CBE NewsMagazine2015 02162016
CBE NewsMagazine2015 02162016
CBE NewsMagazine2015 02162016
College of Engineering
College ofOFEngineering
www.che.udel.edu DEPARTMENT
Another fixture in the department, who left us program, including roles inside and outside
by retirement at the end of the 2014–15 year, the classroom. While we have for many
is GEORGE WHITMYRE. George spent years prided ourselves on the commitment
more than 40 years with the department, for of all of our faculty to excellence in the
most of that period occupying, and indeed undergraduate program, hiss expertise
defining, the position of laboratory manager. in pedagogical methods will certainly
His responsibilities included the undergraduate enhance the undergraduate experience.
and research labs as well as Colburn Lab
overall, but his most important legacy is the Buttressing our undergraduate teaching is
DEAR FRIENDS culture of lab safety that he was instrumental in critical in view of the continued popularity of
AND COLLEAGUES, developing about 35 years ago. Those of you in the chemical engineering major: our 2014–15
industrial labs are aware of the poor image that freshman class numbered about 150 and we
academic lab safety has in the chemical sciences graduated about 90 seniors. We would like to
In writing to a community of chemical overall, and those of you in academia are aware see these numbers reduced somewhat to ensure
engineers, I probably don’t have to apologize of recent efforts to improve it. Thanks largely the continued high quality of the education
for being a geek, so I can probably safely note to George, we were several decades ahead of the we provide. Of course, larger graduating classes
that preparing this alumni newsletter each curve, although we certainly aren’t complacent. require larger numbers of jobs, and although
year reminds me of the frequency response We are fortunate to have Dr. WEIHUA most of our students manage to navigate this
methods in CHEG 401 (Chemical Process DENG as our new laboratory manager challenge successfully, we would be grateful
Dynamics and Control), a course that I’ve and alumna YAMAIRA GONZALEZ if those of you who hire chemical engineers
taught for the past few years. Our annual D’05 as laboratory safety coordinator. in your own organizations would make such
cycle is marked by the seasons, an academic positions known to us, either through the
year, a fiscal year and other cycles, and, These losses and departures are reminders department or the UD Career Services Center.
although frequency response methods are that, amongst the many mathematical models
based on a cyclic steady state, each year brings that we use in the department, one with a If you’ve managed to read beyond my sad
its own fluctuations, positive and negative. particularly high predictive capability is that frequency response metaphor, you may
That so many of our alumni and friends are of our faculty age distribution. This gives have noticed that I’ve used most of my
sufficiently engaged to care deeply about rise to celebrations—such as ours this year space discussing fluctuations rather than the
the department is exceptionally gratifying of STAN SANDLER’s 75th birthday—as cyclic steady state. It would be misleading to
to us, and it’s our pleasure (and sometimes well as challenges. About a third of our overlook the latter: the students recruited,
our sad responsibility) to keep you up with faculty is likely to turn over in the next classes and labs taught, design projects
the goings on in Colburn Lab and beyond. decade or so, which will necessitate a focus completed, papers published, dissertations
on hiring new and retaining existing faculty defended, proposals written and funded
The 2014–15 year started off on the highest to maintain the high quality of our programs (or not funded). We continue to seek, and
of highs with our Centennial celebrations. and our associated stature in the chemical attain, the Delaware tradition of excellence
Another landmark high was the election later engineering profession. Two gifts reported on to which we have all become accustomed.
in the year of NORM WAGNER to the pages 4 and 5—chairs endowed by ALLAN That excellence is especially well represented
National Academy of Engineering, joining FERGUSON, ’65 and MYRA FERGUSON, in the accomplishments of our alumni,
four other current faculty and emeritus faculty AS’65 and by BILL SEVERNS, D’50—will and we continue to ask you to keep us
in this distinction. Sadly, we also sustained aid this effort. Their exceptional generosity, informed, especially by visiting us in person.
two major losses among the faculty this year and that of others, brings total gifts to the We plan to bring more “round-number”
with the passing of JON H. OLSON in Centennial Campaign well over $10 million. reunion classes back to Newark during the
October and the sudden illness and death In various alumni events, large and small, I’ve campus-wide Alumni Weekend held in early
of RICHARD P. WOOL in March. In his remarked on how proudly we celebrate the June each year. I would especially ask that
more than half-century association with accomplishments of all our alumni and revel you contact me if you are willing to help
the department, Jon established himself as in their ongoing engagement with us. That entrain your classmates in such an effort.
a scholar with an encyclopedic knowledge, such engagement is often complemented by
and perhaps more importantly, as a mentor great generosity is especially gratifying. We are grateful for your continued
and adviser unfailingly dedicated to student interest in the department and
welfare and success. Richard joined us The recruitment of new faculty is indeed your support of its activities.
about 20 years ago, and left his mark as a moving forward, and in the 2015–16 academic
passionate champion of sustainability both year we welcome JOSH ENSZER as our Best wishes,
in his research and popular elective courses. first assistant professor of instruction. Josh’s
responsibilities lie within our undergraduate Abraham Lenhoff
Allan P. Colburn Professor and Chair
Chemical and
Abraham Lenhoff
Ann Lewandowski
Megan Argoe
Diane Kukich
Beth Miller
Collette L. O’Neal SECTIONS
Karen B. Roberts
Cinda Younce
04 Centennial Campaign
Joy Smoker
06 Faculty
American Philanthropic
15 Research
Kathy F. Atkinson
Wenbo Fan
Evan Krape 23 Students
Ambre Alexander Payne
Duane Perry
28 Alumni News
University Printing
33 In Memoriam
Please submit
address changes to
[email protected] or
34 Support for CBE
Subscribe or send comments
to [email protected]
Allan Ferguson was in too fast, in order to preserve the integrity of the
fragile, human cells.
the first engineering
Or when he managed process engineering for
class taught by the the Domestic Operating Company within
late Jon Olson at the Johnson & Johnson during the energy crisis
of the 1970s and reduced energy costs by 80
University of Delaware. percent by simply turning off a valve.
“He was absolutely brilliant, and here we were, “My professors taught me how to analyze and
these young, malleable minds, ready to learn assess problems, to look at them more broadly,”
the really complex things he would teach us,” Ferguson says.
the 1965 chemical engineering graduate recalls.
“And then he gave the first exam.” In honor of such mentorship, the Fergusons
recently committed $3.5 million to establish
Ferguson flunked, but he wasn’t the only one. the Allan and Myra Ferguson Distinguished
Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular
And yet having his students fail that exam Engineering.
might have been one of the best things to
happen to Olson. As legend has it, he went “I love the smile on his face when he talks
home and told his wife, “They didn’t get it,” to about what he learned from his professors
which she responded, “Maybe you ought to and classmates,” says Myra Ferguson, a 1966
talk in an everyday kind of way.” graduate of UD’s College of Arts and Sciences.
“We want to support professors who are gifted
After hearing Olson’s story, Ferguson held on with the art of teaching, who want to share
Double Dels Allan Ferguson, EG’65, and Myra Ferguson, to the message: keep it simple. their knowledge, who have that desire to
AS’66, committed $3.5 million to establish the Allan and Myra
Ferguson Distinguished Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular
nurture young minds à la Gerster and Olson
Engineering. “I’ve been good at figuring out ways to and Pigford.”
simplify—to make things cheaper, better,
faster; to analyze problems; to not accept the The future of the Department of Chemical and
norm,” he says. Biomolecular Engineering is the ultimate goal
for Ferguson.
Like the time he looked at separators in the
food industry to find more efficient processes “The strength of our faculty is absolutely
for a biotech company that was using a device necessary for the quality of the program to
similar to an ordinary kitchen blender. They continue,” he says. “Chemical engineering is a
needed one that would mix things up, but not star at UD, and we want to keep it that way.” n
William “Bill” Severns Severns received his PhD from the University
in 1950 and spent many years in industry,
learned from the beginning in the pigments department of
DuPont, where he worked on titanium dioxide
giants of chemical white pigments, before moving on to the
engineering. manufacturing of titanium metal, a strong,
lightweight element that has been referred
to as “the luxury metal of the future.” When
As a University of Delaware doctoral student
his division was sold to Ciba-Geigy, Severns
researching vapor-liquid equilibrium in the late
moved as well, including spending extensive
1940s, he studied under Allan Colburn, Robert
time in Europe.
Pigford, Jack Gerster, and other “outstanding
engineers, brilliant minds.”
Bill and Jacquie Severns are inspirational in
their belief in higher education and what it can
Many of these professors helped build
accomplish in society. They have been long-
UD’s venerated Department of Chemical
time benefactors to the University, creating
Engineering. During his tenure, Colburn
and sustaining the William H. and Jacqueline
brought in additional faculty to serve as
Severns Scholarship, which, since 1992,
adjunct and visiting professors, allowing
has supported more than 150 UD students
individuals widely regarded as leaders in more
enrolled through the Division of Professional
specialized fields to teach specific courses at the
and Continuing Studies.
graduate level.
They also made a gift in memory of Severns’
“Right here in Delaware, I was exposed to top
son, UD alumnus Matthew Severns, to
faculty from all over,” Severns says. “I admired
support construction of the Patrick T. Harker
Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering William "Bill” Severns ’50, pictured with his wife, Jacqueline,
committed $4 million to establish the William H. Severns Jr.
To continue this tradition of faculty excellence, Faculty Support Fund and Distinguished Chair in Chemical
and Biomolecular Engineering.
he and his wife, Jacqueline, recently committed
Severns credits Colburn and Pigford with his
$4 million to establish the William Severns
considerable professional success, and he says
Jr. Distinguished Chair of Chemical and
the recent gift supporting the distinguished
Biomolecular Engineering.
chair position is his way of honoring their
legacy and nurturing the same kind of talent
An endowed chair is the highest academic
and ambition that the legendary professors
award a university can bestow on a faculty
embodied. n
member, and the Severns’ gift will provide
research support for a faculty member in the
Wagner elected to
National Academy of
Engineering, named
AAAS fellow
NORMAN J. WAGNER, the Center for Systems Biology at the Delaware Wagner was also recently elected a Fellow
Biotechnology Institute (2012); T.W. of the American Association for the
Robert L. Pigford Chaired FRASER RUSSELL, Allan P. Colburn Advancement of Science for distinguished
Professor of Chemical and Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering contributions to the field of soft matter and
Biomolecular Engineering— (1990); and STANLEY SANDLER, H.B. engineering, particularly the fundamentals
du Pont Chair of Chemical Engineering of colloid and particle science and rheology,
who is noted for his (1996). and for academic leadership.
groundbreaking research
in fluid mechanics and “We welcome Norm Wagner’s election to Wagner chaired the department from 2007–
the National Academy of Engineering, a 12, and currently directs the University
molecular thermodynamics— well-deserved honor that recognizes an of Delaware’s Center for Neutron Science
has been elected to the outstanding career that has encompassed (CNS).
prestigious National research, innovation, entrepreneurship and
education,” said Ogunnaike. He leads an active research that
Academy of Engineering. studies the rheology of complex fluids,
ABRAHAM M. LENHOFF, chair neutron scattering, colloid and polymer
Wagner joins four other department
of the department, hailed Wagner for science, applied statistical mechanics,
members and emeritus faculty as members
compiling a “record of accomplishment nanotechnology and particle technology.
of the NAE: MARK BARTEAU, professor
that is appreciable in almost every
emeritus and former chair of the Department
conceivable category of professional activity: Wagner’s research areas include the effects
of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
experimental, theoretical and computational of applied flow on the microstructure and
(honored in 2006); BABATUNDE A.
research; scholarship, education and material properties of colloidal suspensions,
OGUNNAIKE, dean of the College of
mentoring; invention and entrepreneurship; polymers, self-assembled surfactant solutions,
Engineering, William L. Friend Chair of
and academic and professional leadership.” and complex fluids in general. n
Chemical Engineering and a professor in the
Faculty Highlights
chemical and biomolecular engineering,
LEADS NEW is now president-elect of the University of
Delaware Faculty Senate for the 2015–16
BIOTECHNOLOGY academic year. Dhurjati’s expertise is in
biotechnology and artificial intelligence,
INITIATIVES with research in the area of systems
biology, systems medicine and modeling
CHRISTOPHER ROBERTS, whose of engineering systems. He also applies
research focuses on the quantitative mathematical models and knowledge-
prediction, design and control of protein based approaches to convert biological and
degradation in solution, and of degradation medical data to useful knowledge. n
of pharmaceutical and bio-pharmaceutical
molecules in amorphous solids (glasses), has
been promoted to professor. The research
in his group has long been distinctive for THOMAS H. EPPS III, Thomas &
being steeped in the fundamentals but Kipp Gutshall Professor of Chemical
being of great interest to colleagues in the Engineering, associate professor, joint
pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. professor, Materials Science & Engineering
This characteristic is shared by the research and DuPont Young Professor, was selected
of a significant fraction of the faculty in to attend the 2014 US-Japan Frontiers
the department with research interests in industrial research consortia. Participating of Science Symposium in Tokyo, Japan.
bioengineering, which has grown enormously faculty from the department are: MACIEK The symposium was cosponsored by the
over the past decade with new faculty hires at ANTONIEWICZ, associate professor; National Academy of Sciences at the Japan
both senior and junior levels. WILFRED CHEN, Gore Professor; Society for the Promotion of Sciences. n
DAVID COLBY, assistant professor;
The department’s newfound great strength in PRASAD DHURJATI, professor; ERIC
this area led to the emergence in the past year FURST, professor; APRIL KLOXIN,
ERIC FURST, professor and director,
of multiple new structures, under Roberts’s assistant professor; CHRISTOPHER
Center for Molecular & Engineering
leadership, that reflect the collaborative KLOXIN, assistant professor; KELVIN
Thermodynamics (CMET), was awarded
research and shared resources and facilities to LEE, Gore Professor and director, Delaware
the 2014 NASA Exceptional Scientific
cement the leadership of UD, especially the Biotechnology Institute; ABRAHAM
Achievement Medal. n
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular LENHOFF, Allan P. Colburn Professor;
Engineering, in this critical area for research TUNDE OGUNNAIKE, William L.
and societal impact. The Center for Friend Chair; TERRY PAPOUTSAKIS,
Biomanufacturing Science & Technology Eugene DuPont chair; MILLIE SULLIVAN, E. TERRY PAPOUTSAKIS, the
(CBST) brings together faculty that tackle associate professor; NORMAN WAGNER, Eugene du Pont Chair of Chemical
a wide array of problems and fundamental Robert L. Pigford Chair. Engineering, was elected a fellow of the
challenges in areas including: cell culture American Institute of Chemical Engineers
processes and bioreactors; high-end and Roberts also directs the Biomolecular (AIChE). His research focuses on areas of
scalable purification processes; product Interaction Technologies Center (BITC), systems biology, metabolic engineering,
formulation and stability; drug delivery; which has been operated at the University of experimental and computational genomics
manufacturing; and analytical technologies, New Hampshire for some years but is moving with applications in stem-cell biology and
instrumentation, and algorithms to support to a new home at UD. The center is an prokaryotic biology for the production of
all of these areas. The Center supports academic-industrial consortium that provides biofuels and chemicals from biomass. n
cutting-edge research facilities on campus, advanced research capabilities as well as being
educational activities including seminars, a forum for technology transfer and support
workshops, and short courses, as well as of innovative research in the area. n
Antoniewicz received the award last spring from the journal Biotechnology
and Bioengineering at the 2015 American Chemical Society National
Meeting in Denver, where he delivered the Daniel I.C. Wang Award
lecture titled “Toward a Holistic Understanding of Cellular Metabolism.”
Antoniewicz’s team has developed a software package called Metran, “If we can study how multiple cells interact, we can better visualize the
which researchers can use to study cellular metabolism, and has development and progression of diabetes, with the goal of eventually
distributed it to more than 100 labs worldwide. finding ways to intervene before full-blown diabetes sets in.” n
The award was named to honor Prins, who played a key role in
establishing the tradition of polymer science and engineering at TU
Delft, working on polymer networks and entanglements. The prize is
awarded by the Delft Association for Polymer Technology.
to Jon for their own However, his expertise extended well beyond Jon had three children with his first wife, Jean
these areas, and his teaching spanned Clift Olson: Eric Jon Olson, Kirsten Ann
career successes. the breadth of the chemical engineering Olson, and Greta Olson, all of whom earned
curriculum. doctoral degrees. He is also survived by his
second wife, Nancy Haldeman Olson, nine
Jon’s unique strength was his concern for grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. n
RICHARD PATRICK WOOL, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Among Wool’s professional
professor of chemical and biomolecular Engineering, said, “Richard’s passion for accomplishments were winning the
engineering since 1994 and director of UD’s developing materials from renewable Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge
Affordable Composites from Renewable resources included mentoring the next Award and being elected a fellow of both
Sources (ACRES) laboratory—where generation of green engineers, and made the Royal Society of Chemistry and the
with colleagues and students he created him a highly visible spokesman for the American Physical Society, Division of High
revolutionary industrial materials with area. At UD his elective courses in bio- Polymer Physics.
reduced impact on the environment and based materials and green engineering
human health—died unexpectedly on were enormously popular with students in Contributions can be made to the
March 24, 2015. He was 67. chemical engineering and beyond. We will Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
miss his irrepressibly positive outlook, good Engineering to support the Dr. Richard
“Richard was a remarkable scientist, engineer humor and, of course, his leadership of a Wool Award for Women in Green
and researcher,” said BABATUNDE very important field in our discipline.” Chemistry. Please send contributions to:
OGUNNAIKE, dean of the College of University of Delaware, Gifts Processing,
Engineering and William L. Friend Chaired “Richard was an outstanding teacher, 83 East Main St., Third Floor, Newark, DE
Professor of Chemical Engineering. “But above researcher, adviser and mentor,” said JOHN 19716. Make checks payable to “University
all of that, he was a genuinely good person.” ( JACK) W. GILLESPIE, director of the of Delaware” and include on the memo line
Center for Composite Materials. “He was “in memory of Dr. Richard Wool.” Gifts can
ABRAHAM LENHOFF, Allan P. also founder of Affordable Composites from also be made on the University of Delaware’s
Colburn Professor of Chemical and Renewable Sources, for which he was world secure website, www.udel.edu/makeagift. n
Biomolecular Engineering and chair of the renowned.”
“πάντα ῥει: Everything Flows” “Catch and release: photocleavable “Effect of Homopolymer Matrix “Design of Thiol-ene Photoclick
by Anthony N. Beris and cationic diblock copolymers as a on Diblock Copolymer Grafted Hydrogels Using Facile
A. Jeffrey Giacomin potential platform for nucleic acid Nanoparticle Conformation and Techniques for Cell Culture
delivery” by Matthew D. Green, Potential of Mean Force: Applications” by Lisa A. Sawicki
Abbygail A. Foster, Chad T. A Molecular Simulation Study” and April M. Kloxin
Greco, Raghunath Roy, by Carla E. Estridge and Arthi
Rachel M. Lehr, Thomas H. Epps, Jayaraman
III, and Millicent O. Sullivan
“Enthalpy of Fusion of Poly “Shear Enhances “The Clostridium Sporulation “Using Aspen Plus in
(3-hexylthiophene) by Differential Thrombopoiesis and formation Programs: Diversity and Thermodynamics Instruction:
Scanning Calorimetry” by Roddel of Microparticles That Induce Preservation of Endospore A Step-by-Step Guide”
Remy, Emily Daniels Weiss, Ngoc Megakaryocytic Differntiation Differentiation” by Mohab A. by Sandley I. Sandler
A. Nguyen, Sujun Wei, Luis M. of Stem Cells” by Jinlin Jiang, Al-Hinai, Shawn W. Jones,
Campos, Tomasz Kowalewski, and Donna Woulfe, and Eleftherios T. Papoutsakis
Michael E. Mackay Eleftherios T. Papoutsakis
250 quantitative
modeling approach
to study gut bacterial
link to autism
PRASAD DHURJATI, professor of chemical
and biomolecular engineering with a joint
appointment in mathematical sciences, was
recently featured in the Wilmington News
Journal for developing a computer-simulated
human gut microbiome to advance the search
for the cause of autism.
“We now know that they play a significant biological role in platelet The second patent stemming from Papoutsakis’ research group is for
formation,” he continued. “The enhanced generation of pre-platelets research highlighted in Nature Communications on a new technique to
An immunoflourescent image of a partially disintegrated human polyploidy megakaryocyte, featured on the cover of the journal Blood.
create specially engineered E. coli bacteria that will host, recognize and with E. coli, we’re getting a much broader representation of the actual
respond to the genes of numerous other bacterial species. genetic population.”
The paper’s two lead authors are NICHOLAS SANDOVAL, a
postdoctoral researcher, and STEFAN GAIDA, D’13, who is now The researchers found that when they engineered E. coli to produce the
doing postdoctoral work in Germany. RpoD sigma factor from the microbe Lactobacillus plantarum (Lpl), it
allowed E. coli to recognize all gene promoters it encountered, from any
Because so little is known about how they live, researchers still can’t source.
grow most microbes in the laboratory, limiting what can be learned from
them. They had created a strain of bacterium that would be able to transcribe
any fragment of foreign DNA that was still connected to a promoter.
Scientists have sidestepped this problem by creating metagenomic
libraries. They extract the DNA (the metagenome), obtain random bits “It was surprising and really fantastic that the Lpl sigma factor
and pieces of genetic material from many different organisms, and then worked on every library that we tested, and extremely well with the
insert each fragment of DNA into an E. coli bacterium, so that each metagenomic library,” said Sandoval. “We found something that is very
bacterium contains a different fragment, a “volume” from the larger robust in its efficacy. We can now can screen a much larger proportion
library. of the metagenomic or heterologous genomic DNA libraries that were
previously not functional.”
Searching through the functions and products of DNA cultivated this
way, known as a functional screen, lets researchers find new proteins or The authors believe the newly engineered strain of E. coli will have broad
cellular activities without having to pinpoint a specific gene beforehand, use among genomics researchers.
or even know what species it belongs to.
Said Sandoval, “Hopefully this work will greatly enhance the ability to
“The goal of this work was to engineer bacteria that would be able to do functional screens on the metagenome and allow everyone who does
better express a larger variety of genes coming from the metagenome,” these screens to look for interesting health and industrial applications,
said Sandoval, “so that when we do perform these functional screens much more efficiently and much more easily.” n
Nature Communications
highlights Yan’s organic zeolite
In a landmark paper published in the international scientific journal
Nature Communications, YUSHAN YAN, Distinguished Professor of
Engineering, describes a new approach to creating organic zeolites.
“There is a dream out there to build organic zeolites,” he said. “If you
can create organic zeolites, you can do more and even better catalysis
and better separations. It opens the door for applications previously
thought impossible.”
CCEI ADVANCES RENEWABLE The work builds on a 2012 CCEI advance that led to a new process for
creating high yield (>90 percent) p-xylene from renewable biomass,
PLASTICS RESEARCH, SIMPLIFIES which is used to produce PET plastics. The program is part of a larger
effort by CCEI to create breakthrough technologies for the production
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PROCESS of biofuels and chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass.
Two significant innovations have stemmed PTC is a strategic working group consisting of the Coca-Cola Co., Ford
from the University of Delaware’s Catalysis Motor Co., H.J. Heinz Co., Nike Inc., and the Procter and Gamble
Center for Energy Innovation (CCEI) this year.
Activated Research Company (ARC), a new start-up based in
The first is a research program with the Plant PET Technology Minnesota, is developing the Polyarc QCD technology. Using an
Collaborative (PTC) to explore methods of producing renewable integrated microreactor design, multiple catalytic reactions break
beverage bottles, packaging, automotive components and fabric from down complex chemical mixtures into single compounds, significantly
biomass. The second is the invention of the Quantitative Carbon reducing the time and effort required for characterization analyses.
Detector (QCD), a device that identifies and quantifies chemical Microchannels that surround a built-in heating system allow for high-
compounds in complex mixtures, such as fuels, oils, chemicals, resolution chemical detection, as well as integration of hardware and
pharmaceuticals and food, and will significantly impact the amount of software within existing chemical analysis devices.
time required for chemical analysis.
“A major challenge in any energy and fuels laboratory is identifying the
CCEI is a multi-institutional, UD-led research center comprised chemicals within liquid substances,” said ALEX PAULSEN, CCEI
of 20 principal investigators from nine academic institutions and researcher and co-inventor. “After being identified, each compound must
one national research laboratory. Funded by the U.S. Department be quantified, and this can be a time-consuming procedure for complex
of Energy as part of the Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) mixtures. By breaking down the mixtures into single compounds, the
program, it also includes an industrial consortium. The center’s QCD simplifies the process so we have more time to focus on research.”
research focuses on discovering new technologies for the production
of renewable fuels and chemicals using lignocellulosic (non-food) “The QCD is really the holy grail of chemical analysis,” said PAUL J.
biomass and such feedstocks. DAUENHAUER, associate professor of chemical engineering and
materials science at the University of Minnesota and co-director of CCEI.
Using renewable materials such as trees and grasses to manufacture plastics “Utilizing this new technology allows us to focus our effort on catalytic
provides companies flexibility in resources, while also addressing the science rather than tedious and expensive chemical calibrations.”
global challenge of discovering new materials for sustainable packaging,
explained DION VLACHOS, CCEI director and Elizabeth Inez Kelley The research was published in the January issue of the journal Lab on a
Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Chip, a publication of the Royal Society of Chemistry. n
When exposed to magnetic fields, MR fluids— Astronauts aboard the Space Station conduct
tiny magnetic particles in suspension—line up the experiments, and potential projects are
and form chains, so that the mixture becomes vetted carefully based on the benefits they
almost solid. When the magnetic field is might have for the rest of us.
removed, the fluids disassemble and buckle.
Furst and his team expected the disassembling “We’ve learned a lot about the process of self-
noted in their InSPACE experiment, but they assembly, especially in magnetic fields,” he said.
had never seen anything like this buckling in “We apply those principles to materials here on
ground-based experiments. Earth.”
through museum kiosk
and radio show
APRIL KLOXIN thinks science rocks,
and she wants everyone from grade-
GREG BENNETT won the poster
schoolers to grandparents to think that, too.
award at the 2014 ECI Conference.
Her research group is reaching out to the
public through an interactive kiosk at the
Delaware Museum of Natural History, as well JINGSI GAO won 2nd place in the
as through a radio show on the University’s April Kloxin student poster session at the Society
student-run radio station, WVUD. of Rheology’s 86th Annual Meeting.
a guest researcher interview, science news
The Mimicking Nature kiosk, which demonstrates and discussion of today’s latest science issues,
how animals and humans mimic nature, greets interspersed with music ranging from classic STIJN KOSHARI has been
the 75,000 people who visit the museum every rock to folk. awarded the IAR-CIT Master’s
year. The radio show—Science Rocks!—has the thesis award at KU Leuven for
potential to reach thousands more. AMBER HILDERBRAND, his work on characterization of
PRATHAMESH KHARKAR, MATTHEW iysozyme adsorption in cellulosic
Kloxin’s research focuses on the design REHMANN, LISA SAWICKI and chromatographic particles using
of materials that mimic and respond to MEGAN SMITHMYER—all graduate small-angle neutron scattering.
specific biological systems and their use for students with the April Kloxin Lab Group
understanding and directing these systems —take turns broadcasting every Wednesday
to heal the body. The kiosk demystifies these evening on 91.3HD-2 or online at wvud.org
materials through simple explanations, from 6:30–8:00. KALEIGH RENO was chosen
engaging graphics, analogies and photographs. to attend the 2015 Lindau Nobel
“We try to convey the importance of science Laureate Meeting.
“The goal of our work is to develop technologies communication and how people get into
that improve human health, and we want to scientific fields,” said Sawicki. “That’s key to
show science in a positive light,” said Kloxin, bringing science to the general public and KATE GURNON, PhD ’14, below,
who has joint appointments in the departments making it more accessible.” was awarded the 2015 Allan P.
of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Colburn Dissertation Prize.
Materials Science and Engineering. Kloxin sees the kiosk and the radio show as a
way to build bridges, both between scientists
The kiosk is supported by a National Science and the public and between research and
Foundation Faculty Early Career Development education “Both of these are great platforms that
Award Kloxin received in 2013. enable us to reach a broad audience,” she said.
The radio show was launched in the fall Funding for Science Rocks! is provided by
of 2013, when several of Kloxin’s students Kloxin’s NSF award and UD’s IGERT program
applied to be DJs on WVUD The Basement. in Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered
The show is divided into segments including Environments. n
NT Reconigtion
NICHOLAS SANDOVAL, right, postdoctoral research associate, received
an NIH NRSA postdoctoral fellowship proposal entitled, “Transcription
engineering for biosensor-based screening of metagenomic libraries.”
NSF Fellows
Lauren Cordova, attending University of Texas
Lauren Dorsey
Jannatun Nayem
John Ruano-Salguero
Mahlet Woldeyes
UD students (from left) Dakota Hanemann-Rawlings and Alex Northrop listen as Douglas Scott explains his research in polymer films.
Alumni News
Send us your updates!
All in the department take great pleasure in hearing what our alumni on visits around the country; for instance, a group of our faculty
are doing, and especially of course hearing of their personal and had dinner with JIM SPEAROT M’70 D’72, BECCY SPEAROT
professional successes. The updates below are based on updates M’71, ERIN FINEHOUT ’00 and SCOTT CROWN D’13 while
sent to us by individuals, news items gleaned from the media in Denver for the ACS National Meeting in March. Please send news
and elsewhere, and information obtained by direct contacts with and updates to Bramie Lenhoff ([email protected]), and also let him
individuals. We have also enjoyed having small get-togethers with know if you’d be interested in a local reunion when one or more of
even a handful of alumni when one of our faculty has the opportunity our faculty are in your area.
1960s LOUIS EDWARDS, M’60, was the 2014 recipient of TAPPI’s Pulp
Manufacture Division Technical Award and Johan C. F. C. Richter
Cepheid, a leading molecular diagnostics company co-founded Prize. Lou spent 50 years as a professor of chemical engineering at the
by THOMAS GUTSHALL, ’60, has received emergency use University of Idaho, and in retirement was honored by the university’s
authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Xpert creation of the Lou Edwards Endowed Chair in Chemical Engineering.
Ebola, a molecular diagnostic test for Ebola Zaire virus that delivers In the 1970s, he led the development of a modular computer software
results in less than two hours. Tom served as Cepheid’s first CEO and simulation program that became one of the first technologies of its kind
as chairman of the board from 1996 to 2013. A longstanding member in the pulp and paper industry, later known as GEMS. Today, companies
of the department’s advisory council, he served as co-chair of his 50th around the world use versions of the program to model and design
class reunion giving program in 2010, and is an honorary co-chair of papermaking processes that are more sustainable and energy efficient.
the Centennial Campaign. He and his wife, Kipp, endowed a career
development faculty chair in the department in 2011.
STANLEY L. PAULS, ’65, worked for a year at BF Goodrich Chemical
Co. in Kentucky after graduation and then spent 2 years in the army at
Ft. Gordon and in Korea. He began work for Celanese in Greenville,
SC in 1968 as a process engineer in the PET fiber production plant,
then transferred to the Celanese PET film plant in Greer, SC in 1975
and worked there in the PET bottle resin production unit until he
retired in 2013. This extended period included numerous changes in
ownership, but Stan’s positions progressed consistently to higher levels of
responsibility, from Process Support Engineer to Process Development
Engineer, Senior Production Engineer and Process Manager.
Stan married in 1971 and he and his wife still live in Greer, SC. They
have 3 boys, all married, and 8 grandchildren. Two of the families are in
Charleston, SC, and the other is in Greer. Stan has had an active lifestyle
that has included running, tennis and golf. Since retiring he has started
hiking with a local group and also took up digital photography. He and
Thomas and Kipp Gutshall have endowed a position in the Department of Chemical and Biomo-
lecular Engineering. his wife are spend time at their condo at Edisto Beach, SC, and hope also
to travel abroad over the next few years.
himself only a few lessons ahead of his students, but long-time chair, the
late LARRY DUDA, M’61 D’63, told him, “The first time you teach
any course you learn a lot. The second time the students learn a lot,
and the third time” he wasn’t sure anybody learned much of anything.
In 2001 Roland became Associate Dean of Engineering and Applied KEVIN MCQUADE, ’80,
Science at Princeton University, where his first dean was James Wei, his has been named CEO of
thesis advisor at UD. Over the next seven years he worked with four Germany-based materials
different deans while helping to steer the engineering school through the supplier Styrolution. Kevin
renovation of more than 90% of its lab and classroom space as well as joined the company in 2011
teaching a course on the roots and principles of engineering, from which and was most recently its
he developed a freshman course on “Technology in America” that he has president of Europe, Middle
been teaching for eight years at UD. East and Africa. Styrolution
is a global styrenics supplier
Since 1968 Roland has enjoyed life with Donna, his wife and high operating production sites
school prom date. They have lived in Chester County, PA, for almost in 10 countries. Kevin
20 years and have three children and nine exceptional (of course) began his career in 1980 at
grandchildren ranging in age from two to fifteen, whom they enjoy Mobil Chemical Company.
watching grow up and spoiling every chance they get.
SUJATA BHATIA, ’99 M’99, was voted a “favorite professor” by COLLEEN (RODGERS) SNOW, ’05, has been a patent examiner
Harvard’s classes of 2014 and 2015. Sujata is a physician, bioengineer, at the US Patent and Trademark Office since about a month after she
author, professionally licensed chemical engineer and Harvard graduated. Her job is to determine subject matter patentability in the
University professor and received a UD Presidential Citation for area intersecting chemical and electrical engineering, specifically the
Outstanding Achievement in 2006. chemical compositions and processes involved in the formation of
semiconductor devices. Colleen writes that she got married in 2008 to a
wonderful man named Michael Snow, and that they have two children
so far: Keira Rose (born October 2012) and Declan Michael (born
2000s December 2014). They live in Fairfax, VA, and are contemplating a move
to San Antonio, TX, shortly.
MATTHEW HELGESON, D’09, received the 2015 Northrop JULIE ALBERT, D’11, now an assistant professor of chemical
Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award in recognition of his engineering at Tulane University, was selected for the Gulf Research
outstanding efforts as an early career undergraduate educator at UC Program Early Career Research Fellowship.
Santa Barbara, where he has been an assistant professor of chemical
engineering since 2012. He researches the structure and flow behavior of
colloids (including nanoparticles, emulsions and proteins) in structured
KELLY SCHULTZ, D’11, now an assistant professor of chemical and
liquids, with the aim of engineering novel gels and particulates for
biomolecular engineering at Lehigh, was named a TA Distinguished
applications in biotechnology, nanomaterials and energy.
Young Rheologist.
F. Clarke Abbott ‘63M ‘65PhD and Marcia Barry J. ‘78 and M. Therese Verdugo Bentley William G. Burroughs Jr. ‘59 and Elizabeth
Hudson Abbott ‘61 Alan B. Bernath* Ewing Burroughs ‘59
Benjamin F. Adams Jr. ‘51M Ira S. ‘65 and Jo Ann R. Bernstein Allen W. Burton Jr. ‘00PhD*
David C. ‘88 and Mary N. Adams* Michael J. ‘88PhD and Teresa M. Betenbaugh* Brian W. ‘64M ‘66PhD and Virginia P. Bussey
Rakesh Agrawal ‘77M* John T. Bianculli ‘81* Douglas J. and Patricia L. Buttrey*
Radwan Alalawi ‘15* Timothy M. Bishop ‘94 ‘04M and Nichole Dennis R. Cacciola ‘72*
Gregory C. ‘85PhD and Patrice S. Alexander Scherneck Bishop ‘97 ‘04M Robert F. Cairncross ‘85*
Moris Amon ‘82PhD and Terry Perahya Christopher S. Blackwell ‘88 and Kelly William H. Calkins**
Amon ‘82 Costello Blackwell ‘90 Darin M. Campbell ‘98PhD
Erik J. Anderson ‘13* Brian J. Bockrath ‘95 and Karin Wood Erde Can ‘04PhD*
John E. Anderson ‘62M ‘64PhD and Fay Bockrath ‘97 Adam R. Carmichael ‘94 and Laura Krankel
LaGrange Anderson ‘60 Richard E. ‘75 ‘76M and Susan F. Carmichael ‘94
John L. Anderson ‘67 and Patricia Siemen Bockrath ‘96M* Luz E. Caro ‘02
Anderson ‘67 Ricardo J. Bogaert-Alvarez ‘79M ‘86PhD Charles E. ‘66 and Lou Ann Carroll
Melony R. Anderson ‘00 Robert E. ‘60M ‘63PhD and Mary P. Bollinger Robert W. ‘64 and Jane W. Carroll*
Tanner Andrews ‘82* Kenneth M. ‘78 and Claudia M. Boyle Wendel R. Cassel ‘67M and Andrea Maynard
John P. Anerousis ‘71 ‘72* Kevin P. Bradley ‘91 and Tracey Keller Cassel ‘65M
Michael J. ‘81PhD and Carla D. Angelo* Bradley ‘92 Vicki Cassman ‘86M*
Maciek R. Antoniewicz* Joye L. Bramble ‘84 Joseph R. ‘83 and Mary C. Castagna*
Paul J. ‘70M and Susan P. Arruda ‘71M Dennis H. Broderick ‘80PhD* Arup K. Chakraborty ‘89PhD
Michael D. ‘90 and Juliana M. Ashworth Timothy F. and Martha A. Brooks* Lorraine Jurman Chalupa ‘84
Randall C. Atkinson ‘70 Douglas F. Brown ‘76 David R. Chang ‘73PhD*
Anna L. Babcock* George A. Brown ‘50M ‘56PhD* Yi Chen ‘14*
Byron D. Babcock ‘52* Lawrence A. Brown ‘71 ‘72 ‘77M* Edward T. Child ‘54M ‘57PhD and Beverly
Kushalkumar M. Baid ‘73PhD Lee F. ‘55M ‘63PhD and Monica W. Brown* Croft Child ‘56M*
Ivan ‘06 and Kelly Baldychev Nicole F. Brown ‘93PhD* Alan P. Chinnici ‘72 and Anita Jones
Christopher E. Banschbach ‘94* Eugene H. and Lorin D. Buck* Chinnici ‘72 ‘77M
Jonathon D. Bartel ‘05 John H. Buehler ‘68* Minshon J. ‘79PhD and Yuwen C. Chiou*
Doris Lerner Baumgarten ‘56M* William M. Buiting ‘66 Robert and Alice M. Cipolla*
Kathlyn Card Beckles ‘97 and Kevin A. Beckles Christopher L. Burket ‘02 and Heather Katen T. John Claggett ‘65 and Alice Hammond
Thomas W. Beggs ‘69* Burket ‘04 Claggett ‘65*
Corinne A. Behen* John S. ‘52 and Mary C. Burpulis* Douglas M. Clarke Jr. ‘85*
Kenneth J. Bell ‘53M ‘55PhD* Cynthia McDevitt Clarkson ‘89*
Russell J. Hanna ‘52M David L. Jacoby ‘76 and Esther Kim Jacoby ‘79 Christopher J. and April M. Kloxin*
William T. Harper ‘60M* Victor F. Janas ‘87PhD and Bernadette John W. Koch ‘51 ‘60M and Carolyn Brown
Douglas G. Harrell ‘80 and Michelle Talmo Garchinsky Janas ‘84 Koch ‘58
Harrell ‘84 Rudolph F. Janis Jr. ‘64M* Stijn H. Koshari ‘14M
John H. Harrington Jr. ‘67M* J. James Jariwala ‘98 Mark S. Koskiniemi ‘86 and Toni Brautigan
Kevin J. Harrington ‘83 and Catherine Lennox Ashay D. Javadekar ‘09M ‘12PhD Koskiniemi ‘87
Harrington ‘82* Janine I. Jelks-Seale ‘04 John T. Kramer ‘82 and Brenda Pasapane
Alexander E. Harris ‘00* Rodman Jenkins ‘47M* Kramer ‘83*
Laura Krumwiede Hartwell ‘85 and James A. Douglas C. ‘76 and Anna B. Jennings William A. Krebs Jr. ‘57 and Laurie Bliss
Hartwell Richard H. Jensen ‘72M and Lorraine S. Krebs ‘59*
David J. Hasse ‘87 and Nancy Naden Hasse ‘87 Grimes ‘81 Stewart M. Krug ‘75M
Richard L. Hawthorne ‘67 and Shirley Feng Jiao* Hans J. and Sandra L. Kuehner*
Hitchner Hawthorne ‘67* Manuel R. Jimenez Diaz ‘10 Christopher L. Kulp ‘95 and Kristen Sipics
Malcolm L. Hayes ‘82M Carol Johnson* Kulp ‘95*
Roland H. ‘75PhD and Donna L. Heck* Douglas W. Johnson ‘68 and Joyce Carlton George H. Kumler ‘51
Ernest J. ‘50 and Barbara M. Henley* Johnson ‘68 Joseph LaDana ‘86 ‘91M*
John R. Hepola ‘69M and Susan Leach Dale A. Jolly ‘74 William L. Lafferty Jr. ‘59M*
Hepola ‘67 John F. Jones ‘56M C. Steven Lai ‘79*
D. Charles Herak ‘85 ‘94M* Michael L. Jones ‘69M* Stephen M. Lambert ‘89*
Randall C. Herbein ‘75 Randall A. Jones ‘79 and Barbara McNabb John J. LaScala ‘02PhD and Heather Cohen
Nicholas Hernjak ‘04PhD* Jones ‘79 LaScala ‘98*
Bruce M. Herzog ‘65 Stuart L. Jones ‘58M Paul A. LaShier ‘15
Nathan D. Hess ‘13 William O. Jones Jr. ‘70 ‘74M Alex T. Lauderback ‘15
David S. Hirshfeld ‘59M* Donald E. ‘58 and Ivy S. Jost Vincent F. Lazor ‘12
Teh C. Ho ‘77PhD and Wei Wei Hsu Ho ‘76M* S. Tobias Junker ‘04PhD Ilsoon Lee ‘98M ‘00PhD and Jue Lu ‘04PhD*
Norman N. ‘54M ‘56PhD and Gale R. John A. Jurgensen ‘81 and Cynthia Elliott Kelvin H. Lee*
Hochgraf* Jurgensen ‘81 Richard L. Lehman and Anette M. Karlsson*
Martin F. Hoenigmann ‘79* Marcus E. Kantz ‘73M and Charlotte Berry Sidney D. Lehr ‘79 and Pamela Adams Lehr ‘80
Allen L. Holzman ‘54M Kantz ‘75M Dean E. ‘61M and Dean W. Leib
John W. Hooper ‘56* Lien-Chung Kao ‘81M and Chien-Ping Chai Robert J. Leipold ‘92PhD*
Jack R. ‘64M and Marilyn S. Hopper* Kao ‘81PhD* Abraham M. and Roleen T. Lenhoff*
Craig A. Horak ‘00 and Jessica Bryson Teresa Plumley Karjala ‘92PhD* Lembit U. Lilleleht ‘53
Horak ‘01 James C. Kauer ‘87 Li Lin and Xiao H. Yuan*
James P. Horgan ‘81 and Anne M. Gaffney John P. Kearns ‘95 ‘00M Shiang-Tai Lin ‘01PhD
‘82PhD* Janet Kennedy* Zhexi Lin ‘15*
Robert B. Horne ‘55 and Marilyn Smith Horne Hal ‘61 and Molly Kenton ‘60 Yun Liu*
‘55 Steven M. ‘71 and Sandra K. Kessler* Michele Dickman Lobo ‘06PhD and Raul F.
Steven D. Horton ‘73 and Susan Jingeleski Kevin J. Keyser ‘88* Lobo*
Horton ‘74 Rishi L. Khan ‘00 ‘07PhD and Eileen Paschik Tim P. and Susanna Lodge*
Richard J. Horvath ‘68* Khan ‘02 Lawrence J. Jr. ‘61 and Elaine L. Logan*
Thomas F. Houghton ‘81 and Sarah E. Scott ‘81 Paul H. Kimpel ‘70 William P. Long Jr. ‘66*
William E. Jr. ‘68 and Virginia A. Houle* Michael L. King ‘81PhD* Kyle T. Macasevich ‘10 ‘11M*
Richard F. ‘61 and Laura H. Humphreys* Merritt C. Jr. ‘60 ‘66M and Alberta B. Kirk Steven D. Mack ‘71
Gilbert L. Huppert ‘87* Jeffery B. Klauda ‘03PhD* James J. Mackrell Jr. ‘64 and Carole Kiss
Stephen J. ‘82 ‘14M and Amy J. Hurff* Andrew H. Klausman ‘13* Mackrell ‘64
G. Brinton ‘62 and Lynne D. Ingram Michael T. ‘77 and Elizabeth T. Klein John M. ‘67 and Margaret E. Maerker*
Anna Ivanova* Lothar W. ‘72M and Donna H. Kleiner* Gregory S. Maliken ‘76 and Phyllis Kirkwood
Carolyn Bockius Jackson ‘96 Gerard F. Klinzing ‘77M and Kathryn Baldwin Maliken ‘76*
Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore ‘88 Klinzing ‘75 ‘78M Francis G. ‘73 ‘81M and Linda F. Maloney
Susan Mantell* Gonzalez ‘05PhD
David J. Marchese ‘86* Grahame Murray*
Duane B. Myers ‘93*
Frank A. Maresca ‘82*
Ravindra K. Mariwala ‘93PhD Heather E. Myers ‘99 CHEMICAL AND
Richard S. ‘64 and Sharon A. Markham* Steven R. Myrick ‘77 and Linda Justice
Chester E. Markwalter ‘12* Myrick ‘77
Michael D. ‘86 and Barbara M. Nagle
Carl J. ‘77 and Jane L. Martin*
George R. ‘77M and Jennifer K. Martin* Albert J. and Carroll Nardone*
William S. Neifert ‘05
Robert J. and Donna Martin*
Debora Flanagan Massouda ‘76 ‘86PhD and Linda Smiddy Nelson ‘85*
Nabil F. Massouda James R. ‘53 and Catherine S. Nichols*
Paul K. Mattheiss ‘61 and Carol Moore Frank H. Nickel Jr. ‘55* The time has never been better
Mattheiss ‘60 Erin M. O’Dea ‘05 to give back to your alma mater
R. Craig Matthiessen ‘73 and Susan Wright Thomas R. and Linda J. Oeffinger* and pave the way for the next
Matthiessen ‘73* Amod A. ‘86PhD and Varada A. Ogale*
generation of chemical and
Robert J. Mattson ‘55 George E. Oram Jr. ‘70
Christopher W. ‘03 and Cecily McChalicher* Charles J. Orella ‘82M and Annette Murray biomolecular engineers.
Clark A. McCollough ‘68 and Carol Toop Orella ‘83*
McCollough ‘67 Thomas W. Orlando ‘59*
Kim Watts McMillan ‘83* James E. Orr Jr. ‘49* To learn more, visit
John B. McVaugh Jr. ‘71 ‘75M and Brigid Randolph A. Oswald ‘03 ‘09M
Hawk McVaugh ‘74
Robert E. Oves ‘71 and Mary de Young Oves ‘72
Nathan A. Mehl ‘89 and Denise Gallick Camelia L. Owens ‘04PhD*
Mehl ‘89 J. David ‘01 and Deborah S. Pajerowski*
Ben W. Melvin Jr. ‘50 Adriano B. Pangelinan ‘91PhD*
Darrin J. Menzo ‘94 Eleftherios T. and Maria C. Papoutsakis*
Jack L. Messman ‘62* Elliot S. ‘66 and Karen W. Parkin*
Carl R. Meyer ‘94 J. Robert ‘64 and Janet B. Parsons*
Jay A. Miers Jr. ‘80 and Kelly Wittmann Daniel Patterson Jr. ‘74 and Joyce Palmer
Miers ‘79 Patterson ‘74
Robert W. ‘58M and Janet B. Miller David J. Paul ‘56*
Norman T. ‘61M and Helen R. Mills James S. Pawloski ‘84 and Barbara Weaver
Lucy J. Minehan ‘87 and Samuel A. Danon Pawloski ‘84
Mark R. ‘92 and Christie J. Mitchell Jessica A. Penetar ‘05
Xiang-Dong Peng ‘85M ‘88PhD
Darrell B. Mobley ‘96 and Dore Gaston
Mobley ‘94 Arthur S. ‘54 and Mary Anne O. Perkins* Alumni Association (UDAA) have collaborated
Stephen P. Monaghan ‘97 and Julie Biter Elizabeth G. Perry ‘04* to bring alumni a vibrant online community—
Monaghan ‘98 Francis P. ‘85PhD and Lisa A. Petrocelli* so register and get active!
John T. Mongan ‘82 and Carol McKenna Robert E. Phelps ‘66*
Mongan ‘81 You can also take advantage of
Robert H. Pigford ‘68 and Patricia Houchin
Paul W. Montigney ‘74 and Deborah networking opportunities and ways to
Pigford ‘66*
get involved with your alma mater!
Bunting Montigney ‘73 John E. Plunkett ‘79M and Holly Kinchley
Patrick J. Moore ‘75* Plunkett ‘78M*
Wilbert Moultrie III ‘92 Timothy A. Poludniak ‘93 and Julie Toms VISIT TODAY!
Patrick J. ‘77M and M. Mulvihill Poludniak ‘92 www.UDconnection.com
Miles Powell Jr. ‘50
Donna M. Praiss ‘86* Serge Sacharuk ‘56 Monte T. Squire ‘95 and Andrea Everett
Frank J. Precopio ‘82 Eddie M. Sangern ‘14* Squire ‘95
Robin O. Presley and Nancy Gravatt* Ajit V. ‘80PhD and Madhuri A. Sapre Thomas W. Staley ‘89
Carl D. Price ‘65 Robert L. Sassa Sr. ‘83* K. R. O’Brien Stegmann ‘89
Eric M. Pridgen ‘03 and Wenny Lin ‘03 B. Karl Saydlowski Jr. ‘88* Robert L. Stevenson Jr. ‘86 and Donna Nugent
James M. Prober ‘68 ‘72M ‘74PhD and Cheryl Duane S. Scarborough ‘73* Stevenson ‘86
O’Neill Prober ‘70 Samuel A. Schenkman ‘15 Brandon R. Stewart ‘14*
Robert K. Pyle ‘70 Estate of Mr. Henry G. Schilling ‘36** Daniel H. Stewart and Celeste E. Mott*
Amy L. Quach ‘14* Ralph C. Schilly Jr. ‘53M Elaine M. Stewart*
Robert B. Raffa ‘71* Paul H. ‘73 and Denise B. Schipper* Kristin H. Stoeber ‘04
Charles T. ‘71 and Dariece M. Rau* H. Mitchell Schmidt ‘50M* E. Marvin ‘64 and Cynthia B. Stouffer*
James F. and Jana L. Rayfield* Jennifer Colombo Schmitt ‘96 and John J. J. Thomas Sturgis*
John C. Reed ‘54M* Schmitt III John D. Sullivan ‘92PhD and Jennifer Reardon
William M. Rehrig ‘15 Erman Senoz ‘11PhD and Erin Carver Senoz ‘07* Sullivan ‘92M
Christina Picarro Reich ‘03 ‘05M* William H. Jr. ‘50PhD and Jacqueline S. Millicent O. and Kevin M. Sullivan*
Matthew D. Reichert ‘08* Severns Donald C. ‘68M ‘70PhD and Joan H. Sundberg*
Carlonda Russell Reilly ‘92M ‘96PhD Andrew B. Shah ‘13* Chris Horley Susman ‘86
Andrew J. Reim ‘95 Alfred Shaines ‘52M Ronald W. Swanson ‘60M ‘66PhD*
Roger A. ‘73M and Sandra W. Reinicker* Glenn S. Shealy ‘83M ‘85PhD and Suzanne William J. Taylor Jr. ‘83 ‘88M and Jan
L. Philip ‘58 and Sally Q. Reiss* Marra-Shealy ‘82 ‘89M Patterson Taylor ‘83
Kaleigh H. Reno* Harry W. ‘59 and Maureen S. Sherman* John W. Terres ‘58 and Ruth Ann Follett
Earl L. Jr. ‘71 and Terry M. Shiflett Terres ‘62
Terence A. Rensi ‘79M and Jane Phillips
Rensi ‘73 Mark B. Shiflett ‘97M ‘02PhD* Philip G. Thiel ‘76
John R. ‘94PhD and Jean M. Richards* Kenneth L. ‘73 and Nancy J. Shugart* Arthur M. Thomas Jr. ‘56M
Robert L. Richards Jr. ‘50 and Joyce Hilty Allyn M. Shultis ‘05 and Megan McGrath George E. Thomas Jr. ‘81 and Vivian Bonfanti
Richards ‘51 Shultis ‘06* Thomas ‘70*
Joseph M. ‘89PhD ‘91M and Janice Ritter* John Siczka ‘54 and Christine Sundt Siczka ‘59 Levi T. Jr. ‘81 and Maria A. Thompson*
Carol D. Robbins* Jeffrey J. and Sharon A. Siirola* Carolyn Thompson Thoroughgood ‘65*
Christopher J. Roberts ‘94* Linda E. Silowka* Jay S. ‘49 and Elaine P. Thorpe*
E. Jeffrey Roberts ‘75M and Betty J. Hughes Christina M. Simmons ‘15* Steven A. ‘91PhD and Kathrine A. Threefoot
Bruce C. ‘89PhD and Terri A. Robertson Robert H. Simon ‘48 Walter C. Timm ‘57*
Robert W. Robey ‘92 Gordon A. and Kathryn G. Singer* Jack D. Tinkler ‘61M ‘63PhD and Pleasants
Kelsi M. Skeens ‘14 Peirce Tinkler ‘62
Donald G. Robinson ‘59PhD
William H. Jr. ‘64M ‘67PhD and Judith K. Slack* Michael M. ‘73 and Carla A. Todd*
Douglas A. Robinson ‘68
George A. Smith ‘64M and Louise Schoonover Cara R. Touretzky ‘11*
Jerome D. ‘66M ‘68PhD and Sheila K.
Robinson* Smith ‘63 Ethan H. Townsend ‘05*
Michael J. Rohr ‘93 and Denise Rachlin Rohr ‘92 John K. Smith Jr. ‘74 ‘86PhD and Kimberly J. Gregory ‘78 and Andrene H. Townsend
Richard C. ‘56M ‘58PhD and Margaret V. Carrell-Smith ‘81M ‘89PhD Peter M. Train ‘87PhD and Leigh Spayd
Romano Lewis S. Smith ‘64* Train ‘84*
Romano’s Macaroni Grill* Oliver J. Smith IV ‘87* John G. Trexler ‘78 and Maryanne Chippie
Carrie Loehr Smolinski ‘97 Trexler ‘78
James R. Romesberg Jr. ‘01
Charles R. Snyder ‘68 Rajesh Tuli ‘93
Daniel D. Roth ‘07 and Ashley Burdett Roth ‘06*
Ryan C. Snyder ‘01* Robert ‘85 and Rabbit Tullman
Charles F. Rudolph Jr. ‘57
Christa Soltis* Richard A. Tybout ‘43
John D. Rudolph ‘70 and Carolyn Roblou
Rudolph ‘69 Martha J. Sorgen* James S. Ultman ‘67M ‘70PhD and Deena
Shur Ultman ‘67
Sameer P. Rupani ‘95M James A. Spearot ‘70M ‘72PhD and Rebecca
Moore Spearot ‘71M* Lawrence R. Valencourt ‘70*
Mary Jo Kennel Russell ‘84 and William R.
Russell III Dwight S. Springer ‘65* Karel E. Valentine ‘00
T. W. Fraser Russell ‘64PhD ‘10H* Jared S. Sproul ‘62M Robert T. Van Ness ‘50
Leland M. Vane ‘87 and Carolyn M. Acheson ‘87 Donald R. Wheatcraft Jr. ‘63 and Jane Weaver Jeffrey W. Wright ‘94 and Linda Hopkins
Raymond J. Vass ‘84 and Dianna Judd Vass ‘84 Wheatcraft ‘62 Wright ‘82 ‘86M
Vincent S. Verneuil Jr. ‘63M ‘65PhD and Mary Robert W. Whetzel ‘81 and Michele Davison Robert W. Wynn ‘54 ‘65M
Ann Pennington Verneuil ‘64 Whetzel ‘84 Bingjun Xu*
Vincent J. Verruto ‘03 and Samantha K. Kwan ‘03 Peter W. Wieck ‘65 and Daiva Rimkus Wieck ‘61 Wendi Xu ‘14*
T. Bruce Vickroy ‘79 and Karen Krippahne Ross P. and Patricia C. Wilcox* Jane T. Yang ‘77M
Vickroy ‘79* Jay J. Williams ‘71* Jiancheng Yang ‘15
Chester A. Vogel ‘70M* Thomas B. Willing ‘72* E. Scott Yawger ‘83 ‘92M and Ellen M. Yurek ‘84
Norman J. and Sabine B. Wagner* Robert S. Windeler ‘90 Mark A. Yocum ‘06
John S. Walker ‘85M* Thomas C. Windley ‘99 ‘01M and Jennifer Albert C. Young ‘88PhD*
Michael A. Walsh ‘71* Orem Windley ‘97 ‘01M Seif M. Yusuf ‘12M
Philip E. Walter ‘68* Robert S. Wojewodzki ‘70 and Catherine Herbert H. Zachow ‘51*
Donghai Wang and Xiuzhi Sun* Willis Wojewodzki ‘70 ‘97M James L. Zawicki ‘59
Haoxiang Wang ‘14 Carl H. Wolf ‘53 Steven J. Zboray ‘13
John H. ‘57 and Rita A. Warren* Herbert O. Wolf ‘58M Chengkun Zhang ‘13PhD*
Scott H. ‘88 and Elisa J. Wasserman* Eugene G. Wollaston ‘57 Erik M. Zimmerman ‘15
Keith D. Watson ‘85 ‘90M and Wen Chao ‘85 Ronald T. Wood Jr. ‘65 ‘75M and Phylis Stone Roger J. Zipfel ‘69M and Joyce Kenyon Zipfel ‘69
Linda H. Weaver* Wood ‘65*
Warren A. Zitlau ‘90
Robert W. Weeden ‘51 Donald E. Woodmansee ‘63 and Phyllis Batten
J. Ted Zolper ‘49
Woodmansee ‘63
John A. Wehner ‘82 and Ann Marshall Kenneth S. Zrebiec ‘94 ‘98M and Barbara
Wehner ‘83 Debra Wool*
Glodek Zrebiec ‘94 ‘04M
Charles E. Weil ‘67* Richard P. Wool**
Robert E. Zumwalt ‘60M ‘66PhD and Doris
David H. West ‘12* Wild Zumwalt ‘59 ‘63M