Philo 4thQTR SLM

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Jannah Nicole Enrile

Grade 12- ABM

Explain the interconnection of freedom, self, and society.

According to Article III Bill of Rights Section 1, “No person shall be deprived of life,
liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal
protection of laws.” To fulfill these rights, we need to recognize our freedom. Humans are born
with the freedom to live in this world and decide what is best for themselves. Therefore, this
freedom will make them feel the belongingness they sought to feel in the place they live in. This
freedom can affect ourselves and our society positively or negatively, depending on how we use
it. We may choose to use this freedom for good which is ideal for our moral beliefs and values,
which will be beneficial for our growth as a person and create strong relationships within society.
Some people may also use freedom for unpleasant things that could ruin their life and negatively
affect society. Anchoring freedom with moral values, beliefs, laws, and instincts will help us
know our limitations. As a person, we belong to a society, and we have the freedom to engage or
interact with other people as long as we are not violating their rights and vice versa. We also
have the right to express our emotions, knowledge, and wisdom as long as we know our
limitations and prevent further damage to the relationship that we built in society.
Freedom may also help us find our true selves, our purpose in life. We can freely explore
our capabilities and limitations. For example, we are free to travel around the world to find
something that will be interesting for us or find a new environment where we will achieve the
life that we seek. We also make decisions regarding the college course that we want to take.
After graduating, we will be able to help our society improve using our skills and determination
to make a better place. Freedom is interconnected with society as it will be the determinant of
how it will function according to the decisions and actions of each member that is freely chosen
by them. We may think that having freedom means we can do whatever we want to do, but we
have to keep in mind that our actions will always have consequences that is equal to the action
we made.

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