and Madrid
This was where Rizal first met Marcelo H Del Pilar and Mariano Ponce(two titans
of the propaganda movement)
• December 31, 1888: Asociacion La Solidaridad was inaugurated. Rizal was
chosen honorary president
• February 15, 1889: La Solidaridad in Barcelona was founded by Graciano Lopez
• March 25,1889: Rizal’s first article in the La Solidaridad was entitles Los
Agricultores Filipinos was published.
• Wrote the Tagalog version of The Women of Malolos on Feb 22 1889. This letter
was about the Filipino woman and their rights
• Before he left London Rizal finished four sculptural works:
*Prometheus bound
*The triumph of death over life
*The triumph of science over death
*A carving of the heads of the Beckett sisters
• March 19, 1889: left London for Paris
On January 28, 1890, Rizal left Paris for Brussels, capital of Belgium.
• Rizal was accompanied by Jose Albert when he moved to Brussels. They lived in
a modest boarding house on 38 Rue Philippe Champagne. Later Albert left the
city, and was replaced by Jose Alejandro, an engineering student.
• Rizal was busy writing his second novel, El Filibusterismo which is a continuation
of the Noli.
• Aside from writing its chapters, he wrote articles for La Solidaridad which were:
“A La Defensa” (To La Defensa), April 90, 1889
“La Verdad Para Todos” (The Truth For All), May 31, 1889
“Vicente Barrantes’ Teatro Tagalo” June 15 ,1889
“Una Profanacion” (A Profanation), July 31,1889
“Verdades Nuevas” (New Truths), July 31, 1889
“Crueldad” (Cruelty), August 15, 1889
“Diferencias” (Differences), September 15, 1889
“Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences), November 30, 1889
“Llanto y Risas” (Tears and laughter), November 30, 1889
“Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude), January 15, 1890
• In here, Rizal received news from Juan Luna and Valentin Ventura that the
Filipinos in Spain were destroying the good name of their nation by gambling too
much. This urged Rizal to do something about it. Rizal wrote to M.H. Del Pilar on
May 28, 1890 to remind the Filipinos in Madrid that they did not come to Europe to
gamble, but to work for their Fatherland’s freedom.
The Calamba agrarian trouble was getting worse. The management of Dominican
hacienda continually raised the land rents until such time that Rizal’s father refused to
pay his rent.
The Domincan Order filed a suit in court to dispossess the Rizal family of their
lands in Calamba.
In the face of sufferings which afflicted his family, Rizal planned to go home. He could
not stay in Brussels writing a book while his parents, relatives, and friends in the
Philippines were persecuted
July 18, 1890: Rizal wrote a letter to Ponce where he expressed his determination to go
All his friends were horrified by Rizal’s plan to return to the Philippines. They warned
him of the danger that awaited him at home. But Rizal ignored the dire warning of his
friends. Something, however, happened that suddenly made him change his mind. It
was a letter from Paciano which related that they lost the case against the Dominicans
in Manila, but they appealed it to the Supreme Court in Spain, hence a lawyer was
needed to handle it in Madrid. Rizal wrote to M.H. del Pilar on June 20, 1890 retaining
the latter’s services as lawyer. He further informed M.H. del Pilar that he was going to
Madrid, in order to supervise the handling of the case. In another letter to Ponce, written
at Brussels, July 29, 1890, Rizal announced that he was leaving Brussels at the
beginning of the following month and would arrived in Madrid about the 3rd or 4th
• Rizal arrived in Biarritz at the beggining of February, 1891 and was welcomed by
the Bousteads family. -The one month vacation made Rizal forget the bitter
memories in Madrid and had an affection for Nelly Boustead
• March 29, 1891: his departure from Blumentritt he finished the manuscript of El
On March 30, 1891 Rizal went back to Paris and stayed at the home of his friend,
Valentin Ventura. By mid of April, 1891 Rizal went back to Brussels and was
welcomed by the Jacoby sisters. From Brussels on May 1, 1891, he notified the
Propaganda authorities of his retirement. Rizal also immediately stopped writing for the
La Solidaridad after his retirement.
May 30, 1891: the revision of the El Fili was completed and was ready for Published.
• October, 1887: Jose Rizal begun writing El Fili while practicing medicine in
• 1888: in London he made changes in the plot and add more characters in Paris
and Madrid.
• March 19, 1891: He finished his manuscript in Biarriztz
• July 5, 1891: Rizal left Brussels for Ghent because, 1) The cost of printing there
was cheaper than Brussels, and 2) to escape from the enticing attraction of Petite
• Jose Alejandro (form Pamp.) and Edilberto Evangelista (from Manila) – his
• On August 6 – he suspended the publish of the novel because of the lack of funds
• Ventura, savior of the Fili, same as the novel in Noli Rizal became broke and he
wants to burn his work but whenever he realize there still more people who love
their country
• Valentin Ventura in Paris gave Rizal funds to resume the novel.
• September 18, 1891: came off the press.
• Rizal went to Hong Kong after the novel published from Europe.
• He left Europe because of the ff.: a) Life was unbearable in Europe because of his
political diff. with MH del and other Filipino in Spain and b) To be near his idolized
Philippines and family.
• November 20 1891: he arrived in Hongkong welcoming him with Filipino relatives.
• December 1, 1891: Rizal is asking a permission to go back to Philippines. 25
persons from Calamba with Neneng, Sisa, Lucia, Paciano, and his father were
• Ophthalmic Surgeon: he studied in Hongkong and had a friend Dr. named
Lorenzo P. Marques who helped him build a wide clientele and the Dr. always
turned over of eye cases.
• Finally the vision of the mother of Rizal was able to see because of him
Writing in Hongkong: Ang Karapatan ng Tao. La Nacion Espanola. Sa mga
Rizal Arrested and Jailed in fort Santiago – July 6 he resume his interview with the
governor general but suddenly showed him a printed leaflets were entitled Pobres
Frailes (Poor Friars) under the authorship of Fr. Jacinto from Paris
Francisco, the father, was a serious looking man Maria (1859-1945), the sixth Rizal child, became
of sturdy build. the wife of Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan,
TEODORA ALONSO (1827-1913)
Mother of Jose Rizal who was the second child JOSE RIZAL (1861-1896)
of Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida de Quintos. She
studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa. She was a Jose Rizal (1861-1896), the second son and the
business-minded woman, courteous, religious, seventh child. He was executed by the
hard-working and well-read. She was born in Spaniards on December 30,1896.
Santa Cruz, Manila on November 14, 1827 and He became the national hero of the Philippines.
died in 1913 in Manila.
Teodora, the mother, was a vigorious and
persevering woman with a benevolent heart
and a likable personality. The eight child. Died at the age of three.
Eldest child of the Rizal-Alonzo marriage.
JOSEFA RIZAL (1865-1945)
Saturnina (1850-1913), eldest of the Rizal
children, became the wife of Manuel T. Hidalgo
of Tanauan, Batangas. The ninth child. An epileptic, died a spinster.
Paciano, the second child in the family and Soledad (1870-1929), the youngest Rizal child
Rizal's only brother. became the wife of Pantaleon Quintero.
NARCISA RIZAL (1852-1939)
• June 19, 1861- moonlit of Wednesday between eleven and midnight Jose Rizal was born in the lakeshore town of
Calamba, Laguna
• June 22, 1861- aged three days old, Rizal was baptized in the Catholic church
• Father Rufino Collantes- a Batangueño, the parish priest who baptized Rizal
• Father Pedro Casanas- Rizal’s godfather, native of Calamba and close friend of the Rizal family
• Lieutenant-General Jose Lemery- the governor general of the Philippines when Rizal was born
Don Francisco Mercado (1818-1898)
-born in Biñan, Laguna on May 11, 1818
-studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila
-became a tenant-farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda
-a hardy and independent-minded man, who talked less and worked more, and was strong in body and valiant in spirit
-died in Manila on January 5, 1898 at the age of 80
-Rizal affectionately called him “a model of fathers”
1. Saturnina (1850-1913)
-oldest of the Rizal children
-nicknamed Neneng
-married Manuel T. Hidalgo of Tanawan, Batangas
2. Paciano (1851-1930)
-older brother and confident of Jose Rizal
-was a second father to Rizal
-immortalized him in Rizal’s first novel Noli Me Tangere as the wise Pilosopo Tasio
-Rizal regarded him as the “most noble of Filipinos”
-became a combat general in the Philippine Revolution
-died on April 13, 1930, an old bachelor aged 79
-had two children by his mistress (Severina Decena)—a boy and a girl
3. Narcisa (1852-1939)
-her pet name was Sisa
-married to Antonio Lopez (nephew of Father Leoncio Lopez), a school teacher of Morong
4. Olimpia (1855-1887)
-Ypia was her pet name
-married Silvestre Ubaldo, a telegraph operator from Manila
5. Lucia (1857-1919)
-married to Mariano Herbosa of Calamba, who was a nephew of Father Casanas
-Herbosa died of cholera in 1889 and was denied Christian burial because he was a brother-in-law of Dr. Rizal
6. Maria (1859-1945)
-Biang was her nickname
-married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna
7. Jose (1861-1896)
-the greatest Filipino hero and peerless genius
-nickname was Pepe
-lived with Josephine Bracken, Irish girl from Hong Kong
-had a son but this baby-boy died a few hours after birth; Rizal named him “Francisco” after his father and buried him
in Dapitan
8. Concepcion (1862-1865)
-her pet name was Concha
-died of sickness at the age of 3
-her death was Rizal’s first sorrow in life
9. Josefa (1865-1945)
-her pet name was Panggoy
-died an old maid at the age of 80
10. Trinidad (1868-1951)
-Trining was her pet name
-she died also an old maid in 1951 aged 83
11. Soledad (1870-1929)
-youngest of the Rizal children
-her pet name was Choleng
-married Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba
• Rizal always called her sisters Doña or Señora (if married) and Señorita (if single)
• Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso Realonda married on June 28, 1848, after which they settled down in
• The real surname of the Rizal family was Mercado, which was adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lamco (the paternal
great-great grandfather of Jose Rizal), who was a full blooded Chinese)
• Rizal’s family acquired a second surname—Rizal—which was given by a Spanish alcalde mayor (provincial governor)
of Laguna, who was a family friend
Domingo Lamco
Ines de la Rosa
(a Chinese immigrant from
(Well-to-do Chinese
the Fukien city arrived in
Christian girl of Changchow
Manila about 1690)
Juan Mercado
(Rizal’s grandfather) Cirila Alejandro
(The last native king of Tondo)
Eugenio Ursua
(Rizal’s maternal Benigma
Great-great Grandfather of (a Filipina)
Japanese Ancestry)
Manuel de Quintos
Regina (a Filipino from Pangasinan)
• The Rizal family belonged to the principalia, a town aristocracy in Spanish Philippines
• The Rizal family had a simple, contented and happy life
(1) hereditary influence
(2) environmental influence
(3) aid of Divine Providence
• Tio Jose Alberto- studied for eleven years in British school in Calcutta, India and had traveled in Europe
inspired Rizal to develop his artistic ability
• Tio Manuel- a husky and athletic man, encouraged Rizal to develop his frail body by means of physical
• Tio Gregorio- a book lover, intensified Rizal’s voracious reading of good book
• Father Leoncio Lopez- the old and learned parish priest of Calamba, fostered Rizal’s love for
scholarship and intellectual honesty
• Night of January 20, 1872- about 200 Filipino soldiers and workmen of the Cavite arsenal under the
leadership of Lamadrid, Filipino sergeant, rose in violent mutiny because of the abolition of their usual
• Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora- were executed at sunrise of February 17,
1872, by order of Governor General Izquierdo
• The martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za in 1872 truly inspired Rizal to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny and
redeem his oppressed people
• Rizal dedicated his second novel, El Filibusterismo, to Gom-Bur-Za
• Before June, 1872- Doña Teodora was suddenly arrested on a malicious charge that she and her
brother, Jose Alberto, tried to poison the latter’s perfidious wife
• Antonio Vivencio del Rosario- Calamba’s gobernadorcillo, help arrest Doña Teodora
• After arresting Doña Teodora, the sadistic Spanish lieutenant forced her to walk from Calamba to Santa
Cruz (capital of Laguna province), a distance of 50 kilometers
• Doña Teodora was incarcerated at the provincial prison, where she languished for two years and a half
• Messrs. Francisco de Marcaida and Manuel Marzan- the most famous lawyers of Manila that defend
Doña Teodora
• Rizal cultivated his literary talent under the guidance of Father Sanchez
• Father Jose Vilaclara- advised Rizal to stop communing with the Muse and pay more attention to more
practical studies
• Rizal studied painting under the famous Spanish painter, Agustin Saez, and sculpture under Romualdo
de Jesus, noted Filipino sculptor
• Rizal carved an image of the Virgin Mary on a piece of batikuling (Philippine hardwood) with his pocket-
• Father Lleonart- impressed by Rizal’s sculptural talent, requested him to carve for him an image of
Sacred Heart of Jesus
-In 1875, inspired by Father Sanchez, Rizal wrote more poems, as such:
1. Felicitacion (Felicitationi)
2. El Embarque: Himno a la Flota de Magallanes (The Departure: Hymn to Magellan’s Fleet)
3. Y Es Espanol; Elcano, el Primero en dar la Vuelta al Mundo (And He is Spanish: Elcano, the First to
Circumnavigate the World)
4. El Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror de Jolo (The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo)
-In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics-religion, education, childhood memories and war. They were as follows:
1. Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My Town)- a tender poem in honor of Calamba, the hero’s natal town
2. Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Educacion (Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education)-
Rizal showed the importance of religion in education
3. Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria (Through Education the Country Receives Light)- Rizal believed in the
significant role which education plays in the progress and welfare of a nation
4. El Cautiverio y el Triunfo: Batalla de Lucena y Prision de Boabdil (The Captivity and the Triumph: Battle of Lucena
and the Imprisonment of Boabdil)- this martial poem describes the defeat and capture of Boabdil, last Moorish sultan of
5. La Entrada Triunfal de los Reyes Catolices en Granada (The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarchs into
Granada)- this poem relates the victorious entry of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel into Granada, last Moorish
stronghold in Spain
-A year later, in 1877, Rizal wrote more poems. It was his last years in Ateneo. Among the poems written that year were:
1. El Heroismo de Colon (The Heroism of Columbus)- this poem praises Columbus, the discoverer of America
2. Colon y Juan II (Columbus and John II)- this poem relates how King Kohn II of Portugal missed fame and riches
by his failure to finance the projected expedition of Columbus to the New World
3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha (Great Solace in Great Misfortune)- this is a legend in verse of the tragic life
of Columbus
4. Un Dialogo Aluviso a la Despedida de los Colegiales (A Farewell Dialogue of the Students)- this was the last
poem written by Rizal in Ateneo; it is a poignant poem of farewell to his classmate
• Al Niño Jesus (To the Child Jesus)- this poem was written in 1875 when Rizal was 14 years old; it was
a brief ode
• A La Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary)- another religious poem which doesn’t have exact date when it
was written
• San Eustacio, Martir (St. Eustace, the Martyr)- a drama based on the prose story of St. Eustace which
he wrote in poetic verses during the summer vacation of 1876 and finished it on June 2, 1876
• April 1877- Rizal who was then nearly 16 years old, matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas, taking
the course on Philosophy and Letters because (1) his father like it (2) he was “still uncertain as to what
career to pursue”
• Father Pablo Ramon-Rector of Ateneo, who had been good to him during his student days in that
college, asking for advice on the choice of a career but unfortunately he was in Mindanao
• It was during the following term (1878-1879) that Rizal, having received the Ateneo Rector’s advice to
study medicine
• During Rizal’s first school term in the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1878), Rizal also studied in
Ateneo. He took the vocational course leading to the title of perito agrimensor (expert surveyor)
• Rizal excelled in all subjects in the surveying course in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in agriculture and
• November 25, 1881- the title was issued to Rizal for passing the final examination in the surveying
• Liceo Artistico-Literario (Artistic-Literary Lyceum) of Manila- a society of literary men and artists,
held a literary contest in the year 1879
• A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Youth)- Rizal, who was then 18 years old, submitted this poem
-is an inspiring poem of flawless form. Rizal beseeched the Filipino youth to rise from lethargy, to let genius fly
swifter than the wind and descend with art and science to break the chains that have long bound the spirit of the people
-this winning poem of Rizal is a classic in Philippine literature for two reasons: (1) it was the great poem in
Spanish written by a Filipino, whose merit was recognized by Spanish literary authorities (2) it expressed for the first time
the nationalistic concept that the Filipinos, and not the foreigners, were the “fair hope of the Fatherland”
• The Board of Judges, composed of Spaniards, was impressed by Rizal’s poem and gave it the first prize
which consisted of a silver pen, feather-shaped and decorated with a gold ribbon
• El Consejo de los Dioses (The Councils of the Gods)- an allegorical drama written by Rizal which he
entered in the literary contest of Artistic-Literary Lyceum in 1880 to commemorate the fourth centennial of
the death of Cervantes
-was a literary masterpiece based on the Greek classics
• The prize was awarded to Rizal, a gold ring on which was engraved the bust of Cervantes
• D.N. del Puzo- a Spanish writer, who won the second prize
• Junto al Pasig (Beside the Pasig)- a zarzuela which was staged by the Ateneans on December 8, 1880,
on the occasion of the annual celebration of the Feats Day of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of
the Ateneo
- Rizal wrote it as President of the Academy of Spanish Literature in Ateneo
• A Filipinas- a sonnet written by Rizal for the album of the Society of Sculptors; in this sonnet, he urged all
Filipino artists to glorify the Philippines
• Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma- Rizal composed a poem in 1879 which was declaimed by an Atenean, Manuel
Fernandez, on the night of December 8, 1879, in honor of the Ateneo’s Patroness
• Al M.R.P. Pablo Ramon- Rizal composed a poem in 1881, as an expression of affection to Father Pablo
Ramon, the Ateneo rector, who had been so kind and helpful to him
• Vicenta Ybardolaza- a pretty girl colegiala who skillfully played the harp at the Regalado home, whom
Rizal was infatuated in Pakil
• Rizal mentioned Turumba (wherein the people dancing in the streets during the procession in honor of the
miraculous Birhen Maria de los Dolores) in Chapter VI of Noli Me Tangere and Pagsanjan Falls in his
travel diary (united States—Saturday, May 12, 1888), where he said that Niagara Falls was the “greatest
cascades I ever saw” but “not so beautiful nor fine as the falls at Los Baños, Pagsanjan”
• Compañerismo (Comradeship)- Rizal founded a secret society of Filipino students in University of
Santo Tomas in 1880
• Companions of Jehu- members of the society whose after the valiant Hebrew general
• Galicano Apacible-Rizal’s cousin from Batangas who is the secretary of the society
-Rizal found the atmosphere at the University of Santo Tomas suffocating to his sensitive spirit. He was unhappy at this
Dominican institution of higher learning because (1) the Dominican professors were hostile to him (2) the Filipino students
were racially discriminated against by the Spaniards (3) the method of instruction was obsolete and repressive
-In Rizal’s novel, El Filibusterismo, he described how the Filipino students were humiliated and insulted by their
Dominican professors and how backward the method of instruction was, especially in the teaching of the natural sciences.
He related in Chapter XIII, “The Class in Physics”
This can be very exhaustive as I deal with historical facts apropos of the relationship of Jose Rizal with the University of
Santo Tomas. I am indebted to Fr. Fidel Villaroel, OP, the eminent historian and former archivist of the UST Archives for
giving me the distinct privilege (without going through the norms and policies) of touring the archives and letting me
examined some important documents pertaining but not principally to the history of the Philippines. As a pioneering
institution of learning – from the martyrdom of Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, to the propaganda movement, to the
revolution of 1896, to the birth of the Republic in 1898, to the commonwealth period and finally to the restoration of
independence in 1946 – it is therefore presumptuous to assume the UST has had a hand in the making of the history of
the Philippines.
Sadly, in spite of some efforts of few academicians and historians to present a more truthful history of the UST during the
Spanish era, many still were caught off guard and instead decided to rely on meager source materials. Worse, some
merely copied what pre-war and post-war authors written in the past 100 years. New generation writers, historians and
biographers of Jose Rizal are no exception to such historians like Retana, Craig, Russel, Laudback, Coates, Hernandez
and Zaide who had pictured a villain character of the university.
As what Fr. Villaroel said, none of the biographers and historians took the time of looking into the original academic
records of Rizal. Neither there were efforts on their part to make a study on UST based on the archival records of the
Pontifical University. “It has been treated inadequately, at times, with a good deal of misunderstanding, exaggeration or
The second confusion was their failure to understand the underlying principles behind the anti-friars and anti-UST writings
of Rizal particularly the El Fili.
After seeing the documents at the UST Archives and reading Fr. Villaroel’s well-written study on Rizal and the University
of Santo Tomas, I can only scoff at those who bask at their ignorance and use many of the myths to advance their cause.
Such is the case of some pexers here who undoubtedly use these myths for their own good. In the words of Dr. Serafin
Quiason, former chairman of the National Historical Institue, “it is a great virtue of his (Fr. Villaroel) study that he sweeps
away many of the myths which have passed for facts for almost three quarters of a century. He has solved many difficult
questions and the readers can be grateful for a valuable and devoted piece of work.”
This thread intends to rectify some issues pertaining to the negative pictures projected about Rizal’s relationship with his
alma mater, the University of Santo Tomas based on the study by Fr. Villaroel who had diligently dug through the archival
materials of UST and Archivo de la Provincia del Sto. Rosario. Was Rizal discriminated and treated shabbily by the
Dominicans? Why did he leave UST? Why did he criticize the University years later? How are the stories of El
Filibusterismo to be understood?
Rizal complained about his grades in UST and was discriminated and treated shabbily by the Dominicans.
(1) Rizal entered the UST in 1877, enrolling in the Pre-Law Course, which was made up of philosophical subjects. The
course was commonly called metaphysics. He passed the course brilliantly with the highest grades in spite of his initial
indifference to philosophy and his youthful distractions through the year. Then he opted for the career of medicine. And in
1878-1879 he took simultaneously the Pre-Medical Course and the First Year of Medicine; this was against the rules, but
Rizal was favored with a dispensation. The Pre-Medicine Course was also called Ampliacion, because the student, having
taken already Physics, Chemistry and Natural History in the high school, now took an advanced course on the same
subjects (Rizal did not take in Santo Tomas the “class of physics” described in El Fili but rather in Ateneo).
In his courses of medicine, Rizal was a good student, above-average, though not excellent; but none of his classmates
were excellent either. Summing up, in the 21 subjects taken in UST, Rizal obtained one aprobado (passing grade), eight
bueno (good), six notable (very good) and six sobresaliente (excellent). Majority of students in Rizal’s time, or in any time,
would have been satisfied with the above grades. It is possible that Rizal was not, but it is a fact that he never complained
about his grades, there is not a single word in his works showing displeasure at the unfairness of UST.
Yet many of his biographers are angry, unreasonably angry (including anti-ust pexers?) at the treatment given to the
national hero by his alma mater. How could Rizal, after a perfect record of “Excellent” in the high school (Ateneo) now
receive such “low” grades at UST? The critics had to look for an explanation, and since they did not find fault in Rizal, then
they had to blame the Dominicans and UST. And from Retana to Austin Craig, from Frank Lauback to Austin Coates and
to quite a long line of Filipino biographers (with some exceptions), we only hear the same repeated lamentation that every
school child must now learn in the textbooks: that Rizal was “below his usual standards”, and for the extremely serious
charge that the “Dominican professors were hostile to him” and “the Filipino students were racially discriminated” (Zaide),
and that there was “excessive harping on the alleged intellectual superiority of the Spanish (because he was white) to the
Filipino, a brown man, and Indio (JM Hernandez), and so on. An objective historian must squarely face and honestly
answer these grave statements, which sound like accusations.
Was Rizal “far below his usual standards”? What standards, in the first place? If by usual standards we mean the grades
of his Ateneo high school studies, the comparison is unfair. Nobody places elementary or high school standards against
college or University standards. They belong to different levels. At Ateneo municipal, Rizal was excellent, though not the
only excellent student. At the UST, none of his classmates ever got near to keeping a straight record of Excellent. And this
was because Medicine was a different kind of stuff altogether.
Therefore, if we are to arrive at a just appreciation of Rizal’s performance at the UST, we should compare, not his grades
in the high school with those in the university, but Rizal’s grades in Medicine against those of his classmates. In the first
year of medicine, Rizal’s class was made up of 24 students, but due to academic failures, seventeen of them were left by
the roadside before they reached the fourth year, when only seven took the final examinations. And in this fourth (and for
Rizal last) year, he landed in second place behind Cornelio Mapa. A persecuted Rizal would have probably ended by the
same roadside as the seventeen “debarred” classmates, or would have never boasted of being second when he left for
Spain in 1882.
(2) It can hardy be said that Rizal was discriminated and treated shabbily by the Dominicans since he was granted the
rare privilege of studying simultaneously in the Preparatory Course of Medicine and the First Year of Medicine.
Records likewise show that six Spaniards were enrolled with Rizal in the first year of Medicine, of whom three were
Peninsular and three Philippine-born. If the criticism of some biographers were true, these six students would have been
favored by the friars. Yet at the end of the fourth year there remained only one Philippine-born Spaniard, Jose
Resurreccion y Padilla, who managed to get only a poor passing grade (aprobado), last among successful students, and
who in the following year received a crushing suspenso. It would be unkind to rejoice over failures, whether of Spanish or
of Filipinos, but the biographers of Rizal will not be convincing unless they prove with valid documents the existence of
“racial discrimination” in UST in the 19th century when it came to academic grades.
(3) Rizal’s inclinations and abilities must be taken into account. While he was undoubtedly inclined to, and remarkably
fitted for, the arts and letters, he was not much attracted to Medicine. “Perhaps – says Leon Ma. Guerrero – Medicine was
not his real vocation”. Medicine was a convenient career taken up in consideration of the poor health of Rizal’s mother,
whom he wanted to help, and eventually helped as a physician.
(4) When Rizal transferred to Spain and continued his studies at the University of Madrid, he showed there similar
characteristics. He was sobresaliente in the humanistic studies (literature, languages, history), while in Medicine he fared
worse than at the University of Santo Tomas. Ye no historian or biographer has ever complained about his poor
performance in Madrid or hinted that Rizal was discriminated against in that Central University.
(5) Rizal had Dominican friends in the persons of Fr. Evaristo Arias and Fr. Joaquin Fonseca. It was while studying at
UST that Rizal obtained public recognition as a poet. It was the Dominican; Fr. Arias who helped him cultivate his craft in
poetry. During his Thomasian years, Rizal composed the best poems of his pre-European period, one of them being A la
Juventud Filipina, winner of the first prize in the contest organized by the Liceo Artistico-Literario in 1879.
Rizal is said to have left UST for the following reasons:
a. because a certain professor of UST caused him displeasure (P. Pastells, SJ, 1897)
b. because the atmosphere in UST (meaning Thomistic atmosphere) suffocated him, and “it is presumed that
because of it he left” (E. Retana, 1907)
c. because in his class of medicine the lay professor made a statement contrary to the textbook and then he refused
to permit discussion or to give explanations; “so Rizal decided he was wasting his time to remain in the University”
(Craig, 1909)
d. because he found unfriendliness in the University, (Lauback, 1936)
e. because UST could not give “fuller learning” to the youth, and its “usefulness was almost, if not altogether nil.” (D.
Abella, 1965)
Twenty authors quoting from the same erroneous source commit the same error twenty times over. Therefore, what the
quoted authors have said must be submitted to scrutiny. More significantly, all the authors quoted above have one thing in
common: none of them quote any historical source, like words from Rizal’s correspondence, his articles, etc. If any source
is ever mentioned it is infallibly the novel El Fili.
But is there not, we ask, a better source to support historical facts than a novel? In the present case, there seems to be no
other, and for one fundamental reason: because Rizal never revealed in clear terms why he left the Philippines in 1882.
Neither he nor his brother Paciano, nor his uncle Antonio Rivera, nor his most intimate friends. Not a clear word from
them, who were the only persons who could have known. This fact leads us to conclude that the writers who put the
blame for Rizal’s departure on the University of Santo Tomas are only guessing, honestly guessing of course, but
It is almost needless to enter into discussion with those writers who lay the responsibility for Rizal’s departure at the door
of UST. But let us face the question squarely.
(1) It has been stated that a certain professor, more concretely a lay professor of medicine, disagreed with the textbook
and refused to entertain discussion on the topics of his subject (so Pastells and Craig). This professor is identified by
Craig as one who, some years later, was classmate of Rizal at the University of Madrid. He was Dr. Jose Franco who, as
professor of Rizal in Santo Tomas, had threatened to fail the whole medical class (P. Pastells). But granting that Professor
Franco was speaking seriously, it is quite improbable that Rizal decided to leave the Philippines for an incident with one
professor, who besides did not fail him in the final examinations. Rizal’s companions and friends did not seem to have
noticed any misunderstanding between Rizal and any professor, as shown in a letter of Jose M. Cecilio: “Your departure
without notice has caused surprise among many friends to the point of stirring their curiosity. They ask whether there were
serious matters going on which prompted you to leave.”
(2) To attribute Rizal’s departure to what oneauthor calls “rampant bigotry, discrimination and persecution” existing in
UST, whether said in general or whether specifically referring to Rizal, is a gratuitous accusation expressed in ready-
made phrases loaded with feeling. I presume that an educational policy like the one implied in such words has never
existed in any school or university anywhere in any period. As for Rizal, we have already explained with academic records
on hand, that there was in fact a discrimination in his favor when he was allowed to take simultaneously the Preparatory
course of Medicine and the First Course of Medicine Proper. And finally, he was one of the seven, out of 26, who reached
the beginning of the fifth year course, which he started in Madrid. All this has been shown here without rhetoric, without
feeling and only with the aid of laconic, diplomatic record as basis.
(3) That the UST did not provide “fuller learning” to its students, and that this prompted some of them like Rizal to go
abroad, as suggested by some authors, might be as true then as it can be true at any other period of her history. This can
also be said of any Philippine university today. The temptation to try better institutions abroad is always better, and those
who can afford it, occasionally fall for it. There is no denying that, in the last quarter of the 19th century, Europe offered to
the students of science, philosophy, literature and every aspect of material progress, horizons of learning that no colonial
land in other continents could possibly give in such measure. But if many student like Rizal went abroad is search of “fuller
learning” and profited from that experience, it would be wrong to conclude that a university like UST was therefore
worthless. Whether by choice or by the force of circumstances many more students stayed behind than left for Europe,
and those who remained received a tertiary education of such quality that enabled them to become builders of the
Philippine Republic. Thomasians trained here and only here were Pedro Pelaez and Jose Burgos, Apolinario Mabini and
Cayetano Arellano, Manuel Araullo and the Mapa brothers, Sergio Osmena and Manuel L. Quezon, Leon Maria Guererro
and Anacleto del Rosario, Felipe Calderon and Epifanio de los Santos, etc. and most of the men of the Malolos Congress,
all belonging to the generation of Rizal.
Until further historical research can project more light on the life of Rizal, little more remains to be said on this point. This
little more is reduced to the following: If neither the UST records nor the correspondence of Rizal with Paciano and his
family nor his letters to or from his intimate friends can support the alleged misunderstanding between Rizal and the
University; if those documents do not explain the reasons for Rizal’s departure for Spain, then i believe that the only valid
recourse left to the historian is the recourse to the oral tradition. And two traditions come handily on our way, one
preserved in Rizal’s own family and another in the University of Santo Tomas.
The “Class of Physics” (Chapter 13) in El Filibusterismo is autobiographical of Rizal’s stay in UST and that Rizal’s anti-
friars and anti-UST writings are reflective of how the national hero loathed the University.
(1) While in Europe (1882-1892), Rizal changed considerably in at least one aspect, in his attitude towards religion. He
gave up some basic and essential tenets of his faith and ceased to be a practicing Catholic. This was due mainly to his
continuous association with many rationalist thinkers and liberal politicians of Spain and other countries of Europe. A new
rationalistic approach to life and his affiliation to freemasonry accentuated his anti-clerical sentiments and his antipathy for
the Catholic Church, for her belief and external manifestations (dogmas, rites and rituals and devotional life). These
changes in Rizal must be taken into account when assessing his ironic criticism of the Church, the religious Orders and
the University of Santo Tomas. History showed that the attacks thrown by propagandists at Santo Tomas, particularly the
Church, were just part and parcel of the clash between liberalism and Thomism. And that the attack thrown at Santo
Tomas , which was under the Royal patronage of Spain, was not unique since every university in Europe like Oxford
received the same fate for upholding Thomism. The Vatican in an encyclical endorsed Thomism as an instrument to
counteract rationalism, which at that time began to penetrate all spheres of society.
(2) Crucially affecting this new attitude of criticism were the events that occurred in Calamba from 1887 onwards as a
result of the famous agrarian litigation between his family and the Dominican Hacienda. Whatever reasons for dissension
might have existed in previous years due to worsening economic conditions affecting the country at large, Rizal’s personal
intervention in the affair in 1887 precipitated the legal suit. The case ended in the courts with an adverse sentence against
the family and other tenants and the tragic deportation of some of Rizal’s immediate relatives. That social question and
lawsuit had nothing to do with the UST, but it surely soured Rizal’s pen when writing about an educational institution that
was run by the owners of Calamba Hacienda. We have here another factor for his critical attitude; again he had not in
mind any past academic experience.
(3) The novel El Fili was written precisely during the years of the Calamba agrarian crisis (any student of literature or a
practicing writer would agree that if there are things that affect the consciousness of a writer, it would be the moment, the
milieu, and the race).
The “Class of Physics” is the subject of chapter 13 of the Fili, a subject that some historians and biographers have used
and abused lavishly. They have a reason, because the story comes in very handily to illustrate the student years of Rizal
at the UST, regardless of the novelistic character of the source.
The practical question here is whether the story of the “Class of Physics” really happened on even one day, whether it
reflects educational methods practiced in UST in the 19th century, or whether Rizal was just creating a scene suitable to
the aims of the novel, that is, to attack and discredit the religious institutes. Some biographers easily believe Retana’s
remark that “this chapter is an accurate picture of what happened in the Pontifical University of Manila when Rizal studied
there.” a remark written of course, when Retana had turned into a bitter enemy of the religious orders.
But even taking for granted that Rizal based his story on some incident that happened during his university years, this is
no reason to conclude that the general life of the University was similar. And as for the bleak picture of the physical
classroom itself, the UST still possess the schedules of classes in those years, and the Class of Physics is invariably
assigned to the Physics Laboratories, not to an ordinary classroom.
Finally, Austin Coates’ statement that this chapter of the Fili is “clearly autobiographical” is totally unacceptable, if by
autobiographical he meant that the experience of Placido was actually felt by Rizal personally or by some of his
classmates. And the reason is very simple: Rizal did not take Physics at the UST. He had taken that course at the Ateneo
Municipal in 1876-1877. Rafael Palma who took up Physics and Chemistry in 1890 at Ateneo Municipal, a little over ten
years after Rizal, recalled later that the laboratory materials in use at the Ateneo for teaching Natural History and Physics
were “very poor” (Rafael Palma, My Autobiography, Manila 1953).
The whole chapter is a caricature, very useful for the aims of the novel; it is not Rizal’s biography.
-it was published in two texts—Spanish and Tagalog—the Spanish text was the one originally written by Rizal in
Barcelona, the tagalog text was a Tagalog translation made by M.H. del Pilar
• Basilio Teodoro Moran- a friend of Rizal in Manila and the publisher of Diariong Tagalog where Rizal
sent this article
• Diariong Tagalog- the first Manila bilingual newspaper (Spanish and Tagalog)
• Los Viajes (Travels)- Rizal’s second article for Diariong Tagalog
• Revista de Madrid (Review of Madrid)- Rizal’s third article written in Madrid on November 29, 1882 but
returned to him because the Diariong Tagalog had ceased publication for lack of funds
• Rizal received sad news about the cholera that was ravaging Manila and the provinces according to
Paciano’s letter, dated September 15, 1882
• Another sad news from the Philippines was the chatty letter of Chengoy recounting the unhappiness of
Leonor Rivera
• In one of his letters (dated May 26, 1882), Paciano advised his younger brother to finish the medical
course in Madrid
• Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882 and established himself in Madrid, the capital of Spain
• November 3, 1882- Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid) in
two courses—Medicine and Philosophy and Letters
• Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando- Rizal studied painting and sculpture
• Rizal’s only extravagance was investing a few pesetas for a lottery ticket in every draw of the Madrid
• Rizal spent his leisure time reading and writing at his boarding house, attending the reunions of Filipino
students at the house of the Paterno brothers (Antonio, Maximo and Pedro) and practicing fencing and
shooting at the gymnasium
• Antigua Café de Levante-during the summer twilights, this is where Rizal sipped coffee and fraternized
with the students from Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, etc
• On Saturday evenings, Rizal visited the home of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey who lived with his son (Rafael)
and daughter (Consuelo)
• Circulo Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle)- a society of Spaniards and Filipinos which Rizal
joined shortly after his arrival in Madrid in 1882
• Me Piden Versos (They Ask Me For Verses)- upon the request of the members of this society, Rizal’s
wrote this poem which he personally declaimed during the New Year’s Eve reception of the Madrid
Filipinos held in the evening of December 31, 1882
-in this sad poem, Rizal poured out the cry of his agonizing heart
• Rizal economized on his living expenses, and with the money he saved, he purchased books from a
second-hand book store owned by a certain Señor Roses
• Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Eugene Sue’s The Wandering Jew- these two books
aroused Rizal’s sympathy for the oppressed and unfortunate people
Calamba, the monthly allowances of Rizal in Madrid were late in arrival and there were times when they
never arrived
• June 24, 1884- a touching incident in Rizal’s life in Madrid wherein he was broke and was unable to take
-Rizal attended his class at the university, participated in the contest in Greek language and won the gold medal
• Evening of June 25, 1884- a banquet was sponsored by the Filipino community to celebrate the double
victory of the Filipino artist in the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid—Luna’s Spoliarium winning
the first prize and Hidalgo’s Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace (Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al
Populacho), second prize
• November 20, 21, and 22, 1884- the serene city of Madrid exploded in bloody riots by the students of the
Central University
• These student demonstrations were caused by the address of Dr. Miguel Morayta, professor of history,
at the opening ceremonies of the academic year on November 20, in which he proclaimed “the freedom
of science and the teacher”
• The Rector, who also took the side of the students, was forced to resign and was replaced by Doctor
Creus, “a very unpopular man, disliked by everybody”
• November 26, 1884- Rizal wrote the recounting tumultuous riots to his family
• June 21, 1884- Rizal completed his medical course in Spain; he was conferred the degree of Licentiate in
Medicine by the Universidad Central de Madrid
• The next academic year (1884-1885), Rizal studied and passed all subjects leading to the degree of
Doctor of Medicine but he did not present the thesis required for graduation nor paid the corresponding
fees, he was not awarded his Doctor’s diploma
• June 19, 1885- on his 24th birthday, Rizal was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters
by the Universidad Central de Madrid with the rating of “Excellent”: (Sobresaliente)
• November 26, 1884- a letter to Rizal’s family written in Madrid wherein he said “My doctorate is not of
very much value to me… because although it is useful to a university professor, yet, I believe they
(Dominican friars—Z) will never appoint me as such in the College of Santo Tomas. I say the same thing
of philosophy and letters which may serve also for a professorship, but I doubt if the Dominican fathers
will grant it to me.”
• April 22, 1886- Rizal wrote a fine poem “A Las Flores de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of Heidelberg)
• In the spring of 1886, Rizal was fascinated by the blooming flowers along the cool banks of the Neckar
River. Among them was his favorite flower—the light blue “forget-me-not”
• Wilhelmsfeld- a mountainous village near Heidelberg where Rizal spent a three-month summer vacation
• Dr. Karl Ullmer- a kind Protestant pastor where Rizal stayed, who became his good friend and admirer
• June 25, 1886- Rizal ended his sojourn at Pastor Ullmer’s home
• May 29, 1887- Rizal wrote from Munich (Muchen) to Friedrich (Fritz), son of Pastor Ullmer
• July 31, 1886- Rizal wrote his first letter in German (which he had improved after his stay with the
Ullmers) to Professor Blumentritt, Director of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria
• Aritmetica (Arithmetic)-Rizal sent this book he mentioned and was published in two languages—
Spanish and Tagalog—by the University of Santo Tomas Press in 1868. the author was Rufino Baltazar
Hernandez, a native of Santa Cruz, Laguna
• August 6, 1886- the famous University of Heidelberg held its fifth centenary celebration
• Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin- inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict the
miseries of his people under the lash of Spanish tyrants
• January 2, 1884- in a reunion of Filipinos in the Paterno residence in Madrid, Rizal proposed the writings
of a novel about the Philippines by a group of Filipinos
• Toward the end of 1884, Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid and finished about one-half of it
• When Rizal went to Paris, in 1885, after completing his studies in the Central University of Madrid, he
continued writing the novel, finishing one half of the second half
• Rizal finished the last fourth of the novel in Germany. He wrote the last few chapters of the Noli in
Wilhelmsfeld in April-June, 1886
• In Berlin during the winter days of February, 1886, Rizal made the final revisions on the manuscript of the
• Maximo Viola- Rizal’s friend from Bulacan, arrived in Berlin at the height of Rizal despondency and
loaned him the needed funds to publish the novel; savior of Noli
• After the Christmas season, Rizal put the finishing touches on his novel. To save printing expenses, he
deleted certain passages in his manuscript, including a whole chapter—“Elias and Salome”
• February 21, 1887- the Noli was finally finished and ready for printing
• Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft- a printing shop which charged the lowest rate, that is,
300 pesos for 2,00 copies of the novel
• March 21, 1887- the Noli Me Tangere came off the press
• March 29, 1887- Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli
carefully rolled around the pen that he used in writing it and a complimentary copy, with the following
inscription: “To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my work—Jose Rizal”
• The title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means
“Touch Me Not”. It is not originally conceived by Rizal, for he
admitted taking it from the Bible
• Rizal, writing to Felix Hidalgo in French on March 5, 1887, said:
“Noli Me Tangere, words taken from the Gospel of St. Luke,
signify “do not touch me” but Rizal made a mistake, it should be
the Gospel of St. John (Chapter 20 Verses 13 to 17)
• Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines—“To
My Fatherland”
• The cover of Noli Me Tangere was designed by Rizal. It is a
ketch of explicit symbols. A woman’s head atop a Maria Clara
bodice represents the nation and the women, victims of the
social cancer. One of the causes of the cancer is symbolized in
the friar’s feet, outsized in relation to the woman’s head. The
other aggravating causes of oppression and discrimination are
shown in the guard’s helmet and the iron chains, the teacher’s
whip and the alferez’s scourge. A slight cluster of bamboo stands at
the backdrop; these are the people, forever in the background of
their own country’s history. There are a cross, a maze, flowers and thorny plants, a flame; these are
indicative of the religious policy, the misdirected ardor, the people strangled as a result of these all
• The novel Noli Me Tangere contains 63 chapters and an epilogue
• Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor- Filipino patriot and lawyer who had been exiled due to his complicity in the
Cavite Mutiny of 1872, read avidly the Noli and was very much impressed by its author
• The Noli Me Tangere was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last decades of Spanish rule
• Maria Clara-was Leonor Rivera, although in real life she became unfaithful and married an Englishman
• Ibarra and Elias- represented Rizal himself
• Tasio-the philosopher was Rizal’s elder brother Paciano
• Padre Salvi-was identified by Rizalists as Padre Antonio Piernavieja, the hated Augustinian friar in Cavite
who was killed by the patriots during the Revolution
• Capitan Tiago-was Captain Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas
• Doña Victorina- was Doña Agustina Medel
• Basilio and Crispin- were the Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy
• Padre Damaso- typical of a domineering friar during the days of Rizal, who was arrogant, immoral and
• May 11, 1887- Rizal and Viola left Berlin by train
• Dresden- one of the best cities in Germany
• Prometheus Bound-painting wherein Rizal was deeply impressed
• Teschen (now Decin, Czechoslovakia)- next stopover after leaving Dresedn
• At 1:30pm of May 13, 1887- the train, with Rizal and Viola on board, arrived at the railroad station of
Leitmeritz, Bohemia
-for the first time, the two great scholars—Rizal and Blumentritt—met in person
• Professor Blumentritt- a kind-hearted, old Austrian professor
• May 13 to May 16, 1887- Rizal and Viola stayed in Leitmeritz
• Burgomaster- town mayor
• Tourist’s Club of Leitmeritz-which Blumentritt was the secretary; Rizal spoke extemporaneously in
fluent Germany to the officers and members
• Dr. Carlos Czepelak- renowned scientist of Europe
• Professor Robert Klutschak- an eminent naturalist
• May 16, 1887 at 9:45 AM- Rizal and Viola left Leitmeritz by train
• Dr. Willkomm- professor of natural history in the University of Prague
• According to Viola, “nothing of importance happened” in this city
• May 20, 1887- Rizal and Viola arrived in the beautiful city of Vienna, capital of Austria-Hungary
• Vienna was truly the “Queen of Danube” because of its beautiful buildings, religious images, haunting
waltzes and majestic charm
• Norfentals- one of the greatest Austrian novelists was favorably impressed by Rizal, and years later he
spoke highly of Rizal, “whose genius he so much admired.”
• Hotel Metropole- where Rizal and Viola stayed
• In Vienna, Rizal received his lost diamond stickpin
• June 27, 1887- Rizal reached Rome, the “Eternal City” and also called the “City of the Caesars”
• Rizal was thrilled by the sights and memories of the Eternal City. Describing to Blumentritt, the “grandeur
that was Rome”, he wrote on June 27, 1887
• June 29, 1887- the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul, Rizal visited for the first time the Vatican, the
“City of the Popes” and the capital of Christendom
• Every night, after sightseeing the whole day, Rizal returned to his hotel, very tired. “I am tired as a dog,”
he wrote to Blumentritt, “but I will sleep as a God”
• After a week of wonderful sojourn in Rome, Rizal prepared to return to the Philippines. He had already
written to his father that he was coming home
• February 28, 1888- early in the morning of Tuesday, Rizal arrived in Yokohama. He registered at the
Grand Hotel
• Tokyo Hotel- Rizal stayed here from March 2 to March 7
• Rizal wrote to Professor Blumentritt: “Tokyo is more expensive then Paris. The walls are built in
cyclopean manner. The streets are large and wide.”
• Juan Perez Caballero-secretary of the Spanish Legation, who visited Rizal at his hotel who latter invited
him to live at the Spanish Legation
• Rizal accepted the invitation for two reasons: (1) he could economize his living expenses by staying at
the legation (2) he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish authorities
• March 7, 1888- Rizal checked out of Tokyo Hotel and lived at the Spanish Legation
• Rizal was favorably impressed by Japan. The things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan were: (1)
the beauty of the country—its flowers, mountains, streams and scenic panoramas, (2) the cleanliness,
politeness, and industry of the Japanese people (3)the picturesque dress and simple charm of the
Japanese women (4) there were very few thieves in Japan so that the houses remained open day and
night, and in hotel room one could safely leave money on the table (5) beggars were rarely seen in the
city, streets, unlike in Manila and other cities
• Rickshaws-popular mode of transportation drawn by men that Rizal did not like in Japan
• April 13, 1888-Rizal left Japan and boarded the Belgic, an English steamer, at Yokohama, bound for the
United States
• Tetcho Suehiro- a fighting Japanese journalist, novelist and champion of human rights, who was forced
by the Japanese government to leave the country
-passenger which Rizal befriended on board the Belgic
• April 13 to December 1, 1888- eight months of intimate acquaintanceship of Rizal and Tetcho
• December 1, 1888- after a last warm handshake and bidding each other “goodbye”, Rizal and Tetcho
parted ways—never to meet again
• May 25, 1888- a day after docking at Liverpool, Rizal went to London
• Rizal stayed as guest at the home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, an exile of 1872 and a practicing lawyer
in London. By the end of May, Rizal found a modest boarding place at No. 37 Chalcot Crescent, Primrose
• Dr. Reinhold Rozt- librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an authority on Malayan languages and
-He was impressed by Rizal’s learning and character and he gladly recommended him to the authorities of the
British Museum. He called Rizal “a pearl of a man” (una perla de hombre)
• Both good and bad news from home reached Rizal in London. Of the bad news, were the injustices
committed by the Spanish authorities on the Filipino people and the Rizal Family
• The greatest achievement of Rizal in London was the annotating of Morga’s book, Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of the Philippine Islands), which was published in Mexico, 1609.
• September 1888- Rizal visited Paris for a week in order to search for more historical materials in the
Bibliotheque Nationale
• Rizal was entertained in this gay French metropolis by Juan Luna and his wife (Pas Pardo de Tavera),
who proudly showed him their little son Andres (nickname Luling)
• December 11, 1888-Rizal went to Spain, visiting Madrid and Barcelona
• Rizal met, for the first time, Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, two titans of the Propaganda
• December 24, 1888-Rizal returned to London and spent Christmas and New Year’s Day with the
• Rizal sent as Christmas gift to Blumentritt a bust of Emperador Augustus and a bust of Julius Caesar to
another friend, Dr. Carlos Czepelak (Polish scholar)
• The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist-a Christmas gift from Rizal’s landlady,
Mrs Beckett
1. “A La Defensa” (To La Defensa), April 30, 1889- this was a reply to an anti-Filipino writing of a Spanish author
Patricio de la Escosura which was published by La Defensa on March 30, 1889
2. “La Verdad Para Todos” (The Truth For All), May 31, 1889- Rizal’s defense against the Spanish charges that the
native local officials were ignorant and depraved
3. “Vicente Barrantes’ Teatro Tagalo”, June 15, 1889- in this article, Rizal exposes Barrabtes’ ignorance on the
Tagalog theatrical art
4.“Una Profanacion” (A Profanation), July 31, 1889- a bitter attack against the friars for denying Christian burial to
Mariano Herbosa in Calamba because he was a brother-in-law of Rizal. Herbosa, husband of lucia died of cholera on
May 23, 1889
5. “Verdades Nuevas” (New Truths), July 31, 1889- a reply to Vicente Belloc Sanchez’ letter published in La Patria,
Madrid newspaper, on July 4, 1889, which asserted that the granting of reforms in the Philippines would ruin the
“peaceful and maternal rule” of the friars
6. “Crueldad” (Cruelty), August 15, 1889- a brilliant defense of Blumentritt from the scutrillous attack of his enemies
7. “Diferencias’ (Differences), September 15, 1889- a reply to a biased article entitled “Old Truths” published in La
Patria on August 14, 1889, which ridiculed those Filipinos who asked for reforms
8.“Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences), November 30, 1889- a defense of Antonio Luna against the attack of Pablo
Mir Deas in the Barcelona newspaper El Puieblo Soberano
9. “Llanto y Risas” (Tears and Laughter), November 30, 1889- a denunciation of Spanish racial prejudice against
brown Filipinos
10. “Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude), January 15, 1890- a reply to Governor General Valeriano Weyler who,
while visiting Calamba, told the people that they “should not allow themselves to be deceived by the vain promises of
their ungrateful sons.”
• Simultaneous with Rizal retirement from the Propaganda Movement, Rizal ceased writing articles for La
• August 7, 1891- M.H. del Pilar wrote to Rizal begging forgiveness for any resentment and requesting
Rizal to resume writing for the La Solidaridad
• Rizal stopped writing for La Solidaridad, it was because of several reasons: (1) Rizal need to work on his
book (2) He wanted other Filipinos to work also (3) Rizal considered it very important to the party that
there be unity in the work (4) Marcelo H. del Pilar is already at the top and Rizal also have his own ideas,
it is better to leave del Pilar alone to direct the policy
• While busy in research studies at the British Museum, Rizal received news on Fray Rodriguez’ unabated
attack on his Noli
• La Vision del Fray Rodriguez (The Vision of Fray Rodriguez)-pamphlet wrote by Rizal which
published in Barcelona under his nom-de-plume Dimas Alang in order to defense his novel
-In La Vision del Fray Rodriguez, Rizal demonstrated two things: (1) his profound knowledge of religion (2) his
biting satire
• Letter to the Young Women of Malolos- a famous letter wrote by Rizal on February 22, 1889 in
-this letter is to praise the young ladies of Malolos for their courage to establish a school where they could learn
Spanish, despite the opposition of Fr. Felipe Garcia, a Spanish parish priest of Malolos
• The main points of this letter were: (1) a Filipino mother should teach her children love of God, fatherland,
and mankind (2) the Filipino mother should be glad, like the Spartan mother, to offer her sons in the
defense of the fatherland (3) a Filipino woman should know how to preserve her dignity and honor (4) a
Filipino woman should educate herself, aside from retaining her good racial virtues (5) Faith is not merely
reciting long prayers and wearing religious pictures, but rather it is living the real Christian way, with good
morals and good manners
• Dr Reinhold Rost, editor of Trubner’s Record, a journal devoted to Asian studies, request Rizal to
contribute some articles. In response to his request, the latter prepared two articles—(1) Specimens of
Tagal Folklore, which published in the journal in May, 1889 (2) Two Eastern Fables, published in June,
• March 19, 1889- Rizal bade goodbye to the kind Beckett Family and left London for Paris
-In March, 1889, it was extremely difficult for a visitor to find living quarters in Paris
• Valentin Ventura- a friend of Rizal where he lived—No. 45 Rue Maubeuge, where he polished his
annotated edition of Morga’s book
• Rizal used most of his time in the reading room of the Bibliotheque Nationale (National Library) checking
up his historical annotations on Morga’s book
• Rizal was a good friend of the three Pardo de Taveras—Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, a physician by
vocation and philologist by avocation, Dr. Felix Pardo de Tavera, also physician by vocation and an artist
and sculptor by avocation, and Paz Pardo de Tavera, wife of Juan Luna
• June 24, 1889- a baby girl was born to Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de Tavera, she was their second child
• Her baptismal godfather was Rizal, who chose her name “Maria de la Paz, Blanca, Laureana,
Hermenegilda Juana Luna y Pardo de Tavera”
• May 6, 1889- opening of Universal Exposition of Paris
• The greatest attraction of this exposition was the Eiffel Tower, 984 feet high, which was built by Alexander
Eiffel, celebrated French engineer
• March 19, 1889-the same day when he arrived in Paris from London, Rizal organized his paisanos
(compatriots) into a society called Kidlat Club
• Kidlat Club-purely a social society of a temporary nature
-founded by Rizal simply to bring together young Filipinos in the French capital so that they could enjoy their
sojourn in the city during the duration of the Universal Exposition
• Rizal was enchanted by the dignified and proud bearing of the American Indians in a Buffalo Bull show
• Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)- replaced the ephemeral Kidlat Club
-its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical prowess in order to win the admiration of the foreigners
-practised with great enthusiasm the use of the sword and pistol and Rizal taught them judo, an Asian art of self-
defense, that he learned in Japan
• Sociedad R.D.L.M. (R.D.L.M Society)- a mysterious society founded by Rizal in Paris during the
Universal Exposition of 1889
-its existence and role in the crusade reforms are really enigmatic
-Of numerous letters written by Rizal and his fellow propagandists, only two mentioned this secret society, as
follows (1) Rizal’s Letter to Jose Maria Basa, Paris, September 21, 1889 (2) Rizal’s Letter to Marcelo H. del Pilar, Paris,
November 4, 1889
• According to Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Rizal, grandnephew of the hero, the society has a symbol or countersign
represented by a circle divided into three parts by two semi-circles having in the center the intwerlocked
letters I and B meaning Indios Bravos and the letter R.D.L.M. placed outside an upper, lower, left and
right sides of the circle
• The letters R.D.L.M. are believed to be the initials of the society’s secret name Redencion de los Malayos
(Redemption of the Malays)—Redemption of the Malay Race
• It was patterned after Freemasonry. It had various degrees of membership, “with the members not
knowing each other.”
• The aim of the secret society, as stated by Rizal, was “the propagation of all useful knowledge—scientific,
artistic, and literary, etc.—in the Philippines. Evidently, there was another aim that is, the redemption of
the Malay race
• It must be noted that Rizal was inspired by a famous book entitled Max Havelaar (1860) written by
Multatuli (pseudonym of E.D. Dekker, Dutch author)
• Rizal was accompanied by Jose Albert when he moved to Brussels. They lived in a modest boarding
house on 38 Rue Philippe Champagne, which was run by two Jacoby sisters (Suzanne and Marie). Later
Albert, left the city and was replaced by Jose Alejandro, an engineering student
• Rizal was the first to advocate the Filipinization of its orthography
• Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua Tagala (The New Orthography of the Tagalog Language)-
was published in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1890
-in this article, he laid down the rules of the new Tagalog orthography and with modesty and sincerity, he gave
credit for the adoption of this new orthography to Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, author of the celebrated work El
Sanscrito en la Lengua Tagala (Sanskrit in the tagalog Language) which was published in Paris, 1884
** “I put this on record,” wrote Rizal, “so that when the history of this orthography is traced, which is already being adopted
by the enlightened Tagalists, that what is Caesar’s be given to Caesar. This innovation is due solely to Dr. Pardo de
Tavera’s studies on Tagalismo. I was one of its zealous propagandists.”**
• Letters from home which Rizal received in Brussels worried him. (1) the Calamba agrarian trouble was
getting worse (2) the Dominican Order filed a suit in court to dispossess the Rizal family of their lands in
• In his moment of despair, Rizal had bad dreams during the nights in Brussels when he was restless
because he was always thinking of his unhappy family in Calamba
• Rizal feared that he would not live long. He was not afraid to die, but he wanted to finish his second novel
before he went to his grave.
• In the face of the sufferings which afflicted his family, Rizal planned to go home. He could not stay in
Brussels writing a book while his parents, relatives, and friends in the distant Philippines were persecuted
• July 29, 1890- another letter to Ponce written at Brussels by Rizal, he announced that he was leaving
Brussels at the beginning of the following month and would arrive in Madrid about the 3rd or 4th (August)
• “To my Muse’” (A Mi…)- 1890, Rizal wrote this pathetic poem, it was against a background of mental
anguish in Brussels, during those sad days when he was worried by family disasters
-Early in August, 1890, Rizal arrived in Madrid
-Upon arrival in Madrid, Rizal immediately sought help of the Filipino colony, The Asociacion Hispano-Filipina, and the
liberal Spanish newspaper in securing justice for the oppressed Calamba tenants
• El Resumen- a Madrid newspaper which sympathized with the Filipino cause, said: “To cover the ear,
open the purse, and fold the arms—this is the Spanish colonial policy
• La Epoca- an anti-Filipino newspaper in Madrid
1. Jose Ma. Panganiban, his talented co-worker in the Propaganda Movement, died in Barcelona on August
19, 1890, after a lingering illness
2. Aborted Duel with Antonio Luna—Luna was bitter because of his frustrated romance with Nellie
Boustead. Deep in his heart, he was blaming Rizal for his failure to win her, although Rizal had previously explained to
him that he had nothing to do about it. Luna uttered certain unsavory remarks about Nellie, Rizal heard him and
angered by the slanderous remarks, he challenged Luna, his friend, to a duel. Fortunately, Luna realized that he had
made a fool of himself during his drunken state, he apologized for his bad remarks about the girl and Rizal accepted his
apology and they became good friends again
3. Rizal challenges Retana to Duel—Wenceslao E. Retana, his bitter enemy of the pen, a talented Spanish
scholar, was then a press agent of the friars in Spain. He used to attack the Filipinos in various newspapers in Madrid
and other cities in Spain. Retana wrote an article in La Epoca, asserting that the family and friends of Rizal had not paid
their rents so they were ejected from their lands in Calamba by the Dominicans. Such as insult stirred Rizal to action,
immediately he sent his seconds to Retana with his challenge to a duel
4. Infidelity of Leonor Rivera—Rizal received a letter from Leonor, announcing her coming marriage to an
Englishman (the choice of her mother) and asking his forgivefess
5. Rizal-Del Pilar Rivalry—toward the closing days of 1890 phere arose an unfortunate rivalry between Rizal
and M.H. del Pilar for supremacy. Because of this, the Filipinos were divided ibto two hostile camps—the Rizalistas
and the Pilaristas. The sitqation was becoming explosive and critical. Despite of winning the votes, Rizal graciously
declined the coveted position
• Rizal wrote a brief note thanking his compatriots for electing him as Responsible. It was the last
time he saw Madrid
-To seek solace for his disappointments in Madrid, Rizal took a vacation in the resort city of Biarritz on the fabulous
French Riviera. He was a guest of the rich Boustead family at its winter residence—Villa Eliada
• July 5, 1891- Rizal left Brussels for Ghent, a famous university city in Belgium
• Rizal reasons for moving to Ghent were (1) the cost of printing in Ghent was cheaper than in Brussels (2)
to escape from the enticing attraction of Petite Suzanne
• Rizal met two compatriots while in Ghent, Jose Alejandro (from Pampanga) and Edilberto Evangelista
(from Manila), both studying engineering in the world-famed University of Ghent
• F. Meyer-Van Loo Press (No. 66 Viaanderen Street)-a printing shop that give Rizal the lowest quotation
for the publication of his novel, who was willing to print his book on installment basis
• August 6, 1891-the printing of his book had to be suspended because Rizal could no longer give the
necessary funds to the printer
• Valentin Ventura- the savior of the Fili
-When Ventura learned of Rizal’s predicament and immediately sent him the
necessary funds
• September 18, 1891- El Filibusterismo came off the press
-Rizal immediately sent on this date two printed copies to Hong Kong—one
for Basa and other for Sixto Lopez
• Rizal gratefully donated the original manuscript and an autographed
printed copy to Valentin Ventura
• La Publicidad- a Barcelona newspaper, wherein it published a
tribute eulogizing the novel’s original style which “is comparable
only to the sublime Alexander Dumas” and may well be offered as
“a model and a precious jewel in the now decadent literature of
• El Nuevo Regimen- the liberal Madrid newspaper that serialized
the novel in its issues of October, 1891
• Rizal dedicated El Filibusterismo to Gom-Bur-Za (Don Mariano
Gomez, 73 years old; Don Jose Burgos, 35 years old; Jacinto
Zamora, 37 years old)
• The original manuscript of El Filibusterismo in Rizal’s own
handwriting in now preserved in the Filipiana Division of the Bureau of Public Libraries, Manila. It
consists of 270 pages of long sheets of paper
• Two features in the manuscript do not appear in the printed book, namely: the FOREWORD and the
WARNING. These were not put into print to save printing cost
• The title page of El Filibusterismo contains an inscription written by Ferdinand Blumentritt
• El Filibusterismo is a sequel to the Noli. It has little humor, less idealism and less romance than the Noli
Me Tangere. It is more revolutionary, more tragic than the first novel
• The characters in El Filibusterismo were drawn by Rizal from real life. Padre Florentino was Father
Leoncio Lopez, Rizal’s friend and priest of Calamba; Isagani, the poet was Vicente Ilustre, Batangueño
friend of Rizal in Madrid and Paulita Gomez, the girl who loved Isagani but married Juanito Pelaez, was
Leonor Rivera
• The original intention of Rizal was to make the Fili longer than the Noli
• The friends of Rizal and our Rizalistas today differ in opinion as to which is the superior novel—the Noli or
the Fili. Rizal himself considered the Noli as superior to the Fili as a novel, thereby agreeing with M.H. del
Pilar who had the same opinion
• September 22, 1891-four days after the Fili came off the press, Rizal wrote to Blumentritt: “I am thinking
of writing a third novel, a novel in the modern sense of the word, but this time politics will not find much
space in it, but ethics will play the principal role.”
• October 18, 1891- Rizal boarded the steamer Melbourne in Marseilles bound for Hong Kong
-during the voyage, Rizal began writing the third novel in Tagalog, which he intended for Tagalog readers
• The unfinished novel has no title. It consists of 44 pages (33cm x 21 cm) in Rizal’s handwriting, still in
manuscript form, it is preserved in the National Library, Manila
-The story of this unfinished novel begins with the solemn burial of Prince Tagulima. The hero of the novel was
Kamandagan, a descendant of Lakan-Dula, last king of Tondo
-It is said that Rizal was fortunate not to have finsihed this novel, because it would have caused greater scandal
and more Spanish vengeance on him
• Makamisa- other unfinished novel of Rizal in Tagalog written in a light sarcastic style and is incomplete
for only two chapters are finished. The manuscript consists of 20 pages, 34.2cm x 22cm
• Dapitan-another novel which Rizal started to write but it is unfinished, written in ironic Spanish. He wrote
it during his exile in Dapitan to depict the town life and customs. The manuscript consists of 8 pages,
23cm x 16cm
• A novel in Spanish about the life in Pili, a town in Laguna, is also unfinished. The manuscript consists of
147 pages, 8” x 6.5”, without title
• Another unfinished novel of Rizal, also without title is about Cristobal, a youthful Filipino student who has
returned from Europe. The manuscript consist of 34 pages, 8 ½” x 6 ¼”
• The beginnings of another novel are contained in two notebooks—the first notebook contains 31 written
pages, 35.5 cm x 22 cm and second 12 written pages, 22cm x 17cm. this unfinished novel is written in
Spanish and style is ironic
• October 3, 1891-two weeks after the publication of Fili, Rizal left Ghent for Paris, where he stayed a few
days to say goodbye to the Lunas, the Pardo de Taveras, the Venturas and other friends; Rizal
proceeded by train to Marseilles
• October 18, 1891- Rizal boarded the steamer Melbourne bound for Hong Kong
• Father Fuchs- a Tyrolese, Rizal enjoyed playing chess. Rizal describe him to Blumentritt as “He is a fine
fellow, A Father Damaso without pride and malice”
• November 20, 1891-Rizal arrived in Hong Kong
• Rizal established his residence at No. 5 D’ Aguilar Street No. 2 Rednaxola Terrace, where he also
opened his medical clinic
• December 1, 1891- Rizal wrote his parents asking their permission to return home.
-On the same date, his brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, sent him a letter relating the sad news of the
“deportation of twenty-five persons from Calamba, including father, Neneng, Sisa, Lucia, Paciano and the rest of
• The Christmas of 1891 in Hong Kong was one of the happiest Yuletide celebrations in Rizal’s life: For he
had a happy family reunion
• January 31, 1892- Rizal wrote to Blumentritt, recounting pleasant life in Hong Kong
• To earn a living for himself and for his family, Rizal practiced medicine
• Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques- a Portuguese physician, who became Rizal’s friend and admirer, who helped
him to build up a wide clientele. In recognition of Rizal’s skill as an ophthalmic surgeon, he turned over to
him many of his eye cases
• Rizal successfully operated on his mother’s left eye so that she was able to read and write again.
• Rizal planned to move the landless Filipino families Filipino families to North Borneo (Sabah), rich British-
owned island and carve out of its virgin wildness a “New Calamba”
• March 7, 1892- Rizal went to Sandakan on board the ship Menon to negotiate with the British authorities
for the establishment of a Filipino colony
• Rizal looked over the land up the Bengkoka River in Maradu Bay which was offered by the British North
Borneo Company
• April 20, 1892- Rizal was back in Hong Kong
• Hidalgo- Rizal’s brother-in-law, objected to the colonization project
• Governor Valeriano Weyler- Cubans odiously called “The Butcher”
• Governor Eulogio Despujol- the Count of Caspe, a new governor general after Weyler
• December 23, 1891- first letter of Rizal to Governor Despujol
• March 21, 1892- Rizal’s second letter and gave it to a ship captain to be sure it would reach Governor
Despujol’s hand
-in this second letter, he requested the governor general to permit the landless Filipinos to establish themselves in
• Despujol could not approve the Filipino immigration to Borneo, alleging that “the Philippines lacked
laborers” and “it was not very patriotic to go off and cultivate foreign soil.”
• The Hong Kong Telegraph- a British daily newspaper whose editor is Mr. Frazier Smith, a friend of
-Rizal contributed articles to this newspaper
• “Una Visita a la Victoria Gaol” (A Visit to Victoria Gaol)- Rizal wrote on March 2, 1892, an account of
his visit to the colonial prison of Hong Kong
-in this article, Rizal contrasted the cruel Spanish prison system with the modern and more humane British prison
• “Colonisation du British North Borneo, par de Familles de Iles Philippines” (Colonization of
British North Borneo by Families from the Philippine Islands)- an article in French which Rizal
elaborated on the same idea in aonther article in Spanish, “Proyecto de Colonizacion del British North
Borneo por los Filipinos” (Project of the Colonization of British North Borneo by the Filipinos)
• “La Mano Roja” (The Red Hand)- Rizal wrote in June, 1892, which was printed in sheet form in Hong
-it denounces the frequent outbreaks of intentional fires in Manila
• Constitution of La Liga Filipina- the most important writing made by Rizal during his Hong Kong
sojourn, which was printed in Hong Kong, 1892
-to deceive the Spanish authorities, the printed copies carried the false information that the printing was done by
• Domingo Franco-a friend of Rizal in Manila whom the copies of the printed Liga constitution were sent
• May, 1892- Rizal made up his mind to return to Manila.
• This decision was spurred by the following: (1) to confer with Governor Despujol regarding his Borneo
colonization project (2) to establish the La Liga Filipina in Manila (3) to prove that Eduardo de Lete was
wrong in attacking him in Madrid that he (Rizal), being comfortable and safe in Hong Kong, had
abandoned the country’s cause
• Lete’s attack, which was printed in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1892, portrayed Rizal as cowardly,
egoistic, opportunistic—a patriot in words only
• June 20, 1892- Rizal wrote two letters which he sealed, inscribed on each envelope “to be opened
after my death” and gave them to his friend Dr. Marques for safekeeping
• The first letter, addressed TO MY PARENTS, BRETHREN, AND FRIENDS. The second letter,
• June 21, 1892- Rizal penned another letter in Hong Kong for Governor Despujol, incidentally his third
letter to that discourteous Spanish chief executive
• Immediately after Rizal’s departure from Hong Kong, the Spanish consul general who issued the
government guarantee of safety, sent a cablegram to Governor Despujol that the victim “is in the trap”.
On the same day (June 21, 1892), a secret case was filed in Manila against Rizal and his followers “for
anti-religious and anti-patriotic agitation”
• Luis de la Torre- secretary of Despujol, ordered to find out if Rizal was naturalized as a German citizen
• The governing body of the league was the Supreme Council which had jurisdiction over the whole
country. It was composed of a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a fiscal. There was a Provincial
Council in every province and a Popular Council in every town
• The duties of the Liga members are as follows (1) obey the orders of the Supreme Council (2) to help in
recruiting new members (3) to keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the Liga authorities (4) to have
symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes president of his council (5) to report to the
fiscal anything that he may hear which affect the Liga (6) to behave well as befits a good Filipino (7) to
help fellow members in all ways
• Pablo Mercado-friar’s spy and posing as a relative, secretly visited Rizal at his house on the night of
November 3, 1891
-he introduced himself as a friend and relative, showing a photo of Rizal and a pair of buttons with the initials
“P.M.” (Pablo Mercado) as evidence of his kinship with the Rizal family
• Captain Juan Sitges- who succeeded Captain Carnicero on May 4, 1893 as commandant of Dapitan,
Rizal denounced to him the impostor
• Florencio Namanan- the real name of “Pablo Mercado”
-a native of Cagayan de Misamis, single and about 30 years old. He was hired by the Recollect friars to a secret
mission in Dapitan—to introduce himself to Rizal as a friend and relative, to spy on Rizal’s activities, and to filch certain
letters and writings of Rizal which might incriminate him in the revolutionary movement.
• As physician in Dapitan—Rizal practiced Medicine in Dapitan. He had many patients, but most of them
were poor so that he even gave them free medicine.
-As a physician, Rizal became interested in local medicine and in the use of medicinal plants. He studied the
medicinal plants of the Philippines and their curative values.
• August 1893- Rizal’s mother and sister, Maria, arrived in Dapitan and lived with him for one year and a
half. Rizal operated on his mother’s right eye
• Rizal held the title of expert surveyor (perito agrimensor), which obtained from the Ateneo
-In Dapitan, Rizal applied his knowledge of engineering by constructing a system of waterworks in order to furnish
clean water to the townspeople
• Mr. H.F. Cameron-an American engineer who praised Rizal’s engineering
• When Rizal arrived in Dapitan, he decided to improve it, to the best of his God-given talents and to
awaken the civic consciousness of its people
(1) Constructing the town’s first water system
(2) Draining the marshes in order to get rid of malaria that infested Dapitan
(3) Equip the town with its lighting system—this lighting system consisted of coconut oil lamps placed in the dark
streets of Dapitan
(4) Beautification of Dapitan—remodeled the town plaza in order to enhance its beauty
• Rizal as Teacher—Rizal exile to Dapitan gives him the opportunity to put into practice his educational
ideas. In 1893 he established a school which existed until the end of his exile in July, 1896. Rizal taught
his boys reading, writing, languages (Spanish and English), geography, history, mathematics (arithmetic
and geometry), industrial work, nature study, morals and gymnastics. He trained them how to collect
specimens of plants and animals, to love work and to “behave like men”
• Hymn to Talisay (Himno A Talisay)- Rizal wrote this poem in honor of Talisay for his pupils to sing
• Contributions to Science—during his four-year exile in Dapitan, Rizal built up a rich collection of
concology which consisted of 346 shells representing 203 species. Rizal also conducted anthropological,
ethnographical, archaeological, geological, and geographical studies, as revealed by his voluminous
correspondence with his scientists friends in Europe.
• Linguistic Studies—In Dapitan, he learned the Bisayan, Subanum, and Malay languages. He wrote
Tagalog grammar, made a comparative study of the Bisayan and Malayan languages and studied
Bisayan (Cebuan), and Subanum languages
-By this time, Rizal could rank with the world’s great linguists. He knew 22 languages—Tagalog, Ilokano, Bisayan,
Subanun, Spanish, Latin, Greek, English, French, German, Arabic, Malay, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Dutch, Catalan, Italian,
Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Swedish, and Russian
• Artistic works in Dapitan—Rizal continued his artistic pursuits in Dapitan. Rizal made sketches of
persons and things that attracted him in Dapitan.
-The Mother’s Revenge- a statuette made by Rizal representing the mother-dog killing the crocodile, by way of
avenging her lost puppy
-Other sculptural works of Rizal in Dapitan were a bust of Father Guerrico (one of his Ateneo professors), a statue
of a girl called “the Dapitan Girl”, a woodcarving of Josephine Bracken (his wife) and a bust of St. Paul which he gave to
Father Pastells
• Rizal as Farmer—In Dapitan, Rizal devoted much of his time to agriculture. Rizal introduced modern
methods of agriculture which he had observed in Europe and America. He encouraged the Dapitan
farmers to discard their primitive system of tillage and adopt the modern agricultural methods
• Rizal as Businessman—Rizal engaged in business in partnership with Ramon Carreon, a Dapitan
merchant, he made profitable business ventures in fishing, copra, and hemp industries
-January 19, 1893-Rizal wrote a letter to Hidalgo expressing his plan to improve the fishing industry of Dapitan
-The most profitable business venture of Rizal in Dapitan was in the hemp industry. May 14, 1893-Rizal formed a
business partnership with Ramon Carreon in lime manufacturing
-January 1, 1895-Rizal organized the Cooperative Association of Dapitan Farmers to break the Chinese
monopoly on business in Dapitan
• Rizal’s Inventive Ability—Rizal invented a cigarette lighter which he sent as a gift to Blumentritt. He
called it “sulpukan”. This unique cigarette lighter was made of wood. “Its mechanism”, said Rizal “is based
on the principle of compressed air.”
-During his exile in Dapitan, he invited a wooden machine for making bricks
• My Retreat (Mi Retiro)- Rizal wrote this beautiful poem about his serene life as an exile in Dapitan and
sent it to her mother on October 22, 1895, which acclaimed by literary critics as one of the best ever
penned by Rizal.
• Andres Bonifacio- the “Great Plebeian”, sowing the seeds of an armed uprising—the secret
revolutionary society, called Katipunan, which he founded on July 7, 1892
• May 2, 1896- a secret meeting of the Katipunan at a little river called Bitukang Manok near the town of
Pasig, Dr. Pio Valenzuela was named emissary to Dapitan, in order to inform Rizal of the plan of the
Katipunan to launch a revolution for freedom’s sake
• June 15, 1896-Valenzuela left Manila on board the steamer Venus
• To camouflage Valenzuela’s real mission, he brought with him a blind man Raymundo Mata and a guide,
ostensibly going to Dapitan to solicit Rizal’s expert medical advice
• June 21, 1896-evening, Dr. Pio Valenzuela arrived in Dapitan
• Rizal objected to Bonifacio’s audacious project to plunge the country in bloody revolution because he was
of sincere belief that it was premature, for two reasons: (1) the people are not ready for a revolution (2)
arms and funds must first be collected before raising the cry of revolution
• Rizal had offered his services as military doctor in Cuba, which was then in the throes of a revolution and
a ranging yellow fever epidemic. There was a shortage of physicians to minister to the needs of the
Spanish troops and the Cubans people
• December 17, 1895- Rizal wrote to Governor General Ramon Blanco, Despujol’s successor, offering his
services as military doctor in Cuba
• July 30, 1896- Rizal received the letter from Governor General Blanco dated July 1, 1896 notifying him of
acceptance of his offer.
• “The Song of the Traveler” (El Canto del Viajero) -Rizal wrote this heart-warming poem because of his
joy in receiving the gladsome news from Malacañang
• July 31, 1896- Rizal’s four-year exile in Dapitan came to an end
-Midnight of that date, Rizal embarked on board the steamer España
• As farewell music, the town brass band strangely played the dolorous Funeral March of Chopin. Rizal
must have felt it deeply, for with his presentment of death, it seemed an obsequy or a regimen
• Rizal wrote in his diary, “I have been in that district four years, thirteen days and a few hours”
-No longer an exile, Rizal had a pleasant trip from Dapitan to Manila, with delightful stopovers in Dumaguete, Cebu, Iloilo,
Capiz, and Romblon
• Isla de Luzon-a regular steamer that Rizal missed which sailed to Spain the day before he arrived in
Manila Bay
• Castilla- a Spanish cruiser wherein Rizal was kept as a “guest” on board
• August 26, 1896- Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan raised the cry of revolution in the hills of
Balintawak, a few miles north of Manila
• September 3, 1896- Rizal left for Spain on the steamer Isla de Panay
• July 31, 1896- Rizal left Dapitan at midnight on board the España sailed northward
• August 1, 1896- at dawn of Saturday, it anchored at Dumaguete, capitan of Negros Oriental
-“Dumaguete” wrote Rizal in his travel diary “spreads out on the beach. There are big houses, some with
galvanized iron roofing. Outstanding are the house of a lady, whose name I have forgotten, which is occupied by the
government and another one just begun with many ipil post
• Herrero Regidor- Rizal friend and former classmate, who was the judge of the province, Dumaguete
• The España left Dumaguete about 1:00pm and reached Cebu the following morning
“In Cebu, Rizal wrote in his diary “I did two operations of strabotomy, one operation on the ears and
another of tumor.”
• In the morning of Monday, August 3, 1896, Rizal left Cebu going to Iloilo. Rizal landed at Iloilo, went
shopping in the city and visited Molo. From Iloilo, Rizal’s ship sailed to Capiz. After a brief stopover, it
proceeded towards Manila via Romblon
• August 6, 1896- morning of Thursday, the España arrived in Manila Bay
• Rizal was not able to catch the mail ship Isla de Luzon for Spain because it had departed the previous
day at 5:00pm
• Near midnight of the same day, August 6, Rizal was transferred to the Spanish cruiser Castilla, by order
of Governor General Ramon Blanco. He was given good accommodation by the gallant captain, Enrique
• August 6 to September 2, 1896, Rizal stayed on the cruiser pending the availability of Spain-bound
• August 30, 1896- sunrise, the revolutionists led by Bonifacio and Jacinto attacked San Juan, near the
city of Manila
-in the afternoon, after the Battle of San Juan, Governor General Blanco proclaimed a state of war in the first eight
provinces for rising in arms against Spain—Manila (as a province), Bulacan, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Pampanga,
Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac
• Rizal learned of the eruption of the revolution and raging battles around Manila through the newspapers
he read on the Castilla. He was worried for two reasons: (1) the violent revolution which he sincerely
believed to be premature and would only cause much suffering and terrible loss of human lives and
property had started (2) it would arouse Spanish vengeance against all Filipino patriots
• August 30, 1896- Rizal received from Governor General Blanco two letters of introduction for the
Minister of War and Minister of Colonies, which a covering letter which absolved him from all blame for
the raging revolution
• September 2, 1896- the day before Rizal departure for Spain, Rizal, on board the Castilla, wrote to his
-At 6:00pm, Rizal was transferred to the steamer Isla de Panay which was sailing for Barcelona, Spain
• The next morning, September 3, this steamer left Manila Bay
• The Isla de Panay arrived at Singapore in the evening of September 7
• Don Pedro Roxas- rich Manila creole industrialist and Rizal’s friend that advised him to stay on
Singapore and take advantage of the protection of the British law
• Don Manuel Camus- headed several Filipino residents in Singapore, boarded the steamer, urging Rizal
to stay in Singapore to save his life
• The Isla de Panay, with Rizal on board, left Singapore at 1:00pm, September 8
• September 25, 1896- Rizal saw the steamer Isal de Luzon, leaving the Suez Canal, crammed with
Spanish troops
• September 27, 1896- Rizal heard from the passengers that a telegram arrived from Manila reporting the
execution of Francisco Roxas, Genato and Osorio
• September 28, 1986- a day after the steamer had left Port Said (Mediterranean terminus of the Suez
Canal), a passenger told Rizal the bad news that he would be arrested by order of Governor General
Blanco and would be sent to prison in Ceuta (Spanish Morocco), opposite Gibraltar
• September 29, 1896- Rizal wrote in his travel diary: There are people on board who do nothing but
slander me and invent fanciful stories about me. I’m going to become a legendary personage
• September 30, 1896- at 4:00pm, Rizal was officially notofied by Captain Alemany that he should stay in
his cabin until further orders from Manila
-about 6:25pm, the steamer anchored at Malta. Being confined to his cabin, Rizal was not able to visit the famous
island-fortress of the Christian crusaders
• October 3, 1896- at 10:00am, the Isla de Panay arrived in Barcelona, with Rizal, a prisoner on board
• The trip from Manila to Barcelona lasted exactly 30 days. Rizal was kept under heavy guard in his cabin
for three days
• General Eulogio Despujol- military commander of Barcelona who ordered his banishment to Dapitan in
July 1892
• October 6, 1896- at 3:00am, Rizal was awakened by the guards and escorted to the grim and infamous
prison-fortress named Monjuich
• About 2:00 in the afternoon, Rizal was taken out of prison by the guards and brought to the headquarters
of General Despujol
• Colon- a transport ship back to Manila
• Rizal was taken aboard the Colon, which was “full of soldiers and officers and their families.”
• October 6, 1896- at 8:00pm, the ship left Barcelona with Rizal on board
-Rizal’s homecoming in 1896, the last in his life, was his saddest return to his beloved native land. He knew he was facing
the supreme test, which might mean the sacrifice of his life, but he was unafraid
-The trial that was held shortly after Rizal’s homecoming was one of history’s mockeries of justice
• Chief Justice Loinel Cox- denied the writ on the ground that the Colon was carrying Spanish troops to
the Philippines
• November 3, 1896- the Colon reached Manila, where it was greeted with wild rejoicings by the Spaniards
and friars because it brought more reinforcements and military supplies
• November 20, 1896- the preliminary investigation on Rizal began
• Colonel Francisco Olive-the judge advocate
• Two kinds of evidence were presented against Rizal, namely documentary and testimonial. The
documentary evidence consisted of fifteen exhibits, as follows:
(1) A letter of Antonio Luna to Mariano Ponce, dated Madrid, October 16, 1888, showing Rizal’s connection with the
Filipino reform campaign in Spain
(2) A letter of Rizal to his family, dated Madrid, August 20, 1890, stating that the deportations are good for they will
encourage the people to hate tyranny
(3) A letter from Marcelo H. del Pilar to Deodato Arellano, dated Madrid, January 7, 1889, implicating Rizal in the
Propaganda campaign in Spain
(4) A poem entitled Kundiman, allegedly written by Rizal in Manila on September 12, 1891
(5) A letter of Carlos Oliver to an unidentified person dated Barcelona, September 18, 1891, describing Rizal as the man
to free the Philippines from Spanish oppression
(6) A Masonic document, dated Manila, February 9, 1892, honoring Rizal for his patriotic services
(7) A letter signed Dimasalang (Rizal’s pseudonym) to Tenluz (Juan Zulueta’s pseudonym), dated Hong Kong, May 24,
1892, stating that he was preparing a safe refuge for Filipinos who may be persecuted by the Spanish authorities
(8) A letter of Dimasalang to an unidentified committee, dated Hong Kong, June 1, 1892, soliciting the aid of the
committee in the “patriotic work”
(9) An anonymous and undated letter to the Editor of the Hong Kong Telegraph, censuring the banishment of Rizal to
(10) A letter of Idefonso Laurel to Rizal, dated Manila, September 3, 1892, saying that the Filipino people look up to him
(Rizal) as their savior
(11) A letter of Idefonso Laurel to Rizal, dated Manila, September 17, 1893, informing an unidentified correspondent of
the arrest and banishment of Doroteo Cortes and Ambrosio Salvador
(12) A letter of Marcelo H. del Pilar to Don Juan A. Tenluz (Juan Zulueta), dated Madrid, June 1, 1893 recommending
the establishment of a special organization, independent of Masonry, to help the cause of the Filipino people
(13) Transcript of a speech of Pingkian (Emilio Jacinto), in reunion of the Katipunan on July 23, 1893, in which the
following cry was, uttered “Long Live the Philippines! Long live Doctor Rizal! Unity!”
(14) Transcript of a speech of Tik-Tik (Jose Turiano Santiago) in the same Katipunan reunion, where in the katipuneros
shouted: “Long live the eminent Doctor Rizal! Death to the oppressor nation!”
(15) A poem by Laong Laan (Rizal), entitled A Talisay in which the author makes the Dapitan schoolboys sing that they
know how to fight their rights
• The testimonial evidence consisted of the oral testimonies of Martin Constantino, Aguedo del Rosario,
Jose Reyes, Moises Salvador, Jose Dizon, Domingo Franco, Deodato Arellano, Ambrosio Salvador,
Pedro Serrano Laktaw, Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Antonio Salazar, Francisco Quison, and Timoteo Paez
• November 26, 1896- after the preliminary investigation, Colonel Olive transmitted the records of the case
to Governor Dominguez as special Judge Advocate to institute the corresponding action against Rizal
• After studying the papers, Judge advocate General, Don Nicolas de la Peña, submitted the following
recommendations: (1) the accused be immediately brought to trial (2) he should be kept in prison (3) an
order of attachment be issued against his property to the amount of one million pesos as indemnity (4) he
should be defended in court by an army officer, not by a civilian lawyer
• The only right given to Rizal by the Spanish authorities was to choose his defense counsel
• December 8, 1896- Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, a list of 100 first and second lieutenants in
the Spanish Army was presented to Rizal
• Don Luis Taviel de Andrade- 1st Lieutenant of the Artillery, chosen by Rizal to defend him
-brother of Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade, Rizal’s “bodyguard” in Calamba in 1887
• December 11, 1896- the information of charges was formally read to Rizal in his prison cell, with his
counsel present
• Rizal was accused of being “the principal organizer and the living soul of the Filipino insurrection,
the founder of societies, periodicals, and books dedicated to fomenting and propagating ideas of
• December 13, 1896- Dominguez forwarded the papers of the Rizal case to Malacañang Palace
• December 15, 1896- Rizal wrote the Manifesto to His People in his prison cell at Fort Santiago,
appealing to them to stop the necessary shedding of blood and to achieve their liberties by means of
education and industry
• December 25, 1896- a dark and cheerless Christmas for Rizal, his last on earth, was the saddest in
Rizal’s life
• December 26, 1896- at 8:00am, the court-martial of Rizal started in the military building called Cuartel de
• Lt. Col. Togores Arjona- considered the trial over and ordered the hall cleared. After a short deliberation,
the military court unanimously voted for the sentence of death
• December 28, 1896- Polavieja approved the decision of the court-martial and ordered Rizal to be shot at
7:00 in the morning of December 30 at Bagumbayan Field (Luneta)
-After the court-martial, Rizal returned to his cell in Fort Santiago to prepare his rendezvous with destiny
-During his last 24 hours on earth—from 6:00am December 29 to 6:00am December 30, 1896—he was busy meeting
• Santiago Mataix- Spanish newspaper correspondent
• Pearl of the Orient Sea- Rizal called the Philippines
• Pearl of the Orient- Rizal’s last poem in an article entitled “Unfortunate Philippines” published in The
Hong Kong Telegraph on September 24, 1892
=Rizal took his last breakfast on earth. After this, he wrote two letters, the first addressed to his family and the second
to his older brother Paciano.
=Josephine Bracken, accompanied by a sister of Rizal (Josefa), arrived. Josephine, with tears in her eyes, bade him
farewell. Rizal embraced her for the last time and before she left, Rizal gave her a last gift—a religious book, Imitation
of Christ by Father Thomas a Kempis
• 6:00am
= As the soldiers were getting ready for the death march to Bagumbayan, Rizal wrote his last letter to his beloved
• About 6:30am
=a trumpet sounded at Fort Santiago, a signal to begin the death march to Bagumbayan, the designated place for the
=Rizal was dressed elegantly in black suit, black derby hat, black shoes, white shirt and black tie. His arms were tied
behind from elbow to elbow. But the rope was quite loose to give his arms freedom of movement
• Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo- a Spanish military physician, asked Rizal permission to feel his pulse and was
amazed to find it normal showing that Rizal was not afraid to die
• 7:03am
=Rizal died in the bloom of manhood—aged 35 years, five months and 11 days
• Mi Ultimo Adios (Last Farewell)- farewell poem of Rizal that originally was without title and was
• Father Mariano Dacanay- a Filipino priest-patriot, who gave the title Ultimo Adios (Last Farewell) and
under such title the poem was published for the first time in La Independencia (General Antonio Luna’s
newspaper) on September 25, 1898
• Immediately after Rizal’s execution the Spanish spectators shouted “Viva España!” “Muerte a los
Traidores’ (“Long Live Spain! “Death to the Traitors!”) and the Spanish Military Band, joining the
jubilance over Rizal’s death, played the gay Marcha de Cadiz
• By Rizal’s writings, which awakened Filipino nationalism and paved the way for the Philippine Revolution,
he proved that “pen is mightier than the sword”
First romance—“that painful experience which comes to nearly all adolescents”
• Julia
-from Dampalit, Los Baños, Laguna
• Segunda Katigbak
-Rizal first romance that was then sixteen years old
-a pretty fourteen-year old Batangueña from Lipa
-In Rizal’s own words: “She was rather short, with eyes that were eloquent and ardentat times and languid at
others, rosy-cheeked, with an enchanting and provocative smile that revealed very beautiful teeth and the air
of a sylph; her entire self diffused a mysterious charm.”
-she was the sister of Rizal’s friend, Mariano Katigbak
-close friend of Rizal’s sister Olimpia, was a boarding student in La Concordia College
-engaged to be married to her town mate, Manuel Luz
*The love of Rizal and Segunda was indeed “a Love at first sight”
*The last time they talked to each other was one Thursday in December, 1877 when the Christmas vacation was
about to begin
*Rizal returned home, dazed and desolate, with his first romance “ruined by his own shyness and reserve.”
• Miss L (Jacinta Ibardo Laza)
-young woman in Calamba
-Rizal describe her as “fair with seductive and attractive eyes
*After visiting her in her house several times, Rizal suddenly stopped his wooing, and the romance died a natural
*Rizal gave two reasons for his change of heart namely (1) the sweet memory of Segunda was still fresh in his heart
(2) his father did not like the family of “Miss L”
• Leonor Valenzuela
*During Rizal sophomore year at the University of Santo Tomas, he boarded in the house of Doña Concha Leyva in
Intramuros wherein the next-door neighbors of Doña Concha were Capitan Juan and Capitana Sanday Valenzuela
-charming daughter of Capitan Juan and Capitana Sanday Valenzuela from Pagsanjan, Laguna
-a tall girl with a regal bearing
-Rizal sent her love notes written in invisible ink—ink consisted of common table salt and water—the secret of reading
any note written in the invisible ink by heating it over a candle or lamp so that the words may appear
-Orang was her pet name
-Rizal stopped short of proposing marriage to Orang
• Leonor Rivera
-Rizal’s cousin from Camiling, Tarlac
*In 1879, at the start of his junior year at the university, Rizal lived in “Casa Tomasina” at No. 6 Calle Santo Tomas,
Intramuros owned by his uncle Antonio Rivera
-a student at La Concordia College, where Soledad, youngest sister, was then studying
-born in Camiling, Tarlac on April 11, 1867
-she was a frail, pretty girl “tender as a budding flower with kindly, wistful eyes
-in her letters to Rizal, she signed her name as “Taimis” in order to camouflage their intimate relationship from their
parents and friends
-died on August 28, 1893
• Consuelo Ortiga y Perez
- a young woman in Madrid
-prettier of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey’s daughters
-Rizal was attracted by Consuelo’s beauty and vivacity
-Rizal composed a lovely poem on August 22, 1883 dedicated to her, entitled A La Señorita C.O.y.P (to Miss
C.O.y.P) expressing his admirations for her
*Before Rizal romance with Consuelo could blossom into a serious affair, he suddenly backed out for two reasons: (1)
he was still engaged to Leonor Rivera (2) his friends and co-worker in the Propaganda Movement, Eduardo de Lete,
was madly in love with Consuelo and he had no wish to break their friendship because of a pretty girl
• Seiko Usui
-Rizal affectionately called her O-Sei-San
-a pretty Japanese girl that Rizal saw walking past the legation gate
-Rizal was attracted by her regal loveliness and charm
-a lonely samurai’s daughter of 23 years old and had never yet experienced the ecstasy of true love
-Rizal saw in her the qualities of his ideal womanhood—beauty, charm, modesty and intelligence
*The beautiful romance between Rizal and O-Sei-San inevitably came to a dolorous ending. Sacrificing his personal
happiness, Rizal had to carry on his libertarian mission in Europe, leaving behind the lovely O-Sei-San
-married Mr. Alfred Charlton, a British teacher of chemistry, and was blessed by only one child—Yuriko
-died on May 1, 1947 at the age of 80
• Gertrude Beckett
-oldest of the three Beckett sisters
-called Gettie or Tottie by her friends
-a buxom English girl with brown hair, blue eyes, and rosy cheeks
-Rizal affectionately called her “Gettie”, in reciprocation; she fondly called him “Pettie”
*Rizal suddenly realized that he could not marry Gettie for he had a mission to fulfill in life
• Petite Suzanne Jacoby
-pretty niece of his landladies
*Rizal found certain bliss in the company of this pretty Belgian girl
*Rizal might flirted with Petite Suzanne, but he could not stoop low to a deceptive amorous relationship
-she fell in love with Rizal and cried when Rizal left toward the end of July, 1890 for Madrid, stopping for a few days in
• Nellie Boustead
-the prettier and younger daughter of Eduardo Boustead
-Rizal found her to be a real Filipina, highly intelligent, vivacious in temperament, and morally upright
-also called Nelly
*Rizal wrote to his intimate friends, except Professor Blumentritt, of his love for Nellie and his intention to propose
marriage to her
*Rizal’s marriage proposal failed for two reasons: (1) he refused to give up his Catholic faith and be converted to
Protestantism, as Nelly demanded (2) Nelly’s mother did not like Rizal as a son-in-law
• Josephine Bracken
-an Irish girl of sweet eighteen, “slender, a chestnut blond, with blue eyes, dressed with elegant simplicity, with an
atmosphere of light gayety.”
-born in Hong Kong on October 3, 1876 of Irish parents—James Bracken, a corporal in the British garrison and
Elizabeth Jane Macbride
-she was adopted by Mr. George Taufer, who later became blind
*Rizal and Josephine fell in love with each other at first sight
*After a whirlwind romance for one month, they agreed to marry but Father Obach, the priest of Dapitan, refused to
marry them without the permission of the Bishop of Cebu
*Since no priest would marry them, Rizal and Josephine held hands together and married themselves before the eyes
of God. They lived as man and wife in Dapitan
-Rizal wrote a poem for Josephine
*In the early part of 1896, Rizal was extremely happy because Josephine was expecting a baby
*Unfortunately, Rizal played a prank on her, frightening her so that she prematurely gave birth to an eight-month baby
boy who loved only for three hours
*The lost son of Rizal was named “Francisco” in honor of Don Francisco (hero’s father) and was buried in Dapitan
-In Spain, Rizal came in close contact with prominent Spanish liberal and republican Spaniards, who were mostly
-Rizal was impressed by the way the Spanish Masons openly and freely criticized the government policies and
lambasted the friars, which could not be done in Philippines
-Rizal’s reason for becoming a mason was to secure Freemasonry’s aid in his fight against the friars in the Philippines.
Since the friars used the Catholic religion as a shield to entrench themselves in power and wealth and to persecute the
Filipino patriots, he intended to utilize Freemasonry as his shield to combat them
-As a mason, Rizal played a lukewarm role in Freemasonry
-Rizal had no natural aptitude for music, and this he admitted. But he studied music because many of his schoolmates
at the Ateneo were taking music lessons.
-By sheer determination and constant practice, Rizal came to play flute fairly well. He was a flutist in various impromptu
reunions of Filipinos in Paris.
-Rizal’s research studies in the British Museum (London) and in Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris) enriched his historical
knowledge. His splendid annotations to Morga’s book showed his familiarity with the basic principles of historiography.
-As Rizal once told Isabelo de los Reyes: “A historian ought to be rigorously imparted… I never assert anything on my
own authority. I cite texts and when I do, I have them before me.”
-His knowledge of foreign languages enabled Rizal to read historical documents and books in languages in which they
were originally written
• Doctor- completed his medical course in Spain and was conferred the degree of
Licentiate in Medicine by the Universidad Central de Madrid
• Jose- was chosen by his mother who was a devotee of the Christian saint San
Jose (St. Joseph)
• Protacio- from Gervacio P. which come from a Christian calendar
• Mercado- adopted in 1731 by Domigo Lamco (the paternal great-great-
grandfather of Jose Rizal) which the Spanish term mercado means ‘market’ in English
• Rizal- from the word ‘Ricial’ in Spanish means a field where wheat, cut while still
green, sprouts again
• Alonzo- old surname of his mother
• Y- and
• Realonda- it was used by Doña Teodora from the surname of her godmother
based on the culture by that time
• June 19, 1861- moonlit of Wednesday between eleven and midnight Jose Rizal was born in the lakeshore town of
Calamba, Laguna
• June 22, 1861- aged three days old, Rizal was baptized in the Catholic church
• Father Rufino Collantes- a Batangueño, the parish priest who baptized Rizal
• Father Pedro Casanas- Rizal’s godfather, native of Calamba and close friend of the Rizal family
• Lieutenant-General Jose Lemery- the governor general of the Philippines when Rizal was born
Don Francisco Mercado (1818-1898)
-born in Biñan, Laguna on May 11, 1818
-studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila
-became a tenant-farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda
-a hardy and independent-minded man, who talked less and worked more, and was strong in body and valiant in spirit
-died in Manila on January 5, 1898 at the age of 80
-Rizal affectionately called him “a model of fathers”
1. Saturnina (1850-1913)
-oldest of the Rizal children
-nicknamed Neneng
-married Manuel T. Hidalgo of Tanawan, Batangas
2. Paciano (1851-1930)
-older brother and confident of Jose Rizal
-was a second father to Rizal
-immortalized him in Rizal’s first novel Noli Me Tangere as the wise Pilosopo Tasio
-Rizal regarded him as the “most noble of Filipinos”
-became a combat general in the Philippine Revolution
-died on April 13, 1930, an old bachelor aged 79
-had two children by his mistress (Severina Decena)—a boy and a girl
3. Narcisa (1852-1939)
-her pet name was Sisa
-married to Antonio Lopez (nephew of Father Leoncio Lopez), a school teacher of Morong
4. Olimpia (1855-1887)
-Ypia was her pet name
-married Silvestre Ubaldo, a telegraph operator from Manila
5. Lucia (1857-1919)
-married to Mariano Herbosa of Calamba, who was a nephew of Father Casanas
-Herbosa died of cholera in 1889 and was denied Christian burial because he was a brother-in-law of Dr. Rizal
6. Maria (1859-1945)
-Biang was her nickname
-married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna
7. Jose (1861-1896)
-the greatest Filipino hero and peerless genius
-nickname was Pepe
-lived with Josephine Bracken, Irish girl from Hong Kong
-had a son but this baby-boy died a few hours after birth; Rizal named him “Francisco” after his father and buried him
in Dapitan
8. Concepcion (1862-1865)
-her pet name was Concha
-died of sickness at the age of 3
-her death was Rizal’s first sorrow in life
9. Josefa (1865-1945)
-her pet name was Panggoy
-died an old maid at the age of 80
10. Trinidad (1868-1951)
-Trining was her pet name
-she died also an old maid in 1951 aged 83
11. Soledad (1870-1929)
-youngest of the Rizal children
-her pet name was Choleng
-married Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba
• Rizal always called her sisters Doña or Señora (if married) and Señorita (if single)
• Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso Realonda married on June 28, 1848, after which they settled down in
• The real surname of the Rizal family was Mercado, which was adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lamco (the paternal
great-great grandfather of Jose Rizal), who was a full blooded Chinese)
• Rizal’s family acquired a second surname—Rizal—which was given by a Spanish alcalde mayor (provincial governor)
of Laguna, who was a family friend
Domingo Lamco
Ines de la Rosa
(a Chinese immigrant from
(Well-to-do Chinese
the Fukien city arrived in
Christian girl of Changchow
Manila about 1690)
Juan Mercado
(Rizal’s grandfather) Cirila Alejandro
(The last native king of Tondo)
Eugenio Ursua
(Rizal’s maternal Benigma
Great-great Grandfather of (a Filipina)
Japanese Ancestry)
Manuel de Quintos
Regina (a Filipino from Pangasinan)
• The Rizal family belonged to the principalia, a town aristocracy in Spanish Philippines
• The Rizal family had a simple, contented and happy life
(1) hereditary influence
(2) environmental influence
(3) aid of Divine Providence
• Tio Jose Alberto- studied for eleven years in British school in Calcutta, India and had traveled in Europe
inspired Rizal to develop his artistic ability
• Tio Manuel- a husky and athletic man, encouraged Rizal to develop his frail body by means of physical
• Tio Gregorio- a book lover, intensified Rizal’s voracious reading of good book
• Father Leoncio Lopez- the old and learned parish priest of Calamba, fostered Rizal’s love for
scholarship and intellectual honesty
• Night of January 20, 1872- about 200 Filipino soldiers and workmen of the Cavite arsenal under the
leadership of Lamadrid, Filipino sergeant, rose in violent mutiny because of the abolition of their usual
• Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora- were executed at sunrise of February 17,
1872, by order of Governor General Izquierdo
• The martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za in 1872 truly inspired Rizal to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny and
redeem his oppressed people
• Rizal dedicated his second novel, El Filibusterismo, to Gom-Bur-Za
• Before June, 1872- Doña Teodora was suddenly arrested on a malicious charge that she and her
brother, Jose Alberto, tried to poison the latter’s perfidious wife
• Antonio Vivencio del Rosario- Calamba’s gobernadorcillo, help arrest Doña Teodora
• After arresting Doña Teodora, the sadistic Spanish lieutenant forced her to walk from Calamba to Santa
Cruz (capital of Laguna province), a distance of 50 kilometers
• Doña Teodora was incarcerated at the provincial prison, where she languished for two years and a half
• Messrs. Francisco de Marcaida and Manuel Marzan- the most famous lawyers of Manila that defend
Doña Teodora
• Rizal cultivated his literary talent under the guidance of Father Sanchez
• Father Jose Vilaclara- advised Rizal to stop communing with the Muse and pay more attention to more
practical studies
• Rizal studied painting under the famous Spanish painter, Agustin Saez, and sculpture under Romualdo
de Jesus, noted Filipino sculptor
• Rizal carved an image of the Virgin Mary on a piece of batikuling (Philippine hardwood) with his pocket-
• Father Lleonart- impressed by Rizal’s sculptural talent, requested him to carve for him an image of
Sacred Heart of Jesus
-In 1875, inspired by Father Sanchez, Rizal wrote more poems, as such:
1. Felicitacion (Felicitationi)
2. El Embarque: Himno a la Flota de Magallanes (The Departure: Hymn to Magellan’s Fleet)
3. Y Es Espanol; Elcano, el Primero en dar la Vuelta al Mundo (And He is Spanish: Elcano, the First to
Circumnavigate the World)
4. El Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror de Jolo (The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo)
-In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics-religion, education, childhood memories and war. They were as follows:
1. Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My Town)- a tender poem in honor of Calamba, the hero’s natal town
2. Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Educacion (Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education)-
Rizal showed the importance of religion in education
3. Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria (Through Education the Country Receives Light)- Rizal believed in the
significant role which education plays in the progress and welfare of a nation
4. El Cautiverio y el Triunfo: Batalla de Lucena y Prision de Boabdil (The Captivity and the Triumph: Battle of Lucena
and the Imprisonment of Boabdil)- this martial poem describes the defeat and capture of Boabdil, last Moorish sultan of
5. La Entrada Triunfal de los Reyes Catolices en Granada (The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarchs into
Granada)- this poem relates the victorious entry of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel into Granada, last Moorish
stronghold in Spain
-A year later, in 1877, Rizal wrote more poems. It was his last years in Ateneo. Among the poems written that year were:
1. El Heroismo de Colon (The Heroism of Columbus)- this poem praises Columbus, the discoverer of America
2. Colon y Juan II (Columbus and John II)- this poem relates how King Kohn II of Portugal missed fame and riches
by his failure to finance the projected expedition of Columbus to the New World
3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha (Great Solace in Great Misfortune)- this is a legend in verse of the tragic life
of Columbus
4. Un Dialogo Aluviso a la Despedida de los Colegiales (A Farewell Dialogue of the Students)- this was the last
poem written by Rizal in Ateneo; it is a poignant poem of farewell to his classmate
• Al Niño Jesus (To the Child Jesus)- this poem was written in 1875 when Rizal was 14 years old; it was
a brief ode
• A La Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary)- another religious poem which doesn’t have exact date when it
was written
• San Eustacio, Martir (St. Eustace, the Martyr)- a drama based on the prose story of St. Eustace which
he wrote in poetic verses during the summer vacation of 1876 and finished it on June 2, 1876
• April 1877- Rizal who was then nearly 16 years old, matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas, taking
the course on Philosophy and Letters because (1) his father like it (2) he was “still uncertain as to what
career to pursue”
• Father Pablo Ramon-Rector of Ateneo, who had been good to him during his student days in that
college, asking for advice on the choice of a career but unfortunately he was in Mindanao
• It was during the following term (1878-1879) that Rizal, having received the Ateneo Rector’s advice to
study medicine
• During Rizal’s first school term in the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1878), Rizal also studied in
Ateneo. He took the vocational course leading to the title of perito agrimensor (expert surveyor)
• Rizal excelled in all subjects in the surveying course in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in agriculture and
• November 25, 1881- the title was issued to Rizal for passing the final examination in the surveying
• Liceo Artistico-Literario (Artistic-Literary Lyceum) of Manila- a society of literary men and artists,
held a literary contest in the year 1879
• A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Youth)- Rizal, who was then 18 years old, submitted this poem
-is an inspiring poem of flawless form. Rizal beseeched the Filipino youth to rise from lethargy, to let genius fly
swifter than the wind and descend with art and science to break the chains that have long bound the spirit of the people
-this winning poem of Rizal is a classic in Philippine literature for two reasons: (1) it was the great poem in
Spanish written by a Filipino, whose merit was recognized by Spanish literary authorities (2) it expressed for the first time
the nationalistic concept that the Filipinos, and not the foreigners, were the “fair hope of the Fatherland”
• The Board of Judges, composed of Spaniards, was impressed by Rizal’s poem and gave it the first prize
which consisted of a silver pen, feather-shaped and decorated with a gold ribbon
• El Consejo de los Dioses (The Councils of the Gods)- an allegorical drama written by Rizal which he
entered in the literary contest of Artistic-Literary Lyceum in 1880 to commemorate the fourth centennial of
the death of Cervantes
-was a literary masterpiece based on the Greek classics
• The prize was awarded to Rizal, a gold ring on which was engraved the bust of Cervantes
• D.N. del Puzo- a Spanish writer, who won the second prize
• Junto al Pasig (Beside the Pasig)- a zarzuela which was staged by the Ateneans on December 8, 1880,
on the occasion of the annual celebration of the Feats Day of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of
the Ateneo
- Rizal wrote it as President of the Academy of Spanish Literature in Ateneo
• A Filipinas- a sonnet written by Rizal for the album of the Society of Sculptors; in this sonnet, he urged all
Filipino artists to glorify the Philippines
• Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma- Rizal composed a poem in 1879 which was declaimed by an Atenean, Manuel
Fernandez, on the night of December 8, 1879, in honor of the Ateneo’s Patroness
• Al M.R.P. Pablo Ramon- Rizal composed a poem in 1881, as an expression of affection to Father Pablo
Ramon, the Ateneo rector, who had been so kind and helpful to him
• Vicenta Ybardolaza- a pretty girl colegiala who skillfully played the harp at the Regalado home, whom
Rizal was infatuated in Pakil
• Rizal mentioned Turumba (wherein the people dancing in the streets during the procession in honor of the
miraculous Birhen Maria de los Dolores) in Chapter VI of Noli Me Tangere and Pagsanjan Falls in his
travel diary (united States—Saturday, May 12, 1888), where he said that Niagara Falls was the “greatest
cascades I ever saw” but “not so beautiful nor fine as the falls at Los Baños, Pagsanjan”
• Compañerismo (Comradeship)- Rizal founded a secret society of Filipino students in University of
Santo Tomas in 1880
• Companions of Jehu- members of the society whose after the valiant Hebrew general
• Galicano Apacible-Rizal’s cousin from Batangas who is the secretary of the society
-Rizal found the atmosphere at the University of Santo Tomas suffocating to his sensitive spirit. He was unhappy at this
Dominican institution of higher learning because (1) the Dominican professors were hostile to him (2) the Filipino students
were racially discriminated against by the Spaniards (3) the method of instruction was obsolete and repressive
-In Rizal’s novel, El Filibusterismo, he described how the Filipino students were humiliated and insulted by their
Dominican professors and how backward the method of instruction was, especially in the teaching of the natural sciences.
He related in Chapter XIII, “The Class in Physics”
This can be very exhaustive as I deal with historical facts apropos of the relationship of Jose Rizal with the University of
Santo Tomas. I am indebted to Fr. Fidel Villaroel, OP, the eminent historian and former archivist of the UST Archives for
giving me the distinct privilege (without going through the norms and policies) of touring the archives and letting me
examined some important documents pertaining but not principally to the history of the Philippines. As a pioneering
institution of learning – from the martyrdom of Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, to the propaganda movement, to the
revolution of 1896, to the birth of the Republic in 1898, to the commonwealth period and finally to the restoration of
independence in 1946 – it is therefore presumptuous to assume the UST has had a hand in the making of the history of
the Philippines.
Sadly, in spite of some efforts of few academicians and historians to present a more truthful history of the UST during the
Spanish era, many still were caught off guard and instead decided to rely on meager source materials. Worse, some
merely copied what pre-war and post-war authors written in the past 100 years. New generation writers, historians and
biographers of Jose Rizal are no exception to such historians like Retana, Craig, Russel, Laudback, Coates, Hernandez
and Zaide who had pictured a villain character of the university.
As what Fr. Villaroel said, none of the biographers and historians took the time of looking into the original academic
records of Rizal. Neither there were efforts on their part to make a study on UST based on the archival records of the
Pontifical University. “It has been treated inadequately, at times, with a good deal of misunderstanding, exaggeration or
The second confusion was their failure to understand the underlying principles behind the anti-friars and anti-UST writings
of Rizal particularly the El Fili.
After seeing the documents at the UST Archives and reading Fr. Villaroel’s well-written study on Rizal and the University
of Santo Tomas, I can only scoff at those who bask at their ignorance and use many of the myths to advance their cause.
Such is the case of some pexers here who undoubtedly use these myths for their own good. In the words of Dr. Serafin
Quiason, former chairman of the National Historical Institue, “it is a great virtue of his (Fr. Villaroel) study that he sweeps
away many of the myths which have passed for facts for almost three quarters of a century. He has solved many difficult
questions and the readers can be grateful for a valuable and devoted piece of work.”
This thread intends to rectify some issues pertaining to the negative pictures projected about Rizal’s relationship with his
alma mater, the University of Santo Tomas based on the study by Fr. Villaroel who had diligently dug through the archival
materials of UST and Archivo de la Provincia del Sto. Rosario. Was Rizal discriminated and treated shabbily by the
Dominicans? Why did he leave UST? Why did he criticize the University years later? How are the stories of El
Filibusterismo to be understood?
Rizal complained about his grades in UST and was discriminated and treated shabbily by the Dominicans.
(1) Rizal entered the UST in 1877, enrolling in the Pre-Law Course, which was made up of philosophical subjects. The
course was commonly called metaphysics. He passed the course brilliantly with the highest grades in spite of his initial
indifference to philosophy and his youthful distractions through the year. Then he opted for the career of medicine. And in
1878-1879 he took simultaneously the Pre-Medical Course and the First Year of Medicine; this was against the rules, but
Rizal was favored with a dispensation. The Pre-Medicine Course was also called Ampliacion, because the student, having
taken already Physics, Chemistry and Natural History in the high school, now took an advanced course on the same
subjects (Rizal did not take in Santo Tomas the “class of physics” described in El Fili but rather in Ateneo).
In his courses of medicine, Rizal was a good student, above-average, though not excellent; but none of his classmates
were excellent either. Summing up, in the 21 subjects taken in UST, Rizal obtained one aprobado (passing grade), eight
bueno (good), six notable (very good) and six sobresaliente (excellent). Majority of students in Rizal’s time, or in any time,
would have been satisfied with the above grades. It is possible that Rizal was not, but it is a fact that he never complained
about his grades, there is not a single word in his works showing displeasure at the unfairness of UST.
Yet many of his biographers are angry, unreasonably angry (including anti-ust pexers?) at the treatment given to the
national hero by his alma mater. How could Rizal, after a perfect record of “Excellent” in the high school (Ateneo) now
receive such “low” grades at UST? The critics had to look for an explanation, and since they did not find fault in Rizal, then
they had to blame the Dominicans and UST. And from Retana to Austin Craig, from Frank Lauback to Austin Coates and
to quite a long line of Filipino biographers (with some exceptions), we only hear the same repeated lamentation that every
school child must now learn in the textbooks: that Rizal was “below his usual standards”, and for the extremely serious
charge that the “Dominican professors were hostile to him” and “the Filipino students were racially discriminated” (Zaide),
and that there was “excessive harping on the alleged intellectual superiority of the Spanish (because he was white) to the
Filipino, a brown man, and Indio (JM Hernandez), and so on. An objective historian must squarely face and honestly
answer these grave statements, which sound like accusations.
Was Rizal “far below his usual standards”? What standards, in the first place? If by usual standards we mean the grades
of his Ateneo high school studies, the comparison is unfair. Nobody places elementary or high school standards against
college or University standards. They belong to different levels. At Ateneo municipal, Rizal was excellent, though not the
only excellent student. At the UST, none of his classmates ever got near to keeping a straight record of Excellent. And this
was because Medicine was a different kind of stuff altogether.
Therefore, if we are to arrive at a just appreciation of Rizal’s performance at the UST, we should compare, not his grades
in the high school with those in the university, but Rizal’s grades in Medicine against those of his classmates. In the first
year of medicine, Rizal’s class was made up of 24 students, but due to academic failures, seventeen of them were left by
the roadside before they reached the fourth year, when only seven took the final examinations. And in this fourth (and for
Rizal last) year, he landed in second place behind Cornelio Mapa. A persecuted Rizal would have probably ended by the
same roadside as the seventeen “debarred” classmates, or would have never boasted of being second when he left for
Spain in 1882.
(2) It can hardy be said that Rizal was discriminated and treated shabbily by the Dominicans since he was granted the
rare privilege of studying simultaneously in the Preparatory Course of Medicine and the First Year of Medicine.
Records likewise show that six Spaniards were enrolled with Rizal in the first year of Medicine, of whom three were
Peninsular and three Philippine-born. If the criticism of some biographers were true, these six students would have been
favored by the friars. Yet at the end of the fourth year there remained only one Philippine-born Spaniard, Jose
Resurreccion y Padilla, who managed to get only a poor passing grade (aprobado), last among successful students, and
who in the following year received a crushing suspenso. It would be unkind to rejoice over failures, whether of Spanish or
of Filipinos, but the biographers of Rizal will not be convincing unless they prove with valid documents the existence of
“racial discrimination” in UST in the 19th century when it came to academic grades.
(3) Rizal’s inclinations and abilities must be taken into account. While he was undoubtedly inclined to, and remarkably
fitted for, the arts and letters, he was not much attracted to Medicine. “Perhaps – says Leon Ma. Guerrero – Medicine was
not his real vocation”. Medicine was a convenient career taken up in consideration of the poor health of Rizal’s mother,
whom he wanted to help, and eventually helped as a physician.
(4) When Rizal transferred to Spain and continued his studies at the University of Madrid, he showed there similar
characteristics. He was sobresaliente in the humanistic studies (literature, languages, history), while in Medicine he fared
worse than at the University of Santo Tomas. Ye no historian or biographer has ever complained about his poor
performance in Madrid or hinted that Rizal was discriminated against in that Central University.
(5) Rizal had Dominican friends in the persons of Fr. Evaristo Arias and Fr. Joaquin Fonseca. It was while studying at
UST that Rizal obtained public recognition as a poet. It was the Dominican; Fr. Arias who helped him cultivate his craft in
poetry. During his Thomasian years, Rizal composed the best poems of his pre-European period, one of them being A la
Juventud Filipina, winner of the first prize in the contest organized by the Liceo Artistico-Literario in 1879.
Rizal is said to have left UST for the following reasons:
a. because a certain professor of UST caused him displeasure (P. Pastells, SJ, 1897)
b. because the atmosphere in UST (meaning Thomistic atmosphere) suffocated him, and “it is presumed that
because of it he left” (E. Retana, 1907)
c. because in his class of medicine the lay professor made a statement contrary to the textbook and then he refused
to permit discussion or to give explanations; “so Rizal decided he was wasting his time to remain in the University”
(Craig, 1909)
d. because he found unfriendliness in the University, (Lauback, 1936)
e. because UST could not give “fuller learning” to the youth, and its “usefulness was almost, if not altogether nil.” (D.
Abella, 1965)
Twenty authors quoting from the same erroneous source commit the same error twenty times over. Therefore, what the
quoted authors have said must be submitted to scrutiny. More significantly, all the authors quoted above have one thing in
common: none of them quote any historical source, like words from Rizal’s correspondence, his articles, etc. If any source
is ever mentioned it is infallibly the novel El Fili.
But is there not, we ask, a better source to support historical facts than a novel? In the present case, there seems to be no
other, and for one fundamental reason: because Rizal never revealed in clear terms why he left the Philippines in 1882.
Neither he nor his brother Paciano, nor his uncle Antonio Rivera, nor his most intimate friends. Not a clear word from
them, who were the only persons who could have known. This fact leads us to conclude that the writers who put the
blame for Rizal’s departure on the University of Santo Tomas are only guessing, honestly guessing of course, but
It is almost needless to enter into discussion with those writers who lay the responsibility for Rizal’s departure at the door
of UST. But let us face the question squarely.
(1) It has been stated that a certain professor, more concretely a lay professor of medicine, disagreed with the textbook
and refused to entertain discussion on the topics of his subject (so Pastells and Craig). This professor is identified by
Craig as one who, some years later, was classmate of Rizal at the University of Madrid. He was Dr. Jose Franco who, as
professor of Rizal in Santo Tomas, had threatened to fail the whole medical class (P. Pastells). But granting that Professor
Franco was speaking seriously, it is quite improbable that Rizal decided to leave the Philippines for an incident with one
professor, who besides did not fail him in the final examinations. Rizal’s companions and friends did not seem to have
noticed any misunderstanding between Rizal and any professor, as shown in a letter of Jose M. Cecilio: “Your departure
without notice has caused surprise among many friends to the point of stirring their curiosity. They ask whether there were
serious matters going on which prompted you to leave.”
(2) To attribute Rizal’s departure to what oneauthor calls “rampant bigotry, discrimination and persecution” existing in
UST, whether said in general or whether specifically referring to Rizal, is a gratuitous accusation expressed in ready-
made phrases loaded with feeling. I presume that an educational policy like the one implied in such words has never
existed in any school or university anywhere in any period. As for Rizal, we have already explained with academic records
on hand, that there was in fact a discrimination in his favor when he was allowed to take simultaneously the Preparatory
course of Medicine and the First Course of Medicine Proper. And finally, he was one of the seven, out of 26, who reached
the beginning of the fifth year course, which he started in Madrid. All this has been shown here without rhetoric, without
feeling and only with the aid of laconic, diplomatic record as basis.
(3) That the UST did not provide “fuller learning” to its students, and that this prompted some of them like Rizal to go
abroad, as suggested by some authors, might be as true then as it can be true at any other period of her history. This can
also be said of any Philippine university today. The temptation to try better institutions abroad is always better, and those
who can afford it, occasionally fall for it. There is no denying that, in the last quarter of the 19th century, Europe offered to
the students of science, philosophy, literature and every aspect of material progress, horizons of learning that no colonial
land in other continents could possibly give in such measure. But if many student like Rizal went abroad is search of “fuller
learning” and profited from that experience, it would be wrong to conclude that a university like UST was therefore
worthless. Whether by choice or by the force of circumstances many more students stayed behind than left for Europe,
and those who remained received a tertiary education of such quality that enabled them to become builders of the
Philippine Republic. Thomasians trained here and only here were Pedro Pelaez and Jose Burgos, Apolinario Mabini and
Cayetano Arellano, Manuel Araullo and the Mapa brothers, Sergio Osmena and Manuel L. Quezon, Leon Maria Guererro
and Anacleto del Rosario, Felipe Calderon and Epifanio de los Santos, etc. and most of the men of the Malolos Congress,
all belonging to the generation of Rizal.
Until further historical research can project more light on the life of Rizal, little more remains to be said on this point. This
little more is reduced to the following: If neither the UST records nor the correspondence of Rizal with Paciano and his
family nor his letters to or from his intimate friends can support the alleged misunderstanding between Rizal and the
University; if those documents do not explain the reasons for Rizal’s departure for Spain, then i believe that the only valid
recourse left to the historian is the recourse to the oral tradition. And two traditions come handily on our way, one
preserved in Rizal’s own family and another in the University of Santo Tomas.
The “Class of Physics” (Chapter 13) in El Filibusterismo is autobiographical of Rizal’s stay in UST and that Rizal’s anti-
friars and anti-UST writings are reflective of how the national hero loathed the University.
(1) While in Europe (1882-1892), Rizal changed considerably in at least one aspect, in his attitude towards religion. He
gave up some basic and essential tenets of his faith and ceased to be a practicing Catholic. This was due mainly to his
continuous association with many rationalist thinkers and liberal politicians of Spain and other countries of Europe. A new
rationalistic approach to life and his affiliation to freemasonry accentuated his anti-clerical sentiments and his antipathy for
the Catholic Church, for her belief and external manifestations (dogmas, rites and rituals and devotional life). These
changes in Rizal must be taken into account when assessing his ironic criticism of the Church, the religious Orders and
the University of Santo Tomas. History showed that the attacks thrown by propagandists at Santo Tomas, particularly the
Church, were just part and parcel of the clash between liberalism and Thomism. And that the attack thrown at Santo
Tomas , which was under the Royal patronage of Spain, was not unique since every university in Europe like Oxford
received the same fate for upholding Thomism. The Vatican in an encyclical endorsed Thomism as an instrument to
counteract rationalism, which at that time began to penetrate all spheres of society.
(2) Crucially affecting this new attitude of criticism were the events that occurred in Calamba from 1887 onwards as a
result of the famous agrarian litigation between his family and the Dominican Hacienda. Whatever reasons for dissension
might have existed in previous years due to worsening economic conditions affecting the country at large, Rizal’s personal
intervention in the affair in 1887 precipitated the legal suit. The case ended in the courts with an adverse sentence against
the family and other tenants and the tragic deportation of some of Rizal’s immediate relatives. That social question and
lawsuit had nothing to do with the UST, but it surely soured Rizal’s pen when writing about an educational institution that
was run by the owners of Calamba Hacienda. We have here another factor for his critical attitude; again he had not in
mind any past academic experience.
(3) The novel El Fili was written precisely during the years of the Calamba agrarian crisis (any student of literature or a
practicing writer would agree that if there are things that affect the consciousness of a writer, it would be the moment, the
milieu, and the race).
The “Class of Physics” is the subject of chapter 13 of the Fili, a subject that some historians and biographers have used
and abused lavishly. They have a reason, because the story comes in very handily to illustrate the student years of Rizal
at the UST, regardless of the novelistic character of the source.
The practical question here is whether the story of the “Class of Physics” really happened on even one day, whether it
reflects educational methods practiced in UST in the 19th century, or whether Rizal was just creating a scene suitable to
the aims of the novel, that is, to attack and discredit the religious institutes. Some biographers easily believe Retana’s
remark that “this chapter is an accurate picture of what happened in the Pontifical University of Manila when Rizal studied
there.” a remark written of course, when Retana had turned into a bitter enemy of the religious orders.
But even taking for granted that Rizal based his story on some incident that happened during his university years, this is
no reason to conclude that the general life of the University was similar. And as for the bleak picture of the physical
classroom itself, the UST still possess the schedules of classes in those years, and the Class of Physics is invariably
assigned to the Physics Laboratories, not to an ordinary classroom.
Finally, Austin Coates’ statement that this chapter of the Fili is “clearly autobiographical” is totally unacceptable, if by
autobiographical he meant that the experience of Placido was actually felt by Rizal personally or by some of his
classmates. And the reason is very simple: Rizal did not take Physics at the UST. He had taken that course at the Ateneo
Municipal in 1876-1877. Rafael Palma who took up Physics and Chemistry in 1890 at Ateneo Municipal, a little over ten
years after Rizal, recalled later that the laboratory materials in use at the Ateneo for teaching Natural History and Physics
were “very poor” (Rafael Palma, My Autobiography, Manila 1953).
The whole chapter is a caricature, very useful for the aims of the novel; it is not Rizal’s biography.
-it was published in two texts—Spanish and Tagalog—the Spanish text was the one originally written by Rizal in
Barcelona, the tagalog text was a Tagalog translation made by M.H. del Pilar
• Basilio Teodoro Moran- a friend of Rizal in Manila and the publisher of Diariong Tagalog where Rizal
sent this article
• Diariong Tagalog- the first Manila bilingual newspaper (Spanish and Tagalog)
• Los Viajes (Travels)- Rizal’s second article for Diariong Tagalog
• Revista de Madrid (Review of Madrid)- Rizal’s third article written in Madrid on November 29, 1882 but
returned to him because the Diariong Tagalog had ceased publication for lack of funds
• Rizal received sad news about the cholera that was ravaging Manila and the provinces according to
Paciano’s letter, dated September 15, 1882
• Another sad news from the Philippines was the chatty letter of Chengoy recounting the unhappiness of
Leonor Rivera
• In one of his letters (dated May 26, 1882), Paciano advised his younger brother to finish the medical
course in Madrid
• Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882 and established himself in Madrid, the capital of Spain
• November 3, 1882- Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid) in
two courses—Medicine and Philosophy and Letters
• Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando- Rizal studied painting and sculpture
• Rizal’s only extravagance was investing a few pesetas for a lottery ticket in every draw of the Madrid
• Rizal spent his leisure time reading and writing at his boarding house, attending the reunions of Filipino
students at the house of the Paterno brothers (Antonio, Maximo and Pedro) and practicing fencing and
shooting at the gymnasium
• Antigua Café de Levante-during the summer twilights, this is where Rizal sipped coffee and fraternized
with the students from Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, etc
• On Saturday evenings, Rizal visited the home of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey who lived with his son (Rafael)
and daughter (Consuelo)
• Circulo Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle)- a society of Spaniards and Filipinos which Rizal
joined shortly after his arrival in Madrid in 1882
• Me Piden Versos (They Ask Me For Verses)- upon the request of the members of this society, Rizal’s
wrote this poem which he personally declaimed during the New Year’s Eve reception of the Madrid
Filipinos held in the evening of December 31, 1882
-in this sad poem, Rizal poured out the cry of his agonizing heart
• Rizal economized on his living expenses, and with the money he saved, he purchased books from a
second-hand book store owned by a certain Señor Roses
• Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Eugene Sue’s The Wandering Jew- these two books
aroused Rizal’s sympathy for the oppressed and unfortunate people
Calamba, the monthly allowances of Rizal in Madrid were late in arrival and there were times when they
never arrived
• June 24, 1884- a touching incident in Rizal’s life in Madrid wherein he was broke and was unable to take
-Rizal attended his class at the university, participated in the contest in Greek language and won the gold medal
• Evening of June 25, 1884- a banquet was sponsored by the Filipino community to celebrate the double
victory of the Filipino artist in the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid—Luna’s Spoliarium winning
the first prize and Hidalgo’s Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace (Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al
Populacho), second prize
• November 20, 21, and 22, 1884- the serene city of Madrid exploded in bloody riots by the students of the
Central University
• These student demonstrations were caused by the address of Dr. Miguel Morayta, professor of history,
at the opening ceremonies of the academic year on November 20, in which he proclaimed “the freedom
of science and the teacher”
• The Rector, who also took the side of the students, was forced to resign and was replaced by Doctor
Creus, “a very unpopular man, disliked by everybody”
• November 26, 1884- Rizal wrote the recounting tumultuous riots to his family
• June 21, 1884- Rizal completed his medical course in Spain; he was conferred the degree of Licentiate in
Medicine by the Universidad Central de Madrid
• The next academic year (1884-1885), Rizal studied and passed all subjects leading to the degree of
Doctor of Medicine but he did not present the thesis required for graduation nor paid the corresponding
fees, he was not awarded his Doctor’s diploma
• June 19, 1885- on his 24th birthday, Rizal was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters
by the Universidad Central de Madrid with the rating of “Excellent”: (Sobresaliente)
• November 26, 1884- a letter to Rizal’s family written in Madrid wherein he said “My doctorate is not of
very much value to me… because although it is useful to a university professor, yet, I believe they
(Dominican friars—Z) will never appoint me as such in the College of Santo Tomas. I say the same thing
of philosophy and letters which may serve also for a professorship, but I doubt if the Dominican fathers
will grant it to me.”
• April 22, 1886- Rizal wrote a fine poem “A Las Flores de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of Heidelberg)
• In the spring of 1886, Rizal was fascinated by the blooming flowers along the cool banks of the Neckar
River. Among them was his favorite flower—the light blue “forget-me-not”
• Wilhelmsfeld- a mountainous village near Heidelberg where Rizal spent a three-month summer vacation
• Dr. Karl Ullmer- a kind Protestant pastor where Rizal stayed, who became his good friend and admirer
• June 25, 1886- Rizal ended his sojourn at Pastor Ullmer’s home
• May 29, 1887- Rizal wrote from Munich (Muchen) to Friedrich (Fritz), son of Pastor Ullmer
• July 31, 1886- Rizal wrote his first letter in German (which he had improved after his stay with the
Ullmers) to Professor Blumentritt, Director of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria
• Aritmetica (Arithmetic)-Rizal sent this book he mentioned and was published in two languages—
Spanish and Tagalog—by the University of Santo Tomas Press in 1868. the author was Rufino Baltazar
Hernandez, a native of Santa Cruz, Laguna
• August 6, 1886- the famous University of Heidelberg held its fifth centenary celebration
• Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin- inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict the
miseries of his people under the lash of Spanish tyrants
• January 2, 1884- in a reunion of Filipinos in the Paterno residence in Madrid, Rizal proposed the writings
of a novel about the Philippines by a group of Filipinos
• Toward the end of 1884, Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid and finished about one-half of it
• When Rizal went to Paris, in 1885, after completing his studies in the Central University of Madrid, he
continued writing the novel, finishing one half of the second half
• Rizal finished the last fourth of the novel in Germany. He wrote the last few chapters of the Noli in
Wilhelmsfeld in April-June, 1886
• In Berlin during the winter days of February, 1886, Rizal made the final revisions on the manuscript of the
• Maximo Viola- Rizal’s friend from Bulacan, arrived in Berlin at the height of Rizal despondency and
loaned him the needed funds to publish the novel; savior of Noli
• After the Christmas season, Rizal put the finishing touches on his novel. To save printing expenses, he
deleted certain passages in his manuscript, including a whole chapter—“Elias and Salome”
• February 21, 1887- the Noli was finally finished and ready for printing
• Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft- a printing shop which charged the lowest rate, that is,
300 pesos for 2,00 copies of the novel
• March 21, 1887- the Noli Me Tangere came off the press
• March 29, 1887- Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli
carefully rolled around the pen that he used in writing it and a complimentary copy, with the following
inscription: “To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my work—Jose Rizal”
• The title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means
“Touch Me Not”. It is not originally conceived by Rizal, for he
admitted taking it from the Bible
• Rizal, writing to Felix Hidalgo in French on March 5, 1887, said:
“Noli Me Tangere, words taken from the Gospel of St. Luke,
signify “do not touch me” but Rizal made a mistake, it should be
the Gospel of St. John (Chapter 20 Verses 13 to 17)
• Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines—“To
My Fatherland”
• The cover of Noli Me Tangere was designed by Rizal. It is a
ketch of explicit symbols. A woman’s head atop a Maria Clara
bodice represents the nation and the women, victims of the
social cancer. One of the causes of the cancer is symbolized in
the friar’s feet, outsized in relation to the woman’s head. The
other aggravating causes of oppression and discrimination are
shown in the guard’s helmet and the iron chains, the teacher’s
whip and the alferez’s scourge. A slight cluster of bamboo stands at
the backdrop; these are the people, forever in the background of
their own country’s history. There are a cross, a maze, flowers and thorny plants, a flame; these are
indicative of the religious policy, the misdirected ardor, the people strangled as a result of these all
• The novel Noli Me Tangere contains 63 chapters and an epilogue
• Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor- Filipino patriot and lawyer who had been exiled due to his complicity in the
Cavite Mutiny of 1872, read avidly the Noli and was very much impressed by its author
• The Noli Me Tangere was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last decades of Spanish rule
• Maria Clara-was Leonor Rivera, although in real life she became unfaithful and married an Englishman
• Ibarra and Elias- represented Rizal himself
• Tasio-the philosopher was Rizal’s elder brother Paciano
• Padre Salvi-was identified by Rizalists as Padre Antonio Piernavieja, the hated Augustinian friar in Cavite
who was killed by the patriots during the Revolution
• Capitan Tiago-was Captain Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas
• Doña Victorina- was Doña Agustina Medel
• Basilio and Crispin- were the Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy
• Padre Damaso- typical of a domineering friar during the days of Rizal, who was arrogant, immoral and
• May 11, 1887- Rizal and Viola left Berlin by train
• Dresden- one of the best cities in Germany
• Prometheus Bound-painting wherein Rizal was deeply impressed
• Teschen (now Decin, Czechoslovakia)- next stopover after leaving Dresedn
• At 1:30pm of May 13, 1887- the train, with Rizal and Viola on board, arrived at the railroad station of
Leitmeritz, Bohemia
-for the first time, the two great scholars—Rizal and Blumentritt—met in person
• Professor Blumentritt- a kind-hearted, old Austrian professor
• May 13 to May 16, 1887- Rizal and Viola stayed in Leitmeritz
• Burgomaster- town mayor
• Tourist’s Club of Leitmeritz-which Blumentritt was the secretary; Rizal spoke extemporaneously in
fluent Germany to the officers and members
• Dr. Carlos Czepelak- renowned scientist of Europe
• Professor Robert Klutschak- an eminent naturalist
• May 16, 1887 at 9:45 AM- Rizal and Viola left Leitmeritz by train
• Dr. Willkomm- professor of natural history in the University of Prague
• According to Viola, “nothing of importance happened” in this city
• May 20, 1887- Rizal and Viola arrived in the beautiful city of Vienna, capital of Austria-Hungary
• Vienna was truly the “Queen of Danube” because of its beautiful buildings, religious images, haunting
waltzes and majestic charm
• Norfentals- one of the greatest Austrian novelists was favorably impressed by Rizal, and years later he
spoke highly of Rizal, “whose genius he so much admired.”
• Hotel Metropole- where Rizal and Viola stayed
• In Vienna, Rizal received his lost diamond stickpin
• June 27, 1887- Rizal reached Rome, the “Eternal City” and also called the “City of the Caesars”
• Rizal was thrilled by the sights and memories of the Eternal City. Describing to Blumentritt, the “grandeur
that was Rome”, he wrote on June 27, 1887
• June 29, 1887- the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul, Rizal visited for the first time the Vatican, the
“City of the Popes” and the capital of Christendom
• Every night, after sightseeing the whole day, Rizal returned to his hotel, very tired. “I am tired as a dog,”
he wrote to Blumentritt, “but I will sleep as a God”
• After a week of wonderful sojourn in Rome, Rizal prepared to return to the Philippines. He had already
written to his father that he was coming home
• February 28, 1888- early in the morning of Tuesday, Rizal arrived in Yokohama. He registered at the
Grand Hotel
• Tokyo Hotel- Rizal stayed here from March 2 to March 7
• Rizal wrote to Professor Blumentritt: “Tokyo is more expensive then Paris. The walls are built in
cyclopean manner. The streets are large and wide.”
• Juan Perez Caballero-secretary of the Spanish Legation, who visited Rizal at his hotel who latter invited
him to live at the Spanish Legation
• Rizal accepted the invitation for two reasons: (1) he could economize his living expenses by staying at
the legation (2) he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish authorities
• March 7, 1888- Rizal checked out of Tokyo Hotel and lived at the Spanish Legation
• Rizal was favorably impressed by Japan. The things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan were: (1)
the beauty of the country—its flowers, mountains, streams and scenic panoramas, (2) the cleanliness,
politeness, and industry of the Japanese people (3)the picturesque dress and simple charm of the
Japanese women (4) there were very few thieves in Japan so that the houses remained open day and
night, and in hotel room one could safely leave money on the table (5) beggars were rarely seen in the
city, streets, unlike in Manila and other cities
• Rickshaws-popular mode of transportation drawn by men that Rizal did not like in Japan
• April 13, 1888-Rizal left Japan and boarded the Belgic, an English steamer, at Yokohama, bound for the
United States
• Tetcho Suehiro- a fighting Japanese journalist, novelist and champion of human rights, who was forced
by the Japanese government to leave the country
-passenger which Rizal befriended on board the Belgic
• April 13 to December 1, 1888- eight months of intimate acquaintanceship of Rizal and Tetcho
• December 1, 1888- after a last warm handshake and bidding each other “goodbye”, Rizal and Tetcho
parted ways—never to meet again
• May 25, 1888- a day after docking at Liverpool, Rizal went to London
• Rizal stayed as guest at the home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, an exile of 1872 and a practicing lawyer
in London. By the end of May, Rizal found a modest boarding place at No. 37 Chalcot Crescent, Primrose
• Dr. Reinhold Rozt- librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an authority on Malayan languages and
-He was impressed by Rizal’s learning and character and he gladly recommended him to the authorities of the
British Museum. He called Rizal “a pearl of a man” (una perla de hombre)
• Both good and bad news from home reached Rizal in London. Of the bad news, were the injustices
committed by the Spanish authorities on the Filipino people and the Rizal Family
• The greatest achievement of Rizal in London was the annotating of Morga’s book, Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of the Philippine Islands), which was published in Mexico, 1609.
• September 1888- Rizal visited Paris for a week in order to search for more historical materials in the
Bibliotheque Nationale
• Rizal was entertained in this gay French metropolis by Juan Luna and his wife (Pas Pardo de Tavera),
who proudly showed him their little son Andres (nickname Luling)
• December 11, 1888-Rizal went to Spain, visiting Madrid and Barcelona
• Rizal met, for the first time, Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, two titans of the Propaganda
• December 24, 1888-Rizal returned to London and spent Christmas and New Year’s Day with the
• Rizal sent as Christmas gift to Blumentritt a bust of Emperador Augustus and a bust of Julius Caesar to
another friend, Dr. Carlos Czepelak (Polish scholar)
• The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist-a Christmas gift from Rizal’s landlady,
Mrs Beckett
1. “A La Defensa” (To La Defensa), April 30, 1889- this was a reply to an anti-Filipino writing of a Spanish author
Patricio de la Escosura which was published by La Defensa on March 30, 1889
2. “La Verdad Para Todos” (The Truth For All), May 31, 1889- Rizal’s defense against the Spanish charges that the
native local officials were ignorant and depraved
3. “Vicente Barrantes’ Teatro Tagalo”, June 15, 1889- in this article, Rizal exposes Barrabtes’ ignorance on the
Tagalog theatrical art
4.“Una Profanacion” (A Profanation), July 31, 1889- a bitter attack against the friars for denying Christian burial to
Mariano Herbosa in Calamba because he was a brother-in-law of Rizal. Herbosa, husband of lucia died of cholera on
May 23, 1889
5. “Verdades Nuevas” (New Truths), July 31, 1889- a reply to Vicente Belloc Sanchez’ letter published in La Patria,
Madrid newspaper, on July 4, 1889, which asserted that the granting of reforms in the Philippines would ruin the
“peaceful and maternal rule” of the friars
6. “Crueldad” (Cruelty), August 15, 1889- a brilliant defense of Blumentritt from the scutrillous attack of his enemies
7. “Diferencias’ (Differences), September 15, 1889- a reply to a biased article entitled “Old Truths” published in La
Patria on August 14, 1889, which ridiculed those Filipinos who asked for reforms
8.“Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences), November 30, 1889- a defense of Antonio Luna against the attack of Pablo
Mir Deas in the Barcelona newspaper El Puieblo Soberano
9. “Llanto y Risas” (Tears and Laughter), November 30, 1889- a denunciation of Spanish racial prejudice against
brown Filipinos
10. “Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude), January 15, 1890- a reply to Governor General Valeriano Weyler who,
while visiting Calamba, told the people that they “should not allow themselves to be deceived by the vain promises of
their ungrateful sons.”
• Simultaneous with Rizal retirement from the Propaganda Movement, Rizal ceased writing articles for La
• August 7, 1891- M.H. del Pilar wrote to Rizal begging forgiveness for any resentment and requesting
Rizal to resume writing for the La Solidaridad
• Rizal stopped writing for La Solidaridad, it was because of several reasons: (1) Rizal need to work on his
book (2) He wanted other Filipinos to work also (3) Rizal considered it very important to the party that
there be unity in the work (4) Marcelo H. del Pilar is already at the top and Rizal also have his own ideas,
it is better to leave del Pilar alone to direct the policy
• While busy in research studies at the British Museum, Rizal received news on Fray Rodriguez’ unabated
attack on his Noli
• La Vision del Fray Rodriguez (The Vision of Fray Rodriguez)-pamphlet wrote by Rizal which
published in Barcelona under his nom-de-plume Dimas Alang in order to defense his novel
-In La Vision del Fray Rodriguez, Rizal demonstrated two things: (1) his profound knowledge of religion (2) his
biting satire
• Letter to the Young Women of Malolos- a famous letter wrote by Rizal on February 22, 1889 in
-this letter is to praise the young ladies of Malolos for their courage to establish a school where they could learn
Spanish, despite the opposition of Fr. Felipe Garcia, a Spanish parish priest of Malolos
• The main points of this letter were: (1) a Filipino mother should teach her children love of God, fatherland,
and mankind (2) the Filipino mother should be glad, like the Spartan mother, to offer her sons in the
defense of the fatherland (3) a Filipino woman should know how to preserve her dignity and honor (4) a
Filipino woman should educate herself, aside from retaining her good racial virtues (5) Faith is not merely
reciting long prayers and wearing religious pictures, but rather it is living the real Christian way, with good
morals and good manners
• Dr Reinhold Rost, editor of Trubner’s Record, a journal devoted to Asian studies, request Rizal to
contribute some articles. In response to his request, the latter prepared two articles—(1) Specimens of
Tagal Folklore, which published in the journal in May, 1889 (2) Two Eastern Fables, published in June,
• March 19, 1889- Rizal bade goodbye to the kind Beckett Family and left London for Paris
-In March, 1889, it was extremely difficult for a visitor to find living quarters in Paris
• Valentin Ventura- a friend of Rizal where he lived—No. 45 Rue Maubeuge, where he polished his
annotated edition of Morga’s book
• Rizal used most of his time in the reading room of the Bibliotheque Nationale (National Library) checking
up his historical annotations on Morga’s book
• Rizal was a good friend of the three Pardo de Taveras—Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, a physician by
vocation and philologist by avocation, Dr. Felix Pardo de Tavera, also physician by vocation and an artist
and sculptor by avocation, and Paz Pardo de Tavera, wife of Juan Luna
• June 24, 1889- a baby girl was born to Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de Tavera, she was their second child
• Her baptismal godfather was Rizal, who chose her name “Maria de la Paz, Blanca, Laureana,
Hermenegilda Juana Luna y Pardo de Tavera”
• May 6, 1889- opening of Universal Exposition of Paris
• The greatest attraction of this exposition was the Eiffel Tower, 984 feet high, which was built by Alexander
Eiffel, celebrated French engineer
• March 19, 1889-the same day when he arrived in Paris from London, Rizal organized his paisanos
(compatriots) into a society called Kidlat Club
• Kidlat Club-purely a social society of a temporary nature
-founded by Rizal simply to bring together young Filipinos in the French capital so that they could enjoy their
sojourn in the city during the duration of the Universal Exposition
• Rizal was enchanted by the dignified and proud bearing of the American Indians in a Buffalo Bull show
• Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)- replaced the ephemeral Kidlat Club
-its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical prowess in order to win the admiration of the foreigners
-practised with great enthusiasm the use of the sword and pistol and Rizal taught them judo, an Asian art of self-
defense, that he learned in Japan
• Sociedad R.D.L.M. (R.D.L.M Society)- a mysterious society founded by Rizal in Paris during the
Universal Exposition of 1889
-its existence and role in the crusade reforms are really enigmatic
-Of numerous letters written by Rizal and his fellow propagandists, only two mentioned this secret society, as
follows (1) Rizal’s Letter to Jose Maria Basa, Paris, September 21, 1889 (2) Rizal’s Letter to Marcelo H. del Pilar, Paris,
November 4, 1889
• According to Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Rizal, grandnephew of the hero, the society has a symbol or countersign
represented by a circle divided into three parts by two semi-circles having in the center the intwerlocked
letters I and B meaning Indios Bravos and the letter R.D.L.M. placed outside an upper, lower, left and
right sides of the circle
• The letters R.D.L.M. are believed to be the initials of the society’s secret name Redencion de los Malayos
(Redemption of the Malays)—Redemption of the Malay Race
• It was patterned after Freemasonry. It had various degrees of membership, “with the members not
knowing each other.”
• The aim of the secret society, as stated by Rizal, was “the propagation of all useful knowledge—scientific,
artistic, and literary, etc.—in the Philippines. Evidently, there was another aim that is, the redemption of
the Malay race
• It must be noted that Rizal was inspired by a famous book entitled Max Havelaar (1860) written by
Multatuli (pseudonym of E.D. Dekker, Dutch author)
• Rizal was accompanied by Jose Albert when he moved to Brussels. They lived in a modest boarding
house on 38 Rue Philippe Champagne, which was run by two Jacoby sisters (Suzanne and Marie). Later
Albert, left the city and was replaced by Jose Alejandro, an engineering student
• Rizal was the first to advocate the Filipinization of its orthography
• Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua Tagala (The New Orthography of the Tagalog Language)-
was published in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1890
-in this article, he laid down the rules of the new Tagalog orthography and with modesty and sincerity, he gave
credit for the adoption of this new orthography to Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, author of the celebrated work El
Sanscrito en la Lengua Tagala (Sanskrit in the tagalog Language) which was published in Paris, 1884
** “I put this on record,” wrote Rizal, “so that when the history of this orthography is traced, which is already being adopted
by the enlightened Tagalists, that what is Caesar’s be given to Caesar. This innovation is due solely to Dr. Pardo de
Tavera’s studies on Tagalismo. I was one of its zealous propagandists.”**
• Letters from home which Rizal received in Brussels worried him. (1) the Calamba agrarian trouble was
getting worse (2) the Dominican Order filed a suit in court to dispossess the Rizal family of their lands in
• In his moment of despair, Rizal had bad dreams during the nights in Brussels when he was restless
because he was always thinking of his unhappy family in Calamba
• Rizal feared that he would not live long. He was not afraid to die, but he wanted to finish his second novel
before he went to his grave.
• In the face of the sufferings which afflicted his family, Rizal planned to go home. He could not stay in
Brussels writing a book while his parents, relatives, and friends in the distant Philippines were persecuted
• July 29, 1890- another letter to Ponce written at Brussels by Rizal, he announced that he was leaving
Brussels at the beginning of the following month and would arrive in Madrid about the 3rd or 4th (August)
• “To my Muse’” (A Mi…)- 1890, Rizal wrote this pathetic poem, it was against a background of mental
anguish in Brussels, during those sad days when he was worried by family disasters
-Early in August, 1890, Rizal arrived in Madrid
-Upon arrival in Madrid, Rizal immediately sought help of the Filipino colony, The Asociacion Hispano-Filipina, and the
liberal Spanish newspaper in securing justice for the oppressed Calamba tenants
• El Resumen- a Madrid newspaper which sympathized with the Filipino cause, said: “To cover the ear,
open the purse, and fold the arms—this is the Spanish colonial policy
• La Epoca- an anti-Filipino newspaper in Madrid
1. Jose Ma. Panganiban, his talented co-worker in the Propaganda Movement, died in Barcelona on August
19, 1890, after a lingering illness
2. Aborted Duel with Antonio Luna—Luna was bitter because of his frustrated romance with Nellie
Boustead. Deep in his heart, he was blaming Rizal for his failure to win her, although Rizal had previously explained to
him that he had nothing to do about it. Luna uttered certain unsavory remarks about Nellie, Rizal heard him and
angered by the slanderous remarks, he challenged Luna, his friend, to a duel. Fortunately, Luna realized that he had
made a fool of himself during his drunken state, he apologized for his bad remarks about the girl and Rizal accepted his
apology and they became good friends again
3. Rizal challenges Retana to Duel—Wenceslao E. Retana, his bitter enemy of the pen, a talented Spanish
scholar, was then a press agent of the friars in Spain. He used to attack the Filipinos in various newspapers in Madrid
and other cities in Spain. Retana wrote an article in La Epoca, asserting that the family and friends of Rizal had not paid
their rents so they were ejected from their lands in Calamba by the Dominicans. Such as insult stirred Rizal to action,
immediately he sent his seconds to Retana with his challenge to a duel
4. Infidelity of Leonor Rivera—Rizal received a letter from Leonor, announcing her coming marriage to an
Englishman (the choice of her mother) and asking his forgivefess
5. Rizal-Del Pilar Rivalry—toward the closing days of 1890 phere arose an unfortunate rivalry between Rizal
and M.H. del Pilar for supremacy. Because of this, the Filipinos were divided ibto two hostile camps—the Rizalistas
and the Pilaristas. The sitqation was becoming explosive and critical. Despite of winning the votes, Rizal graciously
declined the coveted position
• Rizal wrote a brief note thanking his compatriots for electing him as Responsible. It was the last
time he saw Madrid
-To seek solace for his disappointments in Madrid, Rizal took a vacation in the resort city of Biarritz on the fabulous
French Riviera. He was a guest of the rich Boustead family at its winter residence—Villa Eliada
• July 5, 1891- Rizal left Brussels for Ghent, a famous university city in Belgium
• Rizal reasons for moving to Ghent were (1) the cost of printing in Ghent was cheaper than in Brussels (2)
to escape from the enticing attraction of Petite Suzanne
• Rizal met two compatriots while in Ghent, Jose Alejandro (from Pampanga) and Edilberto Evangelista
(from Manila), both studying engineering in the world-famed University of Ghent
• F. Meyer-Van Loo Press (No. 66 Viaanderen Street)-a printing shop that give Rizal the lowest quotation
for the publication of his novel, who was willing to print his book on installment basis
• August 6, 1891-the printing of his book had to be suspended because Rizal could no longer give the
necessary funds to the printer
• Valentin Ventura- the savior of the Fili
-When Ventura learned of Rizal’s predicament and immediately sent him the
necessary funds
• September 18, 1891- El Filibusterismo came off the press
-Rizal immediately sent on this date two printed copies to Hong Kong—one
for Basa and other for Sixto Lopez
• Rizal gratefully donated the original manuscript and an autographed
printed copy to Valentin Ventura
• La Publicidad- a Barcelona newspaper, wherein it published a
tribute eulogizing the novel’s original style which “is comparable
only to the sublime Alexander Dumas” and may well be offered as
“a model and a precious jewel in the now decadent literature of
• El Nuevo Regimen- the liberal Madrid newspaper that serialized
the novel in its issues of October, 1891
• Rizal dedicated El Filibusterismo to Gom-Bur-Za (Don Mariano
Gomez, 73 years old; Don Jose Burgos, 35 years old; Jacinto
Zamora, 37 years old)
• The original manuscript of El Filibusterismo in Rizal’s own
handwriting in now preserved in the Filipiana Division of the Bureau of Public Libraries, Manila. It
consists of 270 pages of long sheets of paper
• Two features in the manuscript do not appear in the printed book, namely: the FOREWORD and the
WARNING. These were not put into print to save printing cost
• The title page of El Filibusterismo contains an inscription written by Ferdinand Blumentritt
• El Filibusterismo is a sequel to the Noli. It has little humor, less idealism and less romance than the Noli
Me Tangere. It is more revolutionary, more tragic than the first novel
• The characters in El Filibusterismo were drawn by Rizal from real life. Padre Florentino was Father
Leoncio Lopez, Rizal’s friend and priest of Calamba; Isagani, the poet was Vicente Ilustre, Batangueño
friend of Rizal in Madrid and Paulita Gomez, the girl who loved Isagani but married Juanito Pelaez, was
Leonor Rivera
• The original intention of Rizal was to make the Fili longer than the Noli
• The friends of Rizal and our Rizalistas today differ in opinion as to which is the superior novel—the Noli or
the Fili. Rizal himself considered the Noli as superior to the Fili as a novel, thereby agreeing with M.H. del
Pilar who had the same opinion
• September 22, 1891-four days after the Fili came off the press, Rizal wrote to Blumentritt: “I am thinking
of writing a third novel, a novel in the modern sense of the word, but this time politics will not find much
space in it, but ethics will play the principal role.”
• October 18, 1891- Rizal boarded the steamer Melbourne in Marseilles bound for Hong Kong
-during the voyage, Rizal began writing the third novel in Tagalog, which he intended for Tagalog readers
• The unfinished novel has no title. It consists of 44 pages (33cm x 21 cm) in Rizal’s handwriting, still in
manuscript form, it is preserved in the National Library, Manila
-The story of this unfinished novel begins with the solemn burial of Prince Tagulima. The hero of the novel was
Kamandagan, a descendant of Lakan-Dula, last king of Tondo
-It is said that Rizal was fortunate not to have finsihed this novel, because it would have caused greater scandal
and more Spanish vengeance on him
• Makamisa- other unfinished novel of Rizal in Tagalog written in a light sarcastic style and is incomplete
for only two chapters are finished. The manuscript consists of 20 pages, 34.2cm x 22cm
• Dapitan-another novel which Rizal started to write but it is unfinished, written in ironic Spanish. He wrote
it during his exile in Dapitan to depict the town life and customs. The manuscript consists of 8 pages,
23cm x 16cm
• A novel in Spanish about the life in Pili, a town in Laguna, is also unfinished. The manuscript consists of
147 pages, 8” x 6.5”, without title
• Another unfinished novel of Rizal, also without title is about Cristobal, a youthful Filipino student who has
returned from Europe. The manuscript consist of 34 pages, 8 ½” x 6 ¼”
• The beginnings of another novel are contained in two notebooks—the first notebook contains 31 written
pages, 35.5 cm x 22 cm and second 12 written pages, 22cm x 17cm. this unfinished novel is written in
Spanish and style is ironic
• October 3, 1891-two weeks after the publication of Fili, Rizal left Ghent for Paris, where he stayed a few
days to say goodbye to the Lunas, the Pardo de Taveras, the Venturas and other friends; Rizal
proceeded by train to Marseilles
• October 18, 1891- Rizal boarded the steamer Melbourne bound for Hong Kong
• Father Fuchs- a Tyrolese, Rizal enjoyed playing chess. Rizal describe him to Blumentritt as “He is a fine
fellow, A Father Damaso without pride and malice”
• November 20, 1891-Rizal arrived in Hong Kong
• Rizal established his residence at No. 5 D’ Aguilar Street No. 2 Rednaxola Terrace, where he also
opened his medical clinic
• December 1, 1891- Rizal wrote his parents asking their permission to return home.
-On the same date, his brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, sent him a letter relating the sad news of the
“deportation of twenty-five persons from Calamba, including father, Neneng, Sisa, Lucia, Paciano and the rest of
• The Christmas of 1891 in Hong Kong was one of the happiest Yuletide celebrations in Rizal’s life: For he
had a happy family reunion
• January 31, 1892- Rizal wrote to Blumentritt, recounting pleasant life in Hong Kong
• To earn a living for himself and for his family, Rizal practiced medicine
• Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques- a Portuguese physician, who became Rizal’s friend and admirer, who helped
him to build up a wide clientele. In recognition of Rizal’s skill as an ophthalmic surgeon, he turned over to
him many of his eye cases
• Rizal successfully operated on his mother’s left eye so that she was able to read and write again.
• Rizal planned to move the landless Filipino families Filipino families to North Borneo (Sabah), rich British-
owned island and carve out of its virgin wildness a “New Calamba”
• March 7, 1892- Rizal went to Sandakan on board the ship Menon to negotiate with the British authorities
for the establishment of a Filipino colony
• Rizal looked over the land up the Bengkoka River in Maradu Bay which was offered by the British North
Borneo Company
• April 20, 1892- Rizal was back in Hong Kong
• Hidalgo- Rizal’s brother-in-law, objected to the colonization project
• Governor Valeriano Weyler- Cubans odiously called “The Butcher”
• Governor Eulogio Despujol- the Count of Caspe, a new governor general after Weyler
• December 23, 1891- first letter of Rizal to Governor Despujol
• March 21, 1892- Rizal’s second letter and gave it to a ship captain to be sure it would reach Governor
Despujol’s hand
-in this second letter, he requested the governor general to permit the landless Filipinos to establish themselves in
• Despujol could not approve the Filipino immigration to Borneo, alleging that “the Philippines lacked
laborers” and “it was not very patriotic to go off and cultivate foreign soil.”
• The Hong Kong Telegraph- a British daily newspaper whose editor is Mr. Frazier Smith, a friend of
-Rizal contributed articles to this newspaper
• “Una Visita a la Victoria Gaol” (A Visit to Victoria Gaol)- Rizal wrote on March 2, 1892, an account of
his visit to the colonial prison of Hong Kong
-in this article, Rizal contrasted the cruel Spanish prison system with the modern and more humane British prison
• “Colonisation du British North Borneo, par de Familles de Iles Philippines” (Colonization of
British North Borneo by Families from the Philippine Islands)- an article in French which Rizal
elaborated on the same idea in aonther article in Spanish, “Proyecto de Colonizacion del British North
Borneo por los Filipinos” (Project of the Colonization of British North Borneo by the Filipinos)
• “La Mano Roja” (The Red Hand)- Rizal wrote in June, 1892, which was printed in sheet form in Hong
-it denounces the frequent outbreaks of intentional fires in Manila
• Constitution of La Liga Filipina- the most important writing made by Rizal during his Hong Kong
sojourn, which was printed in Hong Kong, 1892
-to deceive the Spanish authorities, the printed copies carried the false information that the printing was done by
• Domingo Franco-a friend of Rizal in Manila whom the copies of the printed Liga constitution were sent
• May, 1892- Rizal made up his mind to return to Manila.
• This decision was spurred by the following: (1) to confer with Governor Despujol regarding his Borneo
colonization project (2) to establish the La Liga Filipina in Manila (3) to prove that Eduardo de Lete was
wrong in attacking him in Madrid that he (Rizal), being comfortable and safe in Hong Kong, had
abandoned the country’s cause
• Lete’s attack, which was printed in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1892, portrayed Rizal as cowardly,
egoistic, opportunistic—a patriot in words only
• June 20, 1892- Rizal wrote two letters which he sealed, inscribed on each envelope “to be opened
after my death” and gave them to his friend Dr. Marques for safekeeping
• The first letter, addressed TO MY PARENTS, BRETHREN, AND FRIENDS. The second letter,
• June 21, 1892- Rizal penned another letter in Hong Kong for Governor Despujol, incidentally his third
letter to that discourteous Spanish chief executive
• Immediately after Rizal’s departure from Hong Kong, the Spanish consul general who issued the
government guarantee of safety, sent a cablegram to Governor Despujol that the victim “is in the trap”.
On the same day (June 21, 1892), a secret case was filed in Manila against Rizal and his followers “for
anti-religious and anti-patriotic agitation”
• Luis de la Torre- secretary of Despujol, ordered to find out if Rizal was naturalized as a German citizen
• The governing body of the league was the Supreme Council which had jurisdiction over the whole
country. It was composed of a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a fiscal. There was a Provincial
Council in every province and a Popular Council in every town
• The duties of the Liga members are as follows (1) obey the orders of the Supreme Council (2) to help in
recruiting new members (3) to keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the Liga authorities (4) to have
symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes president of his council (5) to report to the
fiscal anything that he may hear which affect the Liga (6) to behave well as befits a good Filipino (7) to
help fellow members in all ways
• Pablo Mercado-friar’s spy and posing as a relative, secretly visited Rizal at his house on the night of
November 3, 1891
-he introduced himself as a friend and relative, showing a photo of Rizal and a pair of buttons with the initials
“P.M.” (Pablo Mercado) as evidence of his kinship with the Rizal family
• Captain Juan Sitges- who succeeded Captain Carnicero on May 4, 1893 as commandant of Dapitan,
Rizal denounced to him the impostor
• Florencio Namanan- the real name of “Pablo Mercado”
-a native of Cagayan de Misamis, single and about 30 years old. He was hired by the Recollect friars to a secret
mission in Dapitan—to introduce himself to Rizal as a friend and relative, to spy on Rizal’s activities, and to filch certain
letters and writings of Rizal which might incriminate him in the revolutionary movement.
• As physician in Dapitan—Rizal practiced Medicine in Dapitan. He had many patients, but most of them
were poor so that he even gave them free medicine.
-As a physician, Rizal became interested in local medicine and in the use of medicinal plants. He studied the
medicinal plants of the Philippines and their curative values.
• August 1893- Rizal’s mother and sister, Maria, arrived in Dapitan and lived with him for one year and a
half. Rizal operated on his mother’s right eye
• Rizal held the title of expert surveyor (perito agrimensor), which obtained from the Ateneo
-In Dapitan, Rizal applied his knowledge of engineering by constructing a system of waterworks in order to furnish
clean water to the townspeople
• Mr. H.F. Cameron-an American engineer who praised Rizal’s engineering
• When Rizal arrived in Dapitan, he decided to improve it, to the best of his God-given talents and to
awaken the civic consciousness of its people
(1) Constructing the town’s first water system
(2) Draining the marshes in order to get rid of malaria that infested Dapitan
(3) Equip the town with its lighting system—this lighting system consisted of coconut oil lamps placed in the dark
streets of Dapitan
(4) Beautification of Dapitan—remodeled the town plaza in order to enhance its beauty
• Rizal as Teacher—Rizal exile to Dapitan gives him the opportunity to put into practice his educational
ideas. In 1893 he established a school which existed until the end of his exile in July, 1896. Rizal taught
his boys reading, writing, languages (Spanish and English), geography, history, mathematics (arithmetic
and geometry), industrial work, nature study, morals and gymnastics. He trained them how to collect
specimens of plants and animals, to love work and to “behave like men”
• Hymn to Talisay (Himno A Talisay)- Rizal wrote this poem in honor of Talisay for his pupils to sing
• Contributions to Science—during his four-year exile in Dapitan, Rizal built up a rich collection of
concology which consisted of 346 shells representing 203 species. Rizal also conducted anthropological,
ethnographical, archaeological, geological, and geographical studies, as revealed by his voluminous
correspondence with his scientists friends in Europe.
• Linguistic Studies—In Dapitan, he learned the Bisayan, Subanum, and Malay languages. He wrote
Tagalog grammar, made a comparative study of the Bisayan and Malayan languages and studied
Bisayan (Cebuan), and Subanum languages
-By this time, Rizal could rank with the world’s great linguists. He knew 22 languages—Tagalog, Ilokano, Bisayan,
Subanun, Spanish, Latin, Greek, English, French, German, Arabic, Malay, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Dutch, Catalan, Italian,
Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Swedish, and Russian
• Artistic works in Dapitan—Rizal continued his artistic pursuits in Dapitan. Rizal made sketches of
persons and things that attracted him in Dapitan.
-The Mother’s Revenge- a statuette made by Rizal representing the mother-dog killing the crocodile, by way of
avenging her lost puppy
-Other sculptural works of Rizal in Dapitan were a bust of Father Guerrico (one of his Ateneo professors), a statue
of a girl called “the Dapitan Girl”, a woodcarving of Josephine Bracken (his wife) and a bust of St. Paul which he gave to
Father Pastells
• Rizal as Farmer—In Dapitan, Rizal devoted much of his time to agriculture. Rizal introduced modern
methods of agriculture which he had observed in Europe and America. He encouraged the Dapitan
farmers to discard their primitive system of tillage and adopt the modern agricultural methods
• Rizal as Businessman—Rizal engaged in business in partnership with Ramon Carreon, a Dapitan
merchant, he made profitable business ventures in fishing, copra, and hemp industries
-January 19, 1893-Rizal wrote a letter to Hidalgo expressing his plan to improve the fishing industry of Dapitan
-The most profitable business venture of Rizal in Dapitan was in the hemp industry. May 14, 1893-Rizal formed a
business partnership with Ramon Carreon in lime manufacturing
-January 1, 1895-Rizal organized the Cooperative Association of Dapitan Farmers to break the Chinese
monopoly on business in Dapitan
• Rizal’s Inventive Ability—Rizal invented a cigarette lighter which he sent as a gift to Blumentritt. He
called it “sulpukan”. This unique cigarette lighter was made of wood. “Its mechanism”, said Rizal “is based
on the principle of compressed air.”
-During his exile in Dapitan, he invited a wooden machine for making bricks
• My Retreat (Mi Retiro)- Rizal wrote this beautiful poem about his serene life as an exile in Dapitan and
sent it to her mother on October 22, 1895, which acclaimed by literary critics as one of the best ever
penned by Rizal.
• Andres Bonifacio- the “Great Plebeian”, sowing the seeds of an armed uprising—the secret
revolutionary society, called Katipunan, which he founded on July 7, 1892
• May 2, 1896- a secret meeting of the Katipunan at a little river called Bitukang Manok near the town of
Pasig, Dr. Pio Valenzuela was named emissary to Dapitan, in order to inform Rizal of the plan of the
Katipunan to launch a revolution for freedom’s sake
• June 15, 1896-Valenzuela left Manila on board the steamer Venus
• To camouflage Valenzuela’s real mission, he brought with him a blind man Raymundo Mata and a guide,
ostensibly going to Dapitan to solicit Rizal’s expert medical advice
• June 21, 1896-evening, Dr. Pio Valenzuela arrived in Dapitan
• Rizal objected to Bonifacio’s audacious project to plunge the country in bloody revolution because he was
of sincere belief that it was premature, for two reasons: (1) the people are not ready for a revolution (2)
arms and funds must first be collected before raising the cry of revolution
• Rizal had offered his services as military doctor in Cuba, which was then in the throes of a revolution and
a ranging yellow fever epidemic. There was a shortage of physicians to minister to the needs of the
Spanish troops and the Cubans people
• December 17, 1895- Rizal wrote to Governor General Ramon Blanco, Despujol’s successor, offering his
services as military doctor in Cuba
• July 30, 1896- Rizal received the letter from Governor General Blanco dated July 1, 1896 notifying him of
acceptance of his offer.
• “The Song of the Traveler” (El Canto del Viajero) -Rizal wrote this heart-warming poem because of his
joy in receiving the gladsome news from Malacañang
• July 31, 1896- Rizal’s four-year exile in Dapitan came to an end
-Midnight of that date, Rizal embarked on board the steamer España
• As farewell music, the town brass band strangely played the dolorous Funeral March of Chopin. Rizal
must have felt it deeply, for with his presentment of death, it seemed an obsequy or a regimen
• Rizal wrote in his diary, “I have been in that district four years, thirteen days and a few hours”
-No longer an exile, Rizal had a pleasant trip from Dapitan to Manila, with delightful stopovers in Dumaguete, Cebu, Iloilo,
Capiz, and Romblon
• Isla de Luzon-a regular steamer that Rizal missed which sailed to Spain the day before he arrived in
Manila Bay
• Castilla- a Spanish cruiser wherein Rizal was kept as a “guest” on board
• August 26, 1896- Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan raised the cry of revolution in the hills of
Balintawak, a few miles north of Manila
• September 3, 1896- Rizal left for Spain on the steamer Isla de Panay
• July 31, 1896- Rizal left Dapitan at midnight on board the España sailed northward
• August 1, 1896- at dawn of Saturday, it anchored at Dumaguete, capitan of Negros Oriental
-“Dumaguete” wrote Rizal in his travel diary “spreads out on the beach. There are big houses, some with
galvanized iron roofing. Outstanding are the house of a lady, whose name I have forgotten, which is occupied by the
government and another one just begun with many ipil post
• Herrero Regidor- Rizal friend and former classmate, who was the judge of the province, Dumaguete
• The España left Dumaguete about 1:00pm and reached Cebu the following morning
“In Cebu, Rizal wrote in his diary “I did two operations of strabotomy, one operation on the ears and
another of tumor.”
• In the morning of Monday, August 3, 1896, Rizal left Cebu going to Iloilo. Rizal landed at Iloilo, went
shopping in the city and visited Molo. From Iloilo, Rizal’s ship sailed to Capiz. After a brief stopover, it
proceeded towards Manila via Romblon
• August 6, 1896- morning of Thursday, the España arrived in Manila Bay
• Rizal was not able to catch the mail ship Isla de Luzon for Spain because it had departed the previous
day at 5:00pm
• Near midnight of the same day, August 6, Rizal was transferred to the Spanish cruiser Castilla, by order
of Governor General Ramon Blanco. He was given good accommodation by the gallant captain, Enrique
• August 6 to September 2, 1896, Rizal stayed on the cruiser pending the availability of Spain-bound
• August 30, 1896- sunrise, the revolutionists led by Bonifacio and Jacinto attacked San Juan, near the
city of Manila
-in the afternoon, after the Battle of San Juan, Governor General Blanco proclaimed a state of war in the first eight
provinces for rising in arms against Spain—Manila (as a province), Bulacan, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Pampanga,
Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac
• Rizal learned of the eruption of the revolution and raging battles around Manila through the newspapers
he read on the Castilla. He was worried for two reasons: (1) the violent revolution which he sincerely
believed to be premature and would only cause much suffering and terrible loss of human lives and
property had started (2) it would arouse Spanish vengeance against all Filipino patriots
• August 30, 1896- Rizal received from Governor General Blanco two letters of introduction for the
Minister of War and Minister of Colonies, which a covering letter which absolved him from all blame for
the raging revolution
• September 2, 1896- the day before Rizal departure for Spain, Rizal, on board the Castilla, wrote to his
-At 6:00pm, Rizal was transferred to the steamer Isla de Panay which was sailing for Barcelona, Spain
• The next morning, September 3, this steamer left Manila Bay
• The Isla de Panay arrived at Singapore in the evening of September 7
• Don Pedro Roxas- rich Manila creole industrialist and Rizal’s friend that advised him to stay on
Singapore and take advantage of the protection of the British law
• Don Manuel Camus- headed several Filipino residents in Singapore, boarded the steamer, urging Rizal
to stay in Singapore to save his life
• The Isla de Panay, with Rizal on board, left Singapore at 1:00pm, September 8
• September 25, 1896- Rizal saw the steamer Isal de Luzon, leaving the Suez Canal, crammed with
Spanish troops
• September 27, 1896- Rizal heard from the passengers that a telegram arrived from Manila reporting the
execution of Francisco Roxas, Genato and Osorio
• September 28, 1986- a day after the steamer had left Port Said (Mediterranean terminus of the Suez
Canal), a passenger told Rizal the bad news that he would be arrested by order of Governor General
Blanco and would be sent to prison in Ceuta (Spanish Morocco), opposite Gibraltar
• September 29, 1896- Rizal wrote in his travel diary: There are people on board who do nothing but
slander me and invent fanciful stories about me. I’m going to become a legendary personage
• September 30, 1896- at 4:00pm, Rizal was officially notofied by Captain Alemany that he should stay in
his cabin until further orders from Manila
-about 6:25pm, the steamer anchored at Malta. Being confined to his cabin, Rizal was not able to visit the famous
island-fortress of the Christian crusaders
• October 3, 1896- at 10:00am, the Isla de Panay arrived in Barcelona, with Rizal, a prisoner on board
• The trip from Manila to Barcelona lasted exactly 30 days. Rizal was kept under heavy guard in his cabin
for three days
• General Eulogio Despujol- military commander of Barcelona who ordered his banishment to Dapitan in
July 1892
• October 6, 1896- at 3:00am, Rizal was awakened by the guards and escorted to the grim and infamous
prison-fortress named Monjuich
• About 2:00 in the afternoon, Rizal was taken out of prison by the guards and brought to the headquarters
of General Despujol
• Colon- a transport ship back to Manila
• Rizal was taken aboard the Colon, which was “full of soldiers and officers and their families.”
• October 6, 1896- at 8:00pm, the ship left Barcelona with Rizal on board
-Rizal’s homecoming in 1896, the last in his life, was his saddest return to his beloved native land. He knew he was facing
the supreme test, which might mean the sacrifice of his life, but he was unafraid
-The trial that was held shortly after Rizal’s homecoming was one of history’s mockeries of justice
• Chief Justice Loinel Cox- denied the writ on the ground that the Colon was carrying Spanish troops to
the Philippines
• November 3, 1896- the Colon reached Manila, where it was greeted with wild rejoicings by the Spaniards
and friars because it brought more reinforcements and military supplies
• November 20, 1896- the preliminary investigation on Rizal began
• Colonel Francisco Olive-the judge advocate
• Two kinds of evidence were presented against Rizal, namely documentary and testimonial. The
documentary evidence consisted of fifteen exhibits, as follows:
(1) A letter of Antonio Luna to Mariano Ponce, dated Madrid, October 16, 1888, showing Rizal’s connection with the
Filipino reform campaign in Spain
(2) A letter of Rizal to his family, dated Madrid, August 20, 1890, stating that the deportations are good for they will
encourage the people to hate tyranny
(3) A letter from Marcelo H. del Pilar to Deodato Arellano, dated Madrid, January 7, 1889, implicating Rizal in the
Propaganda campaign in Spain
(4) A poem entitled Kundiman, allegedly written by Rizal in Manila on September 12, 1891
(5) A letter of Carlos Oliver to an unidentified person dated Barcelona, September 18, 1891, describing Rizal as the man
to free the Philippines from Spanish oppression
(6) A Masonic document, dated Manila, February 9, 1892, honoring Rizal for his patriotic services
(7) A letter signed Dimasalang (Rizal’s pseudonym) to Tenluz (Juan Zulueta’s pseudonym), dated Hong Kong, May 24,
1892, stating that he was preparing a safe refuge for Filipinos who may be persecuted by the Spanish authorities
(8) A letter of Dimasalang to an unidentified committee, dated Hong Kong, June 1, 1892, soliciting the aid of the
committee in the “patriotic work”
(9) An anonymous and undated letter to the Editor of the Hong Kong Telegraph, censuring the banishment of Rizal to
(10) A letter of Idefonso Laurel to Rizal, dated Manila, September 3, 1892, saying that the Filipino people look up to him
(Rizal) as their savior
(11) A letter of Idefonso Laurel to Rizal, dated Manila, September 17, 1893, informing an unidentified correspondent of
the arrest and banishment of Doroteo Cortes and Ambrosio Salvador
(12) A letter of Marcelo H. del Pilar to Don Juan A. Tenluz (Juan Zulueta), dated Madrid, June 1, 1893 recommending
the establishment of a special organization, independent of Masonry, to help the cause of the Filipino people
(13) Transcript of a speech of Pingkian (Emilio Jacinto), in reunion of the Katipunan on July 23, 1893, in which the
following cry was, uttered “Long Live the Philippines! Long live Doctor Rizal! Unity!”
(14) Transcript of a speech of Tik-Tik (Jose Turiano Santiago) in the same Katipunan reunion, where in the katipuneros
shouted: “Long live the eminent Doctor Rizal! Death to the oppressor nation!”
(15) A poem by Laong Laan (Rizal), entitled A Talisay in which the author makes the Dapitan schoolboys sing that they
know how to fight their rights
• The testimonial evidence consisted of the oral testimonies of Martin Constantino, Aguedo del Rosario,
Jose Reyes, Moises Salvador, Jose Dizon, Domingo Franco, Deodato Arellano, Ambrosio Salvador,
Pedro Serrano Laktaw, Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Antonio Salazar, Francisco Quison, and Timoteo Paez
• November 26, 1896- after the preliminary investigation, Colonel Olive transmitted the records of the case
to Governor Dominguez as special Judge Advocate to institute the corresponding action against Rizal
• After studying the papers, Judge advocate General, Don Nicolas de la Peña, submitted the following
recommendations: (1) the accused be immediately brought to trial (2) he should be kept in prison (3) an
order of attachment be issued against his property to the amount of one million pesos as indemnity (4) he
should be defended in court by an army officer, not by a civilian lawyer
• The only right given to Rizal by the Spanish authorities was to choose his defense counsel
• December 8, 1896- Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, a list of 100 first and second lieutenants in
the Spanish Army was presented to Rizal
• Don Luis Taviel de Andrade- 1st Lieutenant of the Artillery, chosen by Rizal to defend him
-brother of Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade, Rizal’s “bodyguard” in Calamba in 1887
• December 11, 1896- the information of charges was formally read to Rizal in his prison cell, with his
counsel present
• Rizal was accused of being “the principal organizer and the living soul of the Filipino insurrection,
the founder of societies, periodicals, and books dedicated to fomenting and propagating ideas of
• December 13, 1896- Dominguez forwarded the papers of the Rizal case to Malacañang Palace
• December 15, 1896- Rizal wrote the Manifesto to His People in his prison cell at Fort Santiago,
appealing to them to stop the necessary shedding of blood and to achieve their liberties by means of
education and industry
• December 25, 1896- a dark and cheerless Christmas for Rizal, his last on earth, was the saddest in
Rizal’s life
• December 26, 1896- at 8:00am, the court-martial of Rizal started in the military building called Cuartel de
• Lt. Col. Togores Arjona- considered the trial over and ordered the hall cleared. After a short deliberation,
the military court unanimously voted for the sentence of death
• December 28, 1896- Polavieja approved the decision of the court-martial and ordered Rizal to be shot at
7:00 in the morning of December 30 at Bagumbayan Field (Luneta)
-After the court-martial, Rizal returned to his cell in Fort Santiago to prepare his rendezvous with destiny
-During his last 24 hours on earth—from 6:00am December 29 to 6:00am December 30, 1896—he was busy meeting
• Santiago Mataix- Spanish newspaper correspondent
• Pearl of the Orient Sea- Rizal called the Philippines
• Pearl of the Orient- Rizal’s last poem in an article entitled “Unfortunate Philippines” published in The
Hong Kong Telegraph on September 24, 1892
=Rizal took his last breakfast on earth. After this, he wrote two letters, the first addressed to his family and the second
to his older brother Paciano.
=Josephine Bracken, accompanied by a sister of Rizal (Josefa), arrived. Josephine, with tears in her eyes, bade him
farewell. Rizal embraced her for the last time and before she left, Rizal gave her a last gift—a religious book, Imitation
of Christ by Father Thomas a Kempis
• 6:00am
= As the soldiers were getting ready for the death march to Bagumbayan, Rizal wrote his last letter to his beloved
• About 6:30am
=a trumpet sounded at Fort Santiago, a signal to begin the death march to Bagumbayan, the designated place for the
=Rizal was dressed elegantly in black suit, black derby hat, black shoes, white shirt and black tie. His arms were tied
behind from elbow to elbow. But the rope was quite loose to give his arms freedom of movement
• Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo- a Spanish military physician, asked Rizal permission to feel his pulse and was
amazed to find it normal showing that Rizal was not afraid to die
• 7:03am
=Rizal died in the bloom of manhood—aged 35 years, five months and 11 days
• Mi Ultimo Adios (Last Farewell)- farewell poem of Rizal that originally was without title and was
• Father Mariano Dacanay- a Filipino priest-patriot, who gave the title Ultimo Adios (Last Farewell) and
under such title the poem was published for the first time in La Independencia (General Antonio Luna’s
newspaper) on September 25, 1898
• Immediately after Rizal’s execution the Spanish spectators shouted “Viva España!” “Muerte a los
Traidores’ (“Long Live Spain! “Death to the Traitors!”) and the Spanish Military Band, joining the
jubilance over Rizal’s death, played the gay Marcha de Cadiz
• By Rizal’s writings, which awakened Filipino nationalism and paved the way for the Philippine Revolution,
he proved that “pen is mightier than the sword”
First romance—“that painful experience which comes to nearly all adolescents”
• Julia
-from Dampalit, Los Baños, Laguna
• Segunda Katigbak
-Rizal first romance that was then sixteen years old
-a pretty fourteen-year old Batangueña from Lipa
-In Rizal’s own words: “She was rather short, with eyes that were eloquent and ardentat times and languid at
others, rosy-cheeked, with an enchanting and provocative smile that revealed very beautiful teeth and the air
of a sylph; her entire self diffused a mysterious charm.”
-she was the sister of Rizal’s friend, Mariano Katigbak
-close friend of Rizal’s sister Olimpia, was a boarding student in La Concordia College
-engaged to be married to her town mate, Manuel Luz
*The love of Rizal and Segunda was indeed “a Love at first sight”
*The last time they talked to each other was one Thursday in December, 1877 when the Christmas vacation was
about to begin
*Rizal returned home, dazed and desolate, with his first romance “ruined by his own shyness and reserve.”
• Miss L (Jacinta Ibardo Laza)
-young woman in Calamba
-Rizal describe her as “fair with seductive and attractive eyes
*After visiting her in her house several times, Rizal suddenly stopped his wooing, and the romance died a natural
*Rizal gave two reasons for his change of heart namely (1) the sweet memory of Segunda was still fresh in his heart
(2) his father did not like the family of “Miss L”
• Leonor Valenzuela
*During Rizal sophomore year at the University of Santo Tomas, he boarded in the house of Doña Concha Leyva in
Intramuros wherein the next-door neighbors of Doña Concha were Capitan Juan and Capitana Sanday Valenzuela
-charming daughter of Capitan Juan and Capitana Sanday Valenzuela from Pagsanjan, Laguna
-a tall girl with a regal bearing
-Rizal sent her love notes written in invisible ink—ink consisted of common table salt and water—the secret of reading
any note written in the invisible ink by heating it over a candle or lamp so that the words may appear
-Orang was her pet name
-Rizal stopped short of proposing marriage to Orang
• Leonor Rivera
-Rizal’s cousin from Camiling, Tarlac
*In 1879, at the start of his junior year at the university, Rizal lived in “Casa Tomasina” at No. 6 Calle Santo Tomas,
Intramuros owned by his uncle Antonio Rivera
-a student at La Concordia College, where Soledad, youngest sister, was then studying
-born in Camiling, Tarlac on April 11, 1867
-she was a frail, pretty girl “tender as a budding flower with kindly, wistful eyes
-in her letters to Rizal, she signed her name as “Taimis” in order to camouflage their intimate relationship from their
parents and friends
-died on August 28, 1893
• Consuelo Ortiga y Perez
- a young woman in Madrid
-prettier of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey’s daughters
-Rizal was attracted by Consuelo’s beauty and vivacity
-Rizal composed a lovely poem on August 22, 1883 dedicated to her, entitled A La Señorita C.O.y.P (to Miss
C.O.y.P) expressing his admirations for her
*Before Rizal romance with Consuelo could blossom into a serious affair, he suddenly backed out for two reasons: (1)
he was still engaged to Leonor Rivera (2) his friends and co-worker in the Propaganda Movement, Eduardo de Lete,
was madly in love with Consuelo and he had no wish to break their friendship because of a pretty girl
• Seiko Usui
-Rizal affectionately called her O-Sei-San
-a pretty Japanese girl that Rizal saw walking past the legation gate
-Rizal was attracted by her regal loveliness and charm
-a lonely samurai’s daughter of 23 years old and had never yet experienced the ecstasy of true love
-Rizal saw in her the qualities of his ideal womanhood—beauty, charm, modesty and intelligence
*The beautiful romance between Rizal and O-Sei-San inevitably came to a dolorous ending. Sacrificing his personal
happiness, Rizal had to carry on his libertarian mission in Europe, leaving behind the lovely O-Sei-San
-married Mr. Alfred Charlton, a British teacher of chemistry, and was blessed by only one child—Yuriko
-died on May 1, 1947 at the age of 80
• Gertrude Beckett
-oldest of the three Beckett sisters
-called Gettie or Tottie by her friends
-a buxom English girl with brown hair, blue eyes, and rosy cheeks
-Rizal affectionately called her “Gettie”, in reciprocation; she fondly called him “Pettie”
*Rizal suddenly realized that he could not marry Gettie for he had a mission to fulfill in life
• Petite Suzanne Jacoby
-pretty niece of his landladies
*Rizal found certain bliss in the company of this pretty Belgian girl
*Rizal might flirted with Petite Suzanne, but he could not stoop low to a deceptive amorous relationship
-she fell in love with Rizal and cried when Rizal left toward the end of July, 1890 for Madrid, stopping for a few days in
• Nellie Boustead
-the prettier and younger daughter of Eduardo Boustead
-Rizal found her to be a real Filipina, highly intelligent, vivacious in temperament, and morally upright
-also called Nelly
*Rizal wrote to his intimate friends, except Professor Blumentritt, of his love for Nellie and his intention to propose
marriage to her
*Rizal’s marriage proposal failed for two reasons: (1) he refused to give up his Catholic faith and be converted to
Protestantism, as Nelly demanded (2) Nelly’s mother did not like Rizal as a son-in-law
• Josephine Bracken
-an Irish girl of sweet eighteen, “slender, a chestnut blond, with blue eyes, dressed with elegant simplicity, with an
atmosphere of light gayety.”
-born in Hong Kong on October 3, 1876 of Irish parents—James Bracken, a corporal in the British garrison and
Elizabeth Jane Macbride
-she was adopted by Mr. George Taufer, who later became blind
*Rizal and Josephine fell in love with each other at first sight
*After a whirlwind romance for one month, they agreed to marry but Father Obach, the priest of Dapitan, refused to
marry them without the permission of the Bishop of Cebu
*Since no priest would marry them, Rizal and Josephine held hands together and married themselves before the eyes
of God. They lived as man and wife in Dapitan
-Rizal wrote a poem for Josephine
*In the early part of 1896, Rizal was extremely happy because Josephine was expecting a baby
*Unfortunately, Rizal played a prank on her, frightening her so that she prematurely gave birth to an eight-month baby
boy who loved only for three hours
*The lost son of Rizal was named “Francisco” in honor of Don Francisco (hero’s father) and was buried in Dapitan
-In Spain, Rizal came in close contact with prominent Spanish liberal and republican Spaniards, who were mostly
-Rizal was impressed by the way the Spanish Masons openly and freely criticized the government policies and
lambasted the friars, which could not be done in Philippines
-Rizal’s reason for becoming a mason was to secure Freemasonry’s aid in his fight against the friars in the Philippines.
Since the friars used the Catholic religion as a shield to entrench themselves in power and wealth and to persecute the
Filipino patriots, he intended to utilize Freemasonry as his shield to combat them
-As a mason, Rizal played a lukewarm role in Freemasonry
-Rizal had no natural aptitude for music, and this he admitted. But he studied music because many of his schoolmates
at the Ateneo were taking music lessons.
-By sheer determination and constant practice, Rizal came to play flute fairly well. He was a flutist in various impromptu
reunions of Filipinos in Paris.
-Rizal’s research studies in the British Museum (London) and in Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris) enriched his historical
knowledge. His splendid annotations to Morga’s book showed his familiarity with the basic principles of historiography.
-As Rizal once told Isabelo de los Reyes: “A historian ought to be rigorously imparted… I never assert anything on my
own authority. I cite texts and when I do, I have them before me.”
-His knowledge of foreign languages enabled Rizal to read historical documents and books in languages in which they
were originally written
Lesson No. 2 • Oral traditions includes epic, genealogies,
parables, sayings and
Literature Its Uses and Affects
riddles are oral traditions passed down from
generations to
Learning Objectives generation by word of mouth. They were
1. Explain the relationship between written down to form the
literature and society. body of written literature.
2. Evaluate how one learns from • The words of heroes who helped in the
“patriotism” and “nationalism” from foundation of nationhood fall
literature. into literature.
Example: Rizal poem about “Love of
The Power of the “Written Word” Language”; Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng
• Definition of Writing – is the activity or skill Bayan.
of marking coherent • Nowadays, with the coming of the
words on paper and composing text. - computer and electronic age,
“Oxford Languages”. came a new type of literature called e-
• One of the most important developments literature. These is now include
in the history of civilization texts in the cell phones and blogs in the
is the invention of writing. computers.
• Writing allowed man to express his ideas
other than his speech or Purpose of Literature
body language. Writing froze the spoken 1. To inform – it coveys to another person
word into a medium such as knowledge about another
stone, clay tablet, parchment or paper. person, a place, or an event.
Example the Story of Iliad and Odyssey. 2. Expression – related to informing is to
(Epic Poem). express. Expression is one of
• The written word even has great religious the purpose of literature. Example: Convey
significance, as religious emotions or feelings.
texts such as the books of the Bible and the 3. As a guide – Literature guides people by
Qur’an were able to reach telling them what to do or
the generations of the present. expect. Literature that guides saves the
• The word of God is treated with great readers from inconvenience
reverence and respect. and helps him save time.
• Muslims re required to learn Arabic so they 4. To send a message – when writings was
can read the Qur’an in its invented it allowed man to
original form. send to people who were not presently with
Literature an its Purposes him.
• A body of writings is called literature. The written message transcends both
• Literature is intended for a certain group of distance and time as it became possible
people. It hinges on the to send letters to the other side of the globe
word “litera” or letra which means letter. or to have archival manuscripts
• There is oral literature which refers to researched and look into their meaning.
literature yet to be written. 5. Entertainment – literature can be used for
entertainment by serving as a
diversion from the common and routinely Nationalism
aspects of life. Creative minds may • The type of the written word can be used
relate fiction while others may draw directly to develop sense of
from past events or be influenced nationalism. Nationalism is a sentiment of a
by past events. Example: Poetry, short community of people
stories and novels. having a common identity, values and
6. To serve as record of the past – Literature aspirations. Some literature are
may contain stories about the past. based on myths and legends. Some
This type of literature falls into the realm of literature are drawn from actual
history. History defined as historical events. Literature helps generate
documented record of man and his society. nationalism among the
History contains descriptions of what was people when they remember the great
life in the past; how it affected the stories of their past.
present and it provides ideas on how to face • In the Philippines rediscovering the pre-
the future. Historical literature colonial past was the basis of
aside from telling us what was life in the past the nationalism of heroes like Rizal,
(Antiquarian History), it tells us Bonifacio and Aguinaldo. On one
how the lessons of the past can help shape of his writings, Rizal wrote, in order to know
the future called historicism. the destiny of a nation, it
7. To convince – Literature can tell us what is important to open the book of the past.
to do. In order for literature to
convince people, it must tell them how it can
• Rizal looked back into the Philippine
affect them personally. The art
and science of convincing people falls into history to correct the biases
the realm of propaganda. Political created by the Spaniards over the Filipinos.
literature is full of propaganda. Propaganda The Spaniards claimed
may include telling the truth; that they brought civilization to our
magnifying the truth, twisting the truth or ancestors whom they called
even not telling the truth or outright savages. Rizal and his fellow reformist
lies. countered that the Filipinos
8. To inspire – literature can help expand already had civilizations before the coming
one’s mind and fire up his imagination. of the west. They utilized
It encourage one to follow an example either the books written by early historians
to equal or exceed him in terms of “Antonio de Morga” who wrote
achievements. Literature that inspires the Sucesos de Las Islas Filipinas. They also
provides ideas that allow one to set his used the books of Dr.
goals. Literature may also create profound Feodor Jagor books Travels in the
change in a person by changing his Philippines and he described how
perception of the world, his surrounding and our ancestors lived.
society. Such type of change is • Rizal and his companions sought to
called a catharsis. Catharsis is caused by a restore the great past when
deep and emotional experience freedom reigned. He aspired this freedom
learned from external sources. not only for the Filipinos
The connection of Literature to
but for the entire Malay Race. Indios Rizal, His Companions and their use of
Bravos (I.B.) called Redencion de Literature to
los Malayos (RDLM) also known as the Foster Nationalism
Redemption of the Malay • Rizal and his companions used literature
Race, which aimed to redeem the dignity to foster a love for their
of the Malay Race. country.
Philippine Literature and the • Graciano Lopez Jaena and Marcelo H. Del
Development of Pilar used essays
Nationalism denouncing Spanish misgovernance and
• The introduction of printing during Spanish Malpractices. All of them
period helped in creating the attacked that Del Pilar called Frailocracy-
Filipino Identity. The first book was the the rule of the religious
Doctrina Christiana which was orders in the Philippines. Del Pilar who
published by the Dominicans in 1591. “Using
wrote under the pen name
woodblock letters”.
Plaridel was considered the most
• It contained catechisms written in tagalog,
Spanish and Chinese and printed dangerous of the laborantes- even
in baybayin or the native script, in latin letters more dangerous than Rizal.
and in Chinese.
• Religious literature became involved in the • Rizal used poems, essays and the novels
development of Nationalism.
to bring about a nationalist
• The Spanish also introduced secular
awakening among the people. The novels
literature which appealed to the
natives. Example the stories of “Bernardo were actually works of fiction
Carpio”. The Katipuneros but had allusions to real persons and
borrowed the story of Bernardo Carpio. The places. The fictional characters of
cave called Pamitan; the newly Noli Me Tangere and characters who were
initiated Katipuneros vowed to break the inspired from real people
chains placed on them by the drive home the state of the Philippines, as
Spanish colonizers. being oppressed by
• Also, the Comedia had a nationalist effect colonizers and ironically natives of the
on the indios was the Philippines were the ones
Florante at Laura by Francisco Balagtas. throwing away their identity and replacing
The Florante at Laura them with that of the
provided different messages depending on colonizers.
the audiences. • Rizal used existing literature in
• Literature produced during the 19th connection with his novel. Rizal was
century discussed the conditions exposing the ills of the Philippines so that
of the Philippines. the people will awaken from
The Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were their slumber of colonial amnesia.
written to stimulate a social
awakening of the Filipinos on their colonial Exercise 2.1
condition. 1. Why is the written word more powerful
than the spoken word?
2. What is the power of literature and how
could it be used?
3. In what way literature can have different of Inborn Talents
effect on the readers? Cite • Jose Rizal at the age of 3 he was able to
and example and explain. master the alphabet.
4. Why the Katipuneros borrowed the • At the age of 8 he was able to write a poem
story of Bernardo Carpio? Why entitled “Sa aking Kabata or To
they identify themselves with Bernardo My Fellow Children”
Carpio. • His second Poem was written at the age of 9.
5. How was literature used to stir up the It is entitled “My first
Inspiration”(Mi Primera Inspiracion). This
people to fight for their
poem was dedicated to his
Exercise 2.2 • At the age of 5, Rizal revealed his God given
• Case 1: Rizal wrote about his younger talent for art. He made sketches
with his pencil and to mold in clay and wax
days in his memoirs entitled
objects. His sisters laughed at
Memories de un Estudiante de Manila
him in spending too much time in making
while he was a student at the images. He told them: “All right
UST. He lived a comfortable life in his home laugh at me now: Someday when I die, people
in Calamba. That was will make monuments and
before municipal police led by the town images of me!”.
mayor barged into his house • At the age of 3, he began to take part in the
and arrested his mother for the attempted family prayers. His mother,
poisoning of the wife of taught him Catholic prayers. He was 5 when
Jose Alberto. The men who came to arrest was able to read the Bible.
his mother were the ones He took active part in the church, tools part
who were frequently in the house and in novenas and religious
were invited there for many processions. He was fondly called “Manong
social occasions. According to Rizal, he saw Jose”.
how people they called • Drama Writer- at the age of 8 he wrote his
friends treated his mother. He called the first dramatic work which was
mayor a fanatic follower of a Tagalog Comedy. The Gobernadorcillo
from Paete, Laguna saw the play
the friars. From then on Rizal developed a
and was delighted so he bought it for 2 pesos
character that was
to be stayed in their town
• Boy Magician- with his hands he showed
different tricks such as making a
Lesson 2 coin appear or disappear in his fingers and
II. making
in the air.
a handkerchief vanish
Memories •
in his
of Antipolo and and
then for the first time I shed my tears caused by love
and grief,
for until then I had shed them only because of my
that my loving and or you may get burned as
prudent mother so well knew how to correct.
it did. “I do not know whether I answered
or not....
• The story revealed to me things until
The story of the young then unknown. Moths no longer
moth and were, for me, insignificant insects. Moths
talked, they knew how to
the flame • DoÑa Teodora told Jose warn. They advised just like my mother.
Rizal The light seemed to me more
stories bearing many lessons in beautiful. It had grown more dazzling and
life. more attractive. I knew why
• Before young boy Rizal went to moths circled the flame.
bed at night, she would say these
words, “I’m going to read you a Lessons;
very pretty story; be attentive”. • The story of the moth was reflective of
Among the stories told by his Rizal’s Life, and that of his
mother, Jose Rizal’s Favorite was mother as the old moth and Rizal as the
the “Story of the Moth” that left a young moth.
permanent mark in his life. • Rizal said in his diary: “I was listening: all
• Rizal wrote in his Diary; my attention, all my mind,
One night the whole family,
except for my mother and myself, had gone to bead early; and all my thoughts were concentrated on
I do not know why,
but the two of us were left sitting by ourselves. the fate of that moth,
The candles had been put out inside the lamps with the curved tin blower.
The room was dimly lit by a coconut oil lamp. young, dead, full of illusions”.
My mother was teaching me how to read the book El Amigo de Los NiÑos.
That night my mother grew impatient listening to me reading poorly. • The mother of Rizal said otherwise, she
After scolding me for drawing funny pictures on its page,
she told me to listen and started to read aloud herself. told the young boy after
I grew tired of listening to sounds that had no meaning for me.
Instead I watched the cheerful little flame. telling him a story “Don’t imitate the young
My mother noticing that I had lost, interest, stopped reading
and told me that she be reading a very pretty story that I must listen to. moth and don’t be
On hearing the story; disobedient: you’ll get burned by it.
I at once opened my eyes wide. • Jose Rizal: Undoubtedly, was the young
It promised something new and moth burned because of his
wonderful. passion for ideas and love of country.
My mother began to read me the fable of The Child Rizal and the
the old moth
and a young moth, translating it to Tagalog Oppressed
as she went along. Filipino People • At a young age,
My attention was caught from the very Jose Rizal was
first sentence: I started at the already exposed to the
lamp and the moths circling around it.... brutalities of Spanish authorities
The story was; in the Philippines, particularly
• As she put me to bed, my mother said: the Guardia Civil who were
“See that you do not behave supposed to protect the people
like the young moth. Don’t be disobedient, from harm. Rizal wondered why
such abuses happened especially
to the poor.
Rizal related in his Diary
• Almost everyday, in our town, we saw the
Guardia Civil Lieutenant caning and injuring
unarmed and inoffensive villagers. The villager’s
only fault was that while at a distance he had not
taken off his hat and made his bow. The alcalde
treated the poor villagers in the same way
whenever he visited us.
• We saw no restraint put upon brutality, Acts of
violence and other excesses that lay committed
daily.. I asked myself if, in the lands which lay
across the lake, the people lived in this same
way. I wonder if there they tortured any
countryman with hard and cruel whips merely on
suspicion. Did they there (Spain) respect the
Home? Or even yonder also, in order to live in
peace, would one have to bribe tyrants
Ang buhay ng isang bayani
Labing pitong taong gulang siya noong tipunin niya ang kanyang mga alaala sa librong ito.
T. Jacinto upang maging pribado ang kanyang buhay. Ngunit sa dulong bahagi ng kwento
● Si Jose Rizal ay ipinanganak noong Hulyo 19, 1861 sa pagitan ng alas onse at alas
dose ng gabi. Araw ng miyerkules mula noong siya ay isinilang at ito ay isa sa naging
● Ang kanya ay si Donya Teodora Alonso ngunit ito ay mas kilala noon bilang lolay. Si
Donya Teodora ay hindi isang ordinaryong babae sapagkat mahilig ito sa literatura at
mas mahusay magsalita ng espanyol. Isa rin siyang matematika at ang kanyang ama
● Bukod sa pagiging ina at pag-aasikaso sa labing isang anak pinamahalaan niya ang
isang tindahan sa may silong ng kanilang bahay at ang kanila pang ibang negosyo.
upang mahubog ang pagkatao ng kanyang mga anak at ang pag ibig nito sa
malapit si Rizal sa kanya at natuto ito sa maraming bagay. Ang kanyang ama naman
sensitibong ama sa kanyang mga anak . Siya ay mahigit apat na pung taon gulang
na mula noong isinilang si Rizal. Binigyan niya ng sapat na edukasyon ang kanyang
mga anak at mula sa kanyang pagsisikap nakapag patayo siya ng bahay na bato at
● Ang magulang ni Rizal ay parehong taga Binan ngunit ang mga ito ay lumipat sa
● Ayon sa mga kapatid ni Rizal ito raw ay isang tahimik at mapaglarong bata. Mahilig
siyang magpinta ng mga hayop, ibon at mga bulaklak gamit lamang ang aswelte,
uling at iba pang katas ng halaman bilang pintura. Kanya ring nakahiligan ang
paghubog ng mga pigurin at busto ng mga tanyag na taong nababasa niya mula sa
● Si Rizal ay siyam na taong gulang noong umalis patungong binan upang mag aral
● Ipinakilala siya ni Paciano sa kanyang guro na siya ring nagturo sa kanya noon. Sa
pagtuturo noon.
nito dahil bukod sa pakikiapid at nagawa pa nitong iwan ang kanyang mga anak.
dumakip kay Donya Teodora mula sa kanilang bahay. Naging malupit ang pagtrato
siyang papakawalan.
Atenistang Probinsyano
● Labing isang taong gulang si Rizal noong siya ay mag enroll sa Ateneo Municipal na
nakatirik noon sa Intramuros at dito naranasan ni Rizal ang tagumpay, pait at pag
● Noong una ayaw tanggapin si Rizal dahil bukod siya ay huli na sa pagpapatala, isa
● Naging mahirap para kay Rizal ang unang yugto ng kanyang pag aaral. Sapagkat
guro ni Rizal sa Ateneo, nagawang ipatalas ni Rizal ang memorya nito sa wikang
na labing lima.
ang kapatid na si Paciano sa bukid dahil sapat na para sa kanya ang mga nalalaman
● Nanghinayang ang ama ni Rizal sa kanyang talino kaya ito ay pinag aral ng
● Natuklasan din ni Rizal ang una nitong pag ibig kay Segunda Katigbak.
● Naudlot ang suyuan mula ng pauwiin si Segunda ng kanyang ina upang alagaan ang
sanggol na kapatid.
● Marami pang mga dalagitang dumaan kay Rizal bago nito natuklasan ang pag ibig
● Isang gabi nakalimutan niyang saluduhan ang isang gwardya sibil at siya ay
● Tinanggap ni Rizal ang hikayat ng kanyang mga kaibigan pati na rin ng kanyang tito
na Antonio Rivera na mag aral sa espanya.
● Noong siya ay dumako sa aden may mga nagtitinda ng malaking itlog at balat ng lion
at tigre.
● Nakuha rin niya na ipagpatuloy ang hilig sa pagpipinta at pagsusulat at pag aaral ng
● Nakasama ni Rizal ang mga pilipinong intelektwal na sila Graciano Lopez Jaena na
● Sumapit siya sa Circulo Hispano Filipino. Ito ay isang samahan ng mga espanyol at
pilipino na nagtitipon sa isang bahay upang pag usapan ang mga bagay bagay na
may kaugnayan sa mga pilipinas.
● Si consuelo ortega ang dalagang anak ng may ari ng bahay ay niligawan ni Rizal
ngunit si eduardo poblete ang pinili nito isang kastila na ipinanganak sa pilipinas na
● Naging daan ang circulo upang mabuksan ang liberal na kamalayan ng isip ng mga
patimpalak sa pagpinta.
● Naging madalas siyang panauhin ng mga biyenan ni Juan Luna at nagpresenta itong
pautangin muna siya. At dahil sa isang pintor minsan ito ay pobre st kung minsan
karunungan at siyensya.
imprinta ng berlin.
ang maniniwala sa intensyon ng nobela kung hindi siya uuwi sa kanilang bayan”
● Noong bumalik si Rizal sa pilipinas hindi pa gaanong pinag uusapan ang Noli
Me Tangere.
paring prayle.
● Dahil sa mga balitang maari siyang ikulong hinikayat siya ng kanyang pamilya
pinangalanang Hosesan.
● Para kay Rizal, isang mainam na dokumento ang akda ni Morgan upang
● Matiyaga niya itong sinulat ang mga dokumento at saka ipinagkumpara ito sa
gumagawa ng serbisyo.
mga pilipino noon na hindi niya inakalang madali niyang maipapatupad ang
mga ito.
● Sinamantala ng grupo ni Del Pilar pati ni Eduardo Poblete ang isang eleksyon
● Ang isa niya pang kaibigan na si Jose Basa ang nagbigay sa kanya ng
bagong taon.
kailangan ng bayan.
nila ang premyo. Dahil dito nakabili si Rizal ng isang lupa sa talisay
● Isang kubo lamang ito noong una at nang tumagal nagtayo siya ng
● Unang dumalaw sa kanya ang kanyang ina sunod ang mga kapatid na