3 Mi Voice MXONEAdmin Guide

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MiVoice MX-ONE

Administrator Guide - Operational Directions

Release 7.4 SP2

15431-ANF 90143 Uen AD 2022-06-29
June 2022
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1 General.................................................................................... 1
1.1 Managing MiVoice MX-ONE.............................................................................. 1
1.2 Characteristics of Load Programs..................................................................... 2

2 Market...................................................................................... 3

3 Backup and Restore.............................................................. 4

3.1 Data Backup...................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Initiate a Data Backup.............................................................................. 7
3.1.2 Restore From a Data Backup...................................................................7
3.2 Perform Data Backup Often.............................................................................. 7
3.2.1 Reload Data and System Database Data................................................ 8
3.2.2 Set Environment Variable......................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Data Backup Alarm...................................................................................8
3.3 Mirror Configuration to MIVOICE MX-ONE SN 1.............................................. 9
3.3.1 Create a Configuration Mirror................................................................... 9
3.3.2 Restore a Configuration Mirror................................................................. 9
3.4 Safety Backup..................................................................................................10
3.4.1 Create a Safety Backup......................................................................... 10
3.4.2 Restore From a Safety Backup.............................................................. 10
3.5 Schedule Automatic Backup............................................................................11

4 System Start, Restart, and Reload..................................... 13

4.1 Start..................................................................................................................14
4.2 Restart..............................................................................................................15
4.3 Reload..............................................................................................................15
4.4 Program Unit Status........................................................................................ 15
4.5 Program Unit Type...........................................................................................16
4.6 Subsystem Level (TypeExt)............................................................................. 16
4.7 Start and Restart System................................................................................ 17
4.8 Restart Program Unit.......................................................................................17
4.9 Reload System................................................................................................ 17
4.10 Shut Down System........................................................................................ 17
4.11 Reload Program Unit..................................................................................... 18
4.12 Shut Down System........................................................................................ 18
5 Using the Recovery Image.................................................. 19
5.1 Create a Bootable USB Stick.......................................................................... 19
5.2 Set Hardware Clock.........................................................................................20
5.3 Recovery Image for MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node......................................20

6 License Handling..................................................................22
6.1 Register and Receive a License File...............................................................22
6.2 Install License File........................................................................................... 25
6.3 Print License File............................................................................................. 25
6.4 License Usage Reports................................................................................... 25
6.4.1 Customer Group License Reports.......................................................... 26
6.5 SLS Heartbeat................................................................................................. 27

7 MLA or SWA Specific Licenses.......................................... 28

8 Add or Remove System Database Node............................29

9 Media Gateway Unit............................................................. 30

9.1 Setup Media Gateway Ethernet Ports............................................................. 30
9.2 Initiation of MGU..............................................................................................30
9.3 Virtual Boards.................................................................................................. 30
9.4 Update and Upgrade of MGU Software.......................................................... 30
9.5 Start and Restart Media Gateway................................................................... 31
9.6 LED Indications in the Media Gateway........................................................... 31
9.7 MG Unit Resource Load Sharing Considerations............................................31

10 Media Server....................................................................... 32

11 Load-Balancing/Load-Sharing Principles in the ASP

113 System............................................................................... 33

12 Selection of an Alternative Media Server or MGU........... 34

13 Changing of Load-Sharing Load Levels.......................... 35

14 Inter-Media Gateway RTP Communication...................... 36
14.1 Print RTP Resource Information....................................................................36

15 MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node User Administration...... 37

16 Synchronization..................................................................38
16.1 Define Synchronization Sources....................................................................38
16.2 Deactivate Synchronization Sources............................................................. 38

17 Blocking and Deblocking.................................................. 40

17.1 Block a Device...............................................................................................40
17.2 Deblock a Device...........................................................................................40
17.3 List Blocked or Disturbance Marked Devices................................................40

18 Alarm Handling and SNMP................................................41

19 Server Hardening............................................................... 42

20 Fault Location.....................................................................44
20.1 Trace Types................................................................................................... 44
20.2 Perform a Trace.............................................................................................45

21 Swap and Repair................................................................ 49

22 MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node File Structure.................50

22.1 Installation and Upgrading Configuration Files..............................................51
22.2 Active Configuration Files.............................................................................. 51
22.3 Reload Data and System Backup Files.........................................................52
22.4 Transfer of PCRegen Files for Restoring Data..............................................53

23 Hard Disk Maintenance......................................................54

24 Active Directory Based Authentication for MX-ONE....... 55

24.1 General.......................................................................................................... 55
24.2 Prerequisites.................................................................................................. 55

25 AD Configuration................................................................57
25.1 Groups in Active Directory.............................................................................57
25.2 Users in Active Directory............................................................................... 61
General 1
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Managing MiVoice MX-ONE
• Characteristics of Load Programs

This guide covers administrator tasks in the MX-ONE excluding telephony features. For
information about telephony feature maintenance, see the documents in the CPI library folder
Operation and Maintenance.


For a complete list of abbreviations and glossary, see the description for ACRONYMS,

1.1 Managing MiVoice MX-ONE

The MX-ONE can be managed in different ways. The tasks described in this document
are mainly managed from the command line on the Linux server (the MX-ONE Service

The MX-ONE can also be managed and configured using the MX-ONE Service Node
Manager, see the directions for use for MX-ONE SERVICE NODE MANAGER USER

Terminal Interface

The Linux operation system can be modified for local needs in a flexible way through
localization. Environment variables determine language and country specific settings, like
the format of date and time, how numbers are written, and what character encoding to

By locale settings the MX-ONE user can use the characters of their own language when
entering local data, like users names, to the system.

To see how the localization is set, use the Linux locale command. It will list the
variables on standard output, for example, as

LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 and so on.

The locale values have the form


15431-ANF 90143 Uen AD 2022-06-29

Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 1
where the language codes usually are the two-letter codes defined in ISO 639-1 and the
country codes (in territory) the two-letter codes defined in ISO 3166-1. Use the command
locale -a to find the available locales and locale -m for the available character

In Europe many languages can use the ISO8859-1 encoding, but UTF-8 is more

When operating the system (remotely) over SSH, for example, using the puTTY terminal
emulation program, it is vital that the same character encoding is used in both puTTY
as in the connected system. (In puTTY the character encoding can be modified through
“Translations” from the “Change Settings” menu).

Both parties must have the same settings for the communication to work.

1.2 Characteristics of Load Programs

The MX-ONE Service Node SW consists mainly of two types of load programs, the
program units and the UNIX commands.

The characteristics of a program unit are:

• Identified with unique number and name

• Runs continuously in a working system
• Can be restarted (restart command)
• Can be reloaded (reload command)
• Communicates directly with other program units by sending and receiving messages

For a detailed information about the program units see the parameter description for
UNIT, in the Technical Reference Guide, MML parameters.

The characteristics of a UNIX command are:

• Uses dynamic program numbers

• Communicates with other programs using the Application Message Proxy
• Runs only when the command is typed
Market 2
Market is selected during first time setup, see the installation instructions for INSTALLING AND
CONFIGURING MIVOICE MX-ONE. If it is necessary to reconfigure the market parameters,

Detailed market characteristics for each market can be found in the documents in the Market
Characteristics folder.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 3
Backup and Restore 3
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Data Backup
• Perform Data Backup Often
• Mirror Configuration to MIVOICE MX-ONE SN 1
• Safety Backup
• Schedule Automatic Backup

The backup procedure consists of two different steps:

1. Make a data backup. The backup of the exchange is stored on each MX-ONE Service
Node and should be done often. See chapter Perform Data Backup Often for details.

This backup is used for data reload by the system.

2. Create a configuration mirror on MX-ONE Service Node 1. Store the data backups and
configuration information from MX-ONE System to MX-ONE Service Node 1. This backup
contains all data for the system and can be used for repair of server. The config_mirror
command provides an option to create a safety backup when creating the configuration
3. Copy the safety backup from MX-ONE Service Node 1 to another media.

This is an external backup of the complete system and can be used for repair of server or to
restore a complete system when all hardware is lost.

Figure 1: The Backup Steps

The above steps do not have to be performed at the same time. Allows to make a data
backup without creating a configuration mirror, and to create a configuration mirror without
making a safety backup.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 4
Backup and Restore

By using crontab, allows you to create automatic data backups and configuration mirrors
including a safety backup.

When there is inconsistency in the exchange data in the system it is necessary to restore from
a backup. The restore procedure consist of three corresponding steps:

1. Restore a safety backup. Restore the safety backup to MX-ONE Server Node 1.
2. Restore a configuration mirror from MX-ONE Server 1. Restore the data backups and
configuration information from MX-ONE Server 1 to all servers in the MX-ONE System.
3. Restore a data backup. Restore the data backups on all MX-ONE Service Nodes.

As for the backup procedure, the three steps do not have to be performed at the same time.
If there are inconsistencies in the exchange data, it may be sufficient to restore the last data

3.1 Data Backup

At a data backup, the exchange data for program units is stored in the file system. When
a program unit is reloaded, exchange data for all program units is restored to prevent
exchange data inconsistency.

Restore of exchange data can result in loss of exchange data. However, the exchange
data in the system is consistent after a complete data restore.

As part of certain error recovery routines, the exchange data will be restored from the
backup in order to revert the system to the last known state with data consistency.

Exchange data includes:

• System configuration data

• Application data (for example, extensions and trunks). The application data are altered
either by command (for example, adding extensions) or by extension procedure (for
example, call diversion)

Exchange data should be saved to a backup regularly. The data should also be stored

• Loading the system initially

• Changing hardware configuration
• Upgrading a program unit
• Altering application data by command (for example, adding extensions)

A new directory is created for each backup in the directory: /var/opt/eri_sn/

<version>/xdata/ where <version> is the version of MX-ONE Service Node. The

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5 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
Backup and Restore

backup directory is named xdata_y_z, where y is MX-ONE Service Node number and
z is a time stamp (date and time). A backup file for each program unit that has exchange
data is created in the backup directory. Only program units that have exchange data
have files in the backup directory. Cassandra CQL CSV files are also created in the
backup directory. The CQL CSV file contains a snapshot of the exchange data in the
system database at the time for the backup. The system database data is stored in
Cassandra Query Language Format.

Information about valid backups are stored in the Cassandra Database. The three latest
backups are stored. If more backups are made, the oldest backup is deleted.

At a data restore, the newest valid backup is used. Exchange data in the entire system
is restored from the data backup and the start phase after data restore is executed in all
program units in the system.

To succeed with a backup, all program units in the system must have status Started. A
program unit must have status Alive, Half-started, or Started to restore any data.

Restore of exchange data can result in loss of exchange data. However, the exchange
data in the system is consistent after a complete data restore.

As part of certain error recovery routines, the exchange data will be restored from the
backup in order to revert the system to the last known state with data consistency.

Exchange data includes:

• System configuration data

• Application data (for example, extensions and trunks). The application data are altered
either by command (for example, adding extensions) or by extension procedure (for
example, call diversion)

Exchange data should be saved to backup regularly. The data should also be stored

• Loading the system initially

• Changing hardware configuration
• Upgrading a program unit
• Altering application data by command (for example, adding extensions)

A new directory is created for each backup in the directory /var/opt/eri_sn/xdata/

xdata_<version> where <version> is the version of MX-ONE Service Node. The
backup directory is named xdata_y_z, where y is MX-ONE Service Node number and
z is a time stamp (date and time). A backup file for each program unit that has exchange
data is created in the backup directory. Only program units that have exchange data
have files in the backup directory. Cassandra CQL CSV files are also created in the
backup directory. The CQL CSV file contains a snapshot of the exchange data in the

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 6
Backup and Restore

system database at the time for the backup. The system database data is stored in
Cassandra Query Language Format.

The latest backup directories are stored. If more backups are made, the oldest backup
directory is deleted.

At a data restore, the newest valid backup file is used. Exchange data in the entire
system is restored from the data backup and the start phase after data restore is
executed in all program units in the system.

To succeed with a backup, all program units in the system must have status Started. A
program unit must have status Alive, Half-started, or Started to restore any data.

3.1.1 Initiate a Data Backup

Use the command data_backup to initiate a backup. The command can be executed
on any MX-ONE Service Node (not in stand-by server).

Restore from data backup is sometimes done automatically by the system.

3.1.2 Restore From a Data Backup

When there is inconsistency in the exchange data in the system it is necessary to restore
from a data backup.

Use the command data_restore to restore exchange data. The command can be
executed on any MX-ONE Service Node.

3.2 Perform Data Backup Often

The data_backup command is more light-weight, and the data_restore operation

is heavier. The more un-committed changes there are, the heavier the data_restore
operation will be.

The data in the CQL CSV files are compared to the data currently in the system
database (Cassandra). It then uses the CQL write operations to write all the changes
needed in the system database to make it match the data in the CQL CSV file. If there is
much data that needs to be changed to make the system database match the CQL CSV
file, the operation becomes very slow and heavy.

Make it a habit to always commit all configuration changes, by doing a data_backup

at once. During peak traffic, it is not recommended to do any bigger configuration
changes. At any time, when a bigger configuration changes is made (with respect to
traffic disturbance), a data_backup should be made.

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7 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
Backup and Restore

3.2.1 Reload Data and System Database Data

As exchange data configuration data is stored as a mix of reload data and system
database data, and system actions are needed to make sure they are consistent with
each other. Until these operations are completed, the system is in an inconsistent and
unstable state. The duration of this inconsistent and unstable state must be kept as short
as possible. To achieve this the differences between the current system database data
and the most recent CQL CSV file must be kept small, by doing frequent data backups.

3.2.2 Set Environment Variable

To avoid getting dangerously large differences between the system database data
and the most recent CQL CSV files, both mdsh and the new commands have logic to
check this and remind the administrator. This behavior can be configured by using the
$_MD_BACKUP_OPTION environment variable.

The environment variable $_MD_BACKUP_OPTION can be set to:

• AUTO—meaning that data_backup will be done automatically when needed for

system stability. Manual data_backup is still needed to commit changes done after the
automatic data_backup.
• WARN-AUTO—meaning that warnings will be printed when data_backup is needed
for system stability. When critically needed for system stability, an automatic
data_backup will be done. (Manual data_backup is still needed to commit changes
done after the automatic data_backup.) (WARN-AUTO is the default if $_MD_BACK-
UP_OPTION is unset.)
• WARN-BLOCK—meaning that warnings will be printed when data_backup is needed
for system stability. When data_backup is critically needed for system stability, data
changes will be blocked until a manual data_backup is done.
• UNSAFE-GDSX-MODE—get a functionality that is generally very stupid, but that
is needed for some GDS-X tests. This mode jeopardizes system stability. Never
use this mode except for some specific GDS-X tests. Never use this mode in
production systems.

3.2.3 Data Backup Alarm

The alarm code 1:37, Data backup needed, run data_backup, will be raised when the
amount of uncommitted changes (the differences between the system database data and
the most recent CQL CSV file) becomes dangerously large.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 8
Backup and Restore

3.3 Mirror Configuration to MIVOICE MX-ONE SN 1

When creating a configuration mirror, all data backups and configuration files of each
server in the MX-ONE System are stored on MX-ONE Service Node 1.

The command config_mirror creates a data storage in the directory /mxone/mirror

on MX-ONE Service Node 1. The data from MX-ONE Service Node 1 itself and all other
data needed to reconfigure the system is also stored in this directory.

It is recommended to create a safety backup when creating the configuration mirror. For
more information, see Safety Backup on page 10.

For each server in the MX-ONE System, there is a tar file on MX-ONE Server 1
containing all necessary configuration files together with data backup files.

The command config_mirror restores a configuration mirror by distributing the data

backup files and the configuration files from MX-ONE Server 1 to all servers in the MX-
ONE System (including MX-ONE Server 1 itself).

When done, the complete system can be restored by running the command

3.3.1 Create a Configuration Mirror

Use the command config_mirror to create a configuration mirror on MX-ONE Server
1. See config_mirror -help for option to do a data backup and a safety backup as part of
creating the configuration mirror. The command is executed on MX-ONE Server 1.


The command config_mirror is CPU and memory intensive and can easily lead
to too slow responses on traffic events and result in MX-ONE Service Node calls
throttled alarms. Ensure that command config_mirror is always run at low traffic

3.3.2 Restore a Configuration Mirror

When there is inconsistency in the exchange data in the system and in the data backup it
may be necessary to restore from a configuration mirror.

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9 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
Backup and Restore

Use the command config_restore to restore a configuration mirror from MX-ONE

Server 1 to all servers in the MX-ONE System. The command is executed on MX-ONE
Server 1.

See config_mirror -help for information about additional actions needed to

complete the restore of the MX-ONE system.

3.4 Safety Backup

A safety backup can be done as part of creating the configuration mirror.

If there is an inconsistency in the MX-ONE Service Node data, the safety backup can be
restored to MX-ONE Server 1. After restoring the configuration mirror to all servers, the
MX-ONE Service Node data backup can be restored.

If possible ensure that memory intensive processes, such as safety backup, are
always set to run at low traffic time.

3.4.1 Create a Safety Backup

Use the command config_mirror with option --safetybackup to create a
configuration mirror on MX-ONE Server 1 (see config_mirror --help).

3.4.2 Restore From a Safety Backup

If there is an inconsistency in the MX-ONE Service Node data (for example, mismatch
between exchange data and configuration files), or if the MX-ONE Service Node has
reported a missing or faulty exchange data file or configuration file, it is necessary to
restore from a safety backup.

It is recommended to restore all the files from the backup since only restoring a subset of
files is likely to cause inconsistency. The safety backup should match the installed MX-
ONE Service Node programs.

1. Make the safety backup to be used is available on MX-ONE Server 1.

2. See config_restore --help for procedure and actions needed to restore the
system from the safety backup.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 10
Backup and Restore

3.5 Schedule Automatic Backup

Include the backup commands (data_backup and/or config_mirror) in the table

for scheduled commands on MX-ONE Service Node 1, crontab, to activate automatic
backup of the MX-ONE system.

crontab uses the editor specified by certain environment variables. Use the command
man crontab to find out which environment variables. To check the environment
variables, use the command echo $variablename. If the editor is unfamiliar, it is
possible to change it.

For more information, such as the format of the crontab command, see the online
reference manual pages for crontab. Use the man 5 crontab command.

Use MX-ONE Service Node Administrator user (mxone_admin) when executing the
crontab command.

Activate Automatic Backup

1. Enter the command crontab -e to open an editor.

2. Add lines containing when to run scheduled commands. The first 5 fields specify when
to run the command and the remaining field what command to run (see examples
below). It is recommended to allow at least 30 minutes between the different jobs.

The fields must be separated by at least one space. Use a header line (starting with #)
to make the information easier to read.
3. Save the file and close the editor. Crontab installs the new table for scheduled

Example 1:

Make a data backup on every night at 01:30.

min hour day month weekday command

30 01 * * * /opt/eri_sn/bin/mdsh -c data_backup

Example 2:

Make a data backup on every night at 01:30 and generate an alarm if data backup fails.

min hour day month weekday command

30 01 * * * /opt/eri_sn/bin/mdsh -c data_backup ; if [ $? !=
0 ] ; then /opt/eri_sn/bin/alarm -i -C 1 -D 10000 -
-alarm-severity 3 --alarm-text "Automatic data b
ackup failed" ; fi

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11 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
Example 3:

Make a data backup on every Thursday night (4th day of week) and Sunday night (7th
day of week) at 00:45.

min hour day month weekday command

45 00 * * 4,7 /opt/eri_sn/bin/mdsh -c data_backup

Example 4:

Make a data backup every Monday (1st day of week) and Friday (5th day of week) at
22:00. Create a configuration mirror including a data backup every Friday at 23:00.

min hour day month weekday command

00 22 * * 1,5 /opt/eri_sn/bin/mdsh -c data_backup

00 23 * * 5 /opt/mxone_install/bin/config_mirror --datab

Example 5:

Make a data backup on every night at 02:00. Create a configuration mirror including a
data backup and safety backup on every Sunday night (7th day of week) at 02:30.

min hour day month weekday command

00 02 * * * /opt/eri_sn/bin/mdsh -c data_backup
30 02 * * 7 /opt/mxone_install/bin/config_mirror --datab
ackup --safetybackup

Change Scheduled Automatic Backup

1. Enter the command crontab -e to open an editor.

2. Update the lines specifying when the commands are scheduled with new time and
3. Save the file and close the editor. Crontab installs the new table for scheduled

Deactivate Automatic Backup

1. Enter the command crontab -e to open an editor.

2. Remove the lines containing scheduling of commands.
3. Save the file and close the editor. Crontab installs the new table for scheduled
System Start, Restart, and Reload 4
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Start
• Restart
• Reload
• Program Unit Status
• Program Unit Type
• Subsystem Level (TypeExt)
• Start and Restart System
• Restart Program Unit
• Reload System
• Shut Down System
• Reload Program Unit
• Shut Down System

Do not mix up the system start/restart/reload with the Linux start/restart/reload.

Start/Restart phase 1

The system (or program unit) is cleared from traffic and the system information is cleared.

Start phase 1.3

System configuration data is updated.

Start phase 1.5

System information (other than system configuration data, for example, links between
program units) are updated.

Start/restart phase 2

The system (or program unit) is prepared for traffic.

Start after data restore

The system updates data to match exchange data restored from backup (for example, an
extension that was added after the last backup occasion is removed).

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 13
System Start, Restart, and Reload

Event Start P Restart Start P Start P Start P Restart Start After

hase 1 Phase 1 hase 1.3 hase 1.5 hase 2 Phase 2 Data Re

Initial start 1-All 2-All 3-All 4-All

Data restore 1-All
Data backup
Restart program 1-PU in que 2-All 3-PU in que
unit stion stion
(Restart MX- (2-All) (3-All PU i
ONE Service (1-All PU n MX-ONE
Node) Service Nod
in MX-

Restart system 1-All 2-All 3-All

System start (a 1-All 2-All
lso called coord
ination start)
Reload prog 1 - PU in q 2-All 3-PU in que 4-All
ram unit/Pro uestion stion
gram unit termin
Recovery from 3-All 2-All PU in
Media Gateway MX-ONE
error Service

A start after data restore is preceded by restore of exchange data from backup. The
numbers (1/2/3/4) indicate the start phase sequence.

4.1 Start

A program unit must have status Halfstarted or Started to perform a start. A start does
not affect the traffic.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 14
System Start, Restart, and Reload

4.2 Restart

A program unit must have status Alive, Halfstartedor Started to perform a restart. At a
restart of one program unit, connections may be disrupted depending on the function of
the program unit.

At a system restart (restart of all program units in the system), all traffic is stopped.

4.3 Reload

The program unit is terminated. The program unit is reloaded from the hard disk and the
data for the program unit are restored from the backup. The program unit is restarted.
Restore of data in the entire system and start after data restore follows.

4.4 Program Unit Status

Status Meaning

Not loaded There is no program unit loaded in the system with prog
ram unit number or name.
Terminated on purpose The program unit was terminated due to a command in
itiated reload.
The program unit was terminated due to:

• System action, for example, a program

unit is executing a job too long and
program unit is forced to terminate.
• Program error, such as segmentation

Alive The program unit is loaded, but data have not been rest
ored and start or restart is not executed.
Half started The program unit has failed to restore data or complete
one or several start phases or both.
Started The program unit has completed all start phases and dat
a from backup was successfully restored.

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15 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
System Start, Restart, and Reload

4.5 Program Unit Type

The characteristics of the program unit is specified in a 32-bit variable, the Type variable.
Each bit indicates a certain characteristic. Every bit set indicates that the program unit
has the characteristic. Only bits described in the table below are used by the system.

Type variable (hexadecimal value) Characteristics

0x00000080 Alarm sending

0x00000100 Has cross address checking function
0x00000200 Necessary for the traffic in the system
0x00000400 Necessary supervision program unit which contains au
tomatic fault recovery measures
0x00000800 Common function
0x00001000 Device handling program unit
0x00002000 Device handling program unit dealing with auto initiated
0x00004000 Program unit requiring information whether the MX-ON
E Service Node, where the program unit is located, is is
0x00008000 Program unit capable of handling external synchroniz
0x00040000 Cannot be removed by command
0x00080000 Does not have exchange data

If the Type variable has the value 0x00000180, the program unit is alarm sending and has cross address checking

4.6 Subsystem Level (TypeExt)

The function of the program unit at subsystem level is specified in a 32-bits variable, the
TypeExt variable. The TypeExt variable consists of the sub-variables described in the
table below.

TypeExt sub-variable Bit(s) in variable Meaning

PCSUBSYST B0-B3 Indicates which subsystem the pr

ogram unit belongs to.
PCPUTYPE B4-B8 Indicates if a device or unit belongs
to a certain type. (Commonly used
to mark the presence of optional pro
grams or blocks.) The value of this
sub-variable varies for the different

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 16
System Start, Restart, and Reload

TypeExt sub-variable Bit(s) in variable Meaning

PCHANDLERINTERFACE B13 The program unit has an interface to

a handler unit.
PCDISTRIBUTIONINTERFACE B14 The program unit has an interface to
a distribution unit.
PCHWINTERFACE B15 The program unit has an interface
to hardware (that is, it is a device b
oard handling program unit).

4.7 Start and Restart System

To start the system, enter the command start and specify system.

start --system

To restart the system, enter the command restart and specify system.

restart --system

4.8 Restart Program Unit

To restart a program unit, enter the command restart and specify the program unit.

restart -u XAMPLE -l 1

restart --unit XAMPLE --Lim1

4.9 Reload System

All the program units in the system are reloaded. A valid backup must be available before
attempting to reload.

To reload the system, enter the command reload and specify system.

reload --system

4.10 Shut Down System

1. Enter the command media_gateway_start and specify shutdown to shutdown the

Media Gateway.

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17 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
2. Enter the command systemctl stop mxone_sn to shutdown the MX-ONE Service

Must be executed with root privileges.

4.11 Reload Program Unit

The program unit is terminated. The program unit is reloaded from the hard disk.
Exchange data of the program unit is restored from the backup. The program unit is
restarted. Restore of data in the entire system and start after data restore follows. A valid
backup must be available before attempting to reload.

To reload a program unit, enter the command reload and specify the program unit.

reload -unit XAMPLE

4.12 Shut Down System

1. Enter the command media_gateway_start and specify shutdown to shutdown the

Media Gateway.
2. Enter the command systemctl stop mxone_sn to shutdown the MX-ONE Service

Must be executed with root privileges.
Using the Recovery Image 5
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Create a Bootable USB Stick
• Set Hardware Clock
• Recovery Image for MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node

In case you need to reinstall your system and restore data, follow the instructions below.

The Recovery Image procedure deletes everything on the server, including existing data
backups. If you intend to reuse any files, such as configuration files and data backups that
exist on the server that you are going to do a recovery on, then you must transfer these
files and data backups to another location (for example, to a USB memory stick).

In the following instructions the phases of waiting for the system to boot and transfer files are
skipped. In some steps an estimated time is given.

5.1 Create a Bootable USB Stick

To create a bootable USB stick:

Use only well-known brands of USB sticks.

Rufus and other tools used to create bootable USB sticks will not work.

1. Make sure that the USB stick is formatted with fat32 and has no hidden partitions.
2. On a Windows PC, open the ISO image in Windows 10 or a later version, right-click
the ISO file and mount the ISO.
3. Copy the content (not the ISO image) from the RecoveryDVD to a USB stick.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 19
Using the Recovery Image

4. Install the bootloader on the USB drive, from command prompt in Windows. (Make
sure you are running the command prompt as administrator in Win 7 or later).

X:syslinux.exe --directory /boot/x86_64/loader --force --mbr --active


Replace X: with the drive letter the USB drive shows as (DO NOT USE C:). If it seems
like nothing happened, it is usually done.

It is normal for a file named ldlinux.sys to appear on the USB drive, in the /boot/
x86_64/loader directory.

The USB stick should now be bootable, depending on the USB stick model.

Check boot order setting in BIOS and make sure that HDD is before USB.To boot from
the USB, press F7 or F11 (depending on the USB model) during boot to access the
Boot Menu and select the USB.
5. A startup screen will show up. Type install to start the installation.

5.2 Set Hardware Clock

Before using the Recovery Image it is necessary to set the server hardware clock to a
relatively accurate current time.

1. Enter BIOS mode.

2. Set the current date.
3. Save and exit.

If the clock is too far off the recovery will fail.

5.3 Recovery Image for MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node

One recovery image is provided for the recovery of a MX-ONE Service Node Mitel ASU
Lite or Mitel ASU-II or Mitel ASU-III.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 20
SW RAID 1 is used if Mitel ASU-II/ASU-III have two hard disc drives. SW RAID 1 is
supported on ASU-II/ASU-III.

1. Boot the server from the USB.

2. Press F3-key to change display resolution to 800X600.
3. Select Installation from the menu. If no selection is made in the boot choice menu the
default installation type is executed automatically, for example, boot from hard disk.

The installation starts installing LINUX and the MX-ONE Service Node software during
approximately 25-30 minutes. After installation is complete the message “Please
Reboot System now” will be shown.
4. Logon as user root with password changeme, then type command reboot and press
Enter. Wait for system to reboot.
5. The server is now in the same default status as it was when delivered from the factory
6. Select Yes when the following message is displayed: Welcome to MX-ONE. You have to
configure your system before starting the MX-ONE. Do you want to configure your server
7. Continue with installation and configuration of the system, see the installation
License Handling 6
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Register and Receive a License File
• Install License File
• Print License File
• License Usage Reports
• SLS Heartbeat

The MX-ONE is currently shipped with a 20 days trial license file. This means that the
exchange can be set up fully functional during installation without any other license file.


If no commercial license file is installed within 20 days, the MX-ONE Service Node will not
function. Contact your local dealer/distributor to get access to the Mitel License Center
and register in the system to get a license file.

The MX-ONE Service Node contains a license server to prevent unauthorized use of system

Each license consists of a license tag of up to 40 characters, the product number for licenses,
the number of currently used licenses, and a maximum number of licenses. The maximum
number of licenses must not be exceeded unless the trial period is activated. The trial period
will allow an unlimited use of all licensed sales objects for a limited period.

The principle for license handling in the MX-ONE Service Node is that a unique MX-ONE
Service Node hardware ID is checked towards an encrypted license file. If the license file
does not include the correct hardware ID, it will not be possible to change customer data
controlled by licenses.

6.1 Register and Receive a License File

Do as follows:

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 22
License Handling

Contact your local dealer/distributor to get access to Aastra Connect.

1. Open Mitel Connect, https://connect.mitel.com/connect. The Mitel Connect is

2. Type your user name in the field User Name.
3. Type your password in the field Password.
4. Click Login. The welcome page is displayed.
5. Select Licenses Services.The Mitel Licenses Services page is displayed.
6. Type or Paste the voucher number you got via e-mail in the field Voucher under
Register voucher.

You can search the voucher number if you do not know the voucher ID but have
order information such as Mitel order number or partner order number.

7. Click Register voucher. The step Voucher input is displayed. Under Voucher
contents you will see all information of your voucher registration.

The progress line on the top, guides you in the registration flow, green boxes
indicate successful entering information.

You can create more than one voucher at a time.

8. Click Next. The step System data is displayed.

9. Type the license number (for MX-ONE, hwid=Hardware ID) in the field EID/Serial*,
for example hwid 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345, 29 characters.

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23 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
License Handling

For a new system you need to type a new hwid, and for an add-on you have to
type an already registered hwid.

10. Check the information under Ownership Information and Feature changes.

Figure 2: The step Feature changes

11. Click Confirm input. The step Processing message is displayed.

Figure 3: The step Confirm changes

12. Click Confirm Generate License Key. The license file generates and sends to you
through e-mail.

Figure 4: Confirmation of generated License file

For more information of how you register, search and download license files, see help
in Mitel Connect.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 24
License Handling

6.2 Install License File

1. Print the hardware ID of the MX-ONE Service Node by typing the command
license_status -s.

Format for the hardware ID is: 5 hexadecimal digits>-5 hexadecimaldigits>-5

hexadecimal digits>-5 hexadecimaldigits>-5 hexadecimal digits> (the format may
change without prior notice in future releases).

The hardware ID is the same as the “Exchange” line in the license file.

2. Order and register a license file in Aastra Connect.

3. Transfer the license file to the MX-ONE Service Node’s file system. For example, /
4. Key command sudo -H /opt/mxone_install/bin/mxone_maintenance to
start MX-ONE Maintenance Utility.
5. Select option license and select install license file:

• If the MX-ONE Service Node is running, the new license file is installed and
• If the MX-ONE Service Node is not running, start the MX-ONE Service Node with
the new license file by typing: systemctl start mxone_sn
6. Enter the command license_status to verify that the license file is activated

6.3 Print License File

Enter the command license_print -file <full path + file name> to print
the encrypted license file to view the license information.

6.4 License Usage Reports

The purpose of the feature License Usage Reports is to enable an easy way to keep
track of how licensed resources are utilized over time.

Daily peak values and snapshots of currently seized licenses are periodically taken and
archived for future use.

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25 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
License Handling

The reports are generated at 10:00, 14:00 and periodically every programmed number of
hours. The minimum interval is 1 hour, maximum 24 hours.

After midnight the previous day's peak value and reports are packed into a package
of daily reports. The reports can be automatically mailed to one or more predefined
mail addresses in intervals of 1 day or longer. The mail interval starts at the beginning
of, and ends at the end of, each month when a mail is also generated if an interval is

Reports can also be automatically erased after a programmable length of time.

Each report contains an encrypted authentication checksum to prevent manipulation.

Reports can be manually generated or erased at any time with command.

Reports are stored on the MX-ONE Service Node main server under directory /var/


There are no alarms generated if reports are not possible to archive due to disk
space shortage or other disk problems.

The command license_reportis used to manage this function, see command


The function is controlled by a license.

Set a license report mail address, with a report interval of 2 hours, and a mail interval of
14 days. If not set, a default time interval and Mitel mail address will be valid.

license_report -mail-address [email protected] -report-interval 2 -mail-

interval 14

6.4.1 Customer Group License Reports

If the function usage report is active and the system have customer group data initiated,
usage data for each such group will be generated.

Each time a license is seized the generation is done via command customer_report.
The command will generate certain predefined licenses. These licenses are feature
levels, terminals and groups. This command is not be used from command line.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 26
The peak value license usage for each group will be kept and included in the daily
package of reports.

If customer group is to be charged for license usage, an individual “finance ID” can be
assigned per customer group.

6.5 SLS Heartbeat

If the “SLS-HEARTBEAT” function is turned on, the system will send a heartbeat request
to SLS, with its own HW Identity and version. This is for statistical purposes.

At system startup, the first heartbeat request is sent, and then a request is sent every
30 days. If a request fails to get a response, another attempt is made after 1 hour. After
three consecutive failed attempts, an alarm is raised.

When the alarm state is entered, a new attempt is made every 24 hours until a response
is obtained.

The function is turned on by default at installation and can be turned on/off using the
license_sls command.
MLA or SWA Specific Licenses 7
If SWA or MLA license is present, the system functionality is licensed for a limited time. This
license will raise a warning alarm 30 days before its expiry and another alarm upon expiry.
Upon expiry of license, software upgrades or updates will be rejected.

In case of MLA license, these licenses will raise a warning alarm 30 days before its expiry
and another alarm upon expiry. Upon expiry of license, software upgrades or updates will be
rejected and even data changes that require a license get rejected.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 28
Add or Remove System Database

The system database in the MX-ONE can be expanded or reduced; for example, can
add or remove nodes. For description of the system database functions, see the SYSTEM

To add or remove a node in the system database:

1. Key command sudo -H /opt/mxone_install/bin/mxone_maintenance to start

MX-ONE Maintenance Utility.
2. Select the wanted option, for example Add Cassandra node or Remove Cassandra node,
and follow the on-screen instructions.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 29
Media Gateway Unit 9
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Setup Media Gateway Ethernet Ports
• Initiation of MGU
• Virtual Boards
• Update and Upgrade of MGU Software
• Start and Restart Media Gateway
• LED Indications in the Media Gateway
• MG Unit Resource Load Sharing Considerations

The Media Gateway Unit is a hardware based media gateway, see the MGU DESCRIPTION

9.1 Setup Media Gateway Ethernet Ports

For more information, see the installation instructions for INSTALLING AND

9.2 Initiation of MGU

See the installation instructions for INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING MIVOICE MX-ONE.

9.3 Virtual Boards

For information on virtual boards, see the parameter description for BRDID, in Technical
Reference Guide, MML parameters.

9.4 Update and Upgrade of MGU Software

The Media Gateway Unit comes fully functioning, with a bootable Linux Operating
System and with an operable version of the MGU software, which will be started at power
on. It may be necessary to upgrade the MGU to a newer version. This MGU firmware
update/upgrade has to be initiated manually.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 30
For more information, see the installation instructions for INSTALLING AND
CONFIGURING MIVOICE MX-ONE or see the installation instructions for UPGRADING AND

When the firmware has been updated or upgraded, the Media Gateway is restarted
automatically. After restart, the new firmware is installed on the Media Gateway.

9.5 Start and Restart Media Gateway

The Media Gateway Unit is automatically started and connected to the MX-ONE Service
Node once it is powered on.

9.6 LED Indications in the Media Gateway

There is a LED indication on the Media Gateway Unit’s front panel: green light indicates
OK, and red light not OK. See the MGU DESCRIPTION or MGU2 DESCRIPTION for details.

9.7 MG Unit Resource Load Sharing Considerations

See the section, Media Server resource load sharing considerations.

Media Server 10
The Media Server is automatically started and connected to the MX-ONE Service Node once
it is powered on.

Initiation of Media Server

See the installation instructions for INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING MIVOICE MX-ONE.

Update and Upgrade Software

The Media Server software is installed on the Service Node server or any server where the
MS shall run, and is automatically started at startup of the operating system. Upgrading of
the MS will be performed by upgrading or updating the MX-ONE Service Node through the
mxone_maintenance tool.

For more information, see the installation instructions for INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING
MIVOICE MX-ONE or see the installation instructions for UPGRADING AND UPDATING.

Start and Restart Media Server

The Media Server is a software based media gateway, with functionality similar to the MGU,

Media Server Resource Load Sharing Considerations

In larger systems, with several SN servers, and several Media Servers (or MGUs), there is
a load sharing and load balancing functionality, which allows seizure of media resources in
several alternative Media Servers or MGU, if the use case allows it, in up to 15 different MS
within the same LIM/SN server, and in up to 10 different overflow LIMs/SN servers.

For this functionality to be feasible, the system should have only or almost only IP end-points,
since TDM end-points could not allow selection of an alternative MS.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 32
Principles in the ASP 113 System

Load balancing (of MS or MGU resources) means the ability to spread the seizure of media
resources (RTP) on several Media Servers or MGUs in an ASP 113 system. A Service Node
in the system may reserve and use a media resource in any MS or MGU, in up to 10 overflow
LIMs/SN servers. This is referred to as “Media Gateway Load-sharing”.

The algorithm for load sharing of media gateways in ASP113 is as follows:

First a list of LIMs and Media gateways is created, based on the possible choices (including
own LIM). If overflow LIMs are programmed, only these LIMs (including own LIM) and
media gateways will be on the list. Primarily a media gateway in own LIM is selected, but if
resources are not available in own LIM’s media gateways, other LIMs can be searched for
alternative media gateways.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 33
Selection of an Alternative Media
Server or MGU

The first LIM where a media gateway, that is below overflow limit threshold is found, will be
selected. In a LIM, if more than one media gateway is below overflow limit threshold, the one
with the lowest usage will be selected.

If a media gateway is above the overflow limit threshold, it will not be selected during overflow.
It will be selected when the overflow returns to originating LIM. The overflow LIM sequence is
based on round-robin, and decided in the originating LIM. If no selectable media gateway is
found, the selection is returned to originating LIM.

If an overflow threshold is programmed and no overflow LIM is programmed, the overflow

will take place according to the list of possible LIMs without a round-robin. If a LIM has
no overflow limit, but contains a selectable media gateway, this media gateway is always

Note that in many cases we are bound by previous call processing and types of involved end-
points to select a certain gateway.

Thus, in ASP113 a general round-robin distribution is used for the selection, but combined
with a "least connection load" selection, in order to seize RTP resources in the Media Server
(or MGU) with the lowest load.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 34
Changing of Load-Sharing Load Levels 13
The load sharing function has a default configuration, which can be adjusted using the
media_gateway_load_sharing command.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 35
Inter-Media Gateway RTP
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Print RTP Resource Information

In an MX-ONE system with several Media Gateways with local MX-ONE Service Nodes, it
is necessary to set up RTP resources for inter-Media gateway communication to be able to
make calls between the Media Gateways without using IP trunks.

The rtp_resource handling commands can be used for viewing RTP resources for an

When connecting a TDM device to an IP device, the RTP resource will be booked in the same
gateway where the TDM device is situated.

When connecting two IP devices with forced gateway, or of a auxiliary device towards a IP
device, the order to try to book the RTP resources will be in the following order.

1. Media Server in the same IP domain as at least one of the IP devices

2. Any Media Server.
3. Media Gateway in the same IP domain as at least one of the IP devices.
4. Any Media Gateway.

At multiple choices the load will be distributed equally.

14.1 Print RTP Resource Information

Print RTP resource information for a MX-ONE Classic. Use the command
rtp_resource -lim 1,2 to print information for Media Gateway 1 and 2.

Print codec information for the MX-ONE Classic. Use the command rtp_resource
rtp_resource to print information for Media Gateway 1 and 2.

Print busy RTP resources for a MX-ONE Classic. Use the command rtp_resource -
lim 3 -print busy to print information for node 3.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 36
MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node User

After a first-time setup there is only one user on the MX-ONE Service Node and this user
(root) has no restrictions. The commands in the MX-ONE Service Node are divided into eight
levels, and it is recommended to analyze the need of several administrator levels on the

For more information about command levels, see the command description for COMMANDS

For more information about user accounts on the Linux server, see the operational directions

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 37
Synchronization 16
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Define Synchronization Sources
• Deactivate Synchronization Sources

The synchronization function is used to receive synchronization from an external source, give
sync to the system, display the external sources and rate the preferred source with class and

Perform a re-synchronization after the sources are defined. If no source is specified, the
Media Gateway or the MX-ONE Classic is using the internal clock.

Use the command trsp_synchronization to display external synchronization

sources, define the external synchronization sources and re-synchronization of external
synchronization sources in the Media Gateway.

Class “a” represents the highest quality on a synchronization source and class “d” the lowest
quality. Priority “1” is chosen first and “3” last. The chosen synchronization source is the
source defined with the best class. If several sources are defined with same class, priority is

16.1 Define Synchronization Sources

1. Display the external synchronization sources for media gateway 2A.

trsp_synchronization -mgw 2A
2. Rate the preferred sources with class and priority.

trsp_synchronization -bpos 2A-0-00 -class b -prio 1

3. Re-synchronize after the sources are defined.

trsp_synchronization -resync -mgw 2A

16.2 Deactivate Synchronization Sources

1. Reset not preferred synchronization sources.

-class no and -priority no. trsp_synchronization -bpos 1B-0-00 -class no -prio no

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 38
2. Re-synchronize after the sources are defined.

trsp_synchronization -resync -mgw 1B

Blocking and Deblocking 17
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Block a Device
• Deblock a Device
• List Blocked or Disturbance Marked Devices

The blocking function is used for repairing. Ongoing traffic is not terminated but no new traffic
is permitted for the devices that are blocked.

An alarm is generated when a device is blocked.

The deblocking function is used to cancel (erase) manual blockings and all types of system
generated blockings or fault markings.

17.1 Block a Device

To block a device, use the command blocking.

blocking -i --board-position 1A-2-20

17.2 Deblock a Device

To deblock a device, use the command blocking (-e).

blocking -e --board-position 1A-2-20

17.3 List Blocked or Disturbance Marked Devices

To list blocked and disturbance marked devices, use the command blocking.

blocking -p

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 40
Alarm Handling and SNMP 18
For more information, see the operational directions for ALARM HANDLING and see the

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 41
Server Hardening 19
The MX-ONE has been endowed with a set of configurations aiming to increase the system’s
security, reliability and resiliency to a number of malicious attacks.


IPTables is a packet filter built into the Linux kernel. The filter has been configured to prevent
that certain services running on the server for the MX-ONE Service Node, necessary for the
server’s correct functioning, can be reached from the corporate network (eth0). The following
services have been blocked for incoming connections on eth0:

Additionally, ICMP echo reply messages (ping) are limited to one response per second.

To display the actual IPTables configuration, type iptables -L

To remove a rule, for instance the one blocking the daytime protocol on eth0, type iptables -D
INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp -dport daytime -REJECT

For more information about how to configure IPTables, refer to the IPTables manual pages,
type man iptables.

• vat
• postgresql
• clvm-cfg
• kerberos
• nfs
• sunrpc
• rmiregistry
• daytime
• tftp

SSH Configuration

The MX-ONE is configured to not accept any SSH connection logging in as root. In case
root privileges are required, it is necessary to log on as another user and then to use the
command su -

The SSH configuration is saved in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 42

Seccheck is a security tool used by the Suse Linux Enterprise Server Operating System.
Seccheck comprises three scripts that are run respectively each day, each week and each
month (as cron jobs). In case something is detected that might indicate a security breach, a
mail is sent to the root user with a description of the problem.

The seccheck scripts are stored in the /usr/lib/secchk directory.

The seccheck script can also be run manually by typing:

• /usr/lib/secchk/security-daily.shor
• /usr/lib/secchk/security-weekly.shor
• /usr/lib/secchk/security-mothly.sh

The weekly and monthly seccheck scripts are very CPU and memory intensive and can
easily lead to too slow responses on traffic events and result in MX-ONE Service Node
calls throttled alarms. If possible ensure that these checks are always run at low traffic
times. Check the settings in /etc/cron.d/seccheck on when the checks are executed.
For operations where degrading of the telephony throughput is not acceptable or for other
reasons the checks can be removed.

To remove the security check do the following:

Log-in as user mxone_admin, and key the command sudo -H /opt/mxone_install/

bin/mxone_maintenance and select option seccheck and follow the instructions on
Fault Location 20
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Trace Types
• Perform a Trace

For more information regarding fault location, see the fault locating instructions for MIVOICE

Trace Functionality

The Trace functions in the MX-ONE Service Node is an integrated part of the system. The
function consist of the following parts.

• Commands to administer the function – trace

• Program unit running on the processor – LOGGER
• Components integrated into the signaling mechanisms
• Code components specified in design rules
• Code provided from the designer

The Trace functions make it possible for the administrator to analyze the system performance
and trace error conditions. The Trace functions can be used when integrating the system to
verify the intended functions or to find problems in a system with traffic.

20.1 Trace Types

The MX-ONE handles basically the following types of trace data:

• Trace error log This log is dedicated to trace individual 0. This trace individual is
always active and will record any abnormality detected in the MX-ONE. The log is
cyclic, that is, overwrites the oldest entries when the log becomes full, filters which
signals to store (is set), and it is possible to alter the size of the storage (1 up to 5000
entries, default is 500). The error trace cannot be removed or stopped.
• Unit trace Can be initiated on the MX-ONE program units in one or all MX-ONE
Service Nodes.

Exception: LLP and dynamically loaded commands or daemons (

for example, board_sw and snmpd). Unit trace is set up
by command and has no restrictions on options like filter

• Sequence trace Sequence trace can be initiated in several ways depending on what
is known of the function that is to be analyzed. It is possible to start on a specific

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 44
Fault Location

signal, with or without specific data and to start on a known directory number, or a
known EQU position.

Exception: The directory number must be associated to a terminal,

that is, not a group number. EQU positions must be an
interface, for example, trunk line interface, extension lin
e interface or operator line interface, not auxiliary device

Sequence trace is set up by command and has no restrictions on options like filter etc.

• Hardware trace Hardware trace is performed by copying all signals to or from

hardware positions. The trace is started on a complete 32 group in the addressing
range. It is possible to exclude individual in the 32 group from the trace by setting
a mask. Each signal sent in the HW interface will be recorded twice, once in signal
format and once in raw format. This is done to help the debugging of signaling to and
from a new interface board. (Filtering can be used to omit the unwanted copy.)

Hardware trace is set up by command and has no restrictions on options like filter etc.

20.2 Perform a Trace


1. Enter the command trace -display to check if there are free trace individuals.
2. Initiate the trace by using one of the commands below:

• Trace started on a specific program unit. trace -lim -unit

• Trace started on a specific signal number. trace -lim -unit -signo [-byte]
• Trace started on a specific signal name. trace -lim -unit -signam [-byte]
• Trace started on a directory number. trace -dir
• Trace started in a equipment position. trace -equ
• Trace started on a backplane 32 group. trace -hwpos [-mask]
• Trace started on the switch specific functions (Media Gateway internal functions).
trace -hwpos -switch [-mask]


It is possible to modify the behavior of the trace individual.

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45 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
Fault Location

The change command can be used any number of times as long as the trace has not

The following can be changed:

• The trace individual

• The trace individual can stop when maximum copies are received or overwrite the
• The size of the trace buffer
• The signals to include or omit in the trace
• The kind of text trace copies to include in the trace
• A stop signal that will stop the trace if included in the trace
• Stop conditions if an error signal is received
• An information text to the trace individual (reminder or message to other users)

Several trace individuals can use the same stop condition.

Start Trace

Enter the command trace -start to start the trace or traces.

Several traces can be started with the same command.

Stop Trace

Enter the command trace -stop to stop the traces.

Several traces can be stopped with the same command.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 46
Fault Location

Display Trace Status

You can check the status of the traces at any time. Status information can be printed
without stating a trace individual. This will give a print of all 16 trace individuals statuses.
If only one trace individual is given, only that trace individual will be printed.

If there is no LIM parameter, all buffer counters of the MX-ONE Service Nodes are
added and printed. If there is a LIM parameter, the counter from that MX-ONE Service
Node is printed. Depending on what type of trace that is initiated, different layouts
will be used. All parameters entered are presented. Some additional information like
pointers and program units, where a directory number resides, are also printed to help
the administrator to identify the right data in the trace printout.

Related command and parameters are. trace -display [-lim]

Print Trace Result

When a trace is stopped it is possible to print the trace result. In a multi Server system,
the trace copies will be printed in chronological order. It is possible to print from a
specific MX-ONE Service Node with the LIM parameter. It is also possible to print copies
containing a certain signal number, or to print a range of copies. To change the printout
format a show parameter can be given to omit the parts of the signal that are regarded as
irrelevant in the printout format.

Related command and parameters are: trace -print [-lim] [-from] [-to] [-signo] [-show]

The trace information and status are always printed in the header before the actual
trace information, so that the trace setup can be examined when analyzing the result.

Clear the Trace Buffer

Enter the command trace -clear to clear the content of the trace buffer.

Several traces can be cleared with the same command.

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47 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
Remove a Trace Individual

If a trace individual is not needed any more, free the trace individual by removing the
trace configuration and placing the trace individual in idle state. The related command
and parameter is: trace -remove
Swap and Repair 21

For replacement of the server, see the operational directions for REPLACING
MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE or see the operational directions for REPLACING BOARDS IN
MIVOICE MX-ONE MEDIA GATEWAYS section Replacing Mitel ASU Lite or Mitel ASU-II or Mitel

Media Gateway

For replacement of the Media Gateway, see the operational directions for REPLACING

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 49
MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node File
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Installation and Upgrading Configuration Files
• Active Configuration Files
• Reload Data and System Backup Files
• Transfer of PCRegen Files for Restoring Data


MX-ONE Service Node follows the typical structure of a Linux directory tree:

Table 1: Application executable files, static configuration files and configuration file

/opt/eri_sn/bin /opt/eri_sn/etc /opt/eri_sn/install /opt/eri_sn/lib /opt/eri_sn/sbin /opt/eri_sn/upgrade

Table 2: Install packages, scripts, and utilities

/opt/mxone_install/bin /opt/mxone_install/install_sw /opt/mxone_install/target

Table 3: Active configuration files


Table 4: Configuration files for the system database

/usr/share/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml /usr/share/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh /usr/share/cassandra/conf/cassa

ndra-rackdc.properties /usr/share/cassandra/conf/cassandra-topology.properties /usr/share/cassandra/conf/vm.options

Table 5: Install configuration file


Table 6: Reload data and system backup files

/var/opt/eri_sn/call_logging /var/opt/eri_sn/traffic_recording /var/opt/eri_sn/usage_reports /var/opt/eri_sn/xdata

Table 7: System database data and log files

/var/opt/cassandra/data /var/opt/cassandra/commit

Table 8: Miscellaneous log files


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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 50
MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node File Structure

Table 9: Configuration files saved at uninstall


The directory /opt/eri_sn and the sub directories are write protected. The directories /
etc/opt/eri_sn and /var/opt/eri_sn are write enabled.

Configuration Files Templates

The following configuration files are located in the directory /opt/eri_sn/etc:

• alarm_severity.conf
• alarm_text.conf
• awdb.conf
• board_characteristics.conf
• market.conf
• start_order.conf
• sudaem.conf
• swdb.conf

22.1 Installation and Upgrading Configuration Files

The following files are located in the directory /etc/opt/mxone_install:

• /etc/opt/mxone_install/serverData.confcontains configuration data for

servers that is needed by the installation and upgrade. It is changed indirectly by the
mxone_maintenance functions.
• /etc/opt/mxone_install/config_mirror.conf

This serverData file should not be updated manually.

22.2 Active Configuration Files

The following files are located in the directory /etc/opt/eri_sn:

• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/mitelSIPphones/
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/<version>/sip_user_agents/
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/certs/

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51 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
MiVoice MX-ONE Service Node File Structure

• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/cqlLogin.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/dls.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/ip_telephony.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/lic.dat
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/lic_feature_based.dat
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/lic_traditional.dat
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/llsp_unit.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/mdsh.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/mdsh.rc
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/omCqlLogin.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/safety_backup.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/sip_trunk_profiles/
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/sip_user_agents/
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/snmp/
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/status.conf
• /etc/opt/eri_sn/version>/tls_telephony.conf

<version> is the version of MX-ONE Service Node.

22.3 Reload Data and System Backup Files

The following files and directories are located in the directory /var/opt/eri_sn/

• var/opt/eri_sn/version>/xdata/xdata_z_yyyymmddhhmmss/

Backup directory where yyyy = year, mm = month, dd = day, hh = hour, mm = minute and
ss = second when backup was executed. z is the MX-ONE Service Node number.

version> is the version of MX-ONE Service Node.

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 52
22.4 Transfer of PCRegen Files for Restoring Data

To get correct Restore Data, copy the files using text mode for transfer. Do not ZIP the
Print files.
Hard Disk Maintenance 23
The service node software takes a bit more than 1 GB disk space. When the service node
is to be upgraded disk space is needed for the current software, which might need to be
restored in a roll back procedure. Disk space is also needed for the new software and during
the upgrade procedure disk space is needed for temporary files.

In all 5 GB of free disk space must be available on the root partition in each MX-ONE
Service Node before a new version of the service node can be installed. When more disk
memory is needed manually remove possible core dump files and unused service node

To remove unused files or packages use the maintenance script:

1. Package handling
2. Remove

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 54
Active Directory Based Authentication
for MX-ONE
This chapter contains the following sections:
• General
• Prerequisites

24.1 General

This chapter describes the login authentication procedure by which the users can
be authenticated via the corporate Active Directory (AD) system. This procedure is
applicable only to users defined in the AD domain.

Local MX-ONE admin users accounts (for example, root, mxone_admin, or mxone_user)
is not affected by AD authentication.

The AD authentication is joining all existing servers in an MX-ONE system to the AD

domain. Thus, makes it possible to log on to any server in the MX-ONE system with
same AD-credentials.

To configure AD authentication, it should be run from mxone_maintenance utility.

To check, add or remove AD authentication:

Run command sudo -H /opt/mxone_install/bin/mxone_maintenance to start

MX-ONE Maintenance Utility and then select more_configuration> ad_settings.

24.2 Prerequisites

WINDOWS AD Information

The user must have the following information:

• Domain Name
• AD Computer Server Name (Optional)
• AD Administrator User Account
• AD Administrator Password

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 55

The usage of Windows Server Name is dependent on the corporate DNS setup and
is outside the scope of this document.


A working DNS is vital for a Windows domain.

Configure the client machine to use a DNS server that can forward DNS requests to
the Active Directory DNS server. Alternatively, configure the machine to use the Active
Directory DNS server as the name service data source.


Similarly to DNS, a correct NTP configuration is very important in a Windows domain.

To succeed with Kerberos authentication, the client must have its time set accurately. It
is highly recommended to use a central NTP time server for this purpose (this can also
be the NTP server running on your AD domain controller). If the clock skew between your
Linux host and the domain controller exceeds a certain limit, Kerberos authentication


Make sure either any firewalls is disabled or make sure that following ports are open
between the MX-ONE servers and the corporate DNS server and domain controller:

• Port 88 (KRB5)
• Port 389 (LDAP)
• Port 53 (DNS)
• port 445 (SMB2)

Active Directory Account

It is not possible log in to an Active Directory domain unless the Active Directory
administrator has provided you with a valid user account for that domain. Use the AD
username and password to log in to the Active Directory domain from your Linux client.
AD Configuration 25
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Groups in Active Directory
• Users in Active Directory

25.1 Groups in Active Directory

To reflect the local Linux groups defined for MX-ONE, the following groups must be
defined in the AD.

Each group has the attributes listed in the following tables.


The field Unix Attributes tab is deprecated from Windows Server 2016 and
onwards. On Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 and 2012 R2, the Unix Attributes tab
might be missing if Identity Management for UNIX Components is not installed. On
those servers, the Active Directory Attribute can also be modified in Attribute Editor
tab, which will be visible if Advanced Features option is selected in View menu.

The following figures show the modification that can be made as per above mentioned

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 57
AD Configuration

Table 10: Attribute for 'eri_sn_g'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1000

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 58
AD Configuration

Table 11: Attribute for 'mxone_cmd_g'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1012

Table 12: Attribute for 'mxone_g'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1013

Table 13: Attribute for 'mxone_db_g'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1015

Table 14: Attribute for 'mxone_ms_g'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1016

Table 15: Attribute for 'mxone_om_g'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1014

Table 16: Attribute for 'sby_server_g'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1011

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59 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
AD Configuration

Table 17: Attribute for 'Snlev0'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1003

Table 18: Attribute for 'Snlev1'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1004

Table 19: Attribute for 'Snlev2'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1005

Table 20: Attribute for 'Snlev3'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1006

Table 21: Attribute for 'Snlev4'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1007

Table 22: Attribute for 'Snlev5'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1008

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 60
AD Configuration

Table 23: Attribute for 'Snlev6'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1009

Table 24: Attribute for 'Snlev7'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1010

Table 25: Attribute for 'named'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 44

Table 26: Attribute for 'dialout'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 16

Table 27: Attribute for 'lock'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 54

Table 28: Attribute for 'systemd-journal'

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 493

25.2 Users in Active Directory

Two different type of users can be defined for an MX-ONE type account.

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61 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
AD Configuration

MXONE_Admin Account

The mxone_admin type of account is used when installing and upgrading MX-ONE.


This type of account always has the highest authority level, that is, authority level is
according to 'snlev7'.


The field Unix Attributes tab is deprecated from Windows Server 2016 and

Table 29: Attribute for 'mxone_admin’ type of account

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

UID uidNumber 1100 < UID > 20000
Logon Shell loginShell /opt/eri_sn/bin/mdsh (for server with
Service Node installed)

/bin/bash (for standalone

server (server without
Service Node installed)
like Provisioning Manager,
Media Server, Cassandra

Home Directory unixHomeDirectory /home//<domain name>/<user_n

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1000 (GID for eri_sn_g)

To create an account such as the mxone_admin type of account in AD, the user must be
a member of the following groups.

• eri_sn_g (set as primary group)

• named

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Administrator Guide - Operational Directions 62
AD Configuration

• systemd-journal
• sby_server_g
• mxone_cmd_g
• mxone_g
• mxone_om_g
• mxone_db_g
• mxone_ms_g
• snlev7


It is important to set the 'eri_sn_g' group as primary group for an mxone_admin type
of account.

MXONE_User Account

The mxone_user account is used for normal day-to-day usage by administrative


Authority levels for MX-ONE are set using the snlev setting (snlev0-snlev7, where snlev7
has the highest, for a detailed description of authority levels. For more information
on Authority Levels, see the MiVoice MX-ONE Commands in MX-ONE Service Node
Command Description document.

Table 30: Attribute for 'mxone_user’ type of account

Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value


NIS Domain msSFU30NisDomain <domain name>

UID uidNumber 1100 < UID > 20000
Logon Shell loginShell /opt/eri_sn/bin/mdsh (for server with
Service Node installed)

/bin/bash (for standalone

server (server without
Service Node installed)
like Provisioning Manager,
Media Server, Cassandra

Home Directory unixHomeDirectory /home//<domain name>/<user_n


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63 Administrator Guide - Operational Directions
Field on the Unix Attributes Active Directory Attribute Example Value

GID (Group ID) gidNumber 1012 (GID for mxone_cmd_g)

To create an account such as the mxone_user type of account in AD, the user must be a
member of the following groups.

• mxone_cmd_g (set as primary group)

• mxone_g
• snlev0-snlev7 (depending on the role)


It is important to set the 'mxone_cmd_g' group as primary group for an mxone_user

type of account.
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