Neca 420-2014
Neca 420-2014
Neca 420-2014
NECA 420-2014
Standard for
Fuse Applications
Published by
National Electrical Contractors Association
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NECA 420-2014
Standard for
Fuse Applications
An American
National Standard
Published by
National Electrical
Contractors Association
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Revision History
NECA 402-2007 06/2007
NECA 402-2014 03/2014
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1. Scope
Table of Contents
Foreword............................................................................................................................................. iii
1. Scope.......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Products and Applications Included................................................................................................................1
1.2 Regulatory and Other Requirements...............................................................................................................1
2. Definitions.................................................................................................................................. 2
7. Installation................................................................................................................................ 17
7.1 Environmental Conditions.............................................................................................................................17
7.2 General Installation Requirements.................................................................................................................17
7.3 Fuse Pullers......................................................................................................................................................17
7.4 Spare Fuses.......................................................................................................................................................17
7.5 Energizing Equipment....................................................................................................................................17
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NECA 420 Standard for Fuse Applications
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(This foreword is not a part of the standard)
1. Scope
National Electrical Installation Standards™ (NEIS®) Suggestions for revisions and improvements to this
are designed to improve communication among standard are welcome. They should be addressed to:
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Low-voltage, medium-voltage, and high-voltage
fuses shall be installed in accordance with NECA To purchase NEIS, contact the NECA Order Desk at
420, Standard for Fuse Applications (ANSI). (301) 215-4504 tel, (301) 215-4500 fax, or orderdesk@ NEIS can also be purchased in PDF
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alternate construction methods permitted by
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The installation and maintenance practices Contractors Association. National Electrical Code and
recommended by this publication are intended to NEC are registered trademarks of the National Fire
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comply with the edition of the National Electrical
Code® (NEC) in effect at the time of publication. Cover photo courtesy of Eaton’s Bussman Business.
Because they are quality standards, NEIS may in
some instances go beyond the minimum safety
requirements of the NEC. It is the responsibility of
users of this standard to comply with state and local
electrical codes when installing electrical products
and systems.
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1. Scope
1.1 Products and Applications Included b) Only qualified persons as defined in the NEC
familiar with the construction and installation and
This standard describes application and installation
operation of fuses should perform the technical
practices and procedures for low-voltage fuses. This
work described in this publication. Administrative
publication applies to all classifications of fuses used
functions and other tasks can be performed under
for overcurrent protection of distribution, utilization,
the supervision of a qualified person. All work
and control equipment used for power, heating,
should be performed in accordance with NFPA 70E,
and lighting loads for commercial, institutional, and
Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
industrial use in nonhazardous indoor and outdoor
locations. c) General requirements for installing electrical
products and systems are described in NECA 1-2010,
It also covers periodic routine maintenance and
Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical
troubleshooting procedures for fuses, and special
Construction (ANSI). Other National Electrical
procedures used after adverse operating conditions,
Installation Standards provide additional guidance
such as overcurrents, ground-faults, or exposure to
for installing particular types of electrical products
water or other liquids.
and systems. A complete list of NEIS is provided in
Annex B.
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1. Scope
2. Definitions
Ampacity The current a conductor can carry threshold current to the maximum interrupting
continuously without exceeding its temperature rating.
rating. Ampacity is a function of conductor size,
insulation type, and the conditions of use. Dual Element Fuse A term describing fuse
element construction utilizing two current-
Ampere Rating The continuous-current- responsive elements in series, one for overload
carrying capacity of a fuse under defined laboratory conditions and one for short-circuit conditions,
conditions. The ampere rating is marked on each typically used to achieve time delay characteristics.
Element A calibrated conductor inside a fuse
Available Fault Current The maximum short- that melts when subjected to excessive current. The
circuit current that can flow in circuit. element is enclosed by the fuse body and usually
surrounded by an arc-quenching medium such as
Cable Protector (Limiter) A fuse with silica sand. The element is sometimes referred to as a
characteristics designed to protect cables against link.
fault damage, having a variety of unique mounting
terminals. Fault An unintentional connection of a power
system conductor, often resulting in an abnormally
Contacts The external live part of the fuse that high flow of current. Faults typically produce higher
provide continuity between the fuse and the balance overcurrent than do overloads, depending upon
of the circuit; also referred to as ferrules, blades, or the fault impedance. During a fault, current flows
terminals. outside its normal path. (See Short-Circuit)
Coordination (Coordinated) The isolation Fault Current The amount of current flowing in a
of an overcurrent condition, over a particular faulted circuit.
range of current and/or time, so that only the
one overcurrent device immediately ahead of the n Bolted Fault The amount of current flowing
overcurrent condition opens. As opposed to a if all current-carrying conductors were bolted
“selectively coordinated” system, a system that is together, creating essentially a zero impedance
simply “coordinated” does not assure that only connection.
one upstream overcurrent device will open due to
NOTE: This is the highest fault current possible
overcurrents. (See Selective Coordination)
in a circuit. This value is used to select the proper
Current-limiting Fuse A fuse that limits both the interrupting rating for overcurrent protective
magnitude and duration of current flow under short devices and short-circuit current ratings for system
circuit conditions within its current limiting range. components.
n Arcing Fault The amount of current that
Current-limiting Range The range of short- flows through the air in the form of arcs through
circuit currents that a fuse will clear in less than a ½ plasma, between conductors, or between
cycle and limit the potential magnitude of current conductor(s) and a grounded part.
flowing. The current-limiting range is from the
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
NOTE: The arcing fault current can vary n Class K Fuse A 250 or 600 volt nonrejection
depending upon the type of arcing fault and circuit fuse rated up to 600A with an interrupting rating
characteristics. This value is used in the calculation of 50,000,100,000 or 200,000 amperes, having
of incident energy which then determines the level three sub-classes K1, K5, and K9 each meeting
of personal protective equipment (PPE) used for different specific Ip and I2t limits.
the protection of personnel.
n Class L Fuse A 600 volt bolt-in, current-
Fuse An overcurrent protective device containing limiting rejection type fuse rated 100-6000
a calibrated current-carrying element, which melts amperes with up to a 300,000 ampere
and opens a circuit under specified overcurrent interrupting rating.
n Class R Fuse A 250 or 600 volt current-
n Bolt-in Fuse A fuse intended to be bolted limiting rejection type fuse up to 600A with up
directly to bus bars, contact pads, or fuse blocks. to a 300,000 ampere interrupting rating.
n Cartridge Fuse A fuse with a tubular body n Class T Fuse Small 300 or 600 volt current-
having a terminal on each end and a current- limiting rejection type fuse rated up to 1200A,
responsive element (link) inside. with a 200,000 ampere interrupting rating.
n Class H Fuse A 250 or 600 volt nonrejection n Midget Fuse A common term describing a
fuse, renewable or nonrenewable, rated up to group of fuses used for supplementary circuit
600A with a 10,000 ampere interrupting rating. or component protection, usually having
Note: Renewable Class H fuses are not permitted dimensions of 10 mm x 38 mm (13/32 X 1-1/2
for new installations according to the National in.).
Electrical Code. n Micro Fuse A common term describing
n Class J Fuse A 600 volt current-limiting a group of the smallest size fuse used for
rejection type fuse rated up to 600A with up to a supplementary circuit or component protection,
300,000 ampere interrupting rating. typically mounted on or used to protect printed
circuit boards or small electronic components.
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NECA 420 Standard for Fuse Applications
n Plug Fuse A “household” type fuse with a n Clearing I2t The total I2t passed by a fuse as
threaded base, such as an Edison-base or Type S the fuse clears a fault, with t being equal to the
tamperproof base, rated 0-30 amperes, 125 volts. time elapsed, in seconds, from the initiation of
the fault to the instant the fault has been cleared.
n Rejection Fuse A current limiting fuse with
a high interrupting rating and with unique n Melting I2t The I2t required to melt the fuse
dimensions or mounting provisions, that, when element.
utilized with a rejection fuseholder or switch,
Interrupting Rating The maximum current a fuse
prevents insertion of a different class of fuse .
can safely interrupt. Abbreviated I.R.
n Renewable Fuse A fuse that can be restored
for service by the replacement of its element. NOTE: Some fuses may also have a “minimum
interrupting rating,” which is the minimum current a
n Special Purpose Fuse Fuse with special fuse can safely interrupt.
performance characteristics or ratings intended
to protect specific equipment or components Kiloamperes 1,000 amperes. Abbreviated kA.
under unique or specified conditions.
Limiter or Back-Up Fuse A fuse intended to
n Time-Delay Fuse A fuse that carries a provide short circuit protection only.
specified temporary overload for a minimum
specified time without opening. Overcurrent Any current in excess of conductor
NOTE: The specified current and time ampacity or equipment continuous current rating
requirements are defined in the UL/CSA/NOM which include overloads, short circuits, faults or
248 fuse standards. ground faults.
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
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3. Scope
Application Data for Fuses
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
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1. Sizing
4. Scope and Selection
4.1 Sizing Fuses for Main, Feeder, and NEC 430.32 specifies the maximum ratings of fuses
Branch Circuits and overload protective devices for motor and
branch circuit overload protection. When utilized
In general, fuses are sized not greater than 125%
without overload relays, dual element time-delay
of the continuous load plus 100% of the non-
fuses are normally sized at no more than 115% of a
continuous load. Larger sizing may be permitted for
continuous-duty motor’s full-load current for a 1.0
motors and transformers (see 4.2 and 4.3). Specific
S.F. motor and no more than 125% of a continuous-
fuse sizing for branch circuits is addressed in NEC
duty motor’s full-load current for a 1.15 S.F. motor.
210.20, feeders in 215.3, and services in 230.90.
The motor’s full-load current is based upon the
4.1.1 Interrupting ratings manufacturer’s nameplate, or, when possible, the
actual motor running current for lightly-loaded
The interrupting rating of a fuse must be equal to motors.
or greater than the available fault current at the
line side of the fuse at nominal circuit voltage, in When fuses are used for overload protection, NEC
accordance with NEC 110.9. The interrupting rating 430.36 requires fuses in each conductor of a 3-wire,
indicates the fuse’s capability to safely open under 3-phase, AC motor circuit, even if one of the
short-circuit conditions. The NEC prohibits use conductors is grounded.
of overcurrent protective devices with inadequate
4.2.2 Motor branch circuit short-circuit protec-
interrupting ratings.
4.1.2 Short-circuit current ratings
NEC 430.52 and Table 430.52 specify the maximum
The short-circuit current rating of electrical ratings of fuses for individual motor branch circuit
equipment is based on the short-circuit current short-circuit protection. In general, dual element
rating of its components as well as the interrupting time-delay fuses can be sized close to motor full-load
rating of the overcurrent devices. currents, which also can provide motor overload
protection and single-phase protection in addition to
Electrical system components are required to be motor branch-circuit short-circuit protection. The
protected within their marked short-circuit current type or class of fuse can affect the selection of the
rating, per NEC 110.10, 409.22(industrial control current rating of the fuse. Use NEC Tables 430.248
panels), and 670.5(industrial machinery). This through 430.250 when sizing fuses for branch circuit,
requires that devices be selected and coordinated to short-circuit, and ground fault protection. These
clear a fault without extensive damage to electrical tables provide typical full-load current values for
components in the circuit. Current-limiting fuses can different types of motors, horsepower ratings, and
be used for this purpose. voltages.
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
power electronic devices and motor controllers Typically, semiconductor high-speed fuses are
where the marking for replacement of fuses is selected and sized by the manufacturer of the
provided. complete drive, rectifier, inverter, or power electronic
system to provide only short circuit protection, as
4.2.4 Group motor protection overload protection is usually provided by some
other device in the circuit. Semiconductor fuses are
NEC 430.53 permits the use of a single fuse for the
not generic and are not sized and applied in the field.
protection of two or more circuits that supply two
Consult the equipment manufacturer’s installation
or more motors and other loads, provided other
and user manuals to identify the proper fuse size and
requirements in that Code section are met. Dual
type. Semiconductor fuses should be replaced with
element time-delay fuses are recommended to
the same fuse that was originally installed. Failure
protect these circuits.
to use the recommended fuse and rating will result
4.2.5 Motor branch-circuit overload, short- in damage to the semiconductors, possible safety
circuit, and ground-fault protection problems, and voiding of equipment manufacturer’s
NEC 430.55 permits fuses to be used to provide
motor branch-circuit overload, short circuit, and
4.4 Series-Rated Circuit Breakers
ground-fault protection per 430.52 if the fuse meets
the overload maximum ratings permitted in 430.32. A fuse-circuit breaker series-rated combination,
Dual element time-delay current-limiting fuses can permitted per NEC 240.86, is a specific combination
be sized for motor overload protection and are able of fuses and circuit breakers, which can be applied
to withstand normal motor-starting currents and at available short-circuit current levels above the
temporary surges without nuisance opening, yet interrupting rating of the load-side circuit breaker, but
respond very quickly to short-circuit or ground faults. not above the interrupting rating of the line-side fuse.
4.2.6 Motor control circuit protection In accordance with NEC 240.86(A), for existing
installations, a licensed professional engineer
NEC 430.72 and Table 430.72(B) specify the can select the fuse-circuit breaker series rated
maximum ratings for fuses used to protect motor combination if the downstream circuit breaker(s)
control circuits, and permits different levels of remain passive during the interruption period of
protection based on whether a control circuit the fuse. Circuit breakers should not be considered
transformer is used, or whether the circuit is line passive unless stated by the manufacturer. The
voltage and the size and location of control circuit fuse-circuit breaker series-rated combination is
wiring. required to be documented by the engineer for
use by the designer, installer, inspector, and user.
4.3 Drives, Rectifiers, and Inverters The fuse-circuit breaker series-rated combination
is also required to be field-marked on the end-use
Fuses used to protect drives, rectifiers, and inverters
must operate very rapidly to protect the internal
junctions of power semiconductors or to isolate In accordance with NEC 240.86(B), for new
a damaged semiconductor, especially in case of installations, the manufacturer of the equipment
short-circuits. Special fuses offering this high level (such as a panelboard) in which the protected circuit
of protection are known as “high-speed fuses” or breaker is installed must mark the equipment with
“semiconductor fuses.” In general, most standard the details of the tested fuse-circuit breaker series
general-purpose current-limiting fuses are not fast rated combination(s).
enough to provide an adequate level of protection
for this type of equipment and must not be used as a NEC 240.86(C) requires that series rated
substitute for a semiconductor fuse. combinations shall not be used where the sum of
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NECA 420 Standard for Fuse Applications
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
the transformer reaches its normal magnetizing withstand up to 45 times (or greater) transformer
current. primary rated current for 0.01 second.
To accommodate this inrush current, fuses must be If secondary fuse protection is not provided:
selected with opening characteristics that can handle NEC 450.3 covers overcurrent protection of
at least 12 times the transformer primary rated transformers.
current for 0.1 second, and 25 times for 0.01 second.
4.7.2 Transformers with primary rated 600
NOTE: Some small control type transformers may Volts or less
have substantially greater inrush currents. For these
applications, the fuse may have to be selected to Select fuses according to NEC Table 450.3(B). The
rules are summarized as follows:
Transformer Primary Maximum Primary Fuse % Rated Transformer Secondary Fuse % Rated
Amperes Current Transformer Current
9 or more 250 125*
2 to less than 9 250** 167
Less than 2 250** 167***
* If 125% does not correspond to a standard fuse rating, the next higher rating may be used.
** Transformers equipped with thermal protection shall be permitted to have fuses rated at not more than 600%
FLA, if the transformer impedance is not more than 6%; and not more than 400% of FLA if the transformer
impedance is more than 6% but not more than 10%.
*** Control transformers as part of a motor control circuit shall be permitted to have secondary fuses sized at
500% FLA.
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NECA 420 Standard for Fuse Applications
** Transformers equipped with thermal protection shall be permitted to have separate secondary protection
4.8 Fire Pumps ampere rating. For resistance welders, the NEC
permits fusing at up to 300% of conductor ampere
NEC 695.4 requires that fuses be sized to carry
rating. In these applications, an appropriately sized
the combined sum of the locked rotor currents of
time-delay RK5 fuse is suitable.
the fire pump motor(s) and associated equipment
indefinitely, regardless of maximum conductor To comply with the NEC, AC transformer, DC
ratings. rectifier, and motor generator arc welders should
be fused at not more than 200% of their primary
4.9 Welder Protection current rating (shown on welder nameplate).
4.9.1 General Resistance welders should be fused at not more than
NEC 630.12 and 630.32 require that electric 300% of their primary current rating. As with supply
welders and their supply conductors have conductors, RK5 time delay fuses are recommended.
overcurrent protection. Welder nameplates provide It should be noted that the NEC states that a
information necessary to select supply conductors separate overcurrent device is not required for
and overcurrent protection devices. While either the welder if the supply conductors are protected
circuit breakers or fuses may be used, typically high by an overcurrent device that satisfies the welder
available fault currents and the need for overall overcurrent protection requirements.
system selective coordination favor the use of 4.9.2 Welder protectors (limiters)
current-limiting fuses.
Standard fuses sized according to the NEC are not
For AC transformer, DC rectifier, and motor- suitable in some welding applications. High ambient
generator arc welders, supply conductors should temperatures, high weld cycle rates, and exceptionally
be fused at not more than 200% of the conductor high available fault currents may require the use
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5. Design
1. Scope Considerations When Using
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6. Receiving,
1. Scope Inspection, Handling
and Storage
6.1 Receiving and Storage with care. Mishandled fuses should be inspected for
physical damage and tested for continuity prior to
Verify the fuse manufacturer, size, type, and
use. Do not alter fuses or fuse terminations in any
quantity. Store fuses in a clean, dry space, and
protect from dirt, water, debris, and physical damage
in accordance with the packing documentation.
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1. Installation
7. Scope
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1. Inspections
8. Scope and Maintenance
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
8.7 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting should be done with equipment
de-energized. Where it is not feasible or would result
in a greater hazard to de-energize, follow safety-
related work practices in standards such as NFPA
70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
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(This annex is not part of the standard)
1. Scope
A: NEC Requirements for
Section 110.9 – requires that all equipment intended to interrupt maximum fault current must have an
adequate interrupting rating.
Section 110.10 – requires components to be applied within their short-circuit current ratings.
Section 110.16 – requires field marking of potential electrical arc flash hazards.
Section 110.22 – requires field marking of series combination ratings (see 240.86).
Section 110.24 – requires field marking of service entrance equipment with the maximum available short-
circuit current at the time of installation and whenever changes are made to the line side distribution system.
Article 240 – covers the general requirements and practices for overcurrent protection and protective devices.
Sections 240.60 and 240.61 – deal specifically with cartridge fuses and fuseholder ratings, markings, and
Section 240.60(D) – prohibits the use of renewable class H fuses in new construction.
Section 240.86 – allows, for an existing installation, a properly selected current-limiting fuse to be used in a
series-rated combination to protect a circuit breaker with an interrupting rating less than the available fault
Section 240.87 – requires one of several alternatives to reduce arc-flash incident energy levels whenever 1200
ampere or larger circuit breakers are utilized.
Sections 409.22, 409.110(4) , 670.3(A)(4), and 670.5 – industrial control panels and industrial machinery must
be marked with a short-circuit current rating and applied so that the available short-circuit current does not
exceed the marked short-circuit current rating.
Sections 430.8 and 440.4 – requires that (motor) controllers be marked with short-circuit current ratings. The
marking may depend on the use of the proper current-limiting fuses.
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
Section 430.52 – covers sizing requirements for fuses protecting motor branch circuits. See 430.32 to see sizing
requirements when fuse are required to provide motor overload protection.
Section 430.53 – covers sizing requirements for fuses protecting group motor applications.
Section 430.72 – covers sizing requirements for fuses protecting motor control circuits.
Section 517.30(G) – requires “coordination” of a healthcare essential electrical system for faults lasting more
than 0.1 seconds. This is not to be confused with the selective coordination requirements in Sections 620.62,
645.27, 695.3(C)(3), 700.27, 701.27, and 708.54.
Sections 620.62, 645.27, 695.3(C)(3), 700.27, 701.27, and 708.54 – require that overcurrent protective devices
(fuses and/or circuit breakers) be selectively coordinated with all other supply-side overcurrent protective
devices for power circuits such as elevator feeders, emergency systems, legally required standby systems, fire
pumps for multibuilding campus-style complexes, critical operations power systems, and critical operations
data systems.
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(This annex is not part of the standard)
1. Scope
Annex B: Reference Standards
This publication, when used in conjunction with the National Electrical Code and manufacturers’ literature,
provides sufficient information to install and maintain fuses.
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Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
NECA/NEMA 105-2007, Recommended Practice for Installing Metal Cable Tray Systems (ANSI)
NECA 111-2003, Standard for Installing Nonmetallic Raceways (RNC, ENT, LFNC) (ANSI)
NECA/NACMA 120-2012, Standard for Installing Armored Cable (AC) and Metal-Clad Cable (MC) (ANSI)
NECA 121-2007, Standard for Installing Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable (Type NM-B) and Underground Feeder and
Branch-Circuit Cable (Type UF) (ANSI)
NECA 130-2010, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Wiring Devices (ANSI)
NECA 169-2010, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) and Ground-
Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) (ANSI)
NECA 200-2010, Recommended Practice for Installing and Maintaining Temporary Electric Power at Construction
Sites (ANSI)
NECA 202-2013, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Industrial Heat Tracing Systems (ANSI)
NECA 230-2010, Standard for Selecting, Installing, and Maintaining Electric Motors and Motor Controllers (ANSI)
NECA/FOA 301-2009, Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optic Cables (ANSI)
NECA 303-2005, Standard for Installing Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems (ANSI)
NECA 305-2010, Standard for Fire Alarm System Job Practices (ANSI)
NECA 331-2009, Standard for Building and Service Entrance Grounding and Bonding
NECA 400-2007, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Switchboards (ANSI)
NECA 402-2007, Recommended Practice for Installing and Maintaining Motor Control Centers (ANSI)
NECA/EGSA 404-2014, Standard for Installing Generator Sets (ANSI)
NECA 406-2003, Standard for Installing Residential Generator Sets (ANSI)
NECA 407-2009, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Panelboards (ANSI)
NECA 408-2009, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Busways (ANSI)
NECA 409-2009, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Dry-Type Transformers (ANSI)
NECA 410-2013, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Liquid-Filled Transformers (ANSI)
NECA 411-2006, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) (ANSI)
NECA 412-2012, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Photovoltaic (PV) Power Systems (ANSI)
NECA 413-2012, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (ANSI)
NECA 420-2014, Standard for Fuse Applications (ANSI)
NECA 430-2006, Standard for Installing Medium-Voltage Metal-Clad Switchgear (ANSI)
NECA/IESNA 500-2006, Standard for Installing Indoor Commercial Lighting Systems (ANSI)
NECA/IESNA 501-2006, Standard for Installing Exterior Lighting Systems (ANSI)
NECA/IESNA 502-2006, Standard for Installing Industrial Lighting Systems (ANSI)
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Licensed to Douglas Yu. ANSI store order # X_795378. Downloaded 03/21/2022. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
NECA 420 Standard for Fuse Applications
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Licensed to Douglas Yu. ANSI store order # X_795378. Downloaded 03/21/2022. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
Standard for Fuse Applications NECA 420
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Licensed to Douglas Yu. ANSI store order # X_795378. Downloaded 03/21/2022. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
NECA 420 Standard for Fuse Applications
n 26
Licensed to Douglas Yu. ANSI store order # X_795378. Downloaded 03/21/2022. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.