Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Two-Year M.Sc. Program Curriculum
Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Two-Year M.Sc. Program Curriculum
Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Two-Year M.Sc. Program Curriculum
July 2019
Page No
1. Introduction 3
4. Learning Outcomes 3
5. Program Structure 5
5.3 Structure 5
6. Topic Cloud 7
7. Core Courses 9
8. Elective Courses 19
1. Introduction
Physics is one of the oldest disciplines of Science dealing with the development of a
number of theories that attempt to explain the origin of the Universe and also various
forces that exist in nature. Further, the genesis of most of the Engineering Disciplines is
based on various principles and theories of physics. Hence, the subject of physics, on
one side deals with the development of fundamental theories towards revealing various
processes and forces in nature and on the other hand, it seamlessly interfaces with
almost all disciplines of engineering wherein outcome of the research in physics can be
translated into useful technologies and products thereby immensely contributing to the
wellbeing of mankind.
The major objective of the programme is to bring out professionals having knowledge of
basic laws of nature together with strong fundamentals in the core area of physics viz.
Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electromagnetism,
Computational Physics, Statistical Physics, Electronics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics and
advanced level topics such as Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Computing,
High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics, Nanotechnology, Nonlinear Optics,
etc. Further objective of the program is to inculcate certain specific enabling skill sets to
prepare the students to take up challenges in any one or more functional domains viz.
(i) Academics; (ii) Basic and Applied Research; (iii) Research & Development; (iv)
Engineering & Technology and (v) Industry.
4. Learning Outcomes
5. Program Structure
• Project ~ 15 credits
• Total Credits ~ 77
5.3 Structure
Semester I Semester II
Type Nos. CH BCH TH TC Type Nos. CH BCH TH TC
Lecture 5×(3-0- 15 30 45 15 Lecture 5×(3- 15 30 45 15
0-0) 0-0-0)
Lab 2×(0-0- 6 3 9 3 Lab 2×(0- 6 3 9 3
3-0) 0-3-0)
Hands 1×(0-0- 3 1.5 4.5 1.5 Hands 1×(0- 3 1.5 4.5 1.5
On 3-0) On 0-3-0)
Total 24 34.5 58.5 19.5 Total 24 34.5 58.5 19.5
5.4 Semester wise courses (Total credits – 77)
I Semester
Cat. Course Number, Course Title L-T-P-D Credits
C PHL6XXX Mathematical Physics 3-0-0-0 3
C PHL6XXX Classical Mechanics 3-0-0-0 3
C PHL6XX0 Quantum Mechanics 3-0-0-0 3
C PHL6XXX Electronics 3-0-0-0 3
C PHL6XX Statistical Physics 3-0-0-0 3
C Electronics Lab 0-0-3-0 1.5
C Condensed Matter Physics Lab 0-0-3-0 1.5
C Hands-on 0-0-3-0 1.5
Total 19.5
II Semester
Cat. Course Number, Course Title L-T-P-D Credits
C PHL6XXX Electrodynamics 3-0-0-0 3
C PHL6XXX Condensed Matter Physics 3-0-0-0 3
C PHL6XXX Physics of Atoms & Molecules 3-0-0-0 3
C PHL6XXX Nuclear & Particle Physics 3-0-0-0 3
E Program Elective-1 3-0-0-0 3
C Atomic & Nuclear Physics Lab 0-0-3-0 1.5
C Optics & Lasers Lab 0-0-3-0 1.5
C Hands-on 0-0-3-0 1.5
Total 19.5
III Semester
Cat. Course Number, Course Title L-T-P-D Credits
E Program Elective-2 3-0-0-0 3
E Program Elective-3 3-0-0-0 3
E Program Elective-4 3-0-0-0 3
E Open Elective-1 3-0-0-0 3
C Computational Physics Lab 0-0-3-0 1.5
C Seminar 0-0-1-0 0.5
P Project 0-0-0-5 5
Total 19.0
IV Semester
Cat. Course Number, Course Title L-T-P-D Credits
E Program Elective-5 3-0-0-0 3
E Program Elective-6 3-0-0-0 3
E Open Elective-2 3-0-0-0 3
P Project 0-0-0-10 10
Total 19.0
6. Topic Cloud
Topic Cloud Details
Fundamental Physics
1. Mathematical Physics
2. Classical Mechanics
3. Quantum Mechanics
4. Statistical Physics
5. Electronics
6. Electrodynamics & STR
7. Condensed Matter Physics
8. Physics of Atoms & Molecules
9. Nuclear & Particle Physics
Engineering Physics
1. Optical Fibre Technology (Fractals with EE)
2. Engineering Optics
3. Energy Harvesting Technologies (Fractals with ME)
4. Solar Energy Technologies (Fractals with ME)
5. Quantum Optics & Engineering
6. Cold Plasma Technologies
7. Nuclear Engineering (Fractals with ME & EE)
Teaching Laboratories
1. Atomic & Nuclear Physics
2. Condensed Matter Physics
3. Electronics Laboratory
4. Optics and Lasers
5. Computational Physics
Hands-on Experiments
1. High-end Equipment
2. Computational Tools
7. Core Courses
Title Mathematical Physics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
1. To gain the mathematical skills necessary to approach problems in fundamental and
advanced physics courses.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Apply the mathematical skills in designing problems and solving them.
2. Will enable students to apply different transforms to solve mathematical problems of interest
in science and engineering.
Complex variables: Analyticity and Cauchy-Reimann Conditions, Cauchy’s integral theorem and
formula, Taylor’s series and Laurent’s series expansion, Branch Points and Cuts, Reimann
Sheets and surfaces, Residues, Cauchy’s Residue theorem, Jordan’s Lemma to evaluate infinite
integrals, Evaluation of definite integrals. (12 lectures)
Differential Equations and Special Functions: Ordinary differential equations, second order
homogeneous and inhomogeneous equations, Wronskian, General solutions, Series solution.
Gauss hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric equations, Sturm Liouville problem,
Legendre, Hermite and the associated polynomials, Bessel functions, Integral representation
of special functions, Applications to electrostatics and quantum mechanics. (16 lectures)
Fourier and Laplace Transforms: Fourier transform, Sine, Cosine and Complex transforms with
examples, Definition, Properties and Representations of Dirac Delta Function, Properties of
Fourier Transforms, Transforms of derivatives, Parseval’s Theorem, Convolution Theorem,
Momentum representation, Applications to Partial differential equations, Discrete Fourier
transform, Fast Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Convolution theorem and its
applications, Laplace transform method of solving differential equations, Applications to
electrostatics. (14 lectures)
1. Arfken George, B. and Weber Hans, J., Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Academic Press,
2. Boas Mary, L., Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
Self-Learning Material
1. Selected topics in Mathematical Physics, NPTEL course, (by Professor V. Balakrishnan, Department of
Physics, IIT Madras).
2. Duan L.,
Title Classical Mechanics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
The Instructor will:
1. Provide concepts and problem solving approach related to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formulation in Mechanics.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. To apply the Variational principles to physical problems.
2. Model mechanical systems using Lagrange and Hamilton equation of motion.
Survey of elementary principles: review of the Newtonian mechanics, constraints, D'Alembert's
principle, Lagrange’s equation, Its application to simple problems. (7 Lectures)
Central force problem: The equation of motion, the equivalent one-dimensional problem,
classification of orbits, Virial theorem, Differential equation for the orbit, inverse square law of
force, scattering in central force field. (7 Lectures)
Variational Principles and Lagrange’s equations: calculus of variations, Hamilton's principle,
derivation of Lagrange's equation from Hamilton's principle, its application, conservation and
symmetry property. (6 Lectures)
Small oscillations: formulation of the problem, eigenvalue equation, principal axis
transformation, normal coordinates, triatomic molecule free vibration, forced and damped
vibrations. (6 Lectures)
Rigid body motion: orthogonal transformation, the Eulerian angles, Euler’s theorem,
infinitesimal rotation, tensors and dyadics, force free motion of rigid body, the heavy
symmetrical top. (5 Lectures)
Hamilton's equation of motion: Legendre transformations and Hamilton's equation, cyclic
coordinates, Routh's procedure, physical significance of Hamiltonian. (5 Lectures)
Canonical Transformation: Examples of canonical transformations, Lagrange and Poisson
Brackets, symmetry group of mechanical systems. (6 Lectures)
1. Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics, Pearson India Limited, New Delhi (2011).
Reference Books
1. Jose, J. V. and Saletan, E. J., Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach, Cambridge
University Press, (2002).
2. Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M., Mechanics, Pergamon Press, (1960).
Title Quantum Mechanics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
The Instructor will:
1. Introduce the key concepts of non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand the basic concepts and working knowledge of non-relativistic quantum
Origin of quantum theory: Blackbody radiation, Photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, Matter
waves, Uncertainty principle, Stern-Gerlach experiment. (5 Lectures)
Formalism: Linear vector spaces and operators in Hilbert space, Measurements, observables
and the uncertainty relations, Change of basis, Momentum representations, Equations of
motion in Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures, One dimensional potential problems, Linear
harmonic oscillator, Creation and annihilation operators. (10 Lectures)
Theory of Angular Momentum: Angular momentum operators, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
of, Spherical harmonics Relation between rotation and angular momentum, Rotational
symmetry and conservation of angular momentum, Reflection invariance and parity,
Commutation rules, Matrix representations, addition of angular momenta and Clebsch-Gordon
coefficients, Pauli spin matrices. (12 Lectures)
Approximation methods: Time independent perturbation theory, Perturbation theory for
degenerate states, Dalgarno’s method, Zeeman and Stark effects, WKB approximation and its
applications, Variational method and its applications to helium atom and many particle
systems, Time dependent Perturbation theory, Fermi’s Golden rule, Semi classical theory of
interaction of atoms with radiation. (13 Lectures)
1. Shankar, R., Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Plenum Press, 1994.
Reference Books
1. Das, A., Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, Hindustan Book Agency, 2003.
2. Sakurai, J. J., Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.
Self-Learning Material
1. NPTEL Course Material, Balakrishnan, V., Department of Physics, IIT Madras 122106034/.
2. Vuletic, V., Quantum Physics I,
Title Electronics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
The Instructor will:
1. Make the students understand the basics of electronics.
2. Make the students understand the use of electronic devices.
3. Make the students understand to build circuit from individual components.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Design new circuits using the electronic components.
2. Assemble analog and digital components to make new circuit.
Transistors: JFET, transconductance, JFET amplifiers, JFET switch, biasing in Ohmic region and
active region, DMOSFET, depletion mode MOSFET, enhancement mode MOSFET, Digital switch,
CMOS, E-MOSFET amplifiers, frequency response of amplifier, impedance matching, Bode
plots, frequency analysis of FET. (8 lectures)
Differential amplifiers and Operational Amplifiers: differential amplifier, DC-analysis, AC-
analysis, input characteristics of an Op Amp, common mode gain, loaded differential amplifier,
the 741 Op Amp, Inverting Amplifier, Non-inverting Amplifier, two Op-Amp applications,
negative feedback, VCVS voltage gain, ICVS amplifier, VCIS amplifier, ICIS amplifier,
bandwidth. (8 lectures)
Linear Op-Amp Circuit Applications: inverting amplifier circuits, non-inverting amplifier circuits,
inverter/non-inverter circuits, differential amplifiers, summing amplifier circuits, voltage-
controlled current source, automatic gain control, active filters, ideal responses, approximate
responses, passive filters, first order stages, VCVS unity gain second order low pass filters,
higher order filters, VCVS equal component low pass filters, Bandpass filters, Band stop Filters,
All-pass filters. (6 lectures)
Nonlinear Op Amp circuit: comparator with zero reference, comparator with non-zero
references, comparator with hysteresis, integrator, waveform conversion, waveform
generation, differentiator. (3 lectures)
Oscillators: sinusoidal oscillation, Wein Bridge Oscillator, RC Oscillator, Colpitts Oscillators, LC
oscillators, Quartz crystals, the 555 timer, astable operation of the 555 timer, 555 circuit
applications, the phase locked loop. (3 lectures)
Digital Principle and Digital Logic: logic gates, combinational logic circuits, SOP, POS
representation, Karnaugh Map. (3 lectures)
Data Processing Circuit: Multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoder, encoder, parity generator and
checker, arithmetic circuits, adder, subtractors, clocks and timing circuits, 555 timer-astable,
monostable, flip-flops, RS, JK, D, edge triggering, registers, SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO,
application of shift registers, counters, asynchronous counters, synchronous counter, modulus
of a counter, counter design, design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. (11
1. Malvino, A., Bates, D., Electronic Principles, McGrawHill, 2016.
2. Leach, D. P., Malvino, A. P. and Saha, G., Digital Principles and Applications, TMH, 2014.
3. Horowitz, P. and Hill, W., The Art of Electronics, CUP, 2016.
Self-Learning Materials
1. Aggarwal, A., Circuits and Electronics, 2007, MIT Open Course Ware :
Title Statistical Physics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
The Instructor will:
1. Introduce various aspects of quantum statistics and its relevant applications in physics.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Apply the fundamental principles of statistical physics.
Thermodynamics: Basics, first and second laws; Maxwell’s equation; extensive functions, Kinetic
theory of gases. (5 Lecture)
Conditions for phase equilibrium and stability: Multiphase equilibrium; stability. (6 Lecture)
Statistical mechanics: Ensembles; non-interacting ideal systems. Partition function for various
systems. (11 Lectures)
Quantum statistics: Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions; black body radiation; Debye
model specific heat, Bose-Einstein condensate. (8 Lectures)
Statistical Mechanics for interacting systems: Introduction, Ising Model, Neumann’s Liquid
crystals. (5 Lecture)
Critical phenomena: Mean field theory; Landau's theory; Curie-Weiss theory; Renormalization
group. (7 Lectures)
1. Landau, L. D. and Lifshitz, E. M., Statistical Physics, Part 1, Pergamon Press, 1980.
Reference Books
1. Chandler, D., Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 1987.
2. Huang, K., Statistical Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1987.
Self-Learning Material
1. NPTEL course material, Balakrishnan, V., Department of Physics, IIT Madras
Title Electrodynamics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
The Instructor will:
1. Provide the concepts regarding fields and forces in Electrodynamics and Magneto dynamics
using basic scientific method.
2. Basic understanding of relativistic electrodynamics and its applications in branches of
Physical Sciences.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Explain and solve problems based on classical electrodynamics using Maxwell’s equation.
2. To understand and proficiently carry out research by applying Classical relativistic
electromagnetism using fundamental concepts of physical sciences.
Electrostatics, Magnetostatics and Electrodynamics: Gauss's law, Boundary value problems,
multipoles, dielectrics, Biot and Savart law, Ampere’s law, Faraday's law, Displacement
current, Maxwell’s equations, Wave propagation in Conductors and Dielectrics. (6 Lectures)
Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Propagation: Plane Waves in Non-conducting Medium
Linear and Circular Polarization, Stokes Parameter, Reflection and Refraction of
Electromagnetic Waves at a Plane Interface between Dielectrics, Fresnel Equation, Group
Velocity Dispersion (GVD), Kramers-Kronig Relations. (10 Lectures)
Waveguides and Resonant Cavities: Fieldsat the surface of and within a Conductor; Cylindrical
Cavities and Wave Guides, Resonant Cavities, Power losses in a Cavity and Q of a Cavity. (7
Simple Radiating Systems and Diffraction: Fields of Radiation of localized oscillating Source,
Electric Dipole fields and radiation and its application to radio waves. (6 Lectures)
Radiation by moving Charges: Lienard-Wiechertz Potentials and Fields for a Point Charge, Total
power Radiated by an Accelerating charge, Larmor’s formula. (5 Lectures)
Special Theory of Relativity: Minkowski Space and Four vectors, Concepts of Four-velocity, Four
Acceleration and higher rank tensors, relativistic formation of electrodynamics, Action principle
and Electromagnetic energy momentum Tensor. (8 Lectures)
1. Jackson, J. D., Classical Electrodynamics, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
Reference Books
1. Lorrain, P. and Corson, D., Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, CBS Publishers, 2003.
2. Panofsky W.K.H. and Philips M., Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Dover Publishers, 1990.
Title Condensed Matter Physics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
The Instructor will:
1. Provide the student with an extended knowledge of the principles and techniques of solid
state physics.
2. Provide an understanding of structure, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Formulate basic models for electrons and lattice vibrations for describing the physics of
crystalline materials.
2. Develop an understanding of the relation between band structure and the electrical/optical
properties of a material.
Crystallography: Structural description of liquids and solids, External symmetry elements, Point
groups, Direct periodic lattice, Basic concept of aperiodicity, Reciprocal lattice and diffraction
conditions and its relation with Brillouin zones, Intensity of Bragg scattering from a unit cell
and extinction conditions. (10 Lectures)
Lattice Vibrations: Elastic waves, Enumeration of modes, Density of states of a continuous
medium, Specific heat models of Einstein and Debye, Concept of phonon, Lattice waves, Lattice
dynamics of crystals with up to two atoms per primitive basis, Density of states of a lattice,
Thermal Conductivity, Scattering of X-rays, neutrons and light by phonons. (11 Lectures)
Electronic Properties of Solids: Electrons in periodic potential, Band Theory, Tight Binding,
Cellular and Pseudo potential methods, Symmetry of energy bands, density of states, Fermi
surface. (10 Lectures)
Magnetism & Superconductivity: Introduction to types of magnetism, Curie-Weiss Law, Magnetic
Domains & Hysteresis, Zero resistance, Meissner effect, Thermodynamics of the
superconducting transition, Electrodynamics of superconductivity, BCS theory of
superconductivity, Josephson effect. (11 Lectures)
1. Kittel, C., Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley, 8th Edition, 2008.
2. Ashcroft, N., W. and Mermin, N., D., Solid State Physics, Cengage Learning, 1976.
3. Omar, M. A., Elementary Solid State Physics, Pearson, 2009.
Self-Learning Material
1. Rangarajan, G., Condensed Matter Physics, NPTEL Course Material, Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
2. Wen, X-G., Physics of Solids I, MIT open course,
Preparatory Course Material
1. Simon, H., S. (2013), The Oxford Solid State Basics, Oxford University Press.
Title Physics of Atoms and Molecules Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
1. To learn Atomic Physics with problem solving approach towards spectroscopy.
Learning Outcomes
1. The students will have an understanding of quantum behavior of atoms in external electric
and magnetic fields.
Course Content
Hydrogen atom: Review of the Bohr atom model, solution of the Schrodinger equation, spectra
of hydrogen and hydrogen-like atoms. Review of time-independent perturbation theory. Fine
structure of the hydrogen atom: spin-orbit coupling and relativistic correction to the kinetic
energy. Review of the Dirac equation. Dirac equation in the non-relativistic limit. Zeeman and
Stark Spectroscopy Hyperfine interaction in atomic Hydrogen. Spectroscopy with the 21 cm
emission line. Review of time-dependent perturbation theory. (11 Lectures)
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with a two-level atom. Rabi flopping: The dipole
approximation, electric dipole, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole transitions. Selection
rules. Transition probabilities and intensity of spectral lines. Line broadening mechanisms.
Spontaneous and stimulated emissions and Einstein coefficients, masers and lasers. Lamb
shift. Quantization of the electromagnetic field. The Raman effect. Introduction to NMR and
ESR. Review of Pauli's exclusion principle. The spin-statistics theorem. (11 Lectures)
The Helium spectrum. Many electron systems: Electron configurations and spectroscopic
notation, equivalent and non-equivalent electrons and Hund's rules. Hartree-Fock SCF method,
proof of Koopmans theorem, Slater's approximation to exchange. Total Hamiltonian of a
molecule. Born -Oppenheimer approximation. Rotational and Vibrational Spectra of molecules.
Anharmonicity, Franck-Condon principle, Electronic. Infrared and Raman Spectra analysis. (14
Molecular Physics: Molecular Orbital and Electronic configuration of Diatomic molecules: H2, C2,
O2, NO and CN; Vibrational structure and vibrational analysis, Dissociation Energy, Rotational
Raman spectra and influence of nuclear spin (6 Lectures)
1. Bransden, B.H. and Joachain, C.J., (2004), Physics of Atoms and Molecules, Prentice Hall,
2nd Edition, Pearson Education, Delhi
1. Condon, E. U. and Shortley, G. H., (1951), The Theory of Atomic spectra, Cambridge
University Press
Title Nuclear and Particle Physics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Compulsory
The Instructor will:
1. Provide background to understand the role of nuclear physics in fundamental as well as
applied aspects.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Grasp the theoretical concepts of nuclear reactions and various nuclear models.
2. Understand details of various applications of nuclear physics.
General properties of nuclei & Radioactive decay: Mass, radius, angular momentum, Magnetic
dipole and electric quadrupole moment, Parity, Isospin, Radioactive disintegration and
displacement law, α-particles, Geiger-Nuttall law, Quantum theory of α-decay, Continuous β-
spectrum, Neutrino hypothesis, Fermi theory of β-decay, Selection rules for β-decay, Parity
violation in β-decays, Electric & magnetic multipole radiation. (8 Lectures)
Nuclear Detectors and Accelerators: Interaction of charged particles and radiation with matter,
Gaseous and Solid state Detectors, Cyclic and Linear accelerators, Fixed target accelerators,
Colliding beam machines. (5 Lectures)
Nuclear forces: Deuteron problem, Low energy neutron-proton scattering, Spin dependence of
neutron-proton interaction, Non-central force, Low energy proton-proton scattering, High-
energy neutron-proton & proton-proton scattering, Meson theory of nuclear force, Nature of
two nucleon potential. (7 Lectures)
Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model, Bether-Weizsacker formula, Nucleon mean potential,
approximation by solvable potentials, Shell model, Collective model. (6 Lectures)
Nuclear Reactions: Compound nucleus, Breit-Wigner formula, Evaporation model, Optical
model, Heavy ion reaction, Phase transition and quark-gluon plasma; Nuclear fission, Bohr-
Wheeler theory, Fission reactors, Nuclear fusion and thermo-nuclear reaction, Fusion reactors,
Source of energy in stars, Solar neutrino problem, Nucleo-synthesis. (8 Lectures)
Elementary Particles: Kinematics of high energy collisions, Pi mesons, Muons and their
properties, Strange mesons, Hyperons, Resonance particles, Fundamental interactions in
nature, Quark hypothesis of elementary particles, Classification of elementary particles,
Conservation laws. (8 Lectures)
1. Ghosal, S. N., Nuclear Physics, S. Chand, 2011.
2. Burcham, W. E. and Jobes, M., Nuclear and Particle Physics, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1995.
Reference Books
1. Cohen, B., Concepts of Nuclear Physics, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
2. Wong, S. M., Introductory Nuclear Physics, Prentice Hall India Learning Pvt. Ltd., 1996.
8. Elective Courses
Title Engineering Optics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
1. This course provides comprehensive knowledge of optical science with elementary
engineering applications.
Learning Outcomes
1. The students will become familiar with the concepts of optical sciences.
2. Students will become familiar with working principles and applications of key optical
components and devices.
Characteristics and Description of Light: Photons, Uncertainty principle for Photons, properties
of light beam (1 lecture)
Geometrical Optics: Ray characteristics, Ray matrices for optical components, Ray propagation
through optical elements and Imaging (2 lectures)
Wave Optics and applications: plane waves of monochromatic light, temporal and spatial
coherence, Interference, interferometer and applications, Fresnel diffraction, Babinet’s
principle, Fraunhofer diffraction, limit of resolution, N-slit diffraction, spatial frequency filtering
and applications (9 lectures)
Polarization of Light and holography: Stokes parameters, Jones and Muller matrices,
Applications, anisotropic media, liquid crystals, in-line and off-axis holography, holograms (9
Integrated Optics: Different type of waveguides, pulse dispersion in waveguides, planar
waveguides, strip waveguides, guided wave devices (6 lectures)
Lasers and Nonlinear Optical Devices: The laser principle, Three- and four level lasers, Q-
switching and mode locking, He-Ne laser, CO2 laser, Laser Applications, Physical origin of
nonlinearity, Electro-Optic effect, Second Harmonic generation, Optical Rectification, Sum and
Difference frequency generation, nonlinear pulse propagation and solitons (9 lectures)
Optical instruments: The Eye, basic Camera, Projection Systems, Microscope, Telescope and
resolving power of optical instruments (6 lectures)
1. Ghatak, A. K., and Thyagarajan, K., Optical Electronics, Cambridge University Press 2017
2. Saleh, B. E. A. and Teich, M. C., Fundamentals of Photonics, Wiley, 2018
3. Yariv, A., Quantum electronics, wiley, 1989
Self-Learning Material
1. Barbastathis, G. and Sheppard C., Optics,
Title Introduction to Medical Physics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The instructor will
1. Introduce physics concepts and principles relevant for medicine and health
2. Provide the introduction of modern diagnostic tools and various technology to medical
research and to the healthcare arena in general that is set to revolutionize the way we cure
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to get an insight into:
1. Aspects of physics with engineering for biological applications
2. Contribution of physics in the development of medical diagnostics
1. Cho, Z-H., Jones, J. and Singh, M., Foundations of Medical Imaging, 1st Edition Wiley
Interscience, 1993
2. Pryma, D. A., Nuclear Medicine, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, 2015
3. Murphy, D. B. and Davidson, M. W., Fundamental of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging,
2nd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012
Reference Books
1. Toyokuni, S., Ikehara, Y., Kikkawa, F. and Hori, M. (2018), Plasma Medical Science, 1st
Edition, Academic Press.
Self-Learning Material
1. Department of Electrical Engg, IIT Kharagpur,
2. Jasanoff, A., MIT Open courseware, Noninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine,
Title Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Number PHL6XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. To obtain an understanding of the key concepts of relativistic quantum mechanics.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand Klein Gordon and Dirac equations, their significance and transformation
2. Understand various applications of relativistic wave equations.
Klein Gordon Equation: KG equation, The non-relativistic limit, Free spin-0 particles, The
charged KG field, Lagrange density and energy-momentum tensor of the KG-field, Lorentz
Invariance of the KG equation, Charge conjugation and C Parity, Interaction of a spin-0 particle
with an electromagnetic field, Gauge invariance of the couplings, Lagrange density and energy-
momentum tensor for a KG particle in an electromagnetic field, Solution of KG equation for a
square-well, exponential and scalar 1/r potential, Basics of Photonics atoms. (14 Lectures)
Dirac Equation: Negative Energy Solutions, Antiparticles, Dirac Hole Theory, Feynman
interpretation of Antiparticles, Gamma-matrices and their properties, Lagrange density and
energy-momentum tensor of the free Dirac equation, Covariance of Dirac equation, Pauli’s
fundamental theorem, Spinors under Lorentz transformations, Bilinear covariants, Charge
conjugation, Parity & Time reversal invariance. (14 Lectures)
Applications of Dirac Equations: Majorana representation of Dirac equation, Two component
theory of neutrino, Spin and Helicity, Dirac particle in one-dimensional square well potential,
Solution of Dirac equation in a Coulomb and scalar potential, Relativistic Hydrogen atom
problem, Klein’s paradox (14 Lectures)
1. Bjorken, J.D. and Drell, S.D., Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York 1998.
2. Sakurai,J.J., Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, 1967.
3. Greiner, W., Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Springer, 2000.
Self-Learning Material
1. Guth, A., Relativistic Quantum Field Theory - I,
Title Introduction to Soft Matter Physics Number PHL6110
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
1. To understand theoretical concepts in soft matter physics.
2. To understand the structural and thermodynamic properties of soft matter materials.
Learning Outcomes
1. Ability to apply statistical physics concepts to soft matter.
2. Ability to appreciate the role of self-assembly, liquid crystals, macromolecular solutions in
technological applications.
(Fractal 1) PHL6111 Fundamentals of Soft Matter Physics (1-0-0)
What is soft matter?; time, length and energy scales; intermolecular forces; macromolecules;
biopolymers; colloids, liquid crystals, membranes and self-assembly; (14 lectures)
(Fractal 2) PHL6112 Theory of Simple Liquids (1-0-0)
Densities and distribution functions; energy, pressure and compressibility, YBG hierarchy, virial
expansion, hard-sphere equation of state and numerical calculation of Lennard-Jones systems
(14 lectures)
(Fractal 3) PHL6113 Polymer Physics (1-0-0)
Random walks, model systems, distribution functions, chain statistics, coil-globule transition,
polymer solutions, flexibility and semi-flexibility, self-avoidance, entanglement, viscoelasticity,
reptation and Rouse models. (14 lectures)
1. Doi, M., Soft Matter Physics, Oxford University Press 2014.
2. Jones, R. A. L., Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press 2002.
Reference Books
1. Chaikin, P. M., and Lubensky, T. C., Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, Cambridge
University Press
Title Computational Physics Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
1. To incorporate modern computational skills into the scientific problem solving paradigm.
Learning Outcomes
1. The successful students will become familiar with commonly used numerical techniques to
solve problems in physics.
(Fractal 1) PHL7XX1 Numerical Methods-I [1-0-0] Solution of algebraic and transcendental
equations: Iterative, bisection and Newton Raphson methods, Solution of simultaneous linear
equations: Matrix inversion method (14 lectures)
(Fractal 2) PHL7XX2 Numerical Methods-II [1-0-0] Interpolation: Newton and Lagrange
formulas, Numerical differentiation, Numerical Integration, Trapezoidal, Simpson and Gaussian
quadrature methods, Least-square curve fitting, straight line and polynomial fits. (8 lectures)
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Euler and Runge-Kutta methods. (6
(Fractal 3) PHL7XX3 Simulations: Numerical Methods [1-0-0] Generation of uniformly
distributed random integers, Statistical tests of randomness, Monte-Carlo evaluation of
integrals and error analysis, Non-uniform probability distributions, Importance sampling,
Rejection method, Metropolis algorithm, Molecular diffusion and Brownian motion as random
walk problems and their Monte Carlo simulation. (8 lectures)
Quantum Simulations: Time-independent Schrodinger equation in one dimension (radial or
linear equations), Scattering from a spherical potential, Born Approximation, Bound State
solutions. (6 lectures)
The students will be assigned computer laboratory work based on the above syllabus.
1. Koonin, S. E. and Meredith, D. C., Computational Physics, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
2. Tao Pang, An Introduction to Computational Physics, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997.
Self-Learning Material
Title High Energy Physics Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3-0-0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide background to understand the concepts of particle physics.
2. Acquaint with techniques used in recent neutrino telescopes.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand concepts of Feynman calculus, details of QED and weak interactions.
2. Learn results and future prospects associated with recent neutrino observatories.
Quantum field theory (QFT): Classical field theory: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms;
Noether’s theorem. This introduces the concept of symmetries in a consistent fashion. Need
for quantum field theory: particles and fields, Charge conjugation and C Parity, Interaction of
a spin-0 particle with an electromagnetic field. (5 Lectures)
Klein Gordon Equation: KG equation, The non-relativistic limit, Free spin-0 particles, The
charged KG field, Lagrange density and energy-momentum tensor of the KG-field, Lorentz
Invariance of the KG equation. (6 Lectures)
Gauge invariance of the couplings, Lagrange density and energy-momentum tensor for a KG
particle in an electromagnetic field, Negative Energy Solutions, Antiparticles, Gamma-matrices
and their properties, Covariance of Dirac equation, Charge conjugation, Parity & Time reversal
invariance, Plane wave solution, Two component theory of neutrino, Spin and Helicity. (6
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED): Feynman rules for QED, Electron-Muon scattering, Electron-
Electron scattering, Compton scattering, Casimir’s trick, Mott and Rutherford scattering, Pair
annihilation. (9 Lectures)
Weak Interactions: Parity violation and the V-A form of the weak interaction, interpretation of
the coupling G, Nuclear β-decay, Muon and pion decay, Charged current neutrino-electron
scattering, neutrino quark scattering, Observation of weak neutral current, Neutral current
neutrino-quark scattering, Cabibbo angle. (10 Lectures)
Neutrino Telescope: Interaction of Ultra-High Energy (UHE) neutrinos with cosmic microwave
background, Askaryan effect, Relic neutrinos, Cherenkov based neutrino detectors, Antarctic
Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment, Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array
(AMANDA) and Ice Cube experiments, ANTARES telescope, Next generation neutrino
telescopes. (6 Lectures)
Text Books
1. Griffiths, D., Introduction to Elementary Particles, Wiley-Vch 2010.
2. Giunti, C. and Kim, C.W., Fundamentals of neutrino physics and Astrophysics, Oxford
University Press; 1st edition 2007.
Self-Learning Material
1. Guth A., Lecture Notes MIT Course No. 8.323, Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I, Spring
Sem., 2008.
Title Introduction to Space Science Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3-0-0 [2]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide introduction to space science.
2. Provide introduction of cosmology
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Grasp different physical aspects of space science.
Contents ((i) Introduction to Astronomy, (ii) General theory of relativity and Cosmology)
Text Books
1. Narlikar, J. V., An introduction to cosmology, Cambridge University Press 2002.
2. Carroll, S. M., Spacetime and Geometry, Pearson India Education Services 2018.
3. M.Longair, High Energy Astrophysics vol 1, Cambridge University Press.
Self-Learning Material
1. Bertschinger E. & Taylor E. F., Lecture Notes MIT Course No. 8.224, General Relativity and
Astrophysics, Spring Sem., 2003.
2. Rappaport, S. A., and Elliot, J., Introduction to Astronomy,
Title Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Introduce physics of low dimensional objects and discuss changes in mechanical, electronic,
magnetic and optical properties at reduced dimensions.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Obtain a flavor of nanoscience and nanotechnology and develop insight into the physical
concepts behind nano-scale phenomena.
2. Understand few nano-structures for practical device applications will also be discussed.
PHL7XX1 (Basics of Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles and Clusters) [1-0-0]
(a) Quantum Confinement and definition of Nano: Electron states, energy bands and density of
states for quantum Systems; Heterojunctions, Type I and Type II Heterostructures, Quantum
wells, Quantum wires and Quantum dots, Effective Mass. (5 lectures)
(b) Nanoparticles and Clusters: Metal nanoclusters, Magic numbers, Geometric structures,
Electronic structures, Magnetic and semiconducting clusters and nanoparticles, Rare gas and
molecular clusters, Carbon nanostructures, 2-D materials. (9 lectures)
PHL7XX2 (Nanotechnology for Energy) [1-0-0]
(a) Energy generation/storage: Dye sensitized solar cells, Quantum Dot sensitized solar cell,
electrode materials for rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, Hydrogen storage in
carbon nanomaterials, nanocatalyst. (10 lectures)
(b) Nanotechnology in data storage: Magnetic hard disk drive, Magnetic read and write head,
Flash memory, Solid state drive, Future of data storage. (4 lectures)
PHL7XX3 (Nanotechnology for Water and Healthcare) [1-0-0]
(a) Nanotechnology in Water/Air purification: Nanomaterials for water and air purification, Water
desalination using carbon nanomaterials. (8 lectures)
(b) Nanotechnology in healthcare: Diagnostics using nanomaterials, i.e., biosensors, drug
delivery using magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic hyperthermia for cancer treatment. (6
1. Poole C.P. Jr. and Owens F.J., Introduction to nanotechnology, Wiley-Interscience, 2003
2. Shong C.W., Haur S.C. and Wee A. T. S., Science at the nanoscale, CRC Press, 2009
3. Davis J.H., The physics of low-dimensional semiconductors, Cambridge Uni Press, 2012
Self-Learning Material
1. Quereshi, M., Department of Chemistry, IIT Guwahati,
2. Online review papers in various journals.
Title Advanced Condensed Matter Physics Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide training and knowledge to condensed matter physics of complex systems including
both fundamental as well as applied aspects.
Learning Outcomes
1. The students are expected to have the ability to understand magnetism, ferroelectricity,
opto-electronic properties and basics of soft condensed matter physics.
Magnetism and Ferroelectricity: Dia/para magnetism, ferro, ferri/anti-ferro magnetism,
superpara/superferro magnetism, magnetic domains, domain dynamics, introduction to
magnetic resonance.Dielectric constant and polarizability, phase transition, ferroelectric
crystals classification, displacive transitions, Landau theory of phase transition, first and
second order transition, antiferroelectricity, ferroelectric domains and imaging. (11 lectures)
Optical properties and plasmons: Electron gas, dielectric function of electron, dispersion relation,
plasmon, electrostatic screening, polaritons, Electron-electron and electron-phonon
interaction, Kramer-Kroning relation, excitons, Raman effect. (10 lectures)
Defects and Interfaces: Surface crystallography, Surface electronic structure,
magnetoresistance, Heterostructures, point defects, dislocations, Burger vectors, dislocation
and crystal growth. (10 lectures)
Soft Matter: Time and length scales, Colloids, polymers, liquid crystals and ionic soft matter,
phase transition in soft matter systems. (11 lectures)
1. Kittel C, Solid State Physics, Wiley, 2004.
2. Ashcroft N. W., Mermin N. D., Solid State Physics, Saunders, 1976.
3. R. A. L. Jones, Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press 2002.
Reference Books
1. Sander M. Leonard, Advanced Condensed Matter Physics, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009.
2. Snoke W. David, Solid State Physics: Essential Concepts, Pearson, 2009.
3. M. Doi, Soft Matter Physics, Oxford University Press, 2014.
Title Introduction to Material Characterization Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide an introduction to various characterization techniques for materials and devices
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Obtain basic idea of various techniques used to determine structural, compositional, and
functional properties such as electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials
2. Appreciate the distinction between diffraction, imaging and spectroscopic based techniques
for material characterization
PHL7XX1 (Material Characterization by Diffraction and Electron Microscopy) [1-0-0]
(a) Introduction and Necessity of Material Characterization: Structural and functional properties
of materials (2 lectures)
(b) Diffraction based Characterization: Structure of crystalline and non-crystalline materials by
x-ray diffraction, indexing of lattice planes and lattice parameter determination, electron and
neutron diffraction, small angle scattering (9 lectures)
(c) Introduction to Electron Microscopy: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). (3 lectures)
PHL7XX2 (Characterization of Materials by Microscopy and Spectroscopy) [1-0-0]
(a) Optical microscopy, Polarization Microscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy, Phase contrast
Microscopy, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
(b) Spectroscopic based Characterization: UV-Vis-NIR, FTIR, Photoluminescence (14 lectures)
PHL7XX3 (Functional Properties of Materials) [1-0-0]
(a) Electrical properties: Resistivity (Four probe and Van der Pauw method), Magnetoresistance
and Hall effect. (5 lectures)
(b) Magnetic properties: Magnetization and magnetic moment, Measurement of Magnetization
by force and by induction, Magnetic Hysteresis, Magnetic susceptibility, Principles of Electron
Paramagnetic Resonance and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). (9 lectures)
1. Zhang, S., Li, L. and Kumar, A., Materials Characterization Techniques, CRC Press, 2008
2. Mertz, J., Introduction to Optical Microscopy, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2019
Self-Learning Material
1. Shankaran, S., Materials Characterization, NPTEL Course Material, Department of
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Title Magnetism and Superconductivity Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Introduce magnetism and superconductivity principles and their applications
2. Impart advanced concepts of magnetic materials in modern research
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand atomic origin of spin and magnetism and get insight into manifestation of
quantum mechanics at macro level.
2. Grasp in-depth knowledge of magnetism and its modern application
Brief introduction: Magnetic moment, magnetic dipole, Magnetization and angular momentum
(2 lectures)
Isolated magnetic moment: Atom in a magnetic field, Susceptibility, Diamagnetism,
Paramagnetism, Semiclassical treatment of paramagnetism, Langevin and Brillouin Theory
Ground state of ion and Hund’s rule, spin-orbit coupling L-S and j-j coupling, Adiabatic
Demagnetization (8 lectures)
Magnetic interactions: Dipole-dipole, Exchange, Origin of exchange, direct, indirect and
anisotropic exchange (4 lectures)
Magnetic Order: Ferromagnetism, Weiss model, Antiferromagnetism, Weiss model of
antiferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism, Helical order, Spin glass (5 lectures)
Concept of broken order and symmetry, Landau theory of ferromagnetism, Phase transition,
Magnons, Spin waves (4 lectures)
Magnetic domains, domain walls, Anisotropy, Domain observation and Hysteresis (5 lectures)
Band Magnetism: Free electron model, Pauli paramagnetism, Stoner criterion, Landau levels,
Landau diamagnetism (5 lectures)
Device applications: Magnetic data storage, magneto-optic effect, magnetic semiconductors,
Giant Magneto Resistance, Spintronics devices (4 lectures)
Superconductivity and related effects, superconducting materials and their applications,
Josephson junction and SQUID (5 lectures)
1. Culity B. D. and Graham, C. D., Introduction to magnetic materials, Addison-Wesley, 1972
2. Blundell, S., Magnetism in Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press, 2001
3. Annett, J. F., Superconductivity, Superfluids and Condensates, Oxford University Press, 2004
Self-Learning Material
1. O’Handley, R., Magnetic Materials, MIT Open Course-Materials Science and Engineering,
Title Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems Number PH7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
To understand the electronic transport mechanism in mesoscopic systems.
Learning Outcomes
Nanodevice fabrication will be much easier than before.
An atomistic view of electrical resistance: Energy level diagram, what makes electrons flow, the
quantum of conductance, potential profile, Coulomb blockade, towards Ohm’s law. (8 lectures)
Schrodinger equation and Self-consistent field: Hydrogen atom, Method of finite differences, the
self-consistent field procedure, relation to the multi-electron picture, bonding, multi-electron
picture, basis functions as a computational tool, basis function as a conceptual tool, equilibrium
density matrix. (10 lectures)
Band Structure: Examples of 1D and 2D solids, common semiconductors, effect of spin-orbit
coupling, Quantum wells, wires, dots, and nanotubes, density of states, minimum resistance
of a wire, velocity of a sub-band electron. (10 lectures)
Capacitance and Level broadening: Model Hamiltonian, electron density/density matrix,
quantum vs electrostatic capacitance, open systems, local density of states, lifetime, what
constitutes a contact? (5 lectures)
Coherent and Non-coherent transport: Density matrix, inflow/outflow, transmission, overview
of non-coherent transport, why does an atom emit light? Inflow/outflow, some ideas on
phonons, atoms to transistor, quantum transport equations, physics of Ohm’s law, where is
the heat dissipated? Where is the voltage drop? (9 lectures)
1. Datta, S., Quantum transport: atoms to transistor, 2011, 2nd ed. Cambridge University
Reference Books
1. Zwanzig, R., Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, Oxford University Press
Title Physics of Solar Cells Number PH7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Make the students understand the physical principle behind different types of solar cells.
2. Make the students understand the role of quality of light, types of materials, and device
fabrication techniques.
3. Make the students understand the inexpensive ways to fabricate the solar cells.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Fabricate unconventional solar cells.
2. Increase the efficiency of the solar cells by applying the theoretical knowledge.
Basic Concepts of Solar Cell: PV cells and modules, photocurrent and quantum efficiency, open
circuit voltage, short circuit current, parasitic resistance (3 lectures)
Role of light: Solar resources, Equilibrium condition under illumination, available work,
photocurrent, dark current. (4 lectures)
Properties of semiconductor: bands in crystals, density of states, electron distribution function,
electron and hole densities, impurities and doping, drift current, diffusion current. (8 lectures)
Generation and Recombination: semiconductor transport equations, generation and
recombination, photogeneration, types of recombination. (5 lectures)
Junction: Origin of photovoltaic action, metal semiconductor junction, ohmic contacts, p-n
junction, p-i-n junction, p-n heterojunction, junctions in organic materials. (6 lectures)
Analysis of p-n junction: formation of p-n junction, calculation of depletion width, calculation of
carrier and current densities, p-n junction in dark, p-n junction under illumination, p-n junction
as a photovoltaic cell. (8 lectures)
Monocrystalline Solar Cells: Materials and Design, silicon material properties, band structure
and optical absorption, doping, recombination and carrier transport. (3 lectures)
Thin film solar cells: Materials, amorphous silicon, defects in amorphous material, absorption,
doping, stability, design of the solar cell. (3 lectures)
Strategies for high efficiency: multiple band gap, tandem cells, principles of cooling and hot
carrier solar cell, impact ionization solar cells. (2 lectures)
1. J., Nelson, The Physics of Solar Cells, Imperial College Press, (2003).
Reference Books
1. P.,Wurfel, U., Wurfel, (2016), Physics of Solar Cell, Willey VCH.
2. S.,Fonash, (2010), Solar Cell Device Physics, Academic Press.
Title Fundamentals of Plasma and Fusion Science Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. present the fundamental principles of basic plasma and plasma behavior by pointing out
specific plasma properties useful in technological applications.
2. Also, provide an overview of fusion plasma science and its consequences in the 21st century
for the benefit of mankind.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand the important scientific and technical terms of plasma.
2. Use mathematical knowledge in the solution of plasma physics problems.
3. Recognize the importance of plasma based controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Course Content
Introduction of plasma- Plasmas in nature and applications, Relevant concepts from gas (kinetic)
theory, Debye Shielding, Definition of plasma and relevant characteristic parameters, Collision
rates and mean-free paths. (6 Lectures)
Single particle motions- Charged particle motion in uniform electromagnetic field, Charged
particle motion in non-uniform magnetostatic field, Charged particle motion in time varying
electromagnetic fields, Adiabatic invariants. (4 Lectures)
Plasma fluid theory- Continuity equations, Convective derivative, Equations of state, Single fluid
approximation, MHD, MHD equilibria, Generalised Ohm’s Law. (8 Lectures)
Waves and instabilities in plasmas- Cold plasma waves, Thermal effects on plasma waves,
Electron plasma waves, Electromagnetic waves in plasma, Equilibrium and stability, Two-
stream instability. (8 Lectures)
Plasma generation and properties- Concepts of plasma generation in laboratory, Plasma sheath,
Particle and energy balance, Scaling laws. (8 Lectures)
Concept of Fusion Plasma Science- Thermonuclear fusion burn basics, Fusion Reaction,
Thermonuclear fusion, Power balance, Ignition, Tokamaks, Fuel resources, Tokamak
economics. (8 Lectures)
Text Books
1. F.F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Volume 1: Plasma
Physics, NY, Plenum Press, 1984.
2. John Wesson, Tokamaks, Clarendon Press- Oxford, 2004.
Reference Books
1. R.J Goldston and Paul H. Rutherford, Introduction to Plasma Physics, Institute of Physics
Publishing, Bristol 1995.
2. R. Dendy, Plasma Physics: An Introductory Course, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 1993.
Title Introduction to Quantum Technologies Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide various facets of frontiers of quantum technological domains and its understanding
from the beginner’s perspective.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. In understanding fundamental principles of quantum state engineering.
2. Apply modern quantum state engineered tools in advanced domain of physics
Non-classical States Generation: Generation of Single Photon, Heralded Photon and Photon
added/subtracted states, NOON State. (6 Lectures)
Random Number Generation (RNG): True RNG Generation, Validation and relevant experimental
details. (6 Lecture)
Photon Statistics: Detailed analysis of Photon Statistics and higher-order moments for non-
classical states and quantum Metrology. (6 Lecture)
Quantum State Engineering and tomography: Methods to generate engineered quantum states
and its applications, Quantum State Tomography (QST). (6 Lectures)
Quantum Cryptography: Introduction to Quantum Cryptography. (6 Lectures)
Quantum Computation: Physical realization of quantum computers, and algorithms, qubits using
photons and superconducting quits, modern quantum algorithms. (6 Lectures)
Open Quantum Systems: Introduction to Open quantum system and its Technological
Implementation. (6 Lecture)
1. Agarwal, G. S., Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
2. Banerjee, S., Open Quantum Systems: Dynamics of Nonclassical Evolution, Springer and
Hindustan Book Agency, 2018.
Reference Books
1. Evans, M. W., Luks, A., Perina, Jan., Phase in Optics, World Scientific Publishing Company,
Self-Learning Material
1. Prof Dipan Ghosh, Quantum Information and Computing Indian Institute of Technology
Title Laser Technologies Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
1. This course aims to provide the student with a basic understanding of Lasers and an
extended knowledge of the Laser-based technologies.
Learning Outcomes
2. The course provides students with knowledge of laser physics and introduces them to
nonlinear optics, laser interferometer, and spectroscopy applications. Also, it provides a good
understanding of the critical laser parameters important for their use in various real-world
applications such as: quantum optics, quantum technologies, telecommunications, industrial
material processing, sensing, bio-medicine, imaging, ranging and automobile industry.
Course Contents
Fundamentals of Lasers: Absorption, Spontaneous emission and Stimulated emission, Einstein
coefficients and their significance, Lasing mechanisms, Laser oscillator, Laser characteristics,
Principles for operation of Lasers, modes and mode selection, Temporal & Spatial Coherence,
comparison of laser with conventional sources of light, Laser Line width and Line broadening
mechanisms, Gaussian Beams and optical resonators. (7 lectures)
Types of Lasers: rate equations, CW lasers, and Pulsed Lasers, Gas lasers, solid state lasers,
semiconductor lasers, Dye Lasers and Fiber lasers, Spectral coverage with current Laser
technologies. (7 lectures)
Generation of short and Ultrashort pulses: Q-Switching, Mode locking, Chirping and Pulse
compression, YAG Lasers, State-of–art-lasers (Ti: Sapphire Lasers and Fiber Lasers). (7
Nonlinear Optics: Second and Third order nonlinear susceptibilities and nonlinear optical
phenomena, Self-phase modulation in fibers, broadband and supercontinuum sources. (6
Laser Interferometry: Michelson & Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Sagnac Interferometer, HOM
interferometer, Shearing Interferometer, and its connection to spatial Coherence, Fabry-Perot
interferometer, LIGO, applications. (7 lectures)
Laser Spectroscopy: Four-wave mixing, Terahertz generation (Optical rectification in a nonlinear
medium), Transient absorption/reflection spectrometer. (8 lectures)
Text Books
1. Sigman, A., Lasers, Mill Valley, Calif. University Science Books, 1986
2. Rulliere, C., Femtosecond Laser Pulses, Springer, 2003.
3. Yariv A & Pochi, Y., Photonics, Oxford University Press, 2006.
Reference books
1. Shen. Y. R., The Principles of Nonlinear Optics, Wiley-Interscience, 2002.
2. Dexheimer. S. L., Terahertz Spectroscopy, CRC Press, 2008.
Title Computational Materials Science Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Help in understanding the physical properties of materials.
2. Help in implementing the theoretical concepts to compute materials properties.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Learn theoretical concepts of different computational techniques in materials science.
2. Simulate and compute material properties using density functional theory, molecular
dynamics and Monte Carlo methods.
(Fractal 1) PHL7XX1 Basic concepts in Density Functional Theory (DFT) (1-0-0)
Uniform electron gas, Thomas-Fermi model, The Hohenberg-Kohn theorems, formulation of
DFT, Kohn-Sham variational principle, Local/spin density approximation (LDA/LSDA),
Generalized-gradient approximations (GGAs), Orbital dependent functional, Hybrid functionals,
Introduction to Quantum Espresso. (14 lectures)
(Fractal 2) PHL7XX2 Molecular dynamics Simulations (1-0-0)
Equations of motion, integrators, Interaction potential models, Force calculations, Long-range
corrections, Molecular dynamics in various ensembles, Advanced MD techniques, Linear
response theory and Introduction to LAMMPS & GROMACS. (14 lectures)
(Fractal 3) PHL7XX3 Monte Carlo Simulations (1-0-0)
Monte Carlo integration, Importance sampling, Metropolis algorithm, Detailed balance, Free
energy calculations, Widom insertion and Grand canonical Monte Carlo. (14 lectures)
1. Sholl, D, and Steckel, J. A., Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction, Wiley-
Interscience 2009.
2. Frenkel, D, and Smit, B., Understanding Molecular Simulation: From algorithms to
applications, Academic Press 2001.
3. Landau, D. P. and Binder, K., A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, 3rd
Edition, Cambridge University Press 2009.
Reference Books
1. Martin, R. M., Electronic Structure Basic Theory and Practical Methods, Cambridge
University Press 2004.
2. Allen, M. P., and Tildesley, D. J., Computer Simulation of Liquids, Oxford University Press,
2nd ed. 2017.
Title Soft Matter Physics Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
3. To understand theoretical concepts in soft matter physics.
4. To understand the structural and thermodynamic properties of soft matter materials.
Learning Outcomes
3. Ability to apply statistical physics concepts to soft matter.
4. Ability to appreciate the role of self-assembly, liquid crystals, macromolecular solutions in
technological applications.
(Fractal 1) PHL7XX1 Fundamentals of Soft Matter Physics [1-0-0]
What is soft matter?; time, length and energy scales; intermolecular forces; macromolecules;
biopolymers; colloids, liquid crystals, membranes and self-assembly; (14 lectures)
(Fractal 2) PHL7XX2 Theory of Simple Liquids [1-0-0]
Densities and distribution functions; energy, pressure and compressibility, YBG hierarchy, virial
expansion, hard-sphere equation of state and numerical calculation of Lennard-Jones systems
(14 lectures)
(Fractal 3) PHL7XX3 Polymer Physics [1-0-0]
Random walks, model systems, distribution functions, chain statistics, coil-globule transition,
polymer solutions, flexibility and semi-flexibility, self-avoidance, entanglement, viscoelasticity,
reptation and Rouse models. (14 lectures)
3. Doi, M., Soft Matter Physics, Oxford University Press 2014.
4. Jones, R. A. L., Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press 2002.
Reference Books
2. Chaikin, P. M., and Lubensky, T. C., Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, Cambridge
University Press
Title Statistical Methods for Data Analysis Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide knowledge on commonly used statistical methods in analyzing physics data.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to,
1. Understand statistical methods in analyzing physical data.
Basic Statistics and Common Probability Distributions: Probability, Random variables, discrete
and continuous probability distributions, cumulative distributions. Mean, variance and
covariance. Central Limit Theorem. Method of moments. Monte Carlo Methods: transformation
of PDFs, acceptance-rejection technique. (8 Lectures)
Bayesian Statistics: Likelihoods, priors and posteriors. Nuisance parameters, systematics
uncertainties, and marginatization. (8 Lectures)
Random and Systematic Uncertainties: Error bars and error propagation. Correlation and ‘error
matrix’. Non-Gaussian uncertainties. Techniques for managing systematic uncertainties.
(8 Lectures)
Parameter Estimation: Least square regression. Minimization techniques. “Robust” alternatives
to the least square method. (8 Lectures)
Statistical Tests: Hypotheses, test statistics, significance level, power, Neyman-Pearson test,
statistical trials, likelihood ratio tests, Goodness-of-fit tests. Bayesian approach: posterior
odds, the Bayes Factor, the Ockham Factor. Method of maximum likelihood. Statistical errors,
confidence intervals and limits. (10 Lectures)
The students will be assigned computer laboratory work based on the above syllabus.
1. Louis, L., Statistics for nuclear and particle physics, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
2. Cowan, G., Statistical Data Analysis, Oxford University Press, 1998.
Self-Learning Material:
1. Sivia, D. S. and Skilling J., Data Analysis A Bayesian Tutorial, Oxford University Press, 2nd
edition, 2006.
2. Martin, B. R., Statistics for Physical Science: An Introduction, Academic Press, 1st edition,
Title Optical Fiber Technology Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
1. To understand and gather knowledge on guided wave optics namely fiber optics and its
Learning Outcomes
1. The students will become familiar with the concepts of modes, propagations of optical pulses,
and nonlinear aspect of light matter interaction inside fibers.
2. Students will become familiar with fiber characterization/measurement techniques and state-
of-the-art applications.
(Fractal 1) PHL7XX1 Introduction to Optical Fiber [1-0-0] Vector Nature of Light, Optical Fiber
– Single and Multimode, Step index and Graded Index Fibers, Ray and Wave picture of
propagation, Cut-off, mode field diameter, group delay, Gaussian field approximation. (8
Transmission Characteristics: The consequences of attenuation and dispersion in Optical Fibers:
Material, Waveguide, Polarization, Intermodal and Intramodal Dispersion, Group velocity
Dispersion, Dispersion modified single mode fibers. Fiber Fabrication Methods. (6 Lectures)
(Fractal 2) PHL7XX2 Optical Fibers and Communication [1-0-0] Attenuation, dispersion and
pulse band width, refractive index profile, bend loss, other parameters. (5 lectures)
Erbium doped fiber amplifiers: Optical amplification, gain spectrum and bandwidth, noise in
EDFA, WDM. (4 lectures)
Fiber optic communications- Dispersion management and WDM systems, bit-error rate, signal-
to-noise ratio, Optical communications. (5 lectures)
(Fractal 3) PHL7XX3 Nonliear Fiber Optics [1-0-0] Photonic crystal fibers: Index and photonic
bandgap guiding mechanism, endless single-mode guidance, fiber optic sensors. (7 lectures)
Nonlinear phenomena in optical fibers: Nonlinear refraction, nonlinear pulse propagation, self-
phase modulation, changes in pulse spectra, optical wave breaking, optical solitons, cross-
phase modulation. (7 lectures)
1. Ghatak, A. K., and Thyagarajan, K., Introduction to Fiber Optics, Cambridge University Press
2. Agrawal, G. P., Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Academic press, 4th edition, 2007.
Self-Learning Material
1. Rastogi, V., Fiber Optics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
Title Energy Harvesting Technologies Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Make the students understand different energy harvesting technologies from unconventional
resources and waste energy management.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand the energy harvesting technologies and their applications in different domains.
Energy sources: Non-renewable and renewable energy sources, Energy demand and crisis
nexus, waste energies and their harvesting (5 lectures)
Harvesting Waste Mechanical Energy: Principle of piezoelectricity, piezoelectric materials, their
characterizations, common piezoelectric materials e.g. PZT, ZnO. Recent trends on new
materials ceramics and polymer composites; Principles of energy harvesting using piezoelectric
effect, Electrical equivalent modelling, examples of energy harvesting systems e.g. Human
body motion based, human shoe based and human joint based energy harvesters, Energy from
natural sources: wind and water flow, Energy from transportation etc (15 lectures)
Nanopiezoelectric materials and devices: Nanopiezoelectric effect, materials for nanogenerators,
principles of nanogenerators, devices, characterization, current trends in materials. (7
Thermal Waste Energy harvesting: Thermoelectric effect and related principles, such as Seebeck
and Peltier effect, Thomson effect, Thermoelectric device materials and characterization,
Strategies for improving thermoelectric performance, Nanostructured thermoelectric
materials; principle of pyroelectric effect, pyroelectric and electrocaloric coefficients,
pyroelectric figure of merit, pyroelectric materials, Thermal phase change materials for waste
energy harvesting, principles and materials. (10+05 lectures)
1. Priya, S., Inman, D. J., Energy Harvesting Technologies, Springer (2009).
2. Mescia, L., Losito, O., Prudenzano, F., Innovative Materials and Systems for Energy
Harvesting Applications, IGI Global (2015)
Reference Books
1. Kazmierski, T. J., Beeby, S., Energy Harvesting Systems, Springer (2011).
2. Yang, B., Liu, H., Liu, J., Lee, C., Micro and Nano Energy Harvesting Technologies, Artech
House (2015)
Title Solar Energy Technologies Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Make the students understand energy technologies such as solar photovoltaics, solar thermal
together with solar radiation.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand the solar technologies and their applications.
Basic Concepts of Solar Radiation: Radiation fundamentals, types of radiation, measurements,
and its usages. (10 lectures)
Solar photovoltaics: Principles of solar cells, their types and working mechanisms, generation
and recombination of carriers, types of recombination, Details about p-n homo and hetero
junctions, inorganic and organic junction-based PV devices, analysis and characterization.
Effect of temperature on device performance. (10 lectures)
Solar thermal: Solar thermal technologies (concentrating and non-concentrating) and their
operating principles, classification based on temperature ranges and their applications,
Component analysis, Introduction to solar thermal plants and energy generation. (10 lectures)
Energy storage: Electrical energy storage using batteries and supercapacitors, principles, issues
and challenges, current state of the art; Thermal energy storage using phase change and
thermochemical means, principles, materials, issues and challenges. (10 lectures)
1. Nelson, J., (2003), The Physics of Solar Cells, Imperial College Press.
2. Sukhatme, S. P., Naik, J. K., Solar Energy: Principles of thermal collection and storage; TMH,
Reference Books
1. Wurfel, P., Wurfel, U., (2016), Physics of Solar Cell, Willey VCH.
2. Duffie, J. A., Beckman, W. A., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Wiley & Sons
4th Ed, 2013.
Title Quantum Optics and Engineering Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide various aspects of nonclassical/quantum light and its manifestation.
2. Basic understanding of novel applications of light matter interaction.
3. Introduce various aspects of Photon distribution and its relevance to applications in quantum
optics and engineering.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understanding the fundamental principles of quantum optics.
2. The students will become familiar with concepts such as squeezing, lasing and atom optics
3. Appreciate and apply quantum optics in newer frontiers of physics.
Introduction to Lasers (3 Lectures)
Quantum theory of radiation: Quantum theory of the free electromagnetic field (3 Lectures)
Coherent and squeezed states of radiation: Radiation from a classical current; coherent states;
squeezed state physics and its detection. (6 Lectures)
Generation of Entangled Photons and Photon Statistics: Spontaneous Parametric Down-
Conversion (SPDC) process, Entangled photon detection, HOM and Franson Interferometer,
Hanbury-Twiss Interferometer. (7 Lectures)
Quantum distribution theory: Q, P and W distributions. (5 Lectures)
Photon-photon interferometry: Photon detection and quantum coherence functions. (5 Lectures)
Atom-field interaction: Atom-field interaction Hamiltonian; density matrix of two-level atom with
a single mode field. (7 Lectures)
Lasing without inversion, coherent trapping, electromagnetically induced transparency: Basic
concepts of these quantum interference phenomena. (6 Lectures)
1. Mandel, L. and Wolf, E., Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press,
2. Scully, M. O. and Zubairy, M. S., Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
3. Loudon, R., The Quantum Theory of Light, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Reference Book:
1. Agarwal, G. S., Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Self-Learning Material:
1. Satyanarayana, M. V., Department of Physics, IIT Madras, Quantum Optics,
Title Cold Plasma Technologies Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The instructor will:
1. provide an overview of the importance of cold plasma technologies.
2. present an overview of commercially important plasma sources, including the fundamental
principles of their operation and diagnostics.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. understand the operating principles of the most significant types of experimental plasma
2. acquire conceptual understanding of plasma measurement tools, different vacuum pumps
and plasma systems design concepts.
Electrical breakdown of gases- Background ionization, Saturation regime, Townsend discharge
and electrical breakdown condition of gases, Paschen Curve, Theory of low-pressure DC glow
discharge. (10 Lectures)
RF-driven gas discharges- Capacitive coupling, Inductive coupling, Microwave driven,
Magnetically enhancement. (5 Lectures)
High pressure gas discharges- Plasma Arc discharge and Glow discharge concept, Cold
atmospheric pressure discharge, Dielectric Barrier Discharges, Cold Plasma Jets, Microplasmas.
(5 Lectures)
Vacuum Pumps and Instrumentation- Mechanical, diffusion, turbo molecular pumps. Vacuum
gauges, Gas regulators, Residual gas analysers, Leak detection. (5 Lectures)
Plasma Diagnostics- Overview of plasma diagnostics, Langmuir probe, Magnetic probe, Emissive
probe, Measurement of circuit parameters including current, voltage and power, Fundamentals
of emission of radiations by plasmas and their measurements. (8 Lectures)
Laboratory Plasma Applications- Plasma treatment of surfaces, Plasma deposition of the
surfaces, Plasma Etching, Cold plasma applications in health, food and agriculture, Plasma
Lighting devices, Nanoscale fabrications and plasma for biomedicines. (8 lectures)
Text Books
1. Yuri P. Raizer, Gas Discharge Physics, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.
2. J. Reece Roth, Industrial Plasma Engineering, Vol. 1 & 2, Institute of Physics Publishing,
3. P.I John, Plasma Sciences and the Creation of Wealth, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
Reference Books
1. I. H. Huchinson, Principles of Plasma Diagnostics, Cambridge University Press, 1987
2. Michael Lieberman and Allan J. Lichtenberg, Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials
Processing, John Wiley, 2005.
Title Critical Phenomena and Renormalization Group Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Help in understanding the basic concepts of critical phenomena.
2. Help in grasping the concepts of the renormalization group
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Grasp the concept of universality in phase transitions, crucial for understanding critical
2. Understand scaling and renormalization group ideas.
Introduction to critical phenomena: Phase Transitions and Transfer Matrix, Order Parameter and
Cluster Properties, Stochastic Processes and Phase Transitions, The Ising model, the mean
field, correlation functions. (10 Lectures)
Landau theory: The Landau theory of phase transitions, Universality within the Mean Field
Approximation, Critique of the Landau approximation, and the Ginzburg criterion, Power
Counting and the Role of Dimension Four. (10 Lectures)
Real-space Renormalization Group: Renormalization Group (RG) transformation of the
Hamiltonian and its fixed points, Relations between critical exponents from RG, some
applications of the linearized RG transformations. (6 Lectures)
Momentum-space Renormalization Group: RG transformation in wave number space, Scaling
dimension: anomalous and normal, Partition function and fixed points for the Gaussian model.
(10 Lectures)
Two-dimensional models: The X Y model, Nonlinear sigma-models. (6 Lectures)
1. Ma, S. K., (1976), Modern theory of critical phenomena. Benjamin, Philadelphia.
2. Bellac, M. L., (1991), Quantum and Statistical Field Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Reference Books
1. Zinn-Justin., J., (1989), Quantum field theory and critical phenomena, Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
Title Non-perturbative aspects of Quantum Field Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Help in understanding the basic ideas of non-perturbative phenomena.
2. Help in grasping the basic models of non-perturbative quantum field theory (QFT).
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Grasp the concepts of QFT beyond the perturbation regimes.
2. Understand some of the important tools needed for non-perturbative QFT.
Introduction to general properties of QFT: Relativistic covariance, microcausality and ultraviolet
singularities, Wightman functions and their properties; Euclidean QFT, Osterwalder-Schrader
condition, local structure of QFT, Haag theorem; Schwinger model, Thirring model. (6 Lectures)
Kinks and Domain Walls: Humps of energy with a topological basis. Formation of kinks and
domain walls during a phase transition, Kibble and Kibble-Zurek mechanisms. Action of kink
and domain walls. (8 Lectures)
Solitons and Instantons: Relativistic quantum field theories starting from classical solutions of
the corresponding non- nonlinear field equations. Classical field equations belong to either the
Minkowskian metric or to Euclidean equations. The Minkowskian solutions will have finite
energy with a localised, non-dispersive energy density; referred to as solitons. Correspondence
between classical soliton solutions of any given field theory and extended-particle states of the
quantised version of that theory will be discussed. Instantons are localised finite-action
classical solutions of the Euclidean version of the field equations of any given model. They
lead to tunnelling effects that can significantly affect the structure of the vacuum state. It will
be discussed how the existence of a non-zero topological index, in the instantons, leads to the
generation of a family of vacuum states, characterized by a vacuum angle theta. (20 Lectures)
Non-Linear Sigma Model: Models possessing global symmetries non-linearly realized on the
fields. This model has an 0(N) symmetry, the field being a N-vector of fixed length. In this
context, the 1/N expansion will be discussed. Also, discussed will be the connection of the O(2)
model to the sine-Gordan and massive Thirring models. (8 Lectures)
1. Rajaraman, R., (1989), Solitons and Instantons, North-Holland.
2. Abdalla, E., Abdalla, M. C. B., and Rothe, K. D., (2001), Non-perturbative methods in 2
Dimensional QFT, World Scientific, Singapore.
Reference Books
1. Zinn-Justin., J., (1989), Quantum field theory and critical phenomena, Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
Title Nuclear Engineering Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide various aspects of Nuclear Engineering from perspective nuclear power plant and its
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. In understanding fundamental principles of nuclear engineering.
PHL7XX1 Nuclear Reactor and Safety [2-0-0]
Introduction to Nuclear Physics: (2 Lecture).
Nuclear Decay Series: U, Th, Pu and Other radioactive sources and their decay series; basic
understanding of differential cross-section and half-life. (6 Lecture)
Nuclear Reactors: Reactor Physics and Pressurized Water Reactor, Boiling Water Reactor, Fast-
Breeder Reactor (FBR), Reactor Design (Heavy Water, Liquid Metal and Gas). (12 Lecture)
Nuclear Safety: Reactor Safety, Structural Mechanics, Accidents and Contamination. (8 Lecture)
PHL7XX1 Fluid Flow and Power cycles [1-0-0]
Fluid Flow and Power Cycles: Single-Phase Flow & Two-Phase Flow, Heat-Exchangers Design
and Different Power Cycles. (14 Lectures)
1. Glasstone, S. and Sesonske, A., Nuclear Reactor Engineering, D. Van Nostrand Company,
2. Knief, R. A. Nuclear Engineering: Theory and Technology of Commercial Nuclear Power. 2nd
ed. La Grange Park, 2008.
Reference books:
1. Oka, Y., (Eds.), Nuclear Reactor Design, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 2010.
Self-Learning Material:
1. Kannan, I., Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Nuclear Engineering,
Title General Theory of Relativity Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. give the student a basic understanding of the General Theory of Relativity and its
importance for modern physics.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. have detailed insight regarding theory and dynamics related to gravity.
2. be able to apply the theory of general relativity in many fields of physics for example in
astrophysics and cosmology.
Preliminary discussions: Review of special theory of relativity, vector and tensor, particle
dynamics, electrodynamics, energy momentum tensor, relativistic hydrodynamics.
Principle of equivalence: Statement of the principle, gravitational forces, geodesic–affine
connection, Newtonian limit. (8 Lectures)
Tensor analysis: Tensor algebra, tensor density, transformation of affine connection, covariant
differentiation, gradient, divergence, curl, parallel transport. (8 Lectures)
Curvature: curvature tensor, Bianchi identity, Ricci tensor, curvature scalar, Killing vectors and
symmetries. (5 Lectures)
Einstein's field equation: Derivation of field equation, Schwarzschild solution, Birkhoff's
theorem, geodesic equation in Schwarzschild space time, Precession of perihelion of mercury,
bending of light rays, gravitational red shift. (8 Lectures)
Stellar equilibrium and collapse: Differential equation for stellar structure, White dwarfs, neutron
stars, comoving coordinates, Schwarzschild blackholes, collapse to a blackholes.
Gravitational radiation: (10 Lectures)
Universe: Friedmann-Robertson-Walker solution, our Universe. (3 Lectures)
1. Weinberg, S., Gravitation and Cosmology: Principle and Applications of the General Theory of
Relativity, 1st Ed., John Willey & Sons 1972.
2. Hartle, J. B., Gravity, 1st Ed. , Pearson education 2011.
3. Misner, C.W., Thorne, K. S. and Wheeler, J. A., Gravitation, Princeton University Press 2017
Self-Learning Material
2. Schutz, B., General Relativity, Cambridge University Press 2011
4. Bertschinger, E. W., General Relativity,
Title Particle Physics Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P-Th [C] 3–0–0-0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide background to understand the concepts of modern particle physics.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand details of Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Chromodynamics and Weak
2. Grasp concepts of Standard Model of particle physics and its limitations.
A preview of Particle Physics: Elementary particle dynamics, Quark structure of Hadrons, Decay
rates and cross sections (4 Lectures).
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED): Elementary QED processes, Anomalous magnetic moment,
Extracting the moment and evaluating the graphs, Electron self-energy, Pole mass, Minimal
Subtraction, Counter terms, Two- and three-point functions, Infrared divergences, Jets,
Renormalizability of QED. (12 Lectures)
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD): Feynman rules for QCD, Elastic and inelastic electron-proton
scattering, The Rosenbluth formula, Parton distribution functions, Callan-Gross relation,
Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) splitting function, Factorization and the
parton model, The operator product expansion (14 Lectures)
Weak and Electroweak Interactions: The weak charged current interactions, V-A and chiral
structure of weak interaction, Lepton universality, Charged and neutral current neutrino
scattering, Electroweak Unification, The Higgs mechanism, Discovery of Higgs Boson, Need for
physics beyond the standard model. (12 Lectures)
1. Schwartz, M. D., Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model, Cambridge University
Press, 2014.
2. Thomson, M., Modern Particle Physics, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Self-Learning Material
1. Susskind, L., New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Basic Concepts,
Title Quantum Field Theory Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide background to understand basic concepts of quantization of scalar, spinor and
gauge fields.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand interrelations between quantum fields, symmetry and conservation laws.
2. Apply the techniques of Feynman rules and diagrams to various elementary scattering
Classical field theory: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms; Occupation number
representation, Noether's theorem, Continuous and discrete symmetries (4 lectures).
Canonical Quantization: General Formulation, Normal ordering, Mode expansion, Quantization
of real and complex scalar fields, Commutation relations, Quantization of Dirac fields, Anti-
Commutators, Quantization of massless gauge fields in radiation and Lorentz gauge,
Quantization of massive vector fields (14 lectures).
Interacting field theory: Propagators and Green’s functions, The S-matrix, Perturbation
expansion of the S-matrix, Wick's Theorem, Feynman Rules and Feynman diagrams for
interacting scalar field theory and spinor electrodynamics, Lowest Order Cross-Section for
Rutherford and Mott scattering (16 lectures).
Radiative Corrections and Renormalization: Casimir effect, Vacuum polarization, Electron
magnetic moment, Lamb’s shift, Mass renormalization (8 lectures)
1. Peskin, M. E. and Schroeder, D. V., An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Frontiers in
Physics, 1995.
2. Weinberg, S., The Quantum Theory of Fields I, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Self-Learning Material
1. Tripathy, P. K., Quantum Field Theory, IIT Madras,
2. Tong D., Lectures on Quantum Field Theory, University of Cambridge,
Title Astrophysics Number PHL7XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Familiarize the basic ideas needed to understand astrophysical phenomena.
2. Elucidate the nature and properties of compact astrophysical objects.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. have idea how astrophysical observations, measurements can be carried out and how the
observational data can be interpreted.
2. be acquainted with the physics of compact objects.
Properties of Sun: Estimate of surface temperature, luminosity, radius, mass, sun's spectrum,
composition of sun. (2 Lectures)
Fundamental of radiative transfer: Radiative flux, the specific intensity, radiative transfer,
optical depth, plane parallel atmosphere, the grey atmosphere problem, formation of spectral
line, opacity, calculation of opacity. (8 Lectures)
Properties of stars: Colour and surface temperature, stellar spectra, spectroscopy parallax. the
Hertzsprung-Russel diagram, size, mass and temperature of stars. (6 Lectures)
Stellar formation and evolution: Hydrostatic equilibrium, virial theorem, Jeans' crieria for star
formation, brown dwarf, stellar structure equations. (7 Lectures)
Nucleosynthesis inside stars: Possibility of nuclear reactions in stars, Nuclear reaction rates,
important nuclear reactions in stars, evolution of stars with different masses. (4 Lectures)
White dwarfs: - equation of state for degenerate gas, polytropic EoS, Lane-Emden equation,
Chandrasekhar mass limit. (6 Lectures)
Neutron stars: Supernova, neutron star, neutron drip, TOV equation, pulsars, magnetic dipole
model of pulsars, nonvacuum pulsar model, glitch, cooling of neutron stars, neutron stars in
binary. (6 Lectures)
Galaxies: Stellar dynamics, Interstellar medium. (3 Lectures)
1. Rai Choudhari A., Astrophysics for physicists, 1st Ed., Cambridge University Press 2010.
2. Morison I., Introduction to astronomy and cosmology, 1st Ed., Willey and Sons ltd 2008.
3. Shapiro, S. L., Teukolsky, S. A., Black Holes, White Dwarfs, and Neutron Stars, 1st ed.,
WILLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2004.
Self-Learning Material
9. Advanced Level Elective Courses
Title Vacuum Systems and Thin Film Technology Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
Prerequisite Introduction to Characterization & Advanced Condensed
Matter Physics
The Instructor will:
1. Introduce basic concept of vacuum science and thin film depositions & characterizations
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand the physical concepts behind the thin film depositions by CVD and PVD systems
2. Knowledge about vacuum pumps and gauges
3. Design protocols for thin film deposition and characterization
Vacuum technology: Production of Vacuum - Mechanical pumps, Diffusion pump, Getter and Ion
pumps, Cryopumps, Pressure Measurements Gauges, Leak Detection. (5 lectures)
Physical Vapor Deposition: Hertz Knudsen equation; mass evaporation rate; Knudsen cell,
Directional distribution of evaporating species, Evaporation of elements, compounds, alloys,
Raoult’s law; e-beam, pulsed laser and ion beam evaporation, Glow Discharge and Plasma,
Sputtering–mechanisms and yield, DC and RF sputtering, Bias sputtering, magnetically
enhanced sputtering systems, reactive sputtering, Hybrid and Modified PVD- Ion plating,
reactive evaporation, ion beam assisted sputtering. (11 lectures)
Chemical Vapor Deposition: reaction chemistry and thermodynamics of CVD; Thermal CVD,
laser & plasma enhanced CVD, Chemical Techniques - Spray Pyrolysis, Electro-deposition, Sol-
Gel and LB Techniques (8 lectures)
Nucleation & Growth: capillarity theory, atomistic and kinetic models of nucleation, basic modes
of thin film growth, stages of film growth & mechanisms, amorphous thin films, Epitaxy–homo,
hetero and coherent epitaxial layers, lattice misfit and imperfections, epitaxy of compound
semiconductors. (8 lectures)
Film Formation and Structure: Capillarity Theory, Atomistic Nucleation Processes, Cluster
Coalescence and Depletion, Experimental Studies of Nucleation and Growth, Grain Structure
of Films and Coatings (5 lectures)
Methods for characterization of film properties: chemical composition, microstructure, optical,
mechanical and electrical properties (5 lectures)
1. Ohring, M., The materials science of Thin films, Academic Press Ltd, 2nd Edition, 2002
2. Chopra, K. L., Thin Film Phenomena, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1969
3. Smith D. L., Thin Film Deposition: Principles and Practice, McGraw Hill 1995
Self-Learning Material
1. Shekhar, S. and Gaur, A., Fundamentals of Material Processing Part 2 (Module 2), IIT Kanpur,
Title Plasma Diagnostics Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-P-T (C) 3-0-0 [3]
Offered for PhD
Prerequisite Cold Plasma Technologies
The instructor will:
1. provide an overview of the important plasma diagnostic and data analysis tools, which are
used in process development and plasma reactor monitoring.
2. provide students a critical appreciation of where and when specific techniques are applicable.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. understand the fundamental principles of electrical, optical and particle measurement
2. understand quantitatively the validity of plasma measurements.
3. distinguish process control issues and chalk out strategies for specific plasma process
Course Content
Plasma Parameters- Electron and Ion plasma densities, temperature, and particle distribution
functions. Wall fluxes of charged and neutral species, energy distribution functions. Plasma
emission. Plasma operating regimes. (7 Lectures)
Electrical Measurements- Electrical Probes (Langmuir single, double probes, emissive proves),
Current transformers, Rogowski coil, dielectric charging and laser heated techniques. (8
Optical and Spectroscopic Techniques- Fundamentals of emission of radiation by plasmas.
Corona equilibrium, Local-thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), Collinsonal-radiative (CR)
processes. Line shapes and broadening, i.e., Natural Broadening, Doppler Broadening, Stark
Broadening, line shifts. Absorption spectroscopy and active techniques including LIF (Laser
Induced Fluorescence) technique. (12 Lectures)
Particle Measurements and Process Control- Energy analysers (Ion-energy analyzers, Faraday
Cup), ion mass spectrometry, process gas analysis in plasmas, process control strategies.
statistical process analysis, end point detection. (8 lectures)
Data analysis software and tools- Data analysis introduction and overview of COMSOL, Vsim,
Oopic-pro, Atomic Data and Analysis Structure, Interactive Data Language, Matlab and Origin.
(7 lectures)
Text Books
1. I. H. Huchinson, Principles of plasma diagnostics, Cambridge University Press, 1987.
2. P.I John, Plasma Sciences and the Creation of Wealth, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Company
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005
Reference Books
1. Lochte-Holtgreven, Plasma Diagnostics, AIP Press American Institute of Physics, New York
2. P.C. Stangeby, Plasma Diagnostics, Vol. 2, Surface analysis and interactions, Academic
Press, Boston (1989)
Title Materials and device characterization Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
Prerequisite Introduction to Material Characterization
The Instructor will:
1. Introduce the advanced characterization tools for materials and devices
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Understand the concepts and theory underlying the modern techniques employed to
determine semiconductor material and device parameters.
Introduction to materials characterization and their necessity including physical, chemical and
electrical characterization. (2 lectures)
Structural and crystallographic Characterization: X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, LEED,
RHEED, characterization of crystalline and non-crystalline materials. (6 lectures)
Microscopy techniques: Geometrical optics and optical microscopy, Scanning electron and
Transmission electron microscopy. (10 lectures)
Optical spectroscopy: UV-Vis and FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy with introduction
vibrational spectroscopic concepts. (4 lectures)
Magnetic measurement techniques: SQUID magnetometer, temperature and field dependent
magnetic measurements using PPMS and SQUID, introduction magnetic imaging techniques
such as MRI and NMRI. (6 lectures)
Electrical measurement:Drude model introduction, Four probe resistivity measurements, Van
der Pauw method, Hall measurement, PN junction measurements, Schottky barriers, Thermally
stimulated current spectroscopy. (6 lectures)
Low temperature measurements: Introduction to cryogens, Dewars, He-4/3 cryostat, Dilution
cryostat, Adiabatic demagnetization, Resistance thermometry. (4 lectures)
Mossbauer spectroscopy techniques: Principle, method, experiments for material
characterization, X-ray photoelectron/Auger spectroscopy measurements. (4 lectures)
1. Schroder, D. K., Semiconductor material and device characterization, Wiley 3rd Edition, 2015
2. Zhang, S., Li, L. and Kumar, A., Materials characterization techniques, CRC press, 2008
3. Egerton, R. F., Physical principles of electron microscopy: An introduction to TEM, SEM and
AEM, Springer, 2005
Self-Learning Material
1. Biswas, K., NPTEL course: Advanced Characterization Techniques, IIT Kanpur,
Title Computational Condensed Matter Physics Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–1 [4]
Offered for Type Elective
Prerequisite Computational Materials Science
The Instructor will:
1. Help in understanding the condensed matter physics concept and their correlation in
materials properties.
2. help students to implement the concept to apply for computing materials properties.
3. Encourage students to apply the computational condensed matter physics knowledge in their
research if interested.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Learn the concept of condensed matter and computational aspects for real implementation
2. Design application driven materials need
Basic Concepts in Electronic Structure: Interacting electron & nuclei systems, Forces & stress
theorems, a bit of statistical mechanics and density matrix. Independent electron
approximation, Exchange & correlation. Periodic solids and electron bands. Uniform electron
gas model. (5 lectures)
Hartee-Fock approximation: Non-interacting systems (2 lectures)
Density Functional Theory (DFT): Thomas-Fermi model, The Hohenberg-Kohn theorems,
Extension of Hohenberg-Khon theorems, formulation of DFT. The Kohn-Sham vibrational
principle. (8 lectures)
Functionals for exchange correlation: Local/ spin density approximation (LDA/LSDA),
Generalized-gradient approximations (GGAs), Orbital dependent functional, Hybrid functionals.
Electronic structure of atom and pseudopotential: scattering amplitude and pseudopotentials,
orthogonalized plane wave (OPWs) and pseudopotentials, Nrom-conserving pseudopotentials,
unscreening and core correction, Ultrasoft pseudopotentials, Projector augumented waves
(PAWs) (16 lectures)
Computation of electronic band structure: Self-consistent solution of coupled Kohn-Sham
equations, Total energy functionals, Force & stress (5 lectures)
Practical applications: Introduction to supercells, surfaces, interfaces, phonons and defects,
other material properties such as magnetic, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. Thermal
properties using phonon dispersion. (6 lectures)
1. Marder, M. P., Condensed Matter Physics, Wiley, 2000
2. Sholl, D., and Steckel, J. A., Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction, Wiley-
Interscience, 2009
Reference Books
1. Martin, R. M., Electronic Structure Basic Theory and Practical Methods, Cambridge University
Press, 2004
2. Kittel C. C., Quantum Theory of Solids, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1987
3. Journal articles for relevant sections
Self-Learning Material
1. Online resources: (For computational purpose and
online lectures and reading materials)
Title Semiconductor Device Technology Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
Prerequisite Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
The Instructor will:
1. Introduce basic properties of semiconductors, physical principles and operational
characteristics of semiconductor devices
2. Put forth advanced device issues relevant to state-of-the-art integrated-circuit technologies.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Familiarize with the physical concepts behind the solid state electronics devices
Physics and Properties of Semiconductors: crystal structure, energy bands, statistics, Fermi
level, carrier concentration at thermal equilibrium, carrier transport phenomena, Hall effect,
recombination, optical and thermal properties, basic properties for semiconductor operation.
(5 lectures)
Device Processing Technology: oxidation, diffusion, ion-implantation, deposition, lithography,
etching and interconnect. (8 lectures)
p-n Junction: depletion region, diffusion, generation-recombination, current-voltage
characteristics, junction breakdown, charge storage and transient behavior. (4 lectures)
Bipolar transistor: transistor action and dependence on device structure, charge control
switching model, Ebers-Moll Model, current-voltage characteristics, non-ideal and limiting
effects at extremes of bias. (6 lectures)
State-of-the-Art Bipolar Transistor Technology: poly-si emitters, narrow base, structural
tradeoffs in optimizing performance. (3 lectures)
Metal-Semiconductor Contacts: equilibrium, idealized metal semiconductor junctions,
nonrectifying (ohmic) contacts, Schottky diodes, tunneling. (4 lectures)
Metal-Oxide-Silicon System: MOS structure, capacitance, oxide and interface charge (charging
of traps, tunneling through oxide). (4 lectures)
MOS Field-Effect Transistor: threshold voltage, derivation of current-voltage characteristics,
dependence on device structure. (3 lectures)
State-of-the-Art MOS Technology: small-geometry effects, mobility degradation due to
channel and oxide fields, velocity saturation, hot-electron effects. (3 lectures)
Modern CMOS Technologies: CMOS Process flow starting from Substrate selection to multilevel
metal formation, comparison between bulk and SOI CMOS technologies. (2 lectures)
1. Donald , A. N., Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007.
2. Sze, S.M., Physics of Semiconductor Devices, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
3. James,P., Deal, M. and Griffin P., Silicon VLSI Technology, Prentice Hall, Electronics and
VLSI series, 2000
Self-Learning Material
1. Fonstad, C., Jr, MIT Open course: Microelectronic Devices and Circuits,
Title Understanding Scanning Tunneling Microscope Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
Prerequisite Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
1. To understand the principles behind scanning tunneling microscope.
Learning Outcomes
1. One can get acquainted and operate scanning tunneling microscope.
Overview: Tunneling an elementary model, probing electronic structure in atomic scale, spatially
resolved scanning spectroscopy, lateral resolution, origin of atomic resolution in STM, tip-
sample interaction effects. (6 lectures)
Imaging Mechanism: atom-scale tunneling, perturbation approach, image force, the square-
barrier problem, modified Bardeen approach, effect of image force on tunneling, tunneling
matrix elements, tip wavefunctions, Green’s function and tip wavefunctions, wavefunctions at
surfaces, related model, concept of surface states, field emission spectroscopy, atom-beam
diffraction, first principles theoretical studies. (10 lectures)
Imaging crystalline surfaces: types of STM images, surfaces with one-dimensional corrugation,
surface with tetragonal, hexagonal or trigonal symmetry, corrugation inversion, the S-wave-
tip model. (5 lectures)
Imaging atomic states and the role of atomic force in tunneling: Slater atomic wavefunctions,
profiles of atomic states as seen by STM, Na-atom tip model, images of surfaces: Independent
orbital approximation, effect of atomic force in STM, attractive atomic force as a tunneling
phenomenon, attractive atomic force and tunneling conductance. (11 lectures)
Tip-sample Interactions and scanning tunneling spectroscopy: Local modification of sample
wavefunction, deformation of tip and sample surface, electronics for spectroscopy, nature of
the spectra, tip-treatment for spectroscopy studies, The Fenestra parameter, ex situ and in
situ determination of tip DOS. (10 lectures)
1. Chen, C. J., Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Oxford University, 2012
Reference Books
1. Weisendanger, R., Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Cambridge Uni.
Title Physics of neutrinos Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide background to understand the role of neutrinos in probing fundamental
interactions of nature.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Grasp the theoretical concepts of neutrino oscillations and various neutrino mass models.
2. Understand details of various currently running and upcoming experimental facilities.
3. Understand the role of neutrinos in the early universe.
Neutrino oscillations: Solar and atmospheric neutrino puzzles, Neutrino oscillations in vacuum,
plane wave & wave packet treatment, Neutrino oscillations in constant matter density, MSW
resonance, Neutrinos through varying matter density, Terrestrial neutrino oscillation
experiments, Supernova neutrinos. Synchronized & Bipolar oscillations, Spectral split. (10
Sterile Neutrinos: LSND anomaly, More neutrino species, MiniBoone experiment, New anomalies
- Reactor neutrino anomaly and Gallium experiments calibration anomaly, Proposed future
experiments, Sterile neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology. (10 Lectures)
Neutrino Nature and Mass: Absolute mass experiments, Dirac and Majorana masses for
neutrinos, Neutrinoless double beta decay, Neutrino mass models, Seesaw mechanism, Type
I, II and III Seesaw models, Zee model, Left-right symmetric model, GUT-based models,
Supersymmetric models. (10 Lectures)
Neutrino Cosmology: Robertson–Walker metric, Dynamics of expansion, The cosmic neutrino
background, Neutrino temperature, Energy density of light massive neutrinos, Energy density
of heavy neutrinos, Neutrinos as dark matter. (8 Lectures)
Ultra-high energy Neutrinos: Neutrinos from Astrophysical objects: AGNs, GRBs, GZK neutrinos,
Neutrino Astronomy. (4 Lectures)
2. Giunti, C., & Kim, C. W., Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Oxford
University Press 2007.
3. Kim, C. W., & Pevsner, A., Neutrinos in physics and astrophysics, Harwood Academic 1993.
Reference Books
1. Fukugita, M., & Yanagida, T., Physics of Neutrinos, Springer Verlag 2003
2. Boehm, F., & Vogel, P., Physics of Massive Neutrinos, Cambridge University Press 1992.
Self-Learning Material
1. Dighe, A., Neutrino Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai,
Title Gauge theory of weak interactions Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide background to understand basic concepts of non-abelian global and local gauge
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Grasp the theoretical concepts of spontaneously broken symmetry, both global and local.
2. Understand details of Glashow-Salam-Weinberg gauge theory of electroweak interactions.
Global non-Ablelian symmetries: Flavor symmetries 𝑆𝑈(2)𝑓 and 𝑆𝑈(3)𝑓 , Non-Abelian global
symmetries in Lagrangian quantum field theories, chiral symmetry. (4 Lectures)
Local non-Ablelian symmetries: Local SU(2) symmetry: the covariant derivative, Geometrical
curvature and the gauge field strength tensor, Local SU(3) symmetry, Local SU(2) and SU(3)
Lagrangians, Quantizing non-Abelian gauge fields: Interaction of non-Abelian gauge bosons,
The Faddeev-Popov Lagrangian, Ghosts and Unitarity, Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST)
symmetry, One loop divergences of non-Abelian gauge theory, 𝛽 function. (8 Lectures)
Spontaneous symmetry breaking: The Fabri-Picasso theorem, Spontaneously broken symmetry
in condensed matter physics: The ferromagnet and The Bogoliubov superfluid, Goldstone’s
theorem, Spontaneously broken global U(1) symmetry: the Goldstone model, Spontaneously
broken global non-Abelian symmetry, Chiral Symmetry Breaking: The Nambu analogy, Two
flavour QCD and 𝑆𝑈(2)𝑓𝐿 X 𝑆𝑈(2)𝑓𝑅 , Pion decay and the Goldberger-Treiman relation, The linear
and nonliear σ -models, Chiral anomalies; Massive and massless vector particles, The
generation of ‘photon mass’ in a superconductor, Spontaneously broken local U(1) symmetry:
the Abelian Higgs model, ’t Hooft’s gauges, Spontaneously broken local SU(2) X U(1)
symmetry. (15 Lectures)
Electroweak Unification: Violation of unitarity in the current–current model, The Intermediate
vector Boson (IVB) model, Violation of unitarity bounds in the IVB model, The problem of non-
renormalizability in weak interactions, Glashow-Salam-Weinberg theory of Electroweak
Interactions: Weak isospin and hypercharge, The SU(2) X U(1) group of the electroweak
interactions, quantum number assignments and W and Z masses, The leptonic currents and
massless neutrinos, The quark currents, simple tree-level predictions, Anomaly cancellations,
The discovery of the 𝑊 ± and 𝑍 0 at the CERN 𝑝𝑝 collider, The fermion mass problem, Quark and
neutrino flavour mixing, Higher-order corrections, The top quark, The Higgs sector, Theoretical
considerations concerning Higgs mass, Higgs phenomenology, Discovery of Higgs Bosons. (15
1. Aitchison, I. J. R. & Hey, A. J. G., Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, Volume II: A Practical
Introduction: Non-Abelian Gauge Theories: QCD and the Electoweak Theory, Taylor &
Francis, 2003.
2. Cheng, T. P. & Li, L. F., Gauge theory of elementary particle physics, Oxford University
Press, 2000.
Self-Learning Material
1. Langacker, P., The Standard Model, Institute of Advanced Study Princeton,
Title Dark Energy Number PHL8XX0
Department Physics L-T-P [C] 3–0–0 [3]
Offered for Type Elective
The Instructor will:
1. Provide background to understand concepts related to Dark Energy which is thought to
comprise 68% of the known universe.
2. Provide background to develop insight of theoretical models of Dark Energy.
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to have the ability to:
1. Grasp concepts of various matter and gravity modified models of Dark Energy.
2. Understand details of a number of experimental methods to probe Dark Energy.
Theoretical Framework: Friedmann equations, equation of state of dark energy, Correlation
function and power spectrum, Cosmological perturbation theory, The Newtonian gauge,
Single-fluid model, Scales larger than the horizon, Scales smaller than the Hubble radius, Two-
fluid solutions, The matter power spectrum, Perturbed photon propagation. (10 Lectures)
Cosmological Constant: The fine-tuning problem, The coincidence problem, Supersymmetric
models, Cosmological constant and the anthropic principle, The decoupling of the cosmological
constant from gravity. (4 Lectures)
Modified Matter Models of Dark Energy: Quintessence, Quintessence potentials in particle
physics, Reconstruction of quintessence from observations, k-essence, Phantoms, Coupled
dark energy, Chameleon scalar fields, Dark energy models with scaling solutions, Unified
models of dark energy and dark matter. (8 Lectures)
Modified gravity Models of Dark Energy: f (R) gravity, Gauss–Bonnet dark energy models,
Scalar-tensor theories, Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati (DGP) braneworld model. (4 Lectures)
Cosmic Acceleration without Dark Energy: Lemaître–Tolman–Bondi (LTB) models, Backreaction
of Cosmological Perturbations. (4 Lectures)
Observational Methods: Type Ia Supernovae as Dark Energy Probe, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
(BAO) as Standard Ruler, The Alcock–Paczynski Test, Weak Gravitational Lensing, Weak
Lensing Observational Results, Cluster Abundance as a Dark Energy Probe, X-Ray Gas Mass
Fraction as a Dark Energy Probe, Gamma Ray Bursts and Radio Galaxies as Cosmological
Probe. (12 Lectures)
1. Amendola, L. & Tsujikawa, S., (2010), Dark Energy: Theory and Observations, Cambridge
University Press.
2. Wang, Y., (2010), Dark Energy, Wiley-VCH.
3. Dodelson, (2000), Modern Cosmology, Elsevier.
Self-Learning Material
1. Turner, M., The Dark Side of the Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Department of
Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago.
10. Teaching Laboratories
10.1 Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laboratory (Course No. PHP6XXX)
10.3 Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory (Course No. PHP6XXX)
4. Numerical aperture, splice loss and bending loss measurement of multi-mode fiber
. Numerical aperture and mode field diameter measurement of single mode fiber .
Calculation of normalized frequency or V-number of single mode fiber .
Determination of refractive index of transparent solids
5. To calculate the peak wavelength and spectral bandwidth of LEDs. To analyze
emission spectrum of laser and study the peak wavelength.
6. To find out the difference in wavelength of D1 and D2 lines of sodium light. To
determine the wavelength of monochromatic light
8. To study Gaussian nature of the laser beam. To find diameter (beam spot size) of
the laser beam. To determine divergence of the laser beam.
9. Diffraction of light by single slit, double slit, single wire, cross wire and
transmission grating
10.5 Computational Laboratory (Course No. PHP6XXX)
11. Hands-on Experiments
11.1 Hands-on Experiments (High end equipments) (PHL6XXX)
S. No. Topic
13. Paschen Curve -Dependence of break-down voltage on the pressure and inter-
electrode gap for a given gas in plasma discharge
14. Measurement of Plasma parameters by electrostatic probe
15. Characterization of DC magnetron discharge and estimation of sputtering yield
11.2 Hands-on Experiments (Computational Tools) (PHL6XXX)
S. No. Topic
1. Ray tracing for design of solar concentrator