2022-11-03 Calvert County Times
2022-11-03 Calvert County Times
2022-11-03 Calvert County Times
Countdown to
Election Day
Your Vote Counts!
Thursday, November 3, 2022 Calvert County Times
Calvert County Times Thursday, November 3, 2022
Calvert schools readies its budget priorities
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Experienced leaders
from Calvert for Calvert
Experienced leaders
Vote Buddy Hance
Buddy Hance and Todd Ireland have built
families and careers, serving the people of Vote in the& Todd
Primary Election!Ireland
from Calvert for Calvert
Vote Buddy on Nov 8th for at large candidates forIreland
Vote HanceBuddy
Calvert County for decades. Vote July 19th
for candidates who will vote for you.
& Hance
Tuesday, &
July Todd
on July 19th on
for at July 19th
large Early
for Voting
candidates large
for 7/14Buddy Hance
7/7 -candidates for
and Todd Ireland have built
• Calvert County
Preserve Calvert’s Rural Character Board of County Commissioners
families and careers, serving the people of
Calvert County Calvert
• Prioritize Public Safety
Board ofCounty
CountyBoard of County Commissioners
Commissioners Calvert County for decades. Vote July 19th
for candidates who will vote for you.
• AdvocateHance
for Safe andand
Strong Todd
Schools Ireland have built families and careers,
• Preserve Calvert’s Rural Character
P.O. BOX 695
Nov. 1, there had been 5,727 early vote vert County, of which 27,912 are Repub-
ballots cast, of which 2,944 were Repub- licans and 23,778 are Democrats. Those
lican, 1,950 Democrat and 743 all oth- Unaffiliated or one of the other parties
ers, including Unaffiliated. number 16,290.
Scott points out, however, that four November 3 is the final day for early
years ago the numbers of mail-in ballots voting with the polls at Fairview Library
Award Recipient
The changes are still a work in prog- tired engineer, said regarding proposed
ress. The county commissioners ate still changes for roads, “It’s good that we’re
dissatisfied with the road provisions and reducing the number of units to require
staff are still grappling with how to han- a traffic study (from 400 to 250), but I
Early Voting: Oct 27 - Nov 3 dle recreation facilities.
But one of the planning commission
worry that if you have one that’s 200, an-
other one that’s 200, another that’s 200,
members is concerned about the impact you’re not requiring a traffic study, but
of the overall initiative to expand the now you’re up to 600.”
Election Day: November 8 public facilities ordinance. Commis-
sion member Dr. Richard Holler, who
That was one of the concerns of the
county commissioners. They are also
is a former county administrator, said at worried that studies are only required
Supported By Endorsed By
the Oct. 19 meeting, “I’m not opposed to to show impact on the nearest arterial
the kinds of things we’ve heard tonight road and don’t consider the cumulative
that make a lot of sense. But what wor- impact on Routes 2 and 4, or Route 231.
ries me is, as recently as the 90’s, we had At an earlier meeting, Holler also op-
a 12-percent commercial tax base here. posed reducing the size of several town
We now have seven, and it is declining. centers. A public hearing on those plans
That means that taxes are going to be for Huntingtown, Prince Frederick, Sol-
higher for homeowners.” omons and Lusby is scheduled for Nov.
Holler added, “And also, the kind of 2.
businesses that are locating here are dif- [email protected]
Thursday, November 3, 2022 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 6
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7 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, November 3, 2022
• I have the legal knowledge, technical expertise and experience (44 years) to assist and guide you.
• The majority of our estates are prose (without an attorney). We meet with families and help
them during one of the most traumatic times in their lives, the loss of a loved one.
• As Chair of the Maryland Registers of Wills Association Automation Committee, under my
leadership, all Maryland Registers have one of the most advanced systems in any state office,
and has received National recognition. Before the end of 2022, our new web-based program
will be in operation further enhancing our services.
• I am a member of the Probate/Fiduciary Subcommittee to the Maryland Court of Appeals
Rules Committee, and a member of the Joint Committee with Estates and Trusts Section of
Maryland State Bar.
• An advocate to keep people informed, I speak regularly to groups at the Library, Hospice,
Senior Centers, Retirement communities, churches and other organizations.
• I am a member of Mt. Harmony Lower Marlboro United Methodist Church and serve on the
Thursday, November 3, 2022 Calvert County Times
Thursday, November 3 ativity. For library resources on this topic, the Vote” efforts. Please go to our website
click here! 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. CaIvertNAACP.org for more details on
Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch,
https://CalvertLibrary.info. payment or donations. 3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach, 2-3
Sea Squirts p.m.
New Direction’s “Bell, Book & 5K Walk/Run: Being a Healthier You Take building and creativity to a whole
Calvert Marine Museum, 10:15 a.m. & Candle” new level at the library. We provide the
11:15 a.m. North Beach Pavilion, 9023 Bay Av- space, art supplies, and building toys.
Long Beach Community Center, 5845 enue, North Beach, 9 a.m. You bring the imagination! 410-257-2411.
This month’s theme is Leaves/Fall. Chil- Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard, 7 p.m. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
dren 18 months to 3 years, with an adult, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.,
are invited to discover the museum to- New Direction Community Theater Omega Pi Omega Chapter invites you New Direction’s “Bell, Book &
gether through music, stories, and special will present the classic Broadway com- to participate in a Family Fun Walk/ Candle”
activities. Join us for story time and a take- edy Bell, Book & Candle October 28-No- run to encourage healthier living! This
away craft, available while supplies last. vember 5. Tickets, which are $15 for is a rain or shine event. Cost* (in- Long Beach Community Center, 5845
Sessions are 22 - 40 minutes. Cost is free adults and $12 for students and seniors, cludes finishing medals & water bottles) Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard, 7 p.m.
with museum admission. Sign up at the are available at www.ndctheater.org. Adults—18 and over $31.25 /per person,
Admissions Desk when you arrive. Bell, Book and Candle centers on Gillian Children—17 and under $15.75 per person New Direction Community Theater
Holroyd, who is one of the few modern Cash Check or Money Order: Adults—18 will present the classic Broadway com-
Teen Gaming Thursday people who can actually cast spells and and over $30/per person; Chil- edy Bell, Book & Candle October 28-No-
Discord server! DISCORD Calvert Li- perform feats of supernaturalism. She dren—17 and under $15/per person vember 5. Tickets, which are $15 for
brary Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Way can do that because she’s actually a witch. Send checks or money orders made pay- adults and $12 for students and seniors,
4-5.m. She casts a spell over publisher Shepherd able to Omega Pi Omega Chapter, P.O. are available at www.ndctheater.org.
Teens! Join us the first Thursday of the Henderson, partly to keep him away from Box 333, Huntingtown, MD 20639 Bell, Book and Candle centers on Gillian
month for gaming! We’ll have a variety of a rival and partly because she is attracted All participants must sign a release and Holroyd, who is one of the few modern
games on offer like Among Us, Jackbox, to him. Will witchery or love triumph in liability waiver that will provided onsite. people who can actually cast spells and
and Codenames, If you haven’t already the end? All proceeds will be used for pro- perform feats of supernaturalism. She
signed up for our discord server, you can grams in Calvert County, MD can do that because she’s actually a witch.
register to receive the invite link. 410-535- Saturday, November 5 For more information email: opowaysand- She casts a spell over publisher Shepherd
0291 or 301-855-1862. https://CalvertLi- [email protected] Henderson, partly to keep him away from
brary.info. a rival and partly because she is attracted
NAACP Freedom Fund Luncheon to him. Will witchery or love triumph in
Pints and Private Eyes Book Discussion
Zoom and Mully’s Brewery, 141 Schoo- Brain Games: Mahjongg, Scrabble & the end?
St. John Vianney Catholic Church Paris More.
ner Ln, Prince Frederick) The Woman in
the Library by Sulari Gentill. 7-8 p.m.
Center, Vianney Room, 105 Vianney Lane,
Prince Frederick, doors will open at 11:30 Sunday, November 6
Have you always longed to drink beer Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850
a.m, for the 12 p.m. event. Costley Way, 12-3 p/m.
and talk detective books with a librar- As the oldest, largest, and strongest civil “On-Watch” Memorial Service
ian? Pints and Private Eyes, a book group rights organization in the Nation, NAACP “On Watch” statue at the end of Dowell
for fans of noir, detective and crime fic- Want to learn Mahjongg? Hope to make
continues to work for political, educational, your Scrabble skills killer? Games are a Road in Dowell, 2 p.m.
tion. We meet at Mully’s Brewery and cia social, and economic justice for all people. Join us in thanking all our veterans for
ZOOM on the first Thursday of the month great way to keep your brain sharp while
We do our work through nonviolent use of having fun! Join us! Please register, 410- their service at the site of the Refresh-
The Woman in the Library is available both the Press, the Petition, the Ballot, and the ments will be served on-site following the
on Hoopla and Libby, as well as physically. 535-0291 or 301-855-1862.
Courts. Our NAACP Freedom fund helps https://CalvertLibrary.info program.
410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. support our efforts. This year’s luncheon Thomas Family and Friends Day
https://CalvertLibrary.info. will costs $ 60 per person and features Mt. Hope Community Center, 145 Dal-
Friday, November 4 Dungeons & Dragons - TEENS
Travis Mitchell, Senior Vice President and Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 rymple Road, Sunderland, 10 a.m.
Content Officer for Maryland Public Tele- Costley Way 12:30-4 p.m.
On Pins & Needles vision.. We invite the public to join us and Annual Thomas Family and Friends Day
Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 Meet up the 1st Saturday of each month
help support Calvert County activities like and have fun with D&D. Players of all lev- at Mt Hope United Methodist. Please join
Costley Way, 14 p.m. the Juneteenth celebration, Lower Marl- us in this celebration!
Bring your quilting, needlework, knit- els and interest welcome. Please register. ,
boro Freedom Day, Providing free rids 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https://Cal-
ting, crocheting or other project for an aboard the Pride II Tall Ship and “Get Out
afternoon of conversation and shared cre- vertLibrary.info.
avoid becoming a 'burden'
on growing children
Here’s an interesting statistic: Some 72% of retirees say one of their
biggest fears is becoming a burden on their families, according to a
2021 survey by Age Wave and Edward Jones. Both before and during
retirement, what steps can you take to avoid burdening your loved
To The Editor:
ones in the future? Sending Deb Rey back to the legisla- On Education: rather than getting
ture instead of re-electing Brian Crosby bogged down into micro-managing our
Here are a few suggestions: (District 29 B) would be like shooting schools and blaming teachers for every
ourselves in the foot! Deb was consid- problem in society, Brian supports the
Build your retirement savings. The greater your financial resourc- ered by both Democratic and Republi- vision and the funding for education that
es, the less likely it becomes that you’d ever have to count on your can legislators an embarrassment to St. will make opportunity to learn a priority
grown children for financial support. You may have access to a 401(k) Mary’s County—all mouth and stunt, no for every child in any family regardless
or similar retirement plan at work, so take advantage of it. Even with substance. of their circumstances or zip codes
an employer-sponsored plan, you also may be eligible to contribute Delegate Brian Crosby, on the other On State Tax Dollars for St. Mary’s:
hand, has made such a positive impact On the Great Mills Road at Rte. 5 mess;
to an IRA. In addition to offering a variety of investment options, a
that, just a freshman, he has already be- the Johnson Bridge crisis; preparing our
401(k) and IRA provide potential tax advantages. And once you do come a major committee vice chair. County for the next BRAC; the Higher
retire, be careful about how much you withdraw each year from your He is intelligent, open-minded, and Education Center; and $250,000 support
retirement plans and other investments. rational. for our local food bank, Brian, working
Plan for health care costs. Once you are retired, health care costs On Tax cuts, Brian worked to pro- as a colleague with our Republican state
will be a significant expense. You may have Medicare, but you'll vide $300 million in tax relief by cutting senator, is bringing tax dollars home,
also want to consider your need for supplemental health insurance to sales taxes on basic family necessities not driving them away.
cover traditional medical costs. And you’ll want to consider another such as baby supplies; dental, diabetic, So, let’s not trade Brian’s effective
potential health-related expense: long-term care. You may never need and home medical devices; and infant voice in Annapolis for just a loud one.
the services of a home health aide or a stay in a nursing home, but no car seats. Let’s return Brian Crosby to the House
one can predict the future. Medicare does not cover most costs for On Employment: Brian worked to of Delegates, District 29-B.
long-term care, which can be quite high. In 2021, the annual national create a state match for the federal Work
median cost for a private room in a nursing home was over $108,000, Opportunity Tax Credit which helps Karl K Pence
while the median cost for a full-time home health aide was nearly long-term unemployed persons find Hollywood MD
$62,000, according to a survey by Genworth, an insurance company. good jobs.
You may want to consult with a financial professional on strategies
for protecting yourself from these costs.
ALDERSON Patricia A. Norris, Treasurer
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Veterans Resource Day
Hosted by the
St. Mary's County Department of
Aging & Human Services
Friday, November 4, 2022
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
University of Maryland at Southern Maryland
44219 Airport Road, California, MD
Brain Injury Association of Maryland
10:30 a.m.
TBI/Combat-related brain injuries and PTSD: Understanding the Link
For more information, contact Sarah Miller
Phone: 301-475-4200, ext 1073
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stmaryscountymd.gov/aging/veterans/
Leonardtown Rotary’s
Flags for Heroes Ceremony
Parade Route:
From St. Mary’s Ryken High School, down
Fenwick Street to Washington Street and
through the Town Square in Historic
Leonardtown Maryland.
Memorial Ceremony:
A memorial wreath-laying ceremony to
honor our Veterans will be held in the Town
Square following the parade.
November 3rd
LOCAL Education
In Our Community
St. Mary’s
Nursing & Rehabilitation
21585 Peabody Street
Leonardtown, MD
• Long-term care www.smnci.org
• Rehabilitation
• Respite care
Thank You to these wonderful Sponsors
To schedule a tour or
speak to admissions,
please call
ext.125 County Times
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
14 Legal The County Times Thursday, November 3, 2022
Legal Ads
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners of St. Mary’s
County will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 9:30 AM The Commissioners of Leonardtown will hold a public hearing on Monday,
in the Chesapeake Building located at 41770 Baldridge Street in Leonardtown, November 14, 2022 at 4:15 p.m. at the Town office at 22670 Washington Street,
Maryland to consider public input on updates to the County’s Comprehensive Leonardtown, MD.
Solid Waste Management and Recycling Plan.
The purpose of the hearing will be to receive comments on Ordinance No. 213 -
The draft update can be viewed at: http://go.boarddocs.com/md/ Chapter 9 – Code of Ethics of The Town of Leonardtown. An ordinance for the
stmarysco/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=CJXJ3L4AF420. purpose of: amending Chapter 9 – Code of Ethics of the Town of Leonardtown to
incorporate amendments enacted by the Maryland General Assembly pursuant to
Those wishing to address the Commissioners may participate in-person, House Bill 363 – Chapter 252, Acts of 2021 and House Bill 1058 – Chapter 425,
or by email, written correspondence, or prerecorded video submissions. The public Acts of 2021.
hearing may be viewed on SMCG Channel 95 or the SMCG YouTube Channel.
Full text is available on-line at www.leonardtown.somd.com or at the Town Hall.
In lieu of appearance, comments may be submitted via;
a. Email: [email protected] All interested parties are encouraged to attend or to submit written comments by
b. U.S. Mail: PO Box 653 Leonardtown, MD 20650 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 14, 2022 to: leonardtown.commissioners@
c. Submit a 3-minute video clip to publicmtgs@stmaryscountymd. leonardtownmd.gov or mail to The Commissioners of Leonardtown, P.O. Box 1,
gov no later than 5:00 PM, November 22, 2022. Leonardtown, MD 20650. Special accommodations will be
made for persons with disabilities upon request.
All submissions will be considered by the Commissioners at the Public
Hearing and/or seven (7) days following the Public Hearing. By authority: Laschelle E. McKay, Town Administrator
Debra J. Burch,
Clerk of Court for
The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey [email protected] County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler [email protected]
Tim Flaherty [email protected] To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Staff Writer
Dick Myers [email protected] 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer
County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard [email protected]
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Contributing Writers
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
Thursday, November 3, 2022 The County Times In Our Community 13
Optional Poker Run available for an additional $10.00 per entry – 50% of proceeds go
to charity, 30% to winning hand, and 10% each to the next two highest hands.
50-50 raffle tickets available all day, must be at the last stop to win.
12 Cops & Courts The County Times Thursday, November 3, 2022
Hilda Ann Trossbach Hall Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 5:00 became a waterman for many years, and
PM to 8:00 PM, with prayers at 7:30 PM later worked in the fencing business for Steven Glenn Himes
Hilda Ann in St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Ridge, approximately 34 years. He worked for
Trossbach Hall, MD, where a Mass of Christian Burial Clinton Fence and Massey Fence. Steven Glenn
94, of Scotland, will be celebrated on Friday, November 4, In his younger days, Jerry played base- Himes, 61 of Me-
MD, passed away 2022 at 10:00 AM with Rev. Peter Giova- ball for Bailey’s Express, Pierce and Gib- chanicsville, MD
on October 22, noni officiating. Interment will follow at son, Millers, and Captain Sam’s. He loved passed away on
2022. Born on the church cemetery. hanging out with his teammates after the October 02, 2022
June 13, 1928 in Condolences may be made to the family games, usually at Old Gum – where we at MedStar St.
Beachville, MD, at www.mgfh.com. teased him about having a bar stool with Mary’s Hospital
she was the daugh- Arrangements provided by the Mat- his name on it. in Leonardtown,
ter of the late John tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home and Cre- Jerry also enjoyed watching his favorite MD with his lov-
Linwood Tross- mation Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. team – the New York Yankees play. ing family at his side.
bach and the late The family will receive friends on He was born on August 14, 1961 in Key
Mary Adelaide Gerald (Jerry) Webster Friday, November 4, 2022 from 12:00- West, FL to the late Donald Leroy Himes
Norris Trossbach. Hilda is survived by her Lumpkins, Jr, 1:00PM at the Mattingly-Gardiner Funer- and Virginia Ann Miller of Hollywood,
children Robert E. Hall (Darleen) of Hol- al Home, Leonardtown, MD where a ser- MD.
lywood, MD, Rhoda Hall (Jack) of Ridge, Gerald (Jerry) vice will follow at 1:00PM with Deacon On January 28, 1983, he enlisted in the
MD, her siblings George Trossbach of Webster Lump- Joseph Lloyd officiating. Interment will U.S. Air Force and proudly served his
Scotland, MD, Juanita Smith of Ridge, kins, Jr of Me- follow at the Charles Memorial Gardens. country until his honorable discharge in
MD, John L. “Bill” Trossbach (Frances chanicsville, MD Serving as pallbearers will be Clint May 1986 as a Staff Sergeant. On De-
Mae) of Drayden, MD, Norris “Buster” passed away on Lumpkins, Kevin Lake, Rob Baird, Ste- cember 2, 2000, he married the love of
Trossbach (Hilda) of Scotland, MD, Mar- Saturday, October vie Long, Erich Bogie and Trevor Guy. his life, Sherry Himes in Leonardtown,
jorie Ridgell of Scotland MD, and Amelia 29, 2022 of lung Serving as honorary pallbearer will be his MD. Together they celebrated over 21
Fenhagen (Benedict) of Scotland, MD, cancer. great niece Alyssa Lake, whom he adored. wonderful years of marriage. He was
daughter-in-law Juanita Chaput of Law- Jerry was born In lieu of flowers, contributions can be employed as a Senior Mission Assurance
ton, OK, as well as four grandchildren, six on December 2, made to Hospice of St. Mary’s, P.O. Box Engineer with AXIENT. He had a strong
great grandchildren, and three great great 1950 to the late 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650. work ethic and was superior in skill and
grandchildren. In addition to her parents, Gerald and Bar- knowledge, working on many NASA mis-
she was preceded in death by her son Ro- bara Ann Lumpkins. He is survived LCDR Gary C. Faller, USN sions throughout his career including the
land P. “Peezie” Chaput and her sister Ad- by his siblings – Pete, Jack (Mary Lou), (Ret.) Hubble and the James Webb Space Tele-
elaide “Addie” McBride. Sandy, Donnie, Bo (Robbie), Brenda (Pee scope. He received the Robert H. God-
Hilda was a lifelong St. Mary’s County, Wee), Rick (Lynn), Gail, Bonnie, as well Gary Conrad dard Quality and Process Improvement
MD resident and graduated from St. Mi- as a host of nieces and nephews. Jerry Faller, age 69, of Award for his work on the James Webb
chael’s High School as the Valedictorian was predeceased by his sister Sheila and California, MD Space Telescope. In earning this award
of Class of 1946. She was employed by her husband Tom Guy, and great nephew died on Oct. 27, it was noted that he provided exceptional
the U.S. Post Office, retiring in 1989 as Kenny Lake. 2022. While sitting leadership, dedication and innovation. He
the Post Master of Park Hall, MD with 30 Jerry attended Holy Angels Catholic in a tree stand on provided a “much less-risky method” and
years of service. Hilda was a member of School where he also served as an altar his wife’s family’s greatly improved method of pre-heating
the NARFE Chapter 969. boy. He went on to graduate from Chopti- property in Penn- the wiring boards. He also served the
The family will receive friends on con High School. After graduation, Jerry sylvania, he suf- community as a dedicated EMT/Para-
fered a heart attack. medic (EMPT) for over 31 years. In 2018,
Faller was born while on a flight to Los Angeles to support
in Oil City, PA., on the James Webb Space Telescope project,
April 5, 1953, to Gayle Dockery Faller and a woman onboard had a medical emer-
Arthur Norbert Faller. He married Debo- gency. He suspected a third degree heart
rah Schmader on July 29, 1978, at Immac- blockage. The medical kit onboard the
ulate Conception Parish in Clarion, PA. flight had two of the three needed drugs
Faller was the Co-President of St. but no cardiac monitor. He administered
Mary’s County Chapter of Sleep in Heav- two of the medications and repeated that
enly Peace where volunteers build beds three times during the flight to the near-
for kids ages 3-17 who don’t have beds of est airport. Due to his quick thinking, he
their own. was credited for saving this woman’s life.
He is survived by loving wife Debo- Steve was very modest and said it wasn’t
rah and his two daughters: Andrea Atlas, a big deal, it was natural for him to want
her husband Darrin Atlas and their two to help someone in distress. However to
children David and Drea of Leonardtown, the woman and her family it was a life-
MD; Heidi Medford, her husband LCDR saving big deal. Steve loved his job, his
Chris Medford and their children Hayden colleagues, and his community, but his
and Chase of Naples Italy, his siblings, greatest love was for his family, whom he
Carol-lee Umstead, Daniel Faller, Greg loved to spend time with.
Faller & Dolly of Rocky Mount, NC, and In addition to his wife, Sherry, Steve is
Michelle (Hans) Rohm of Wendell, NC; also survived by his sons, Matthew Himes
his in-laws Donna (Frank) Lebda of Stu- of Hollywood, MD, and Shawn Hayden
art, FL; Diane (Gary) Rhoads of Mentor, (Hiroko) of Santee, CA; his grandchil-
OH; Cindy (Gerry) Gates of Jacksonville, dren: Ashley Himes, Erica Hayden and
FL; Susie (Cahill) Jones of Boise, ID, and Bradly Hayden; siblings: Susan Basse
Jeff (Sunny) Wells of Aurora, CO, as well (Bryan Burchfield) of St. Augustine, FL,
as countless nieces and nephews. David Himes (Ebby Parker) of St. Augus-
He was preceded in death by his par- tine, FL, Joan Himes of Hollywood, MD
ents, his brother-in-law, Butch Umstead, and Laura Caspar (Joseph) of Clements,
his in-laws Donald & Louise Schmader, MD; nieces and nephews: Logan Himes,
his sister-in-law Christine Wells, and in- Michael Patterson (Amie), David Himes
fant nephew, Kyle Gates. Jr. and extended family and friends. He
Viewing will be held at Our Lady Star is preceded in death by his father, Donald
of the Sea in Solomons, MD beginning Leroy Himes.
Providing trusted service to the community for over 100 Years at 10:30 AM on Veterans’ Day, Friday,
November 11, 2022. A Mass of Christian
Memorial contributions may be made
to Hospice of St. Mary’s, P.O. box 625,
41590 Fenwick Street • P.O. Box 270 • Leonardtown, Maryland 20650 Burial will follow. Inurnment will be at Leonardtown, MD 20650 or a charity of
www.mgfh.com Our Lady Star of Sea Columbarium at a your choice in his memory.
later date. Family will receive friends on a date as
Arrangements were handled by Rein- yet to be determined at Steve’s home for
sel Funeral Home & Crematory, Oil City, his Life Celebration.
PA and Brinsfield Funeral Homes & Cre- Condolences to the family may be made
matory, Leonardtown, MD. His obituary at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com.
can be found https://www.brinsfieldfu- Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral
neral.com/obits. Home, P.A.
Thursday, November 3, 2022 The County Times On The Cover 9
Will work towards eliminating the Energy Tax and lowering Homestead Tax from 3% to 1%
By Authority Friends of Mike Hewitt, Chris King Treasurer
Thursday, November 3, 2022 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 7
Mark Moseley #3
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Signing 2-4pm
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By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Those surrendered included 13 dogs,
47 cats, one pig and two rabbits.
Two dogs that had been adopted out of
Since opening officially on Sept. 12, the new shelter were returned there, the
the staff at the new Animal Adoption report stated.
Center in California, have euthanized The county’s animal control staff,
more than a dozen animals brought to which uses the facility as its new head-
them, according to county documents quarters, also seized and brought in 10
sent to the county’s Animal Control Ad- dogs and 25 rabbits.
visory Board. The facility also took in 25 stray
From the opening of the facility to dogs, 26 stray cats, one chicken and two
Oct. 12 there have been 17 animals eu- rabbits.
thanized, the latest reports show. Other rescue or shelter operations
Almost half of them — eight — were transferred in 25 dogs, 23 cats and
feral while seven were too injured or one hamster, according to county
medically incapacitated to survive on documents.
their own. There were 52 total adoptions and 29
The remaining two animals exhibited animals were returned to their owners,
severe aggression as the declared reason while two animals were transferred to
why they were euthanized, the report other animal rescue or shelter groups.
stated. One animal died while in the care of
Since its inception, the new animal staff at the facility.
shelter was designed to be a low-kill to In one particular case, the St. Mary’s
“There haven’t been any lines but it’s tion early voting rates are much higher
been a steady flow of people.” than the primary, some county commis-
The first day of early voting brought sioners said this week during their regu-
a total of 1,062 county residents to the lar business meeting that turnout was low.
polls, according to state board of elec- Indeed, less than 10 percent of all St.
tions totals; the primary voting numbers Mary’s County voters have come out to
for the first day showed that just 492 came vote early; but those numbers do not in-
out to the polls between all three voting
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St. Mary’s residents coming out to vote early
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Countdown to
Election Day