Neca301-16 P
Neca301-16 P
Neca301-16 P
Standard for
Published by
National Electrical Contractors Association
ber Op
e Fi tic
An American
National Standard
Standards e Fi
ber Op
Published by
o c i a ti on
National Electrical
Contractors Association
s o c i a ti o n
Revision History
NECA/FOA 301-2004 originally published 12/2004
NECA/FOA 301-2009 revised 12/2009
NECA/FOA 301-2016 revised 10/2016
This document is copyrighted by NECA
ISBN: 978-1-944148-17-1
2016. Reproduction of these documents either in hard copy or soft (including posting on the web) is
prohibited without copyright permission. For copyright permission to reproduce portions of this document,
please contact NECA Standards &Safety at (301) 215-4549, or send a fax to (301) 215-4500.
1. Scope............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Products and Applications Included................................................................................................................1
1.2 Regulatory and Other Requirements...............................................................................................................1
1.3 Fiber Optic Topologies......................................................................................................................................1
2.1 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Abbreviations And Acronyms...........................................................................................................................6
4. Installation Requirements................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 General Guidelines............................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Support Structures............................................................................................................................................9
4.3 Removal of Abandoned Cables........................................................................................................................9
4.4 Fire Stopping...................................................................................................................................................10
4.5 Grounding and Bonding ................................................................................................................................10
iii n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
Annex A: Calculating the Loss Budget for a Fiber Optic Cable Plant................................................. 22
A.1 Information Necessary to Calculate Loss Budget..........................................................................................22
A.3 Calculate the fiber loss:...................................................................................................................................23
A.4 Calculate the connector loss:..........................................................................................................................23
A.5 Calculate the splice loss:..................................................................................................................................24
A.6 To calculate the total cable loss, add the losses calculated above: ...............................................................24
A.7 Interpreting the result:....................................................................................................................................24
n iv
(This foreword is not a part of the standard)
National Electrical Installation Standards are Suggestions for revisions and improvements to this
designed to improve communication among standard are welcome. They should be addressed to:
specifiers, purchasers, and suppliers of electrical
construction services. They define a minimum NECA Codes and Standards
baseline of quality and workmanship for installing 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 1100
electrical products and systems. NEIS are intended Bethesda, MD 20814
to be referenced in contract documents for electrical (301) 215-4521 telephone
construction projects. The following language is (301) 215-4500 fax
recommended: [email protected]
Fiber optic cables shall be installed in accordance To purchase National Electrical Installation Standards,
with NECA/FOA 301, Standard for Installing contact the NECA Order Desk at (301) 215-4504
and Testing Fiber Optics. telephone, (301) 215-4500 fax, or orderdesk@necanet.
org. NEIS can also be purchased in .pdf download
format from
Use of NEIS is voluntary, and neither the National
Electrical Contractors Association nor the Fiber Copyright 2016, National Electrical Contractors
Optic Association assumes any obligation or liability Association. All rights reserved. Unauthorized
to users of this publication. Existence of a standard reproduction prohibited.
shall not preclude any member or nonmember of
NECA or FOA from specifying or using alternate National Electrical Installation Standards and NEIS
construction methods permitted by applicable are trademarks of the National Electrical Contractors
regulations. Association. National Electrical Code and NEC are
registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection
The installation and maintenance practices Association, Quincy, Massachusetts.
recommended by this publication are intended to
comply with the edition of the National Electrical
Code (NEC) in effect at the time of publication.
Because they are quality standards, NEIS may
in some instances go beyond the minimum
requirements of the NEC. It is the responsibility of
users of this standard to comply with state and local
electrical codes when installing electrical products
and systems.
v n
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1. Scope
This standard describes procedures for installing n ANSI/TIA 607, Commercial Building
and testing cabling networks that use fiber optic Grounding and Bonding Requirements for
cables and related components to carry signals Telecommunications
for communications, security, control and similar
n ANSI/TIA-758 Customer Owned Outside-Plant
purposes. It defines a minimum level of quality for
Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard
fiber optic cable installations.
n IEEE 1100, IEEE Recommended Practice for
1.1 Products and Applications Included Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment
This standard covers fiber optic cabling installed n NECA/BICSI 568 Standard for Installing
indoors (premises installations) with the addition of Commercial Building Telecommunication
outside plant (OSP) applications involved in campus Cabling (ANSI)
installations where the fiber optic cabling extends Since standards are continually being revised, one
between buildings. Although the standard covers should refer to the latest version of any relevant
premises installations, many of the provisions included standard.
here are also applicable to outside plant installations.
Only qualified persons familiar with installation
and testing of fiber optic cabling should perform
1.2 Regulatory and Other Requirements
the work described in this publication. The term
This publication is intended to comply with ANSI/ qualified person is defined in Article 100 of the
NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code (NEC). It NEC.
is the responsibility of users of this publication to
comply with state and local electrical codes, OSHA Other National Electrical Installation Standards
occupational safety regulations as well as follow provide additional guidance for installing particular
manufacturers installation instructions when types of electrical products and systems. A complete
installing electrical products and systems. list of NEIS is provided in Annex C.
The information in this publication is also intended The Fiber Optic Association, Inc., the professional
to comply with the following: society of fiber optics, maintains an extensive technical
reference web site on fiber optics. This website covers
n ANSI/IEEE C2, National Electrical Safety Code topics related to fiber optic technology, components,
n ANSI/TIA 568, Commercial Building installation, testing, troubleshooting and standards
Telecommunications Cabling Standard in depth. Visit for more complete
n ANSI/TIA 569, Commercial Building Standard
for Telecommunications Wiring Pathways and
1.3 Fiber Optic Topologies
Fiber optic cabling can be used for computer
n ANSI/TIA 606, Administration Standard
networks (LANs), closed circuit TV (video),
for Commercial Telecommunications
voice links (telephone, intercom, audio), building
1 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
management, security or fire alarm systems, or any home (FTTH) called a passive optical network
other communications link. (PON). These networks use an optical splitter to
share electronics for as many as 32 users. These
In premises applications, fiber optic cables can networks are called OLANs (optical LANs) or POLs
be used as the backbone cabling in a standard (passive optical LANs.) Each user is connected
structured cabling network, connecting network by one singlemode fiber that transmits signals
hardware in the computer room/main cross connect bi-directionally. The layout of an OLAN is identical
to local network hardware in a telecom closet. to centralized fiber architecture.
Fiber may also be used for horizontal cabling with
network equipment or media converters in or at the Outside plant (OSP) fiber optic cable installations
connected devices. are typically point-to-point links with terminations
inside buildings housing the communications
In an optimized fiber optic network, cables equipment and intermediate connections in sealed
go directly to the work area with only passive closures. OSP cables may be installed by direct
connections in the links. This architecture is called burial underground, pulled in underground ducts or
centralized fiber optic cabling. Backbone cables conduit and mounted on poles in aerial installations.
typically contain larger numbers of fibers than Fiber optic cable is also placed underwater across
horizontal fiber optic cables, and may contain rivers or lakes.
singlemode fibers as well as multimode fibers.
Telecom Rooms
(Closet) Horizontal Passive Distribution
Main Cross-connect
Figure 1. Structured cabling architecture per TIA-568. Figure 2. Cabling for centralized fiber architecture and OLANs.
n 2
2. Definitions, Abbreviations, and
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NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Connecting Link, Fiber Optic A combination of transmitter,
subscribers to the network for phone, Internet or receiver and fiber optic cable capable of transmitting
over fiber optics. data.
Fresnel Reflection Light reflected from the cleaved Loss Budget The estimated amount of power lost
or polished end of a fiber caused by the difference in the link.
of refractive indices of air and glass. Also called
Reflectance, Back Reflection or Optical Return Loss. Loss Margin The additional amount of loss that
can be tolerated in a link. The difference between the
Fusion Splice A permanent joint between two maximum loss the networking equipment is designed
fibers created by heating the fibers and fusing the for and the actual loss of the link.
Mechanical Splice A joint between two fibers
Fusion Splicer A precision instrument that joins made with a mechanical alignment device that
two fibers together by melting and fusing them. usually contains index matching gel or adhesive.
Graded Index Fiber A type of multimode fiber, Microscope, Fiber Optic Inspection A
which uses a graded profile of refractive index in the microscope used to inspect the end surface of a
core material to correct for modal dispersion. connector for flaws or contamination or the end of a
fiber for cleave quality.
Hybrid Cable An optical cable containing both
singlemode and multimode fibers. Multimode Fiber A fiber with core diameter
much larger than the wavelength of light transmitted.
Index Matching Fluid or Gel A fluid or gel with a It allows many modes (rays) of light to propagate.
refractive index similar to the fiber used to match the
materials at the ends of two fibers to reduce loss and Optical Fiber An optical waveguide comprised
back reflection. of a light carrying core, surrounding cladding which
traps light in the core and the primary coating.
Insertion Loss The loss caused by the insertion
of a component such as a splice or connector in an Optical LAN (OLAN) LAN architecture based on
optical fiber. Also refers to the loss of a cable or cable FTTH systems.
plant when tested with an optical loss test set.
Optical Loss The amount of optical power lost as
Jacket The protective outer layer of the cable. light is transmitted through fiber, splices, couplers, etc.
Lambda-l Greek letter used as a symbol for Optical Loss Test Set (OLTS) Tester comprised
wavelength. of fiber optic power meter and test source used to
test the loss of components or cable plants. It is
Launch Cable A high quality fiber optic reference also referred to as LSPM for light source and power
jumper cable used for loss testing, attached to a meter.
source and calibrated for output power.
n 4
Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
Optical Power The amount of radiant energy per Singlemode Fiber A fiber with a small core, only
unit time, expressed in linear units or watts or on a a few times the wavelength of light transmitted, that
logarithmic scale in dB (where dB=10 log (power/1 only allows one mode of light to propagate.
mW), 0 dBm = 1 mw).
Splice A joint or permanent connection between
Optical Time Domain Reflect-o-meter (OTDR) two fibers. See Fusion Splice and Mechanical Splice.
An instrument that uses back scattered light to
find faults in optical fiber and to infer loss for Step Index Fiber A multimode fiber where the
troubleshooting. core is composed of a material with the same index
of refraction.
Overfilled Launch A condition for launching light
into the fiber where the incoming light has a spot Termination Preparation of the end of a fiber to
size and NA larger than acceptance cone of the fiber, allow non-permanent joining to another fiber or an
thereby filling all modes in the fiber. active device, sometimes called connectorization.
Passive Optical LAN (POL) A LAN based on FTTH Test Source A laser diode or LED used to inject
passive optical network (PON) systems. an optical signal into fiber for testing loss of the fiber
or other components.
Pigtail A short length of fiber attached to a fiber
optic component such as a connector, laser or Visual Fiber Tracer A device that couples low
coupler. Pigtails with connectors can be spliced onto power visible light from a lamp or LED to allow
cables as an alternative to direct termination. tracing fibers and testing continuity.
Power Budget For network equipment, the Visual Fault Locator A device that couples high
difference (in dB) between the transmitted optical power visible light from a laser into the fiber to
power (in dBm) and the receiver sensitivity (in allow finding breaks, stress loss, tracing and testing
dBm), used to determine the amount of cable plant continuity.
loss that can be tolerated by the equipment.
Wavelength A measure of the color of light,
Power Meter, Fiber Optic An instrument that usually expressed in nanometers (nm) or microns
measures optical power emanating from the end of a (m).
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)
Receive Cable A high quality fiber optic reference Transmitting signals of different wavelengths of light
jumper cable, attached to a power meter used for loss through a fiber simultaneously.
Working Margin The difference (in dB) between
Reference Test Cable A short single fiber jumper the power budget and the loss budget (i.e. the excess
cable with connectors on both ends used for testing. power margin).
The fiber and connectors must match the cables to
be tested.
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NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
n 6
3. Safety and Cautions for Fiber
Optic Installation
3.1 Fiber Optic Installation Safety c) Never look directly into the end of any optical
fiber unless you are certain that no light is present
3.1.1 General
in the fiber. The light used for signal transmission
Safety in fiber optic installation involves many of in fiber optics is generally invisible to the human
the same issues as installing any other cable. This eye but may operate at power levels that can be
includes safety climbing ladders or poles, working with harmful to the eye. Inspection microscopes can
the equipment and processes used in outside plant concentrate the light in the fiber and increase the
installations which involve underground and aerial danger. Use an optical power meter to verify that
cables and working in areas with hazards typical of no light is present in the fiber. Some mobile phone
construction sites. cameras are sensitive in the infrared and may be
used to detect light in optical fibers.
Safety in fiber optic installations specifically includes
avoiding exposure to light radiation carried in the fiber; d) When using an optical tracer or continuity
disposal of fiber scraps produced in cable handling and checker, look at the fiber from an angle at least
termination; and safe handling of hazardous chemicals 300 mm (12 in.) away from the eye to determine if
used in termination, splicing or cleaning according to the visible light is present.
job and manufacturers specifications and company or
3.1.3 Protection from Fiber Scraps
client site-specific standards.
a) Small scraps of bare fiber resulting from the
While fiber optic cables generally are all dielectric and
termination and splicing process must be disposed
carry no electrical power, it may be necessary to work
of in a container designed for the purpose and
in areas that already have installed electrical power
marked according to local regulations, as it may
cables and hardware. Care should be taken to avoid
be considered hazardous waste.
these cables or have the power disconnected for the
duration of the installation. b) Do not drop fiber scraps on the floor where
they will stick in carpets or shoes and be carried
The following are examples of safety precautions
elsewhere. Place them in a marked container or
that should be followed during fiber optic cable
stick them to double-sided adhesive tape on the
installations. This is not a comprehensive list of OSHA
work surface.
regulations governing fiber optic installations.
c) Thoroughly clean the work area when finished.
3.1.2 Eye Protection
Do not use compressed air to clean off the work
a) Always wear safety glasses with side shields. area. Sweep all scraps into a disposal container.
Always ensure that safety eyewear complies with
d) Do not eat, drink or smoke near the working area.
relevant requirements including OSHA.
Fiber particles can be harmful if ingested.
b) After handling fiber, wash hands thoroughly
e) Wash hands well after working with fibers.
before touching eyes or contact lenses.
f) Carefully inspect clothing for fiber scraps when
7 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
finished working with fiber. used, spray away from the area to be cleaned for
a few seconds before directing it to the area to
3.1.4 Other Safety Issues ensure no liquid propellant is in the spray.
a) Work only in well-ventilated areas. Confined f) Test equipment fiber inputs/outputs and test
spaces, such as equipment vaults, manholes can cables should be cleaned periodically.
contain toxic or explosive gases or insufficient air
to sustain life.
3.2 Cleanliness
The small size of optical fibers makes them very
sensitive to dust and dirt. Maintain the highest
standards of cleanliness when working with fiber to
optimize its performance.
n 8
4. Installation Requirements
4.1 General Guidelines c) Move large reels with a matched set of slings or
chokers, attached to an appropriately sized piece
4.1.1 Receiving Fiber Optic Cabling and
of pipe inserted into the hole in the center of the
Equipment on Site
reel. Do not attach slings and chokers around the
a) Fiber optic equipment and components are sub- spooled area of the reel. Move cable reels carefully
ject to damage by improper handling and must be to avoid damage to the cable.
handled according to the procedures specified for
the components by manufacturers or other rele- 4.2 Support Structures
vant documents.
a) Install support structures for fiber optic cable
b) When initially received on the job site, carefully installations before the installation of the fiber
inspect all fiber optic components for damage and optic cable itself. These structures should follow
test for continuity or loss if damage is suspected. all relevant building codes and standards and
the guidelines in standards such as TIA-569 and
c) Ensure that all components and parts have been NECA/BICSI-568. Outside plant structures should
received, match quantities ordered (e.g. fiber be installed in conformance with all applicable
optic cable contains the number and type of fiber building codes and standards.
ordered and is the length ordered), and that any
discrepancies or damaged goods are noted and b) Allow for future growth in the quantity and size of
replaced as required. cables when determining the size of the pathway
bend radius requirements.
d) Store all equipment and cabling in a clean and dry
location, protected from harsh environments and c) Do not install a fiber optic cable in a conduit or
extremes of cold and heat. duct that already contains cabling, regardless of
the cable type. Existing or new empty ductwork
4.1.2 Handling Fiber Optic Cables can be modified to accept several different instal-
lations by the placement of innerduct within it.
a) Handle reels of fiber optic cable with care. All
reels, regardless of size or length, must have both
ends of the cable available for the testing. A fiber 4.3 Removal of Abandoned Cables
tracer or visual fault locator and bare fiber adapt- Unless directed by the owner or other agency that
ers can be used for continuity testing. Cables sus- unused cables are reserved for future use, remove
pected of having been damaged in handling may abandoned optical fiber cable (cable that is not
require OTDR testing of a sampling of fibers to terminated at equipment other than a connector and
verify the condition of the cable. not identified for future use with a tag) as required
by the National Electrical Code.
b) Move small, lightweight spools of fiber optic cable
by hand. Move larger reels with appropriate lifting
equipment or using two or more installers skilled
in the moving operation.
9 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
n 10
5. Fiber Optic Cables
5.1 Cable Types considered compatible with regular fibers and joining
these different types of fibers may cause higher loss
Fiber optic cables are available in many types and
joints. Bend insensitive fibers should be identified on
styles depending on the environment in which they
the cable jacket and other labeling. For compatibility
are intended to be installed. Indoor cables must be
between bend intensive fiber and non-bend intensive
rated for flame resistance and outside plants must be
fiber, refer to the manufacturers requirements.
rated for environmental exposure. The number of
fibers in the cable and the type of fiber(s) should be 5.1.2 Fiber Optic Cables by Construction Type
marked on the jacket of the cable.
a) Tight Buffered Cables
5.1.1 Cables by Fiber Types
Tight-buffered fiber optic cable contains fiber with
Fiber optic cables may contain multimode optical a soft 900 micron diameter coating that protects the
fibers, singlemode fibers or a combination of the two, fiber and is color-coded for identification. Tight-
in which case it is referred to as a hybrid cable. buffered fibers are cabled with strength members
Multimode fibers can be 62.5/125 micron (OM1) (usually aramid fibers) in simplex or zip cord cables
fiber, 50/125 (OM2) fiber or 50/125 laser-optimized for use as patch cords.
(OM3 and OM4) fiber. The type or types of fibers
Multiple tight buffered fibers may be cabled with
included in the cable shall be identified by markings
aramid fiber strength members and a central stiffener
on the jacket and premises cables should have a
in a cable type called a distribution cable, often used
jacket color per TIA-598. (See Section 5.3.1.)
for premises backbones, horizontal runs or general
Fibers with different core diameters are not building cabling.
compatible. Connecting 62.5/125 fiber to 50/125 fiber
Several simplex cables can be bundled in a single
can lead to excess loss at joints of 1-4 dB. Connecting
cable called a breakout cable. Simplex, zipcord and
multimode fiber to singlemode fiber may lead to losses
breakout cables may be directly terminated for
of nearly 20 dB. Cable color codes for identification
connection to a patch panel or network equipment as
are covered in Section 5.3.1. Connector types should
the cable provides adequate protection for the fibers.
be chosen to ensure that facilities including more than
one type of fiber are properly connected. Fibers in distribution cables are terminated directly,
but the lack of protection for the fibers requires they
The type of fiber optic cable is required to be
be placed inside patch panels or wall-mounted boxes.
positively identified and, if hybrid, the type of each
fiber, since multimode and singlemode fiber are also b) Loose Tube Cable
terminated in a different manner. See Section 6 for
more information on terminations. Loose tube (also called loose buffer) fiber optic
cable consists of one or more protective tubes, each
Many fibers are designed to be bend insensitive to containing one or more fibers with only a 250 micron
allow being installed around tight bends or packed primary coating over the fiber. Loose tube cable is
more densely into smaller cables without causing stress primarily used for outside plant installations where low
loss in the fiber. Some bend-insensitive fibers are not attenuation and high cable pulling strength are required.
11 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
Many fibers can be incorporated into the same tube, OFN optical fiber nonconductive
providing a small size, high fiber-density construction.
The tubes are usually filled with a gel or dry water- OFC optical fiber conductive
blocking compound that prevents water from entering
OFNG or OFCG general purpose
the cable. The fibers in loose tube cables are protected
from the outside environment and can be installed with OFNP or OFCP plenum rated cables for use
higher pulling tensions than tight-buffered cables. in air-handling plenums
Fiber in loose tube cables may be spliced directly and OFN-LS low smoke density
placed in appropriate protective enclosures. Fibers
in loose tube cables which have only the 250 micron
primary coating should be sleeved with a break out
5.3 Fiber Optic Cable Color Codes
kit for protection before termination and placed in 5.3.1 Cable Jackets
patch panels or wall-mounted boxes for protection.
Table 1 details color codes for premises fiber optic
c) Ribbon Cable cables as specified in TIA-598.
Ribbon cable has fibers in flat groups called ribbons Some indoor cables may be different colors than
that may contain 12, 24 or 36 fibers. Ribbon cable is these, depending on the manufacturer or user.
chosen when many fibers are needed and the cable
must be as small as possible. Ribbons of fibers can Outdoor cables are generally black to prevent UV
be spliced to other ribbons at one time with special damage from the sun and the installer should rely on
fusion splicers or mechanical splices. the identification printed on the cable jacket.
n 12
Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
Fiber No. Color b) Check the cable length to make sure the cable
being pulled is long enough for the run to prevent
1 Blue
having to splice fiber and provide special protection
2 Orange for the splices.
3 Green c) Try to complete the installation in one pull.
4 Brown Prior to any installation, assess the route carefully to
determine the methods of installation and obstacles
5 Slate
likely to be encountered.
6 White
D) Do not mix fiber optic cables and copper cables
7 Red in one cable tray. Copper cables can be much heavier
8 Black and damage the fiber cables by crushing. If needed,
attach fiber ducts to the side of copper cable trays
9 Yellow
and pull the fiber into the duct.
10 Violet Pulling Tension
11 Rose
a) Cable manufacturers install special strength
12 Aqua members, usually aramid yarn, for pulling. Fiber
optic cable should only be pulled by these strength
Connector color codes are covered in Section 6.2.1b members. Any other method may put stress on the
fibers and harm them.
5.4 Installing Fiber Optic Cable
b) Swivel pulling eyes should be used to attach the
5.4.1 General pulling rope or tape to the cable to prevent cable
Fiber optic cable may be installed indoors or outdoors twisting during the pull.
using several different installation processes. Outdoor
c) Cables should not be pulled by the jacket unless it is
cable may be direct buried, installed underground by
specifically approved by the cable manufacturers and
being pulled or blown into conduit or innerduct, or
an approved cable grip is used.
installed aerially between poles. Indoor cables can be
installed in raceways, cable trays, placed in hangers, d) Tight buffer cable can be pulled over short distances
pulled into conduit or innerduct or blown though by the jacket in premises applications if a large (~40
special ducts with compressed gas. The installation cm, 8 in.) spool is used as a pulling mandrel. Wrap
process will depend on the nature of the installation the cable around the spool 5 times and hold gently
and the type of cable being used. when pulling.
Installation methods for both wire and optical fiber e) Do not exceed the maximum pulling tension rating.
communications cables are similar. Fiber cable is Consult the cable manufacturer and suppliers of
designed to be pulled with much greater force than conduit, innerduct, and cable lubricants for guidelines
copper cable if pulled correctly, but excess stress may on tension ratings and lubricant use.
harm the fibers, potentially causing eventual failure.
f) On long runs pulled in conduit, it may be necessary
5.4.2 Installation Guidelines to use lubricants. Make certain they are compatible
with the cable jacket. If possible, use an automated
a) Follow the cable manufacturers recommendations.
puller with tension control and/or a breakaway pulling
Fiber optic cable is often custom designed for the
eye. On very long runs (farther than approximately
installation and the manufacturer may have specific
4 kilometers [2.5 miles]), pull from the middle out
instructions on its installation.
to both ends or use an automated fiber puller at
13 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
intermediate point(s) for a continuous pull. b) If no specific recommendations are available from
the cable manufacturer, the cable should not be
g) When laying loops of fiber on a surface during a pull, pulled over a bend radius smaller than twenty (20)
use figure-8 loops to prevent twisting the cable (see times the cable diameter.
Figure 3).
c) After completion of the pull, the cable should not Bend Radius have any bend radius smaller than ten (10) times
Fiber optic cables are designed to withstand bending the cable diameter.
both during installation where tension is applied to
the cable and after installation. There are general Twisting Cable
guidelines for most optical fiber cables using regular a) Do not twist the cable. Twisting the cable can
fiber. There are also fibers available that are rated stress the fibers. Tension on the cable and pulling
as bend-insensitive that can withstand a smaller ropes can cause twisting.
bend radius than regular fiber. Unless one knows
that bend-insensitive fiber is used in a cable, use b) Use a swivel pulling eye to connect the pull rope
the following guidelines. For bend-insensitive to the cable to prevent pulling tension causing
fiber, follow the cable and/or fiber manufacturers twisting forces on the cable.
c) Roll the cable off the spool instead of spinning it
a) Do not exceed the cable bend radius. Fiber optic off the spool end to prevent putting a twist in the
cable can be broken when kinked or bent too cable for every turn on the spool (see Figure 4).
tightly, especially during pulling.
d) When laying cable out for a long pull, use a fig-
ure 8 on the ground to prevent twisting. The fig-
ure 8 puts a half twist in on one side of the 8 and
takes it out on the other, preventing twists.
Figure 3. Use figure 8 loops to protect the cable when pulling. Figure 4. Roll cable off the spool to prevent twisting.
n 14
Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
c) Use service loops to assist in gripping the cable for c) Splice panels and patch panels: Terminate or
support and to provide cable for future repairs or splice distribution cables inside panels or boxes to
rerouting. protect the fibers from damage. Boxes or panels
may be rack-mounted or wall-mounted. All
5.5 Cable Plant Hardware should have locks to prevent unauthorized entry.
All hardware and support structures should follow the d) Racks and cabinets: Enclosures for patch panels
recommendations of TIA-569 and NECA/BICSI 568. and splice panels are used to terminate and
organize cables. Use cable management hardware
5.5.1 Cable Racks, Trays, Conduit and on the racks to route and separate cables to
Innerduct minimize potential for damage and facilitate
moves, additions and changes.
a) Outside plant cables can be installed in conduit
or innerduct or direct-buried, depending on the e) Take care with all splicing and termination
cable type. hardware to maintain cable bend radiuses, prevent
pinching or kinking of fibers and separate fibers to
b) Premises cabling can be installed in cable trays,
allow for future restoration, moves or other work.
ladder racks, J-hooks, or other approved support
5.6 Use of Cable Ties
Note: The term approved is defined in other
Fiber optic cables, like all communications cables,
standards as acceptable to the authority having
are sensitive to compressive or crushing loads.
Cable ties used with many cables, especially when
c) Building cables can be installed directly, but tightened with an installation tool, are harmful to
installing them inside plenum-rated innerduct fiber optic cables, causing attenuation and potential
provides extra protection for the fiber cable. fiber breakage.
Innerduct is bright orange and will provide a good
a) When used, cable ties should be hand tightened to
way to identify fiber optic cable and protect it
be snug but loose enough to be moved along the
from damage.
cable by hand. Then the excess length of the tie
5.5.2 Fiber Optic Splicing and Termination should be cut off to prevent future tightening.
b) Hook-and-loop fastener ties are preferred for fiber
a) Breakout kits: The fibers in loose tube cables have optic cables, as they cannot apply crush loads
only the 250 micron primary buffer coating. Use sufficient to harm the cable.
breakout kits to separate and protect individual
fibers in a loose tube cable for termination.
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6. Fiber Optic Termination
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Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
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NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
b) Test all fibers in all cables for loss using an OLTS 6.3.2 Splice Performance
(light source and power meter.) Test multimode
cables using TIA-526-14, and singlemode cables Splice performance shall be within industry standard
using TIA-526-7. Total loss shall be less than the limits as specified in TIA-568. Splice performance
calculated maximum loss for the cable based on may be specified by end users at a different value,
standards or customer specifications as calculated and if so, those values shall be used for acceptance.
in a loss budget for the cable.
6.3.3 Splice Performance Verification
6.2.6 Fiber Polarization End-to-end tests of fiber optic cable loss include
In fiber networks, separate fibers are typically used the losses caused by splices. If the cable loss exceeds
for transmission in each direction, therefore it is the calculated maximum value, or if the customer
necessary to identify the fiber connected to the requires splice loss verification, test the cable with an
transmitter and receiver at each end. OTDR to analyze the loss of individual components
(fiber, connectors, and splices) in the cable. Test
a) Duplex connectors such as the duplex SC splice loss in both directions and average the
are polarized, that is they are keyed to allow measured values to reduce the directional effects of
connection in only one orientation. Follow the OTDR measurements.
polarization rules given in TIA-568, Section 5.2.4.
6.3.4 Splice Protection
b) Simplex connectors should be documented for
connections and when allocated to the transceiver Splices shall be placed in a protective enclosure that
of networking equipment, marked for transmit matches the environment. Cables shall be secured
and receive at each end of the link. at the entry to the closure. Typical closures for loose
tube cable will have fiber tubes leading to a splice
tray where individual fibers are spliced and care-
6.3 Fiber Optic Splices fully placed to prevent damage when the splice tray
6.3.1 Types of Splices is closes and placed in the closure. Splice enclosure
specifications shall match the requirements of all
Splices are a permanent joint or connection between fiber, tube and cable lengths to prevent damage to
two fibers. There are two basic types of splices, the cable and fibers.
fusion and mechanical.
n 18
7. Testing the Installed Fiber Optic
Cable Plant
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NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
n 20
8. Administration, Management, and
8.1 General
Documentation of the fiber optic cable plant is
an integral part of the design, installation and
maintenance process for the fiber optic network.
Documenting the installation effectively will facilitate
installation, allow better planning for upgrading,
and simplify testing for future moves, additions and
21 n
(This annex is not a part of the standard)
Calculating the loss budget for a fiber optic link should be done as part of the initial design of the link. A loss
budget will estimate the loss of the link to provide assurance that the link will support telecommunications
equipment intended for use on the link. It should also be used to provide an estimated loss value to use when
testing the link with a test source and power meter after installation to determine if the link has been installed
Max Attenuation
Attenuation Coefficient
Fiber Type Wavelength (nm) Coefficient Per TIA-568
850 3.5 3
1300 1.5 1
850 3.5 3
1300 1.5 1
Singlemode 1310 1.0 0.5
(Premises) 1550 1.0 0.5
Singlemode 1310 0.5 0.4
(Outside Plant) 1550 0.5 0.3
n 22
Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
A.2 Process:
1. Calculate the loss of the fiber
2. Calculate the loss of all connections
3. Calculate the loss of all splices
4. Add all losses to get the total loss
For example, a cable plant with 3 connections plus the end connectors:
Total connection loss = Number of connections (5) X 0.75 dB (TIA Max Specification) = 3.75 dB
Total connection loss = Number of connections (5) X 0.3 dB (Typical Specification) = 1.5 dB
23 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
Total splice loss = Number of splices (3) X 0.3 dB (TIA Max Specification) = 0.9 dB
Total splice loss = Number of splices (3) X 0.05 dB (Typical Specification) = 0.15 dB
A.6 To calculate the total cable loss, add the losses calculated above:
Total fiber loss in dB = (fiber loss) + (connector loss) + (splice loss)
n 24
(This annex is not a part of the standard)
25 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
sets this as the 0 dB reference. This method is to the cable under test using a reference cable
preferred and will work when the cable plant con- (receive cable.)
nectors are compatible with the test equipment or
can be adapted using hybrid mating adapters, e.g. 2. The light from the test source is attenuated by
ST to SC mating. the cable under test, beginning at the connection
to the launch cable, while passing through all
b) 2-Cable Reference: If the cable plant connectors are fiber in the cable, connectors and splices, and
not compatible with the test instruments, e.g. LC finally the connection to the receive cable.
connectors on the cable plant and SC connectors
3. The loss of the cable is the difference of the 0
on the instruments, a two cable reference method
dB reference set and the output of the cable
(TIA-526-14, Method A) can be used. Use hybrid
being tested as measured by the power meter,
reference cables with SC connectors to mate with
expressed in dB.
the instruments and LC connectors on the other
end to mate with the cable plant. Attach the SC Notes:
connector ends of the reference cables to the
instruments then mate the LC ends with a mating 1. Test multimode fiber at 850 and 1300 nm
adapter to set the 0 dB reference. When making and singlemode fiber at 1310 and 1550 nm or
the measurements of loss, the value measured will as required by other standards or customer
be lower by the loss of the connection between the requirements.
reference cables included in setting the reference.
2. Clean reference cables between every
c) 3-Cable Reference: If the cable plant connectors measurement and test reference cables
are plug and jack type and not compatible with frequently to verify quality.
the test instruments, e.g. MTRJ or MTP connec-
tors on the cable plant and SC connectors on the B.2.2 Test Instruments
instruments, a three-cable reference method (TIA-
a) Test source: The test source shall be of a source
526-14, Method C) must be used. In this method,
and wavelength suitable for the cabling system being
the reference cables attached to the test source and
power meter are mated to a third reference cable,
a short version of the cable plant to be tested, for 1. Use LED sources to test multimode fiber at
setting the 0 dB reference. When making the 850 and 1300 nm and laser sources to test
measurements of loss, the value measured will be singlemode fiber at 1310 and 1550 nm.
lower by the loss of the two connections included
between the reference cables in setting the refer- 2. Multimode test sources should meet applicable
ence. must be used. In this method, the reference standards for mode power distribution and
cables attached to the test source and power meter be used with correctly sized mandrel wrap
are mated to a third reference cable, a short ver- mode filters or other mode conditioners when
sion of the cable plant to be tested for setting the specified by the standard.
0 dB reference. When making the measurements
of loss, the value measured will be lower by the b) Optical power meter: The optical power meter
loss of the two connections included in setting the shall be suitable for the cabling system being tested.
reference. 1. The optical power meter shall be calibrated at
B.2.1.2 Making Insertion Loss Measurements the wavelengths suitable for the test source.
1. To measure the loss after the 0 dB reference has 2. The optical power meter shall have a
been set, the light source is coupled to one end measurement range suitable for the loss ranges
of the cable under test with a launch reference being tested.
cable and the optical power meter is coupled
n 26
Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
3. Adapters for connector types being tested shall 2. Optical sources will affect loss measurements
be available. in several ways. Fiber attenuation varies with
wavelength, so the wavelength of the source will
4. The optical power meter shall be calibrated by affect the loss of long cables. LED sources used
a calibration laboratory and in accordance with for multimode testing will affect the loss of both
the manufacturers recommended recalibration the fiber and any joints in the fiber according
interval(s). to how the source launches light into the modes
c) Reference test cables: Reference test cables shall be of the fiber. Standards describe several ways to
compatible with the cable plant being tested. condition the modal distribution that may be
relevant to the cable being tested.
1. Cables shall match the type (multimode
3. Setting the 0 dB reference using the two
or singlemode) of fiber being tested and, if
or three cable reference method may cause
multimode, the core size (50 or 62.5 micron).
increased uncertainty in the loss value, even
Bend-insensitive fibers may not be appropriate
showing a gain if the reference was set
as reference cables for testing all types of
improperly or the connections on the reference
fibers. Consult the cable manufacturer for
cables were dirty.
27 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
3. Obtain a trace of the fiber being tested. 3. OTDRs have a distance resolution limited by the
width of the test pulse. Set the pulse as short as
4. Analyze the OTDR trace for fiber length and possible for the range needed to reach the end of
events (connectors, splices, locations of stress the cable plant being tested for best resolution.
4. OTDRs are generally not useful for short cables.
5. Test in each direction and average to obtain If the trace does not show a flat trace of fiber
absolute loss values of splices and connectors. loss after a connection, the cable is too short to
n 28
(This annex is not a part of the standard)
This publication, when used in conjunction with the National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code,
and cable manufacturers literature, provides sufficient information to install and test fiber optic cables.
Standards are under continuous development therefore it is recommended that the user obtain the latest versions
of all referenced standards.
IEEE 1100, IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment ANSI
29 n
NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optic
ANSI/TIA-569, Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Wiring Pathways and Spaces
TIA-526-14, Optical Power Loss Measurements Of Installed Multimode Fiber Cable Plant
TIA-526-7, Optical Power Loss Measurements Of Installed Singlemode Fiber Cable Plant
n 3030
Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
NECA 303-2005, Standard for Installing Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems (ANSI)
NECA 305-2010, Standard for Fire Alarm System Job Practices (ANSI)
NECA 331-2009, Standard for Building and Service Entrance Grounding and Bonding
NECA 400-2007, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Switchboards (ANSI)
NECA 402-2014, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Motor Control Centers (ANSI)
NECA/EGSA 404-2014, Standard for Installing Generator Sets (ANSI)
NECA 406-2014, Standard for Installing Residential Generator Sets (ANSI)
NECA 407-2015, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Panelboards (ANSI)
NECA 408-2015, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Busways (ANSI)
NECA 409-2015, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Dry-Type Transformers (ANSI)
NECA 410-2013, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Liquid-Filled Transformers (ANSI)
NECA 411-2014, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) (ANSI)
NECA 412-2012, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Photovoltaic (PV) Power Systems (ANSI)
NECA 413-2012, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (ANSI)
NECA 420-2014, Standard for Fuse Applications (ANSI)
NECA 430-2016, Standard for Installing Medium-Voltage Switchgear (ANSI)
NECA/IESNA 500-2006, Standard for Installing Indoor Commercial Lighting Systems (ANSI)
NECA/IESNA 501-2006, Standard for Installing Exterior Lighting Systems (ANSI)
NECA/IESNA 502-2006, Standard for Installing Industrial Lighting Systems (ANSI)
NECA 503-2005, Standard for Installing Fiber Optic Lighting Systems
NECA/BICSI 568-2006, Standard for Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling (ANSI)
NECA/NCSCB 600-2014, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Medium-Voltage Cable (ANSI)
NECA/NEMA 605-2005, Recommended Practice for Installing Underground Nonmetallic Utility Duct
NECA/BICSI 607-2011, Standard for Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding Planning and Installation
Methods for Commercial Buildings (ANSI)
NECA 700-2016, Standard for Installing Overcurrent Protection to Achieve Selective Coordination (ANSI)
NECA 701-2013, Standard for Energy Management, Demand Response and Energy Solutions (ANSI)
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NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
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Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics NECA/FOA 301
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NECA/FOA 301 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics
n 34