01 - 05 - Referat General - Uzura Dentara2017

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Referat general J.M.B. nr.

2 - 2017



Anca-Stefania Mesaros1, Meda Romana Simu1, Cristina Borzan2, Bastien Taddei1
Facultatea de Medicină Dentară, UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj Napoca
Facultatea de Medicină, UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj Napoca
Autor corespondent: Meda Romana Simu, e-mail [email protected]

Dental wear is clinically defined as the progressive and irreversible loss of hard dental tissue caused
by various mechanisms that do not involve plaque bacteria. The evolutions of lifestyles and diet, as well as
the appearance of other pathologies have favored the development of new losses of dental tissues, associated
with dental wear which includes abrasion, erosion and attrition. The objective of this work was to determine
the therapeutic management of dental wear and especially erosion by an extensive review of literature. The
successful treatment of dental wear requires early diagnosis, profound patient sensitization and an
individualized protocol. These three points are essential in order to prevent the progression of the lesions and
to limit at best their severity. Finally, school dental prevention programs should include the concept of dental
erosion so that children learn the dangers quickly and adopt good eating and oral hygiene habits at an early
Key-words: dental wear by erosion, management, literature review.

Dental wear is a physiological or mechanisms that are attrition, abrasion, erosion

pathological process. Physiological wear, which and abfraction. However, this ancient
has existed since the beginning of humanity and terminology (John Hunter 1778) does not fully
in all civilizations, was results from the use and reflect the reality and variability of the physical
friction of dental surfaces against each other, or chemical mechanisms involved. [50]
during the functional demands of everyday life. Historically, the terms "odontolysis" and
[9, 14, 53] The maintenance of the teeth on the "mylolysis" have been used to describe losses of
arch and the extension of the lifespan logically dental substances of non-carious origin, located
explain the wear problems encountered in the respectively on the incisal and cusp edges and in
elderly. These losses are due to chewing and the vestibular cervical zone [2, 7, 43, 39].
tooth contact with food whose pH may be acidic These "non-carious cervical lesions" are
[17]. recognized as chronic lesions, most often
The pathological wear is found in people multifactorial, but this notion remains vague.
of all ages, with characteristics: pain (hyper- Indeed, other non-carious lesions can affect
sensitivity), faster than normal progression, dental crowns such as fractures or external
uncorrelated with aging, functional changes cervical resorptions.
(loss of DVO, TMJ disorders), aesthetics Thus, the terminology that seems most
(change of shape, hue), and can be associated appropriate to employ is that of dental wear
with eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia) and injuries, which correctly refers to degradation
parafunctions (bruxism) [8, 43, 47, 50]. processes by triboerosion and abrasion. [9]
The limit between physiological and Tribology is the science of friction, wear and
pathological wear is difficult to define. lubrication. It studies the frictions applied to the
According to Smith and Knight (1984), wear is teeth and classifies them according to the
pathological when the loss of hard dental tissue mechanisms involved [44, 46, 48].
compromises or compromises function and The etiology of the lesions of dental wear
aesthetics, considering life expectancy and rate is particularly important to control their activity,
of wear degradation [1, 4, 9, 16, 22, 29, 37]. their evolution, to prevent their recurrence, to
Dental wear is a generic term commonly evaluate their prognosis and to guide the plan of
used in dentistry to describe the different treatment [7, 11, 12, 41, 42].
Referat general J.M.B. nr. 2 - 2017

The reason for consulting the patient and the adolescents and adults about erosion. Its main
discovery of dental wear injuries can be varied: objective is to determine the choice of treatment
 the patient may present because of dentinal according to the grade of severity of erosion; its
hyperesthesia: the pain caused by thermal, secondary objective is to identify all factors
electrical, chemical and mechanical agents is related to erosion.
acute. Very often it appears between 25 and
30 years, and hygiene is usually excellent. Material and Methods
 it may come from embarrassment of the An electronic search was conducted on
unsightly appearance of his teeth, aesthetics Pubmed using the keywords:
is usually the first reason for consultation Erosion, Erosive, Teenager, Child,
[13, 34, 37, 38, 39] Children, Adult, Treatment
 the discovery of wear injuries takes place These terms were used separately and
during a simple periodic check [17, 19, 26, cross-referenced to identify the items to be
29, 34]. analyzed after inclusion. Included were studies
 the anamnesis must evaluate the risks and related to the therapeutic management of
identify the etiological elements in order to erosion meeting the objectives described above.
intercept the pathological process [7, 10]. It Only publications in French or English have
should highlight individual risk factors to been selected.
identify patients exposed to erosive and / or Were excluded systematic reviews, in-
abrasive lesions [1, 14, 46]. vitro studies, recommendations, comparative
The first step involves a complete clinical studies, studies targeting only the prevalence of
evaluation to determine the incidence and erosion on temporary and permanent teeth.
severity of the lesions, their origin and any other Electronic research of erosion treatment in
abnormality or functional, biological or children, adolescents and adults has identified
aesthetic pathology. The clinical examination 838 references in dental journals. For reasons of
consists of several stages: comparability of the results, only full-text articles
1. the study of the form and degree of severity and abstracts of articles published from 2012
of lesions observed in the mouth, were analyzed, meaning a total of 157 articles.
2. the study of their location and their extent, Refining the selected articles lead to an
3. detection of early wear injuries, evaluation of inclusion of only 32 articles in the end of our
aesthetic and functional repercussions [16]. selection following a certain protocol and due to
The treatment plan is adapted to each various reasons explained in table 1.
situation. Indeed, a patient unable to control the
etiological factors (GERD, anorexia-bulimia,
addiction to sodas, stress, pipe smoker...) will
not be treated the same as the patient with the
same loss of dental tissue, but with complete
disappearance of risk and etiological factors. To
achieve a relevant and patient-specific mana-
gement, the diagnostic procedure must be
comprehensive and will make it possible to
establish a prognosis according to the character,
rather benign or rather severe, of the degree of
destruction achieved. The degree of severity of
the lesions will allow the therapeutic decision-
making, the choice of preventive measures, the
modes of restoration and oral rehabilitation.

The purpose of this review is to identify
all descriptive studies conducted in children, Fig 1- Algorithm of article processing

Referat general J.M.B. nr. 2 - 2017

Studies on erosion of bone tissue or TMJ 15

Soft tissue studies 6 Extrinsic risk factors
Studies on dental erosion-In-Vitro Study 8 They are represented first by the chemical
Diagnostic studies 7 factors which by the erosive potential of acidic
Narrative Literature –Studies 10 foods and beverages attack the dental structures.
Comparative studies 10 Among them we find citrus, soft drinks and / or
Studies not written in French or in English 2 acids, sports drinks, sweets and various drugs.
Recommendations 5 The authors recalled that their erosive potential
Studies related to dental erosion 11 is not exclusively related to the pH value. It is
associated with a pathology also strongly influenced by the mineral content,
Cohort study 4 the titratable acidity (measure the amount of
Studies case-control 3 base needed to neutralize it) and the chelating
Studies prevalence only 4 properties of the calcium component of the food
Studies related to oral health status more 6 or drink. Other studies have supplemented
targeted to carious lesions extrinsic factors with: exposure to chlorinated
Evaluation of practitioners' knowledge of 4 water in swimming pools, professional
erosion environment with exposure to corrosive
Studies relating to the role of saliva 3 products (acid fumes, aerosols).
Studies relating to the role of oral hygiene 2 Then, the behavioral food factors that
Studies relating to the role of eating habits 5 concern, in addition to the frequency of
Studies related to the food role themselves 3 consumption, the way in which food acids are
Study in swimmers 1 introduced into the mouth - by swallowing,
Studies relating to general diseases with 15 sipping, or using a straw - determines the
oral manifestations contact time of the tooth surfaces with the
Quality of life-erosion 1 erosive agent. Frequency and duration of
Total 125 exposure are essential elements in addition to
Table 1- Reasons for removing articles from the the composition of beverages.
study Another behavioral factor highlighted
would influence the development of wear
Results and discussions injury: the sedentary lifestyle of adolescents
The analysis of these 32 articles made it who spend a lot of time in front of the
possible to highlight the risk factors, the television/ computer, and who do not exercise
different means of prevention and the solutions sports activities.
of treatment of dental wear by erosion. Acidic drugs are represented by acetyl-
Risk factors have been highlighted in 13 salicylic acid, vitamin C. Ingesting the follo-
articles, whether intrinsic or extrinsic / behavioral. wing drugs reduces salivary secretion, promo-
The secondary prevention means were ting erosion: psychotropic drugs, anticholi-
analyzed in 15 articles, including the use of rinse nergics, antihistamines, antiemetic, medication
solution and fluorinated gel), chewing gum contai- for Parkinson's and drug abuse.
ning CPP-ACP, fluorinated toothpaste and laser.
Finally, direct or indirect prosthetic Intrinsic risk factors
solutions were discussed in 4 articles. Intrinsic factors are repeated vomiting of
As mentioned above, knowledge of multiple causes. These may be the consequence
etyopathogenic factors and the identification of of psychological disorders, in anorexia and
risk factors lead to proposing preventive, pro- bulimia, for example. Other times, this is
phylactic and therapeutic approaches to the gastroesophageal reflux because of an abnormal
patient. gastrointestinal tract, especially during
pregnancy, malabsorption syndrome or in the
Risk factors of erosion chronic alcoholism. The hydrochloric acid
Extrinsic risk factors are distinguished produced by the parietal cells of the stomach
from intrinsic ones. thus reaches the mouth. Unlike food acids,
gastric juice has a lower pH and higher
Referat general J.M.B. nr. 2 - 2017

titrability resulting in generally more severe explain to the patient that he must drink
destruction of dental tissue. Xerostomia is also acidic, carbonated beverages quickly, that
an intrinsic risk factor, favoring the installation following an acid consumption it is better to
of erosion. rinse the mouth with water or a solution
With respect to biological factors, dental with low concentration of fluoride, and after
tissue quality, saliva properties, tooth position, an acid attack, he can consume a chewing
and soft tissue anatomy could affect the gum without sugar to stimulate salivary
development of dental erosion. Serious erosive secretion. Hyposialy that promotes erosion
lesions not only affect the surface of the enamel, should be kept to a minimum. Patients are
but may also lead to exposure of coronal or root also advised to drink the acidic drink during
dentin and, therefore, painful hypersensitivity to a meal, which is less aggressive than when it
hot / cold / sweet / touch. is swallowed over a long period of time. In
In addition, erosive tooth wear is not only general, salivary secretion is stimulated
found in permanent teeth, but is more and more during meals and the buffering capacity of
common in the temporary dentition. The palatal the oral medium is increased.
surfaces of the upper incisors and the lingual
surfaces of the mandibular molars (temporary or Non-invasive erosion therapy
permanent) appeared to be more frequently Remineralization strategies are non-
affected. In the study by Uhlen et al (2014) [48], invasive treatments for dental erosion and have
the authors demonstrated that at the level of the been used for many years. Fluoride has been
lower first molars the erosion lesions reached considered an effective agent for reducing
the dentin, whereas on the maxillary central demineralization and dentin hypersensitivity.
incisors they were limited to enamel. Fluoride favored remineralization and, since the
critical pH of fluoroapatite was 4.5, it conferred
Prophylaxis and prevention greater resistance to demineralization. In the
The authors complement each other on the articles studied, we found fluoride in various
fact that prevention is the starting point of wear forms and with various uses. We have
therapy. distinguished the professional products,
According to several authors, three checks products usable at home.
must be made: In the office, we found fluoride in the
1. The control of oral hygiene: avoiding form of gels and varnishes. Concerning the
horizontal brushing and brushing post- fluorinated gels, the authors agreed to use gels
consumption acid (it is recommended based on calcium silicate and fluorine phosphate
brushing 30minutes after the ingestion of an (1450ppmF). In the study by Conceição et al
acidic drink), recommend the use of a brush (2015), a gel containing 1% NaF and 9%
to soft tooth or electric brush and low sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP) had a high
abrasive toothpaste, provide fluoridated anti-erosive potential, a safer alternative to a
toothpastes with more or less desensitizing conventional 2% NaF gel.
agents, insist on the brushing technique most In the study by Moretto et al (2013), the
suited to the patient, as well as the frequency authors demonstrated that the action of a
and duration, offer regular applications of fluorinated varnish was potentiated by the use of
fluoride at high concentrations for a few sodium trimetaphosphate (TMP) on enamel
minutes to fight against hypersensitivity, wear.
and avoid bleaching products that increase Several authors have tested the laser
the risk of erosion. effects on eroded teeth. The studies of Jordão et
2. Control of eating habits and acid al (2016) and Lepri et al (2015) complement
consumption: reduce the consumption of each other on the fact that CO2 laser irradiation
acidic foods (liquids and / or solids) if did not improve the ability of fluoride varnish to
possible and limit them to a reduced number reduce wear enamel. While the study by
of main meals. Alencar Nemezio et al (2015) shows that the
3. The control of the duration of action of the Ed: YAG laser potentiates the action of fluoride
erosive mechanism. It is necessary to varnish by controlling the permeability of
Referat general J.M.B. nr. 2 - 2017

eroded dentin. However, because of the limited On the other hand, saliva appears to play
data available so far, the final conclusions about an important role in minimizing the wear of
the effectiveness of the laser application on enamel and dentin in erosive / abrasive attacks
dental erosion cannot yet be drawn. Further due to its buffering and demineralization
studies are needed to clarify this topic. capabilities as well as the ability to train a
At home, use of a non-abrasive fluoride protective film layer on the hard dental tissues.
toothpaste and mouthwash is recommended. For In patients with xerostomia or hyposialia,
toothpastes, its abrasiveness is determined by reduced salivary flow is associated with low
the size and amount of abrasive particles, pH, salivary pH and decreased buffering capacity.
buffer capacity and fluoride concentration. The Low salivary flow and low buffering capacity
Creeth et al (2015) study shows that fluorine have been shown to be strongly associated with
concentrations of 1150ppm are sufficient to dental erosion. Prestes et al (2013) and De
increase enamel resistance to acid and that there Alencar and (2014) showed that saliva
is no significant difference between toothpastes stimulated by the use of sugar-free chewing
of 1150 and 1426ppmF. Overall, the gum with CPP-ACP (casein phosphate -
effectiveness of fluoride toothpaste does not amorphous calcium phosphate) would promote
increase with the concentration of fluoride in action of demineralization in erosive
toothpastes containing more than 1000 ppmF. phenomena, especially on initial lesions.
Thus, fluoridated toothpastes can not only In addition, saliva is responsible for the
reduce erosive demineralization, but also reduce formation of the acquired film, which is a
the abrasion of eroded tissues. physical barrier that protects the tooth against
Studies by Hall et al (2017) and Sullivan erosive attacks. It is composed of a layer of
et al (2014) have studied the effects of anti- protein formed on the surface of the tooth,
hypersensitivity toothpaste composed of 8% acting as a diffusion barrier or permeability
arginine and calcium carbonate. According to membrane. This selective barrier prevents direct
Hall et al (2017), toothpaste has provided contact between acids and the surface of the
similar benefits to the daily use of 5% calcium tooth, thereby reducing the dissolution of
phosphosilicate toothpaste. And according to hydroxyapatite. The protection of the tooth
Sullivan et al (2014), toothpaste with 8% surface by the acquired film is well established
arginine, calcium carbonate (Pro-Argin in the literature and has been demonstrated by
Technology) and fluoride at 1450ppm, as several studies. For example, Delecrode et al
sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP), has (2015) suggested the use of dental products with
improved teeth protection from erosive proteins extracted from acid-resistant acquired
challenges compared to the silica-based control film to prevent carious and erosive lesions. It
dentifrice and contained 1450ppm fluoride as can also be concluded that since tooth brushing
MFP. The few studies we have do not allow can partially eliminate the salivary film, patients
conclusions to be drawn. at risk of tooth erosion should reduce the
To maximize the potential for frequency of tooth brushing and use a low
remineralization and minimize the risk of abrasively toothpaste to avoid damaging the
demineralization, the authors recommended teeth. Acquired film (RDA = Relative Dentine
daily use of a neutral mouthwash containing Abrasion <40).
0.05% fluoride and a 1.1% fluoride toothpaste.
Other authors recommend the combination of Therapeutic strategies of dental erosion
calcium lactate pre-rinsing followed by sodium The clinical situations can be very
fluoride rinsing to reduce the erosive process different and the age of the patients must be
and increase the protection of sodium fluoride taken into consideration. Management differs
against erosive wear. In the study by Stenhagen depending on the severity of the lesions, starting
et al (2013), the authors recommend the use of with fluorizations to a complex prosthetic
daily rinsing with solutions of stannous treatment plan. Given the various possibilities
tetrafluoride or titanium because the protective offered by biomimetic materials and techniques
effect of these products would be promising on for the restoration of eroded teeth, and in
the wear of the erosive / abrasive enamel. keeping with the current trend which favors the
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least invasive approach to dentistry using 3) Dahl's approach

adhesive materials, it is If possible, preserve the In the study by Milosevic and Burnside
natural structure of the tooth. Therapeutic (2016), the authors followed over 8 years the
measures must therefore adapt the restoration to survival of hybrid composite direct restorations
the tooth and not the opposite. on maxillary frontal teeth in patients with severe
In our studies, we distinguished direct attrition and erosion. They concluded that this
technique restorations from indirect techniques material was appropriate for this type of wear
but that it should be associated with posterior
Restorations in direct, semi-direct occlusal support to optimize restorative
technique survival. They used the Dahl approach which is
1) Lesions in cups at the end of the cusps to create an interocclusal space to restore
and minor abnormalities of the contour can be anterior teeth that have lost their substance,
corrected with adhesive resins directly after causing posterior teeth to emerge and anterior
surface preparation. The choice of color must be teeth to intrude. The procedure can be done in
made before preparation, as well as the one or two steps. In one stage, definitive
determination of the shape of the restoration. restorations are posited from the outset, in over
In the case of maxillary anterior wear, it is occlusion, which leads to occlusal instability
suggested to begin by adding the resin at the initially and often involves a posteriori
level of the cingula maxillary canines, then the corrections. This can lead to risks with respect
patient is guided in closing in the uncured resin to the restoration (embrittlement, loss of
leaving a space available for the reconstruction substance, perforation). This is why the two-
material. Once the DVO is validated, the step procedure is recommended. In two stages,
composite is light cured. The remaining teeth there is first a phase of DVO augmentation
are reconstructed by adding composites (dentin using transient overcclusion restorations. Only
and enamel) using the canine as a reference once the expected increase in DVO has been
occlusal stop. A silicone wrench can be used to achieved will definitive restorations be put in
control dimensions and mass thicknesses. place.
2) The restorations are made by molding 4) In a recent study, Ramseyer, Helbling,
the composite using a thermoplastic splint made and Lussi (2015) followed erosive cases where
on the basis of the wax-up. Thus, once the eroded posterior teeth were reconstructed by
positioned in the mouth, there is a vacuum the "Stamp Technique" technique. This
corresponding to the volume of lost dental technique uses individual molds cut from
tissue, clearly visible in the form of a vacuum in silicone wrenches. This allows 1) to easily and
the occlusal region between the transparent accurately transfer the occlusal rehabilitations to
resin of the splint and the remaining dental the molars and premolars from the wax-up, 2) to
structures. Under a dike, after surface treatment, reproduce the shape of the tooth, and 3) to shape
and insulation of the underside of the miniplast the fiber-reinforced bridges directly on the
splint using a water-soluble gel, the splint patient. The goal of this technique is to transfer
loaded with a hybrid micro-fissured composite a planned occlusion of the model into the mouth
is placed in position by applying a uniform in the least aggressive and accurate manner
pressure, and then the composite is possible. In conclusion, this technique is part of
photopolymerized therethrough. After gross the current concept of tissue economy, while
adjustment of the reconstituted teeth, the being fast, easy and relatively inexpensive. On
remaining teeth are reconstructed. With this the other hand, cases of total rehabilitations
technique, and a decline of 5 1/2 years, there are using direct composites are rare. The difficulties
some edge deterioration, marginal staining, and lie in the collage on the eroded dentine.
slight changes in surface texture and anatomical
shape, fractures or adhesion failures. This Indirect technique restorations
technique can restore aesthetics and occlusion 1) Anterior teeth
with good results. However, it can be The Sandwich or Bilaminar approach
considered that this technique corresponds to described by Vailati, Gruetter and Belser (2013)
medium-term rehabilitation. is a very promising ultra-conservative approach.
Referat general J.M.B. nr. 2 - 2017

The tooth is prepared so that the remaining the proximal ridges. In order to ensure the
tooth structure is preserved between two mechanical foundation and to respect the
restorations of different and independent nature recommendations of the manufacturers,
and whose axes of insertion are different. This significant thicknesses of reduction of the order
technique allows the preparation of the most of 1.5 to 2 mm were required. Despite the strict
conservative tooth possible. The palatal surfaces respect of the latter, it has been observed on
of the anterior teeth are restored in composite medium and long term follow-ups of cosmetic
while the vestibular surfaces are covered with or material fractures in the proximal region.
feldspar ceramic facets. New ultra-dandruff restorations used in
The palatal surface is first restored with the posterior areas, called by some "table top"
direct technique composites if the inter-occlusal are based on a new approach of controlled
space is less than 1 mm or with indirect palatal preparations associated with a simplified cavity
composite onlays if it is greater than 1 mm. In architecture, where the preservation of marginal
case of insufficient space, the preparation is ridges becomes a priority.
succinct and the only imperative is to keep the In the case of multiple lesions (palatal and
enamel frame as much as possible. / or vestibular) associated with occlusal wear,
The ceramic vestibular facets are on the premolars and the molars, it will be
secondarily prepared with an overlap of the free necessary to realize two distinct parts taking
edge to more easily manage the hue without care to leave a "band of enamel" between them,
placing the boundary of the facets in the palatal acting as resistance beam connecting the two
concavity. Indeed these are placed in the proximal ridges. Thus, the practitioner finds
volume of the palatal composite onlay. himself resorting to the "sandwich" technique
Another approach is the "Full Veneers". described at the previous level in the posterior
This technique makes it possible, thanks to a sector. The premolars are reconstructed by
minimal preparation of the tissues through the adding a vestibular facet and an occlusal onlay
masks, to preserve the enamel as much as in order to restore the initial volume of the
possible by producing ultra-thin restorations tooth.
between 0.2 and 0.8 mm thick, this is made To summarize in later sectors and to meet
possible thanks to the disilicate of lithium the requirements of tissue economy and
(E.max®). In addition, it allows restoring a biomimetics, two materials are distinguished by
remarkable aesthetic and a single restoration is their high mechanical strength but also their
necessary to replace all the palatal and aesthetic properties. Lithium disilicate enriched
vestibular faces. However, it has the ceramics (e.max®) and machined nanohybrid
disadvantage of having a single insertion axis composites seem to be well suited for minimally
(coronary) and is therefore slightly less invasive restoration of posterior teeth.
economical in tissue. Moreover, by using the 3) Generalized wear
CAD-CAM, the treatment time is shorter, and The three-step technique of Francesca
this makes it possible to obtain a digital VAILATI and Christoph BELSER is the best-
preoperative wax-up. known technique for the rehabilitation of
2) Posterior teeth generalized erosion. It proposes a quadrant
Initially, the peripheral crown was for a rehabilitation approach transforming a global
long time the solution of choice to restore worn restoration into several partial restorations. This
teeth. No longer responding to modern is characterized by an alternation of 3 laboratory
biological imperatives, this solution is rarely sessions and 3 clinical sessions in the chair.
used today, except in the case of re-intervention  1st step: aesthetic evaluation to evaluate the
(renewal or repair of a previous crown). position of the occlusal plane
Overlays in ceramic or composite  1st stage of laboratory: realization of
laboratory have been proposed in recent years maxillary vestibular wax-up
and had the advantage of less tissue mutilation  1st clinical stage: evaluation of the occlusal
with very simple peripheral limits and well plane thanks to vestibular mock-up
above the usual margins. However, these have a  2nd step: recovery of the posterior sectors
major disadvantage, namely, the destruction of
Referat general J.M.B. nr. 2 - 2017

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 2nd laboratory stage: wax-up of the occlusal with antacid suspension reduces
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(provisional) occlusion is reestablished; psychosocial evaluation of a patient with
however the increase in DVO also caused an bulimia nervosa following Teeth in a Day®
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