Module 4 Class 1 2
Module 4 Class 1 2
Module 4 Class 1 2
Introductory Macroeconomics
© Dr. Abhishek Naresh
Assistant Professor
BIT Mesra
Course Flow
1. Soumyen Sikdar: Principles of Macroeconomics, Oxford University Press.
2. N. Gregory Mankiw: Macroeconomics.
Y = Y + (P − P ) e
W = ω P e wage
W Pe
P P © Dr. Abhishek Naresh
Assistant Professor
BIT Mesra
The Sticky-Wage Model
W Pe
If it turns out that then
e unemployment and output are
P =P at their natural rates
Real wage is less than its target,
P Pe so firms hire more workers and
output rises above its natural rate
e Real wage exceeds its target,
P P so firms hire fewer workers and
output falls below its natural rate © Dr. Abhishek Naresh
Assistant Professor
BIT Mesra
The Sticky-Wage Model
• Implies that the real wage should be counter-cyclical , it should move in the
opposite direction as output over the course of business cycles:
• In booms, when P typically rises, the real wage should fall.
• In recessions, when P typically falls, the real wage should rise.
in real wage
Percentage change
4 1972
1960 1997
1996 2000
1970 1984
1982 1993
1991 1992
-2 1975
-3 1979
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
© Dr. Abhishek Naresh
Percentage change in real GDP Assistant Professor
BIT Mesra
The Imperfect-Information Model
▪ all wages and prices perfectly flexible,
all markets clear
▪ each supplier produces one good, consumes many goods
▪ each supplier knows the nominal price of the good she produces, but
does not know the overall price level
• In this model, the short-run and long-run aggregate supply curves differ because
of temporary misperceptions about prices
• The imperfect-information model assumes that each supplier in the economy
produces a single good and consumes many goods
• Because the number of goods is so large, suppliers cannot observe all prices at all
• High P e High P
If firms expect high prices, then firms who must set prices in advance will set
them high.
Other firms respond by setting high prices.
• High Y High P
When income is high, the demand for goods is high. Firms with flexible prices set
high prices.
© Dr. Abhishek Naresh
Assistant Professor
BIT Mesra
The Sticky-Price Model
e (1 − s ) a
P = P + (Y −Y )
• The greater the fraction of flexible price firms, the smaller is s and the bigger is
the effect
of Y on P.
Y = Y + (P − P e ),
where =
(1 − s )a
© Dr. Abhishek Naresh
Assistant Professor
BIT Mesra
The Sticky-Price Model
P Pe
e Each of the
P =P
three models of
P Pe agg. supply imply
the relationship
Y summarized by
Y the SRAS curve
& equation
© Dr. Abhishek Naresh
Assistant Professor
BIT Mesra
Summary & Implications
SRAS equation: Y = Y + (P − P e )
Suppose a positive
AD shock moves
output above its LRAS
natural rate
and P above the SRAS1
level people
had expected. P3 = P3e
Over time, e AD2
P e
= P = P
P e rises,
2 1 1
Y = Y + (P − P ) e (CQEDS)
BIT Mesra