ICTICT612 Assessment 2-2

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Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines:

Skills Test
Assessment type

 Skills Test - Develop contracts and manage contract performance

Instructions provided to the student:

Please refer to the Student Assessment Information Pack for full details on instructions and the
pre- assessment checklist that you should check before attempting any assessment task.
Assessment task description:

 This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
 This assessment task is a Skills Test.
 This assessment task consists of six (6) practical demonstration activities.
 The student must submit the following documents to the assessor/trainer as evidence of
their skill knowledge.
 You will receive your feedback within one (1) week, and you will be notified by your
trainer/assessor when your results are available.
 You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your
competence in this assessment task.

Applicable conditions:

 This skill test is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this means you
are able to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test).
 You will be assessed independently on this assessment task.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your skills,
techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
 Your trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task

Resubmissions and reattempts:

 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing
this task and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.


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 This assessment task may be completed in:

☐ a classroom
☒ learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
☐ workplace,
☐ or an independent learning environment.

 Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge and skills essential to
Develop contracts and manage contract performance in a range of contexts and industry settings.

 Skill to negotiate and formulate at least one contract.

In the course of the above, the candidate must:
 document processes and outcomes
 monitor performance outcomes.

Task instructions

 This is an individual assessment.

 The task will be completed in your training organisation’s IT lab.
 The trainer/assessor will provide required resources to the student/trainee
 According to organisational needs, the student will design and implement network security
infrastructure for an organisation.
 Word-limit for this assessment task is given in the template
 The trainer/assessor assures simulated environmental conditions to the students/trainee
for establishing and managing an ICT system and application security program.
 The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
 The student must follow the word limits specified in the templates.
The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist provided

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Assessment Task 2 - Skills Test
This assessment task requires the student to:

 To negotiate and formulate at least one contract.

 To document processes and outcomes
 To monitor performance outcomes.

To do so, you must complete the following activities:

 Activity 1: Determine and document the boundaries of the contract according to organisational
 Activity 2: Determine and document contract requirements according to organisational
 Activity 3: Determine and document required performance criteria.
 Activity 4: Obtain client and vendor feedback to clarify problems.
 Activity 5: Monitor performance and facilitate negotiations.
 Activity 6: Conclude performance outcomes and recommendations.

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Case Study:

Company profile:

Softonic is a worldwide distributed software engineering firm that prioritises people. Over the last 14
years, we have completed over 350 projects in over 15 countries.

Our primary services

Product Development Squads

Through product development and design, we lead and offer continual value to business solutions.
Development squads are small, self-organised visual and user experience (UX) designers and analysts,
developers, quality engineers, and product managers.

Client collaboration and agile design partnership

1. Determining what our customer requires and expects from us.

2. Making a commitment to a partnership and assembling the appropriate team

3. Team Orientation

4. Change management: replace or increase the service at an early stage

The company provides the following services in Software designing:

a) Opinion mining for social networking platforms

b) Data leakage detection system.

c) Credit card fraud detection.

d) Software piracy protection system

New Project along with organisational requirements:

Recently, the company has developed a Network security department to provide better service to their
clients. The management team has gathered a list of products and services required to establish for the
Network security department completely. The products and services to purchase from the vendor and
supply to the department are as below:

Service Quantity/Service Budget AUD Time constraints


Tech/IT support (AKA Based on the $70-80 per hour 15 days

“help desk”) requirement

File server I TB GB $2000-2500 1 month

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Following components
will be considered while
building server

Server Hardware


 Hard Drive or
hard drives

 Memory such as

 Chasis

 Motherboard

 Processor

 Power Supply

Server Software

 Operating

 Other Server

Dedicated emails For 50 Recipients $100/month 1 month

Computer repair Based on the $ 40 per visit + Based 10 days

requirement on the estimate given
by Technician

Cloud services 50 TB $1000/ month 2 months

Data backup 20 TB $ 1500 1 month

Office phones (VoIP) 5 extensions $ 2000 3 months

The training organisation has approached you to negotiate and formulate a contract to supply the
above products and services departments. You are also required to document processes and outcomes,
also to monitor performance outcomes of the contract.

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Further, the training organisation has provided you with the industry-standard service and product
agreements (attached with this assessment) as well as the relevant information related to business
strategic plans and objectives.

You are the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) managerin your organisation. The
management of the training organisation wants you to negotiate and formulate a contract. You are also
required to document processes and outcomes, also to monitor performance outcomes of the contract.
This includes:

 Establish contract
 Monitor performance and facilitate negotiations
 Conclude performance outcomes and recommendations

Organisational policies and procedures

Privacy Policy

At Softonic, we are committed to providing quality products and services to you. This policy outlines
our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your personal information. We have
adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy
Act). The NPPs govern how we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your

Personal Information.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the
Australian Information Commissioner at www.aoic.gov.au.

What is Personal Information

Personal Information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual. Examples of Personal

Information we collect include names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.

This Personal Information is obtained in multiple ways, including email, telephone, correspondence
via our website www.Softonic.com.au, from cookies, from other publicly available sources, and third
parties. We don’t guarantee website links or the policy of authorised third parties. When we collect
Personal Information, we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are
collecting the information and how we plan to use it.

Why do we collect personal information?

We collect your Personal Information for various internal functions and service delivery processes.
This may include, but is not limited to:

 Managing business services and products enquiries.

 Providing support correspondence or account invoices.
 Sending out product and service information or updates.
 Sending out information on industry updates relevant to our customers.

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 Sending newsletters and targeted marketing content.

Also, for each visitor to reach our site, we expressively collect the following non-personally
identifiable information: browser type, version and language, operating system, pages viewed while
browsing the Site, page access times, and referring website address. This collected information is
used internally to gauge visitor traffic and trends and deliver personalised content to you while at our
website. From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not
previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the
future, we will use them for these new purposes only; data collected from the time of the policy
change forward will adhere to our updated practices.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things
as an individual's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association,
religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal
record or health information.

Sensitive information will be used by us only:

 For the primary purpose for which it was obtained

 For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose

 With your consent, or where required or authorised by law.

Third Parties

Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you.
However, in some circumstances, we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a
case, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to
us by the third party.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Your Personal Information may be disclosed in several circumstances, including the following:

 Third parties where you consent to the use or disclosure.

 Industry partners of Softonic who are involved in the delivery of your services or products.

 Where required or authorised by law.

Security and Storage of Personal Information

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Your Personal Information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse and loss and
unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. This is primarily in Softonic’s CRM and account
management platform.

When your Personal Information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we
will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your Personal Information. However,
most of the Personal Information is or will be stored in client files that we will keep for a minimum of
7 years.

Access to your Personal Information

You may access the Personal Information we hold about you and update and/or correct it, subject to
certain exceptions. If you wish to access your Personal Information, please contact us in writing.

Softonic will not charge any fee for your access request but may charge an administrative fee for
providing a copy of your Personal Information.

To protect your Personal Information, we may require identification from you before releasing the
requested information.

What are your data protection rights?

Softonic would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user
is entitled to the following:

 The right to access – You have the right to request Softonic for copies of your data. We may
charge you a small fee for this service.

 The right to rectification – You has the right to request that Softonic correct any information
you believe is inaccurate.

 You also have the right to IBT to complete the information you believe is incomplete.

 The right to erasure – You have the right to request that Softonic erase your personal data
under certain conditions.

 The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that Softonic restrict the
processing of your personal data under certain conditions.

 The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to Softonic ‘s processing of your
personal data under certain conditions.

Legislative requirements

“Personal Data”

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Personal information is an equivalent phrase used in the Privacy Act. This is defined as information or
an opinion on an identified individual, or a reasonably identifiable individual, as specified in section 6
of the Privacy Act:

 whether or if the information or viewpoint is correct;

 Whether or not the information or viewpoint has been recorded in a tangible form.


The Privacy Act governs ‘dealing with' personal information in terms of ‘use' and ‘disclosure,' rather
than ‘processing' (See Part 3 of the APPs). Even though neither word is specified under the Privacy
Act, the OAIC claims that:

 The processing or carrying out of action concerning information within its effective control is
referred to as ‘use.'

 ‘To disclose' implies making information available to those outside the entity and relinquishing
control over later handling of that information.


The Privacy Act does not mention "controllers," but it does encompass APP companies' data-
processing operations. Agencies and organisations are examples of APP entities. The following are
some of the agencies:

 ministers or departments of the government;

 bodies created with a public purpose in mind;

 the Governor-General or a Minister establishes bodies;

 a person who is appointed to a position by an act or the Governor-General;

 a federal court of appeals; or

 the Australian Federal Police Service (AFPS).


Although the term "processor" is not mentioned in the Privacy Act, the APPs automatically apply to
APP organisations that store personal information. According to the OAIC, this is wide enough to
include outsourced service providers who, in Europe, could be classified as "processors."

“Data Subject”

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The Privacy Act governs personal information concerning individuals described as "natural people"
under section 6.

Furthermore, the new CDR system applies to those classified as ‘consumers,' which means they must
be reasonably identifiable from the data. It must be related to them or one of their associates
because products or services were supplied to them or their associates.

“Sensitive Personal Data”

Section 6 of the Privacy Act defines sensitive information as follows:

 knowledge about a person's personal life:

 ethnic or racial origin;

 political opinions;

 being a member of a political party;

 religious connections or beliefs;

 philosophical beliefs;

 Professional trade association membership;

 belonging to a labour union;

 a person's sexual orientation or habits; or

 criminal record;

 genetic information;

 health information;

 biometric information

“Data Breach”

Section 26WE (2) of the Privacy Act defines an eligible data breach as one in which: unauthorised
access to, or disclosure of, information (or it is lost in circumstances where such access or disclosure
is likely to occur); and a reasonable person would conclude that such access or disclosure is likely to
result in serious harm to any individual to whom the information relates.

Other important definitions - please include them (e.g., “Pseudonymous Data,” “Direct Personal
Data,” and “Indirect Personal Data”).

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Industry Standards

Industry Standards relating to Data and technology are further divided into the following categories by

Committee Code Committee Name

CT-001 Communications Cabling

CT-002 Broadcasting and Related Services

CT-097 Communications Cabling Manual

CT-098 CT-098

CT-099 Dummy committee for ACA Standards

ET-005 ET-005

ET-099 ET-099

EX-004 Graphic Technology

IS-001 IS-001

IT-001 Information Systems - Interconnection

Organisational Objectives in formulating the contract

To Keep Proof of Details

The prime purpose of creating a contract is related to recording details, which both parties have
agreed with mutual consent. It provides a precise knowledge of the services provided by the third
party or monetary expectations to be met by the person. These details will serve as legitimate proof
and are very important in a contract.

To Avoid Misunderstanding

Misunderstanding is a common problem confronted in any business due to several reasons. To avoid
such cases, drafting a contract is important, and it is required for both parties to read the consented
rules and abide by them. It has a large impact on the business as breaching the contract rules can
lead to conflicts between the parties and thereby affect the business overall. Therefore contracts in
business are important.

To Provide Security

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A contract document plays a pivotal role in making the parties secure as it specifies the tenure of the
contract and set of responsibilities. Here, an employer is lawfully responsible for paying the
committed salary on time and the employee is responsible for performing his duties as designated.
Any deviation is considered contract breaching and, either of them has the sole right to take
appropriate action. Therefore it is pivotal to understand the importance of contracts

The contract can act as legal evidence if any of the parties files a case against the other at times of
contract breaching.

To Provide Confidentiality

It includes an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement, which protects confidential information. According to

this agreement, concerned parties are not entitled to reveal the business and monetary transactions
between them with any third person. In case of disclosure, either of them will be subjected to
suffering as per contract rules, enforced by the law legally.

To keep Record of the Business

A written contract is a relevant record stating the mutual consent of the proceedings listed in the
agreement. It can be used for future reference and, comprises information regarding the stipulated
delivery timeline of any work assigned as per contract. The tenure of the contract is also highlighted
in the agreement, which provides more clarity regarding the termination details. However, the
contract may be terminated in the worst case if the other party is not fulfilling the rules mentioned in
the contract or bypassing the terms.

Required Performance criteria

Costs, both monetary and otherwise.

Performance criteria must include the amount of money spent as well as the amount of money
saved, by the resulting profit margin. It should not enable minor difficulties to stymie development or
need unanticipated expenditures to get things back on track. It also determines relationships and
reputations that can be harmed, in addition to the overall economic impact that a poor contract
might have.


Performance criteria must include a provision stating that time is of the essence and that effectively
performing contractual commitments necessitates doing so on time. If any party is regularly or even
sometimes late in executing its legally obligated responsibilities, the other party and the agreement
as a whole suffer.

Responsiveness and dependability

Performance criteria must include the result of satisfaction from the proper suppliers or other
contractual partners. Once the proper match has been discovered, both parties should endeavour to
establish a healthy working relationship to maintain constant workflow and business.

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Consistency and quality.

Performance criteria must include the service provided on time, but on-time outputs must also be of
consistent quality and value. Sometimes a contracting party becomes so concentrated on maintaining
a high number of transactions or output that it neglects quality. Being able to offer a consistently
high- quality item or service necessitates careful monitoring and management.


Performance criteria must include a commitment to perform a certain act. An act is anything that a
party is required to do or something that the party is expected to refrain from doing. Rather than
leaving it up to the law to interpret these expectations, they should be explicitly stated.

Mutuality of obligation

Performance criteria must include a binding agreement to the terms of consideration. A court may
evaluate whether mutuality of responsibility has been fulfilled if one party has more leverage, such as
a right to cancel. If it is not reached, the contract may be declared null and void by the court.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan to Negotiate with supplier

Designing a negotiation plan is the systematic mapping of your steps when negotiating with your

Effective negotiation will enable you to deliver increased value to your organisation. It’s also the best
part of the tendering process. Show the supply base and your internal stakeholders that you do
procurement and not purchasing. Focus on cost drivers and push for the most competitive result and
do not tolerate mediocre goods or services.

Here’s How

Plan ahead! You must understand the supplier’s motivation and position.

Pre-negotiation Conditioning

 Warm up the supplier and plant the seeds for what you hope to reap before the supplier even
realises you are in negotiation mode

 Use enquiries and proposals to create competition

 Work hard to lower expectations before a formal negotiation

 Be clear about your short, medium- and long-term objectives

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 Agree what are acceptable outcomes

 Determine your fallback position, what is the minimum you are willing to walk away with or
walk away from

 What are the key concessions and trades?

 What can you offer and why does the supplier want your business?

 How can you improve your position?

 What persuasion style will you adopt? logic, emotion, bargaining, principled or power

 Assess what’s important to the supplier

Supplier Profile

 How does the supplier fit – why do they want the business and what are their needs other
than profit?

 Review the supplier’s financial performance, what room is there for leverage

 Understand the supply chain

 Assess the level of autonomy that the person negotiating has and sound them out to see if
they are in a position to make deals

 Who are their competitors?

 Who is the market leader and is the position fluid or static?

 Conduct detailed cost profiles

 Break down component costs

 Understand their pricing policy

Types of Negotiation

 Tactical– Short to medium term negotiations

 The negotiator of the negotiating team perceives they have the balance of power and want to
exploit their advantage over the other party

 The negotiator is skilled in negotiating and can adapt to different styles with ease to get the

 The supplier is not in the market for relationship building

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 There is an opportunity to get better pricing based on volumes

 The contract is cost driven

A tactical negotiation is a single supplier focused and you want to close a deal. Any conversations
about longer-term issues are usually used as a tactic to increase your bargaining position rather than
a serious discussion point.

 Prepare for the negotiation

 Consider the conditioning process

 Open the negotiation

 Question your supplier to regain control

 Test and probe the supplier's position

 Persuade, pace and lead

 Agree on concessions and close

SWOT analysis might be useful to compare the relative strengths and weaknesses of both parties.
You may want to share certain opportunities or threats with the supplier during the negotiation.

Condition the supplier by lowering their expectation. Highlight the position and potential
consequences. Winning an account isn’t always about profits. Sometimes it is about the prestige of
landing certain accounts, so if you have a brand they want in their portfolio or can open doors for
future business, test the supplier's willingness to negotiate.

State your intent and adopt a clear position. For example, if a requirement is a “make or break”, make
it mandatory and exclude suppliers who can’t meet the requirement immediately to save time.

Don’t be embarrassed to aim high. Be the first to state your intention and let the supplier figure out
whether if they can meet the requirement. Make sure you have the same understanding as your
supplier. Reiterate what they are saying back to them.

During a post-tender negotiation or clarification, hone down to the crucial details. If required, ask all
suppliers to re-submit an updated pricing sheet to ensure that you are comparing like for like.

Strategic Plan to monitor performance of contract based on KPIs

Quantitative and qualitative data on contract value, issues, contract tracking, and renewal should be
included in contract management KPIs.

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Contract efficacy:

Number per
ontracts of
lifecycle time c type

vendor, or Annualised
geographic contract value

The remaining
Contract value value of
assessments terminated

Order value


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Contract risk:

Standard clause variance


Number of delayed
contract approvals


Amount of agreements
expiring without renewal dates

Some of these are explained below:

Annualised contract value (ACV):

It adds up the total cost of all recurring contracts. It's also beneficial for comparing recurring contract
rates and revenue to new contracts and money lost due to contracts that aren't renewed.

Terminated contract remaining value (TRV):

By identifying overdue bills, unbilled sums, and credit amounts, TRV helps you avoid revenue loss.
When combined with rates of cancelled contracts vs existing contracts, it's also a useful metric for
identifying contract performance.

Order value variance from original contract value (OVV):

OVV can identify areas with potential for expansion, such as customer communication and contract
goal evaluation. It contains any changes that may have occurred due to errors, scope changes, or
previously unknown conditions. A value of less than 5% is deemed acceptable, whereas more than
10% is considered failing.

Vendor fraud:

This KPI is critical for raising risk management awareness, detecting high costs, and determining risk
management success. It enables you to determine the best ways for fraud detection and prevention,
the contract stage that is most sensitive to fraud, and the most successful fraud defences.

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It reveals whether your organisation could benefit from some improvements, notably in contract
repository and contract management.

Quality/complaints resolved:

Quality is easier to calculate in a manufacturing-related contract because the measure is usually

faulted per million, and the trend over time shows improvement.

Tracking milestones to ensure obligations under the agreement are met:

A milestone is a task that a provider must do to effectively meet the contract's obligations.
Milestones have due dates and are rewarded with money if they are completed successfully.
Milestones can be used to establish a completion date for a development project as it progresses.

Paper: There are various benefits to setting down plans on paper. It is quite easy to observe how a
project is put out when you have meetings in person because it is written on paper. To make project
milestones stand out even more, colour-code them.

Email: Some people prefer to keep track of projects via email. Anyone in the email chain can respond
right away with any queries or comments they have for the project. You'll also have a record of the
communication if you need to review the contributions of previous team members.

Online management system: There are numerous free and paid programs available, and anyone with
a login will use them. You can break down your project into milestones and then list specific tasks
within each of them. The person in charge of each milestone can easily mark them as completed
using online management systems.

It also helps team members communicate by allowing them to see who is in charge of each task. In
addition, everyone may track their teammates' progress to ensure that they adhere to the contract's

Task conditions

 The purpose of this assessment task is to negotiate and formulate at least one contract.
 To document processes and outcomes
 To monitor performance outcomes.
 The assessment task will be completed in your training organisation Advance Computer Lab.
Your trainer/assessor will supervise you in performing this assessment task.
 The student will work as a Information and Communications Technology (ICT) managerin this

Task Instructions:

 The student will negotiate and formulate at least one contract.

 You’ll document processes and outcomes
 You’ll monitor performance outcomes.

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Skill test:

This assessment task requires the student to:

 To negotiate and formulate at least one contract.

 To document processes and outcomes
 To monitor performance outcomes.

To do so, you must complete the following activities:

 Activity 1: Determine and document the boundaries of the contract according to organisational
 Activity 2: Determine and document contract requirements according to organisational
 Activity 3: Determine and document required performance criteria.
 Activity 4: Obtain client and vendor feedback to clarify problems.
 Activity 5: Monitor performance and facilitate negotiations.
 Activity 6: Conclude performance outcomes and recommendations.

Task Environment:

This assessment task will be completed in a simulated environment prepared by your training

The simulated environment will provide you with all the required resources (such as the equipment and
participants, etc.) to complete the assessment task. The simulated environment is very much like a
learning environment where a student can practice, use and operate appropriate industrial equipment,
techniques, and practices under realistic workplace conditions.

The roles and responsibilities of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) managerare:

 To determine and document the boundaries of the contract according to organisational

 To determine and document contract requirements according to organisational requirements.
 To determine and document required performance criteria.
 To obtain client and vendor feedback to clarify problems.
 To confirm the implementation of contractual obligations.
 To confirm and document performance against required performance criteria and contractual
 To facilitate negotiations to resolve problems and misunderstandings.
 To determine and document organisational alignment to documented performance.
 To determine and document unsatisfactory performance.
 To determine and document recommendations for contractual variations.
 To submit the document to required personnel and seek and respond to feedback.

Roles and responsibilities: Trainer/assessor:

 The trainer/assessor will assign a vendor and a client (training organisation) to the student.

 The role of the vendor and client (training organisation) will be allocated to the staff members.

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Activity 1: Determine and document the boundaries of the contract according to organisational

This part of the activity requires you to determine and document the boundaries of the contract
according to organisational requirements and document the outcomes using ‘Template 1'.

Description of the activity

This activity requires you to determine and document the boundaries of the contract considering the
following organisational requirements and document using Template 1.

 Service
 Quantity/Service requirement
 Budget
 Time constraints

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Template 1: Boundaries of the contract according to organisational requirements.

Service Quantity/Service Budget AUD Time constraints

Support for help desk or IT The quantity of this service The budget is around $70 The Approx time limit is
and technological department. will be based on the every hour. of 15 days.
situational requirement.

The server of the file includes 1 TB GB The approximate budget is The time limit is 1 month
various components that will $2000-$2500 approximate
be included while building
the server
The hardware parts of the
server include:
 Hard Drives
 Chasis
 Power Supply
 Processor
 Memory including
 Motherboard
The software parts include:
 Server software
 Operating systems

Backup of the essential data 20 TB The approximate budget is The time restriction is
around $ 1500 approximately 1 month

Cloud services 50 TB The decided average budget is The limitation of time is 2

$1000 per month months

Refurbishment of computer Quantity will be decided The budget decided is The time limit is of 10
and its parts according to the requirement approximately $ 40 every days
visit and the estimate of the
budget will also be provided
by the technician doing the
Emails to the dedicated Emails will be sent to 50 The budget is $100 per month The maximum time is of 1
entities recipients month
Phones in the office Additional 5 extensions will The budget for the extensions All the extensions will be
be initiated is $ 2000 done within 3 months

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Activity 2: Determine and document contract requirements according to organisational requirements.

This part of the activity requires you to determine and document contract requirements according to
organisational requirements and document the outcomes using ‘Template 2’.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 1.

This activity requires you to determine and document contract requirements according to organisational
requirements based on the information provided in the case study.

To do so you need to:

 Review organisational requirements.

 Determine and document the following contract requirements according to organsiational
requirement using Template 2:
o Offer and acceptance
o Intention to create legal relations
o Consideration
o Legal capacity
o Consent
o Illegal and void contracts

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Template 2: Contract requirements according to organisational requirements.

Contract requirements according to organisational requirements (350-400 words)

Softonic Company must create a contract, which will be a mutual agreement between all the
private parties. This contract will help in enforcing mutual obligations regarding the company
and its products based on the laws. However, certain requirements need to be followed while
forming the contract.

 Offer and acceptance

An offer and its acceptance are the most basic requirements of a contract. The factors
considered by the parties while drafting the terms of a contract determine its legality. As a
result, such discussions cannot take place without a physical meeting of the participants to
facilitate them.

 Intention to create legal relations

A contract must first be made and approved to be considered enforceable.
In its most basic form, the phrase "intention to create legal relations" refers to the parties'
desire to engage into a contract that is enforceable with respect to both their rights and
A contract's parties are the individuals who bear the obligations and reap the benefits of a
legally enforceable agreement. When two parties engage in a contract, each assumes a
different role: the promisor and the promise.

 Consideration
A commitment to carry out a specific action must be a part of the performance criteria. Any
action that a party is obligated to take or refrain from taking is referred to as an act. These
expectations ought to be made clear, as opposed to being left up to the law to interpret.
Rights, obligations, and connections between the contractor and the customer. It also
specifies the obligations and rights of each party and acts as the foundation for the entire
agreement. In addition, rules are in place for resolving disputes.

 Legal capacity
In the context of the legal system, legal capacity refers to what a person can do. It is a
fictional idea that has no basis, but rather a relationship that every legal system establishes
between its constituents and itself.

 Consent
A written contract is a relevant record stating the mutual consent of the proceedings listed in
the agreement.

 Illegal and void contracts

The contract can be declared null and void by the court, in case of not complying with the
terms of the contract.

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Activity 3: Determine and document required performance criteria.

This part of the activity requires you to determine, and document required performance criteria and
document the outcomes using ‘Template 3.’

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 2.

This activity requires you to determine and document the required performance criteria in consultation
with your assessor.

To do so, you need to:

 Determine and document the performance criteria related to the following and document using
Template 3.
o Costs, both monetary and otherwise.
o Punctuality
o Responsiveness and dependability
o Consistency and quality
o Consideration
o Mutuality of obligation

ICTICT612 Assessment 2 V1 Page 24 of 45

Template 3: Required performance criteria.

Required performance criteria (150-200


There are several performance criteria, which are required for formulating the contract.
 Costs, both monetary and otherwise
The performance criterion is cost, and this should include all the money that has been saved
as well as spent according to the profit margins of the company. This criterion also enables
the understanding of reputations and relationships, which can be created by a bad contract,
and has the potential in harming the company economically.
 Punctuality
The performance criteria are time is of the essence and that effectively performing
contractual commitments necessitates doing so on time. If any party is regularly or even
sometimes late in executing its legally obligated responsibilities, the other party and the
agreement suffer.
 Responsiveness and dependability
Criteria for performance include the outcome of satisfaction from the appropriate suppliers
or other contractual partners. Once the right match has been made, all parties should try
to create a positive working environment to keep business operations running smoothly.
 Consistency and quality
On-time service delivery is one of the performance criteria, but on-time outputs also need
to be of a high standard of quality and worth. A contracting party may occasionally
become too focused on maintaining a high volume of transactions or output to care about
quality. Careful monitoring and control are required to continually provide a high-quality
product or service.
 Consideration
A promise to carry out a particular action is one of the performance criteria. A party's
obligation to perform an act, or their expectation to refrain from performing an act, is
referred to as an obligation. It would be better if these expectations were made clear as
opposed to leaving it up to the law to interpret them.
 Mutuality of obligation
A legally binding agreement to the terms of compensation is a requirement for
performance. If one side has more clout, such as a right to cancel, a court may assess
whether mutuality of responsibility has been met. The contract might be deemed void by
the court if it is not met.

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Activity 4: Obtain client and vendor feedback to clarify problems.

Activity context:

While finalising the contract, the following were the key areas of misunderstanding and problems:

Management wants to clarify the above given problems with the client and vendor and sign the contract

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 3.

This activity requires you to obtain client and vendor feedback to clarify misunderstanding and problems
given in the Activity context.

The trainer/assessor will allocate the role of client and vendor to Supervisor.

To do so you need to:

 Arrange a meeting with the meeting with the client and vendor.
 Discuss and negotiate on the following:
o Lack of clarity
o Lack of price protection
o Confusing payment terms
o Delivery schedules
 Prepare the contract agreement provided along with this unit as per the agreed terms and
 Submit the completed contract agreement to the trainer/assessor.

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Contract Agreement
By- Softonic Company
The Agreement is made on 23/10/2022
1. Client: Assessor
2. Vendor: Supervisor
This contract serves as an agreement between the client and the vendor of Softonic Company. It
becomes effective from 23/10/2022 as well as involves services and products for the new project
regarding the network security department.
The major stakeholders' mutual understanding of the terms of all IT services covered by this
Agreement is outlined in this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement shall not
replace current practices and procedures.

1. Organization information
Softonic is a software engineering company, which has completed around 350 projects across
the globe. The main area of operation of this company is to determine the best social media
platforms, a detection system for identifying leakage of data, fraud detection for credit card
safety, and systems for protecting the software from piracy.
Through product development and design, we lead and offer continual value to business
solutions. Development squads are small, self-organized visual and user experience (UX)
designers and analysts, developers, quality engineers, and product managers.

2. Terms and Conditions

 Application of cost control strategy with the help of Annualized contract value (ACV) for
price protection will help in assessing and comparing the previous contract trends for
better rates and revenue generation of the new project.
 Compliance with contract obligations for delivering the hardware and software products
 The vendor must comply with the quality and quantity of hardware and software products.
 The delivery date of the products and services will be within 3 months.
 Payment conditions then it would be established that it be by bank transfer 50% in
advance and 50% upon final delivery.
3. Services to be performed
 IT support
 Help Desk
 Hard Drives
 Chasis
 Power Supply
 Processor
 Memory including ECC RAM
 Motherboard
 Server software
 Operating systems
 Backup of the essential data
 Cloud services
 Refurbishment of computer and its parts

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 Emails
 Phones

Signature: Client Signature: Vendor

Date: 23/10/2022 Date: 23/10/2022


Vendor: Hi how are you?

Client: Very well thanks.
Vendor: Dear client, I summon you to the next meeting to be able to discuss some important
points for the contract such as: clarity, price protection, payment conditions and the delivery
schedule of the products or services.
Client: Thank you for contacting me to review these terms, we propose that the payment be
50% at the time of signing the contract and 50% at the end of the delivery of products and
Vendor: Perfect, in terms of payment conditions then it would be established that it be by bank
transfer 50% in advance and 50% upon final delivery.
The delivery of the products and services will be within a period of 3 months.
Client: For price protection we will employ the application of the cost control strategy with the
help of the annualized contract value (ACV) for price protection it will help to evaluate and
compare the trends of previous contracts to obtain better rates and income generation of the
new project.
Vendor: Having all this clear, we proceed to make the signatures.
Client: Yes of course, thank you.

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Activity 5: Monitor performance and facilitate negotiations.

Activity context:

As per the contract obligations, the following were the quality specifications for the server hardware ad

SNo Service Required Supplied Budget AUD Time Performnace

Quality Quality constraints criteria
specifications specifications
as per
as per
obligations contractual
1 Tech/IT Based on the - $70-80 per 15 days
support requirement hour
(AKA “help

2 System/file server $2000-2500 1 month Adherence to

Delivered in
Processor 3.00 GHz Intel 1.4 GHz 64- 45 days
Xeon E5450 bit processor


Free hard 40 GB 18 GB
disk space

Operating Windows Windows

System Server 2016 Server 2012
Standard or

Screen 1024 by 768 1024 by 768

resolution pixels pixels

3 Dedicated For 50 For 20 $100/month 1 month Structure and

emails Recipients Recipients professionalism
of e-mails.

4 Computer Based on the - $ 40 per visit 10 days

repair requirement + Based on
the estimate
given by

ICTICT612 Assessment 2 V1 Page 29 of 45

5 Cloud 50 TB 30 TB $1000/ 2 months
services month

6 Data backup 20 TB 20 TB $ 1500 1 month

7 Office 5 extensions 3 extensions $ 2000 3 months


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Management wants you to:

 Ensure the implementation and delivery of the server handware and software are in accordance
with the contractual obligations.
 Confirm and document performance in relation to required performance metrics and contractual
 Assist in the resolution of problems and misunderstandings through negotiation.

Description of the activity

This activity is a continuation of Activity 5.

This activity requires you to monitor performance and facilitate negotiations with vendor and client.

To do so, you need to Research and document:

 Ensure the implementation and delivery of the server handware and software are in accordance
with the quality specificatons given in the contractual obligations.
o Analyse the information given in the Activity context.
o Determine the quality specifications under compliance obligations and document
using Template 4.
o Assess the the implementation and delivery of the server handware and software in
accordance with the quality specificatons given in the contractual obligations and
document the following using Template 4.
 Areas of non-complaince with contractual obligations.
 Key variations to contract

 Confirm and document performance against required performance criteria and contractual
o Assess the performance criteria and contractual obligations for server handware and
o Determine the performance against required performance criteria and contractual
obligations and document the following using Template 4.
 Adherence to performance criteria and contractual obligations
 Non-conformities

 Facilitate negotiations to resolve problems and misunderstandings.

o Arrange a meeting with the meeting with the client and vendor.
o Discuss and negotiate on the following:
 Areas of non-complaince with contractual obligations.
 Key variations to contract
 Non-conformities
 Key actions to be implemented to address key variations and non-conformities.
o Document the outcomes of negotiation using Template 5.

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Template 5: Confirm implementation of contractual obligations.

Required user group information and solutions in the market (450-500 words)

Implementation and delivery of the server handware and software

 Areas of non-complaince with contractual obligations.
 Key variations to contract

The areas of non-compliance with the obligations of the contract that has been identified are
late deliveries of the software and hardware products. However, these disputes regarding
delayed deliveries will legally bind both parties to the contract.
The total delivery time of all the products was 3 months, however, it was specifically detailed
that the software and hardware components would be delivered in approximately 1 month.
A variation was made in said clause, since for reasons of suppliers there was a delay of 15
days, which was communicated to the client in the process, having the acceptance by the
client, since the 3 months for delivery were contemplated.

Performance against required performance criteria and contractual obligations

 Adherence to performance criteria and contractual obligations
 Non-conformities

The performance criteria that have been fulfilled by the members of both parties include
quality. This is because all the hardware and software that have been delivered were of high
quality, and the assurance of the quality was consistent every time. This performance has
provided monetary and cost-related benefits to the organization.
The non-conformities were due to the structure and professionalism of the emails, since
initially it was proposed for 50 containers and when it was delivered it was only for 20
As a guarantee of quality, the correction was made in a week, so that the non-conformity
was lifted.

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Outcomes of negotiation
 Areas of non-complaince with contractual obligations.
 Key variations to contract
 Non-conformities
 Key actions to be implemented to address key variations and non-conformities.

The dispute resolution negotiation has helped in identifying the areas of non-compliance
where the delivery timeframe was the main issue. The fixed delivery timeline for both the
parties and initiation of legal policies for its non-compliance have been some of the variations
in the contract.
Some non-conformities were with respect to backup of essential data, Cloud Services and
Data backup and office phones (VoIP).
However, we follow some key actions to be able to solve the non-conformities, we meet with
the client to be able to establish a period for lifting non-conformities and to be able to correct
The key actions are to carry out corrective actions, the idea is to correct the error and
guarantee that the processes and products comply with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
Nonconformities and the corrective action that was taken must be recorded along with other
related information in accordance with ISO 9001.

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Activity 6: Conclude performance outcomes and recommendations.

This activity is a continuation of Activity 5.

This activity requires you to conclude performance outcomes and recommendations based on the
performance of Activity 5.

To do so, you need to prepare a report on performance outcomes that outlines actual outcomes and
prvide recommendations for contractual variations.

When preparing the report on performance variation, you must follow the guidelines provided below.

• The evaluation report must be prepared using Template 6.

• Word limit to prepare the evaluation report is 500-600 words.
• When preparing the evaluation report, the student must:
o Assess the outcomes of Activity 5.
o Determine and record organisational alignment with documented performance.
o Identify and document poor performance.
o Make and document recommendations for contractual changes.
• The evaluation report must include the following information:
o Introduction to the report
o Background to the report
o Body of the report that includes the following:
 Assessment of the outcomes of Activity 5.
 Organisational alignment with documented performance
 Areas of poor performance
 Recommendations for contractual changes
 Procedures to implement each recommendation
o Summary of the report.

After completion of the report, you must:

• Submit the evaluation report prepared to the Supervisor (trainer/assessor).
• Arrange a discussion session with the Supervisor.
• Discuss the outcomes of the assessment report, including the following:
o Assessment of the outcomes of Activity 5.
o Organisational alignment with documented performance
o Areas of poor performance
o Recommendations for contractual changes
o Procedures to implement each recommendation
• Request feedback on the following aspects of the assessment report.
o Areas of poor performance
o Recommendations for contractual changes
• Respond to feedback explaining how the recommended changed meet the organisational
• Further, document the feedback received and response provided using Template 7.

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Template 6: Report on performance outcomes.

Report on performance outcomes (500-600 words)

Introduction to the report

The contractual obligations are extremely important and need to be followed by both parties.
However, there can also be some issues with the contract, which require some variations.
It is important to correct the problems that were generated with the contract, in order to
satisfy the client, which helps to determine and resolve conflicts between the employee and
the contractor.
It is critical to get a thorough awareness of the customer's desires. We must understand the
client's expectations regarding the products and services we deliver.

Background to the report

The contract has been set between the client and vendor of the Softonic company for the
new project of products of hardware and software. However, there has been some non-
compliance, which has been noticed among the parties.
A meeting was held with the client, where the contract time, quality specifications were
determined, and constant monitoring has also been carried out, where the client is
mentioned about the change of some clauses due to inconveniences in the delivery process.

ICTICT612 Student Assessment Information Pack V1 Page 34 of 45

Body of the report that includes the following:
• Assessment of the outcomes of Activity 5.
• Organisational alignment with documented performance
• Areas of poor performance
• Recommendations for contractual changes
• Procedures to implement each recommendation
Summary of the report.

The performance that has been documented by the members of the parties aligned perfectly
with the organizational goals and objectives. The performance criteria of cost-centered
approach, quality, and consistency had initiated a clear picture of the involvement of the
members in decision-making and communication.
The ideal way to make contractual changes is with the consent of the client, since it is
unlikely that a dispute will arise in the future. That is why communication mechanisms are
used to inform the client and his evaluation of these changes.
Procedures to implement each recommendation must focus on customer satisfaction, that is,
the objective must be established, a plan must be created, the type of recommendation
determined, the means established and provide recommendations on what the market may
and cannot contribute to the proposed program.

Summary of the report.

The challenges and problems that have been identified with organizational alignment can be
tackled with proper evaluation of the performance outcomes.
In short, the development of the contract has allowed us to work on new solution
mechanisms, establish prevention plans, make a correct delivery plan for customers. In
addition, the workers developed different logistics skills.

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Template 6: Feedback received and response provided

Feedback received and response provided (200-300 words)

Feedback received
The feedback that has been received was regarding the non-compliance of one of the
obligations regarding late deliveries. Previously, punctuality and improper working schedules
have been identified as the main factor for such delays.
It should be noted that the feedback has been based on the following criteria: Current needs
and requirements of the organization and future requirements of the organization,
vulnerabilities and threats in the business environment, security measures, quality.

Response provided
The response provided to the feedback on delayed delivery is that a tactical negotiation
process has been initiated for resolving this issue.
A negotiation with the client has been established to be able to correct the inconvenience
generated by the withdrawal of the products, so that we seek to correct the logistical error
and achieve customer satisfaction. We are quite open, because in the process we have had a
lot of communication with the clients, this has allowed us to have the opportunity to reach
good terms.
A key point to be able to reach a consensus in this negotiation was the transparency with our
client of the whole process, he pointed out the assertive communication and the strategy
used of a final delivery time of 3 months globally.

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 https://www.australiancontractlaw.info/law/illegality
 https://www.aamc.org/professional-development/affinity-groups/gfa/faculty-vitae/negotiating-
 https://procurement.web.baylor.edu/contracts
 https://safetyculture.com/topics/non-conformance/

Appendix A: Reasonable Adjustments

Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied:

Reasonable Adjustments

• Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional

language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
• Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the
needs of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is
delivered or assessed.
• The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enable
the student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without
a disability.
• The trainer/assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies
Matrix” to ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.
• The trainer/assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance
department for any reasonable adjustments made.
• All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack
to the administration/compliance and quality assurance department.
Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)

Category Possible Issue Reasonable Adjustment Strategy

(select as applicable)
 LLN  Speaking  Verbal assessment
 Reading  Presentations
 Writing  Demonstration of a skill
 Confidence  Use of diagrams
 Use of supporting documents such as wordlists

ICTICT612 Assessment 2 V1 Page 37 of 45

Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)

 Non-  Speaking  Discuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable) whether
English  Reading language, literacy and numeracy are likely to impact on the
Speaking  Writing assessment process
Background  Use methods that do not require a higher level of language
 Cultural
background or literacy than is required to perform the job role
 Confidence  Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts
of information
 Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding
 Read any printed information to the student
 Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to
support, text
 Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral responses
given by the student
 Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment,
while meeting enterprise requirements, takes account of the
student’s needs
  Knowledge and  Culturally appropriate training
Indigenous understanding  Explore understanding of concepts and practical application
 Flexibility through oral assessment
 Services  Flexible delivery
 Inappropriate  Using group rather than individual assessments
training and  Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the field
assessment after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
 Age  Educational  Make sure font size is not too small
background  Trainer/Assessor should refer to the student’s experience
 Limited study  Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment takes
skills account of the student’s needs
 Provision of information or course materials in an accessible
 Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone
to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-taker
for a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating
classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task
 Modifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing lever
taps, building ramps, installing a lift
  Reading  Discuss with the Student previous learning experience
Educational  Writing  Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the student’s
background  Numeracy individual need
 Limited study
skills and/or
learning strategies
ICTICT612 Assessment 2 V1 Page 38 of 45
Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)

 Disability  Speaking  Identify the issues

 Reading  Create a climate of support
 Writing  Ensure access to support that the student has agreed to
 Numeracy  Appropriately structure the assessment
 Limited study  Provide information or course materials in an accessible format,
skills and/or e.g. a textbook in braille
learning strategies  Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone
to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-taker
for a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating
classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task
 Modifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing lever
taps, building ramps, installing a lift
Explanation of reasonable adjustments strategy used

Declaration I declare that I have attached all relevant evidence to provide reasonable
adjustment. The training package guidelines and criteria have not been
compromised in the process of providing reasonable adjustment to the

ICTICT612 Assessment 2 V1 Page 39 of 45

student. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible
assessment. I have provided explanation of reasonable adjustments
strategy used, as required.


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Appendix B: Learner Evaluation Form
Please complete this evaluation form as thoroughly as you can, in order for us to continuously improve
our training quality. The purpose of the evaluation form is to evaluate the areas below:

• logistics and support

• facilitation
• training material
• assessment

Your honest and detailed input is therefore, of great value to us, and we appreciate your assistance in
completing this evaluation form!

Unit of Trainer/Assessor
Competency Name

Student Name Dates of Training


Employer/Work Date of
site (if Evaluation

A Logistics and Support Evaluation

No. Criteria/Question

Strongly Agree




1 The communication regarding the required

attendance and time to study to pass this unit
was correct
2 The staff were efficient and helpful.
3 The training equipment and material used was
effective and prepared.
4 The training venue was conducive to learning
(set-up for convenience of students,
comfortable in terms of temperature, etc.)

Additional Comments on Logistics and Support

ICTICT612 Assessment 2 V1 Page 41 of 45

No. Criteria/Question





B Trainer/Assessor Evaluation
1 The trainer/assessor was prepared and
knowledgeable on the subject of the program
2 The trainer/assessor encouraged student
participation and input
3 The trainer/assessor made use of a variety of
methods, exercises, activities and discussions
4 The trainer/assessor used the material in a
structured and effective manner
5 The trainer/assessor was approachable and
respectful of the learners
6 The trainer/assessor was punctual and kept to
the schedule
7 The trainer/assessor was easy to understand
and used the correct language

Additional Comments on Training

ICTICT612 Assessment 2 V1 Page 42 of 45

No. Criteria/Question



C Learning Evaluation
1 The learning outcomes of the unit are
relevant and suitable.
2 The content of the unit was relevant
and suitable for the target group.
3 The length of the training was suitable
for the unit.
4 The learning material assisted in the
learning of new knowledge and skills
to apply in a practical manner.
5 The learning material was free from
spelling and grammar errors
6 Handouts and exercises were clear,
concise and relevant to the outcomes
and content.
7 Learning material was generally of a
high standard, and user-friendly
Additional Comments on Learning Evaluation

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