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Official Journal L 292

of the European Union

Volume 65

English edition Legislation 11 November 2022


I Legislative acts


★ Regulation (EU) 2022/2192 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 November 2022
laying down specific provisions for the 2014-2020 cooperation programmes supported by the
European Neighbourhood Instrument and under the European territorial cooperation goal,
following programme implementation disruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

II Non-legislative acts


★ Council Decision (EU) 2022/2193 of 22 December 2021 on the signing and conclusion of the
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Peru establishing a framework for
the participation of the Republic of Peru in European Union crisis management operations . . . . . . . . . 12


EUROPEAN UNION CRISIS MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


★ Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2194 of 10 November 2022 implementing

Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in
Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

EN Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid
for a limited period.
The titles of all other acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
★ Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/2195 of 10 November 2022 amending Regulation (EC)
No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of Butylated
Hydroxytoluene, Acid Yellow 3, Homosalate and HAA299 in cosmetic products and correcting
that Regulation as regards the use of Resorcinol in cosmetic products (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


★ Council Decision (EU) 2022/2196 of 8 November 2022 appointing a member, proposed by the
Federal Republic of Germany, of the European Economic and Social Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

★ Council Decision (EU) 2022/2197 of 8 November 2022 on the position to be taken on behalf of
the European Union within the Specialised Committee on Road Transport established by the
Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic
Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, of the other part, as regards the technical and procedural specifications of the use of the
Internal Market Information System (IMI) by the United Kingdom and the amount and modalities
of the financial contribution to be made by the United Kingdom to the general budget of the
Union in respect of the cost generated by its use of IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

★ Council Decision (EU) 2022/2198 of 8 November 2022 on the suspension in whole of the
application of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Vanuatu on the
short-stay visa waiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

★ Council Decision (EU) 2022/2199 of 8 November 2022 on the position to be taken on behalf of
the European Union within the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community as
regards the adoption of the budget of the Transport Community for 2023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

★ Council Decision (EU) 2022/2200 of 8 November 2022 on the position to be taken on behalf of
the European Union in the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations of the
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe on proposals for modifications to UN
regulations Nos 0, 13, 24, 34, 43, 48, 67, 83, 90, 118, 125, 127, 129, 149, 151, 158, 159, 161, 162
and 163, on a proposal for a new UN regulation on Vulnerable Road Users in Front and Side
Close Proximity, on a proposal for a new UN Regulation on the Approval of Motor Vehicles with
Regard to their Direct Vision, and on a proposal for an amendment to M.R.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

★ Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/2201 of 10 November 2022 amending Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074
concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

(1) Text with EEA relevance.

L 292/24 EN Official Journal of the European Union 11.11.2022



of 10 November 2022
implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 of 13 November 2017 concerning restrictive measures in view of the
situation in Venezuela (1), and in particular Article 17(1) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,


(1) On 13 November 2017, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) 2017/2063.

(2) On 11 November 2021, the Council, considering the ongoing political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis in
Venezuela and the persistent actions undermining democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights, adopted
Decision (CFSP) 2021/1965 (2) which renewed the restrictive measures in place until 14 November 2022, including
all designations. On the same date, the Council adopted Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1959 (3) which
amended the statement of reasons for 26 listed persons.

(3) The Council has reviewed the restrictive measures in place in accordance with Article 17(4) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/2063. Based on that review, the restrictive measures against all persons in the list set out therein should
be maintained, and the statement of reasons for 17 persons should be updated.

(4) These measures do not affect the general population and can be reversed in light of progress made towards the
restoration of democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights in Venezuela.

(5) Annex IV to Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Annex IV to Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 is amended as set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

(1) OJ L 295, 14.11.2017, p. 21.

(2) Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/1965 of 11 November 2021 amending Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074 concerning restrictive measures in
view of the situation in Venezuela (OJ L 400, 12.11.2021, p. 148).
(3) Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1959 of 11 November 2021 implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 concerning
restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela (OJ L 400, 12.11.2021, p. 1).
11.11.2022 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 292/25

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 10 November 2022.

For the Council

The President

L 292/26
In Annex IV to Regulation (EU) 2017/2063, the entries concerning the persons listed below are replaced by the following entries:

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

‘3. Tibisay LUCENA Date of birth: 26 April Minister of University Education since October 2021. President of the National Electoral Council 22.1.2018
RAMÍREZ 1959 (Consejo Nacional Electoral or CNE) from April 2006 until June 2020. Her actions and policies have

undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by failing to ensure that the CNE
Gender: female remains an impartial and independent institution in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution,
thereby facilitating the establishment of the Constituent Assembly and the re-election of Nicolás Maduro
in May 2018 through presidential elections that were neither free nor fair.
5. Maikel José MORENO Date of birth: 12 December Judge of the Criminal Appeal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia 22.1.2018
PÉREZ 1965 (TSJ)). Former President and Vice President of the Supreme Court. In those roles, he has supported and
facilitated the Government’s actions and policies which have undermined democracy and the rule of law
Gender: male in Venezuela, and is responsible for actions and statements that have usurped the authority of the
National Assembly, including the appointment of the National Electoral Council (CNE) in June 2020 and

Official Journal of the European Union

the suspension and replacement of the leadership of three opposition parties in June and July 2020.
15. Freddy Alirio BERNAL Date of birth: 16 June 1962 Governor of Táchira State since winning the elections in November 2021. Former Head of the National 25.6.2018
ROSALES Control Centre of the Committee for Local Supply and Production (CLAP) and former Protector of
Place of birth: San Táchira State. Also a Commissioner General of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN). As
Cristóbal, Táchira State, Head of the CLAP and Protector of Táchira State he was able to call upon Special Forces (FAES) and to
Venezuela influence appointments of judges and prosecutors. Responsible for undermining democracy through
Gender: male manipulation of CLAP programme distributions amongst voters. Additionally, as Commissioner General
of SEBIN he is responsible for SEBIN’s activities which include serious human rights violations such as
arbitrary detention.
22. Alexis Enrique Date of birth: 12 October Chief in Charge of the National Office Against Organized Crime and Terrorist Financing (ONDOFT) from 27.9.2019
ESCALONA MARRERO 1962 January 2018 until May 2019. Retired Major General, former Vice Minister for prevention and public
safety at the Ministry of the Interior (appointed in 2017 by President Maduro) and former National
Gender: male Commander of the National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Command (Comando Nacional
Antiextorsión y Secuestro (CONAS)) (between 2014 and 2017). Responsible for serious human rights
violations, including torture, the use of excessive force and the mistreatment of detainees by members of
CONAS under his command. Also responsible for the repression of civil society by members of CONAS
under his command.

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

27. Gladys DEL VALLE Date of birth: 9 November Inspector General of the Courts since 27 April 2022. Former member of the non-democratically elected 29.6.2020
REQUENA 1952 National Assembly and former member and the Second Vice-President of the non-recognised National
Constituent Assembly (ANC). In her leading role in the non-recognised ANC, she has undermined
Place of birth: Puerto democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by signing the decree that stripped the president of
Santo, Sucre, Venezuela the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, of his parliamentary immunity.

ID number: V-4114842
Gender: female
30. Juan José MENDOZA Date of birth: 11 March Former Second Vice-President of the Venezuelan Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) and 29.6.2020
JOVER 1969 former President of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (February 2017 – April 2022). His
actions have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by a number of judicial
Place of birth: Trujillo, rulings in the past two years that have limited or undermined the constitutional powers of Venezuela’s
Venezuela democratically-elected legislative body, the National Assembly.
Address: Arnoldo

Official Journal of the European Union

Gabaldón, Candelaria, Edo.
ID number: V-9499372
Gender: male
37. Remigio CEBALLOS Date of birth: 1 May 1963 Since August 2021, Minister of the Interior and Justice of Venezuela and Vice-President of the 22.2.2021
ICHASO Government for Citizen Security. Former Commander of the Operational and Strategic Command of the
ID-number: V-6557495 Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela (Comando Estratégico Operacional Fuerzas Armadas
Gender: male Nacionales Bolivarianas (CEOFANB)), the highest organ in the Venezuelan Armed Forces (June 2017–July
2021). CEOFANB controls the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and the Bolivarian National
Guard. CEOFANB is also responsible for coordinating FANB interventions in demonstrations. In his
position as Commander of CEOFANB, he was responsible for serious human rights violations, including
the use of excessive force and inhuman and degrading treatment by officials of the FANB and by
subordinate forces under his command, including the Bolivarian National Guard. Various sources,
including the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,
attribute human rights violations to FANB and the Bolivarian National Guard.

L 292/27
L 292/28
Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

38. Omar José PRIETO Date of birth: 25 May 1969 Former Governor of Zulia State (2017 - 2021). In this position he has undermined democracy and the 22.2.2021
FERNÁNDEZ rule of law in Zulia State. He was sworn in by the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC),
ID number: V-9761075 after the legitimate winner of the election refused to be sworn in by the ANC. Omar José Prieto Fernández
Gender: male actively promoted the non-democratic elections for the National Assembly which took place on
6 December 2020. Moreover, in Zulia State he threatened opposition leaders with ‘house visits’ and stated
to declare Zulia State independent should an interim government lead by Juan Guaidó assume power.

42. Lourdes Benicia SUÁREZ Date of birth: 7 March Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) since 22.2.2021
ANDERSON 1965 December 2005 and Vice President of the Constitutional Chamber since April 2022. Former President of
the Constitutional Chamber and former first Vice-President of the Supreme Court. As a member of the
Gender: female Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, she is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that
have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s
electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral
Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement
of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the
extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. Her actions have

Official Journal of the European Union

therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and she has supported and facilitated
the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch.
44. René Alberto Gender: male Substitute judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) 22.2.2021
DEGRAVES ALMARZA since April 2022. Former judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court. As a member of
the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he has been responsible for actions, statements and
rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the
opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National
Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral
replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020,
as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His actions
have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and
facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch.

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

45. Arcadio DELGADO Date of birth: Former judge and Vice-President of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo 22.2.2021
ROSALES 23 September 1954 de Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he has been
responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the
Gender: male National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights, including the unilateral
appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE))
in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main

democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción
Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the
rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule
of law by the executive branch.
46. Carmen Auxiliadora Date of birth: 13 December Former judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). 22.2.2021
ZULETA DE MERCHÁN 1947 As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, she has been responsible for actions,
statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and
Gender: female undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court
of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and

Official Journal of the European Union

unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and
July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021.
Her actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and she has
supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch.
47. Indira Maira ALFONZO Date of birth: 29 April Former President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). 22.2.2021
IZAGUIRRE 1968 Former chairwoman of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)), appointed on
13 June 2020. Former member of the Electoral Chamber and Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court,
Place of birth: La Guaira, La Second Vice-Chairwoman of the Supreme Court from 2015 until 24 February 2017, Vice-Chairwoman
Guaira State, Venezuela of the Supreme Court from 24 February 2017 until 12 June 2020. As a member of the Electoral Chamber
ID-number: V-6978710 of the Supreme Court, Indira Maira Alfonzo Izaguirre is responsible for the actions taken against the then
newly elected National Assembly in December 2015, resulting in the impossibility for the National
Gender: female Assembly to exert its legislative power. Moreover, she accepted her appointment as the chairwoman of
the CNE in June 2020 by the Supreme Court although this prerogative belongs to the National Assembly.
In that role she prepared and supervised the non-democratic elections of the National Assembly held on
6 December 2020 and participated in the change of 30 June 2020 to the electoral norms for those
elections, without formally leaving the Supreme Court (temporary permit to integrate the CNE). After the
renewal of the CNE in May 2021, she returned to the Supreme Court. Her actions have therefore
undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.

L 292/29
L 292/30
Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

48. Leonardo Enrique Gender: male Former Vice-President of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) and President 22.2.2021
MORALES POLEO of the Political Participation and Financing Commission (August 2020–May 2021). Leonardo Enrique
Morales Poleo was appointed Vice-President of the CNE and President of the Political Participation and
Financing Commission on 7 August 2020 by the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ))
although this prerogative belongs to the National Assembly. Moreover, just prior to his appointment he
served in the Advanced Progressive Party (Avanzada progresista). As member (rector) and Vice-President

of the CNE, he fully took part in the decision-making process of the CNE. He supported and facilitated the
supervision of the electoral process that led to the non-democratic elections of the National Assembly on
6 December 2020. His actions have therefore further undermined democracy and the rule of law in
Venezuela. Leonardo Enrique Morales Poleo accepted to be appointed to the CNE and remained in his
position as Vice-President of the CNE while democracy was severely undermined in Venezuela.
49. Tania D’AMELIO Date of birth: 5 December Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) since 22.2.2021
CARDIET 1971 April 2022. Former member (rector) of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE))
for the period 2016-2023. Former Member (rector) of the CNE for the period 2010-2016. Tania
Place of birth: Italy d’Amelio Cardiet, as rector of the CNE since 2010, contributed directly by her activity in her functions to

Official Journal of the European Union

Nationality: Venezuelan the undermining of democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by preparing the non-
democratic 2020 National Assembly elections, participating in the change of 30 June 2020 to the
ID-number: V-11691429 electoral norms for those elections, and participating in the organisation and execution of the 2018
presidential elections. Moreover, Tania d’Amelio Cardiet accepted her 2016 appointment at the CNE by
Gender: female the Supreme Court, although this prerogative belongs to the National Assembly.
52. Jesús Emilio VÁSQUEZ ID-number: V-7422049 President of the Court Martial and the Military Criminal Judicial Circuit since 17 September 2021. 22.2.2021
QUINTERO Division General since 5 July 2019 and former Attorney General of the Military Prosecutor’s Office
Gender: male (December 2017 - 17 September 2021). As Attorney General of the Military Prosecutor’s Office,
responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. The Military Prosecutor’s
Office has been linked to internal judicial prosecution in the Armed Forces, and failures to investigate
incidents, including the case of the death of Captain Acosta in 2019. Moreover, military justice is being
applied to civilians.

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

54. Manuel Eduardo PÉREZ Date of birth: 29 December Former Deputy Minister of the Interior and Justice. Within the Venezuelan Ministry of the Interior and 22.2.2021’.
URDANETA 1960 or 26 May 1962 Justice, Brigadier General Manuel Eduardo Pérez Urdaneta ranked as one of five Deputy Ministers. His
portfolio encompassed Preventive Security and Public Safety (Viceministro de prevención y Seguridad
Place of birth: Cagua, State Ciudadana). Before that, Brigadier General Pérez served as Director of the Bolivarian National Police. In
of Aragua that role he was responsible for serious human rights violations, including the use of severe physical force
against peaceful protesters, committed by officials of the Bolivarian National Police under his authority.

ID-number: V-6357038
Passport number:
001234503 (expired
Gender: male

Official Journal of the European Union

L 292/31
11.11.2022 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 292/61


of 10 November 2022
amending Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 29 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,


(1) On 13 November 2017, the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074 (1), concerning restrictive measures in
view of the situation in Venezuela.

(2) On 11 November 2021, the Council, considering the ongoing political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis in
Venezuela and the persistent actions undermining democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights, adopted
Decision (CFSP) 2021/1965 (2) which renewed the restrictive measures in place until 14 November 2022, including
all designations.

(3) The Council has reviewed the restrictive measures in place in accordance with Article 13 of Decision
(CFSP) 2017/2074. Based on that review, the restrictive measures, including all designations, should be renewed
until 14 November 2023, and the statement of reasons for 17 persons should be updated.

(4) These measures do not affect the general population and can be reversed in light of progress made towards the
restoration of democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights in Venezuela.

(5) Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074 is amended as follows:

(1) the first paragraph of Article 13 is replaced by the following:

‘This Decision shall apply until 14 November 2023.’;

(2) Annex I is amended as set out in the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

(1) Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074 of 13 November 2017 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela
(OJ L 295, 14.11.2017, p. 60).
(2) Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/1965 of 11 November 2021 amending Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074 concerning restrictive measures in
view of the situation in Venezuela (OJ L 400, 12.11.2021, p. 148).
L 292/62 EN Official Journal of the European Union 11.11.2022

Done at Brussels, 10 November 2022.

For the Council

The President

In Annex I to Decision (CFSP) 2017/2074, the entries concerning the persons listed below are replaced by the following entries:

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

‘3. Tibisay LUCENA RAMÍREZ Date of birth: 26 April 1959 Minister of University Education since October 2021. President of the National Electoral 22.1.2018

Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral or CNE) from April 2006 until June 2020. Her actions
Gender: female and policies have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by
failing to ensure that the CNE remains an impartial and independent institution in
accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution, thereby facilitating the establishment of the
Constituent Assembly and the re-election of Nicolás Maduro in May 2018 through
presidential elections that were neither free nor fair.

5. Maikel José MORENO PÉREZ Date of birth: 12 December 1965 Judge of the Criminal Appeal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela (Tribunal 22.1.2018
Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). Former President and Vice President of the Supreme Court. In

Official Journal of the European Union

Gender: male those roles, he has supported and facilitated the Government’s actions and policies which
have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and is responsible for actions
and statements that have usurped the authority of the National Assembly, including the
appointment of the National Electoral Council (CNE) in June 2020 and the suspension and
replacement of the leadership of three opposition parties in June and July 2020.

15. Freddy Alirio BERNAL ROSALES Date of birth: 16 June 1962 Governor of Táchira State since winning the elections in November 2021. Former Head of 25.6.2018
the National Control Centre of the Committee for Local Supply and Production (CLAP) and
Place of birth: San Cristóbal, former Protector of Táchira State. Also a Commissioner General of the Bolivarian National
Táchira State, Venezuela Intelligence Service (SEBIN). As Head of the CLAP and Protector of Táchira State he was able
to call upon Special Forces (FAES) and to influence appointments of judges and prosecutors.
Gender: male Responsible for undermining democracy through manipulation of CLAP programme
distributions amongst voters. Additionally, as Commissioner General of SEBIN he is
responsible for SEBIN’s activities which include serious human rights violations such as
arbitrary detention.

L 292/63
L 292/64
Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

22. Alexis Enrique ESCALONA Date of birth: 12 October 1962 Chief in Charge of the National Office Against Organized Crime and Terrorist Financing 27.9.2019
MARRERO (ONDOFT) from January 2018 until May 2019. Retired Major General, former Vice Minister
Gender: male for prevention and public safety at the Ministry of the Interior (appointed in 2017 by
President Maduro) and former National Commander of the National Anti-Extortion and
Kidnapping Command (Comando Nacional Antiextorsión y Secuestro (CONAS)) (between

2014 and 2017). Responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture, the use
of excessive force and the mistreatment of detainees by members of CONAS under his
command. Also responsible for the repression of civil society by members of CONAS under
his command.

27. Gladys DEL VALLE REQUENA Date of birth: 9 November 1952 Inspector General of the Courts since 27 April 2022. Former member of the non- 29.6.2020
democratically elected National Assembly and former member and the Second Vice-
Place of birth: Puerto Santo, President of the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC). In her leading role in
Sucre, Venezuela

Official Journal of the European Union

the non-recognised ANC, she has undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela,
including by signing the decree that stripped the president of the National Assembly of
ID number: V-4114842 Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, of his parliamentary immunity.
Gender: female

30. Juan José MENDOZA JOVER Date of birth: 11 March 1969 Former Second Vice-President of the Venezuelan Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de 29.6.2020
Justicia (TSJ)) and former President of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court
Place of birth: Trujillo, Venezuela (February 2017 – April 2022). His actions have undermined democracy and the rule of law
in Venezuela, including by a number of judicial rulings in the past two years that have limited
Address: Arnoldo Gabaldón, or undermined the constitutional powers of Venezuela’s democratically-elected legislative
Candelaria, Edo. Trujillo body, the National Assembly.
ID number: V-9499372
Gender: male

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

37. Remigio CEBALLOS ICHASO Date of birth: 1 May 1963 Since August 2021, Minister of the Interior and Justice of Venezuela and Vice-President of the 22.2.2021
Government for Citizen Security. Former Commander of the Operational and Strategic
ID-number: V-6557495 Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela (Comando Estratégico
Operacional Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales Bolivarianas (CEOFANB)), the highest organ in the
Gender: male Venezuelan Armed Forces (June 2017–July 2021). CEOFANB controls the Bolivarian

National Armed Forces (FANB) and the Bolivarian National Guard. CEOFANB is also
responsible for coordinating FANB interventions in demonstrations. In his position as
Commander of CEOFANB, he was responsible for serious human rights violations, including
the use of excessive force and inhuman and degrading treatment by officials of the FANB and
by subordinate forces under his command, including the Bolivarian National Guard. Various
sources, including the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela, attribute human rights violations to FANB and the Bolivarian
National Guard.

Official Journal of the European Union

38. Omar José PRIETO FERNÁNDEZ Date of birth: 25 May 1969 Former Governor of Zulia State (2017 - 2021). In this position he has undermined 22.2.2021
democracy and the rule of law in Zulia State. He was sworn in by the non-recognised
ID number: V-9761075 National Constituent Assembly (ANC), after the legitimate winner of the election refused to
be sworn in by the ANC. Omar José Prieto Fernández actively promoted the non-democratic
Gender: male elections for the National Assembly which took place on 6 December 2020. Moreover, in
Zulia State he threatened opposition leaders with ‘house visits’ and stated to declare Zulia
State independent should an interim government lead by Juan Guaidó assume power.

42. Lourdes Benicia SUÁREZ Date of birth: 7 March 1965 Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia 22.2.2021
ANDERSON (TSJ)) since December 2005 and Vice President of the Constitutional Chamber since April
Gender: female 2022. Former President of the Constitutional Chamber and former first Vice-President of the
Supreme Court. As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, she is
responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers
of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the
unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo
Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the
leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well
as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. Her
actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and she has
supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive

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Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

44. René Alberto DEGRAVES Gender: male Substitute judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de 22.2.2021
ALMARZA Justicia (TSJ)) since April 2022. Former judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme
Court. As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he has been
responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers
of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the

unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo
Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the
leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well
as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His
actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has
supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive

Official Journal of the European Union

45. Arcadio DELGADO ROSALES Date of birth: 23 September 1954 Former judge and Vice-President of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court 22.2.2021
(Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the
Gender: male Supreme Court, he has been responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have
usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the
opposition’s electoral rights, including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of
the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the
suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic
opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción
Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His actions have therefore undermined
democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and facilitated the
undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch.

46. Carmen Auxiliadora ZULETA DE Date of birth: 13 December 1947 Former judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de 22.2.2021
MERCHÁN Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, she has
Gender: female been responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional
powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including
the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo
Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the
leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well
as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. Her
actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and she has
supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

47. Indira Maira ALFONZO Date of birth: 29 April 1968 Former President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de 22.2.2021
IZAGUIRRE Justicia (TSJ)). Former chairwoman of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional
Place of birth: La Guaira, La Electoral (CNE)), appointed on 13 June 2020. Former member of the Electoral Chamber and
Guaira State, Venezuela Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court, Second Vice-Chairwoman of the Supreme Court
from 2015 until 24 February 2017, Vice-Chairwoman of the Supreme Court from

ID-number: V-6978710 24 February 2017 until 12 June 2020. As a member of the Electoral Chamber of the
Gender: female Supreme Court, Indira Maira Alfonzo Izaguirre is responsible for the actions taken against
the then newly elected National Assembly in December 2015, resulting in the impossibility
for the National Assembly to exert its legislative power. Moreover, she accepted her
appointment as the chairwoman of the CNE in June 2020 by the Supreme Court although
this prerogative belongs to the National Assembly. In that role she prepared and supervised
the non-democratic elections of the National Assembly held on 6 December 2020 and
participated in the change of 30 June 2020 to the electoral norms for those elections, without
formally leaving the Supreme Court (temporary permit to integrate the CNE). After the

Official Journal of the European Union

renewal of the CNE in May 2021, she returned to the Supreme Court. Her actions have
therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.

48. Leonardo Enrique MORALES Gender: male Former Vice-President of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) 22.2.2021
POLEO and President of the Political Participation and Financing Commission (August 2020–May
2021). Leonardo Enrique Morales Poleo was appointed Vice-President of the CNE and
President of the Political Participation and Financing Commission on 7 August 2020 by the
Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) although this prerogative belongs to the
National Assembly. Moreover, just prior to his appointment he served in the Advanced
Progressive Party (Avanzada progresista). As member (rector) and Vice-President of the CNE,
he fully took part in the decision-making process of the CNE. He supported and facilitated the
supervision of the electoral process that led to the non-democratic elections of the National
Assembly on 6 December 2020. His actions have therefore further undermined democracy
and the rule of law in Venezuela. Leonardo Enrique Morales Poleo accepted to be appointed
to the CNE and remained in his position as Vice-President of the CNE while democracy was
severely undermined in Venezuela.

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49. Tania D’AMELIO CARDIET Date of birth: 5 December 1971 Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia 22.2.2021
(TSJ)) since April 2022. Former member (rector) of the National Electoral Council (Consejo
Place of birth: Italy Nacional Electoral (CNE)) for the period 2016-2023. Former Member (rector) of the CNE for
the period 2010-2016. Tania d’Amelio Cardiet, as rector of the CNE since 2010, contributed
Nationality: Venezuelan directly by her activity in her functions to the undermining of democracy and the rule of law

ID-number: V-11691429 in Venezuela, including by preparing the non-democratic 2020 National Assembly elections,
participating in the change of 30 June 2020 to the electoral norms for those elections, and
Gender: female participating in the organisation and execution of the 2018 presidential elections. Moreover,
Tania d’Amelio Cardiet accepted her 2016 appointment at the CNE by the Supreme Court,
although this prerogative belongs to the National Assembly.

52. Jesús Emilio VÁSQUEZ ID-number: V-7422049 President of the Court Martial and the Military Criminal Judicial Circuit since 17 September 22.2.2021
QUINTERO 2021. Division General since 5 July 2019 and former Attorney General of the Military
Gender: male

Official Journal of the European Union

Prosecutor’s Office (December 2017 - 17 September 2021). As Attorney General of the
Military Prosecutor’s Office, responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law in
Venezuela. The Military Prosecutor’s Office has been linked to internal judicial prosecution in
the Armed Forces, and failures to investigate incidents, including the case of the death of
Captain Acosta in 2019. Moreover, military justice is being applied to civilians.

54. Manuel Eduardo PÉREZ Date of birth: 29 December 1960 Former Deputy Minister of the Interior and Justice. Within the Venezuelan Ministry of the 22.2.2021’.
URDANETA or 26 May 1962 Interior and Justice, Brigadier General Manuel Eduardo Pérez Urdaneta ranked as one of five
Deputy Ministers. His portfolio encompassed Preventive Security and Public Safety
Place of birth: Cagua, State of (Viceministro de prevención y Seguridad Ciudadana). Before that, Brigadier General Pérez
Aragua served as Director of the Bolivarian National Police. In that role he was responsible for serious
human rights violations, including the use of severe physical force against peaceful protesters,
ID-number: V-6357038 committed by officials of the Bolivarian National Police under his authority.
Passport number: 001234503
(expired 2012)
Gender: male

ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)
ISSN 1725-2555 (paper edition)


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