Handouts of Quality

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Quality is a complex concept. There is no single definition that can cover all the
aspects of quality. The term is used differently. Each definition reflects a different
perspective. Companies and their employees will have to understand how quality
affects the organization, consumer behavior and market competition.

Dictionary meaning of quality

According to Webster‟s II New Revised University Dictionary, „quality is an

essential character: nature, an ingredient or distinguishing attribute: property, a
character trait, superiority of kind, degree of grade or excellence‟.

Quality concept according to people

Concept of quality differs from person to person, for some

 It can be meeting a specification or confirming to specifications

 Meeting or exceeding customer expectations
 Best money can buy
 Absence of any defect
 Craftsmanship

Quality based on product, user, manufacturing and Value

According to Dr. Garvin, quality can also be defined as

 Product based-It focuses on quality as a precise and measurable variable of a

finished product. When designers are planning a product they have to keep a
track on all the physical aspects of the garment that affects the quality of the
end product in terms of raw material, proper sewing, seaming and finishing.
This will help in achieving pre-established quality level of a brand,
consumer satisfaction and price point.
 User Based-It focuses on quality as something that a consumer wants
according to their requirements and expectations. When a consumer is
planning to buy a product they will have certain criteria in regards to
aesthetics, performance and function which should be considered while
 Manufacturing based-It focuses on quality as meeting specifications,
conformance to the required standards. It is the duty of the manufacturer to
stick to the required or stated standards and specifications so that the target
consumers can be satisfied.
 Value based-It focuses on quality in respect to the cost or price of a product
or service. A consumer‟s perception of value is based on the usage and
benefit of that product throughout a lifetime.

Quality as Fitness for Use

Another definition given by Dr. Joseph M.Juran is “Fitness for use” It states that
the companies should judge the fitness for use of a product from a consumer‟s
viewpoint and not from a manufacturer‟s or seller‟s viewpoint. Fitness for use
takes into consideration about the design of the product, its features, and
workmanship. For a garment to be fit following aspects should be considered:

 An item with those features that customers prefer is a quality item, for
example if a consumer wants a shirt which does not require ironing or
pressing, then they will buy a durable press shirt and will pay extra for
the added feature.
 It must be free from defects such as stains, fabric defects, open seams,
untrimmed threads, misaligned buttons, defective zippers, etc.
 It must perform satisfactorily in normal use, meaning that a garment must
be able to bear normal washing/dry cleaning/pressing cycles without
color loss or shrinkage. The seams must not come apart and fabric must
not tear, etc.
 It must fit properly for the labeled size
 Should be of the prevailing fashion
 Safety of the product is also important for example if we are talking
about children's sleepwear than Flammability is a primary safety concern.

ISO definition of Quality ISO, an international body for formulating standards,

has defined quality as: “Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills
requirements” where degree refers to a level to which a product or service
satisfies. Depending on the level of satisfaction, a product may be termed as
excellent, good or poor quality product and Inherent characteristics refers to
those features that are a part of the product and are responsible to achieve


According to Dr.Garwin, an expert in the area of quality suggests that quality can
be defined in terms of eight dimensions. Knowledge of these eight dimensions will
give an insight to the designers in better understanding of consumer‟s expectations
while developing a quality product.

1. Performance: It involves the various operating characteristics of the product. It

combines product and user based approach and focuses on product attributes. For
example woven and knits are used for different product categories so quality can
be only judged on their application for a specific product. The performance of a
product often affects the profitability or reputation of the end-user.

2. Features: These are characteristics that supplement to the basic operating

characteristics and it enhances the appeal of the product or service to the consumer.
Many style and designs are categorized as features. The features are dependent on
individual preferences. For example some women want pockets in the tunics as an
additional feature but others will feel that it is increasing the bulk in hip area.

3. Reliability: Reliability refers to the possibility of a product‟s failing within

specific period of time. It is a very important aspect for durable goods asotherwise
the maintenance will become more expensive to consumers. Apparels are
considered as semi durable because the life span of the product is affected by the
individual‟s use and seasons. For example failure in any of the physical component
of the product like button, zipper, and embroidery sequins can be one of the factors
for failure of a product.

4. Conformance: It is the point to which the product conforms to pre- established

standards and specifications. All the quality products are required to precisely meet
the set standards. When a conformance element improves than the quality
performance also increases. For apparels conformance can mean how well the
product meets the specifications like size, Matching of checks and plaids at sleeves
or matching of fabric and trims for colour.

5. Durability: It measures the length of time that a product performs before it gets
deteriorates and a replacement becomes necessary. Durability is determined by the
individual consumers as they decide when the product deteriorates to the point
where it is no longer useful. For example denim jeans durability will be dependent
on the color loss by laundering and abrasion and on the style which is in the

6. Serviceability: Serviceability refers to the swiftness, courtesy, proficiency and

ease in repair when the product breaks down and is sent for repairs. Serviceability
in apparels is closely related to the wash ability like will it retain its dimensional
stability or colorfastness after laundering?
7. Aesthetics: Aesthetic is comparatively subjective in nature and refers to its
impact on the human senses such as how it looks, feels, smells and so on,
depending upon the individual‟s personal preferences. It is a user based approach
of quality. For apparels it means how well clothing drapes and fit. It depends on
aspects like hand, weight, texture, colour and fashion.

8. Perceived quality: An equally important dimension of quality is the perception

of the quality of the product in the mind of the consumer. Customers do not have
complete information about the product at the point of purchase. They are rarely
aware about the material and technology used. Hence they rely on brand
ambassadors, the advertisement or on the country of manufacture. For example
Amitabh bachchan is brand ambassador of Reid and Taylor so a consumer who is
looking at buying menswear will automatically be pulled towards that brand.


Lot of factors may sell a product for the first time but quality is something that will
keep the customer attached to it for second time, third time and may be forever as
the quality will lead to customer satisfaction. Everybody from designers to
manufacturer to retailers must understand the importance of dimensions of quality.
There are many factors that affect the consumer‟s perception

1) Price-According to consumer‟s anything which has higher price will be good. It

is one of the factors that affect the quality of a product on the basis of its price. On
the one hand, consumers appreciate a bargain and are often expected to favor an
economically-priced item. But On the other, consumers may perceive that an
inexpensive item is cheap, ultimately damaging a consumer's view of a product
even if the product remains the same with or without change in price.

2) Technology-Any product has to be updated with the latest technology to be

appreciated by the consumer. For e.g. A garment for an office wear should not get
wrinkles so technically we have to give that fabric a wrinkle resistant finish.
Consumers want aromatic garments for which microencapsulation is done in which
small capsules of aroma are inserted in fabric.
3) Psychology-A garment having a reasonable price and technology may not be
appreciated by consumer if it is not aesthetically good. You cannot sell a garment
which is not in fashion as it will make a consumer look outdated.

4) Time Orientation-According to consumers it is all about the durability of the

garment. How much time a garment will last is very important. If we are buying a
party wear and denim we would expect the denim to last for a longer period of
time then the party wear because in party wear we are looking at aesthetics more.
So the perception of buying changes with the product.

5) Contractual-This is related to the ease of refund policy of the store or product

guarantee and warranty. If a consumer is getting an assurance on ease of repair of a
product then it would increase the quality also. If a consumer feels that they
receives extra attention when encountering a problem with a product, that
consumer is somewhat more likely to trust the brand or product knowing that the
manufacturer provides a quick and effective response to problems.

6) Ethical-Most of the brands use advertising as important marketing tool but they
have to be honest in promoting it. The courtesy and approach of sales personnel
will also affect consumers quality perceptions.

Why quality is important?

Apparel manufacturers are facing lot of challenges in today‟s global environment.

Some of the challenges are that consumers are demanding a cheap product which
should work satisfactorily. Companies like mango are working faster so much so
that their clothes from studio to shelves are done in around four weeks which is a
very less time for production, people are looking for customized clothing, rising
costs of material, labour, transportation etc. All of these challenges can be met by
becoming a good quality apparel manufacturer who keeps on continuously
improving the quality of overall business operations.

Quality is important simply because it has significant impact on the profitability of

any company. Improved quality with improved design will allow a company to
have higher sale price and earn high profit margin.In case quality of the product
and processes is not being controlled from beginning to end it will cause
 High alteration and rejection of the product
 Requirement of extra manpower and time for repair work
 Company may lose customers as well as Brand Value
 Low motivated employees
 Delay in production completion
 Ultimately production cost will increase.

Benefits of Quality
According to various reports and articles [Business week, 1982; Buzzel, and
Henry, 1974; Buzzel and Wiersema, 1981] have indicated six benefits of quality:
 Greater market Share: If all the quality parameters are followed
appropriately then the product will be able to satisfy the consumer needs and
will result in the growth of the company and ultimately it market.
 Premium price-If the design has improved design features then a company
can charge higher sale price and consumers will also readily pay for it.
 Reduction in production cost and Higher earnings-Improved quality
through reduction in defects will lower the waste, scrap and labour cost
while improving productivity and then resulting in higher profit.
 Loyal customers: If the customer is satisfied with the product quality they
will maintain their loyalty with the brand/ product.
 Highly encouraged employees: If the company shares are constantly
increasing by maintaining the quality of the product then the people who are
involved in it will feel encouraged and will keep working positively for the
development of the company.
 Increased sales: The production of quality products will help in attracting
more customers for the product thus increasing sales. It will help in
maintaining existing demand and creating new demand for the product.
Check your progress

 Select any product and discuss your perception of a quality related to it.
 Select two garments and explain which one is better in your opinion and
 Use an apparel product from your wardrobe and analyze them from the
changes which could have changed your satisfaction.

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